DOCTORAL DEGREE STUDY OF MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Vladimír Haasz Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Measurement 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 1 DOCTORAL DEGREE STUDY OF EASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC • Introduction • PhD study of measurement & instrumentation in the Czech republic • Doctoral study program in the branch Measurement & Instrumentation at CTU – FEE in Prague • Study financing • Conclusion 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 2 Introduction Doctoral degree programmes in CR: 3 or 4 years in nominal. The area of engineering - the study is divided into two parts: Sem. 1-3 (1 - 4) 4-6 (5 - 8) Phase Activity Completion Educational 1. Attendance of 4 - 6 courses *) 2. Reading and analyzing of actual publications in the field of the topic of dissertation Presenting and defending a study reflecting the current state of the subject of dissertation. Passing the final degree examination Research Own research in the subject area of dissertation, preparation of publications, writing the dissertation thesis**) etc. Committal of Dissertation thesis, its presentation and defense of the work in face of the Board for the Defense of a Doctoral Thesis, *) Special parts of mathematics / physics, theoretical parts of the studied branch, auxiliary courses from other branches. **) They can be submitted in the form of a work that has been published (or is being prepared for publication), or as a collection of publications, and must contain original new findings. 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 3 PhD Study of Measurement & Instrumentation in the CR 5 technical universities in the Czech Republic: • • • • • Czech Technical University in Prague, Brno University of Technology, University of Technology of Ostrava, University of Technology of Liberec, Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague Specialisation usually in the frame of the branch Control engineering (separate branch “Measurement and Instrumentation“ only at CTU in Prague) Narrower specialisations: - Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague: new materials for chemical sensors, methods of sensor signal processing etc. - Brno University of Technology – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Branch Metrology and Quality Assurance Testing - area of quality and safety in production and services, quality management systems, environmental management systems - Czech Technical University in Prague: Branch Air Traffic Control - aerometrical systems, aircraft sensors and instrumentation 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 4 PhD Study of Measurement & Instrumentation in the CR Typical topics (narrower specialisations): Chemical sensors: - Nanocomposite materials for active layer of gas sensors HF methods for sensing by gas sensors Electrochemical sensors based on electrically conducting polymers Electrochemical receptors and measuring systems for electronic tongues Metrology and Quality Assurance Testing - Analysis of measurement in systems of quality management of technolog. processes Application of new methods and tools in evaluating the quality of die-cast Al alloys Definition fidelity measuring and methodology quantification New types of intuitive methods quality control and their application Optimisation of accuracy of manufacturing process and his verification The analysis of material surface structure for high precision technologies Air Traffic Control - Aerometrical systems calibration with a usage of towed probe GPS based attitude evaluation Methods of sensors’ data validation in aircraft instrumentation Methods of sensors’ error reducing in aeronautics and astronautics 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 5 Doctoral Study Program at CTU – FEE, Branch Measurement & Instrumentation It started at the Department of Measurement at 1994 and it took up to previous form of postgraduate study, so called “Research preparation“, finishing also by defense of Dissertation thesis and conferment of by the title Candidate of Science (CSc.) 1994 – 2009: - 117 enroled students 36 obtained Ph.D. 23 PhD students are studying at present 10 students finished nominal study period and they are writing up their dissertation thesis (3 theses are already under review) Education is focused to following areas: - Measurement science, - New sensors, measuring instruments and systems, - New methods for precise measurement, calibration or diagnostics including digital signal processing. 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 6 Doctoral Study Program at CTU – FEE, Branch Measurement & Instrumentation Educational phase 4 – 6 courses: - Special parts of mathematics and/or physics, - Theoretical passages concerning measurement and instrumentation The final degree examination: - Students should demonstrate their theoretical knowledge Topics of final degree examination: - Theory of measurement - Measuring circuits and Instrumentation - Sensors and transducers - Measuring and DAQ systems - Digital signal processing 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 7 Doctoral Study Program at CTU – FEE, Branch Measurement & Instrumentation Research phase (solving the topic of dissertation). - More than 20 topics are offered now for students, they cover all research activities of the department (see later) - Integral part of study is preparation of publications of student’s own results, - At least one paper in the international scientific journal should be published (or to be in print) before defence of the dissertation theses , - Several publications in international conference proceedings are also supposed - Each of students should study one or two semesters abroad. 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 8 Doctoral Study Program at CTU – FEE, Branch Measurement & Instrumentation Examples of PhD thesis topics, the branch Measurement & Instrumentation: • • • • • • • • • • • Calibration of impedance standards at frequencies up to 1 MHz Testing of ADC modules in the frequency range up to tens MHz Methods of high resolution signal digitalisation Image processing using FPGA and DSP for contactless measurement Precise time and process synchronization in distributed and heterogeneous DAQ, control and monitoring systems Signal separation and classification methods in technical diagnostics Distributed systems in vehicles, their implementation and diagnostics Measurement of audio and video quality parameters of telecommunication network interfaces Sampling methods in magnetic measurements Implanted sensors and systems: communication, contactless power transmission, biocompatibility Automotive sensors: increasing of their accuracy and resistance 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 9 PhD Study Financing, Financial sources: • Basic scholarship - is paid form budget of Ministry of Education, - its amount reached about 1/3 of average salary in the CR in 2008, - it is equal to the minimum salary in the CR. • External research projects The offered topics of dissertation work result from research projects solved at department students participating in them are partially supported from them. The total income of internal PhD students at the Dept. of Measurement reaches usually more than 2/3 of average salary in the CR • University students´ science foundation (form 2010) - money will be distributed to universities form the budget of Ministry of Education based on the number of Ph.D. students and research activities of university, - students´ teams will apply for grant based on prepared project, - it should fuel an interest in Ph.D. study. 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 10 CONCLUSION 84 students finished the doctoral study branch “Measurement and instrumentation” at CTU – FEE during the last 11 years, from that: - 36 successfully - 48 unsuccessfully (most of them either exited during the first year of study, or did not write up their dissertation thesis after finishing nominal study period in the given deadline). Most of students whose finished their study prematurely, leave the study for economical reason – salaries in industry or business are much bigger. One of our students gained the previous year the rector’s award, The two best doctoral theses were published (in extended version) in Shaker Verlag GmbH in a book series “Reports on Sensors and Instrumentation”, the 3rd one is prepared. One of our previous best students – David Slepička – gained from IEEE I&M Society the Outstanding Young Engineer Award “In recognition of contributions to the dynamic metrological characterization of ADCs.” 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 11 Thank you for your attention 6-11, 2009 XIX IMEKO World Congress 12