NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI Sector A-7, Institutional Area, Narela, Delhi-110040, INDIA Ph D Admission (2015-16) Applications are invited for admission to Ph D programmes in various Engineering and Sciences disciplines for the Academic Session 2015-16. For the details visit the institute website: Deputy Registrar Admission to Ph D Programmes 2015-2016 (Starting from January-2015) Applications are invited for admission to Ph D programmes in the following disciplines starting from January 2015 for the academic session 2015-16. The application form is downloadable from SI. No. 1. Discipline Broad Areas of Specialization (Indicative) Computer Science & Engineering 2. 3. Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Complex Networks, Time varying networks, Link Analysis and Recommender Systems, Community Structure in Social Networks, Wireless sensor network Power Quality, Power Electronics and Drives, Control Systems Optical Communication Systems & Networks; Signal and Image Processing; Pattern Recognition; Microwave & Antenna Design; VLSI Design; Digital Design (FPGA) 4. Applied Sciences a) Chemistry Coordination Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Porous Materials, Metal Organic Frame (MOFs), Organometallic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry b) Physics Plasma Physics, MHD, Waves and simulation, Digital holography, 3D imaging, Biomedical imaging and Instrumentation, Optical sensors, Plasmonics, Optical device modelling. c) Mathematics Hydrodynamic stability, Ferrofluids, Nanofluids 1. Eligibility 1.1. Minimum Educational Qualifications for Admission: Ph.D. in Relevant Engineering: Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in the relevant area of research along with Bachelor’s Degree in appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology or equivalent with a first class or equivalent Grade Point at Master’s and/or Bachelor’s level. Ph.D. in Sciences : Master’s Degree in appropriate branch of Science/Humanities/Social Sciences/Management or equivalent with a first class or equivalent Grade Point. In order to improve and broaden the student's area of study and research, NITD also supports cross-disciplinary exchange and research in the following Engineering/Science specializations. Ph.D. in Cognitive Engineering/Science specialization: Master’s Degree in Engineering /Science/Technology or equivalent in the following cognitive areas of research along with Bachelor’s Degree in branch of Engineering/Science/Technology or equivalent with a first class or minimum 60% marks or equivalent Grade Point at Master’s and/or Bachelor’s level. Cognitive Group: Electronics & Communication Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering/Information Technology/ Computer Applications/ Biomedical Engineering/Physics Note 1: Applicants need to appear in the entrance exam of the subject/ specialization on the mentioned date and time, in which they want to pursue their Ph. D programme Note 2: Relaxation in minimum Percentage/Equivalent Grade Point requirements will be given as per the National Reservation Policy of Govt. of India. Note 3: The norms & requirements applicable for respective student categories should also be fulfilled. 1.2. The Student Categories A student shall be admitted to the Ph.D. Programme under any one of the following categories: 1.2.1. Fulltime Research Scholars Research Scholar (RS) Students under this category are entitled to financial support as per the latest MHRD norms. Research Scholar through Project (RSP) Students eligible under this category are entitled to financial support from sponsored projects based on the predetermined norms as mentioned in the project. Research Scholar through Govt./Semi Govt. Fellowship Award (RSFA) These candidates are financially supported under various Govt./Semi Govt. schemes (CSIR, UGC, DAE, DST, DBT, NBHM, etc.) and some other organizations. Research Scholar through Sponsorship (RSS) These candidates are sponsored by recognized R&D organizations for doing research work in the Institute. Candidates are expected to be released for full time research work by the parent organization. They will not receive any financial support from the Institute. Sponsorship letter should be brought at the time of written test and/or interview. An institute having signed research collaboration MOU with NIT, Delhi may also sponsor a candidate, in such cases minimum residential requirements may be met at NITD or collaborative institute. Research Scholar through Self Finance (Indian Nationals/Foreign Nationals/Study Leave (RSSF – IN/FN/SL)) Indian Nationals(IN): This category refers to persons with good academic record and experience to join in the doctoral programme. They are admitted through the usual admission procedure but they would not get any financial support from the Institute. If admitted, these students have to complete their programme within prescribed time without any financial support from the Institute. Foreign Nationals(FN): These students are admitted through Embassy of the respective Govt. after getting approval from the Ministry of External Affairs and no objection certificate from Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Education, Govt. of India. Study Leave(SL): This category refers to candidates who are relieved from Governmental or educational institutions on study leave for a period not less than two years for doing research work at the Institute. Employer’s Letter for Study Leave should be produced at the time of joining, if selected. Research Scholar through Foreign Nationals with Indian Council for Cultural Relation Award (RSICCR) These students are sponsored by their Governments and awarded scholarship by them. They should apply for admission through Indian Embassy in their country. 1.2.2. Part Time Research Scholar Institute Staff (IS) This category is only for the persons employed as Institute Staff at NIT, Delhi on regular basis or on contract. 1. The candidate on contract shall serve at NITD while the degree programme is to be pursued. If a candidate registered under the category but is not continuing his/her service in the institute he/she may be considered under the RSSF and not under this category. 2. Admission will be on the basis of written test and interview as applicable to the concerned programme. 3. If selected, the permanency or otherwise, of the candidate will not come in the way of admission process. Project Staff (PS) This category refers to candidates employed at NIT, Delhi and working on sponsored projects undertaken by the Institute and admitted to the Ph.D. programme, if the duration of the Project at the time of admission is around 3 years or more. Note: A candidate applying for the above two categories should apply through proper channel only. External candidates, sponsored by recognized R & D organizations (EX) The candidates employed in recognized R & D organizations and desirous of pursuing Ph.D. programme while in employment may apply for admission as external candidates. These candidates will be allowed to register for Ph.D. with a Supervisor (internal) as decided by NIT, Delhi and a Co-supervisor (external) from their parent organization where they will be doing the research work. A candidate from an educational institute with one year experience may also be considered under this category but the condition of a supervisor from his/her parent organization may not optional. The candidate should submit at the time of test/interview a Sponsorship Certificate from the organization in which he/she is employed giving an undertaking that the candidate would be released from the normal duties to complete the course work and details of facilities relevant to the research programme and available to the candidate. The candidate is required to be in residence at the Institute or collaborative partner of NITD to complete the course work of his/her Ph.D. Programme. To promote interaction and association of the Institute Faculty and the external organization concerned, meeting between the internal and external supervisors should be arranged at least once in a year in the Institute or in the sponsoring organization to ensure a continuous dialogue and participation in the joint supervision and exchange programme. The option of external registration is for applicants who are working in well-equipped scientific institutions, laboratories, R&D establishments and industrial organizations engaged in research based activities and having collaboration with NITD and other educational institutes not considered otherwise. 2. Entrance Test All the eligible candidates shall be required to take an Entrance Test of the discipline in which Ph.D. Programme is to be joined followed by an interview to be organized by respective department as the case may be. The Entrance Test will be of MCQ mode having 100 questions to be attempted in 1.5 hour. A candidate securing at least 40% marks in the Entrance test shall be declared qualified in the test. The syllabus for the same shall at par with the PG level of the concerned discipline. 3. Interview The eligible candidates who have qualified the Entrance test shall be required to appear in the interview as per the scheduled mentioned below. At the time of interview, candidates are expected to discuss their research interest/area of interest. Important: 1. An applicant is required to apply on different application forms in case he/she wants his/her candidature to be considered in more than one programme. 2. Category (General/OBC/SC/ST/PH) once chosen by the applicant in his/her application form shall not be changed at a later stage. Candidate(s) claiming any reservation category (OBC/SC/ST /PH) and also General category should apply on separate application forms for the purpose. 4. Reservation: The reservation rules will be followed as per Government of India guidelines prevailing at the time of admission . 5. Teaching Assistantship-cum-Scholarships: Ph D (Full-Time) students will be awarded scholarship cum teaching assistantship as per the guidelines of Ministry of HRD. The scholarship cum teaching assistantship are limited subject to availability of scholarship cum teaching assistantship, otherwise candidate may be consider for full time without scholarship cum teaching assistantship. The selected candidate(s) without scholarship cum teaching assistantship is required to submit undertaking on judicial stamp paper that they will not claim scholarship cum teaching assistantship from the Institute in future. However, they can submit research proposal to different funding agencies or they can apply to different outside funding agencies for scholarship. 6. How to apply: a. The application form can be downloaded from the institute website Please submit separate application forms, if applying for more than one programme. b. A non-refundable application fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST candidates) is to be paid through a crossed demand draft drawn in favour of Director, National Institute of Technology Delhi payable at Delhi. Important Note: The original demand draft should be produced at the time of the Entrance Test and its copy should be attached with the application form. c. Application form duly filled, accompanied by self-attested Photostat copies of certificates/testimonials/documents, alongwith a copy of crossed demand draft should be sent to the relevant The Deputy Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Sector A-7, Institutional Area, IAMR Campus, Narela, Delhi - 110040. by due date i.e. January 03, 2015. Important Note: A scanned copy of all the above documents should also be sent through email at The envelope must be superscripted as “APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO PhD PROGRAMME (FULL / PART - TIME) IN THE DISCIPLINE _______________________________under the student Category ”. d. Sponsored candidates should send their applications through proper channel. Late applications shall not be entertained. Candidates are advised to visit the institute website: for frequent updates. e. Incomplete applications and applications received after due date (05:00 PM) will not be considered for admissions. f. The candidates whose result of the qualifying examination has not been declared on or before January 03, 2015 need not apply. g. Limited Hostel facilities/residential accommodations are available in the campus which may be provided subject to the availability, otherwise students have to make their own arrangement of accommodation 7. Important Dates : Last date for submission of Application form Display of list of eligible candidates Written Test Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department of Applied Sciences Display of short listed Ph D candidates for final interview/presentation Interview/presentation for Ph D candidates who qualified the written test Display of list of selected candidates Deposition of Fee Registration/Commencement of regular classes 8. Venue of Entrance Test and Interview National Institute of Technology, Sector A-7, Institutional Area, IAMR Campus, Narela Delhi-110040. 03.01.2015 09.01.2015 10.00 12.00 02.00 03.45 AM - 11.30 AM PM - 01.30 PM PM - 03.30 PM PM - 05.15 PM 13.01.2015 13.01.2015 14.01.2015 14.01.2015 23.01.2015 23.01.2015 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TO Ph D PROGRAMMES 2015-2016 (January-2015) S.No. ______ Self attested Application Fee : Rs.500/- (SC/ST), Rs1000/- (Others) * ** *** **** To be filled in by the Candidate in his/her own handwriting in capital letters Please attach attested copies of all the documents/certificates/testimonials. Please attach 1-2 pages write up on proposed area of research. Original demand draft should be produced at the time of the entrance test. Application form along with a copy of demand draft should be sent both via post and email. Details of Registration fee: Demand Draft No. 1. Dated Programme to which admission sought (Please Tick) Amount Bank/Branch (i) Ph. D (Full time) (ii) Ph. D (Part time) Student category_________ 2. Discipline of study/Area of specialization (AS PER ADVERTISEMENT) 3. Department 4. Whether you are an INTERNAL CANDIDATE? 5. Name in full (in block letters as per matriculation certificate) (In English) (In Hindi) 6. Father’s Name 7. Mother’s Name 8. Date of Birth (as per matriculation certificate) 9. Nationality 10. (a) Category (General/SC/ST/OBC/PH/Minority) (Category once chosen shall not be changed at any stage) (b) Sponsored (In-service) Yes No Passport size PHOTOGRAPH 11. Correspondence Address with telephone no., if any STD Code No. Mobile No 12. Permanent Home Address with telephone no. STD Code No. 13. Educational Qualifications: (In case of Internal candidates, additional information to be provided as per enclosed Performa, Annexure-I) Examination Year of passing Institution University Subject(s) Marks obtained/ Max Marks %age of marks (upto one decimal To Total 10th 10+2 B.Sc/B.E./B.Tech M.Sc/ M.Tech Any other Exam. 14. (a) Whether qualified in NET-JRF / NET-LS (b) Whether qualified GATE (c) If yes, GATE score: 15. Year of passing Experience (only for sponsored candidates) in chronological order starting form the latest: Sr. No. Name of organization with address From Period 16. Was there any gap in your studies? If yes, mention period and reason: a) Period (give dates) From_ b) Reasons_ 17. To Have you passed the qualifying examination in the first attempt: Yes/No List of Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Application Fee (Demand Draft) Matric/Higher Secondary Part-I certificate (as proof of age) +2 Examination certificate B.Sc./B.Tech/B.E. Examination certificate indicating the detail marks M.Sc./PG (as applicable) Examination certificate indicating the detail marks M.Tech/M.Phil (of applicable) Examination certificate indicating the detail marks Character certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended Certificate in support of claim under reserved category No objection certificate from Employer (for sponsored candidates only) GATE/JRF qualifying certificate Original Migration Certificate* Write up (1-2 pages) on proposed area of research (for PhD candidates only) Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No UNDERTAKING BY THE APPLICANT I clearly understand that my admission to Ph.D. programme in the Discipline __________ is SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF National Institute of Technology Delhi. I also understand that the admission is being allowed to me on the basis of the certificates and documents produced by me. I also undertake that the certificates and documents produced by me in original are correct, genuine and true to the best of my knowledge. If any information/documents/particulars is found to be forged or false at any stage in future, then the NIT Delhi can cancel my admission and all the fees deposited by me shall be forfeited. If any degree will be awarded based on my admission on the basis on my forged documents then that certificate/degree awarded by NIT, Delhi shall be automatically cancelled. In such case, I shall have no claim, whatsoever, in respect of my admission. Witness: 1. (Full Signature of Witness with Address) 2. (Full Signature of Witness with Address) (Full Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Full Signature of Candidate) Dated: Place: *Students may submit within one month after admission. (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) The application form/documents has been checked and verified. A. The applicant is eligible for admission to Ph. D programme Full Time/Part Time in the Discipline ___________________ under the student category_____________________ B. The applicant is not eligible. Chairman, Admission Committee (FOR ADMISSION COMMITTEE) Ph.D (Full time) Ph.D (Part time) In the Discipline . under the Student Category______________________________ (SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) Annexure – I National Institute of Technology Delhi (For internal candidates only) APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION Ph. D (Full time/Part time) PROGRAMME 1. Name and present Position 2. Whether regular or on contract basis 3. Department/Centre 4. Date of Joining the Institute 5. Date of joining the present position 6. Indicators of Research aptitude a) Any R&D project sanctioned/handled/Submitted (please enclose a copy of the sanction letter/project proposal) b) If project under Thrust Area of technical education sanctioned/handled/submitted (please enclose a copy of the sanction letter/project proposal) c) If any patent registered (Please enclose a copy of the registration letter) d) No. of Research Publications in (i) International Journals/Conferences (ii) National Journals/Conferences (please attach the list) 7. No. of short term courses organized/attended (please attach the list) 8. No. of monographs/books published, if any (please attach the list) 9. Any other relevant information Date: Signature: Name : Recommendation of Head of the Department: Date: Signature : Name : Department: Entrance Test Admit Card for PhD Programme (January 2015) (OFFICE COPY) Test Venue: National Institute of Technology, Sector A-7, Institutional Area, Narela, Delhi-110040 Roll No. .............................................. Self Attested Photograph Name Father’s Name Address: Signature of the Candidate Signature of Director ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrance Test Admit Card for Ph D Programme (January 2015) (CANDIDATE’S COPY) Test Venue: National Institute of Technology, Sector A-7, Institutional Area, Narela, Delhi-110040 Roll No. .............................................. Self Attested Photograph Name Father’s Name Address: Signature of the Candidate Signature of Director