THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1994 ~u---. l¥ooI.Il.UWI".1W _ _. j" .1.Ix. ~,,-r"' .T_t-.~ ~ .,,-.~-..~ F • _ . , . , . . . Tot:Joo,~. 1.... 51 iI-"'*'_ ' , : _io ao,..n-. ·tt • . ..... -.-..- - ~ >it •• _ _ ~ ~ r ' - . , Or .. u..w 5iIeIoIl, ."o-._ r.... (¥-If ' ....~ ~ ....,.,.".~nt~~ ..,trJowl) .., .HI_At """.' :'w....... , .. _~c .-' I.. _c.. _... . . -.._~ 7Jlt_~ I. lWoIoN 'Iroot lqH11 I$II.YIJ. I N!624/U " ISS,YfJIl6S. 7ItrX 7Jlt I_.,~..,.... .."'..... ~" io - ~,..~ ,- 1W fU l l " 1M ....tIl ,..i/4Jft -fl\:ll>N. u N,. r_ ~~ _ 1w 1JN1CEF 0..:" Jlho. A••ut ,..,.. ..... . _ _ l. ~ "Jo "' .1\> __ 1. {'WIrnI •( oJ """"" . , . . . . _ _ · / I . _ _ llJNIOY IIQ 'l!JZ.ZIf73.tU11.W1.tQ. 7"l ntl1Z4 _ .1 u."...... lJ.'llCU. IJ.\'taF •'WoI r....,\' r "",17. lJ.Ll.,lWM .... .-.CJL 12IJ _".5 ' , ( '''''' ~ C'iIot" fJJC. 0..<0:"'" c.....-: I-.a.root e--...:ec I'lw -.,._u: : __ ~Iw fJJC. ' tM..1Ut. 1ifIl(."F.f'_ """". ,e-._... ... OrfwI~,....,,'.L~. ~orlO<L'V.tU:: II/II)I'J I -dUJ I ,"'I)I'J loIfZ!>Q; 5 ~ THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S CHILDREN 1994 • James P. Grant Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Oxford University Press Contents introduction 1 A progn..'Ss report Intn>du<1ion l<> W SlaI<. of llw 1I'" rId's Child.... main I"'....,. ~ for 1\194. and summary 0( R<.'I.'I.1I1 year.! hlV\: .<,<'11 ..."., sign ulCa1Il ~ 3j(3inSl ..",.. of lbe major ..,.,. ciflC th~ ll> the hnIth and wcll-lk';ng '" Iho cilildron. In",-"l know\<~ and 001n"""" ~y~ lhat. child .wnulritk>o, <liou.." d""bilily. and illilmocy could be d~ ty n:dlll.'<.-d by Ihc Ytw 2000. Social goab.... l\ectinz lhi. poIeIIli2l havt'_ ~ ~'''"d lJI<!IlP;J'l'<.'d upon by . nupily of Ibcworld'. polil. _rld', ....Ilcado...... Tok... ~.........,.."""" ioah! """",nllo all 01"""1_ to """"""""'lb<, "'-'f1' "'"O!':ll a.<pr<\II of IIO'mtr and to brinp: tlOOll' of I~ _ bmerllS of to almoO! aU t"'n"'un"i<..... Pasl c"'Pln ....~· il>dkal<.. thai f\lIlional prul/"-"'" ill b<-a11h, llutrilio<l. and rducatioo .... Ml on ...",..,..,., ~kli. "",n t aIano: bill on a sustainl'l! rommitmenl10 iml""""'0lCl\l. in !he '""1I-brins:' of lhI, pour. AI preIt'lIl only I YflY.....u prnporlion of ~l ",.,...di~ and of foreiJln oid ;",1"",, 1<'<1 to od<quaIe nutrition. primaJy ht'll!lh eare, basic "" ....... lion. sa/<. '">1<'" suwlY. and family l>lanninfl_ G~ grt'a14'l" pr;.,r;ty, lOOK- "t'l:ds ~ .,...,d. """Id ~1y bo: "'"' by lhfo"00 oHID. ""nlu ry. 2 ti« PPEspiral 3 TIle syuergismof sol l/ liOIlS Ilolh I"'lIl ~.oo futu", poImli:i1 !1n thtr<il<'l><'d by "in: prtlbk"lUl"' Iho ellecl. of poveny, populalion JITOwth. and d<.'I l.'ri<>rati<ln. Rc""""-ing prnblo>m!< ;.. pan of the I!'W'Il larJ!t"r ~ of ~ the WOI'1<lw>k lJ3tI;jJi"n to .. ~b k' hWllOll lUlun, -. "",,,"I;"" whi<"h slKIukl b«<,me ~ <mlnll "'llanizillll' ~ uf lh,- POSH""" war <'lao If 1'l'E I"">bbruo in!lk· d<....,1uping w<>r\d ronlinu~ In t>., ~ thm ~ .. ',.",.,~ will be inqn<in~ =oomk disnlplion, pulilkal unn...., "",-back" for d~O>ClI:T3<)', an d iolIllIbi~ry within ."d t..1........ naOOns. mUI~O<t'iIlJI u.- <1IvironI,.,,".ol ,\cl\i.:vi"JI !he bask ho""", lI<laI. disu-.l in part I would "-,...,...,,,[ .. IlllIjo( bffilkthrouxh axainSl ~ .. 1'1'1-: problems ."alr".cd in part Z. 11K- wo.... a."JlO"U of powrly provi<\f' t/ko jzn~ ... to r2pid JlOIUIaIk>n growlh and tnvironol<'lIlal <k11";" "!'Ition. whir.h in Illrn ~ povl"'y. Con.-ly. mutua!ly-ninforrinj( inVl"'it· "",nl. in hraI~l and nutrit"", • .,..... , _...,;"". and la!UiIY pl;mniJJR can rn.'llle all upwardSIlinI of ~l~ in hull'Wl'ini wlw:h_ld IIdp to "-""'I': JlOIU tatioo II"""1h and ~ ia/t.'1'rlYironrnt-ol.1l ~ In...,.,n...... t in .... '<.'liIql: _ h1mWl .....m nlUSl ,I><.",fm lakl'II up with . ..... dO\f'mlinalioa boIh fn< j ", own llake and IS" tnl'ADlI of ~ I ~ 'E problems which ..i U ir>m.. .m ~~ aIfod "'" only the W<lrid'. ~ <"""""nili<.,. but aU nalion. in the 1'·'l':nl>,''''1. * Statistical tables Alkountry .<tot.... ical tab..... fn< basic indiral.,..... notril ioll I>rahh. <du,,"liun. pupuIation. "",,,.., mic "' '''''~''' and the oituaoon plu. nog;onal ~ or.............. !lIld ba$k indiratoN for bs populou. rounuw.. Text figures Panels -, _.- _. -_....... ... .." ...... ... .... ...... ._-=.. . . I Childnm In war: 1\,:, _::;:'''''''''''''prcI&<'CWd «"of!"" ......:;" ae-1Jloo_.a<=p cUl 1"- .3 dioo f 2 Diarrhoellllk5eese. £.&o_d --..I1IIBIlborJ.dIikIn:II.-aliic .... .... 4 T_IrrIiiIr'-"", 1960 1'"-. 5 ~"•i(.<_. • •-fCo ' 1'\", .-e. 7 ........ _ _ wiac_.....(_ ...... "'.I"""..,........ wiIb ....... ''lI0«' 01\1<....... wiIII_ 11> .... oflllr dr'<t1 , . c W<dd _ ~~ .... a 1'. .....1:..'" of di<io ,looea cpisOOes II'tlIK'd willi 0Il'T .... 9 4 Eradu:allng polio: ialht nnl " " - pupulorion elm., ...... ~ 01 tJ>. -W ond prlIjI:atd pnp.!Mion ill !he yUr 210ll " I\-m.'n lll(" ot rnr.ll poI/l'C$( M1vironmcntally .hrn1oncd worid ~>\opUJN .''ll. IZ 1\.""''''lO,q\' of ", ...J'""""'"' <1IvironnI<'Dwty lhrt'aImo."ll - t;,. 13 ... 14 '" 1........... lJ,R<' of nnI JlOO","SI ~'IIrironmo.'nIally Il!rl«<....... . """ l~oInn1~ ~".i1_ ....... ~ _ lDAml'rin u.Irr.--.,..... ""*'l .......... olc_........ '"*'" fnIolllIw lIIoIrio 7 Year 2000 goals: notlonal lllDfl_ " ... oI. e_ 8 Protlress: •-_. . . ... .. _... , .... . ,. _-- ,..dIilIl_ ........ ...... Nk.enqo 9 Bangladesh: " 10 1'-. I' ........ " ol)Wc1of6ore lilt IIIlt 011M! l:Ir -.......a ...... 1lIt birIll ,,1'1 ..',. w <!lid ~ .. . 2\ At1uII_ po .... lt:iI _ lIlIlII~lbt .... 27 101lfnIIIIp PO.. $ • lniaa iDlllOllJSiaI._aepdua _ ...... itt dIol _ ..... i11 I!160 TOlaI drbI . ~ of GSP.I!l91 IrwestJ~ II'l health: w.1d d t 11 ... 20 Manif4...:laOn1 ..... do .... _ • " r.. 15 a-ia "'~""""'oIl1inboprr_ ' ..... d -idl ~ iII ......_ 1IlIlNIilr r-.s ... 1' .-.IIIlI e 6 Safe WOlter:: .... 10 Shlftof lolal P"'P"1arj<wo """loW ~ (CfC) ~............ of lho ~ and ... .. I'I"'\It woricbI f'\e. 11 5 MalnutntlOn: ~ for life: ' 13 AIDS: -" 14 The USA: •_ ........ dIilIltwIl "Th" n" n-..ary !aSk of dnwin,lr ~ lion 10 hw'lWlllN'do h.u unI<>rtwWtIy l(M.·n ..., tu ill,· Jl'IlII'Iar impn~n lhal 11M' d. -I<>ping Ilror'Id ill a ~ upon whi<:h '"' lU/h' /ails and only lrag...ty is ~na<1o'd. Ilullhe fact is that. (or all the oM«kI< IlIOn" PfOlUe"" has bttn llIIIdc in 11K- laS! 50 l"'lI"II lhan in 1M 1lf'"I'ioo. 2.00D. Sffir1, ,lit, mel uf the Sowod " '<>r1cI War• ......-..:<rnJ in<vnto... in the dt.'",,~ Ilror'Id hiM.. mon.' than doubltd: infant and ~hi1d dl."th r.l1l'" ""'" bn'n ".,.., lhan haM.'<I; ......nac life ~ has inm'3SN by lboul I third: \he prIlPlI"' tiDrl of lJu, ~ W<lr'\d'" dti\dn.'" otaninJf ""hooI has ri""" 10 mort' than lhrre quan,'I'S; and lhe pm"'t'nla!lt' of -_... ",raJ fanollH.'" with acrt':S5 10 sak wAl..ha< ;"""'-.1 from Ieolo< !han Ill' to -ov... tlw """'" lim<'. much of the world h.. also fned ¢!ell from rob- nialism, brought aparthl1d m all iii (om ,. 10 lilt, o:dJl'I: <>I extinclion. and largl.iy fn.'<"<I ilSd( from the iron Krip of (asci.. and lotalitarian t"<'giJ,,,,"," "In tho ck-ad,· 11I, I ~kar _ _ tunily exists to makt'lhc brelOkthrouxh again!ll .. hal mighl be called the Iasl grt"O l obo<mity ""'" l>t'I'<l""" malnutrition, ~ , and iUilorxy that SliD cas! I shadow ....,.''" tb<: 1M... 2Dd lhc (Ul~ of lIMo ~ quartt1" of the world", cllild=: '/It .'il4I'' l(lII. ........... OIi14mt 1m Introduction and summary of themes 1'h",ugh tlk' left. of hislofy, ",tho.,. ....., be<:D bnluKhI dOW>l from mom: lhanof """'... whal .. IIOW ~~ in lht.Ik.'Y\.'lopinj: ..wid m>y I.'ODIC tu be !W'II . . IJx, boginnjnJ! of • Iinal off..... ..'" ~ same of !he old<$/ and """" ""mmoo. en""U<-", of Ihe Yl"OIkI'. than 2.5 million • jnr in lllHO 10 juSl over I million " yew loday. !imuIlanc'OIloly. II.. of "",,"f.uaI <a.... of ~ . major.,...... ot di$3bil~yand malnutrition in rhildrm. has I:Ilk... frnm awnllumal<"ly 75 miIIiou • )'Nr l0 about 25 million. SimiJu ~ ha"" been .....,. ord«l. by din! of ~ but linJe. ~ tUortli in lbc' dt."",klpillJ( wt>rld. "l(ainsI oewrIlI olh... maP" ~ faci&l.<t 1M chil<lnm oJ pcl<lT ~T1Iof<, iDcludc liW' d... .-...1ha110d0y kill .......8 min.", childrm a ynrand the ma1lIulritlon ..tUch Il<>Im back tho,' IIK"lllal and pll~ <1<>,,10""""1 0( On,' <iJiJd in t/lrI:f: in the dl~l<>ping ,,'<>rId (rill. I). AI... in ,,:In'&! art ""''''' or w· l1lO!Il wnllllO/l ""....... or ~hildllood di..bilily, thc viru· "''S and !be mi<nmulrio.'Il1 ~ ,,'hkh ~""'1)' rear ~ hulldml. of !l>ou<aI><b orrhiIdn-'IlI'.,mJa<lel>Uy dto! blind. ",<mally mardt<l...... p;ualysood. Allhoogh profuundly a/frcl ing mi)' OOo.s of """" llres<- lng\'<li<.... and 1M PI'I>KI'-.... ..".. t>.in,cr .-Ie oqpin:$I them. an: largd)' 1I('l!k:d<:d by me n><dia. In ~ !hi. i< bo<'llU$C lhl..., P«>bl<-""" ""' ....... as oonn:aI "'lh<'r ltwJ CXCl'\lliooal. Bul prinwiIy it is t>«au"" lheir"",scqumen fall a1_ actu.ivt'ly <HI th< dUld.... oflbe poOr' t<l and ltasI inJl....'I1I~ p<.<JPk. 00 """The """'btr ronlll1uniU\:oa.ln I O~arlI, infanl dl',1lhs from _1illaI It.'\aIl'''' hz<c bt'<'ll cui from """" (hall I ml!Il"Iu ytar '" just 0Vl'f baH a million. AI !be SlIIIlf' timt. !he IOU oJ dchydmion m~ by diu· rhotal d i _ h&o "'-..... l'Ul from 4 fIliI. lion dcaIhs ayur '"1t5sl!wl3 ml!Iion. l 'oljo, 1Il'hldI h&o di""blc.'<I "" nwlY millioo. of rltiId= ....... !he )'<'afll. .. at.., now in rctn..... Sinn: 1900. """'" <-.0 of paooly,.;8 have faileD from opproJIimatcly half a million a ~r '" an <'Slimatc'<l 140.000 in 1992. In """ tn.I "'Ilion. 0( lhe ~ """'" lhe m s i!otIl' is <k>9<' 10 b<ing er3<!1catcd. As an ""trnlI mtar.u", of this ;,chic..........n\, Iii. '""'" l'Stima!l'd !hal limil<"d lfO(Kl _ of ....,..ol I"""" is W'n""'" larg<>ly an umold SlOfY in II.. mi<kloflhe many """1-pJ1>Ii<.~ disa>!C'r'l< M~ules. fortuItl~. Ihtroo an! ""'"' Ihan 3 millio<l chiId~ U'ling normal !M."JI who woold h""" '-n pualy""'" by poli<> had it 001 ~ for the ~ in imn'Dniuli<>" """'-... whleh .. ill kill. """" ,ilild...... Ol(l.' in )'l'3r rhan all ,11<0 <'1'1.1)' _\d", wvs and famines ~llOlr<'l"''', is bl.'ifJJl """" 10 ,..,\inquish ilS l1riP. I~ath. from Ibis """'" 1k._inJ/ofchildhood di~ ve Iasl dl'(;tlle. AI 1M f1Id oJlhe 1!8l<. the inI('1'..(iooally "I:J'....'d larj(I.' t of !lOll imm.... nizallon apinlll !he major YX'rineprcwnlablc dhocascs of childhood was _l f - '"... fit. 1 Maj., diu ... lhJol..... - ' " horI ~ -~ ---..---'" . . -. --,. ---_ -- -_._-- ""'--~­ ..- ...- .... I.... 'W) IM(I _ ..... _ .... _ _ _ 1>0_ ..11Il _lJa ~actlfd by .m1<>Sl half of the ~Jop. inK counlricl.. Nm y all ,,-'ao:II<'<l a <:oY~ I<,,,_~ tIl'1lIlIO 0.- nlOn! (rig. 2). Ry 1995, !he", ;" a ~.I*,~ Ihol lII:II<.'I'al Dlher inlE1'1laliooall)' ogn.'<'d Rna!< wiU ohio haw bcnI Jorgely ""hicvo<:d. Iodine ddiciel>C)', whkb ~~ Iro.l)XI childn" • year In be born .. m1in. and it !he wo.-\d', mlIjor <aU"" vi pme1llablc mro~ rewdali<ln, could IOOOll be brouRhll<> an end . Vl1l1ll1io A dertcirn<')', whidl blind, an \"Stimale<! 20(1.000 dtildrctJ a year lID<! ;" ....... <::m" of iD hcalllllllld <'ally deaIh the wo.-\d'lI U"d<...• ~_ roIlld k a1InoiM eliminlllcd. Dealh. from ",.-onatlll'WU" _ ......lable by the iuu1\uni.wiQu of P"'l!' "RIll WOIIH;'Il. oilould "OOlI l:>ecoolc a "_1/ rarily. ~ ~"'I of diarrlIo<-al dis. ....... including oral rt'hydllllion I1l<.'I"-apy (ORl). llhoukl "'" kr>o.. " lO fIO'l: of the ~ ..".-ld'. Wnilie<:. ~ rt'SUk .......kt be the prtW11linn of ,fur. Lher 1.5 million rh ild deatll....... h ~at. Polio llhould be <ndira~ from me"" ,,,""lrieI af lbe.......-kl by 1995. M<""",hiJ<o. progn:.. ill ...., Iw:ing made luward. lhe univenal ntifiratian of Ih<' Canw:ntian "" the Ril:hl.O of 1M Child. nnw flIIilird by ISO natialls of Negotia ting tile transition to a eue tainabie [uture mus t become the central organizing principle of the pastcold war era. which 28 haw "" far ",!>an"" "" lhe >'Ic\lS they haw! IDl'" tawards m lull iflljllo."""nlal inn. The bad I><'"W!I, lhoul(h mare ...-id,o,1y 1/2",·IIed. ranIlOI be iwlon'<l Pmlll<-ms oflhc """" Il<'Ut. klnd _ <:Un""" of d<,.-muan and Mq>Iail.1tiom, and Lhr inhuman 300..' uf d tildren ill ....... in the "",",p1arf.. on lho: >!n" " . and in Ihe hom. ~ rontinnr lu afIlirI nlaJlY ntiJ. Iian$ of l'fIUIIj! people in OOIh dcYclapinR and lnduSlliali>o.'<l rountries. lIul "",n 11<..... there ""' the r"", "",tatiV<' M.hic eme.g;l\CI: wllidl migIll on" day 060..,. cItildreo brt. ~ pr1>' t«tioa from \be wont l";hlBfthe ""uk Wlll1d. This fngile hope is ditoN.-I in signs Bf I __ _ .. The PPE spiral , In ~";1iI illi Indition uf/lx"ul'lng on ~hanll"f'll ..'hirh ~h lhe 1M:< of Iarxr tuUllb«-s uf childrrn but .. hidl rarely make hoodlines-, pari 1 of 11m SIal' ., I~t W<>rld~ Oo;/4,u n'llOrt sum,u..-u..-. lhe progn"" 1lo.~1IJl mad<: ogainSlthe maior"llt<if" 1Il"-"ilJ l<l the health and nutrition <>l' child"", in 11I<' ..-...!d'. ~ r,'",,,,"nHieo-. Il aIsa 0\ll1incs tbr potential "" funhl... sig ltilkanl a<tvan... .. ln lhf l't'OT5 i""",-," dialdy .....-.d, )"<W" PI"",."" ...d Part t ""'" this pot"". ti.. in lhe ron""'l of the broader prob. "'InS thal d"ud htunanity's ~ ;" the 2(01 =lurr. lq IJIII"\i<.'\IW. ~ Iuoks al the "",11WIy reinfan;ing /Ciatian$hips 1lo.~" lhe W<>nIl ,-ftrts of ab,;alute p<rv<my. lbe rontintllllion of rapid population growth, and th<> ~tion uf rut1ll and IIlbaa<.'m'inKtmenlS l1ltuuKboo\ murh 01 the .......-10lIin.R world.So i"I. ~llIIod have I!>t:!It' prubIetnl< ~> thai 10 dt-nominate ib(m .-..paratl'ly is l<l risk tnbo:onstnf. inll the Ih","1 lhal the')' ..."....,.,~ lui" Ihis n-.n, lhe n-potI tlIIil"" the""""" <>l' pover1)', population 1l"fOW\ll, ... d ""';"-"'mtfli undI1' Lhr term 'Ih<: PPE ....... The 1'1'£probk,,,, is iIseIt pari (>( an .....'" l>rMdl... rhaIltng~. I'or it is l>e<uming rlear thalth<· w<>rltl ha!< nn/y a Iioll~ tin... in .,lUrk la fill". ill< atl~"ti<Jn and ~ti<ol <l/l ~ -+w ,.;u undouble<lly be mr mool l'(JII'pk'll and diffinlK ItansiIiao in all of I.uman hi"'lI<)' _ the ltansilio.-l la a /11'10 I'O'h of '" ag..... rha""et"n...d by the U" M.'r.;I) meetlng of mininll1/l1 human 1II"r'dS, by Lhr .... biliI:aIioa and possiblo rHlurtion of populatiatJ and by rnv\ronmeotally StI;,tainallle 1lI11tm5 of Jl'""CR-.... in all nations. II is ...., .... tIc"t tlw IiIl. tIl\Illifarcte<! dwlengt! will lk'mand all <>l' lhf lecht>OlaRi<'al ingc"' uity. ~ capacily. and po1itiral """il)' lhal natianal .........-rIe! ""d the inu......tianal """""",ii)' '-""II command. i'itg<lIiafutlllllisl/fNlltan. ";lion """" tIIo;Mo,.., ~ the millIaIy and ~ 1'" ,',".;upoUon. of the r-st. and be.:ome tho: 0'..... n ..lral arxanizini pri",:iplc of lhe pooI-e<>Id k:v<""- ~A1!hou,1th lhis ~ "",Oln.. \IlI1hr PPE probJ"m ill lbe """"Iopin;l w«ld. II llhuuld he mode dear at the """"-1 tboI tho .......moa II> a _,,; ... fo:,..., it IIrJIICl:r tho I....• tho ... frio.. ! . .. . . oihiIQ 01 ~.­ no. 1IIIb:' utdllr_ . . . ~01"""__ Ib<-"""_ ee mt ollbe IUrio:J ... brouRlot 10 -"'...,. bo:acila II . . . . . puobod !:he bio"tan n- 0 ..,.,",' . .... ,_. oIl1oc: III Iiu'" i " It.doboI ••• io_*iIIliiI ___ Iriab'd inIoIIlbe....,. ..... s..m • _ 01a1blrI raMI IunlI COIIIinut. bolII ~ the indlrlllrialia.-d -'d'. ~ 01 ....... .....,ptiotI :and poIIulioo .." in llwm~ u........ and u~·. and !>«au",. lhe <l!ho:r tour M ho 01 0.. "'llfId ran Ml rrasonabl\l bf, ""Pf'(1L:d IU ~",;" or I1IDlIify !he """"'" 0I1ls 0..... do-:tlooJao""IIl ia <Jr'tlo,r 1D_'Ct tI:w bio.j1lou,...nw ..... .hoIt..,. the~ ..non. . - - ID... provide " ph'" _ <'OII'\h'. ~ 1lIiOI w willio. wbi<tI Ie . - t about '*"-_ ..........- "'" ID - r .., Ndor. >oil K-..ic" dilno;JIioa. j1O/&ic:II ......... aDd Ib<- ~ cIwWlclIIIlf 0I1be _ _ CJlljICII'1lUy lor ~ - * "','*'_, :IIIIl.... . 'tIIbility, "'"""_ I'M ] 01"'" _ ...i1c11hc....... 01 ",,,,,,ess lor 1Illb:J'. ~ wilh Ibr """" 1'I't: ...... Ill, U «'W- tnoI _ io IhIlIlUf'llUio« \OII;rf. ltrw<uoa OWOf\unilicl III pr'\lta"1 !he ho.>d:h. nUlrillun. IN! ftIll<1l1..... 01 IO'On.... and ,h i~l"", in the d <~ ouiIl,llht Jrip 01 p:wm,. jIllj1u/ariofI CIMrulnkuIal dtsmoo ...... In ....... ) ~. ID """'"' !lull Ibt PPE .. Ii' I wiI be " "",OLd -&haul_ ..... ' d ioIltr· aoDooII dian ID m,m Ibr - t _ alJI"<ti 0 I - V . " ~ an>W'Ih. _ ... t\"jlIO 01vrvwtll """ 1*........ ilIIt ii IhP C'ftI b )' is ID iii: 1113dr. IhnI U. dNr 1Iw Ib<- ~ naiolIswill • wtIiclo ID bonIl ..... llw powaW _ 'tisu5wbi<t1 ionD lbc • •• •• d opirol 01 1'1'1-: .. I t I _ ""ilIA is _ rcquimI .......... IIlso " - \I> .,. . ........ ~ ill 1'\. .... ioM: 1MPl'E probIom ill iht "''¥\~ ......'" tlIor1 10 m mi50clt ut duld"'" from tho: ..,. _ t'IJc.oct, 01 the IIO'/\Tty inl" " hiclI tl"..y &rf' born, Too-yo ~ ond ootn.>ach -..r ... lIlINd widlooc liIWlc ' . tllo! PPE jIl lll • • Ibe~, .. ",t "'* the -w.. "~1IlIiII 1 "'" pars, ~ .... 10 ("QjlC w&h Ibe ' ......d ;q.;t 0I11lc _ _ - " " 01 ~. rapid i . ' ;., J'OW'h. _ . . ...... kliUl dcdrIe W'iI _ _ muimr lI'UllIlItl! ilri into . .... asi:llI ~ __- ..- _ _ _ Jr.> • • -" • world ;, """ of !he mOIl ~ilIto.iy odlJ bk die .«<&we 01 ill _ In ' ho' /oro: of oil III< immo<lll,. poli l. InI and """""""" ~'" !hll too>mand "'" l u.....1ioo 01 1"'-"'" publlc, IIIld PQIil~ i&l1lI ~ 1I miRht ... ~ dill lhe poobIo ",. Ia-..d bJ lhr j1OOn.'It II"OIlIP iIl lhe jlIIlRtl ........ lrin 1'l'<IUId ~ 10 otaIjIf IIowlr 111-_ Ibe ................... Ilut ............... Ibis lOll wiI ' - 10 . . . .. For ) wiI be poM. lilt Ill•• ""Ilor u ;, ,1hIl 1e ; -a'.... a"IilI'*' II'Id dfordIble ....,.. 01 wo;'aIc. ~.-oI ... i ..... p - . .. ......,. ~ MIr1Il ... MMll, ridI ..._ ~ wuuIil bk ' ., " .. ...ynnotlhit....,.•·... ~. c:hA_ will ~ ...... . r""" Ihe . - . . - - 0I-tl1 ... dor 21........,. KPs. For ' . ...... lIlo _ .... 21 _ aioio. 1 I ' • ....-- ..... 1 5'. -"L ~ _1 ........ __ ,.... poiol poMiblc. kif' the rlNl lim';,to prlllflCt lbc /lII'lI l.Il and p1J)'llkal ~nl 01 . . . . lIll I t..· wMd". <aparily mok~ il • • • • _._-_.-......----""--"" a . a . "I m .. _ _1>_ <hiIdrcw. b 1loII 1hm.... "'""""'" ~ 10 imt" ..... _ ot Ihe ...... .. m bJ whO;h..-rt1 • prrj1C'IIOIkd irCIaI """ l" " b .... IW the __ All ..., 4 . ... I _ __ "" 10 the 1'l'E Ibt"iou ........... _-r CJdld" lirids. _least kiDds 01 oIlhr-"l". , , .. n",. art: .... io t» • ~ .:J lhe .. c, c ..... 01' ....... di:o<m. :IIIIl.,.,. - ' fi t T6r'll, - ' _ *"'P ,........ io bolII........, IfSbnolri. "'" r bpid Pf'Ilm-'" .. ltaIl • , I"... 199Cl1.1ho It. triocIl jooocsn ... !hi . ..... '" "" On............. _'IIi"cIIiIIhoIil_ ......... ",.dfI"" •• ,. . . . . ."" .'" ......I6oc-..... _ -.. _ _. ~lIPJ _ c IIlMn No ----. . $ cloiWr-. .... M-.~. U _ WorIll S - lot CIiiIdr'" tpteific.., . - . ".. ,.,... oIt_ n°, ... t J • "' Also in. 1"' ,_ •• A tar oIlUdIlIhnt . . . . , . . .... _ _ ..... Coo ; • • "'1IiIIa rI ... ~ · .-. ......... .. _ S _ . . . . . . . . . . 1 1• . . , , . . _ _ Y Uadllol _1lM' --. _ha Ga••_ ,_ H __ .. _ _ 11 ' _ .............. """ 11 _ ............... aa,,we- · ,. A__ ' ... *",: Io_ oW t Alrlho MJollt ol cIliIIlwI, ..... .... ,0I6ta IIow _ . _l1li .. --. .. e- , ..,_,. No odlIr ..... _ 1'IlIID (lnQl'taIIOI • ....... 1 o I r _ clim<f. .Mor• ......, "PO"' ... . . In! • falIOIIf • • l.IHlCU. ' - _ by 119!i lilt Cor>....- wiI ..... _ 'atiliool by II - l it 'uflbtlJrllllll N...... _ MIIiIg I <tI/ldlrd tor 1llt - . l , ""0ItCban. and - " , . . " . ~ '1Iil« I" _ w!lodo ..... III,"", iIhoIIId ha; . MOl. I .""" "' war in IIImlIf YUjIOS/l rii. And O'IlIIny INIU 01 1MW<IIIIl, chillnollllYl ...... - . . . IIIlI hlf<e ID Walch ... PMlicipl1l in l1r\Il:iDU. HundlWII III Ihouslndl hi" boon crjpplod by mor. l.nd·mI.... M"'t hi" """ "."riled into .""'" . 8IY'" dfUllS .rld pont, . nd d'Mnti\Iltod 111 O!l>t<1' _ poiot,. lIrlcCll."llod ...... III tho. l'\lUI'IlI l*IIIIt ... sutl"""ll ""'" posI - ""'I, t _.nt lit «hllllfd to III In ,oe"", ....1'.. 1l'Q _ 'Oino hll Mg" n to actWn. "".enul rtSUhI. B'IJiMitIIJ widl '1IlI days <PI lrInqtliIliIy' whil:h ...... EI Sal\tadot'• • 1liId..... UI til ....... nil-' ... _al day1 ~ each ...... duM; lhrt _ '. • ... _ . Iht """" hao ...... v--I F"'l"d IhtI ""lIItCIicwI Illf t!Iildrwro. IIhooIId IN ", ....... _._ -. ..-. . _[ . _. _- ....... _ --..............--..... lI'tumIIic _ Oftd r I ..... clOlioot ......... in"'" ,- ... in .... ta<:, 01 ....",M"'''' ......"'IUdI--.__... • , . ' _IIM.... t ir_ . . _ /11. " _ - . ....... - -w. lhe , _. . lit __ .1_ ' J I'" . ~ uu-, · .. ... ~ .. 1' · olIw. SooNoo. .. _ ' , ....... . . . . . 1d>Oo\ 1O ............... w w ill s..-'. oIIolno_ Ao """-- II -.II ,.., It . _ hao _III' _._..,.IDrwMII.. . .c_ . . .... .._ol. --.... - ...... ..,.1llII!.... _ _u •• ,...., _ _ .. # oW _"o•• ,• • u101P'"'I ' ....... !he ....... OIl dliIlhoI ill _ _ 111 ol'I. holp ttl N. .....""'... Tho - VI ~ ... Iipd by Iho ~tl '"""' It'" lHl 1M ..... .... "d 1IfOIIftI_ ~ IN_ ....... .........0 primary <'Clu<atioIIlor .. <hidruI. ..l =- '-V'<iallr lor all eith: whictI ....•.. risk oIbrioa Ik~ ill An gllP\'n1lmlt<l wortdwillr t:lIon 10 .....-lho·..... 0 1 _ .. __ SlId dlildn'll _ ~l. Iho:' fa:f: 01-,,- . . ~ IllOf"(' bmIir .. t l lIl.. -10 01 iI:;IponIaI bum • . . .... ~-IIlrir~_""" lbo'_ ..... 1lIrir __ -.I dIoDes.. IIlN' lbat Ibe wortd tIlaId or! . . UrV, bill ... . . 01_ _ iacioIiooe ... .-~ . . - - - - . . 11Iio is • --.... . . . 01 .. ~ i5 . . .&eliot . - ........... nUd be ... _ ........,.. .. a:liL.. ...,. .... -"" ...... ~ Whlbr hr-.dtr <CIOIId lor 1Us 1be .. ubkmol~.1 • . . cr-'Ih. _ ••,it .......... . .... 01 " ..: '" :: w_. ......lhf -.: w. = Z 'e oIlmlrpt.. t<nfts .... 101 _Ibe noatrJl.... at 0I1bis ~. ~ _" """ - . . bIber ~ lbo' .<1 kin« 01 , . . ('01( oIlIlIIaIw - " • ____ - " __ .,1~0I1bo _ _ Ibr l!I!Illf _ ...... -Wli - . l n _ _ JII"tIOIgn. II is. ~ lIorpa. __ .... lbt ....w.- allInI III ..... • A= ..-e..,...,... ~- ... 1he-tt_....,..... pooIIfl m. ' onIr I I ' rae - .........,IOllTI._ _ iN....-, ...... 1Jt - " ..... , ........ ira 1lRl_ IIId "'1. "" _,t . IIIlI ,= ' . _ __ .... k .. _ _ IIllI ...-",-. _ . 111<1- . . "'''; 1Ol ... """"_ lib 1OIlS~ Mol I; MIl """"" IbI . . ~ IbI I!tIft . . . . "'"""_ *- - l1li _ 13i .. n .. ,,a ""- !tIS , .. _ _ Ef\:IIt. OIlS.... ..... ... 00 ..... . - a!lllock io " ....., .. '=.=.r-.n. _ ~ A_ ,~""...-..., tliIIia* • c:ioC¥ ~ ~ 10 ohouIoI bi !;hi n.-. llfuol bod(. oUllMds. 1\is._1lle fil'II-e1loil:. ItIndI<d "'......" 11"8/11" ....... '" ............ ..lion'" !;hi .......... IM$I OC llool l , ~ by WHO'" 1WlI EVfIIIion ",1SlIgjou. ","'in' ,.. . oc_ ill mldi:. 1or _"'h" ~ tifOf IanO'n _ _ _ ORT...,." UNICEf _1III1f;Innwlo .. "'" lOp '" irs ogonda. ..... _ , "'l1li"'-1'" "'" ~ . 1 foUl, _ _ cllilllhn _ twit ..o. .... TIrIt ......... ,. • • " .... J,lIllI d*I WIbI DdI .,. llIlT ......- ...., ...,. oodIOloI <...-....I ...... - IIId ... _ ........ . ' -.1 "' '' __ 110'.- . . 101 ~ _ ....... """ ... 2 . 00 io . ..... .. l1li -'d'". _ ...... bourtoo=:b III diI ' ndln", -,. .... 1II dJlrrtIoIal ahydmjon. And it ,........ I prim'f'j " UN '" ... ~wi· lion: ,~m ~""""" ' obo • ~ Plid'. body nutritnto. • pptIilI I nd inrIibits food .boorpliDn. 01 ,"II.c", . . - iG- '" ro .;tiIi,1Ii prog,,", !;hi Ina· tt1 ol_ "",.k F" c-*. WIllI WHO """ UNICEF. II.-. HI "" pol 1ft OIIT _ ~1he ond of 1m. Boo ... --... '" l1li ~ " _ E9'IJII __ I · . . . . . . . . . ,. • ....,. . . 600- . . . . ~ lPI' ''' \lIOIM Sl......." .. , -. , 1 0,1 , IIigIotj _cealooI -.......... ,. . I OIlS ....,., ' - - " w__ - - . lI5'l .. - . _ _ ............ *_ """ 1bIOIlS ...,. fili _ . lhiropy fO<rlO: r..... gIN' .I1lOl.111 illowIll ORS wll "sod ill m 01 Ci on 01 lIio'moooI IIiooIN . 'ofIHo ...... __ lIfIICribooI .. ~ ll *' lkft _ .. __ 't . ~ CUll 01 - ... _ .... _-_iII_ _ . ......_ OIlS SlChoa, woloIy ....... l I I I . _ ..... IGC_ ..... inda.-, f _~. .... _ IifIIalI_ ..... I!IIA ''''*-1_ WIllI. . . . _ a-_ t ; $I WIiM ..... """".- ........ ..... _ . ill do. 'I ..... 1IifBI,j .. ' d" OIlS ..... rtl l;! ... Somo CfIUftIfiIs .. bAic:.. IJndoor ... ......... SUjlII\'iIion ol Ph J"'ICadoo SoIina.. M"';;o hoI juallo"",hN I _ 19. SZO miIiorIa' .... to bnng II" rohyll'" lion to ...,., .1Iild in ... ,., OIIl • . u..s. tho bin_ 'Tho bill 1CIlulioo'. lIII ..",paign ",","!;hi _ Fl ' ,.... , . II'Id "'"""' IIIIp ""*' • clliIJ ,.qUlfl1 .llocII:Irt To Nck UP ..... pubieilt• ......., _ '. or....... ..... ........ 'I I ................ <_ ,,.., __ .t _........ "' .. _ ...,. IICl: __ , 31_ ......... 0 ..... 1IIlI_· ........... l1li ....... ,. "'"'" io........ I _ a. _ A progress report .... Tbr_-.....-~01 briIIc .. biued . . chi- of. . ,· pu«..:. _ ...... it. . . ..t:I it Ibo' ....... - - - . , liliiii is briIIIl ~ DWI" ........... 'il4 01 . . . ... <'" ... c oI~_ n:loliwtJ ans/IeI. I ~-...,. "".".= 01 Ihio • .,y III ~ kI ib~ Ib,_in Ioi_\< lldd hJ . ~ -.:It. - . , ! rio." polio.. AI. tW "". ' ' . 01 dw IllllGo. ....... "flIlCh... ~ """ 1OO.llOO..... - • r-: IOI!lo:J' . . . . hat ""'" 11>.... . _b mlwrd dIiIdmo 01 poor <OIrlIIlU1llIia .. tbo. Cloofr Ihr _ pfl'\rId, Ibr ...... 01 ... . w o.",.. Rm MIlO . " ' _ _ #P-'a, _ Ihl- d.... I, ""C -'cI. . Not IIIlOdt ....... llwt . ~ ~ 15 _~ <hiIdn.... .-U1lVd Ib< ~ ..... - " ynr. ... ""'"'" than 2.5 milli<II'I diocI dum, llw- XUit' I"'- ottlll' w....... Too.,. llw>b ' Q impmoor mml~ in hNhh immQniDli<>n.. n~""'" <an! and '-'-'" """" "''';Il ,,-, I"""It u, oppruximald y 25 mil""" IY"lt IIId d<lIllullfum the~, ...... booftI Nt 10 juSl oY<'l" I millioIl.' Sfrond. . . .-.t .. "",.os is aIoo bo.-irw madr ....,. .., diarT'-al 1fio. _1ha ... 01 ~ llf'IW\lI ... ~ lk'lllh _ _.. _,..,Q ..........,. ~d..,~01 ~ r -....._ 400.D00.' """ .......... 1.1 .,. Lhan liOO.OO:I fpaIlf'l 3) tIM' 01 dUIdtno d)inc Inlm diphlhcrio ..... ' - " <'Ul &om 19.00:1 104.000' AHo .. . I't1OIk of immullizztion <'!bt.. poli<IluoI b<.'tft ~ly JMni ground . In 19l1O. a1l1101l 400.000 ~ h jj. drl"fI,•• "",,,lltd lot ~/(' by l~ poliCl ";no... l.ail Y".... \IlI ....1Jm. num....mi . ~Ialcly 140.000 (p;u,t'I 4 ;and liIr. 31.' AttonIi"ll ... WHO. lhm jj ...... rttiOIIabk- <'hlnc<' lllll puliu """ boCBdiDIlt'd from II><: !al'I' ot lfwo Ntth bylho_nJO. A ~ bIoor& otP"C'_ ill ......01 ...... "Ib..-rillutiDlo In ,ft, • • -• -• -- - - ~1oI1hr""""'~ "'CMCI ~ Ff'tqIICIIl Z tIltnt In I mar. ~ \INIdl . . _ _ dIo:T n ............. .........J . . . . . -..:- lbrr inhtiI dIIr! : in- oJ 4 . . . . dliltna • ,.. Wft'f' ~ " - diarIIlonoI " - . Ilut ....... 1_ f t lCC!laiqw 010iT ... "'- ." I !SO ..... ~ . ...... _dIinI 01 !be d".1 .. : - v ', _ _ SixIJ ' lts_Jl"lOb;T ~01 fond; poI: • • di!pNI "' _ _ i,.I, ... "tv.. · (OllSI1O 'bd.... . . . dt... lupd "' WDfIol IkMh 01. . . " (Vt'KOJ -.I In.1Ctl'-. ...w-. . . . . . . . . . IWO l :' ..._ _ .mtW .."., 11.- 1 It OIlS ..froM Ibrir ......... ,...'->_ ~iOz 01...- m-I _ _ IJgnrl2).' ThP l! \9'Jl)o" - .... _1bt ...... ot~1tvds I'rnm lIlllk.. m 10 llIlP'oxim..,ty p ~edly ..... oI lhc p - . t ""bIiot ~ _lo 1hcT' ~ -.e_d>r)' . . llWlIf _it _ ......., ~.Ibe .... " . . . . ~ .... . doot 3m d tpirIl af ' '. . . _ iI hnIIh. IIMl ~ " Ibio ..,nI. . ........ 1fheII.a; Z ram." m._lodi,·+w.-. wtWlo mulrJ ill of dIiIdrnI faiIiIIlI 1ft....,....., 10 ....... 1lIrir .-ly ,.... ... """"'" In _ Io>lhrit r.IllllOlll&ll -.I plrysinl polctltiaI (pIno:l ~. 1bt' maiot ...... b<.q ,..,... ~ childhood In r<n'fII )'O'C'lI .Jon mal I ~l Po lIlPln.c lbefundamc:nLl.l .. obk ll.. lbti"" '" . " ....... . . " - . . -.It ....... -.-to .... ......boll ...... ...,01~.... _ .... DI ,..1..- ............ .-.... ' "- .......---: bnIdo Olbl:r~. r n.._ .... eIIlIClI • 1 =. _--.. _ . --_.. _._. _....--_ ........ -----_. -------._ ,,-_ ----_. __ .. . _-_...._-- ._....._._ __ . .. , ...........-._'" fit.' fenilily 11111 -II_I. ~. _. <J -'m<bilm __ mroIal ond 1a 0lbcT....... ~ dc 'dopo Il...,. In: ,"",,_all _ _ .... pbnoiojp: ..................... vi ,Ill' _ sipilUlt lWlribuliooJ 10 Iloann ............. oI.....,.,l1O'\n. inIialE .... 0IIIly ~ bdl . . oI-nraad w1adc" 1ll. Ilonel __ __ tlNdJ po ........ "'" ....... 10 __ "' ,-w. ~ :9lJQ.IIw_ dud ' 10. . *-_10 810 1ll' • I..tIio ............ -.I " - m 10 43\ iIIAlric1.!'.IIr ' ""' _HI ponioa '" - - . Il'lftO da' ' . _ _ 6llf. .. ScJudo.£aI ~ .... """""' ot • . . . ill Lhr ok..' ; 1 a -W .... ..... ~ '" IIrttI -=ty: ~ ...... 100 thrir_1luliooo to I1:'lIllrinR Lhr ot ...... aad imo'hhiltl: ...ubiou! bAIIh. laly. "-,,.kiillt po .., c...... .... brcoI .-lr .. CQC'odi«< i.ho' kJIooo.~ and lilt lIll'aIlli " family -,,_ .. . _"._-_ _ -.--------_.-110 .... _ _ . . . " 11. .... ....1. ~, ln lhn" ~ lilt nun,btt" mild"'" bnm lU I"" ...'flll«' "f<MllaII of in the deo.·.. lpi na: world has b11P.n fm<n 6.0 w 3.7 ((11(. ~) . 0Yt....u. ihl· proporlion 01 _'<I """",'" u";", m,K!<'m mMlIod'i of famlly (lbr1ninlr hu ,,,u..n ....._d frwn .. 1 0000 l O ~ ' iInaI"'r 50ti (fia. S)."11... "II<l'd oI1lIls tIoaiI&" ill lIIIlI'<<fIiI' 1ll<'lI ill drmognphO; hislory. wiIh _ 17 .......... _ 'CIinI: ill IIatmII lhrir lfoniliIy ra... ill 00lIy I*' ~" -n. _ .......'""'01" ,"I.. ,."". ..... _ _..,."Itw.......• !Ill'" Dr. HirvIhi 1>ino<1or, 1'1'" C..- vi. WHO, · , ,. ill . . _ • _ _.itt', ... ...,. ...,. ____ ' hI-*- ....... iII lhr dc " -W . . . . wMi .. .",,Its ..... lvl.diit_ .......... ::.ib' : io ... 01 ibr _ IllM 'IJ'*- io it . , . - iIrfId. I ' , ; ... fII • • _ I -.lri ' do,,: ; ' IOlIOCiII M........... t t ....-... Ihco ...uitiooaI hNlilI 01 bolh ......... ond doiI&ft: MPt'S -... lJooo ......... 01 , _, ' - n .....tcr__ -uil1 lIlOC"C • .bil ....'.. 0 1 _ '""'" Iliab ~ oI ' ., 0-. bnI:h. _ _..... 1lIOCC' ~ t " " . ~ "-'OIl thr an' Md<duoMiOII 01 tbildma; n t !IIoors P"I",lvim C"""'lh- Ani! "'-'" tbouth ihl'l't' \0. lIlIII • ('<lCIol<Itc ..... """"" <kmMId. Ihfo ~ of /aftoily ...~ . .. mlll, < ~""l'Pb'._ . M' .......,.• ... •t<:w dk<'" - llMI it l;llllOlW oI .__ ......... " ,td· '_10-.-:011 ...... ...- .......cIo:rillr IbN I'nl ,","01".111M Wfbtft...- ~ 10 . . . . .-y nnl '-"Itt bourtlood. it "'"' r.- from ......... ..... ...,.....,. ........ ond ~ ......... ~ ribu 10 ......coin MIl .'!UtfIC\ht<I ~ ill tho- "'CJIOininI Y<'I'l'01 1"" 19!1Os; hul ~. orh~. "" for :-: Moorm IhM ....... all dc~ 1\IIlIon__ ' - the- .......,. 10 11'" \hi, boW"""""" vllllrimli/ic Pl'*" 55 ¥ l!lr diI:poQI vllllnool vlllM.or .a .n.. ........ ..-aiIabIc' • aknoot . - ; Of' "'-"""I!d ... ..-H. ~ is ........ .. _khoidf pulW _ politi- .. '_.'.55 lballtdl otl._.. . _ _ heitlII: ..a.-nd 10 dit In.m n."O)lincory ink<1loao whI'tc 0Iliihi0IlrlI <GUId br ~. lhol boIh .... ai"'otilic tw-.... -.I lhto _ _ h <-"" ___ 7 '• • ............u_,. _lhIl~is""" _Il:>t"b t .. ~ ~.i:r tJ . . . ia . ........ ... " .' ~ _ "" _ vllbcir _.W_ . . , .."...,. .-m. _ ...... ftWIr ...ub:. iI: s.w I { " WorirJ CtiIdmo ol.."". ~ ..... ~ .....III:t._lI.- 10DJX1i) dtidrfto • ,... _ _ pctJIiitR" "olllwC1l'lh. Ib 19l1Oo /wtffti«_~ 1{,. ioL thilcIrfto • ~ bIoo:i m.m .be lid 01 r..r 19l1!l. _ .~lh2 ..... IriIlI ....""U& _ _iI1lri1l1 ~ • Thit ~ vi wbal ~ .. .,.,... p»>IiI* to ......... Mo ........ from bNIIh prxtiliotwn. ud odlooIo vi ",,1>& II<IIth, from UlIiIl,'tl N;IlioQ_ f" m I/w: 1ound.U..... md Ih,.. """"IfO¥" .1Icio..., <'f1lmcn'lIllJl'V""i.t>I<ion,., Iron' IN ..". f<:uichlll bod;"" an~ Uw n....-ardl ;"";Iulio~ lU>d fro'" ;nm:.";11,1( num- brnr of anM.b<, nlNlia """""""W...... upin;on k and puIiliral lxHlio..... Ao 1lIal Mo _la~. ... k '-1It.'I/WI to ......... iIio'(( inu> poIiIiaI ~ An nrIt n:aqJko . . I b r " - " - 10 lho.' ............... bt - ' - 011 MliutIII polIIkaI iNltmI .. Ihr .... 1!IllClt. Iv. lhIl ............ IhirtI vlllr dud j ' « -'cr. tllBdmI ...,... eos ........ briIw: -d: . . Ole" .... JlWS bft 80\......, ..... ......,.,.,.: bt_, · 1tI....... _ _ ....... ........ _1Idoa lhiI ......- vi .Iolt · .... ~... . . , II> I bmrfit:ovl ...... _I0 ..,.aniIIIlIt. Tort . . ... • '" t' lOlft'lII .... ~lrt' _ . ~ 01 to 1'1 A wbo:tI k -_ .. __.... _--"---- 1 milliucl btIbir. brinll aIIow<.nd 10 die cadi )'tW" ....... ...... _ _ IUl<haI\It<aII'd d<dft icldot- ~ ol ...... oM: ~'<'Cilcte icI-,. oIw ..nI?"' ,W wlty '"""' 1l<'Wlt ....... pt'O)IIto 0li1I ............. poiIIfal ..c ......OIIcte: t&<u 01"""""", dis. . - ....... dtr ('Of! 01 <'tllIlni ill 6twtI _ hod borN rNwro.l to . ,. . $t..50 ..... ~ t:w. __ Icc wIKtI ~ ...... Itotl ........... lIot.- 10 br __ • ' j t<rt<l • • _ ........ -' ood _ <loti 0Ull'Ijt0' Ibot OOIttl1hitl,lt .. ~. Pl' ".1 tl . and m.-.abIr.1It'ltinary I1iantI<Ital dioc._ ...... ot7I ........ thor &0<0;-. 013 miIIilItI )'tIWIjf thiIdrt.>ft • )""r. Of' thai ........ rluu:I 3 rniIIion ~ -.orkl, k bo. '= :l . . ·""p1ica'" ....",. """'" .. "",",,",I'd .... okllfindMIJ. Ole" Ihr .ns ... _1*to ~ ... CIliII A ~ 0¥0il0blt ... ......,. rbild 01 riokl'" WIlY _ Iodil>c dtlio:it1o; , IIl'ilI tIw: Indinlr ....... of ~ m.,,,lOl l't"\Otdolioa iIl lttt wvrid (fiIt. ~. .....sing -.. loo.lXKl lnfon'" 10 btlborn .. ""-'lin" _ h )'l.... and affc. 1lng IIJro r>ormaIlIc'vdlll'lneUI 0( IIIl'UI 50 mil· Ii<>n ,·hildrton. ...I\fon Ill!: probkm t'II'Jld he pr't...... ,ed by -.w1hi11J( .. afrortl' ablt and ~le .. ludi.ana" a1111a11 odwrbooir IracJ. f "" tIIl«iIr... k hod dlt dlr .... ditiIOI old " ow ict _ trieo add odwr _ _ II> Ihio .... 1M ft'por\ 1Ilill _ 1fW 0llIIIt!L .-I _ Ibr Boldlildl •• ..... ..... d InoI: .-twd bt _liLlt. .. Ibot I " Filii: nutill . .bc." 7..., .. .. w... chJdrtotllO ...... ~ ~ -"l _ dwI ....... Wt.,. , .. 4-ol1ij " - _..... . . . iHcI ..... ' : l6.'l) t d ~ 0IiII ".bs w ..., III .... lllis .. obk.. 01 ..-to r<tht<rIi.-?" ....." ,. _ • lbitd 01 lht- 60: ..' ~ •• ........... dlilcfttI tduw otI a . qabIc.· -iIbt .. hew I """'" 6ttuotIotnIttIlhoc ....... utriIion br ~ - bowIlioIIr ttdum:I •• I:WI of low lhoII SlO IX'" dIlld~ · \I,..,. .......,. • E VIllY minIM. , ntwbom dill of lOti"". _lion. EYMY Ion ..... "'. ...... Urn, din... wi ke. dOWIl l . - mOl!le'. hlry VI" . In aSlimltld 5O.tOl ""'ternol deOlhs Ind nl .1ly 600,00) _ nlUl 11tII..... d••ths - 01 up to 0.. qUill" 01 inf, m IIIOIIIrflV in ..,.,. cO<ltlllieJ - eM bo OIevented by _nus .......Iionand d..n bioh prootic... 0.. 01 lhe 1/11'" -OOP'ed by lito 1990 Wolld SurnrM I.. ClildJln WlO th. ,Iitniovlion 01 n..... tal t8llllll!l by 1995. Tho vl CCin, itHII h.. bun .... itot>!o Ill< :111'"'" and ~ h•• I<>n9 t>etn mown thlt two dos•• o/tetanus to~ during lI<~n lncv wil I'fOIOCI boIh molho, , tid bobV <A'IIiI Ill. ehild cln bo .'tcn ted irIIitpendlmIY. ¥0I1ht ,"M 1(1 drl•• t tl\ll..... logs !>ad!y behind. Alto, • 01 inltnS. "'Oft, !he lmmunillliDn 01 inlJlRIlI ' gs",*, IlIl'>t< 01< 01..0lIl. . bIo diSl. . .. 'u,,,teI .. "" td _ .. mom cQlJmriM by !hi Incl oI19!i11 Covellll" 01 ~ ' nl ..._ with tllO rIlIS VIOCinl '(lSI I,,,,,, lind" IS'llo In abo"' !:6'llo (lV\!f " " dtc,d•. but h.s sin.. fallen to lc$O "'.., CO% . F(lOJf VOtf1 19>. diI Stor. of 1M WOf1o"s C/IiIdrIlt! repo<'l cillld "'" 0. . _orson. ..... di,.tted l!Ie Wotlcl H. olth O,g'_ ._ 111 01 R,..... nUl l;",,.. ExPloded I'fQ\l" !MIIl on Immunilllion tot _ 01 dill9BOs: ' 1M cantiIHwIt:. 01 _ W lII WlU. n pr9$lffl/l • m.iM fIiIure 01 public hnllil proCliu. II if """ 01 !hi _ tklm.tic . rrd fIlVO'rinII • •• 00n. of our l'IIidtr f. ilurt II> "",...;M "'lie "",,,,,,.t ho.1Itt urvkn. N« 11M c... 01 _ _rollot"',", _ "" ~ III <><:CUI. Btluif 1995; /he diH. .. should 1M ~ in.""Y <""""T. w. I good. SlII* . OCCiM Inti ir c<MJld l ilt!should hi... h.... """ d... . l'Ilmrdl)l: S,dIy, tile.. .... rdl '" just ";lnl ,ocIl\I. Tho "wi01r IliIu<I' nc,,"," thII .....11 binh ", 1<tiCOS whic:~ bnng IIl1nu. '9"'11 iMlI ...... " wiIh thII UMllled \I1lbibc;1l curd « binh clnll. lMs- """,bo.. CII_n in..... dl.eloping _ ~ _ in ....""'. 1l1llC• • 01 PCJOf hygienl Ind medical nogl101. AceCl<ding to "'. WOOd HI""" Orglnill6on. IIfIIV hl~ 0' .. doivorin .""lid.rod 'clol n' Ind «tI 1It~ '" IlteOOtl! by I IrII111d If' -~ Some countrios "" winning ltII bltIle Iglinsl tellnus by I combine· lion <>I ."oinllionl Ind _ JIl ptClfllOll SIM, cllild~ limbo_. where !IIree CJOl 01 fivI pr.gnlnt -..on Ir ' IuIy imIunill<l I gl inn now tr. ... II _ _ ""'" perfurm <leIMrrio.. wiIIl ,n Imphali. on Iho '!:tIrol elll'" - 0101. ,,"neI.. I cloln .. rllel kif dl liYl<'j. IIld clo.n tuning lnel CI" 01 till cord. And Chinl, _ I ltII id• • <>I rho tT" .. Wll 1m d.. tIoI>tcl fI<:~ tIogln ils fiJll '1IlIIlIIS; ..ceinlllon cU lplig n fO< _ in »l CournilL Th. i!and. wher. Clun _ QUmsr oIl11K1111111 mono .r;,y. ;, on rho Wly '0 wit>in'l .... rho dO by 1m. T1Ho .I ",PI~ me impJDl'ld " porting of tillS. nil" odutttion III rnotiYat& -..on 11> bI inllId. I nd ,"clling .. I. birIh prICli III trlditionll birth l nen· dInts. IIuTth worl:.... Ind othor rlldlfl. w•• ,""'""s ..... ,• '...........nv Between 1988 100 1!l92. lIIanus ....oid ..........11ion <>I Thai _ ..I rty <Ioubll<110 ~ whii:1 tIII"US siIoIs I nd baosl"s Wl rl giYln III nint "'" 01 ,on ••hooIohildr.... Sot. dol· iIoory kits WI" wid~ dislliIIlJlod. ISfII<iltv ....Ir . IIl1nus WIS moll provIl lOl As • re$Ul\, in "'. two provine.. " ginoring IlIo highlst """nl~ \IIIf'OJI Jl III, !hi numblr 01 CII.. Wlsh."ld in _ veon.O ""Y" ...... thaI~~.. M .. thf;, ,,",, ' , '.. """" iI IlIIWaM<'d .....".~.~-:lout· -m~.~""""J.JIIII'" _ IIw "'" 'a. 01 '""""'" " n" • tho- ......... 0I. . . . .,....,.cvup/ei' w-. _ cpt .... M!djoioe ' -- ~.-bO:tI t.I a,..., '" 1M..,.. M;'Iioa for .... by th<o)'NO" 2lXIO.- Id>itriIla Iht: 1IritfIJ. l ' - _,... inc:UIr. ,.. .......... ""' ....,.. baMaa ol thild - . -wnI lailr Do. 01 ""'"" <he UIoiola 01 ...................... ....l .... ""'"" Ia<J'fU Ire -"cr ....,. ol ....... . « Ihr Iwc lha ol do<_ booIio: btatfilI; ol _.....w ... $/I0oI111_ bo:*: _ dlildn:L Ihc' fl 1"0;' _ .... , -u.we _Ibt: . . . . ol faaoilr : ' the .... '" fwocloonkC iIILhr:ew.. ' _ _ beW aolw r\DbII ....... ...... .... • opjICIIOfCl II> poliIjtal 1Ililaoy, «,e ........ 1hl' Warid S-.. ... CbiIdoft. IltW • 1M Ullilod Narioa .. ""' York, _OAd "'" _Itt_ ...., 1.1"_ _ ....PI "' • h_f"tl71l1li011. 71 _ PI-. \1" ' " oa "'-l _01 111._ _ bill bfn ........... .,. ad._a ill :a.o-I- . " ' .... lOll; Obi "'" ..........,. '" "'" -.hi *"'-'lr ~ b" lI"WIltd. And I~ .. . - "" 1ICI<Id n:a!IOIl any Ul lh:cly Ibne 1m&:-""<I"c:n1S 10 """""llIIIlt no mal.... family III w!l<.on· lhcy mat live. Al\hau ~h p<.....:rty and ullCk'lllrvelopmml malcf \he: I;ISk IIII' Ithltvt.ntdl '" daft ..... ~ P pCIIl ~ I'dlnaloJajto or txpl\l' oM ""wicJoiaI ~ tI>o:r" an:, ,,, Lbt ~ ol ~ rtXhtd ....... the ...a by IIiY dr¥clapiolll .......,. IhaI jtiwocoIlhc- lash adJj. n- :wiarit)o. ~. "tl\W'O The I<IUII t1al'I "* 01 0• • hio« II of w.r ,.. 2lXIO .... ;. tUnaItd • ..... It $25 16loI .,.... Thio ;.. amalI \lricIt III PIr'" a ..""om Ihol ..... dE ai .It Pf'IOK' _ _ • It.:<IIihImI .... Ibt ...... . . . . . • p<oIfi1,I'. Ntd II. iI • \lricIt whidl lit- _ _ a6ltclc<I it _ -v. .....w Dol_eo:" piau.... ""' ~ .. __ ~ ~ • ",UlillM - _ ------ - ~ diIT"",h, !hut -u.I1CIIlh _ ' • • triIiDa wbidI .. tho- & ocl,_. -.hi. TIM: tnuk .... ....,., of _ ..........., • .....-. ..... 5,ia 1M.'" I ' • -'<L lOll! D '" -..... 1IioI1loodgo;u. ..... 10 lit- all ad lD 1 a"om io AI ill ..-ciOlt balii: . . . -.hi b":do , . . .m. ...... ~iftIIh __. bosic: ...... ...... Nk ...... .....,.,...... r-i)y _ _ "'dlriD --. ... ,.. "'_ .... 1O"lbfr' 0""''''''' ill suniwal. IltUh. _ The ...-fI...........'IM ollhe*", inlorJuJnlioa p i ~ lhi:o ~ The ouainmo.:nl ol lhlt 01IC xual - <orhidl for Il>c IIrl'llirM On hiWlrjrbn>u ~hl . basic i'dmtiflc lllllllOCl' 10 vinual/y f\'tfY "omm.mily In lhe worid ~ ~_ ...r.unl lhal many oIb<..,. Ilimibr and ,.quaIly iqIortam plI CllOJId be ~ ,. 1IIIIlooto ~ 10 rna., lh<' It\mIjIl - ' illbe iI>IcrnarionaI 00ll'IlUIiIy p¥r U .,1lIillo.1I Ju;lpDIt. III Lhr !II '" Ill9O. IhB rioina __ _ ' " wlai o:llIOId be' doIIC ........... ......... tIMl_ Ihc' .1.......... 01 9Ot. • ...•• 0 .-... 01 ........ioIooucl , Ibt: . . . . . ~ Ncw goa]s 1 I . IriIiool. ,_ _fIiI, rca..1'ri<-'r odlool.,.... .... .... Ie-. . . 01 .. IIw .ocl : '• .....w? w!l:J,... mot$It. wm' W1lIaN iII!l11bSQl.-Alrin . . . . . . a 1...20"* 01 d1ilt« ill dIildbin1I 'II'lwa1M ri* ... • _ III tho- n!ldbWzul -'d '-I bcoIoo '"""'"" 110 ....1, ill ~ , img-,ni H..I ...",. IiIdoo ........ _ ill ~...,. iI* 1""_ II «1110 .... ifts -:k. 11110,-, it ... asIoed • ...., u.ilod sax- Wet MOlbnbood ill 500.000 C"""'.... 1!I l Il. _ r - __ .. ..,...,....,.,..... ., -.- -.... At., Ie60I tIoIit;.q eiptd by 1511 ~ _ thai nth ftaliQn ~ lIdlIjIIlho' '" ito""" ~ and drrw DaIionaI u bH1I rncII<'d in Chile. China. Costa ~ C u~ tIM: l>crnomlic I~'s ~bli<: of KotN. 1l00duru. 1l00g Kong. Indone$a. Jordsn. Ku Vl'lli~ ine11lding I!ang\adesh, China. ltKll.\ and 1'illswI. which !<JI(t1her cootain no:... rly half the developing wnr1d's chi ~ ~.. By 1995. 1latlJ[tadeoh. China. Malaysia, Maurillus, Mexi<" , Oman. ltKl~ and T~ia wiD bl.' producing er>ouJlh iodi=l WI La pn>l<!ct tbeiT entire population..~ A funher 33 """... lbe Philippines, Saudi Arabia, l\misia, and U",If\I3Y. n The lJW.dccadc larjp.1 of • 90lrt 1'Old\lCllon in mea.. .... ca-. and • 95'l rl'due:tioo ill m<:asIes death .. is likely II> be rta<htd in sevaaI COWltries Indudina: Bruit ChUe, China. Coot.o Rics, Rwand.o, Tuni..... VICl N- . and Zimbabwe.· 0'teraIl. there /lao ~ "=' a 6fl1, n;duction in musIes ~ andlID 88ll. reductioft in meuIes de.l¢b. collljWtd II> prWnmllllitalioo levels.a o ThI....., is aI$o o<>/lcI I""Il"""l 10 rq>o!I in lhcbattle II> cnodicale polio in selected areas by 1995. Thm: haw: bee.. DO ".,.. <:alICll of polio in Nonh. CenLral or Soulh America lor Ibe 1asI 1wo yean. and poIio-l~ >OIM':S at"( now also bcinsl =al«l in Europe, Nor1h Nric:l. Soolhern Africl and !he Middle E:ast. Globally, the numbtr <If polio <alft "'"" Men rN...,..,) by apprtlJ<imaa-!y8OIrorompoan:<lto .,...,..mmuni<alion 1.....,1s (fig. 3).~ n MlIDl' nation. have ""'" begun to immonU:alion sys(enI8 diotn"bote villlmin Acapsules La child ~ oot'r !he ~ d si>: monlh. - includi"ll Bangladesh, Btuit India, Malawi and the Philippines.a lD lWO d Ihc devel0ping worId 's """" populnus CDW1trieo, ~ and lI>dio. bctwt'eII ~ U"" and There have beeu no fl ew cases of polio in the ioestern hemisphere for the last two years. . 'n ~ of chikln'll ~ &0 W- been """,00tI. An :o«:cler.o\i<In ot ~ ­ and 1he use of the irnrooni<:uio• .".. tMI lor vitamin A distribulio:l in IIW'IY more <ounlri<... - ...iII be ~ if lhe JtlnbaI ~ of <"OfItrolling ¥i1amln A debnq by 1995 is l<I be met. lnd<l"'f>deft, ~ condtlClCd in 1992 <OJIlimJ llw, in many areas of the develol>inR wnrId, ¥i1amln A SIlpp;e.. mMlS <2<1 nod",,", child tlc3tho by lID "_ of 25loR.t;Md PI"llUC9S it oIso bcing made. in IlIlIDY n>Iiono, towar<h the middecade goal of cIiminolitlJ[ iodine delicienq> (panel 8). 0vl'1" 1M 1asI rIVe )'W'5, tWi<H>al soil iudizalion pro,I[!WIUIltI have lfOI>e in1I> IuD ~ in s toW nf ~ cleYo.o\oping COIIntries - o -"tries art-' in Ihc proa.. ... of 1il1ling up In """'" DlIion.. the " .... Its arc aIn;ady b<.>comiDJ( oppucm: llbuWL Rolivia, and E......,d...., lor example. art' ~ to the point nf preventina: SIQ" """'" caoes nf Hx!i"" derociffl:;y eeorden!. ~ .......'1inism. n The 1990s bave a1loo _. """,killed 1'S000teso itlwmillg lhe lido: agaillSl the b<>nlc-fe<dinK 01 infsnts. Aft.... ttIO<'e than " decade nr W<IIi< by WHO, UNICEI', and many no"1ltM.'1"1lmrnlal 0flllU\lzati0ns. the frtt Dr Sllboidi=l dislributioo of infAnt formulas to ""'" t1>OIlI<:n in ho,;pitalo lnd t1I3lemily clinics has t-n banned in nearly SO ,k,••,loping CDW1trieo where m.. pn<> lice_ fornll!r1y a<....,'k'd .~ Under!he WHO/ IJNICH 'baby-frit.'fId1y hospital initiative', man, hond,,'ds nf h.oo;>itals and malmO i\)' unilli in lM.... 100 dc>'c~ oping and indo 1;b'io.1it<:d counlries ha~ s<Jo,oc<J !he ,"" sl<po to ....t<Ct<Sfu1 ~Il' dsa"", up by WHO lIld UNICF.F in 1 989_ ~ In bosl>i1aIs where re<ords have been><<l ,he rn,. quency of iIIIles!! lIld death IIIlOIlS! II<'Wborm has been substantiaDy 1'Old~ and siltniflCallt tirw>cial ...... ings bave bef:o nude_- Given !he Sll~ PQ<t DC health pn>frsoinn*1s, the ~ of infanl formula manut.<, WtW'S, and !he continued ilI.....lvemcnl oflhcpoblicsnd !he~1al ~.. it ohouId be r-;ible to actI~ lhc mid-dc<:ade. fOlI of <"fl'Jlll'. ini th:ot the majorily of the wnrld'. hoo- pjtab and t1I3l<.... i\)' uni!o "'won the ncIu!ive ~ing of infanls in lhe rim lew 1lIO<Ilh. of life. n Thcgoal 01 controlling guineaworm disease by 1995 is aho rIt3rly within "-""C:h ~ n!f<1ing hope to thnx who suf· fe"11>DIIlIM 01 ~ pain, re-. nan!lea, vomitinJr, diarrtIoca and ~ bndy wakncss. To""""'s Ule end of the 1!lllOs, !he worldwide number of eases of guinea worm di-.. was eiIti- 1lIlIlnl.~dJl0"""" n... r _ "" l!I!lt - " " ilia 1ht ....... ~ ilnowdowalo""""'U-l..u..a - 9OlI; ~ tbom ill juol .,...". A&><- w -.btr .... InIIII 4Cl,lKKl iro I lXXJeaos ill 1!l!lZ. ill. .-riel. ladiL ~ __ iI 19S1 1O 1ht ...... ior 1ht..., 10 19!il5. "pulEd _ ill 19!1:t ... :ohooiW _ GadIiil, Z3 CDOS joia I!tIt c.-.... c..-..-eo-. "- s-li AtalIia. Mol \.. . . . 'dlt ill 01 ( .... IhM ~ --'1' Irftd 1bt. . 1o •• 0I1hi1 · 1Wo0l ... _.o& <Wd ' .... ~ .-l traioI'<Iln lbt ,""opo ~. _ of onlibi........ Ikn allhouch 00 """"triCI ..., I\1IlIIU.'d 10 haW' dnwn ... pions "" ..,..,. ~·Ibtft is . ,.. IiIlle 01 K'lb _ . . - - " 1ttIh. Tht ill Iha - . , thIIl 3 ....... clIiIdrN _ III ok """'" ~ ~ aiM --......._-_ -.... 1 Solo_ - iIliJ I. loci.." 1IoNt6I 01..... 'I .... ......, .... 1IOl ....,.,. .... IIoe dIiIdi •• 01 IIoc ........'·i '..,. --"1....," '.....,.. ..... III po<IfN III 1Ioc_..... d. . IIl.-lo... .....,.. . . . . ..... ' 'l Il h i tIot dtoooelNilIIorio. ~ ~ llioc -*:r 01 CIIliDI-w. Yel dllt dnp """ ...... _ lor SOli 10 dIoo ~,.,... ' lIId ·c. . I 1ld 10 IllId 1ht O M...,. . ,. I. ·'lII' ~ ... ..,.,. ~0I1bc-V. d.a. ItIIII<iaM: IIddr -.I lqcty \IIIJlI"I drc:M ..., _ Ixirlr.... PIilIblt III ..""' •• - . I s lbt IIOCl 01 <It-. tIooooc wloo.-cliMm, ....-PIIb'""................,brlht a 1'1 "",•• in ......-... ~ ol ORT lw alMbtal lOO ....... Aqur' .....2OllOUill'. bda.1ht~~ • 01 run! wiIh ~ 1<1 ""'" Lor 01_ C\'IIlw)' hM now pa-.I since ..... hM him ~ ....... :lOll in iJoo, <!bw'd ' _ """'" thai. dclIydra. 19!1l III _ lIlA In 1992. If this tlon oouldbe pr'CWfI~ ond 1rnItd by a mialul1' ol oupr ond ...... . a ~ ~ Is maintaln<'Il. Ih<.'D India _ill ........10 lh<, rtar 2000 WId oIlU1i~ ~ry dw wu dc!I<'l'lbo.'Illn!he 1!l70s .. . _ II( Ike t"M1nI ,.rdiro/ .m..t1I<'C\'lI6, m ruralan.... 1>11997. In 11ll3l 2.2 "'illi'lII Indio Marlo: II lwId.-.",flS, IIIn101,f1tl: " lilt n... "-loI>'d liInlugh <.Wplr.IliOlI ICChniquco it ¥inually <'Ooll.frt.t . Vel k is brlwt..... lilc: GcM:mmmt .... IndiA, sllII known 10 only abolo.n QIIt Ibinl or lI "lC ~. ond ~ <lIP" !he: dc: ,d"pio~ .......tof. lcrnilitL And ~ .... ...,. ~ wakr 10 diIn'-<l " - Is ttill kiIiI.- am...... 5SO millioIl ~1Il. iniIiIII CVSI S miIIioa dIiIdn:a • )'9'". Utime ma. oI_u&... I) S4 ..........-. dmI ...... lbt ...... teld ~ of ... 9 look " obpk • lbt pI'1lb- btfttr-ol Of """" iaAonoIiII - ' " Il'mI Iha haW' btotIl mdItrtd ..., lbtM it Is ditIcuII 10 Ibtm dot .............. 210 ,... '" deb ""'d dyiow • -:ll _ .... 25 ~ -' Pl. n. 1a '*" _----_- >f_o- lIo<.. lWl..... _ . _lin.".Itt"'.· ~ . . .eded ill ...... ., wiIhia 1!ilI owl ~ _ """"010""., • I ' ~ ... ( ~,.. S-..... ' 1 , 'I ... rqualb . . ~ 1liIIl!her? _-.r . . 01 ....... . wtlidI ..., C' U 1MIdl _........,., 1 • l'roes•• ill _ ill "...Ii...... noww ~ -..p killer0I1ht _ schi. ........ l"'olol ~ in a dcwn lIMiooK hlW'ahowoo Iha ~ <k'alha ..... bt' ~ II)' "l' 1050l il"portIIIS arc iDbmo.'Il oIt1l<' Nfly dan«n" aigrw.. and if C'OmmUIIiIr 1K'alth ......un arc 1lII _ _ c• • ... _ --- .-- ""M .. Iooooft« - a ad • • c-. ~ s,.;.. .... l*d kfi> F........... _1_ __ T--. ~ . \'. t&. ... .l.oaol:a. .......... """" ......... 1IuI iro lhc' tlIiIn _IIe doc OIT ~IIl • III • (Ir.~ . 1 ..... from _ - . , 01 . 1NOtCly. Samo.Ilbula. C . 1lIb~ ~ ..... ..... _ _ 0 . - A$nil pu:... ~ IJOI. . lbt IIlI'IIlllllt: 10 jIO'OlWt ~ . . . . . dtb,dilllioa ill ....,. _ AnIGl< III ~ .. IhtncIt wiIh rood: ...... diIII; 10 '10110 t$IinoOIft, ....... $1 bi50a a ~ ill CIIf'o Imtlr bnIr; onIicIiaf 'hoecI ~ or harmIuI, whm &II thai. it """""-'<I, in the dr\cs. _ cpenl .... 01 which """ __ __ __ _c_. ..-------...._...."'.- ---_ _ · . .. . . t . _ .. ~ " T'1lt WIlIlof' I _ mDS' plofound "IIIfi. 'g. ney is tionIl ser 001. ... n InC dOl. On flO! "'... voI:.. ""Ilk Ill.lngl . Yfl COflIIlIO/I, is lho<kiI>g in ...ry<Irj ml lnuttiti<ltl _ .. .1• • nd .....'ilv; I st..1Ihy ICCom,*U (If """."Y, ~ SII.<1tI II1e mltllollnd pl!ysicil gfOY<th 01 on. in _ ohildrenIn Ill. 6eYtIo~ WI>I1d. Only I" 0/ no 01 lilt WIllid'S cllildrill. ... ibit oisiblo ~n$ or ""inlflli. lion. Ik.c I n ",lim.tee! 1911 IIIiJIion child,," under .go fiote IJI chroni- co'" ml lnouti$hed, lod ttl eorlr into I POll'''' 01 iI hOi"" Ind _ drtllopmem. probj... it mosI widI · n.. ._en. ' 111... 6 in So.." ....,. , hltt lIIo wo"4. molnDurishld Thl lcoIo!/\, of ""~ is cOmple>. Ml ny ~ d . in _~ . bou<I\oOds "'" silo" of 1.,.,.j bllWOtn hlflilSts. 01' tmicl d""'llht and wl r. YOI mon ... lIIourisl1ld child,.. IiwIIn homo. with Idtq<J01. lo.d wPil. '" Ody I ....., smal llfO»O'1ion of I flm it(1 lOtIlfood intokll is '1Il";,td I. _ . ~ child . dl qUllOly. Sptcifie "'obi. ... ouch .1 low Ilitth Wltighl ood . p•• ilie p,.Clien slowing CPt dtlorminv bone growth. lung botorl ...m.triIio<1 t>.oomes vi$lbll. ~ I "'lIlifieS ti'>I WOIIt . . . . . quen••• lit h iS. Tho ris ~ 01 dyi>g from I giwl n diselSI Is dou_ for mildly molt>ourishod ehikjren, .nd 1ripIe<l1CPt those molnour· WIld. '" ' (JIlri. ~ is 1 11eto1 in OM lIlinl lit til. 11 milIinn un...,·!Mt d••tIls N t h V-I' Good ourriIion. .. till other hind. is .. ag l inst disl.II, For I 01 fI.,OftS tIla! stiln· tisss "1 only lIoeginnino; to u"".. stand, molnlllrilion SIlfur. hlldllt inIhIlasl l1lmISll' Dl pr~n.ney Ind dering tho fitS! t2 bini\. During fIlis .......'"blo sta g., !hi liny 1I000000cl1 ' oquires OOflS\OrI\ ~ brain dlYMpmonl is 'OIl'l!'lItion .nd till " a ~1i'Ig imm..,. sysI.m i. 0_ '"""'tv, " ' ring _ .klo!. Tho _ _I tIItol$ 01 stlrntinll I II oon.lfI,nl'" baton • oh ~ · . tnt bittl'KlOI'. Eve<> a "Ulrition rnp"".. thlr l.ft", til. ohilll" liUly to sufi" !f.m bllow-norrnal grnwtll, . ~ C1in g phy$k110<'ld _ nllion.. Ind _ c IIivI billh . is I!lt cO"stlM.lion , • •peoilily o;lie"Ilo.., thot ~s in poor oo",lIIulllti.. " cl:inll . 101" ..... tet Ind IInlttlio.. Chroric ilInt.. nutri_ from U. body 01 dis d""" I nd its ctls, Wh.. nourisllml nt ""'" lew, the h.....n body mlk• • "'m~ '" h IP golnoj. MO>lIy, tho.. "-0miMi 1'9 "vi5ible - or .isi"'" only lot., III "",.. with gfOY<th <IIIrtII 10 """SUrI lIHI llte 01 rtumi"ll. Ywtu'lly !lie.. ly DUlWIn! siqn;, sluggish.."•• til. bo<tr stnIggr.. to 0............ I UndtmOur ;shlll .lOIdron SIInd flthor tIIIn (\Ill .nd ploy. sit ,.tIlI, tIlIn rtI<'ld. 1iIinslta d lit sir. To oompon..,- tIN" tlWll flllriems. til. OOCI(s mfll t>olio fl tl drops. Blood IlIIUU'" sinU . H body t.t ;. low, ~ 'borrows frO)lll its .......... _ dlpltting musole ifISIud of tit I nd I dl,"lo""",nt ' nd oomluOIIIimQ til, lulu" 01 . h.'kI'en OUcO IS botllt ·lnding conIIi!lIM hnviIy to mllnlllririon. flo prineiplol _ """"ur Poorly nouriIlttll ......,... lind to to l.WMle.-i<;ht bab:.. ~ ......OIIrisMd in 111. _ . ntI Ilk"" to ' " 50 in Ihe o"",illl'r!J ye_ lit ttl. III 111. t950WorIcI Surnrnil for Chid"fI, po>li(l.11 . grHd on ti'>I IlOl1 of h. Mng _VIfe I nti lei"'" m.,""Ili.. fit. . .mong untIe,·fiws by 1M ye., 2lOl La!V*·••• 1e 1><0- grarnmn in both ...,. Afric. Inti Intli. rt4 O'n be h..... reollllfy .-.. til.. E""" in d1I 'lidS! o! I n Il:ooonio .r\ois. Torti.....'. o""'"'unity·....... mo,. IrirIg. nw'ilion P'OlI" """' h.. thin h'lvtod Ihe r.... oj _III m.I.., trilion in thrII Y"'" Tho m.1OOSlo! thl prog,.mmo .... . ~ ...'rultaly Slh ohild in 1!18(. Thai 00$\ his bnn .......111 to lbout 12.50 PO' . hiJd .. !Ito proor'n'Wne _ nltionwicll . 0 _ m¥rl1 01 .-... if lIimJjo lAd iIIn:p<......... OKr. a Tht I!UIf 01 ~ lIl:'OJIalal . . - bl' 1\l!l5 will ...... rncht<l _ ............... t:J-d $. In 1990, • _ _ .. ...u.-d 5.'ll 01 JII,a tht ...,,'. · • ......w......,~ "" 1!I!Il, lhaI ....... ...-.- _ dIiWrN _ "" •• ' . 01 . . - . ......1hnIl!IIon' ill _ " ' - ...,.., ~of_",,~ T.- oIlba Ieod. .... _ aIIlrlor_d-.:JO,..s., ~_ . . . ill d . , . . a boo . bIIof ......,. ............ .........k's. ......,. ""ll.....,.01.., .... bc.-atfU0I ....... . 1'C'flMo.'OI ill .., ,.,. lor .., 01( iHU >«' with ~ ynI:n:o. a.--b«-a.. ~ T....,.......... Ult<l """'I)' ll> ~. .. for ""'"' a q......... 01 poIitiral dl.'leI' Il'IirWloo lAd ~ I...... lor <"CampIC'. io ""', oI lht poornI """... In 11... w<wId witha p. n'Opita GNI' or <Hlly SJJl> a Y\'l'r. )'t'< 11 ha5 W<',....:0.'01 In Irnmuni.Dnx n<:arIy llO'li 01 ~l ........... apinlll 1tUnu-. And ""'''' ll>r Nlllmilmt<ll io mack', ..... _ e-I be !'JPd: TholIand. hao nil -..ll<tanu. tlNIho ~ hall ill 1M ,n.... laI w.... yftIS bl' ~ ril!..wn PI sdr prt'MlR'. aIIImliI. and ...... WI cIHIwr ~ -r "" <bob5r«" lb ........i...... ...........,. --r" F..-r ,.... -....- "llIM!III coalil . - SlllUlOO ~ ..-.~ <tlidt*th. Tho',. ... -'dIiId ......." DIIriQamI6: ,1rOiD<OI5 _ ...... _ binh,. _ _ """"'Id .. f!t'1-.,................ _ ..... br~ lbt inI is ....mol iii.. .. iI ~i5 . , ............ "' ............ ............. 01ckoIho IIIoriaa: lIf"tC" ..., ... dIIdllirIh ... dlr ckoIho 01 ___ -tao_ _ )'aUI; 10Ii-<' 1lirtb ...,.......... do D<II wioh III ......... ..,It or.-bo .......... _ .... . . olwIiow. t'anlily pbnllinlr <'llIld ll , ....,..,... ~ .. ","", '" _ ot.............hs. ThI' lIt'«lI'Id !lItp ~ thr 1'"'" .... 01 t..iic ~ nn' - ' lninl:d ""!II ... t,o _ l....,0111 :l... _ . • = 0I1br <'lIrd) ............... lbr .... ",*,,_Illa_ i U H i " ii --w. No ...,.... """ .......... 01 .1Iinbtiil 1 1· C....w_ ........ "'alraiDl'O! ....... ... l!IInI ""'" Ia . . .• • ,po",~." ........... , oi:lN\rI(-""", ..... wllo e ollolr jliolllt 06 1lirtb ' Thio dIiJd........,. .,.md ft.'ljIJino It'<WoIuKks or _ ","n ~ It ... 1IOlI'lIlaIly .. jiI ... id<1I 1III ~"''''' bJ' ''''''' in. dioIrid """"""" - ' mal<!nIiIy UIlitA lOony famil1 tohouId ~ .. ow= 0( ltw: rioks dri ldbinh. Itr>d ....." w~be lcIlty ID "'""~ ~ ..... - in """""'" - Iur ttan. pori 10 • IloepItaI or mal"""ll, IUlil oI>Dulll the",..11 orilo<. ~ II... llO"! 01 a 5Ollo red..,. lioa in malemal mon'lilY bl' """ <."lId 0( lht- <'CIIlU'l' .. 100. "'" bIf: l1li an- In<cloI 01 «-..i<' ~ IIIftIL II wuuId lrIW briIIsria,I( lht- '* .."." _ _ mIIIIC'nIaI rolOf1alily _ . ., ISO dnIh. ..... ...._-.'" ...._. ... --_.--Q'U _ _ " . ", _""'_" 1<1 500.000 binhJ - a --~ ... oI.. ' r; • .... '" .......w 01 ......_ _ _ -uiIr. ~is_llllr Rs-IOno I'oi:l* allw P . l1li ............ 0( m ' 0 wi dalh,l. l'wo ~.,. prcItfC1 looth - " « u I!QI, 01 ,.,...dNU ,,*-1laIs. dl:-.,w,.. bod , . . III briDa' ..,.. ~ .........alialt-.. doIrinI: drIi+<7y. t'lloock <IP"durifII: _ II3rl<'Y ... ho/p to ........, hiKh blood *-ly IdIi<.'oo. , ...,...,. .-.its .. lIK' -"L io. I 51 l1lioll,. 11K' Ilo;n,;u'" f't:Gpir'. Iltpubk of """" U ... ;io lbr Pl3i1 ' Sri 5 V''" N-. _1 .. U l~ if _160 10 t'dln: . . . T1w"'; 01 ,'[ ........ lor l1li lIOIl: of dIiIdml if a"""'" _......-of.1IIr _0I . . ....... w.w5 1 k"'of _ _ . . . 0I ...... _ 1looI ~ 0I 1/lf: _ dilInaIllO • . . ,.;d ..... io 11M- 19!iOo" 19iU<. priawy ""'""01 -' .-. Iioo ........ !IIWl' ~ ... bIIm ill a .........,,01ok, . 5 ; 1 «1.'I;JUdlri<s.1*Iicnan,- ill """''iIhorM Alri<'a. durir« 11>< ilia...... InaIrnowl all ~ 1b< probIrm " " 0llI' til. ftW'tlIion • ~ 1111: ~_til.Ilr ....· -'d'.~ em. ew1II I "'!rio ~ Khool. bat doIDtwalhinlaol lIIoooc nRIIcd.",. lor III k"'II *-'" ... ~ LJ !'r<J«l ,' • ? It 10 ....". ill: _ .. ""'- < '" . , . '" ,.,.. ... .... '" .......,.. Ilc<ccIIl ..hiI: ..u",iIIS hnI' 1lfc& ~ .-y. bul1h<T hnI' ..... bcal-..: ....- 10 family JIImalnll wrtioco ' rtodo<<1 !l5' in I'..ost NU (ltdocllna ChinaJ • .,..:r 6OlIO in SoIIlb-f_ Alia and l.atin Amtrio.-a. Ilboul SSllIn Soo!h Asia, and Icss lhan lOti In A/rita... In ..I>$alw'an Mrb.ln par\l<ular. l/w., pmbIom ~ """,h <Itc:ptr lhon lick'" priority aad lad '" Nnds. Hiah child dallI . . . and low \o¥cIa tiI. ...... .,.... "'" 1M __• .... 1ImiIy 1"' '' '·'I I"fIIlIIias ~ 1l.­ Mt....tIiIc hr.'IIlh!llldcrta "".bc... haoooo ~ Ihp ; I'<'dt rI delle. .( ..._ . • poliries,. ... lIAI« ff) P'ftt - -Ilh d>c ..... Ihol 1b< ..". '" . . , . . . ...... ... ~ Mdllel"Oicn his . . "Jll"C'_ III all .. 10 lit l!iv<n ........ pioriIy, IJM.oa oinoiW bt ....,.."' ....- 01 • '""'"- ' • .. rd. • Higl/ child deat11 ra tes alld knu levels of educa tio n for women mean that demand for family planning IIf"C'" _10 A... . <_? . IOIlIiI.......... lISK.'F.F 11M IlIiI ,.... -..mrd 1 _ puI6:..... - 1lrt . . IUUI-"\'W. ,..,.. • N.m- _ """ ....,. u.., Iolcsc ..oilabk .......... 10 m:onl lIIld """""'" uallonIllCllit ., ,,",..If in child ... tViYal. hnlIh. ""uilio.. . I'<lu<3llDn. family pilnnil\,l(. and _ """,-.en.- for NOI by GNI' aJorl<' 01"11><.- baoi<. ~ lilo-Enpw....ldv-..1M0U(lIl b e ~ 10 .. lImiIQ, ....,. i. . . ba< .. lor....tled.1IIIjoriiJ' olllr _ _ ........... ""conIL III s-n. tbr PflIl*Io iI I ......-.a bdicllllaJ 100 b;J mrIlOD ' I • bem" ... 1b< ~ __. 1 .idttp...... ""iaI lha '1loc P'""" will ....,. be wilh . '• iIIol -Ilh - " )'OW . . ,.....,., il. IIld _ dnr !bit ill II<Il ............ 01 _ .....6.... but 01 ;Jrior'lieI. TW<> qumont< ... ~liI1. !hi< ....... t1nlt. lilt oIguilic.·I:U vi R'«'Il1 1"W"l l\;aI, by II1d boIm ..~ by • tGlIl\lII'IllY<oIy low ~ of ~ by IO"'''''''''"I!.. II .... ~ bffll illtnlicltltd lhII tile dt¥tl"Pine - " " 1 _ <pfIld <N>Iy aboul 1M oll1loT lIIollatU "" _ '' OJ[l''' "'I'\l'. "'ilIbl"'~,,,,~ bosir InnIIIIIIIftCIlo lilt ~ ....". .....,Iy, P"'-7 ......... ......,. . ' _ I Tcy. ... .... .... _d pulJi<'" poIilic:al"", -+ ..-. _""';' ~ ~5iri­ iii • - n . Kadl:miC' Mta.. t.1r. tbc.. • lIfioa ..!laIItnl1lid WI _Dent" '"' : .. 6 . __ , Ilodios, Ibo I . . .. _Ibo .'! biiIt _ _ IllaJ -'" ....,."- ... ~t· : " t.. .....1n>3iaI1I><"""' IIpt'<U 01Jl""<I'tt •.....,.. tl>ccc .. III J"'l DO W'C'f o;pi6. <'IIl1 ~ in p.ntills! In Ill- the ~ ~...""'. nc:«Icd 10........ iIor ~ in .0 ollhoo< buie IoIt'aI of h u""", ~ M:my COUIIlritf; prodlie<' ~ IIlaIlolief, O<l the lw:aIIh aod IfOW\h ol1b<ir CCOi""'....... w.f)' ' " ' produa>_ .,.... lIbliIlic'I ON 1b< hftIIb and ~ ollhdr <hiI...... Yet ~ _ioI\ra ............. .... _ remains /ow. dic5 I' Z _ _ .. ;;5 .. be<lXlotS _ Urloldata wbidl..... 1b<..• chiIdr<Il lbot . m~ p ' .. ..... ' .. IiIIics _ *-u'e ~ iii • .,;. on modia and ~ !loc'omt ....... IW'I 01p>litial1iIc: in """""" ....... if the IaIlc ol~ buir adYanlajln io I; a .r.., *-" .. ' ..•.......... Ihow CIli* · · ................. IOL·t.t. ~u.,ollid,_< ,I : ... IIfimIrr ,"" ..' _ oab" 1.9110 10'1 ... imIiIy , - • Ill " S&<:h ~ rclIca Ilr low Iood 01 priurily lhal poItJ ....... " - rM-n III the _ vl brin«UIIlll>t _ baoi< bnIo..fiQ " ~ 10 1M ~ ~T "'!he worId'. ~ 1\IId ....... ~. lOcI it is ... IbM if 1M u.d< 10 _ ,;.....II~~ I'rion1 -.- _ .... lwg tin 1 • I; aIld iIIlmPOoaaIIy. d'Cll it nM' .-III lor _ "- brno IIrIId:r a. ,Shod. Smlndb'. Ibttt is ttr e.- • its wIIi<tL, ...dflu *'-" d '" ocnaa-.. III• ,<I.hLb .......... '" K " .. ....,...u.e~ " - ..... ft:'f'J ___ "' P""'. 110 w.tlJ '" Ilri- tiIiznL Mmr pIIW ..........,. IOdaT cbu to ....... Illc _ .-cis '" 1btir ........ Ihm IIIhtr ....-,.;"" Iha ... < ' \0 ,o/ll) ............. ECbt '" ....., poorat...........w. iIIl1Mo-"l willi. p;.T npU itlnIIDto b8Iw $I.tO:I, ~_ II wide "'""" '" poilinl ~ lmOO, " - oIr'....ty n.oad>t<I !he IfIIOI 01 ft'dllciJli undtT-fM monaIiIy rat... 10 1tI Pft' 1,(00 bWu: or Itw: CbiIIa. Ibo Dl'i,••crlllk '~'. ~bIio:: 01 KIln... I"': n"rul:d(," Il.:public:. E,imo. Il" Ddu,"", U~ Pbilippln..."" Sri lanka, III>d \!let Na", . !'iimil&rly. """'" 01 IJM. poomIl llalioIa illlhl: world. iD<:1udinJl: bu in ....b&h&nIa Nrio.... """" """""r ~ mUawioioon rat... bolaw 1-"_ 1t'tIlha hili !he ~ QIl:.Ior !he IMIiIablo: lOcI 10 all ............... _ Tho ~ .., ~ IJ, lor ood br)!<'. ill 1IIIonlabII,. ~ ~ a- __ Moo: brnI .,..... lor ll>r p'CIII IilIbtd - ' ....,....t _ ~0Ill>rwurtd"1puIlnI JloUn.. ADd ,, :: looddo.. ridot ofw at . "h _ it..., 11 1M Iiead- bo" . ........ u.itItlI sua.... "'aWl.""'. ......... _Id_.. S ___ $ . ..... • ~MMllbr~bIl""" ~ponio . . . . . . . . . . . . a .... 1liDd 1hII _ .. J'" b __ .... lor ' ; " l=iMI III lbr 5ol-o r;/ IIrp , n vi lho: _ _ ~ • d>edcw' 5· T • " ............. ...." _IbM 1lot .. abaullOfIaI.fjj 1M ....... MlcIow'" lho: hiIturiaa And:i T"l"'boe """ _ . in lIMo ~ btforp lM ""' _ ~ upon tbI' wwld.1ha 00., .,;,IIu~ "'.ism]#Di." _.di.' illmi Hli,.. i f _liM pm /1\, ..... ""n ~ it titll1lt1 ","II" "'.tIIl> '" d,.;Ii. ~·"" 1l' 'I1ililllU ~ /1\, 1l'IIQ/I b"ll~ rllU: Public pressure The ~t thtt'M 10 "'it jUl"It hope is :hoi lho: C"lliIUlIilrnlIl :hoi b.we btftI mIdo w;a _ <OItIDIIIl>d a do ,, ·. ·OUI...-1d.II ......• Y.,> <:'DUIItIb Qh ,.,. aPe> GSI'I 01 ... tb& $l .tO:1 II,... how .0100 d Iht l!OI " .., • ajoe -'<. whir athtr ..... Qh twft ........ lOcI ..1tIiokrd 1'rion1. '""""" whiclI .... Ioq _ -:I 01. pr;.,.,. iourrr:M III die poor. ~ I/lrITJ pnme,d .....1 il ly ......... lUI ............. l8l ' ADd it is wbnI . . '"wi riG:"ol'd ~ II ............ tilt aw, --- .. ....., kW of .,•••••. • " " \0 iii&, Sri lab. -.I ZidIobwt " - allft<bnI ....... of ,"01"'" .1Not ... ,..."'.....,......... ..... D oI 1btirdliIdmL. . I ..... _lhr~.,!he-'f". Uk. " " aIld ""'..<WLI ... -.Ibt p . • lwoo , 1Ilol dot ...... limit _ b<lIiI 110 0 . -- rlooat' . . . lllllot.., " ' - " [ : ........ -"po .. ..... · rn. d w -.on _ lnIIII 1Itt . . . - . . . . - . . n-.--........... aIrndJ 1riIhIto. nnu cIiIIn-.1, sbow ..I.. ,.....,1tO bow i fl_ bI>I. .. !he P"""'" pootIl- IiIIl The l« h olories ....d ~ .... briJIlIini IIasit- bt1>dito 01JlI'1lllR'A countries are today closer to meeting fhe most basic needs of thei r peoples than athe r countries that are considerably II w-I pubic. ... ....,ro.I, ..... rn. Iht Promises and ~ ~ M any poor ... ..'Vi orpn;a. palilinI wealtll ier. 'I 1t:adtn. ~ oioaaI bocits and buiinl.. . 1eIItItn.. and Ii. . ..... ~1 lIIOl imp.1l11. se.-tina' ......... frnm Iht . .... ~, &",,<10'. tIIIf:Il1iII if lhe aomrnitnw:ftlS thai 1Ir:ot twIl IllIdlo ... 10 bit P<a " TlIe .iIi.. ot !hi _.P"'II W<J<ld I .,. growinlJ Ike. limo. " lU I •• "...1.,.., . WIlhWl 15 VII.... hlH!hI d_opina wDrId'o popuIllion wiI ~ "rill" Cint, will hi" 10 <loIIble lilt tlPICrrv 01 booi< _ n hb WlI'tt . rId nnilllion limply I' mlOl\l", lIII stll.. quo. ToQUCiIJ.I"". !hi clp",,1 01 H",,· n l', oilers In • .a mple 01 bolh !hi ~ .nd I PfO'lIising ooIuIiDn. In 201'I11S. its popuIatiofl hi S ~..tIr.d II> m .cm .. mi<jrlnts from tI'll! ccumy· aid. hi'" CCMM in ...,eh ",jobs.. Two lliId. ot m..." IN, in m_ olioOf\' 1_ known.s ~Imn ml~ltl. Most wrrio dwlIl\tft buyW',orto, _ . tOng I nd d""b'lg from priy.1I vendoo's.. The watlll Is .~.., 1.W1SIh!. "nd mlly PlI1 'til limo. II much per g. b "' reSHI_ who .,. .on- neCted II> !he public ... tt , 5Y$Iem. lick oIld.qu.t1 Wll.' 1M ..", , aliimuos !rOquenl iIn... . ... _ grOlM:h: MI in len child,en dil . bri.., 'H 'r.inv 1M 'gII of fivoo - I lht«l 01 111. dl . 1tls boinlI !rom <1<. .. '''0011 dile .... In l W1, lIII _ .n OIlio<ul ....lIr InO .. 191n<y. wido ,.6.. M8ti.. 8V ... In. of OI/Ch S111109i.. lnchuling c"'"'"'"'nv porticipl~on. c...... ~ .nd c()O\ "c........ - uni...,..I.«on lJ> cle,n ond $In· iIItioo1 cln IIo t<l»tood !Iv tho ,lid 01 lho cor.turv. Tho c.51 ot <Iriling web ,nd in:lllllin\l Pll"PI is nolong" lIfO' hibiliv•. A ~ codo Q> ~ c.... $9.5OO 10 sink I h~,qlippod boroI>olo in tho SLIlIa.. TOllIV, lI'Io1 c.51 is 00wn w,t" .""" S'" h is oq...... olMouo thll tho aool ot uniYoml ICCO.. wit no! "" I Chieved !Iv cu",nt OUlilVtlo. O! tho ,Slimlll; SID..1ion .1"'.' spent by \I<MII""",nlS IIId I~ng cotmII... on WIll' 'upptr. only I ",,", tl IliIion is hoIllini 10 m l _ ~. 111I on. in HoM",.. which ~_ • low·c.ot ,oroic. ~ ... d on hlndP'J"'P' '''lu;PPocI bot. - hoi.. 1<Ill SUfll or Vlld Wl t.,·OIAnd_ piP" ooMnol primorilv!ho poor. Tho _ sa I>iIion i, """"t.d 111 ItII· tivolv high-cOS! $YSltIlIS- ....i l. rtroar· mont p1lnlS. ~ SlltioroI. oum_ in<Iividt<ll houHltokl Will' Ind lligh/r mocllJniltd , _......- tomo - """'V IhI t>olI,,·olI In ....,.•• Most \IOYImmtms .ro Ilso OlJtrsidizing th. opelllion " .11 IiYI progt_ usi"ll indll*"lonl "",""O cosu by . , """h "' UNJCEl' lUPPO't ~unc"'d c-...lllnkl..nd trlI< '110 jll'crvidl ",_lei in pQ<lf r.;ghbour· hood.. WIIhin 1ivo yell" maf. Il'Ian !>O,OOJ peeple in 26 b, ,,ios _re gWing Ml8r from sal., 18li.bk1 and pe<mlMIll SOlJf<I ', c~ ........ 01 housl _ wo,l r .. pond..... from only'' '. CC\ ofinco",". The .""",,, .... u11h. Mondu,•• 1l1e '"",,"unil'\' _ board Ileol4O by..ell barrio. Bw rd. .. cru~ ",*", t ..,,,,. ""'"IQI .nd ........i11 th........ _ .... _ bih o:trotegy .. lJ> ....,• • nc!. uhim.tety. ' .POV tho ....."".rr1 ",. de try UNICEF .nd tho Gowrrlllllfll. In • PI'''''' UNICEF p", ~ m..... f...... sIlowe<I willing. PI\' Iof dl<.... Am-lion try 1Ikin11 OUI - ond '. PO~ _ 100.. lJ> rII.. lJ> buid u rVtor-,o ... itt. <o,,"nun~j "" ApprOlim. tetv 12 bi5ol' pecpli in 111, developing world " . tlldovdoro'ocI ICC'" to • boto ........... of ..II drinking ter. On preoetll po1IIm!l of """" I n lOlim' tocl 7Tl1 ....on peo","'" rtiIl be wilhDur I II. _ by lho . IId ot tho CtnlU"I•• nd !hi lIUIllbo, 01 po.pIe wilhout '<llqu.t. IIn lIation ...,;n "'VI Inc" ... d to I wroQnototv 1.9 biIion Tho muugo 01 !ho 1..1 docld • cOOJld no! bo <Iolfl( Tho VIII 2lDl \101I1 ot mal<ing .. f, .....w .nd ,.m-. lion, vllo"" Ill " tin "" ICliovocI IlIJl ""IV by IIstrl1Cturi'lg gOV«<M'll!nc O'l>lnditu,., end OrneII\lUooII lid in I...ur oIlow-com communitv-but<l otrOlllgil$ lot !tit \'OOfISl CI 1M Iclr'mol <oa ~ IDol 01 polillcaI ...~ JOII\I. at pn>- u... ~ up ii_IOI! ..., ioDrd loI ...... lhtf'e '_.IIol _ 111.1120\ . . the l"I"ftfa ~ iII __ btt'oo~riJ bro........ ill bioi< n;rrnain fr=u, in .... ~trnI su ....... dot -w. .... ... lbt dr:,d ; ' • hi oddIi..... - " ~ polir;y ......1Iltft, IIltl lf ... *=r~ "" n..- wtictlt ... ........, 1IId ... <...."i11 < " . tiaM. oblIa 2SS 01 .. lid. .. tuIIIIIIr . ~ 10 .... 1tIl ........... ill the -w ... ..., bo.... \II 75\ "'!he worIlI'I poor." AI. • many h.t bop<tI thIIl tlw md 01 th<: <Old ..... _ 14 .nfrwa oub$WItial Iinmc:ial _ ~ lOr of iht """" lmk: probIontt '" w<>rid 1I'M"fY, tl... ifttemational dt-:dOpli....i l t/Jott IJ illlac:l!k'- In.I: • ........., linanciaI ...... Tho: ............. dnnmd b' aid IIId - . -' _ ill J::asIn1I F_ ODd Ibl' alii&!rift of Ihr lonntr ~ Uoioa, I' Ed..ilh ump t<.dr:o&<d dl6ciIt Irl -w iudusa ' 5 d _ !rift - ' Ihr , oJ . - of pc:8DO' ........6.iIiat • ..tI1oit:Il . . . .. SoMMa ............ V e i l ,iL _1bIII1Ilt poortol.-rilsfll."" .... ..., btialr do;poi .. oJ oI.oid. ...... ... in'_lInts _ me _ _ II bciov *; dr:bI 1!lcT...,'" _1O . . lilt lusit _ _ . . . IbIII t.- ul u... rol4 ..... ""'" About. m ... Ulliltd !iIaIa f<mgn ......... is miJt. IIrT lid .., IIlr heal yar ,9tt DD't "'- 2S\ ... ~ aid io ... -w lor [mit. l.-l a:04 .... Sorritt ~ _ IId d......m ~ mer ....w _--'"" u... I' ''''''. ...... wa hmrlIII __ 01 the Iizlrd 0/ ptq)Ic ia the ~ WUI'Id ...w. tu ~. But 10 • Iar¥e ""lnIt. tile ..... ancI Wpo, iii todaY. aid pro- n.iIItr: . , whidI tu... ,' " !Ilidl ~ ckpcm. To _ 1llio- - . . ...... ""WO'" tit ..' " a. ' ,"• ...., JiDr hcwIlIl. tdIo<aIiaIl. ... t o...." ~ io u... kiro4 01 aid whirh the IDllioritY at Jlf'<IlW .. tho: ~ ..,nl wioJI '" aM.· and 1M kind 01 aid wlIidI tilt majorily ...... l1li ~ b'1hr Ii;.,.. aidpo.... aid is • .. oJ ... _ ~. ~.. ti L""....., lOld b,. folIiIl« . - 'OM a.d"" < ' , . '$ ,..,l1li""""'_......... ~ HIIl ll orilI lht..-..,. ~ 1aol1O 1bIII ...., CIt'< oI.o1lht iIIlmt'CIilie ,,",bIcaw " ,..... Lhl (" ..<Iii. "'""" 01 \lOlIIi<oI ill u... The 21st century 0-- and ~ lht 1lI'\lblcrrlt of prior.. ky ancl l'O.'llCJllJ'C. iho ~ 01 brine· b.ooio: bt'ndl lf; of """""" lo .a C'CIIDIIIUI>iti .. "On/rolliN"" • 111 "" ki Al Ibmol01'"""" pnl<!r lDljlIIitmr. Tbtft a . ... IIld~... ialf \he _ 1«<1hoobudl~""""''''_ Itbit ,UikIlb ~ b< OWl . be••", . w,...........""_ fII. " , -"1 ,. .... If ca,. .. plICIelll:AIlot IIIiIIIlillI Ilor _ baslo: pVOOIIl. _ . ." ' . _ _ .....I!lio 'l'f'£ "'oWtAl· ..... - - . !be raM: 01 " 5 • • 1OCIo:J'. 01 ..... _ lO.oIl'!"IPb....,. be' aIIonIcd CO'CII INa priorirJ lhaa • the """"'- pa!It. lbio _ III ..", _al ~ llCIlonly ... ~ .......k. bul ..... r.... 1bt achio::\'tmtllt of basic human kOIh Is • profoundly mloIakta _ . not only • humalliW\an Un~li>e. ~ i. olao """ j)j' iIll' _ ~ I ond 1Cl:e!O"bk: llflIlo at Sln.'ll,flhti\inx 1bt """""""",,, """""" dlmoco." mil ........ 01 ~ W llI'N ", oIlltAl.lhai m: ............. It",.« u 1bt .... · ' tk . . - oI llor ...... ... aad the potft(ilrl fi " _1*11 01 lhio ..,...n. n..,. ...," ' .. • deaiI • ,.., 1, . . . . . . . . .abDw !hey IIIiabI ~ . . '- 6c> Inl "". the _ _ 10 lIriotl _ 01 1be _ _ ...._ ... At least 20 % of international aid should be nflocated to meeting the minimum human needs of the poorest _ people. ~oIpo 011 Illt -V. _...... _ Illt ~.- " c_ 1\ \1111 19!C1 World s...iI /II Cllil- """*-. 10 ........... -.I' I II. _ _ " .. ! ,1,. fII..-lNI'A11 ... ad... q .. _ ...... ., s-. 8r~ leA _ "'" ifill dlI :IlllIll . . . .. s.- ... SIll. 0I 1ho -"1'. clilhfl __ ..... NlAI ........ .. II drill: . 6owo o.r.iJIicIn Nfl. 0: :' • Ue-M. dill HoIioeale-il ... QIoiono _ F'. ; 1 ,... - . NP..... al'fef I new• • ~ "_~ to Iho - . , irt<l b<ll SIiII ........ $11'1 luI: III pi.... ning 1.r NJmll" dtwflopllltlll WIlh _ f on d'iId,.... ...., el. ,iM """"" 01 dftooIianJ ..., ..".;,." cl\lolotl 01 ,.p. II'uQIIIId na 'lI '" .,tel· IlcII tal """ ' II" .. NIigIIuI $ ,-, . . . ,... .......,_ Or,; lind t 1 Br.... 1'1Cl. 1m bioi. . . "'"* ... _. , i ••- """'- n , -. ...... l~ _ .... _ul.--_ .."" If. _,i "'Iof DIiOo( briIlp ~_"lrlt_ __w.. I... ... 1'''''''''1Il. n..... at 1111 NlbIlIIIl CO',lIId 01 81..... tIo>rclla, !hi .....,"". of I I 17 mal, , ,.j kf'/ non ·~ ••".,....1 OI;trU.lltions, ........ . ..Iop:.......... ...., Ml nycO<itllJ\tl.,. ~c_ .~ Iho NPA " DC' " sat. or,...,.,.,ioI IUns 01 oaiOII ... bIirIt Pltpat" in _ Mwu . - i n II lltui, . . iI . . - Dl . . Iottul ~ Mil as a-. I t fmIl, c--... IIICl _ _ - . ""As I . . . . bcu . . . . bwI I ill '-to . _. Von N-. " ...... t '" ~ _Ilt .... WlS .. Dol.- . . ......, CiIr. IOIoU • ~ - - _ ~ .to, • ...... r-,. _ _ .~ .~~~ . a,_ fa ..... ' _...... _ ........ o Uy ' '7 .~ . . . . . . . di ' l _ '" ....... 1'''''--' "" ....-tv • .--, ..... 1*1" """" ... . -- -t_.. , .. , -. ......,,_ _ _ • . . - ... lid. IIIIISl M . MIl IIiIuriI • Cd ~ NPAI . . - H • __ . "ttI'Ior - * do. $ _ 1oIo""'lI lho go I r ... oI~ !l, IhII1UIlMI bf !hl Wlllkl"1 tI'\W~ . 1\ Iho 'Eol1l\ S4.dmif In "'" ell Ja o in 1992. 0I....,.;.y - . . _ _ ....., RIli ... ' " in lWIdinlI Iho .._ _ MosI NP ,"." impDltlfll "'-tnt I. bri(jgin; "'" gi p - . . lion01 ... Coon......, on lilt IIighq 1Il nlbO/lli bIldgtllll $DCill .. Me Nlmibil ond ZimMbM, tor $ -.. .V'"" ,Itil",· -- _.. !hi DIild """ .. its ........-- _ _ prKIO;ol, ""'''''* III eWdow\'. rigID Thty ~ _ lIle~ "ot" - Iuroinoj 1htir Cto.lll' by ItdirlC1lnll I lo'llt" 'hili 01 1ho In . t lll·....b in ...... lIlInding II I boing llIbocllt'd III </IiIdrIn, Muico', """ f .. l* cijld in IB3 ..... 1II'rt\<' douIlII 1.' . 5-...oIlho _II Itw -'d,1U dlI lItput>- do., ...,. ,...... ...... " ""lOW. Il -. """'"'--. ,., ,,"'_I , '*....- .........'._-.Nfl"' ....,.. .... .., ~ perl ;" ioI ......... ....... if .,..,. _ _ IIliI-.PI .... Iho_, - NP poriod " ' _ -. . . - _ io _ ol NFA ' ,' ' - ", Nl'A _ _ ..., ..... ... " - ..... "'IWl' ...... Ilfld IRidlI' pIi - 'i ", - .. ill ... k.~ ........ PI" lIal '"' , E . . ...., lhoI ' ~ ......... II _ "C 2 The PPE spiral Th<- ...... ofw ~ u.iaa . . lbr ......, 01 IIipobr -td ..... ~dowlr~_ .... of b;MorJ _ . ~ 8II1be . . . t"- w 0IlW . . ' - l!'* . . willi a NIi6<' - - . .. ... II>"'" _ ""* .. _ ~",-"",.m,., ........ ~ ...... _d>ol orido t.dlr • oboe IariJw 6ml it Iht lid -.I __ • t.; ..,.- plilfttIo of W _ ... ,.. <dd . . . . . ..... B I f t ' ..-li ", It.- .., .., ;. " " - IIislorr. it has bon ill wbidllJorno, _ _ _ " • __ '-p_1ioul"'tu,i .... 811• . . , .. I tl) 1Md\b; J"__ W _,..... __ ..,.... ofllocoot .-.W1la4 bonI nlicIoIIlal • .... <aOIIIl _ W me. ....w ia ;. • whidl. _ ' ...... ... - &Ole/.nll... ro&otw.ll diYrniton '" f,...".iaI, hllllWl, au""'" ~ or human "".odt. l!l" chid """'" q U<.1IC<: ol' 1M cold war hal 1>0."." 1"" and nawnll I'I'lIllW'l'n III ~ putpI,lfC$, W'JIII'IlI ""nllll -.d ...-....tiaIIy Mt-.."",*, ~ ............ ...... bn"I ...~ ODd bnc ~ lP1I""D ill IICaIe aDd .......'..... lhroucbouI iho cold . . ~ Thr- .......... 01 tbi:5 .... . .... Ito. ....,tIl)' - . . by ilt '--rio! tOIl: lbo -.boM 1981ls, lbc' ....... of... ,. wMlr.riilIly.!/Ii _~ lI' h ....l>.lII ...... -. Am. 01 iho ~ ......... ,..... ~. d ...... W of ..... Yft ""'" dliIlICIliD:.- lioI! _ ...... iho~d<.-IO..... hioMoy \lor ttlif ~ di • of 1"-."" PL.' iIWl' hard and <k~" """ .. .dob>l wmmullit'>lJo<ls (!11>1111'<' tlw lilt,. .......... 1llOt\. _ of ~ lit" ....... ily ill W ~ ol' llr -W; I AnlI: ol' ,",,"" iM~ if pn:JrGI lmIIIa will quodru• Ih. ol' lhr poor .ilbioo • . " . IiIkiWt Illlbc _ 40 -...lhrl . I,,' 01 ...5 ' • A6ic:I ;. II> _ _ 1n:lIlIr hm _ " .., filllI ..... 10 "'*"- ow. " . ....... lhD .....~ o..r I h . _ poriooI. tho I : will ..... & - . _ J ~ IDjIoII-.5 - l ' U A~" ' " ..... • jo _poIlo- . i t ee~ llIliolas wtIidl .- :...d " ' - ..... 01..... .. _ 10 tho ' " I k ,. .... .tJidI ~ ... R *-in! iii Ilaor fir ....... _ _• __ '" lht warW thai. ..., . . , iii .... nPd ...- . i t of ~ ",,-"-, ... ......" ...., ponoplyof wha millht ~.- ..... . <I.Old if lbae ......flft hod bct'II ~ 10 ...... and ..->mlo po OR.. ... CD jlO'OICt'fuI .... phC ";. ill tk )'ftIlI lind. 'Jk in<hnorioIUood ..... nil _ _ ~ ••o ~ ..k atll ~. _ "' k 01 . ; lei lt d productiviIy c:opocilJ. ~ "'" .., frf!Ift dilItiIlllt C'05l ---- ~-- br po ullltiilS ranh art wbooot' ""... ""'''''''''' an' bo'ing rapillly drll 'd. and """,-. liwo .... bt<'cIminl! i:J<n,as. . jIl " iliua, _ ......,. fn>a1 lIMo of toiIilary ill n-.y pWl oIlho: wwkI. willi 011 llw thh has meant lor 1M l bu"" ul ho.unan ~ and the nl'glcn 01 whi<h dlc .........,. . . . - - . . . . . II'IIy ~ 1M- III b ' ,&,....._ "ftIlIbIt _ _ IoIioot ~ Iw it it.. ofm... "'ubIH.. ...... """" IIIoIwf'd III _ Ihrir P""'l'ftl. mIlC'h ... ~ .... 1boll<. Pio>blc".. _ ~ I Thr IbJolu~ P'I"'l'ItJ' of lIl'II"l"'ilIW<>lJ' """ Mil of lhr ......n.!., P"VJl.>lion. A m¥lriIy 01 111", , _ biIliun "" -,..,-"..-.....".. _ ... ... -Rt- t , : ~ 2OWo '" 1b< worId'. pt'OjIlc• ..., l.'II:I1'I'CIlI __ liblfo lor thn,,,,, ~ of IllI! """"". <U1'JY l(\DI"" u"". lWV -_-----...... ---- f;e. II ",,.' i . . ,...... ..-..- ... q _ ..... _ . _ r D Q _ oI .. ' IlliRlJ of • - " - ..... .-I 901 fill ~.......... _ , Iha 1IwnRII1br nn/l'. ~ - M _ "'1liII-1~.~ lI_ btdla1brw .. t l _ ~ dlll~"", 1 Itwhidl_~ol~" , .-l iI . . . lhio _ _ _ _ .-fIII_toM _ _ dllCl • • • • • 1iooI, Iho bopr -w .. be lha lbralld ... liIM lor 1M wwld 10 .... . . . UdC, ~ ill <;'IlD<'nJI ond ~ 10 Iho ~ ollll'<'l'ilnli CIlalllr wht broullhl on by I"'· "..p,a Ilnd .....-wnWalion ol1llr$c prol)lffllI duritIi !he Iofq;: ,...... 01 miUuuy md -' • boo 'CO..... IluI • _ _ toridy . . . . !'me tha bioIotk ~ to. • • II id<~~lioa. _,...... lil'o.t!o. -- ProIoo.,d ... npd _obi;"'" ~ is!bo' dliW of.. ~ ......... AllIlr .._ _ . .' , _ _ ill ...... 1Ia, """""" .fIIIltllli ,f) 1IaIIh ill. 1inIr: biIb for I uriIIIk pnD1. . . . . ..-I:IidII liot .... Iool._ IinIr: - . . rno:ItclNdl .-s.-- _ ......... ill "'""' . . """....... ltIV-th ill ...,;d. E_ wbtlIlIirtll twli C,"" ..... bcIia III ill. !be ptri<Id 01 npid ~ """ .. Wml !he oec """"""' of ..".,.... Iha w bu!k ol • nation'. ptOplc .." YOU"l[ Itld IbouI 10 ('Il ~ IIl";r child-b<."';r.g j-can. The ~h i~ an iIlooill population moIIIf1llom which n.,.". llIoIlho IbooIutc oumbft"ol. . .""'lin_to n,., ("l1:li after birth ~ laI !IlftllIr. n.. k.y --..., ill w Icft.«th 01 birlh.., ........... hiP'" mocle dndll'll.s ~ IaIIca. And Ur .... _ . . ..... 1inIr: ..... ,...., _ -------_.--_:. dIriol< !his period io1hc pc , . iC. fill _<idle ............. ofpurt\'l'l)l . . . p i....... .... - -...,~- - • . .. r ... " " " - - " '. I • .-It6.. , ". . I ' · Nv II"I""Ik. •........ no. ..,. ....,.. ol P"""'11 pro... tbr -....- lor lho- I'PE ........ AMlliot fin< fIII lbi' ...-Ill' ~ loll: ~ wbidl i1_ ""islba< " ' - - pIM'I'ty ...d riIUIR . - of THE PPE SPIRAL ............----_. __ _--_ _._ -._._"--.. .. _.. _.._._...- _... .._._ _--_._-----_._-------... _._-----------_ .. _._-- ... ._------. _--._._ - -.---._. _ ---._--_ . _ ---_ -_---._ ----...-._._-_ .. ..--. ._--_._-_.--._._-_._. _-_--... __ _-_._----... ... . . . .. ... ... ... ...... _ .._._----_. ._" __ ....._-._._-._---_.._-I N ST A BI LI TY TPlt_""._.__ ........ '_._..... _..... _.......... h~_~"Pl'f""'l> ._ ._._- --- AIlitlId., tow. rd. !hi 1ittl1-1IiKrMl . ... mLl<Pl-l;r>ored problem of iodin. clffie'.r>< p~ IlYough I revolu1io<l in111. 19S0s. TIl," .... " >go. " tho 1990 WaIlcl Summit'Of ChillIrtll, tI>t .... rIer. poIiIiell Ie,d,,, promised I now .Hon to ond iod.... ~ ","",dOl' bytIHI Ind .f I!It CfIl!lIIV. AI. WI limo. tI>t !rUe I ClloI rld ...... ,q. o/!he prcb:t/II WI' i<at blQiMirlg I. 0...",. lnown outsidt 0'IQ<!j••1,,.j oeitll\llic; eirelt•. But since tnen, 111. II\IIP 01 !he lIIob· ~ l' tlOHn .....,"'''''' by I m ies ., new ou........ IIIlt by l avon. l . " UIIIle"II!\l1J11o aI!tIe thlt Cln be dCIIII by IYIn mikllfttlo 01 io<tint do!>c:itney. Hi. IlOW '~ltd dll' Marly 1.6 peoplt in lla n.lions .., "' risk .n<j "'or . ome 300 million .. Nor from Iowa/tel mIl!lllIl .bUry. Some 5l:i6 ....,., - ,hou!l(l% 01 worIIl populo , lion lId more 11II11 doubl. 11M pc.... 0115 estim.o,. - tuff" from goitre, Il1t tll·tl i. swolN"'l or !hI thyroid glOM ""*, _ l I the U""'l B,c, ,,," 1htir IIIOIhefI iodUw. ., 'u st :Jl,OOl b. bit> . .. C!RIbom """"1\'111•• ncl ......' 1211.lXiO "" born cretins - menlilly"lJlde. p~ clllv _ . lIelf... ute or F'frolyu d. M........,. h• II "'$l ID poinllI below lhU ~fllilL Evtn wIIl n born 1IOl'rIW, j'OIJI1g cl'Wklrt. wt>on dim fa low in iodinI "" hold bock by Iel!ucld imt4i\ltll<l,lnd out ttl... livlI. npp.d in _ , d_ . nd w. Ij>I!tly. '" 1M w.y 111I lick of ""'"'" locks enIft .lImmunili. . ntc PlJYtifY .nd undetd""tIoP"'f"\, /t$$ .bIt te IN... in lIlatr chiklhood, I... .bIt III 11m in thlir ,d~. Ttot solution - iodiZing In $IIh ..... p"" - is ",rativei'; ~I Ind <oSlo ant; l iIoIII. 5 o-..lS pol "",,,00 Pili \'III. WIIIIi. I \'III gf iocrl1tll "~ tIIco""" l!Io notm, flO <rotino Irt bor. loci g.... ~ 10 sIlrifIll. Chikl'ln dl'lelop 1I18111Y Ind perform "1<,,, bemlrll«"""," liver l!Io PI S1 two ... IIIr.. I"I"r•• mlny coonrift" heVI Ilunched Iol"~- jng p'OII".......... r~lIed M 1<isIinll ellorts. Ind a worldwide ~ of ioclizing I . uhupplieo by l!Io end at 19!1S IIIs now bell1l CceplM by !he iudo<s of IIIIIoSl I. d_ping notions. Blf'I9Ildn!l. DinI,IeOI and Tlfllirlil - wiIh .1I1ly hett 01 l!Io worlcr. poopl, II ""~ _ III I kli lly wd 0" tt.. WlYlOIOIChing tIIIl QIlIl lodiliI\g SI~ is COlllplrnvttv WI;g_lnl _ t el . til dooo ,,",anon. I" Syril , 10< instinct, 1hI MriWy 01 Ind<mry IS lila solo u h produCII """ ~, just ....."d"ll lho IIOUori. Slh. In in I singla B~U11 1\ . 1I~ is ~ 01'1I" I from IfldiI, ln iodizing pll n! instohcl ll rho border I dec.... I QD h Oi brought child ggm, rltC. <!own IfoII'ISO'i .. 25'4. W!>In uJl is ~uced by sml" '" ~,orosling ec ,le 1r'llapi"tnlUI1 - ""'" ll1,lDl of ~ in lnd>o .lone - 1M process is morl c _.... Sih prodIJollS mUll III molivllld 10 Iodin llIoir prtlduet Ind plc~ ~ .. rotIIin iocIine; whiIo ltII publk IIllISt be odUCI~ on thl Donofils of ~ sligll1ly IIlOfI for ""n- UI.... aIt. BoI;";..acklod thiI problem by III· ,r_, ting up I Pfl'I11' COlnlll~ to populo,. iM iocIilIII lIh. ~ tho demlnd 35 lIh componies lOOt up io<Iizing, with _nmont hlllp to kHp lho pricl down. BoIMan polio, spell' check the Slh"alerline C(lnllrll II t I. ....s lho SI ~· prod ucng .,.011. ,"ow, !mIO of !III popuIoJi(ln 1m 1 00... 10 iodi,ed sa1I, .nd Iho go... roll hes dfOllpod to Ilhird ofits oriti",IIIY,I of M. In If>dio, radio, 1Il0visi0n I nd flIWSIHIPl II 1 10 being lJ$orI .......... !lsi thl mlrils at iodi.lld SIll. In Blngll<losll. the GaooI1Ulll'lll is 1'JIl' plying specially dl aillnod iocj;,ing mechinll 100 paoklging oquipmel1\, kn of <hllgl . 10 all 16!i of ltII C""n' 1r(1 .....·crusrknll fl Olllries. _0li0I1 ;WI Do comploU!d byI I ",' \994. 0 0\111 II I....-It 01ronfuJ.nN and lwpc in lIN' fulUl", which io lhe JlR"lI ''D<'ffiy tJllik ~ in ~<'n<'l"al and family plan- ninJl in 1l'U1ku1ar.'" In add ..... to tl,..... ~ 1ll1...... llO"..nul if u"'luaruiliabk.- f..,.,... haw always tl"<l<kd to Un" I"""'rty '<lith larRp lamili<.i< b"baviour patlmv.< which W('fl.' 00<'\' ""....,;ary lor lrol"" r;oo Dr ... rviv>l ",nd to ~ <1ltn......·!I<'d in "'~U"'" aIld 'r>dltioll. lhal II? oftPn slow to <iwIle<' ..;(h c~ cimunmnc". And ill "'"'J pOOr ~ <:Itildrtd lIla}' be one 01 lilt ltw !lOll""" of joy aIld pride, of c~ and """,,, ill U- (hat "'" oft... JTlO'IOlOllQWl, hard. and n~ In ""m.,......ny;" th...,oiled "Il"inl: ,hal p<I'l¥m popu\alion growth. l'l'rpclUaling povert y lI"t if P<J"t1'lY ~ l!><' impMu. \fI rap;d pop.d.tloo Wl>WIh, thrn pop.JIa. lion growth, in iu lurn, pnMdn. _ impel,," 1o po'o'l'I'ty. nu. io II><' fiM of lIN' nujur "l'fI<--rg;sms withinthe ..-an:! "IliraI of 1'1'1: problm,.. In l!><' pasI. high binh nil,.. h.... o~Pn !I""" band in hand with hW> d,,..,,. riles of l.'VIIUtllic 1tfIlW\l1, and Iaf'l" lamili<-< haw bHn ~ by II'ad,.... and l!<M.'nUIIC.1l1O os • n""",. of lIIn'llglbming nation" mmwily and """,,omically, providilUl the 51. ", wilh larJ/<.'r nl1Jtlbcn< of w"""-",,,, <_ """""" ~ and ...~ BU! in " lOOt paJU of lIN' lk"o'cloping work! today. the cin'UltlSl3no...,., "'" _h ,hat hi):h ra1l'S of IlOI'Jl3lioo growth . Il: """"Ill<: 10 prrJlttUOl~ pnvnty ill a nu.... 1>:r t>I' ubviou>t "'"Y" IJ lly causinu; Ilw bbour Ii.>n~ 10 grow ""'"' quick/y t/laq l'ltlployrTll",1 nppnr. lunitlN. lhrn-by <T<'3Iing b.rgr nu.... """' t>I' unemployed and under· pmploy"" Pf<'lIk' and dl'"",,"1ll/ !he W3£0." uftlw«: who do lind work ; 11 fly pbcin~ lnm:-asifIR Sln"lS on lhe """"""'-.. by wt..,h !he poor make Ih<.'ir liYing and """1 Ih<.>ir .-do in rur.aI .....u- soik and ..,;1flirtiti,y. Mol ... pplil.. anrl animal Iodd<..... ~ land and .... 1.... _"'-i< I I My =sing inherited lIllWIhoIdinp 10 be divide<1 and .. ~ 01ll0Iijl \atJl;e "umhen of <hildn'll. ~ wilh gr.- inequalilio.. . in land owll<'tNlip. th;, "ocan-o 1Iw many millions of run! """"'" tin<l lbo>,.,..,M-s land.... or __.lllnd~ and "'" lh<'I'cl>y unabJ. to meet lb,'" ~ lor fond and furl, ""'"' and ;nC'Oml'; o Ily ,,-.:!ucing ,he ornounl nf lime. C2n.', and available for <'arb ",,,. ,,'SOU""'" f I Hy """ucin,cr !he limo WoJilab'" 10 the mother for earning i",,'ome. or for 0100 cconornic:ally prodllctiYe work; n1islfIR llw toSllO _ ....."""'to of ~ ldl'QU3lc heallh m d "".. calion "'-......... for !he ri<inl: ICI""..... tion. and by t>Y\.nln1Ching .mooI.. dinn and ....1<1' and sanilatino ll)'5'''"'''" AD of lhi< 1>o'lpo 10maUltml high \ 1 Ily l<vcls of malnulrilion. ~. and iDil<-rXy. which in tum help to kcq> communiri<.'< in """,'My; ( I fly nnJ';f1l/ overcrowdilUl and 0 10,,,·.. qua!ityoflik in .tun",md ,;hanty (owns. wilb all the Iltt:f\dinl evils of di,.,...,. hopc~ "'"" 01 ",,1~ n""ll"'"\. bnlak<k>wn of family ti<.... ~ of family ... ppon. alrollol and drug abuse, inrnoaoilUl violtntt, and !he oh'u"""""",u of ......."'" and dlild,,'1I. In U- ""J'". pop-Jlalion R1O"1h ",n<b 10 ,,'intorw p.>Y<'fty, and JlOYI'<\Y Icnd. lO rtinlorte popu!lllio:o ~h, formin,ll • cin1Jil lhrourh which lhr ''llm1l1 of p<JYnIy'o perpptlWion Ilows. Environmental stress lnm'asing eovimnmtntal JV1-Wl"" an.: now ~ !he prwnrtiono 01. major crioi. ill !he INca ofbund....... of million. of P'QIlle in the "'-"'eloping wurld. s...,,,,ra1 ~t wdit.. ha.... ,~ th;o n"latinnllhip bo1_ I"""'"Y and ",,'lirurunenl>.1 ~'. .. and iI i...... ly ~ 11<...... 10 _ tM mulua1ly reinforcing ""'u,,, of lhal rcl<uionllhip and ilS rok- in tbe I'PE - Again.... bacl<w'o<tnd of """''"Y, I';Illidly .lI:l'OI"iIUl nnmbml 01 P"OPIc ~'" tindinlr lh"",""""" wilhoul ff>OUJl:h land 10 m<'eI lIN'i.. ....'<'<b and wiIhoul m y .. bsianlial ho\le of a11<.'1'llllllw ,1ltploymen1. In atn-t aU rc,:;on. 01 Lack of coniidence and hope ill the [uture is the great enemy of life pla nl/ing i ll general - and fam ily planning ill particular, the dtwlal'itlg wurId, thi:s fun<laiMnLal l>n>bkm of landla......... and U"'-'min 1M)«! part < "'"' P<'I1l'-iUllM by Ia"k of ~mellt in small farms and by IN. """"",1t:iIi<>n of prod~ IarJd. io lhe hand. of a .mall nllmbrr of .....'IIlthy famili.. or ~ pk>yI,,,,,,, .. - During the IirsI Olllll<'S of rapid popIllalion inm:a.... in ludloy'. loduolfW. I..." nation.. rioillJt' numbrn< 01 poor Il'-'OP"' 31.., ....rr_ f""" d~ In Ihr rouoll'}'skl,' and de&lwOOn in ",ban 51"rna. lJul am:HI,I( many OOlf1" adYan\lllft.. .. ,'''''' had .... iIable10 1h<."1lI lhe tr-Inm to indoSlrializ<o" 10 L'XjXlJ1. and to millnre, and '"1:11: L'Vll1tually abl~ 10 . boorb or d~ ~ number< of ~ who could no Ionl:l:r be i'IlWUII<." by il,Il"Iicultu", """"'. II Is 01the ~atesl ~ thai lhi. <'1,."biruotion 01 .. Ivan~ .. bas 1lCM, in ll"1ll"ra1. bern aVotilab'" tf) ,he mojoriIy 01 do"vrlopina: rountrioos duriolllMir ~ of IlimIIarly rapid pup.tlalion 1l"I"DI'1h. The developing In Ibosc ~Jopini rou,,!rico 1/131 countries tha t ha ve ha", guno' lhnJtlllh an ~huml "-..... Ollltion, many million. 01 ~ h"", oem lJ-'Y and substantial pins In lho..'ir ir>ron... and SW>dud of living succeeded have been ....... Ib" past Ib...... ~ In 1"'" those tha t have tackled the task of la nd reform and invested ill the health , nutrition, and educa tion of their people, main, IlKoot ~.. haw: -.. ~ who """"-'<I <"IIOUKh of 1M !'WIl land in lho.' riAAl pl>o:~ and who !lad ~ 10 the "'-"",.,....,. inpu," and modil f.:.:ilitil..... Bul in lilt a!>so:nn' of land ",form, a;:rk"ll ilural """'Iuliom; l<'Ild In """,11 in fallillJt' e~t pt1" hl."CI3rt as land o'm"r'l,lliJl bKurlk., ~ UlII.'QU3!. fanm boicomr tarvr, and Iarg............ IIl<'<hanUation h(:<omu ~b~, Allbfo _ tilllf", poltlUIation lIffiWI/l """"'" thai the ""I1WnillJl: .....nhoIdmIlS "'" diYidodUI' among \atit-... _ b<mo of clliIr!n.'D, L'Vl'DtuafIy bo<:omi'UI loosmal1..,d l<lD ~t.d a llmily·.. "",-'11,,- ",..,.wn The " .....11 of bnlh <>f u..",., /un"... i. th., many lCni <If miIliwl. 01t<maIIhoJd. ...,., reDaD1 !armors, and II,I(ricuIlural labourml have bind lherns<t-;"" witJI.. DIll so.dl"icienl land or l'Ufflcienl worIt. from fndio 10 Ilraril. ul\COUn'f'<\ num1M.." , ut Nral Iamilll's ....... bec<>rnf, Iand~.,.. ur ....., bI!o:n tnl"Df<l away fmnllh/> r, eld~ Ihal 1!M' <>net helll"'l! 10till ond Iwvtosl. Wilh sa"", ""'~ the I(I"tIwth of ~~u",1 ond Indu&rial em,,:vy- clkct;""ly """111 has usually not b(..,., .... >id L'DOIlj/h to absoJrb 1m. !IU."lu", In part, ill.. is tJ1I, """,,II vi inlernal mi>!«:o: iII1odltt--d invcshl ......"" <rilopli"~ 1aXa· tion and """hartgo.-r.>le politi,:o: 1&rRe<:omIpWn; ~ 1 SlaIC <'ODtn>! of large al/rkul'ural .....".... prioM; b<k ofland reform: and lhe mi.~ "'U' tak<'D ~pha:sis 011 <-apitaHn1""""" rather than labou.r"'lCnsiYC invnl· "",nt !JOIicio.... Th_ dev1.'lopilll: rounuit:s and rrgion ~ thai ha...., "",,,,-,,'<kod in absorb~ R","'ifl8 lIumhe.... of Il'-"-'Pk' inti> prodocti.,· employ"""" hn'f' beto. by and~, thooMo lha, haY<) l...·klOO the diffinJl, l.oJ< <If land rclom1 and ~o:d In lhr hl'aIth. nulril io". and Loduo."aIioo nf lh<:'ir~. It like Tai· wan and lho: Il<1>ubli< of Kore:l, 1I,,'Y haY!' >Iso L-'lI<Urt'd r'I'3SOn.:dI:... iocfon. 1;.,.... l~ lam,,-'I'lI, and mad<: ;r.'ailabl< rural m:dit . 1m" input.. and inlnoSInK1u"', Ih,m bolh ent(llo}rlncm 11111 prodoctiYiry po: hn-1an.' ha... increasf'<\ nn rnaIII' ~d s of smol1 and "",.jjum-si1e !arum. Ilisin ~ pmlIJ><rity in rural ........ haf helped, in '''''', w pr<>Yidt markelS fer, and job!; In, • ,I[JOWioJ! ioduSlrial....,.or. llul in lite I1I3I\Y tlL.....:I~piJlll" ronD'llat haw faik'<l to 1n0000lnte ......h me. ,,1onns and make ro<-ti inVl'Sl llltllL, 1he fr<:cdtom 10 In~ hu 31.., beet1 rim>m"..ribc.'d by 10m-.< ........ lII'hich lh!>y haw- ~t1'" <'tIntrol. l>ot""tial mafk'1S an' <k>minatod by lhe aItndy induwializL-d I11d Oll,mpt.. 1Wio".. to npor1 mannl...1l11\'<1 JIOflds have ufk" bc."I."f1 im.,..w.l by lfallc and lariIf ~ tho< "-'"Ui<I the 1ll'O'"1h of tn'lllol."...,1 and <ml tho, tlL""lopifll1 wurId owro>dma1<>!y tw\ce "" InuclI . .....'1'}' year in Iosl eaminl/s as \1 l"In'ivn. in aid.'" Nor has t......dom of <~l<TIIa1 ~ tina """" • si)/nifi<anl opbon. 1:JoJnes. lie or fon,ign l<1l:isIo1ion has pt.Tmitied ooly I ""'1)' lII1IalJ prlJp(Klioo <If the dL"",k>pin~ Yl'\lrld's pe<>p\I< "' 1r.I"'~ <>W:I'SeaS In "'-de "'..... D\lIlDr1UJ1i"'" by ~, , , - who hoJv<' boo:'n alkrwod 10 'niRral~ ""VI'!Hom ,1M> bf1. and m. bMw ~ f3lMr llwlll\<> landk.>s<l and ass<\,bo poor. lmrinll ~:u,-op... ~ p<'riod or rapid I'O\>J' Ialion I/fOWIh.1llffl' W(ff many lent d million. of po."U\lIe who found ,hem...lwlI in a oimilar p<l!IiIi<In ,ho' luI<!- and or '0 10.. .. and job1o.. .. poor Ilk· ",....,Lapin,,; world lnday. bu, who ......... abk: to migrnto.·l" II<'W oppurl"niIi<.. in All'llralia. Af""" Canada, New Zealand. Sooth and Ilk· Un~t'd Slal,'" ~ FIt'lWt'rn the ""d of m. NlpOk'a"io: warlI and ,Iw bt"llill/linj! dIM ~-lnl World War. fur = , * . :!O million poooplt- tlniJnlro Iron, tilt' Unil<'d KiIIl(dom oIIlIIe. ~ The ...... ",,!>t'$;' fr=IonlS. """'" bir.rd wilh a lacl< <If larod ,dorm and a lack of in_ml1n il, lobotlr-inlMloM> 11I"OtlUt.1ivily <In snwl Iann.. 1w ".:an' ,hal. ~If: landk!« and lhr joblo:>< <If tlk· d<-....-lopin~ world h..., l<'Ilded '0 n~<" inlHnalJy to """ of lwo d<'ol~ twiol,'" <i'' ' ' lltt")' haY\' moved O'l'O n-,b'ioocly..,.., Jl'lIIII1aI<"d and JI<f"'i. otJ;Iy k,.. vah...-<l Iaod. - tNpio:aI rnre!b. uocultivat<"d hillllirles. k.>s<I r.,--. ,rk' bod.. and lilt' fru:iIt- llW'Irin" of .......,. ~ <lr lh<'l' llavt' rnil(J"aI,'I! 1<1 lh<. infolfual sn:tor of uw and ,itin, finding hon_ in tl.... olorn. and 'Shanl;"" ''re<"Ied on "",.m,;. ,,)'.in. land.,ha, unwan,,'<1 and unoaJuto<L 111<' .rr.-n .,f ,hi. mil/Blion. ""',. IUne. '" dial p<M"n)' """ 1>foro.<nr """" 31Id ""'"-' in tnatl1iMl owi<uhuralland. and in orban ,"um.. lVo'" dOlft......1 deslinal;"•• of whkh ,ho: romrnoo dWll<1rriolio: i. ,hallh<'l' are boIh... virnrnllO'fllafly '"Ulo<"nbk. The int"\litabk' ron"'-'<I"'-'fIn'. lor lIWIy milrlons of Jl"O)lIfo. has '-" lhaJ. """,""y and hard<hip lui"" to'nd«l to larly """"""',f3lro in<~ ... pn""';',,.. "............. :u th<' ba:«' 01 ,II< poor h:lll Ix"", sll."llClily "'wad<'<I. t.and &Ut"d by bum;rq;: losH oW>iliI.y and krtilill' "'wilhin mill!a ..,.,. k.w yt-.n<: !'tWI> hiUoid<.. quicltly bo,,,,,,,,,,...-oo«l withou' in".....• .....rrno i. """ ,"OO""rv,"ioo: rnaflIinaI -.:ri<'ui'ur.ll IM<hI J[rlldually 1><""",,' in~..,t'" ..·1..., 'OOso- ..'It<> !ann lilt"" <'On aflord n..ilMr f<'1tiIiz<1" nor fallow l>l'rit>r1:<: d<"om ""'Xi,," """" OC"VfI'" indilllin ~,"ishabk' rrom dt10trts ... tIm ,h<'y are !Ubjt<.'l<"d '" ..............tting of ..00<1 anri ~ng 1Iy ..irnal.. M.M...hillo. lhfo miI!ic",,, ... ho "","" found tI'Ietn!l<"h'et iu orban slums ..... c~"<l '0 lbo, c'tlVironmcnla! 1I"b- Iffil "d 0<'Hl:'I'l>\<'dtd lIIld u~ im<an. ilary ....ndiliu.'" and 10 an lh<' l'flvirorllllf'flw dangon of li';ng "" bnd !lw 1lObu<!y dll<- """''' _ land far away rrom ....-vi<w or .,.,,~loynlt"l OIlPOf1I.II1ilieo. bod clo&. 10 raiJooa.y IinM and airporU.. ~d ....,.. poUuting ind,,<Iri<.. or loul-""... ~ llbuxh1c'r· hou..... lond on 1iI'''1' hilbid<.... iu danI!"'" rrom ~ and nlud ll!id.... land ""'" to ~ Pfbaic dumps. f<"lid raual", or ..... ,~ ~ nu. 1WI"rn ha~ Ix""" ,,-pcalro. with mauy variation.. iu allOO!<1 aU ~. of 1M dorvriuping wurId. jn UtilI Aml'rb. lht- II"blo-m has b<ot1l CXJt~,-twI;lby nln11l<: int'llualil..... of land """,""",ip. In mauy pub< 01~ ,ho dim""ltic-o on> <:orUllOUnd<."<l by ilOflIt· of lhe h~ populatioo lkn,.j. ,;"" inln<" ~ng world. I" A1ri<:a. wilh,llt'fl<'l;llly bl< inequalil)' and r.-wnp<."O\lk' pt,. ~ . !he rictIt-sl land. "'" OOMI <lom1nalMi lIy '""I"'" agr;c,,1l ~. while lh< lanlk of .... p<IOT rru,in<• ill' an· usually <If ~r qualil)',l'l"Cfiwlea in",,,,,,,,,,,,.. ond on>""'"' ~ bk· 10drough, and dt -rtili,:ati"n. 111<" ronunon h 0Im.... diw1'llf, pall,,,,,,, hat bet'fl tht' drawinll of thtp""""" in... a <.'y<"1fo by wbich p<M"n)' b'l't'lllml'NiflJ! numlx'rll 01 po.'tl\llc inlO "f1vironmer"~11y vul...,...bIo, _ IlIld lhe ........Iling C'flvironm<111al SIn.... bocomM. yrl an<lIhI1' <-.U~ 01 lhtil ""minU<.'<I p<IV\11)'-a ll)"IICflIism trhich " I6thoy 1><'O>Illing one oi ,II<" . - villibllo 0"lM"'l" of lhc PPE rrisis. It ill no c'llin.:idt'f'lCt'. I<>r ,,,,,,,nple. lhal lhfo 1"'0...... """ quar1.... 01 ....l>-.'iahann AI"""·,, """"bOOn it r<lIlf<"lIlf3l«1 on lhoor' an....' ..ilit"h havo.' 1><1'" rier.,... ,_'<I. nr",,-1']It'Ul"d. (If'fanned ID W3Y!l 'ha"b<""';!s muM DOl ";lhllUlnd. ~ The stress on women Ily rn- .... ~ ><>iht. "'" ","lug mxIed. hilMd<... ri'lIUCl<d , and 'M:U, """"" wasI1<'<I alotl~ 1he It-nglh of lh<o HimaIIlyan fouIhilt'i. "" ,lit' """"'"' .""y Poverty hns become concentrated ill enuironmentailv vutnerabte areas margillal agricult ure! lands and urban slums. ,1\ /hen e~te~lh ..n born in ,mid Wllr, l\...,.j oDd II"", """" forego ,n,lysIs ,onsid· Irtd it to b•• "bunt c,,,' nllion wil!Ililllt I>opo Mo,..... lila, or d•• ~ ~ _lid dIS""', Too,.,., B.nol'dUh is _ I..ttl. be VV 1911 .'"1I'j tiltd •• In eumplt 01 • ""'Y _ country 11101 ;. mooing st..dy 1Il0- orlY in!ht Ilel 01 g't'l difficuttifl. LocJled in "'" oIlttt worId"s mort diA'lef'lI'onl IIIM.I tnVitonml"', B.ngllde'" ulNbiIs mlny 01 ~ wom symptoms 01 powny. for .... ry UBI born, 127 dill bofo<, cOIllJofll'll'2flmme is nowlully Ol'!tI, IioNt trKIlIIlllllgIII" .. peetld to be mill by "rty \!S4, GtlVtf'fWIltnl llultll MfYicH ,..ched into IImoSl ....,.,. ..... go oft"" by r......... on O<dinl"" PlOp;. who oIh< tllo~ hom.. II ~ 0lIlflloh ,it... This .._ now prl>moll' bHic MIItII ml rwn!ioM , . oh ., 01'11 rllTydrllian 1I1e<.P'f "" iii,,· ""'"I ""d oiIAn'in A,,"pp~nu to 'Omblt_1SS. r.cludin<l m.yo,,·olcl. ""'" urn pen- B . ng~dHh hn .Ise surprised many ObMrvtr1 by the pr"",_ ~ he, l1li0. in Ilmily oflMing. Tho oarml· tlpWe prtIValorlc:l lit. lin risln from J% in \910 to :Jl'4 in 1991, .... 1111 ,aLIIIV'(' uoI hrrtiliry "1. 1>0. fllen from.1tno$l1 DittII PII' womln IO OI'llytwod.. ldt.. I. Iddilion to goyt<mIfnl .Woru, is lise """'" to ..... "11 thou.."" non·gowtMlllltll orglni>• • tion:I - """" aI wlIioh I\J• • bite""," nits I dI~ brl.UIg bricks in!he...... YI' 1his grin! porn~ .. ~ tleini redrawn. P., Clpitl inc...,.. inIor",DorIoJIy r...-d lor _ IpprlII<lIes .tlrl 1111 Ill. ""prot•• d.nred , .. II end .rnbitior> 01 It>oir .twd,.. thtir fifth binlld,.,.. lwo tIlilds 01 """"'·IivlI. oro Slrik.. ~ mlllnouisl>e<l. Dis- U H freq..mtv. D;..bility 111., .111 ~ l ll. min hl~ of BongII<Mshi chiklrln complm ..... fin of 1lfim''V school. And Illhoogh chikl liboor iI, I VI'" 'l"llttl' 01011 chidrtnW(IJt for . 111.1 Q10Ml by ..... st ~ 2'Jl, • Y'tor _ tho tlrt lIIeldl. Olmocllti<: insIiIulions Ire " udily being ltrongd\et'lt<l The nllion', fuwth,r develop....t plln Incorporate. moS! oIlttt gatll .dopI.d tl !hi World Summil for Child,"" Ana in IS. e ..glldosh He'nII "'" of lhe fim !Illlo"l to IIlI c.......,llon on ltIt /lights ot ,.lify lhe Chikl. Proll(n. hi. IolIQWtd promiats, M or 20 YO'''' of hlrd WO<l.; lIO'li 01 "".1 fflidtms VI !IlIW wilhin 150 molJlS of I JOII,el ol •• 1. drinUIQ wll" - I flit unmltclltd lr; miRy nchl, 1IIIio... elsie MIItII . ore is elso being strMgll1ft11e1l. In H1B5 loil$ 1Il1" Zll. of BI~ld ..hi ohllcl,,,,, __ lmrnunil*l! "'jl"" ",",101 - one 01 the lowest reIn in the workI. Six VUIlIotor. Ill. _nion hod riso. to 0';11 ~ . In 1989. r.I!izinoj I!IIl iodirlo del> O;III<Y 11001 ....". wide • pr" d, B'''lII.desh "'o"ed 1Il0l I I ed;bIlr ult bltlodlzld. A ".liatIIlIDD "lOrd"" OPlr.liono. Tho Gr.m". IIlok beg,. ", 1976 .. ". oxporirntnIwiIIll ,"~c"lcI el ­ 1Il111 poor people ",pp6ecI with """",. ing OlpiAI <auld g...rote pradu<Wo ...·. rnplayrntm witIlol l """,,,1 ..siSl...., N.... ~ is Ill. country·o 10ul1h ~rg'51 Ill... maki'lll :!mIA loan,to_1111. 1...", _ wore prrtiaully colllido,.d 'unbonbblo'. lMrr 8(I'Jj; of clionu III wom.n, Ind t!lo repo., """ .. Sll'Jlo. Tho B.ngl....." Hur. 1 A""""",," mom CanunitI:o. (BRAe) h•• w""'" m. onl 01 tho warlerl IlIg.... non· ~I org.nizllion.. lIk. G<Jmeen WIIUWlg ifI1em.tionll ec<:Ibn. Emp/I.siMg,",,·roioocl. BRAt orglnUn l!>auHndo 01 1111 poorest into <lmIIunI!y ""l"rilllion, .... lI.Wl1I same 15.lm ';"ge·blsod. Same 10"4 01 .. 450IOl !ludlllt! III girls. BRAC tI,•• """ 1Ilin! 01 its Ole""" Jrom ........ _ in <",,",*c;ol prajoeto 11'<1 inhouseInltt)lriUs. 0 ,iliIon. '0""". of !he AlIda in !he ""vironmenLal di~ "'er arf:a!I <>f Haiti and lhl: Dnminbn Rt'lJUbl;':.lhrou;:hOllt tile l.YD1ral hiJ;:tJ. b,nd. of C,,.' '''] ~ and in !he kiJ;:hland, of Elhiopia ~ mer half of aD OJ(ricul\ur2lla1>d is DOW si,.ur~ <"I'I.O<I<:d. ~ In lOU!. the World Food COIIllcil has HlimalO<lllw ~ an' II\lW p<'fhap8 half. b\Uion peopIc who lMng and farrnin2 (>II ki/Ll;dH canlly = lha1 = 1lltbj<a 10 """"'-'" ..".;0" 01 ....a rly 17 million .oos." E¥n)' ~.,., mot\: M'<1an.... of tropi<aI 1'0","" = d~: evt'I')"~ ..... ~.ly6 milli on h<:<Url'S of lily land, IUm into ~ nery )"'U. IJill;om of Wo. of $Uil ""' ~ or blow!l lIWJl' from land" 0<1 "hich incnt!<ing nmnbc...... of ll'-'<JPlr who baYo lKIWMft tl.. l<I go grow their Ii>od and .,..., lbdr Ihing.Q ntllSl In the <i ~ <-nvirvnIUl.'llLal ~ "also rakinJ:: lis lnll on !he poor. .... In lIlkIilion !O rho: ~ or ~M1lse born or IMruowd inJI: and tb< bility Iadc or .-IC nler and .... iwion. !he poor an- ino.'R:asillj(l~ ""~ 10 """ d~'f\I - from m. 1I1lopa1 cl><mi<oal ,,"<Ik in IndilllO the expIooioa rwural the Cubauoo I:llS pipeU~ in lmril. And ~ is~ nocoind<k'IK"C lIw thcac' dilluU...,. rlaoim '"""' oI lheir victims of amollll !he shanly OOI1ll11UOiOOs !hal II.M I(RlW1l up lU'OIlud such ladlilies berau"" Ihm: io"""""- me 10co. In aInto$l aD <'as<-.... lhio opinoI 01 llU'o'l."y and mvironmtntal Slrl"JS bnn down with particu.... weiRhr (>II 11K' IcmaIo memben of poor commu";' tiel!;: lhoy arc lhc OIICS lAW It>.VI' In wn<t< """" ha.nltr 10 Il1<'t'1 the mW. ,nu.m ~, 01 1Mtr families when woud ku" futl muSl ~ ~hfd rrom ,,'.....- l(f<'ater diolan<"es. wb<n wain ..ppllo-', arc unrcliaJ>k, and ~ .. and """'" lhc ....'lIfa(!alion of soik trlCSl1, lluu more wn<t< i, lWIu~ In I'f'."h= to:.... food. The poverty spiral Unlll..- (hi' impacl ~f lhcse fomls thai make up the l'I'E problem, the nature ...-.>rId. ln~ad III ~ing rclatiVI'ly /:YetI1y di"l"""""'l ~0:aI\y , the poor bt>rominsr int","",>in~ly ron- = ctrtl/llt"d in <'OVi","m<'Il1.aDy mo,rginal and >'II1nenblc areas wbcrt' 1M')' have lillie r~ bullO ........~it aln>ady ~Ic: rondition.. <k·ll....ting thd r rcsou= base still furthoor and rontkm1ni1uIlhI.'flIS('M.s and thl'" <""kin'll lJ> roolinU<'d lIO~y (fli"' II. 12. 1:1. and (~ ) . I~'" probl8n. ~fon! ""nstiIUl~ a vicioo. rlrr,," by ..him I"""--'l'ty hd"" III maiIllaiJI hqj:h ra1eS of lJOlAIbtion llfllw1ll aad InrftUH ~nvitoM\tfltal ~ bulh of whkh ronlribul ~ in their tum l<I the IlCf1lCIlIItion of povcfIy. I<nd it i, a cin:k: from wbicll tho poor do 110I usually have ~ ~ or rho opportunitio-!< to brftk lift. It r- kmi b<-..'D 1'I.'<:<JlfIIu..'I! that ..lw io requiR:d 10 ~ak our of (lUI <')'de is 'Jt101'1h from bcIow'," hroullht about by a rombi" l1i1ln 01 land rrimll and IlIbour·inlm si....m1p!oymtnl SIr.II. <'¢ct, m.<lil ""hct1l<s, uaininJt_I<Il1ilica. the rillhllriod ~ f ~ and ;"\'l'lIlnlCII!l; in 1I<:ah1I and rdu<alion. In addition. miIIiOfI, of poor _ pic too.,. IH."'CIl inve,unm l ' 10 ""111 thtm maintain the stabHily and fig. l l TIIa• ~ *'"" . . . will _IJ"'"_IU.. _....,.... 10 IiJIQIIIIooIlIOI<'ItlII _ l r r &·o"".oaI _ _ - , "~,,,1I'in .. _ _ m ..... --~ ..__ -- - - ... .. - -~ _ - ~- prod"" tivityof""ib.. Al_~ lh<.,*, mea"" of bn:akinR of the J'1't: i'jlino1 are 1101 availabk lIl lm1lc nomb<"" of peuplo:.ln pari. the Q<Jt rauil r;.,. with ~ !hal h. .... &M-'ll 1Ilo little priority In tho 1lt'l"d1 01 the lJOO"C"I. nUl ill par'l. al.... the wi< of bn,ak;ng of til<- "",raJ ;" made more diffil"IIII by the induSlrializo:od wurId·. 1lIllici<...on aid. ....'!II.lrade. and financ<, which the llfUWIh of ".11 ",.!riCl opportunities. Jffl<"rsirlQlion of lh<c<."OIIOfIlics of lho< devclopinll' counlrie5 ;" _tiaI if the IlO""ft!' spin! is In be brok<'ll. bur .. the lliundl1and ConuniMioo l'OIlrluded In it. 19!!7 ~ 0,., < D"'_ /rlh<rr. "()jotrSifjcarw.. i. I<'llJ' lJrat "';lJ ../ltIIi· olt !o:>llI /H1Vt1t1 o.t ~ I _ i:r f'I1Iploymtnl ",,-...perni wbdDo 11 tisot""./IW""" I.."" of ",,* . 11 'J'fJ1«tiosins. ou 11 mil."" fi.udolflqo;s to,...... of lIO"'-'1'tY .. in une funcbmcnlal CD. slTUs tlu>I _ "'"""" going through • 1rllJIffonnatiM in ",""y parts of the ~ fi"".u ..... ouJ 1.lmrlllioJull • "T'1lnJuglloul !lHI I..t docod•• I UN1CEfh,1 drlW'UttontiDo 10 tl-.. flet mil mljot ~ . in lHI.lth cOllld be ma<Ie by I!Iewidespread US!I 01 , Iimita<I numbe, of specific:, hHlIh i'oIBrw nlions. Tbio YII'. "" I~ I World dtveIopmcm "PM ff(Im WonG Blnk . 1.., lhil issw. Tho 1m afln. "ID luis! poIiq maUlS in fl~ 1M """"OS! m. .""ro.... ,"pon «I<!f'IMI!S potfflfi,l r«lJm$ ."""IIi..· ~ p'....... is lhIl "om _ Itt I>I~. Its -roolJ 1M IIHIdllJds lor _ _ ling IJ14 '-"riIlg' mm:h QliIl, r~ butHn of dUnu Iff now ,lford,lIIe '$I CCUIJIJ'ie$." I'VeIJIrI \hi p«JI' -In _ 01 1M world.' Sirs till rIpon. -, gfll" r d• .J at lIddWllnli huII1I CO<J!d H olIWMd /rom I ,.to' IivtIr snuQ _ , '" ""~ CIJS!·""c~ >tfich coo/d ~ tJtIN. .,." ~ mo>de$l <IJS! IfflJ wifJI IirIJ. r>eed lor /Iigh-lrlell.ciIiWs ., mN' icM<p. d . firMs.- In III. arll ol chilli tIo. !ttl. Ihe re;>on rirlgles IHIl immIInitllio.. )llu$ .-itlornin A ,rid ;odino wppteJTl8/\tS... ' . ChJ$lff III lm",.....rJom _ tJW WQUitJ ". .., 1M high_ " " CMH"-C_U <JI ~ ".. 1Ito uMc•• l'IiJIliJI ill \hi worltIlad.y: As. .....oy 01 o>euunng <OSl-,Heetho WOIlG Bank report """"""" I lIIW meIhod 01 quanli!v"'ll ill "..1Ih. First, Iho . . . - Myel" <II 1ft lest '0 ' IS.IH is •• I. .... laO by subtr, clIng thl .""'01 OlIO 1\ d.. m from lhe•..,.<:aIion oIli!• •1 '!It in I Iow-mortIIliIy pc""lllion. Tho ..poet of di,"biIi!i« is Ihen .. I.... l.Ili<l by muhip/Vi'lg Ill. upe clod 6lIr1lion oj III. d;ubilil'l w;m • 's......ity fl . tO!' 0/ up 10 0.6 - ,ff. otiYv/v Con'I\ll/iIG the dislbilily witll lclS of hi, . rId ~ \hi two :0 be added ~. Onee com........ tilt Ie.... 1r0lTl "".1Il loci di.. biIity .,. !hen adjusted by I ttI C....... I . Irlabll ..... to .. , II r*"' lost d.pondi"ll on I~. This -mill ~ ar r;'ecl al by 'COll$\'''' """ MIQe.".nr, rise. steeply from , ... I I birm I. I llea k I l l g. 25, elle, which ~ ~~ stl.dlly wid1 1I\l9I1e... ""f inc: '''5inlJ1~ . lht IOsuI! is I ,"""bo, ""'c~ lOP. ,....,.. Ilislbilitl'.ediu_ lito p I" .. llALV.·. lht lOUIl ,..."bet at OALYs is I ,""gil u'" (II tho glot>ol bu'<Ion 01 1 In IOII~ "'" BIni< CI~ , utll.' IIlaI "'" _kllos! LJS billion iI ~,"IIIl " 1m On. q""nor oj 1IIis WlSICCOOOlld 10/by ml ml jor cl'Oklhood dise'se5. The numbor oIl"sl DALY. dial ,"n Ile pr.. I... d by • ponic.... , lIoa illl inIefv.mion is mOIl uselI IS • mol01 ' ''st·.fl l cliv...... " this rno1hocI __ to be used to dlllfTTlinl ml pII. rilil . 01 "1Iion,1 helhl> ~'limlIS worIdwilII, """" "'" p.r..m '" ~..hI> .... od in "'" workI wo:>Jd loot. ""'I dill nt E_ *"'" W;"'IJ irml I , . """, ,"~-workI 11'88....... "'" Bl nk "vs 1Il11 -6"....".. mt'1llr it> d-"'ping 1_ Cl>lJlllM5 5hDuId ftfI"g., ~ IrI" _ rhItIlMy"- d<J 0/1 ifl5 Cf)5l·DfecM i1Q~. ,ltd it>sN, d darJbkl or rrip/f .par'ldintl "" basic prJlJli< ~aIfh p'''Y",.rre. IIH:h .. ~!iclrI1ildAIDS [N'IWfltIOfl ofld"" ._~"clinkal,,""""" In plrtie"Io,. "'" ,~ . <Woel tel I "minimum pldoga 01 •• JI/lU! clitIicll SfflicI~ c ~ oj "'" most blsic: IIICI 'ost..tlIC..... hftllll intIrYtMions. " rllW ')' "'" I... oDSf..1f1Clin Uf>ico. ooiII comimJI, savslIle .. port. "M ~ JVI4HJin rn if fWy m.w, bltrelir m. _ Ilhr. $IrINId be p/JIwd OUI dumg , lfInSitinnII poriod."6_ _ ~ IOC/JUlIrt hu h'" 0/ lila 1168 />ilion 'I1/1III1 ~.nns on 111l1l1I .. ~ CorJ11{Ms," conclud•• World S.nIc 'IN"d /" ifl5 - 0/1 ...c ""II ; P'-Sidtm L..... Preston. "roo much 0/ rJJis $/JIfl ~ W 'lJ"CiaIil«1 CO" .. IMDafl' f,diitifl 11111 ptrMdes lim. g' in ,.,. ~ gon 10 _ '"""" ~ ~m. roo ~ cost !ligh1y , fflO_ 1"fJg''''''''' such , • •""frDI . tId ,ru rmem or infectious di~,~s ,"II 0/ """""","",- 0 _-----~­ .....w_ . <. .. Consequences brginnitlll to lnJIsmit int'-'"'"\iuniI shock _ lhmu,l:h thl;" i.IlP'k' OIl The C<>I\linullion of 1M l~"': probk>m in,o 1M 2111l .....,U!)' "ill bav<. qU<...,,,,. ""'l'lldlog f2r b<-rond illl otr-ly hmh P{(f'C\S on ,be POO""' tht politK-al !lIabi~ty of Ihc I\eoJclIrpiI1,ll IIOIioo.. withalllbe """. and risb lhal such inSlahi!il;'.." will _ . "I'M lint <':l.<Ia!I.y ;,. Iikcly IG tr. the prt>l(I'('tS bo.'ing madt· towanl" n-pn._uu... dlorMcrary and tho ",It '" b.w. The IIope$ of millions oJ pcopli:' b"'" been rai>ed in Iho ororH. oJ '-'001>!rico whidl ""'"" 0Ill<k or "'" Ol!empl· in« to maier tilt tl'llMition from aurhorilarian ",Ie. Fro"m,tion of lhutr<hopo-s by I ~ 'l! problom, wilIlncmrs<' ro_- bil,"", of ,he ""'>I'Id's P'-"'Pk·. II t<tlJen>. ~ • o\lll''''' of lur,dame,nal !leJl. inlcn~. :l!I wclI as 01 all"'islic rotI<'tm. tl\lllth<' ""' of 1hor w<l<\d <huuld a<'<'Of'd 'bit probk1n. Ill..... priorily. ~im of all 1M l'll'o'in>mn<'IIta1 impon of ,he probkm P""t'" I m: ,,,nOll. ihreIllo ~ numbfn or MI· _ _Ito Iivc and ""'"' in agrinrhural an.. of d,,: d,'VI-iop;lUt W<'lIid. W",,.,. f\o¥,;nlt ~ cklluck.'<I ,lc>p<>s and do!fO/'f'SU'd hillsideo ""puscd lIOil$, carrying Ihern 10 "'" inIcJ\'OM.·lynomYtif!<! ....rJtoy /loon, I'\ood pbim. and ri= l'Sluaril:1\: as lb<'lle llt'dimenl s ..... tlr.'PO"Iit<'d. tiw'r Irwhi """ and d " and irriplinn .....-lcs 1><.:"".... sill<'<! up, wiping OIIlln.. nt. and itKTea.'ling the fmlut'IK'Y Illd "''VI-'';ty '" 1Iond... hrording W <-.tin\lll..... ihetI' ~ "'" ilWady lh"'at,'II~ the U..-lilNx>cl. of 400 million 11Inrn... WM farm 1M mor-e fl'rtilc ~llUraI ....... of Ihc dcvclopirur: " lIrld .~ S"coodly. I"" irKTeasilUt pn.""""" "0 tnal"J(ioal lands, and eSIJl.:i.1ly on tropiral fUfUlS. ~ I ihrNI 10 all ind"ding ill" I'OI""IiI'inns of tbe ind",," lriali=I W<'lIid -Ihrwgb its .....tJ.PIlbl;. cilt<I <votribution 10 Iho increa<c! in lIl'ftohau'" glI"", and lu the rap;d and a«"'~ k>ss of bioloei<al dj,'"r,liIY. 'J"","" i'lllit<'" Wl.-..... widl.'1y PIlbli<:md durin~ Iho U,,;lfd N.liool. Conl<.",,,,,, "" ~:1Win>rnn<.1I' and ~~ llM'\' prospmlIt. ,-n>dt. do"" ".rn.. . "'If"" hOlld in Kin ~ Jatll'iro in 1992. and lit' clearly "'. OIIt in i\jlffida 21.,,,,-, tlr.>cum<lIllhal """ '<I by Ill<: world', political ~rs al tbe COIICIu<ion of 1JI<o · Solnlmi!'. 1""'" "'" ilI...... fono ""ly """'tioned berf, .. a further """h- anisrn by whkh PPE prob~ N'adl oul 1M 1><'Yond thai "",. fifth of Il>c W<'lIid·.l>G\lUblioollhat .. rnosl di"-'<-'lly """ed Instability In addilioollu lh<ir "'orIdwide <1Ivirun........1iI impaa. I ~ ...: probl<'Ins..., aM d<-sl><'I1Iliun. k.1ldin~ 10 fur· thtr int<'rIW m~ ~ di';" sinn. 10000ti<:al turmoil, and .-inl'....l OOIIni<1s. In siron. lh<re is • rI.... risk of creaIlng a dimale lor lbe mwn of lht dictallln and Mn~ ",ho hiM>inJIi,cI<'<I II/> m\ll-'h dMna;re "" Il>c ~ of IlO many d,'Vl"lopi~ Ila1UrO" in the 11'«11' pa... '!lli" is the ~r f"","",-", by. """",g Olh.".., MdJllYO i\dl'<k'ji. furmcr Exeruu... Srcn'Iary '" Ihc: En",,,,,,", Cumm;'" sion fur Nrira, whu has Mid lhal "/H",IKI'GC'J (QOOI)/ rJrrilll' io (tJ .diti<nu II{ abjHI />OtVTly: Ill" by J.>r. Kofi Awoun<>r. Ghana', A",ho>.;ad.,.. to the Unitl'<l I'atioo.. ,,'ho has said thai "lVurt1 is,~",tltn <ldi<talo"'i~ . II is ""ipt It> lwIitw lito' &, iuti,.· riUlUJ1izi"l ",.lliHrfY o.d pmdtli",j", ~"'t1rl""lJ11l''''''' Q " . . ,. (QfI./11rile. 4¥l1fQf r«til't' ~I' #>';15 l%jItJ1l3. istkoitd lKem to fit. 12 1M ,,'_ob'ota Asil _ 1'Il..-.... 011111_ ..... ---"' .. w._ ..... ..._-_. -_--"" II Alot r-..o- -.l 1III_ £0'lJ _ .. iIIorM _l;Mo .". 1I ....." _~ -~ C<'II!IOIIl;" -------- "'--"'-.... -". rtrnr" 'Of. " t«/lll<liDD . od<- 1.I.lJig"" <O>ICtSSio• • Q')' tml/S. is oM'l>.rdt1mI &,0 <:rlpp!l., dnII .,.drmw. IJ' ir: IIimuJi/y II tI"".;~ r= ... II ..."1,, "';Ih lit. <"I'tIJJoi., i"'''''<1 <IIn", J«itrl distlI>ilititl. "';11 $/01'l.'i..... /I~.- l/ a- ~mi"", """""""'" nlal"" riaU..,. the" ....UIh<.T """"'.......,;J spiral wwld III"" be "" in moIion: tal """'lei flow .bnrad: IorrigIl and do"....... lie in-........I Ievcl:I wooId faD. as W<lllid ~nue< from """h ,,"lability· d<'P<'Odl'l>1 sou""'" to IOIIri"",: fIOriaI ~ ...cb "' ht'ahh and l'du",,1ion wool<! be disruplC<l: k.;.s Il1knliool woold tr. lraid Ie I'O"'-"'Y and ....viron· ",""tal lkwadllion: and na\iunil "''\lOUm'$ would""'" ~ Itnd Ie bo.> diYtrttd Il, th t mi~wy. to n"....,..;on. • fit. 13 '1'110 ..Ioarl blt in AIrico _ __ .. _ _. . ----".. _- _ R _ o l llt _nnI PI'IIltIo _ _ .I,fm _ ... in.... ............ ..... _ 1ow 1llJ ~ """" _br ... .... .."""'. s. ~ .s.t>o , and to topin~ wilh \h., COl'"'''' '''''''''''''' of COlnlli<t and inl..-maI migraliI>n.. In !hit- way. """ of 1M m<>ol ~ luI ~n. of aU "laY be P!'flIO'Iu. >led - lh>I br1""IW in$lability &lid povt'ft)'. The br'ololesl ilU,"",-')" of thooe ~ in 1M,.".jrJ wb= p<>Vert, ;. aI it'! f1lOI!l ~, and w ~ 1"'1>gR'SS has brousthl bencliI.. o/J""'" !hoI Ih.or In' by and lam !.he pb.:eo whictl tIaYC """mol from 1If')kmg..'II of in.Lob;lity, """fiicl. and ~ In hi. 1992 SlaI"""..1 Aw 0lgt1r. /rJr /'<Q«.lhe sl'"<maIJ.("........:J of 1M United Nation>. BoolrUS Iloutrol\-Ghali. has ... d thai the <W:p. nl <aU..,. of confIicI art:' " ~", ic r"".,. p." iod. .- -_ ..._ .... ----"'_. ---- dnt>ttir. S«i4/ j.;.uti«, oJUI ~iti<tJJ 0#""*"". And in its lUm. cooIIk1 j,; also Olle orw moo! rorrnoon and ~ a!\lllUng ca.".,.. of povnIy and d.....pair. A11be bowt of lh.i. ~ deoln>c1ive of s)'tM.Tgi""", is the tll,.... 1 10 Ilrmoc",,. iuoolt "o.1J" sotitl'1 D/ tUJfIOffll!i· ttiIl1 prolfflN ~ ."oaw ,.;pr.," ron Un",.. Aw "'... ~ Pf(/(f . "ClIo cifrr 1M l/l>o lnJi/J //oat rool llli/O"W ~ 1In< t II<'" ti.....- The industrialized world "n, _ iJUlkt>I~ TIle PTOllpcrity problem I'l'F. l""Obl<o"" howl....... lam and cnmpltx, arc ooly """ deml..1 of tI>e ~ th.u ;.. PlI"'ring twCI" the ZISI tmWtY.Th" Olhl..."Iajor CO>mfOJrlr"l of llw cri>Ils am..s from a diffurro l dire<:'lk>n - tile tfI.... ~ 01 risilIll ~ y. I1 Iw alrr-ady rnenliono.-rI ,!;al tho.- Pl'""'Il tll A"1 10 !!'>r bi~ ...• COlnl<.. <M.'r'Wl1dmiIl)lly from "'" r.'tJab. li:<lled ;" du-.rria1 nation.. """='nl'dlng 10 some f'Slima1<.... lor l'UlDJlle. tho> Imr-t of 11Jc ""''All'' Al'1l'rican ciI;.",;.n OIl the global ....vironmenl if ~ malt'ly 3 timI's llW 01 1bc a,,-~ halian, 13 m..... lIl.OI III IIIe Br'lIZilian. 35 limeo< thal III thr """"""' lIIdian. 140 times fhal of 1M IWl'Ig<! Banll~ and ""'"' than 250 IinJelI thai of a cilia.. bom into ...... allhr k:ast lk'Yl:loped naIioM. 0/ Alb-Saharan Mnca.~ This a,I(3in I~ an ;-., "md1 ha< 1x'<1l 'lridcly dionI.-l d...-wlk " I..... widdy ~ ~ lh< 111 1y ""'~ if far .-., JlOSlIIlou' o:ounlrico in succeahtUy IJW'" ......a ;i""larpau,'I"n 0/ progt"f'SS. oo.u The inl<'l'lIction betwI'f1I l'I'E probl<'IIIS and nalional In:ila!»l llk.. and ronJli<u also hall obvioos ~""""'""' . fur 1"-'""" and $lability at 1be inlem.uiorull Iev..t In >lOme ........ in'tr'IIali<mal actirm will be ""l" imI lo hdp prol... ., popJlation. In ex1rt'me emtI'j(O'IKies. or in failed Slat.- wh= aD nnIt1" has brok..-n down. In Olh..- caort.. intr.orubonaI irIvoIo.'ernenl " iO be 1JKo respo n~ '" ~ from dictatorial regi""-"l thal bIMo """"" to _ by apk>i~ tbe fruslratiolli of tbe poor. 1ht ~ and ri<l<sof ""flinll wilh llIOCIl """"ll""" citt. aIn.-ady COIloidmblr, ~ Iikdy 10 lW: submnlially In lheyo.'arS ahtad.k< '"'" tlislinRuiolJed modem hlSlOrian has wril""" I<1lal1y "r illc.'l[a!ly. to......"" fr"'llland~ of 00 """" '" land. of .." ".. Umilt<l OWO'tunlty. "'had" an CSlima1<'IlI(l(l million t:.,o,>Ie "'" Iivin8" ""loidc lilt' CO\lI1l1)' in whirh tt,,:y ....-e bom.~ A<-tording 10lhe UniI..'d Nation. I'opuIalion Fund (U N ~l 'A.\ . th<- "",.,.,..hclmin~ lI\i\iorily of lht..... "'" n:ooomk mlgnn~ a' Ieasl 20 million arc also n...; ~ from vinII'II<.~·. drousIl,l. and ""rirorImo..1aI dewuction. ~ A:i lht...... nnmbmo llIOWl1. ond ti lhc ;oou<lria). ized o:ounlJ'i". Ix'lliD 10 fet'1 mnn'of lhc p"-'$Illre.1he = _1ioo with ,he oe<'<I for a . - and """"ny<>riertU'd ;,,~ tinnaI de"""""'''....1clfon will btromo.. IllOln and mun'l'Yidenl La.t1y.p<>VI.1'1Y and desperation "'" aloo kl>OWJl lr> travel ocrnsa m!ernational bnnI..-s In the u/dy di!<l!Uisl'" I>f tom>t\.." and llle tra/f... in drull"- 1JIo, '''''r.IlI<' ""'..-orId " _ 1M /JrIf<i1N cooxq ...m of rapid p<>podtstiO" -W torl>. · Many of 111l;- ~ nalions un ItI.,,, Old uml8ri4J u/'GuUn< a.... "" <'2<th, partkularty in I\s.ia. ~ ~ jI/ollSibh "" 0~1.'" able t'ltPC<-1aUoo. of oc<>rIOlIlic JlI'O"1h Sc<:oI>tIly,lho.' I'Pf: ~l willWa ill !he l'ntl' ahead. <.iM.'f1 Il>e f(lobal ""1ft., • ~ lary in the fonn ali ~ ~ ~ ti pe<>pIc aU..'III1'l ",",,11 ,,'IcI<'Vioinn and video. and Ih"k dynarnlo: elk<1s OIl human aspinl1inn. ..., Iirnt,b. iI ~ 1ib.-ly 1luIl .-.,.oflllHo,ll<>IJUIu-'''''· lO be ~ au-ollhe-W will .......... ..., ill ......,..-. bfllioI .. ~ tIlO" __ m.r o f - . . ..<IID_ 1M; pr....u. . . . . . !he th.uI IbaI of ..,. ""'C*nt~ ..... nIIy. _ ,hlion ~ ..... . , IhiI ...... ..- . .......... . .!hal. ...... Vel ... ............-.."*,_cb<1llad ilf io:lib? l1o-Jr1y,W .... -_-_ .._-. _---... _- iol.-rieL dill thio ;0 \heir II,., ......w cIetl:r riJIII? .,.....w ..,. .... ' 5 _ ... _ _ .,.-.-_ _-. . . ..-- . f"oa. 14 n. ..IMmle .. UCio "-riel ~...n:l '"*'" .......... .. ill pooili<la lo n.:ni<1l iout; ,..• ..,. ill !he do: .... klpiac ....nd or ""ft"l thai ~ IIlIould 1>01 '"'l'in-' 10 hi¢ln .....,,, al ,nal,ml ~ II<>IhIng cwld bo- murc llJU'nli.u.. than ~"lII....inJ rna. lioItlI of """""" conli:Jl"" lnYO>D1nIlIIy bullodc <WI ..., waolIirq: \btoir cllIlllClI _. '0 dowIIlO waICfI --_ ... ---,---- - mer. Idi;lroe 0fll!inK in - . . ..., n 'f\IIW 0( 1Jallao'..., Y"Jull:IO~ _( '..... Iioa ill . . dUd " '111 -.1d ..... Ibt .......... ~ . . w ~. lorn ,' .......-........-.:r < ,; Mol • , C tIlO" 1Inn'I' "-'.,.. 1W ,. ~ ,, -"_ 1.. 1i..... -"1 JiorilIW. " __• ~¥. _ . ./MI. ,.." _ _ . . . .. . ll nrn.u ,,11*1 . ,.;.., •• Irilti<atiM • /Itt ..m.-.,. _,."..." flJk "" ftW . Mil/I• • '0"'" .... l<n<J ... #rJht . ...... . priltl4/7 _n:to.L'hin.·. pr'COCIit m ,' 01 """"""it: ~ 1Or~, """,1CL In """ l/I'Ill-Taliua. """'" 2 lL....~ 0/ I'Conomk tl... IoliO'"'01 similar In llIIl at the ~bli< ot K<wa 1Otlo;y, AI llIIl poIal. C!W', a-"! ~ "" !be ...... "W-w.ib~... !he ___ . . . . be IIimiIor '" lUI GIl" !he UJiIeod iIs arIIca oiodtle _ sea.... ... _." • .......-.l~ 1Oda(........ ' 5 •• cl ......... SiocIllIo' .. " • «MId bc dI:riooocl wiIh environmo....10 wilhin which loday'. _ lm:llI d war1l;~ :J M~ !be lnUI!IiOOn 10 new palho al po ,*,_ in lIM- incluottiab:cl """" Irieo ill ...... 10 lIlIiDIoin or """""'" lhc quality ol ... >tillle tiani6cla1ly roedu<i<'I ~ ....... 0- dcliIliIm 01 JII""'_-..ItI bc .... lbt . K' " C "". ics. if Ihrr • c t -. ...... lO ..... V ,n..illoooa _ 0( Sibil' <rile. .... GIl" - " • _ f ......., ,,....q!": Ir.-bdL ....... , . " r--Iha ....,...., pl.ocipal "j ,Ii,a: L.: ~ I'w. JIl vlllemi lly brioI". ... '" .. CIl<l tlw ..... IIIIffIO 0/ !l<W\'I1)'• ......",. _ JIllion ,IIrnWCh, anti iIlvcslinR: in !be fUI1II ond urt.D wilI __ .--.-- GIl"OIiDI.-l1 iot1he 2111 .... ifntyIos ......... tllow .. iDduRrioIizfcI <'llWIlrieI. ......,. """"""" • IfoaoI. I00 tniIlioIl. • I ~ • • •, • S ,. t ics . dowloIo Iloo u.I 01 K ' ... ..... .. .... whidI wiI .... Ibnt ... ........, \btoir m-.. pocb 01 tJI2IftiaI .oel. ",ill ~ local anti fIolIaI """ n- ~ ..... \iInils. ate -.'OI J .- 1.-"".. . . ,. '" tho ............. 01 ht;rs "" IM "" boat ............ . . llldr(. . die I.Oi ... 1I'Kll<... 1M-coIt_ .... _ .. ----,--" . . . . . . . . . . Iho _ _ . . - . ~ Sifoa lira ,;; . . III fKfI .. IWI. u. bill , If ..... lbt _w.llNo..-· n. ....... _ _ _ I}$", I .; tdilIolI. ~ • _ ....,dH ' .. ' i i s ? $ '" ~ lJiMIoj _ • • _ N_ E .... - lftIaf. WHO. IJHESCO ... lHf'''- 0.. IlID - - . . -I' ''''~''' ~I .. 1M- . . TlIt Me..... <_,.. ..... " ' . inlo .. _Iho ...., 111 ,.......t rr_ lho1..1hlUI yo'S. ~c~ ,." UN. bollC........" 11. <1>191... .. Ii'rIint lIinhI. Ar, mo1htIhoocI. bornSl:f..d· .. ~,td inuI "",. child c'owd\,<,olion, dilo,· mao.: ""', r.'llir' l<lIY intKtiont. "YlI..... IIltl, AI DS. Ina child i'l ......, dJ' I'IPn\tlll au: 01 "" _ . lhon IOU counlries _ . "" booll lw bttII II'IInIIItH or lod•• • Irs ....... n _ bftn lIiIDrool ID iii 0..- _ _ _ 01 lit &o:ldilion 10 btq _ '" "" httlltl _ _ n vI _ _ fKD ...,.'*'..._"""'..IdlDaI IflIVoI . . _ . ~ ICY » __ ....."'"'t.Q,.... - . lit """"' I ... fir _ . 1o a-.,1 _ aop,.. ... _ , :f ' ' i112_ _ . ' ! _ _-_,.................. . --............ fKa .... L.* . . - . . . . . . . . . -1iIorKy , • .--.. 2 """""" ....,-. ..... _ ..... , 011 . . """"' ..... p . - . . - _ . § ' ...............0 - : - . .. Nigorio. _.000 _ JIIUducM ..-. in ' - _ ..... _ "I~I,,, lor , III _ - . llle h... ,ospon6tcl MOl fldio SpOI>. .orioil 01 FKls lot Ib "'HUG H. orld llle incluoIDn 01 ..... $Oyn in 1KInd,.... 01 JOIP0fI0f1' lOll pojIIIIl f Bruit I rlIIjGf $_",",kIl .hl.. h.. P<Il ,"cIio _""",,,,,.'" Fo<fSlflflb llllSllyn ... 120 ..... plUIic: bIgI. In KItI\1t, \0 ..... lIIIIChbe_ . Itry llle 1IlUtIGI.. III f lllby, lIlIy ...... oppIMH" 2 ... ........--. ----,, . ,. _. . .. _ ..., ....... ........................ ..---_ __. ,___--_. . ,_ ..__---_ -_.- ........... *' """ 1Iddtd 1ht IIotp " .....,. .. IHdiIg _ tt.w ...... ,k ..' on""", _ M ' - - . 1IW _ kIouI _...-u..,1IIi,oca .... "- 11 ..... ... lorI-e. • ......., ' 60 Tho F_ I'NdI __ U\I IIooot c_ • """" CIt - - _ .. ... &--. ~_.~_it MOl ....,.. " , _ ' ......... _ ...,. .... a.. .. --. I ngII Ie llIdIfo iI"JClIOIl ..... ..,__ """'"*'...w . ~ , . . ...... ill . polIiDDo • I'NdI ........ ~ ...... -u.s. - . . _ _ .0 ...... . _ ............. 1 - " " IIlta lIiI . . . . . . . . """"' dtc;. 5 ...... - w _ _• taly°O" ......... ..,.. . . . . . p "1m. Ii .... TbI ._ fra. 1I ala-...,.. IlIl m -. ,. _ f.m Iwtilrlll_" 11 bd_odl .. 1ht 1IS1 hlUI ... ..... ..... "' ...,.UlKl .. . ...... .... Ill. .· • ~ _ rnakiIw a mil. &oa pnw:ticW eli.:"...... IIul lhr ......... lhr bt~ otlhll b .bitiw is poAo """""" \lor ~ \lor ~ ..... ..... Tht-~~oIlbelut 1m Ibe ;,,~ ~.,. 1lu'tas 10 ......... 1II'nIriIy now fIT mon.' ~ 10 aritIr hn i _i.... .... ,....,.'-lIlIt'ftl'd '" • d,~ ..... -=,' ..... ''*'' btU ' . . . , \lIoIIllo. · · "" ...... Ita lhr N&ioIoo ~"""''' I!oD . . . """""'". I"liIoooooa. .... at lb<... 01 t9!l2. ,¥ ., .... .." tI..-,. ... iii - . tI"'" t.M _ ai ... .......... tI._ _1* ....." tI.._ .,tIw~ . . . _._"",ai.,. • . I a i ,...,,,,.._ .. _ ... tI...... ............ iw ...... ai ....... ~ • ......a j _ _ " ; . . . - ,,, lJI ..irt . . . I......... ... fir' ."JriIUw ••_ail);.' - <l(ff.ili<lw tfriat I/u;, . . " """'1tlI"'" llIImu ItJ ... UI/"wn.. . I«'In'il)I. Nf#I' * - tI ~ t.M _ , iI _ . ri#fIIn ... N tII ~ .. Mit16 I"'" ri..ria. _ ~ poIdtiDn by , n. ............... ,...-,....,.." ~ '~IriI.'" ..·_..· _. ... . tf...... ' "'. ..... . cPlt£ thro lbrnI 1Illb<- , . po m ~QoWr• ~ ''" ..., ! . ki ....... ai... _ _ n...- _Ibrtm 10 ........ -.1 .......... waoriI)' rInrIr nil lor _ ............... In p.1it.Ior-. ~ .. 1'" An '_'IlIiaI,-l<mnM <!lib.. ~ ... fI"drljnililm o( ...nal is mnnl by I<'ro~1,. f oo.....iI1,II ,.... ,...bal. cau:t<d by It.......b1iral.... ti h;" bo<lk 71I, ,.u, uJ /aU of tit, Vtul ",..,.... hi>ll""",, l'iwl IV",l<'d, hu at l~ n , p1,..t IIr difIi<uh lMSlc <II ~ ...,,,.. nt b ~ 10 Iho.'lal!k of I'"'PlIrinI: fur Ilk- 21 ill n ". hll"i. ' w-".... /J . . . ~ ' Ik~, au.' ba .... ariol ..............lll • t l ~wy ~ _Irom Il\J lIilil.IryolbaJIlr. \lor ~ Ilftat 10 ~ ... . " . 10 . . . . '""" "'" ~ ottk._,.h ... ...-W ' • •...,. t'lISI"iallballhc _ ~ .... in --'d iI:o irnmt<lot' !nlIul ill 1M of New rotlC<..'Pl" of SC'Cllrity ....."", "-N .. UIl <lioporwot. Gist ~na .nould I"'· """''''''''''eelU a "'" tainIblT lutuli', And in UMtd Slat,... (<><by. 'o'IlkH.... bts/innin.a Itt be rai...-d in Ju PP<Jr1 <II III<' icl,. . tlul polio cK.'lI IIhwld b. ""Iically ""rlmll.<1 in R'lf"l<I~ In 1~'E probk",., A1"'"1:!l" tho' I)....,.v" ful <Ii I....... vui<n, may bT I'ltCtOpltd lit"", m<>!iI t"" n '/ •• .".;4.....' _ " ,..,... ",. _ . ...... dtq ..,;,. ,.., " . , tf lN _. ~"' "" . ctfI/'",. lMrtrill., .., ., -.MIll ...... ,.,. tI ""'i 1>4 . . _ ,.,., _..,~ ~ .... .. IJaiMII Slam. ....... -. , . ..,.. ..... -M._ItiDiJw .... ........""',.,." _./u......... ...._"*' --".,...., .. '*- ..... utI«7 _ _... jIiIw., ... t*M ;. tI .. ".,.. tllIftI ___... Jmt .. , """'"'" ..,. ..... .,,..... . . ......... . .Ubi r bo _ ~ rl ok",' Pc: ........ ,."."" ... ~ -W",., . _ _ /air ,. ...... ........._I*f .; ... _ )1 • .. - U .,..,. , ..... t ~ lib fino •• GloMI Ma, I • If • .... ... 1Iaa.f,.. __ . _ • n, iN ' .& tfllftl II- ...,. ..caJr INIIOD inYadiI ...., <'UIIId.-1c<lipIIP" . YI'l _ ~ ... sciII "'~• .......-.. tII~'" Ia,.,ui ~.wiaS.IJ.. ~., ... . ............ many Ilmo.... ......, . _, .. 10 ""litNy raparil, lhan 10 erwimft. n>tnlll p."h ~"lit><I. notions, nation al security is threatened by enuircnmenta! degmdatian on a scale tllat ti D invading army .....,~ JIrcoady nw dill IIIlloNI IIf'aIrily is It..- ""el by PI"': po 'I i.dIal. .... .....--..... "' III many developing t/... ar1Ii-(. _ io"";N<I_it.1Iaa", I · ... n...._ ,,"';#wt$" __ '''llIIn ""... ,..."...,n..,llIIt _ /h • • itftWMJ ftw _ i. 1J/JU ...-ir ,..,...... • could contemplate. _ .... _. ~.w ~ ~ .. /It JlMiJi:t -u ~'. ."",., ". lit i..-..m./ _ _ '" .....ullin, . . IN....... lit ....ri_ _ MI1y. l l ' ,.nm. . Ift.............. "-" ....... Illlrht II. ,_do" ", icII: rlislir.lhor _ .... ~ . , froao ... lor _ .. Ihr poilinl _id<o • • • .., IIIillk dli&. n... pokito.i11 ~ linandol 11.-_ ~IIIW Iopio• ......t<l, in ~1IqltIliaIion ol. n - . . aDd ill II<.'iI.'IIIik - ........ . . 1be- ....... oI ltd.....,. ilia ill ...-u.. 10 PPt: lin I ' . .. ill ,IUII_ ~. il io ....,, _ ......., .....,1 ....... ~bJ, .. •• -.: . . lit c-. al " ...... ...., it lhol"' ~ C.C" .. " , '" <6;Inf; III O<i <_ dw - . . - . . oflbo PG"<"ftJ'lholpo ocicb .... '" lhr """p:- ...""'" I a$ : r JIVW\h -.I .Iht-........ ~N Gaft. _V"iC'f"lh""'. oI ....a 1M lhIiIftl ~ _ n 1lor Ilw......o l' I ' \lIoo _ _ it lIIlcII ' - tIM, . . . - . of "0. __ ....w. e"I""," dAI ~ 5 : ci<aIM. 00IlIII00criIi. . . ...... boai)y food po , lioa.-.I ....... iIaIilr: The 6111llest Tht PP£ ..."blo.... ~ fGYiron...-l u.... froao ~ .."",.... .... w -'" ....,.. 01 /It maR lbr J[JeaI nmiIloa .....'. ' i".... u~. ocllbo bn.>E <O<I\l:XI M U11111:m1ll III l:riDli: Ihc: bair bo..'f'l('fito oIloruen-.... III lMId ""-'<'I 1M rn-'aI h u n~ IIo.ol:I di!lC\llilil'd iIIlhl' tlrsl pan aD ~ ! ' • • , 7 " "' • ... ....". ci jau,,-u..rl ........ III ....,. oI lbtw _ . I) " a .t AocI at.i< ... tJoeo . . . """'"" J:QIl< thlI " - btoo'lllWlftd bJ !he n»iao'iIy of lhr -"1"1 ~ I<adcn «lUIII lIo:rd cu be <'Omidrr<.... • h lI"5I of (he imC'fNl4iMal rommu. . . .: t ... nllfl ~:and <apaciIy III ~ WIiMIl InlntoiliO<l. The fmal pan of lhi~ rtp<II1 thco.... in '""'" dr1.aiI .II"" ""ntnll a>nllibulion,,'him Ilk· "",h",",I1Ictll of Iwic human ~ rwld tllIk , 10 l/Io.! of \hiJI "'1">'1. Tu nlffi (I.e.' r ~ nariorW a1lou and inlrmaliorW <OO\Il'ltiion .... mall}' diIlo.'fl'll1 fftJl - in the "'loot and poll1kH oIlall.'rrWional Lndo:. ill IlIIlll' ~ttd and 1bo S1abWatiol'l of popubliolll. and to IlMIanal ...... ~ Ib< ...... <If ..............'111>11 ""'"""""___ bbour~ ~ k>ok. ~ 01 l'!'£ 1W"'bk.... - 10 lho.o -ma- 01 minimum burnan I>L........ 1<1 The synergism of sol ut ions I'In I fJI ~ It1lO"I ~ lbr "'CI t . . . Ihf pOl jeI C Tbr wai..,. . II , . c" : ............ _oI<hi1d . . . <_" . ... Ib m.- w ok• . • the I ' :e.-:I _ ••h ~ ~ '-" dowri.... III W poiallll wbidI ...., r/.1IIr ~ I/gl _ ...""*PIlI1IonIrIIlo 01"' .... m a:JuM III thr cIiopoool 01. Iomi- _ b io *'001 all _its .......... III • ....... la~_ ~ ..... lho ;111<"";001;01 <'IlIIlftJJ1IiIy ." _ in I JIQO\iIjoII. sholIld ttwr to dtcido.1O brinIr lIbouI add ....... ...., oip;Iinnl ilr.prtM> 1Ilt'lIlS in tile IW'Yinl hnhh. RlllriOOn. and ~ or many tniIIion-< 01. !he "",rid', rh ~ ... Spccifie ,lIOal. which n,11o.'<l Ill ~ poJIl'llli;ll ~ bo.·" o <Ij(n. 'll by I"" 1Kl6lk'al ln<k..... 01. - ollioo... Pan 2 hu rnappo.d lhe w-ltr Ia/>d. iQIlC In ...tIieh this p:Il ... tiaI ~ ""'ol w., ......,. dnwio« IlIttlboollO 1M I1Ullllllly ~ ~ .&t'lI <I_limled pcM'l'Iy, l"lPd IlOl>uIIlioa D O' 4: mvin>D.....ul _ - lho- PI'E probk;D -u.-' .... n 1t a;1a o, ~ ·oI 11ut bdw IlOl"" pd ...... I'In 3 looks III Ihr . -........ botwN ~ Col . . IIwat. ... . i ...... Ito. . t ' ' iI« 01 liar $ ..... ........ ....w ........ ..................... , ',.. u.. II c' ln. . . . . . . dlt 2l« ttMwy CI mba.. T~ I'\ CCllllnlof1llt rbiJ' ol ..,.... n A..... oIdlid~ A ~ lt. . . . . iII....-,M, U A ..... .,,'••__.. ." . _ ~~ I I Tho.. """""""" o "'''*...... 10 aD COIIUWO~"" It. bWt ~ fill"all chikIrm; ] ,. ., 3 of"'" $."~ F..-;h 01 " ' - ..... is 6MIT f'dIled 10 Ibt .,.... 01 the I't"E ~"io"" w" '. II lriI boo IMR 0:4.... III .,... ee_ 01_ .. !l1f.""US iMo IIIftr. hNWI . . _iliw: edaca- --............. HEAJ.11i AND Nl1TRI110 N II.nclIirijI baoic lutman bnlIh .... ....m -. would IIlriko:' III. -"" 11M: 01 the Pf'f: probk,n. F"1fSl. imll"O"\'d tdh i!l one "' tIN! . - POWerful 01 all """'POll' lor OWI<lcinll" po'o'rI'1y . WlI.m." ju~ by Ihe KOOOmj(" ~ nusrd by ~lC di~ .... by tile K<lf>OI1IIo ...,...",. t am.d by In""",,","_ in waI<.'r ....,. ply,. Ibc 0I'l~ l<-'Olimony of "-<Ct'nIl'<"'"' • Ihol ~ in IwaIIh Md ""Irili<>n Iw>Ip to !rt"qlroye """"""" IiriIy .-I to ~ \lie I't'lUl'IlI 0lI "'---.,L odl<r...... In 1M ..., _ it • obwiun lha &"..... ............ -.r. ...................... .... _'-lbe .. · '" "'-'". ... """" io 6rWt..1IM its. .... ~ _ • bt1IoT '" .wt IiIDe _ -..:r io oidl dlitIlrN.. In IMc&tt'd~oI ..... t, _.~.-...._10l 01 < ill lbt -vs __ ....... lIIlbt ~ _ ~ • IIIl ol;Ioo;- .... _ 1M.. f There is all obviolls and profou nd connection between the mental and physical development of children a"d social and economic deoelapment of their -.,;",, ___ ' $.....• lilt _ _ """ phyadI" 01 etIildIul ..... -W _ w .......~'11 .of1llrir_ ..... n.. hi COIllrib.uiWIlha woWcI be llllde by ~ baic: IlraIIh .... -oold lhcn., *,", be to ~ boIlI the: 1IlIort"""" and ~ *"'> lMlmic ~ of POQl" <:untlll\l~ t llt~ societies. Ub-Sahl ' '''' Africa is the 0fIIy '"Ilion at Ill. d8'M<lllinll WO<1d S by 1.2 bi1h. PI' W\lIlIIn bllWII" $plIed deeine in fertility. Some SI ' " ~ In Kl flyl . lhe Tf R SllmI to hove lolIIn by U bmhs PI' wom.n ltIol hu not ~ uno't<lI.... I wid. d, _ropl1tfl i>lb.. 11111 I de, .... his now begLlll; otIlo,. ar. "'" V9l prl ... 'tll til t ommd lhtmstlvts. Irg... ll'i tho,"'" "';"",. is .....11 llerno; r.~ trod H..1Ih S!JIveys (OHSI hI'" recently been tDIIduclid in 21 $IIb·S . ...,," AlTice" ""lion•. Re!lO'1S from 13 lUCh 511J<!ies hIM bun lIU~ Ind prelininlry mutts' " rvlil.bII fO! lou, ...... 1981-1980 I rld 1985-\988. BOlSWln. ~I' oeM I Mem. 01 0.8 ""' thl in 101I1.nIl by 0_5 bolwHn 1911 . ... 1989. ~ ISlin Q th.l t:hI dec linl in Iollilify elllJlcl bl I OCe\e(e!irl\l shl ' Pt,. " is . Iso POSSibillho, forU'ly h.. beQun 10 hi. in BLIfUI'ldi, M ~1i. Nig..-i.. SI""g.~ iIIId T"9'l. though in • • of IIm I lht f.B .. TFR is .......,kIll Ifld thl supllOflinll ovldeoee is less c...w.eing. Tho _ in. in <<>nj<mtion ""'" ather oWl"",,,, mok' . cleal mat 11" liliry h•• !legLI/I to deeli'le in . , I. Ul In Nigeri. - willi olmost 0 ~""" of sub-Soharln Alii",·, poopIt _ t:hI ~ lVIill bll l1t1listJ•• s ugQISI I dtolino in 1111 TFfl of L3 births PI' WOIIII" Botswan', KenvI. IM Zirnblbwo. &on fuf ""'.. n. lioM. 1tI~SlH:' "",.,,,,tl! dtclino of I fly COllnuy in on ,.~ chi""". ""It limI , "" It, Irom satislll<lOlY. BUI 0lIl" obstl'ofl irina. _ weight 10 "'" finding thot !her. hos bo'f<I l declino in lII. lOaI f.rti5fv lite (TFlIl 01 _ . than ..... IMnII ptr WOII\lln. Tho reponed 1111 01 sub-Sobl,.n Africl III lIall . b<Jl tho ~nding i. 1<apI<T; ~ is: JIOl <ll n silllrll, for "" ., _ su"''''VS ~ !hIl ooIy 6"4 01 m.,riod """'"" in N'9"rio 11>1 """'" form 01 comr....... lion .n<! 11111 only 3.5,. un modll" m... .r me courmio. olLlel"" trom l!l82w 1988. This" tho II'Q'S! _ comac.pWo .... /or ........... __..av.r... hIS nun lignific:oRlly. in Zi'IIl>a tM9. 6Idno boolIon .. !hI """" po.... Ious ., of tho south-WI'Sl lncl pos. sibly intho SOUllHlSl Tho.......... ItQ'" IIII! '"' ~"",.I rltef'" in f.rliIiIy III. yet bl g\lll in sub·S.",,." Allie. poim to rho I.e' lhIIU.d ilio••1.. Iuts ".l'llni/'l f _ 11191 to..... . nclthfl lhl un of conblC.prlQn is '~llIIy 20 porpoints lowe! IIIl n tould b. t1qJIetoel """" .0000P1'td '" ~Il ~ at m. ",eeI women flOW .... I modern moII1od 01 r~ ~ ill Botswlnl !1M iii." is Ind in ...."'" m. M.... conlinntlion ....... from .~ ..king we.... how nuny <!liId,"n m.y woOl. In Kl nyl , the JtlOWOr t.ll ••ry..... r ~ fr o .. ln _ . age 015 1 in 191\01 to U in 1989.Amono; women avtlI "0-44. !he ~ ..I numbt< 01eMd,.. _ . ...d55;"""""ll!>osl I gt<l 1S-19 111, _ wal3.1. 1111 I nsIWf g;"ln Bo,swltll, Kenya Ind Zimbabwe h..... also t>ettt< III." "'''1' in aUlour 01 !Ill " ' ." 01 prOG,es. most eo.n1l1lOllly . ssoci· . ll d with lllIinIj loni/ity _ riU>g IlfI\Ill! e<lue.lioo, II,"", child IroIlaf. ify, wolk.., l.miII' plo~ lIfOg,......... and I do9rH of ec:0Il0IIIi< '.,ocI AITic," not:,.. ..,.,. The most "'.mati< did ... h.. o<e\lf,1ld n Zimblbwe wt._ PHS 'ISU~ lIJWiSt1h111l11 TF!I h.. ll l." ~_ ... fib tyl/l ll . ,"""go counuin I I limiIll _ . 01 oc <>- """'* """Opmolll ' ''l UI ~ thai the . il,um IItInc• • !h1l d«tn'l'lino lorrOIy "i.. It. elll~ and lftol ,"s~ .Melly IS olhor p<lIlIJla1ions III.. de". - prowling !hll "uff"ienI priority is given III 'eGUCI/lll ch ild dl.ltI•. ",,"celinll womon. Incl mlk· ing '"""'""' f.miIy p11l11Wll1 _od• .....otylncl c~ l . oill blo.O AIric... .... _ _.---------~ ... .. ~* _ _ .JoI. Health and populationgrowth s.,,'lIldly. ""Ql,hin~ basic' ...." 'llh ~ would ha W'a klnjl"-I<''''' "","<1 "" popuIalionlI"O"'lh. 11", I~I po1l<u.illI r.... iJnprovinJ! ~hildnl1', I...alth and ><aVin ~ dtildn'tl's Iiv\os io ......arly ~01'tJ"oClm, - so""""",,,," I1W ~ h;oj II'd llOf11<'lo'ltl<'Slioo Ih, ,,;';' dom of 'ltvk>;inJl .....h l<dUliq U'" *'l ;mmun"'I"". ORT, and .nlibiol~ un tho: ,o:round. lIun in=~ clilld!lUl"' vival ",u", will m,:rely ",,",,-'fbaI"I"'Il"b1ion prub k:,n.<. This awn1l111 ill IlOt only \IlIf:lhinl. 11 .. ~tuunrlly mL<Uk<11. II", "" Un<1hi<a1 ;uwJmt'fI, bl. .. it impIico ,hat"" """':III"ble reopo u... til<' Joopula,iun l""blem I. w ,kllbo..,... .. ~ly "";,hhold basi< bn~fi,. of - . ' l'n.>:n ,he I'"un ,", (I\W1'' ' rI '0 the world'. in ortll'l" Illal II fig. rI ,hriT m i!rln.'O .ooukl """tin "" to dl~. U......h a prt' CO'\lI "''''' aIlow<'tI to Ihrn l!tt' 1Ilnl1O(k.a ~'tI and ....... Wnab"-' fu'un' w<mld be dc6.'tif':<! lUll by Illypola.dati"",..pIo,;;"m oreovironm..utal dis.".".. bu' by ......."""P"'-' rI oiOCan, ~ p""","lB,(:<' ,,,,,,-ani. ,.,,"aiL ,he hunlllll "Pirit. And 11 is a miSla1rtl1 argumNIt bl.....,,,· 11 is ""...'tI <>II a ,ni~ of Ib<- rriaIio<t.'<ltip brI"""" rhild tk:"lh. and ptJpUlaIiou JmJWI1I. 'lllal 1:"":,,, rd at iou.rup ha>t IlWIj' 001 0\«. "U 11 ren..:t. til<' ""'lliM Ia<t ,hal a !\iJmiliI.1lIl1 and sustaint'tI ~ iD ch ikillrath. i. a1mo;l I"""riably a pn~ rondilion lOr I """ in '""'lt8o«11li~ u... >od • ,;uSlllint.'tI WI In f<ortilily. ~ 0",-' 'U1d1..r1Y1nR aspc<1 of ,hat m. 'iumhip is ,ha"lI<' <lta1h of . mild is <.>Il"" quidly <VII1IIl ''t! lOr by • ...... prf'gIWltY." r: in ....... wlwre !hi' is n<ll Ill<' "",,"<.iouo in",nlion. !he Ik':llh of an in~, mean. ,hill bn1!il' ffflliOll "'>l>'. and "";!h iI ,"" muu-. C<'P!M' l~"'. boll< 01 ,"".... " ·...on" hiJth clulrl ........ h 111.1"" u....t!y mt"In thaJ. 0'""" mUdrl'll art' born. A 9t<'<Jr>d ra...... ot ,ho: rd"ti<>Il,;hjp i. ,hal if OWly rhild.... n <lifo then fW"'IlS l<'Od 10 in... n'. and oft.....10 O\«.;"",n'. by hoviOll • b'l.~" numbt-r of ctJjldrnn ,111III t/If'1I lrIually want.~ More bro:Idly. wl><'''' "'nfido....r' mM su" r.,.. """"tw· vival rl'Il...u,. low. ~nl' IfId ni~ ,~nd MI,o PI"l/fl-"'" to the ~ of bui!dIOlllamii..... by <'Uf\lciws pImning.~ l'o'w"...·ly. WNl1 <hikl d,'IfIh ralt·.lan a nd ,bo.' flo\olio nship beI........'f\ tho: nombtr otbirtl1s andMfl1U11 fm>. ily <i.e ~ 0""" prcdi<ubk·. f>n.. IIy plannlltl[ btco n~ • 0",", >l~ )lI'tlIXl5itiun.. Many otutl"'" ""'.,. lho: la:;t ......""~ h..~ ~ " " _..a0'tlX Th"l' ha..... bl'en ...nulled up by the Unill'd N>lion.l'o\>ul>l;"'o OM"",,, in <>IX'"'-'II' ,,""": "J...p"""", ... ts io ,.i/d "''''I-'t1J. fit. 15 CIIl1d dlllhu'" iii",," ~""I«>I_""-. _ ..... aI_"",~--,,,,,," _ ", ....-IM _ a=- fa "",,, ... ~"'*" .. _""" ~ - ,,,, I ~ IIl1ll.1!Bl.... 11l'lI -' .- .~. riidl i.<mlY 111, pmlkltlbi/i" rj l~' /tJ...iIJ n i/4;"g P_ . lrigg.., IU 1"'0· $iii"" frrJm lr<J1It",11D wolrollrd/f'rlr1ily Irdoaciott.:nu, roncluoiun ""'" olso l'ftllono.'tI by 1M 1m ·f-.nh S,nnnu!' in Rir> J""'..... and d~ by ;1:1 Scn<1ary-{;,,'I\(:ral. M"urin' !ilmrur- "111.. f6m ~ mI.rt "ild illoiSS ,,11I/ .m""lrili.. alUl ~ dJ.""v. rj do. WorM ",it fn; Cltildrt. ill ""rial . 01 a.l1 /i>r its lllrII ""u bl nM ... Q ......... rj.rlP;ng It> " - ,.""JnliMr ".,,,,,. alUl_ .. po<si. til. tIll;rQlImtlr'QJI.yIrWnirl4b1.. /kff/np- rrw. .so... ......, ,.• III.2 1stU . III" no """od: Threshold effect This link hrt""",n .-.during <hild dl.-aths and n"<!ul."in/: lc.'rtillty k:'{cls has now .......hctl • t'ritind "';nt. To ...... wh y, it i. """'-*WY 10 look in. IInIe mun.. detail aI !ht. dilTt-'Il'Ul .togl'll of 1h:I, rtb tionship. As. fij(Un> IS """""" the t'3J!y "'-"1/<" of d,'Ctin<, in dtikl "'-'II,h~ oft... "-lillie rlff'CI 00 fmi~ ity. AI Ihi'SlIIgt-. 1 hWl ondcr·m., """. tality rat ~ a/f~. the ra!<' of JlUllUIa!i" o llfOVl1h in lWU lvn ,ooi<1ory "")11: ~ OOviouoly. II"" fro-... thild n'f\ 5IlMw- 10 ha..... ml!rln..., of their OWn and. an otht'r thingS brill,ll "'JUII. this migh, 1<>w<'T p<>pUbrlion llI'U"'Ih 11II,-," by I b' ptm.'f\laj[t. poinlS; bu, it al", (hili ~", ili,y """"'s remain hiI(h. as i,"",nls rauno, be tt>ttfick'f\1 in ,b<> of ""-oil' l"ldsting thikltrn: !hi. teftds to h:wc a mum moI'C I..... """ oco.'tI cllr.'l" in ~0lI populatlon 1/I'O""h 111.1"" hillh. II is II the ""Mrqlltl1' SlIIgt! of Ihis pruo........ whl'f\ und...-.f"", oKlrtality n",,,,,,,, • • ---.......-,.._..,__-..._--.......-..--_ _..... ----110 ... _ _ . _ ...... . .... .... .. . . """ ..... --- .....·an. " I"lIk~ 1><'I':in ' 0 fall fro,n aruund 150 p<'I'" I,OOl H"" bin.h. ' 0 100 prr tOOl and 111<1l to :\0 prr l ,OOO, lhat cont~ .... 1.00, to ,;,.. mo", sharply and fer. Iilily to fall """" ""'<'ply, ~-~ 16, for ell""",*" ol...-lhat '" 108 """"I""" rOT whi<:h the fulures at\' availabJt" COl>Ifa<:qltiw uS<' mIl.... n'fIIaiJI beIQw l.'O' in 1"- roonll'ieo. w"',n' und/,r·fiVf: efforts to aring such benefi ts as immuniza tion and antibiotics to all tile wor/d's children: it comes from the failure to do so. i\fu.'I' !luff ~ of impn-ssi... prtllIl'..... priOl.ry orbooI tnrOlmont primary !<d>ool ,odll<"3tioo fir at M will be OIl<' of III< ""'"' diIIi<uh ,IlOIlo 10 ""hie...... lI"t wilbou.t pnJll" ''"' to'.'an h that «O'll ~ will botn<ll<' incre..u.,:ly difTltUb '0 """'" wilh lhe 11'.: dwk1lj(t'_ The comes not from Kirts - by the)"l-ar am shows lhat who.'R: uodor,lM: moruIil~ r<'Il1lIin hl¢\. 1M Jc'flility rat, l<'Ild. to romaill aI six, ...-ven, or tip, binh. Pl.'I' WOtll3ll, It is whc1l child ,hiM fallOl.."ty thaI Ic'l'1ility <!odin"" 10 foot, !hn.,<,. ur lWObirth, per woman, papulation problems eor. ood "-1CDbon rat.. have _loll .,.. fallen in many Mrnn and ~ Latin AnIorican CQIlot';'" in the 1!OOo. On pn.....1l1tn-'Ild",lho:rd<tn.. ,he ~ 01 1"lIl<~ exacerbating 1he goah thai ho", bH1l ..slobli.'wd lur lIR· <1ld 0( this ""'wry lndu<k pr0viding prinwy ",boo! <odUl.'atlun for at Ioasl of ,'hiIdren _ boll1 ooys ond mortality ~n . abovc 150_ 1,000. Only wIle1l child tleath> rail 1><""" 100 dn<... C'Ofltrxt'll'iYe u"" rise 10 SOl: or tllOI'e." Similarly, r.~...", 15 _ urn Tile real risk of EDUCATION ~ 0( lI1i. panem, for !he po..,datiod diInon$iOn of thr PPE prol>lo",. is lhat lIlaIll' roonuif:s of Iii., d....'C~ world han' aIn.'ady pa-.l Ihrough lhe =1y ~ ofll1io ~ and ..... po;..d on the II1l'O'Shokl orwhal could and lIhould be • P1'liod nf rapid 1ort.i~IY dt.,w,.,: ' ntorin" 11101 ~ dc'P'-"H'l' nil a confinu,nK ,Iodine in UIlCr..r-livt: mortality. Thio hiSlDricil paU"", is Iikt-ly 10 bKon... prot>OUlla'd bc'OlU:!l'. lodJy, >1mool all <"OOnm.... have ..,-ik.'Olab~sl>«l ~ tI01 ~ adt'qual<'ly IWldod, flmily planning llfOWZIIlI1It.... Fun.hcr gainf; in child hcahh and 5Ur\'ival (aD Ihc'frli>lt, he tmnsla1t'<l . more quickly OWl in the pa<I. hUo rodllction. in fortility. In ... rn, d<>inl( whaI<an now he <Iono;, ,n improve chlld ",,,,1111 and rodlltt rhiJd doaill'l'I()U!d tIOI only be • •f· icalIlodvanoe III ito own righ~ ~ ........ k1 ah;Q be an imponant contribution 10 lhe 1o~1IIl or bin.h rat..... Con"'l'f'llcly, 10 IIII<:rw JlI'llIrelI\I w sIo<'ko'ft ...... would be u, risk ll"aving many ~ <'llUnme. 00 tho lhreholtl III ...1>lUnliol falls in Ii,ni~l)' wilboul a<Wolly Ial<inK the plSIoK~ ....·n n""" 10 OIho<W<l<'<!o. the real riIIk ofCXI(populalioo prnbIolIlli today tloc~ "'" CO"",- fro", effort, to brinJl ....m bmdlL< as immunization and <'I'baIinJI antibiolics to all t~ WOtkI', ~hildt\'o: the failw'" l ij do...,. conl6 from ~ ""'SI lhe Iinh b,..t"'ffn I'd,...ational adt'anCl' and .--tvi1\Jl PPE problm1s ""' many. T" l>f1<in will1, <odu<ali<m. like beallh, bt'1pII,,, Ioooon 'ho.' hold"f povt'l'ly. Mony "'Ildic.... portinllarly 0 - iniLialcd by III<- World Bank in """"ot have tIl'mon>ilral,od this for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. "..... ,Iltrt. lo ogrIruklltf'. ic... in ~\a1oysia. thl' Rt'l'UbOC of K" . and Thai-laod, and tIIOR' "-'-"'fitly in RanK~. India. N,opaI, l'IkiOlan, ood .....,..1 I.-in Amcri<ao """nn'S, ~ ,;huwn that larm.'I'li ...i!h llChooJ. l<ijt""' IlIOf'\" p;oducriY<' than oirrrilarly silU.l<od Iarmmo ...... houl cd",...tion,~ Ov<nIL inm>a!lo."8 in Iittr.ltl' Ieuell ood in primary ""bool """""""" ira", b=l found to t.. WtongIy "",""",",oil with I'I\QI'C r.opicl inma..., in 1"'1' capim incorTIOlI and wiill KfI.'O','r """""",it <oquat;l)'." (hM!' !Jaw, sIIowo that 1b<' rt'tHtOtl1ic ""-urrn< fn>m ;,,',-'lll' tIIf1lt:< in primary ..:IOOItion e"",-,-,d ""die.,. 111_ of ony oIh....kind 01 ~~ Sot-b rond usin"" ronfum wlIai romnH)n _ .... lIlJl:Il<.... - illal tI<'1t,.,.. .,j""atro people- ca" particij.. IC n""" fully in the prtX'\'>IlI<'" of olOlIomizaliOll and """"""","""", and "'" bl.1tl'!· "bit to taisoP lhoir <IlVI1 In<on.... and ronlrIb11lc' 10 lIR· .............,; tlowo1<>pml...., of ,ho.'ir natioM Education and environment Sl.,-vndly, arhicvinR 0", lION of a bIl:ii<: l'dncalion fo,- all L. one of Il.e . . - fundam<rltal PR-'I"<'<"" for manag. i"ll" lhe envin>n"""'tal dim..n"" <>f!he PeE ..._ ~" ''lll ril\ll lunhtl" dmrioratioll of 1M"'doerable ,'rIIfiro1lJnl1l'" in ...roct. Ihi> ..."OI'1d'. ~ Jl"<llIIe "'" ~ itl,Vy ""o" "llraled I<'iIl "-""ire .. ..;d< '""II" of inlc""""li<>n.. It I<'iIl """'i..... rot ewJlll/f'. trade ~bPra!izatlon lnd in<n _ '<I lirwriaI flo..... t<lhelp diver· oify cmplor,ne.u <>pp<>rtnn~;"'" II ";U also "-'<lUiit.' ;nlfl.'Sl""-'Dt ill new melh"'" of ~. and l:tIflt"ially in tloch· niqul... of O<lil and water ~emetI~ In enablf. the millionJ ",",,0 remaiII ill ORrirultu'" tn ......... lho.-ir .......'<1$ in ..... tamable woya. 1llC' l""'" """-l ..iU th'nfon' "'" a mi:Ig rwd for ltaining andrell1lininlr.for!he~IiooO( _Kienlili< """"'led!/\': for the intn)dlX'tiotJ 01 ....... ~ '" pQnls and new war» of (onnin)(; lor !heIIf'O/IIOliIln of kr>ow\ed.l:<: oboul "",""-,n",,lltal d."fm' tu lk..lth; (M.. wideninsI: put> Ii<" ..n";!ivity 10 !hi: vulnl'nbilily and inlmk.'P<-1Idtnn: '" KflOJ'Slemo: and for 111 inaftoe ill _ _ "f lho.' d>oi<c<. a1lc-matM..... and I"" lonK~erm con..-q""""" '" many de.:i""'n$ Ihal mulll ~lly bo: mode .. --;. C1icll become mort' ""mllk-... ~;"viroo· ",.,,,tally ooundnl<'lhod. of ill '<now\. than mosI ""n""lltioual panicular..... 'ffII ,nlJOb edl-""'int<ll~ (annin ~. rtl<IIl' nlelhodo." AD of liI<"S<: ~.hanli:cs ";u be IlCCCSif cmtironmeIltal 1X'Oblems"'" to be C'Olk'<l "'ith. ADd all deprnd hea-ily On ed..calion. Unb. the goal of .. bo.!Ii< <'dllQ.lioo for all no be rexhed. nlillions '" fX.'OIll<' wiU be den"'<1 know\,'<II/<. d"*". and OPIlOflnnily. rendering Ilk..... 1<....bI<- 10 mo.l<,' informed deli"",,," about their owtI fu","," and """ pn'P'lf\'<I to ad.1lJt to the many clwlgI't; !hallif' ahead. S>.r)' Education and population Fi"""r. Ih<: "P'"Id '" odu"uion ;. 01..., o(llIt' ""'"' bo.oi< "'k.'vance lei !he lhird .....nlC'll of 1M PPF. pmbl<m _ • poroUaIion gr<lI"lh, In parti<ular. \he ,..Ju<:oUon of girls ha< been """,,'II In be one /If the flIO$I ~ dd,'l"Jl'lino.nlJ< /If Ierti~ty d«li""," """ally F.du<aled """""" 11m, Il101'1' opporlunilies, mo<e owarcness ily pIonning poosibiliti<.'s, lOt! ore mor<' IiJ«oIy tn diJcu'" IIId 00ridr with \heir po.rtr><.'n how many <hildrfon tn hive and w~. They ~ also f1\I>I'e likely tu many b lc. tn postpone \he linl J'I".'R' 1III1<Y. to Irave more tin.... bt\ ~ binho. and to h:M: 1<._'1' d,ikl"", in or ram. Fi.. 1& e...tId- . . .......... t no_ lr*-fM""'" _lpoo Hill _ _ _ 11 _ _ .. , . ............. l1li ................ • n,."... ~111.'.:,,, art' particularly 0lI'0nlI' """!in,,,," 1'.,.... if education lor more lhan I" 0"" .....dr. just two or Ihn'<: <'I>Odu<ted ill I ~ o ( <On". trieJ, the IVffIge number of cllild."'ll bum III W<IIlIe>l ..; th "" lIe<OIUIary t:d.... ralioo .... appro>timately ......"" whll< for """""" '""""" <'du<'aIiod had progmsed 10 lIe<'OIldary ~ the ~ '""" o.pprol<imo.1ely tltJw, - """" all.... I'artnn """h IS in<"ome were talll:" mIG _c· • !he pop.lo.tion nisis ill the immediate Iiltnl"f'. lhe l'rt'sidfllt o( the I'upu\o.tion Council M"'ll"-n'l C.tJey<artson. """""""IS: on. bi/Igt'SI is b o.." IiJ .. o/muJy.. oJJ 1M. >«iaI o.d """"",it /omIJ ofi"NSIlIo"'" njdl IliJm Im",,'/J bt/wl......, 1111 Inri of"""· ""liD" offI1/III«'II IIOruts o"r as or 0....... I" _ rotWtnL.. "r. UM'OI . ig/t.pttiUry IfOIIitU>.41 wdmn. ........ II!I<D rmttp/,Itd 0';""''' "1OHi o"d oboff 100,,. do "r 1/1", </Iild"", kif ro\o" IUi.,, ~ or OIIJd1mltl] $(~ (/ fa 3 J'(111J ""'''I'''1J<1.... n .. ~", '" 0\0,,,, _n'lol/trtili/J;, IiUttlIo <k/gytd ...,," riag•• tffmi... rolI1nurpti.. ...... placjbiy. 1/1, . ig/tw ~ /WJu UId b, td", Qu d do';, </IilJ....... "A lirl toil. Sffl>lIdtl" ""'rol"", f)Jf>i{flu, ""'rrin QI 21. A lin toir. Nfl"' au. _.mlut "'tr" _ rri.. Qt 17. q I~ ... "# _ rJd>o/. IJI"" ""' ''Id ", dflu 10 1 M/w. frwr of .. /H1I" Q '" pWatI rtfl rlwJ ~JIilM;IJ, - Dropout rates tM.'f' lhe I:Istthree decadeo. the deYeI. ~ 'O'llIid has mocIe mormon. , ·" •, • ,, " • ~ 1~ 1y. 1M ftomale edUCllion facIoris <.'OIlting lUbe ......... as.. k,oy 10 tho! popu.1IIlioa iM;ue. Ad<Iressini !he qOl'5lion of _ """ t... doac to def\n;to , . tolal.~ ~ , , ,. _-----........_.._-_.. --- As \he m<ld , me<s ill •• Cgnd de'ode oIligtrting !hl AIDS op;. d...... thl re?O'lJ !ruin !hi Ironl .r. bleat. In evllil A1nttn cOllnlries AIDS i. O'Ie/Ull:ing ........ end mIla"••• I l..d;ng kiI~ 01 cPlidren. and hard-won geinsin IndUCing c~ mortalily III being '""","Id . In lotll, !hi Worlcl HI.1lIl O,gl rilotion IW!lO) estimate. lIIlIl over 13 million iHO\lI., 1 ..... ian of _ ' JW. "''''- 110.. bet_ inllcle<l wiI1l HIY. ll'te r 2 million M•• died. In ..b·S.",,"" Alric. IboUl .... in «I i. inf'tIOd _ lilY. I nd in """" co. !hi '111 i$ on.,n Ihru: in ""uII TMiIIond 1111 tlla il l in 50. 0". in ,.., __ ;"lecl'onsoccurl in ..... end by !hi QflO 01 !hi "lUlie, f cur,em ultld. Con1inUI. moll AsiI.. min Alri<lns wiIIlHI inttcted • • ,h "'J! V-". Ill' 11111 lim, II Jl miIion Idultt ond chilcktn will be lilY i1tOt le<!: 1111 101 01 AIDS d•• th, M'Y go 0$ ~h I I 1.8 million I VIII, Most 011111" dellll , wil lie ill !hi domopinQ world. I nd moSl will 1HI _mt. _ and chiillnn, me. lhI rli' 01 r.t o","," in iI rising SI• • pty, A chikl born to I n H1V"'fw,!ed IIlOlhor 11'1.1 -;"·3 chine. 01 being bomwith Ill. oil. .. Such ,,,"",e. hi .... on 8O'Jlo chlne l 01 cfVjng lly !hi Ig. 01 Ii¥L Tho.. ~t1<l d\t lnItclioO'l itseIf ,r" 1 ,;ok blel "" oIlhtir po,..,a' lft.otmty La CIII for lIlolft. WHO ISIimtlll thot Ihtrl wiI bo 10 miIion clIiI6ren on !Mil own in Ame. by Ill. trod 01 tho dleld, _ orphontel. Ibln<loned 01 '"""'"1'0. ............ l>l. in tt>eir lur1I t. HlV lnl.cllOl1 "dlt'/ ttQ \0 ..... . n tilt w_ 8y stril<ini people during 1htir moO! procI,clivll y" <1 - .boul IYflI 1hirdl 01 11l... inl.<1. d " . 1IfIOl" 25/liDS il ,.bbinl nllions II .... nas Ilm illu olllltir Ibl.-boditd Wll<\1I" In Molawi, lor tllirnplo, wiIIl CII'II 01 I!II worIcI'l his!,,"11 incidlnCII of AIDS, 1111 ;"Coml loll Ilfell!y Imounts 10 """ 011111 nll!o<>'l I ' ' '' domlotic pro<l""~ I pt<I""nion wtlich is du" III d."tlle and l*hal'$ I1Yl'n uiplo by 1111 y..' 2000. A fillh 011111 C ' - - I huhll bud~ il tI~ on up by /liDS n lltl'lonlTIHr chine.. 01 d."IIopInl .n efl.clivo ••ocino wilhin fImI inlpoollllllVl, 1'1>0 bll11lopolin in ",1'fOnIion. ",,",,11iIy by pu!Ilic lIoMtl lduCl litn In almoO! I I oounuiK, 1""11""""" f.. IlIDS _ "n- Ill."""I. lion If. irIc,"Jinglv m<>biIirino "~ "",sibil IlSOllf•• 10/ ' "I 'PIinoj !hi p<>bIic, lIII """ , protr''''''''' ill ... Idut Ilion "'" stll-,Sl!'lfl'l1O/ pritnl" . choOl Cllikllln . "" thor po,tnt> ~I _ ~ ltIrough rno JChaoI' 'ncl coUIg.S; I IIClni Mini1Uy . , HI.m. SUIYIV I""nd 1I1a1"" 6Ollo 01 lII.ndln, ,.,... _ "AIDS is s.pr9ild. MOSl nil1ions III using I combmtion .1.0...... "'.- He,"",,, gil"""" Incl ml.. _;0- irlclllllin'l lolvvision. 'il<!io. llId po~" music , ,,,, !hlllrl, RoIUbs hi • • boIn fIIi>:'• • tIul !hll' signs 01 IIofIe IS Il/lIritnce it Tho u.. 01 condoms hit rison lhI ""bIic: hIS b..n iIrIarrn.d: in ThIila nd, for ...mjIIt, III ~ .., wh,,_, condom <lSI hu ne ll. ... I<om \0 milion 10 13) ' " I \'I", And ill cClt.W'lUits which ~... ,CliYtIy 1",,",111 . . . .. lIIucarion lor I!II youngll goMillion, young peop," "' beginninl III I dOfll safo' 1IXlI.1 bIhI ....... nelucling ,orIl1Cing !til n""d", 01 UI!f'lrtnlfl. O "'ti,... rdU<'alional!'lri<lo's. 1\""" 11>OUg\11otal nund' <>f '""""'~ <hi~ ,10i>" bk,l '00.1 ", 1960 and 19''''. Ill<- proI",n;"" c'IIn,llk<l in primary ""hO<ll hal< <limbo<! f,om und...- IWf10 "",n: than 1M.", tj\I3I1 . In 100aL 1M 9l]l; of ,""ildr«l in Ih<~k>I"l1j( ",orId ""'" 0l3I1 II<"hooI sh< WI !he in!'lilUliona1 caj>acily and lho.. iniUal nl<llM.lioo 3ln'>ldy <."lliol for 1M ""~1 <>f n.....-...n;-.../ I'rinl:l1}' ,<lU<.uion. flul in IlUIlJ' CIlUJllric.. Ih.: poor quolily III Ii>< l'dU<2lion on orr,,,.. ,...,n,bin,<I " ; 111 6m~c<I job lJIIP'lrtuni~and Ih~ "','(\ forchildn.'11 W help thrir fantili<>o in (.,Id. and home... """"'" thallarglo nornbfn dmp 001 of:l<llool bclort- <OOljlItting """" one' or I"'" Y'...... In ~lh A<ia and S",uh for c"""lJlk<. lMI\' than !l5ll.of dlihfnon ...-.roI in P f 1 of pri- lnary ..."11ooI. bill ""ly abOlll SOl' ,"",h m.- l(r"lldc 5 (Ii$(. ~ JlI"'Ol~ ,-d~ lional ~y fur II><' 19'ilOo is I~ In """",,-·thOl all thi\oirf'n 0<11 onJy.. an ..,hon! bul n-main 11><."" k>nlI <'IIOll,lth to ;o;qu,,,, IiItn<)'. nunlmlC)'. and bo$i<" 0lti""1.,, ond lIl<illo whirh will b<'\p tl,,:m I" 1mpnM" Ihrir rin....,nl>l3n<f'S and I" '''IX" wi!h l/>(' """'y ~lhaIli<'lh< ·ol'J. AI Ih~ n"""""~ in spill' 01 lonnal ",,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,\!< by j!<WmUI...... I.. nmuS! be gjd thallhis wk is kin): ~n lOll 61110- l>riorily. In ""''''. "".mlri<-f, an ...........'talioo l<rnnl. ""U<:ltion (.,.- all is bo.'l(innil1l':. but in n1ll'Jl nlrions lhe "'~nl 01 Ihi. Koa! 1o‫ס‬i<. unlikMy. InnW)" ",I_ion. I"" 111<lO<l irnllo'UlIl inVl:lllm~m of alL is 01 ~ ""'''''''111 d ai,nill,l(""ly a ","aIllX'fl"'-'lll~ 01 J/(IVf'rIUII<'II oo<W-l" in u... dc""'k>pi11j( ,,"<IfId ilfld only abool of all aid I« """'Iopol"""~ EVl'fI if lhe ""1010 ........""'" <WI bo' round. Ihrou)l:h .-rooomi<" J8'l"th. or Ih.: n'Slrul"lurifq( olll.1lionol bud;:cts. or int.n.....'" in aid. t~ lo5;k will 0<11 be a """y. 1M tl... <'X~ 01 ~ rogular ""ppon and SUI'"""-.on of I<'a<her perI<>m~, smaU oehooI ul\jl~ c-Iose '" ~ eommurnlie!< !lm-ed: low <O;>il.ol """,a of 0<11oo1 ooildinJr.< ""ive in""""'."..,nl of e<>n1n,un;lic...and p;H""1S; r>ltovanl basic runieula Irl'o ...."Ird in on interestinj[ way, ""hooI <aJ.ndan< and IimM.obko. lhaIlm inl<> I "'- .__ Fig. 11 _ " school. . __... "'''''_of'''~ _ ....-.c."'""", n~ ~ __, orcounl lilt.· SI-'"""n.:1.i do.'III3I1ds for ehild...... 10 help in awi<ulIuc.; and Ii>< oj locai """"¥",,,""mt... toI ""PI"'" orp;aniuttions. Tho diffl(."lJllic.. of rmd;IIJl and C21'ry ' inJr Ib~ !he ~I n,b: of Slnt'1/ies ae""",,, unlv<-rsal prinwy edue31ion in .he 1990s.,.., """""""" BUI ... ...., lb<' of 1aiIu",. Ae~ the goalof • btiio.: ,<I","t1ion lor all chi1d....., would 1It.4p 10 .....-ak<.-nIIlt.·1(rip"I all of Ii>< main pn>Ugo~ in !ht.. PI'F. ;.pi.,.) _ eonln"butin): It> III """"''<I'' "' ' ' ' """""",ie ~ lor the poor. gn'"'''' COi*-"ily 10 n....,ood '0 and deal with <-nvin>rl.......tol ~",.. and lhe .s.nv.:r gn>\'1h and .'Orlit'r !Ubilialion of population.. FAMILYPlANNING Tho btiio.: human goal. /or 11K· Y"ar 2(0) also inelude the malcmg a>-a;1abIe of family plonnin,ll infonnalionand !M"f' vim. lU oil who ......., them _ with d.... "'"P"<"IIO r-adI COWluy'. cuhllrol . ",IiIfiou.. and >iOCW tro<Won.. ,,'" im~ of !hi,< goal fur n~ 1lI111("f'PE ~,isobvi­ "". in .hal 1<.......... birlhll ....-an """"'... I'0!'ulalion growIh and n-d""",",, c-nvimruneIltal 0ln"lIll. !luI iI is less aidely ajl\lI"l. ."iIII,'<! thAI fanlily planning m also brio)( oi,ocnifi<1Onl inlj>R;lll<""""la in 1>«oI!h. Sl1I"\'ivoL nulrit;on. ",Iunttion. and the oualil}' oflile for both ol<>lben< and dlildn-n (~ t3 and 19). II L. ther!'lln one nf tile moSI p,n"<.>fful ""'""" of breokin,o: inlo1"" arne'Wa",. of 1hc PPE Sl'iroI. and lIt.-lpinj[ 10 ....",. ~ !he l'<M-'l"1y ",lIie"" iM'< Ilu.I spiroI <OUIllri<'o IWfT """"I '"'" has "",""" lhal IU""I ~ ..'" ....n br mad" and "" .. taino.<1 al an aII...-dab.. 00l'l. n.. prin. I,. in,priU" <ipol elem<nlO of tilt..... """""-"'SI Slral'>gic","PI"'"' '0 t..: !he """ <>f para-- of rt'Cf'nl ""h"""""",,~ In only Ibn.", dl'l-...les, 1M proponion o( onarril'd t<'OChc'N in pn."",hoo~ iUld primary ",""",,10: """" """,her""';oill,l( ptriodo; "'"""'" in lho.' d'-"'.-lopjng wor\d who on' using """'" IOrm 0( onodem family As ...uh edue31ion. the fa,nily pIaonin ~ guaI should lx' ...", n in lheeoolo'x1 ---- ---'-'--" n ;"<Jlum" propo<tioo of chi· <Ir.. in th. worId'. ,;eMil n.ti"" ." in uoubl.. Y.11iIe ""'""Too's oe..• IlIIII' grew bV I ~l!lIly 2D'5 in 111, 19l1Os....... , ..... fIIOI. MIttie•• child". I.. 0>1. ~.rty. In !WI. .... in m. I'OI'''lI Slers .-1iI'1I below !III P/l'>'t'rtI' ..... - . ..,. !Wi•• til.. oI."Y ~ industriotind country. Od1tf soc,"1 malh,. dllCu...m !h. doc..... C!'.;ld ;..,.""jllti"" h.1 f . II low .. ID1IO in cenoin ''''' ity .,...; in I!IowoJlom he.........,. <:mil' BalM. IIld IIIi1i hid !owl, _ .. A ,0Lls. "'...nLlblo ........ bf gl n \/I rise: ~ INn S5,OOl OIal$lu eeses __ "POrted from 198'9 to 1991 , ....Iuding &I <II",," - !IIlI htghoSl "umbo, in 1WII decade'!_ Reponed child l buso . ..... 11$0 Ifi~ <IuriI>i I!Io 1911Os; . Ooul lhrw c!likI'", now dit Ileh d' 1 or ml~ IIl1tmtnt D ~ \he GOVlInnt,,(. Il"'J<h·p".,.,cilid ", or .., SlJb- ""'III. WO(I abuse .lId rtlated crime spi- ,n ..Utd lJI'WIrdo; '~ l.d 375JdJ ~ .• xposed intanl. includ ing ',,"ek blIbies' ...o born \'1111. ViokInco stitt. 111"11 and """""': :JI% 01 "",or'cily chilcl. ... h... known .."".. lHII tileG by th. time 1I'I"Y . ,. VO'" old. Tad.y. 31 " 1~ ollhl_I... fornili.. wiIh Children, up from , r, m , on lhe u rly 19l1lls. Some 01 tho <hinges IffICIing Amlncln child". os lilt ""I IJI rise in lingl. p. rlntMod _ . ,. beyo<1d till lmmedilll roleh 01 gl><, nunorrl. But poI;,; iu to lTVDglllrht rfleclI II.... go"","~ bt•• inldoqu.... _ .. \II providt • u !"'Y nO! lor child_ WoIIor. P'~_I _ . cLII bock du~ !hi 19BOI, including !hi Pfogrlmmt 1.. Aid 10 fl",ii.. ...mtl OIjll!lllln1 ChiIcIrln. MQrI IIIln l.1 n'IIioIl '" ,.... llmii1l ...,. 1IU1!ltd b,1ow !hi p<Nll1'I lino du"'IJ lhl <It"d" RI,"I inl quilil. IUI lin Wlnt rna<tllity, for """",pll, is B ?Of 1.000 lIinhs in whirl A.meficl; lollu infl nt "'o<uOry is rUlllli'>ll It IB Pel 1.000 tvgh" Ih'n in Colli 01 Poland, "We ""cI1 orl in d'r/9", of b«oming rwo Mfion. - """ of tint _ prMWfIo I ud IllIlfiIIt '" INtd W{>t/d <Io!NW" ~ - ~ms Ml riln Wright Edormll\, tlt td <>1lho tlWd,on'l O,ft<>so Fund. MI "V 01 !hi poIi<v objoClim; 01 !hi CIimoo Admir'isI'I1JOII, including !hi Pllsidlnt'. slIlod ImtIition 10 11M I I 'ImiI... with I woRing ~, . ent OUI 01 p<MIl1'I, pginI t. I new dell for Am"ri,"n lJninfsl l hllllh o""lrl g.. lor . ..",pII. Wl)UI(I bmg its greilul beneliU 10 the esti...1Id B million ,!'WId,.n wiIhoIII tltollh Theh milv 000 Medi, allo... .6J:~ ,_on. C'". blnc:kod and .... ~.ned by !hi pist two AdrnirMsttlliClns, .... quiokly signlll into IlW_ AJthough • 60K nOi opproo , h Ihe .. . odords ot ... nyEIIfO' Plln ,ountr;. s, • glints up 10 12 weeks 01 """,id IIIV1 10 OOf. lor ntwbclms or sic: ~ ,oIl1iYo. and will .... Ih. ptISS"'. on ""OW Arneno.n t.rniIi. .. Prosid"" Clinton hIS l iso <ltd. 'ed Ihlt inununinIion is . hgMt.. II ohild,... _ -lit. olron ""rlt Iud o~ln lit: Co"ll'1SS hIS 1lI0· ot ted " " "Si d lunding to .. p. nd !hi ""don', ,,"oelllilion ~',","", . nO hi S o<tld in lIJll(>Otl oltho P,. ";" dem', "'.......110 boos! H. 1d Stir\, _ 01 !hi mast """'tsslul .hlcl <ItwIopm"'IIlfO'i'~' in US lIislory, In his Idll,...- 10 Ih. UMtd Notion. GO".III ~S O "'b¥ in Stet.",· bet 1993. !hi ....._ oIso"I"'i' <>1 1 ..... <onurrdrntm 10 !hi worId'. eN!rlrorr. "Just I S """ """ nllinn hos /IImc"-d now" , - I\>.,.."'. lIlol .....,. child in AmIrie. hiS ~to hlMth coro. ... ""'It do """. 10 ~ lulie _.inoslt/d fl(/II(l1roqr"nrs lot cUI11M _ . . . 10 childf lfl I/flUfIdlIlo MJTId, If. !hi _ ...., ..., ......:0 "'fl""'fl· pIanninx ""-ihod IlllS in.:n.,.,;cd fmm l~ tu abuul SOl. This i. OIl ,'>rtn!onlilWY <I<monstnlion 1II Ill<" txt full<bm<'nl.Ol and Luxt.~1r <han~ in hun"", . ltiluMo Il>d ~!IIv­ Ix- brou~hl .boul within . "'~ Ili....>fy sIwrt wan' of ~iP"1. -r. 111. rarlJ 1961JJ; writ. Jolul aboul 1.... iau",.., lWwkoy ond llaUd.., M.ld..... of I"" Inl.mlaliunal l'I2IJlltd l'arrnlhood F<:dmlio<l. ·/'I8.lliao IS ..iII;"o "",. pin 10 111. d" ,rI<>#., ....rid ..uiIk 0/" I&t" .u;Q «mlrtlrtpliDo. TodIlJ, 14'" 38i!.. 11U~o _pin ,'. IM_k>p.I., ,.."rid ~" lali.., dla'J' Jrr. lill/1 - Of'ff Aal! qf aU rtJIIp/I$ i. (/lllif.l>Nri., yta1S. on,," if _ ... d<>dl,;",/ IA~ It'Orid if i. 1",lI$il/(/f/. S«'ial aod drItwt/rofibk. •• 111• ...., /() ""'h'''I{ a IIIOrid j. "",o.IIII!·, ~o"... i. rtdlUi., d"'li ",In iJ ..ald",1 b1 a "'ON I~"",nlsfr""', Arall.i#, ptaurd birllo~ SltdI a trorld wi br (/f/~ i. riie. Ira.... a ~t fa n1It' Iro/ 1lIn• • "'" /trliliry. o:ilJ die. """""<li", if a "'Wi. t" inj; le'Ytb of f<-mal!' rdu<1llio<l, fallin.<: child 'h ...,.... and in<ml.'<inK isIrorno. "'" the main fun..... "hich . :ad ~ to " -""I I"""" ..ilildrcn. Fllllily pWlIIin/( ...'IYi<n ....,... ",:'Oplr: tu••",m llelhlol c",*", """'" ~allily. and tho.' av:tilabi5lY "f lRI<h ....'IYi<n can ""'r.,(nr. IIdp to ""'~ qnJck1y lRJI" lou.. ~ cin,.IlISla1l<...... and a l l~ lude! inlO Iuwcr fcnmly mrs," so ,ninlnti<ln~ !he rinK'1aIr bcro...~.. ~ olcath rIl'" and laIIin~ birth "'~ l~", ond llcahh Surwyo" h>.'" ~ lh1l u....., .. $1m • ""roy hi¥b It:v<i uf unrnCI d<-IlIand k>r r.ntily planning in olmos! all dl......... >Pinlt roun1m.. (fig. l!Ol, At any on. lim<'. fur . ....'Illr. lh"'" oro an ,'SlinIllL-d lal ntilliCH> _ n in !hi! ~~ world wlIo do lIOI WIllI another ~ bul whu """" no ......~ 10 OIl clr<'<.'tM: nll1h<Hl of <OrI,~ II:< • n..,.. k. It Irasl """ I'frgnanq' in liw in the ~ world is unplam><d and unwanl,..d.... II is nnw 'fI'itkly l\'COgrIila.d !hal ,;". "'-'<.'<k-d trl make fImi1y planningV"""" ally avaiIabl,· by lht etHl of this drcadc woukl be ~lIUIlt'I)' S3billion to $5 billion.)'I'Ir - ~hly a dooblis1g of I'",,""t .p,nd in ~ _ " Tnday'. lantily plannin)( ""'' ''"''''' """",nl for bs!han h.alfof 1'4 of("'1-,",n.,nt budgCl' in lhe ~",,"JIJl workl. and 1M« !han L~ of all aid frum RO"t'l'JlnK..a in tho.. indus. lrialiud wnrId,'" In 1'l"aIlmn.. . inl...... liona! support fur family planoiOJ[ ~ IlllS not ~ for~ nlllo:1y :!O y,-an, t/louj:h tllcrcis llOIl'l' ......... ~"""" lU "" d"..." from the bet lllIl 1M Unit<>d SW... has nuw .... ~ .... d its pc>Il<in oIihe 19aOll and i. on", """" SOIpportinR ihe riforu or In' FPA. the wur\d', le-adislJl int.....".. tinnll ~n<y for lanlily planning.· II IN 0.' I. _I'""" ..11InJIl1 "'" aod """'TO. h o:illilta KV>FU ri'" />'Ip.I4Ni>o ,_1* "'Iff .. .",w. ""'u' ,.rI . I'M. alii! ....""'....Ial p,...,..,. ri/dl IuIp!O(Ilt trlJ>.S dispGrilits of 1C'tn1tJ. aod J-#rl1 alii! rlirllltad In ",.II. o/1lK dtunI<tI... of IAI 'l/>nelJAip i. riitA,... m",,{: '!'ha' \rlJl<llioo "' noI ycI COO\~. rat.. hi"" bo.:.on follin)( in I'<.'Itioru< of the ~1opi1Ul' world ~ 1m , and !he Laleol su~. ronli"" Ihal k.,.,i1ity has 0100 now bo.'l(\In lu /aU in ""l>&IW1UI Afri<a (pan<,l 12). Iiul ""nlrat)' lu lhe ""pc<1Ition. of n""'y, lb<· \\'or\d l'<'l'tility s..r...y" and the F,.,.,mty .. Ii•• a...1 on. os!; _ .. 1_ fivo lor ~....,""' cbI<I ......... 1·Jl"'..' ...... " " World" ofdifference n_ ...."',.. ,,,,,,,,*,,,, fa " Taken tow.1hcr. lhe imp"wem.n' of child ....nivaI. h~allh, rdlK'lliun. and famiJ)' pIanninf: ~ roukI have a rlecioiYo: in\p;ocI un lhe PPE problem in the jIl.oars aMId. To pot owro><imol(> JiKun:. on 0\8.1 lmp:acl, noarhing all of ~ goal. <wkI make lht ~ bel......... world popuLation which _ biIizrs abool a ~twy from now II • lc-yd '" ~te1y 10 billion 1"-"" p1r, and a world populalian " hich _ bilia"$ h:df a = Iury Ial.... II a lllla! '" around 20 b~Ii<>n .''' Thi. dif!~ _ rooJIhly "'qUM""'lto dooblr 1b<" .. lire \lOIlUlalion 0I100....-ld in 1!l93 - may 11'<.'11 be suffi<ic.-nllo .... """i... """"-... 01' failure in ~ the lRJIsition 10 ....!ll<ilnablc lulUA'. All or thi. Slantls in almt>l'Il absurd ronlraol to lht .. nail,..... uI ,he ri"'" _ "","",,,_01._ -01 fig. II S""c. lIdiIIiloo rbl; ol tII'<'l - . "'" ogo f\"$OO~ ~ired. 11\1 ""Ira • _-. - - -_ --_ _......__--..--. ~ " " _M' _ _ - ...-- amounl " 11,. 19 MoIII.... .... - . II ill 10(1 oar1y '" ""l' """-111<.". ~OY­ ""' .. """ - . ~ IgI 01 _ M '" ~.- on. nil. to""" 011_'-" is 8_ :10-34",,,, ...., " r-w• ., thr inlmlational ",..". n,,,nily will ""mmun the"'"""""'" and lho.. ,,,,,,nulnk'" 10 r'l'acl! lh/, fOlluly plannins: J:{laI. Ru, ~ is nOl '00 <Wi)' 10 to""lu,k, that failu'" 10 ~d ad/:'lUllldy to such Ollobvious. crnciaI. ""d afI'ord.1bk-100-1";11 be • d-ar siJm !hal Jl!'-'l;<"t politic:lI ~""'" ""d in;.tit"· l1'1l1ll<,,11l 3Il d lions .... "'" <-quo! ~, tlk' wJr. of 11...... Illinlt: thr lftIllmlSition. " " '~ ..- _ --_.- - --..--"' ---'" ..... _.,-- i",,,,,,,,,,,_, ~ health and nUlntion. basi< ""uraion. and family planning ~ from lbe point of ,w,w ot tlKir individual impacl. on tbe probk'lllS ofP\M.'1"ly. popul:llion J(I'tIw!h and mvironmo."tal ~.".;"",'""'. Bul io'" It<tMr.- ill. <It.·••lnK1'''''~"'" IIl1011.ll ""~ ~I~ of ,'''' m: sp;. ..... .., ' hmo "' "htn ..'t>n0\n&<1i.....yn~ bt1......." the dilk'reftl rk"",,,1S wh~'h rontribule to ill .oiIniun. 1"'" rife"-1 vi" l<'hicYinJl alJ ot ilk· bL"", h"man fOOls wh,,'lI haw t-n l.'>t:Ib/ishtod WlllIId th.....ton.· be ll\lIIIy tim,:. gn":3k'" lhao u.. SUm of lho.'ir indMdu.ol ","*:que"",,'" Ar<I ~ is Ihi. ~M1 or ~tiorw. 'O'hictl oIJe.... hopr that ilk' achie"""""'" ot such R<>al.... along wilh Ilk, many other eh..."... lhaI "'" II<"-"'SlIaI)'. will r'f'\X'I" JlOWI-'l'fu1 "1I<lIlJ(fI to m;d<c • siJ(n:fi<1II11 ~ to the human ""l<O~. "".t • """""",, " 111e diagram on P"l(" ~9 """"'... ria.. thr m.... obriou. of lbeoe $)'IleI"- v.m.. M""y <If ib<. rel. tionships Kl. ... ralIy h~"hh irr ",,,I bt111". """I"- O<hrd. Il<:Ilu oUln,iooal hh n-.. lid".,. ,,-1um, lromin n"'I1's in t lIu· <3Iioo. M atI~ hu,,",,-t1s of oli1lioo. of t'hiJ,i...,o "'" <101 bt'"" liting In"n nlud, "" tl..-y should b<mu... m.lnoltition alk'l1' nlrll1.1 So fAr. thi. """"".,. haslMk<'d Ol thn'l" of l""en1W afu,.. tlk' YOUfljl<1"l:"' I I Thr rhih1rl'n "" f;;a",iliH ..... ,chllol;uR "" SYNEI(GISMS ~ ing a <maI ~". nombo.,. of ~hildtm ""d arI' J<>,o, siblitlJr.l and Jt..s!l ",-~-d for !ho.' nkk """" 10 Inok be"..""" tilt,,", ~ <k'pkt. Il'!'. ill tlfl'<\, UpwarU "IliraI_ "f 11ll· kind which can multiply _ raJ link" """. thr impart n/ the oriJ(inal imJll'O"lllll'l1~ FQI' mmple: U Famlly planning ;o. ma,jortonnibu· t Ql' to Iowrr U~lW monality rale'S: IlO"'.,..fiv<o moruJil}' ",t05 ...., • mo,inr co.'tibuto, '" i"".....-l ,k-mand for family planning;" I I F..dOClllion. panirulat\y ot women. n...... lhal birth. lik ~ly to be 10,,....1' and b<':I~ opaco:d: N l ' " fami,"", Iu",.,. = mean that dilld....... "'" mo", Iil<eIy to beroo '" oourat"" (bnlh ~ lhrir """-,,,. CollI alfurtI t/k. """'. n/ ,""U<3l· dt""inpln"llI. or Ik'..n...· iudi".. tlef~ ric...., ."..,.". lhaI tlll')' an:nUtd<'<l <If boocau.. • poor nutritional ""allh ""-'II/), PO"' """""'t""ion. ur be..,. .,,,,,, f,.,.. QlIt'!1' illIk~ nk....' that . ,.;,;ni fK"lllI pcrrcn~ or !l<'tl<x>I da)o< .... misoed a/I"11' ""'' ' II Sintil:uly. b!o1,,'!" """'-",lion helps 1<1 m><>rc 1k1lt.,. ""oI lb. NIll unly"'" edu· ca,,,\ fanul,," Iikrly '" absorb ""'"' h<oallh knowl.<lg<· """ br '1ll>re III'lIn' ort1,~ i'''""""""" 0/ h~ aJKI pn.~ "",,1M: Ik-alth o ~"", they ha... aho breu .<huIo'll 10 be' nnlCh nl<In' liktly to drnund and 10 uS<' priYalt' or publi<' Ik';l(lh """"-"...... Taken l~. ,''''''' ntu,lI2IIy rrinr""i:IJ( n·la1innohh.. . ·ad 10 'mailer r.mi!;"'" and b<-al1hlt'1. !k'I1..,.. '-"<1""",'<1 ,'lIiMn'll .lhi. in tum ""-'II/)_ lhaI thew d1ik1tt'n .", bt,lle< .b\<' '" ""'JlOIId 10 "'"" <IJII>Ot1nnitk" aIId 'u ''''''' " IiviI\Jl for !he"""·"",,, and tlk';r own famil~ ... SO thallhritown chilol"" "'" ..... liI<t'ly 1<1 ""joy lk10.,. nUlrilinn. )....JU,.•"d ,11",..,",". Thi. ""lIOII. <")'lie' has <km<>rIoInol<'d It. """'.,. in ...rn d""""" ""';'1it." as Ch~ tlk' Ikpublit' of Kot'l'a, Sri l~ and Taiwan . AnJ "" flJ(lln ' ~ l ~ tllf ''''''ntrios and ~ ...hidJ II""" ...... <>rity In ""<'fl.. in pt1>pk. in !ho.' 195Ol!1fH! l!J&ls ha... ~ in oon ,ro ll ;n ~ pnpulaliun grov.1h. ond ..ill .......,uaI/y S1abiiize ilk... 1IUJIlliaiiorn< ., much \010..... k"'-ls lh.m would atm'!". ..n... ha.... t-n tl'" """". n..".., and ,,-inrvnillJ( ilk' nWlY other 't1ulually ,.tIe<:t. 01 reachillJ( ba!;ir hllltlln gOal. huld ..... "Ia; hupc lhal an upward "'ntl ran ~ ..,b!lIilUI...1 ror lilt' downWlll"<l. i\Ion,lI " ith lhe m,.<iOll of wi<k". uppnrlunitirs, It II; bW~I""'" in ..-hi"ll bal;ir '1'l1lJ\uynk.", THE UPWARD SP IRAL ._--_..0 •_ _ , _ , _ ... _ .-- - --- -----~-- __ .._-------- . .. _... ._ -_ ..----.... --_ ... --_.- - .-...__._ .. _....- .. ........ _----_.. _e' _ ~ _ _ ._ -----_ ..... -_ .._.._---_--._ _--_.... _-... -_.- _. -._._--- ---__._- . PR OGR ESS AGAI NST PPE PROBLEMS (POVERTY, POPULATION GROWTH, EN VIRONMENTA L STR ESS) --_ ._ _ --. . ..flt.lI u-ol ...... 0:::.. ~ • •• .. . • " '" • ,,011« . ... ......... 'D- ...... _ , '. -w. ",.RlCA of w ~ ~ _ ~ ~:"*min,,d lIuou.lIl IIIl tltn. ... of u.. lnl .... uot<l in tlUs report - P'J¥<.'tfY• pupulalion. 0IId e1Ivln lllm,""t - lilt 1lMil..... of A/rio:a "<aU'" for III! 1"'-':11, ~~ . Ec_ _ allr. Nrir'I """ btpa 1lid- ... lak_.ds iIIIo puonl)'. III 11M19l1Oo. ira (Ill' npila C"1' d« ...d by _-----_--... ---_ ..__ ... _-----_. ... ~ "-- ~ em""'. 1looft , " rtporI: _ .-.a: ...., '" • • iiiIIi, " bt-.: *" ~. ~ . ._IO DotlbP- .......... Ie ......."blt 10. _ .... lbil rnitw aImoIl PIP""tr, IIfrita haa ... btrIooI lbt a m i ( .b' u.. _ II:tTilR ot"'d.i D Ilil =: " ,,",1K4 ill., 2 lf l!lil _ ..-iIhouI. IIJI"C.iol .......... of thco probIcms of... b&barIa Atrn. "1 .-'II lor As wftI at \hot ...... and _ Imd; lr'DpiaIt fuml: --..,..d ........ ot 5 ~ • , .. ~ I " " • , u.. boot ""-a ............. lbaI of '.... ' UIbtPPE ..... I\olliaI: doto __ of of. _ _ ............. doto brtI . . Ibr l!l!!lOo ...,... .. Z ' • 1'"1", ImQ: the ~ ciIlota " ·1j 'If -..- by ee ....... oIlbt Ia 220 ..... _ ,......._ ..... .-II of W Sohan _ _ "'" ill I t. I' . - " " . . - R ID_IbN hII' of l h t ~ !be" !iIDIaa, _ lilt 1U1htTD pon: 01 fAhiopi: ..... Keoty: Wi' de: ~ by ......... aad tht Ioooi 0Ilt<ft IIIlDe, runn..,. .".,.;"., _ oaub. k-adirl« \<I _ furth<or faD: in y1cklf. ' ~ h1 1Ula1, at 1,:_ :lO million P<• ...., ill) ~ a1fedl'<l 1:)' 1hl1rt' pr<.1<.'aIIl(jl "" 10 be un<t<..,. cl>r<>s< """SlMllhn.'al uI ~I """ SlamOIion, "M>...., ..,;....• Aid tIr Ilru<MI1J:nd CommisIiion, " _ /nIIia11J . . . 1M m.. odt ---- « --'1'-';'" Ii . . ., liI\idI .,.. iI/ ,. e- ~ ,..." of_brio. t'O'l'D .... nor lOIlil l w __ _It_d'' _ ~ ''''' of '" I!oI' Sohan I: ...... 1oCI 10 ........ Ill; IoalIII ....., 10 U; ~ ... bf .., ,.... 2lDll." 30 AJrio::aI ......... . ' 5 C .)"iopi: ""lri<IDII of !hi.- ....w. I. """" If'lriou of 7.ambia. ."""cIio", 10. 19!Q 1....., _ :rt '" bIr Ihrir """"" _'Iolion: ill "'- 25 JC'I"i... _ btW -..k." .... . . . . . . . . ' Dioo haa __ .. il """ bmI « dlII% ill _ 0Ib0r by the ¥DluatMy Iit'ft<.'Y OXl'AM. 1M pr<:>p:lI'Iioo of clIlJdn:II .. . I ' .. 1 , . Atn _ ~ Nif!ftio.U T........ 1lIIIl !\'POI'I . hI) art ~ haa ....." from !A III 251 in lhe ~ !It<'acIl','o H' 'lIllh ............,. !\.l.... also d<...1iD«I hi many of lht- hardt"lll'hi! .oa<ion..<itih ""traotdiIIary ftIoou h:Ift two \II lift ~ <"'..... Wom lhan "'* :!OlIO ~ D (lriIlI1 1 A&i<aII ~.... 19i1S ... I'" ..... 1115 - " .... _ CliiMiWi . . . « '.,. ... ~_... . . dot CIII ""~! ••d • • illNt . ....... ~ptO"....... d< ilmdit dlor abauI _ lbinl. pra.y adIocol ...... _101 ..... 19l.. 67\. .. -.I.., lhinI of Ii> ' ld Ibt ...... - , .. lis IIlhtao ...... Debt defeats development The ,"'u",," ami ...." "lill fIObllioM of A/rita '. prubl,:m. h:vt! 1><..:II ;nIlyotd in deLIiI in ~ Olho..,. UJMt.d ~ iJUb/ieatioM," it will b<r ......... btl"<10 Ilw ....... poials, ....r _lirirf,............- f"nt, • .... tIIBtd bJ ~ tradiDa: po:iri<- "po""'.' ... _ '" .....,. • i:ItnoI . r. ' by bJ ...... • ... 1ariI'........ wloidI .. ~ ~ Ano:': ...... ot -W .... ba: d. . d &~ fir ID l~ . \hf IIIllO:. t.... boo "'"" Mil """"IIlh. ....., IIl1&oM of Al"I'nn Ianilia IO<IIy Wi' bnrw di..... price: ... Ibt ".'''0 !j1.... iII ~ ot """" "". IIIiiia <'llP<JI'1 . . . . . and maIQ' <'billImi orp/wIO.'Il bJ All)!'; lI'-ll3), t'OqiOi'IlI ofcodte .... lor , t.-- ........ ., $12 Ioi5DD • __ hi Cik '""""'. for """' , * ......... boll ... b,. 21~ ....... ~ 19M _199Il.SM.d. ~ oflnwnal ....,. .. e..w _ !iMl1 'ioc of . . " ohli;>o las koI II> 1bt T i&atio& "'~ ....... Thrradlas ...... ....... . A _ .. , Iiorol u .. -'ol _ _ o/d, ee ,u.n'... halbMl liwrvd1D.....,.~ fa pIcIirinn IFiIiIIry <'OIlIIi<ti. "'Ild of ..,opouo) . " - ..... IIIl"IIhr fullft ..oo:p« fO IlDlI ~ WdihoocIo of.-.y ""'" oIl1lillioao of Afrnol lamilin. AI • miIliloom, 1.5 miIlio<I 10 10 miIlioo bou~ ill ....l>&haratI Africa ~ hai,l lholt li",lilIood• ...;Jll'<l ....1 by w&Ill llld COIl· tlicto in n'«:nl Y"'oW" and mony mi~ IioAo IlIOl\" ha>1' bc<'umc n-fugco.... ThIrd. ~ ha$ ol!Io btnI d<:vu~ b,. dclr. As ~ 22 oiI<Iwo. -.I> SrbnII Nrn bnrs. far bnokriktr ........ 11-. ~ crhtr , '" 1M "" .. Iupioc Edo _ . "-'" _ _ 01apUl .-l ~ 1lIlIlIiIl« b,.. _ -w. _ S30 lIiIIior W__ o.lJ _ n.. . "* ... _","",","",_I .mom ....,nd II> .......,... the dodiow '" ~ """" .., ...... ~ • 1tlc pnIl>~II ... h IS. Tho .Ott " . ...., sbouId *"""" "" iIo ""*" .......".. SID',,,Ill, or IodiIlr "'" I!Wll of burdt'll "'. . _ . +.0...,.,.. dI'bl ~B>fion las IOlPIi<d to ....olM. whidI -..: DOl btialt """"""" any. ...,.J. Wbo.~ poiIIIII"hlr. ckbt rdirf --... ""'" be Ek<:d to ~ ill 1IIiitIry 10 ... ,t.... io uptodilurn: IOam;-lIootic" __,..,. III hNllh. _f. .... a· StcoooL Nm', n6a ~ be' a:JownIlO Ito.- .. _ , . IIIr--" ... tt='" _ • .. ... pns"''' !IaIrk f.. ~ thIo ~ 01 IftIIt boorio:n 10 -"b.'a po<...." ... _1octumI .cuodo. 1hrw«b 1M Cft'lIIiuIII "' ., «0_ lurid. and Third. do.~ d1<' mililary !\lltDdiD~ . k. '" Ita . . . ' - '"It"*'".-I. The ..... . . . . . . hasbMI · .. ' 'l .a '-ial 1>010< • ' ArriI:::o _.-..wilbovI " ... droOl ... a ocako lhaI has DOl ~ bftft • • ~ • -. ---..---_. ---- J ~. ..- _ I't'!\POn,;bllil~ or Nrio:an l(tW<'m- I1lI!nIS - .l((WI:IlIlIleI1S lhal will be' ~ banhb' ~ 1M'"' 01 d>r wurtd il" 1lIt7 COIllinue 10 dMrt 10 miIll1r)' _ lhernoum;o IhoI ~ bt ............ bmilr ... ' . • thIo ...... tducDlrI. - ' _kloi 01 Mrico·• • hidi ta. Bac ~ 10 ..... ." lot ....... 110 tbt • • ""'"' OUoI'p/y, This is IlrimarilY '" whictI,_-., _ t.-... ArriI:::o las dk'<Iot~ la:'oIII ...... . ,• • • lty Ibr-.-..... - lhrw,h io<' ..... d aid and ~ -.-.rl illjob ~ ~ • •;'_"",Lol ... a """-I • ~ '" ...,.,. of( . - _ ~ ~ ........ bt~ -,- to lilt' WiklG of iIldusIliIb:d ............. ~ quarIm of Aiica', luI:oI debl) """ 10 lhe' World IlanI< and lilt. InlmIalionaI MoN'tIrJ FWId. lD portkuklr. ""'" rrIicf ohIluld ......k in m..jor n'<lll<1i<>n. 1n Ibe artwol am<IWl1llw AIrie. pI~' ""I on it.debts lU 'jf!1r (on far, _ III the IimitftI _ l!IIII is :spmI "" tbr ho:akh -.I ............", alillI thilcInL... To 1M lhio probItm of dcbl into "'" ovtr.dI tonll'XI or Ihioynr'. \Vorld ~ Oi/bo. f't'llM, lhcloW <'0lIl ~ 1M bak hu""", ~. in A£m - lot n..-alth, nulriliun, Mnlion. told Iamily ~ - "WId bt _ _ in*'"b' $!I ~ a y<W'; lhio k~. nady Itw lhan Afri<:a ia CII/Tl'lIltr lB .... ~ ~....,.. wIlidl ~ lJrilifcI .. tIw 1!IlIOtl.1M ....... Ihio ...... ' of ... Aft:r, 100_ tt.".._dIr awunt,- Aiia.', ..... _ be' doasIicaIIr writIta ....... .........:' . . . . IlIOl\" .. _ l/)o1Ct:F . . _ _ ~ ~ "'... . ~poid. JiII;Ily addnl IIIIbr IIlUII .-d, • IIlUII .-0::"$lObiliool is. ~ ..... do:a, _ ... Ddl --_ . . fit. Z1 ' ; , , , . , - ': lTtof.>u • • tbt ......ioi:otd llMioM. ouppon Ibr _ o I .... IOAiita.,.. . . ~ ~ ., tbt l10iItd Norms baI •1IIIIIiI:"'n.t'u . "'''''''_-U'' ,. nt . . ...,.. .. lit _ ,.;.., -W k flO#ttl,t·ourth, AIri<::oo llOOw o,.. , ilO """" " Fl•. Z2 DdI bonm 1oIIIl .... Pi'J'lJ'UilOl Ol'liM'. t!ll ,naJc~ ~,~o<l lbe- ....nllniln"'nl. tht')' h:M.' made 10 In,,,,", a 1(1'1:11('1" lIfW<JI' liotl nr !Mil" "-""'flues in hwnan """"'''-....,., and 10 aclJi<,.,... lhe boo.... hullWl ~oab dOllI ha-.: 110,,11 ...mb&sh<'II in I"" rK'kl~ or I_h. "ulrili"". odncalion. on<! Cantily planning.... I" Pakar ill 1m. and again in Cairo in 1993. NriI",'" poIilinl '"""""'" ha...... Ik<iarn1 Ihl'ir inlmlX>n or .....,rul\ll ~ by Ibc! end or lhi. dl'Cadt. Th"",, coounil",,,n" oho\Jkl now bor ....... by ~d~ c"mmi.."""", or ....1(2. n_,,'I.'$, lor ~ "lJI'<iI"l<" purl""'-"" fromthe indu"'rilIr.....'" nation,.. H/lh. Ihe inll'mllliooal communily ohould .,;;,j,q AfriclI in ru. WUJ:!:J. Inward\; ,~ IIOl DIlly Ihruu)(h """Il<-'flUiotllO ~ AfOCa·"..". nomir l"';lion. and ""PfKM11or Mri,:an g"" . mllll"llls· rommit:nc.-nl. 10 UK' ach ............1oj b.o<i< human goals, bUI also Ihrnu~h din'<'! assislllrl<"e 10IIKN' polici<'o and in..itutiun. which ,k'. :pctI d,:mOCflley·. foolld.I;""s. Thio islo.o<. 100. /\as "'-"" ""-"l'1I11y ~ by U\<, s... n'laly-(:e1lt1'lll or Ihc Unilod mr.c -'.......-,-.. - -- Nation", "7i/fl t oJUI ogoi". oU oUnl$S Aft'i<'n, ~ st.", _nb tUrdilpm"d jp"" otoffn/ bfflI_ ofiOUlObility, 'TIlil <7rl' "". br /mhfr ""ty IknllO/1lr Ii, f'lNlk oJ d,Mt><mli< p",t:ri<r>., . "/krrlilP"".1 oUi "'/1St i"nIUl, ... p. f>o<I/I>' Ill, rmztiMr nlld Sl'"'l!....iogoJ ifl>litkM'" oJ lit",,,,,,,,.,. iJn1lIlnOl7 .",,/4 br ""dnSl(J(Jd "" I., "''''''' lmiItlnb br"",. //l in? pnrtici/ll1~~ I'" .- ...."'''01. Pl~Mi ", ....,Ii V.Im lit""",,,,,, "'... oonI. ""d ".,mi rilJlfOff. _/is d'tlnt, ""',. iJUlnM/i/y ItiU """, ,..jlll D" 1""..iln!JI, tffttl "" mtiHm""",ic dtwlop"''''t..... $iwlS of change • The IIiluation in A!rira can bor tun><d ruund. Fundamf>n\3l cbmgo.... ' '''''''ll' ;"g from Ihio iaoI di""""",. dtad~. Nvl' rn::ato>d a dilInt'fIl an.d flU" nlO..... hoptf"ll~ lor Afritan tk-~Iop­ mnIt In lIMo ~ r...., Yt'l'"- many Afrl<an rountrie« haw- un<lt1tal<ell ro,," damcntal rriorms. 'l ~ ts an almoot rolltinl"'I·...'i<!< 1""""""""1 wwanJ. denxnacy, """'-r /ruotming .00 diffi.:uh Ihat ioon>t')' ....y b<,. Apanhrid I, cooiliq,: 10 an end. fuIDonll,.." ha...... Ix...... ~\J<.TaIi«d Thectimal'·Ior;".....- .l· m"'" i. ImpI'<..-iIlll. The cold war "" longt.,. nwtun.'lI dictalo"dtips.. St'Ytflll Ioo.o:..... n";ng ....,.", "'"'" booen nodc.'" ,.. oaIod <kn>rn. Mili,lIIY "!""'ding. in '" 1<'a:j/ saolC """nu;",.. h; lJwfIing olJm. or ~~." And n""" or Alrica', po\iI~ call<"';""" rommtnro 11"."....""'" and III<;" ~ I " 10 the m<'f'lill$: of basic numan _I..'" "T1IEn "'" al""wly oiltn"or. poosi. bit challllc in alti\udes in indum >Ii.o<'" rwions. Unil,";! Stcr1:Wy of !ilol~ W.m·n Chri",,!,""'" has ..ill lhal rold war ink'l'l'>l' wiII IIOW ",. ,..,placo.od. '" til<' hem or Amc.-nca'.,.,1ao ,;.,.,.rup '''; In Africa, by On eood.';", ,n.. SI.".. __..jllM.t In tlt",omJCJ nlli b_, t\glJ1s".'" Similar1y, 1'rtosKI<"" Clint"" ha< lK·kn"" .... l!'-'<! thai -A "o!J/II~."" Is nd.. ""'J I. Afr/nI... AJi'il'tllU ,," Sl"'M/i", tn fJdirot pMitic4t ".d ..... """".. frmJ/J....... w, . ,,"" n Sl'"l{ l.t'mI i• •tlpiq t..... lrowu I• .., /TudinftI" bffl" liltJ>r '. __or:s tilri".ildml.- Ell""""", I<...ten. I1aV<' nlade sintil>rWl\C'O'II;'Il" and _ enIIlndu81rialia'" "ariono 1.-, """,,'II 10 link IJM. ""'~oualiun of oid pro~ 10 1'l'Ol/f<'!lIIlowatd' dt'OllO["· ....." ... d ~uctioo" ;" lltiliw)' "I"..ndinJl. l1lI'!ie "'" an sijlIIS of I>npr. 11m h nlU$l l>c <aid thai .., fan n,.,.,· ha< btto little!<i.lm or anion by lhe mdu!'lrialix<.'" f'OIlnlric's. and liI>llhnoa lc~ rots In aid, "",."....,. ju>llifrable and ~ it nli~n' l>c, '" noI .., odc<iu>l~ ~ ' lU (h.: ...,.;m. of ""b-Sohatan Afric.... And iI. .tier many dcc>dca of olferinlr IlIO'lI1. ","I,'riaI. ar.d miIiwy SIIppm1lO oft"" blaIanlly ",""pi and ,.."...,......, dic1alonl,ips.iM induSIriaJ. i%l:'" nalioM. IIOw....uili 10 1'00;(".. 'll"Od ~';" NriI.... u...... Ihoy mu," a100 IC\ 10 $l.....lIl1dlf'1I iI.frio:a·. "'" . f>Of'ni< pooitioo by wrilinJI Q/f many or I1lO' .. bwntinrnt'. debl.. by """"itlj/ fait i\IId stable ~ for lts raw Olal'. ... _Is. by t't"IIudn.lll>riff. 00 Alrica', man· ufacluA!d " ;ond by ~ 1M amoun! of old available lor in~· ing ;" Alrica', \l<'<IIlle .00 IIlCO'tin.Il ".d ' ' puoU, basic humao llUId... u...~011""""""inthehrahh Rl:.'1lUNK ,...., -.I <'Iluoratkon -.I AI1M «f"l pnbk".. di d in 1hi!< ...,...,. _......,. 'onoJ. ..... io.IIit'• . i: WI a a. . t/Ioob .. toa ..... .... ~ . .1d ........ 1bIo_ R«rII. If U."'it*"'illr_ toW .... ('fa, " . , . . ............... " .'DOw IhIl ~ too pi;II.-iIIo 111-"1. , i ' W;t\'Oll iiltMl .w,•• -u. .. IioII io illr ~ ft';iDto< io ',.,., n.r tIaol .. '«1_«1_ ......... .,w,..... to,. C<pI.'nf. "'w aW/It Jnni.... I'd"" iolo,~ ..... "''''' _a='_..alwpn;. lIII'' ' ' ' ...... "" IlIIUY ill mel "" _ po&;nI ~and ndt1s.. lNl _ . ""' ..... 0( IIII't'IinI: thr ..... blllQall "","ll$ 01 lho' paon.'OI """,,,-'I" III loumaoiIy _ boo laknl .i> 'Il'ilh a ...... ~ AI.,.,,,, bQlh b' hlltWll NW' andlOll I mf'\lII$oC ll"-....... ~~ 11't: pt<lbIm.. ...hieh " ill ~Illll)' olh, noIlHlly tho.· poon.,a .... rumnlunil"',. hili tlK' 1'fUWl"'."l' kif acIvarItt. and politIral .... biliry wiIhin and !xi ......... '.. .n""'..,.. .",,,........ III lhr _ Iim<'. ihr pinlo WI " - bMI UIlIdr ia _ potU 01 !Ix~ --sd 1IIIl1ll ~ proll'CI('d &.,..0 """",,,-.I thnoMs, . . . t'-' .... _ at tho -"I <rbO;h ... T.. ~..... ol :IX' ,__ d • ~ .....,.. ill ~ .-iIIo JICi<wislo -.I ...._ • • '"- dtodapioi;E ..... on... ioo ..... 10 do:pk>J lbl- kiDtl 01 ",ct ' . .... iNlg. dol-" ,. WT s' . ' " WliI~ ' ' ioc ...-dr.... 1l>rir _ .6 ' ; ' fJl itapa1. lbr .,. "' ,- ,. ' O"_",ar ___ 1m til _ _ will wb<W'I" w .... D poIkfII ol ( ~ .... -ad "" ""._,., "'lr k-odIs 01_ ..... .... """' l( anilsI- ....... ..-....l "".olI ....... Otomocracy'l c~lgi' n"""j[louuI ~ iJI i"" world. ......." ... lIUPP>Il "" ......... rilOt1 to foo.. .. Il:JllofW on<! iJltt"Mlallonal .,iutI "" 1"- ""'" choIk"tIJl'.. in lho.· 11""1' countries St't'Ond World W....1'hooy ....rtr. ,.,.,.ns. <allJ. IDlhr dIy ia J 011947 wht1l Gcnc'nl 1:1 lIiISliDt!d a ...... <rbO;h 10 IhiIdIy ....... .. W _ rQio¥*s ill definitiol! of (;0._. whit , .... ~ """,til _ bo ........ IOWIlIbrir~_ ..... ....,. 01 . . .. " i' """dol- .... tho .... 1Iia' ed ....'icaley._ lilt .iIJow_IO'--'" In . . ,"" IWI!I'.~. pnMdro and p..,l .,.a. 1IlM ... Ibt .... ... 'hldlltw .... ~. ~ ......., ..",;" ool_to II) we _ lor ..... . , ' X d " ' I D _ Iht b ':iM ...,., _ 11<.''''' .. ,,"".,.... .............. - Tu....... l5 o(.-brr II.- ..................... KGKli&cmoi• wiIhiIo wIIidI W "" " . ' .t .....,.,...ailio...... . -'>.ID prlI<lin-.1hiI 0I'0I0Id _ btl " '" .... UIC'ilJ ~ pm.. 'Ik'''' . . ...,.... ...... ~ 10 awkttIlor ..... ~ <'SpOrtS '""" poor <'IOUIllrin. wril~ ,,"""iIllI 10 d<.... a ~ pruportjorI 0( drbl in M'IocIo,d ...-ai<>ro> and ....... md • n1l<'Wll olald and in_ _ ItI ...;m Til e indust rialized t<>Id ....,. Pl'l'lud. f n'QUi.'Inly, II""", """"'" n'~"" J.k lfl a I"'t""i<>u. lI<.'Ca. ..... almo. !WIa Ci'Il i..., IIKO. """'" em;,. .awl <1-. thn.....'Il<'d tho.- ilJ.!u,.. tJWil"d ",>tid In lI>t llftctmaIb 01 ihr ..... As lsi ••Wit., ........ Ibr ~. .... I' " _(utkd • htlpiII( to lotiltl do ,.., . . . . ; ..,. .. ~ bat. w .11:1 ... """"'- will> W, lIMotI SUn WI" .oIlhr .. ioqal....- bt id.ic.. -no ND_ P1H." Ibr \/".... """'4.....,& ,.... ............ .......,_.1Iw IIIII St rethillk their OW II progress ;11 order to improve tbe qflality of life while reducing their impact all tile biosphere. Ih .... ul oflhoIII1isccl Sllii tat -~ It.- . l1li _ /tria /0 ,.".,. b_a .... aN " . - , _11Id ~~· • __• • /III*d......IIuIltlon i t . rd iIlk" lIllt Ibt .. In. . teI III KI widI _.:;o:i• • OIl~"" ..... .lbtkl: ... ~ .. ' lr II. Ibr bon!« ICIioo&, llol borrirr 1bol , ' :1 hau b' _ta-w c * .. .. - " "". . . . locuf't. if ....-........ 11 if. ""-t • poliIJnI Mrrilr. n......, it VlfJ iI:k daub! \hol1bo:-W . . W ....-.roeII """ dot: ~ III rnako.·lbt.....".lioa 10 a -W in ""'""" the baoi<" 1k"""C!s of ...,.,. ~ ............ and dIllcI ..... 1IJf't and !II whlrh tho! 1m","" """"" n", _with all k. p<>l... tw .... PRIll"'''' rrowth. l·hall ~ •• ,'X<itt' ""... ~ ~ - <*Il <9<11;""" . WIw ;" in qIll"'Slioa is !he ap«ily of llIII" ftIlirnIDn ODd poitnI or- to fnIIIODCI l'IUdr _ 10 """'" chaI: ~ For .......... ol1bo:"" IIIII<t$ JIlllIR"8Q1!n1al ~ . is Ill< ' . . ...... . .". d<w IIlIl do ,.., DoI" ;" _ .... 'lll*b'aol_ol,. ' . ..... po " "Thz focw olllllliliatl iii< ill llw ; l 51 J. '&W$ ....... .. ..... Its I i'1:r .-.. '*-"t poIiIicaI .... "'" """ ............ •liIln-'IOtbld' _• .-c, C 1 • • "'Il. lI(IIithriJ ............ AMI ~ .. Ibio pn:l<'OW lboi.. • ...., It'<'nIII . . . . . hal " ' - 10 . bziae: .... I" .. ~ '*"" _I"... Ibt w\IIdy ..kno_ltd.l<'d .. obit".. ..,.." tllrta· ra tIUf ...... and ourctlildm.a failltl.'ll n.'QIIin' ''isiua and llClion .... I dilrtn....1 ....'IIe In both plac.-.: and ~""'. ThIa prot>\tin III d~ I x _ polirit'l.l lMtl1uliono and Ibt llI'ObIo-..... thai lhty ..... ~ to mo.>h'<' is """ ..... lIIld _ laed or <'¥ell «1011:11111 I d "" u.. """ orilfiuD1 bntd lbiz r i <ltaol • ." '. but ~ ia.-c.-\lidl wiI ' d wiIh br lhnlIl wIIo lhlm '" - . . . . The most basic advalltages of progress have 1Iot yet bee" made available to the poorest fifth of human society. M'tioa, . . . . 11 ( I ~,. " . "'. Thio .. a __ iidic ~ '" lilt' II.- pWb .a '" - ' " or '""' Ilr IlO"'i- biliIy '" --" m-...., n •••, _ _ ill lh<: ....nd ol pn<.'tinl <......... hoc,..,.. , lilIrlI ~ oIwioon. Up unl~ illis """In!}'. for """"'I'Ic. aImoou all -x... -... ~ in I;"" in...• ess "f a n:lati'rTly uarrtlW l'Iil<' who<." an aIrn<'!l """""".... n~' 0( rights IIId prMk1l'''' II>d or I;"" benlofilad "' ...,-. I'urtbl_ pan, ihia .... ol IOfflIin _ _...Ue-CL b<inlt _ _ TlllIIlt " ......d • -.-.1 .,, __ •daiIoed......, .1,,, ,• ....".".-. bbck. ..w... .wt.- ..... ....". ....". AR. IIld _ os. n.,. .. alic.. . - . . . - ol 1".'. lIhi<. silII • ill .... _Id . j f iii< • r ' .. ...,d""'7.... IriIh ... 8ul ~ .......... t ' lI lMa _ ~ ia 1hz: ....... lJiq ...... ill ....... '. ' 1 .. d ~.hao ~ t....... 1<Iday """Ill .... ~ 1\ Icast ill ~. 11111 all Pf'O\llor MouId~ thr riplland _ _ IllIIitin. .... WI !ht. bni< bnK.iiu of 1"IlIrfl'l!..hould be aVl ilablr III all This dwl# in 'ihoo hu III ~ tho! lI'CItld oJ , 'Yl'l\lj lllId imtitD- ."m" "''JU" liooo.. and """"'b' b<..-...nina ihe ""-1 a/ hwnoaitt'. otnIg\l' b' "'<JCI(':i$, Ilul ......... """" ... ilIot ~ _a.. . _baic_ d ,.f<idl _ .... I: ' I ' ,.,... ................ iII1be brl~ • lbrpt ..... ......,.t.idrM, ill Ibt .....'biol¥lIhiclbll '.- ' b " ' - • po' !.Dolled ...-mol cIzncb _ _ ........ <m.ibzdbr~ pok . . 10 aab' • lor • lb< ""'-I _ ' ~ iII_ .....-.lalllr ........ _ ......... lbrrWu _ pobIic ""...,.......""" poIiIicaI ..... Iita. II if \ll;a pRl<lt'110 -Ild IllIW'<: oftttI bt p(lOpIoo lhaa by ~ - \hoi boo l(IaIIuaIIy dioloclllt'<l ...... ....... "'Ih;,~ lIhic", baI!ly IIdIiAd. l}.., _ . . ridIt:t. l!x e.._ ..... d ol"' ' - .... l"t ~ ..... '" 1 '''' III lbr iIlIIft " - I barM ...., wba . . "" 1hz: ~_." .nty.n.iI dt •• l1<, ..... ",<e'. MOl """- civi5IaiaoI iII _ ....,.Ihz: f'Dd a/. . 2OIIt~. Y<t ~ .. poseiblf lodat. ..,;d • !he: <'CJiI!lK.b ..., ~ 10 IL.., lh<: ~ ollhr kinJ 0/ ~ ia tbl_ ....... whic'b mIY ""'" ell)' make jIOOC! Ihill doo6c ....., . 1hn:loogb lhr d.... ..s dtbris III Ilw- !mm<'diaIl:' shods. dialltR.aDd ..."'-b o/Ibr po.- elI)'. it ..... ~ ...,. .. _ lhal. -.Inlylq Y.. m..- ill Ibr t'lhiaoI Iw t. " . -......r. __ a I'"riod 111 - . . ........ .na~b<.: __ .... tiI:J ,--. _1llif;)WI". 1.5 . . . . poaplr ........ '" bh ill a ...... I r o ~ ~ ... ___ ...w t.:w lildo. . did Iow.~ ......, AriIoet.. • _101 ,..... " - ....., Md td 1IIIPr_ _ ....".Md .. <2l'S _ . . . ill k k '· · ...-. Thr ftU is lhal. _ oblilltd ... tIU ............ ho• • ••, ""'""-... Md ...... _ ..m .rn... "'"3' t... it ..-.bookw re&<u tho ~ III .. inIp<lnMt .tIiI\ .. tho .~ othi<'. ;~ wbI< io <'tlIIOid<n.... ~ ;" "'" ..'CIIId ond ...haI. 10 no!. !<,niWly.lh<o ia l<~ in\c<vI-.... lion in Son......... lor 011 ~. dif6cuhieo and .....kil, noN'l h<'\('oJo " -pn.... .·n!ll • fiN d,-'l'lInlion Ihlll lh<' inloma1iooal ' '<.WI''''''.;lY "'ill "'" 0WHl by ..... do ~ ooIhinlr ""'iIcill(, Pl.'-.. . lho: <hiI- d"'" - 0/ . IIiItd .... e lIU<'I:Umb l(I rmso ~ud"""'" Bul ... 1Ir. !bit _ .m;" hu bH:o IimW II> IIUlkIt-'a ..... Olf<."I1lublicia.-d ....-llI<I<. aDd ~ it bao ~ 1xnI n1nlCkod ~ me, ....... cn·fIl_~ iIIiknrT ....... ..., budllro_...... ~ ... l'WG ~ 1lUllltIt,10I1I<ll!*. .................. 0 Thr ~ III tho 1!l!lOs if to ""'"..... and bn>Idm tho _I!thir l1IOl it ~ W tmI"fltO'. il orda""' " ......... ~ ..1t. . . ..tJo:y. lq fronl ~ _ ......,.. eway.,.. '"- IIQf(UIt'uIar ~ \\1Im ~....wbr"-""1ho ....... _ _ 01 poooomr. it . . '""'- .... Jivablt lhIlltwy should IIIn<'I 10iIdl' . . . . Md ..., «<""10 iIIIr srioriIJ'. RuI ....... " ' - Ilor -til IIIIiriIc. ad'~I "'" - - . t I ~...., ~ it poooi. IlIr II>briIc.... ""' 1lor ...... 1IIJIOClli ....... ., pnwny l1IOl fnIth _ _ Ion ... __ "'MdJiooo..mimpotus 1O~ ' mlll--"". .............. ~ IIOll _it ....ulal d& .ioo. IMlL Il"ll.-........-m- .. !be , 1 rI)'" tt!lot if III br <"'~ aDd if Iht lnInIilioa 10 I .....;". ... ~ w....... IbrIl it it~1iIl lhalllt"'llk aDd thrir ~ in all «lUfttriH, JIlooId ..... ~ intol"""'I 0/ 1M u~ ""rIrrini inY<>lvtd in d~ ~ bul k.w<,.. kll<)WU ~(...itI '" mw malnutrition and dl..._. Illill'flC'Y and di""billljr. Ouly lIUI:h • d WlJlC ,.... 11M! Ilk· l.1>ik uI n""'\injj minimum hullWl . ,0 ......... lhe .......... priorily ~ .......... Only ..-:h • ~ nil _ lhIl ~ IaodtTolUpo h ..... loiIh 'O'ilh Iht po lhal. ~ btea ~ ........ '""" ~ riI ........ l1IOl wlul _ bor __ ""M'" ..... ..... -will ...... br . . - IIltIIIIa lbr tWo I I I _ ............. ~.­ ..,-~_ 'T'ht' foIowiIll ;" !hi' W. hi of ~ .1 :!OOO whirh lbr WIrid'. poliI. The year 2000: what can be achieved? nl ......,t _pull - • bo1IlI ~ ilIwrillly INsiI* - . IIIoc WQfId s..nIllior Clllldn-ol ... 30 s.... wbt, 1991l. 4ot., -- af_'.... ~ II """"'- of _ -.I ......,.. ......... - . . . lJk. warW'. ........ .... ... .... r s. _ ..__ ~,- .. _ Ilrir <"IIunlioa lor III ctUlmIlDI! ~ MID-DECADEGOALS .....N 01 ",0ft'I(¥. -wJ'11 IIlOIl old'll d"I !I~ _ III of prWary fdu<wion by II haM>li! \If llw Illu~ illiIt'fI(')I rat~ and lh<' ~",,' of <'<lUll fd ~ ,;",Il&l ", ~M\ UIli l)' (.... "",k.. and ...,. lhI' nlOny n,illion. 01 rlIik1n." in ""P"riaIlr diff.....k rirrwn..w><n ond !hI'~." and oOoo.'f\WIo.~\ in aD "",nlril.... of 1M " .......uly adooIud C......1IlIoa ... IN Jlillh"01tbr (1Ql1ll a-tinlbr. lhI' '!l9Oo ....101 ." I'llIlidI:r ~ ..........-oflhl' idf'll DI........ ~ lO'<1io:. lor mildrm in Iinlf' 01_. ( ProIo.",;OQ k>r 111_ Ja I1If II _ . -... . . - III \lQlll1I¥ ill of l1li __n.-.. .-. "lid ~""'1rYIIW. . 011_ .... .... _ p tc~'''''''''_'''''b¥ p • I_Dl ..... -'*'~ .. . l'rotrction for riM aod womt'Il ..... "MllllT_JIr ' .... I ~ ....' 00 t;_ tI_,t,t'l I, £lonil , ," ..... _ AclIoh' , . o ! M _ ...- Itw_ .... . . loinlto' ..-.. Mr. SodI ~ -_--. -...... If All nJlIunoI, _--"""~"""'~_ 10 " - _ .......... IllnlCllnl durin,: dUJdbinh mel m..nI lI<Ililn .". laI {~ z.s k«l III .... It_. ........ it., of .. " ... Ihw- \"j Al . . . . . . ~ _ ~ of .. l!IIr taoll of ~ .............. __ Io"'1IIOUlbo of. dlif.li6r• ... ("..-ell " ~ aIj..t 10 ""' ....... ~ of k..-It dR< 10 ....bIo • funilio.." 10 ......" . .......... Idd 1Ood .-nrl,r. Child health I Th· <'ndi<.",~ ", '" pol", . ,01,""101." '"'" ~lintir"rtion ", """.. (by 1\195). I A !IO\ I'ftIlI<'IiDn IrI nWtik.. . - am • _ -d<al~ n:'du<1"" In .......... rompanlI ... Ift"IJumnnl>a. 1 ._ .., !I<tlir. Irzi;t 9l& ~ ,,,. . .-. dlildmI __ ii., ·.... lor Il.-~~ Ii ~ of dIiId cIiontIo<...... 2SlIo ,e of. of e'... .. ..-.I1tf ;" ... _ioIo.lofdiio ,k _iIsolm... Ii ~ " *-bo <-.lllJ __ , _ c" n. (5 ' . <Wd _ , of lflIi-c __ .... tIMUI boo ~ 1II .... ..-.y'O ... .' ....._... _ _' .....,. "" \~"""'<T .... ......__... _. lib' "'., 1<10 s-:..1i'.. 1I111t. 9 ' .wtlidI =-.1 ... pc . "'I ...f F.-.ily ,' rin-f ... ""' ....... , I' 1I_ _" " ' _ _ B l l l o l .... " .........,. " mlIIiniorI in ~ _ idH ..., of low ~ ,, ~ ()om-aD goals 19!I().2000 L. ,ot Nutrition ,~ L.. A ....... a; pn.~. - ' lIr.'IaldL It bioth ........ A -..-.. ,...,. III " "'" ..... I3Iks 1ll,.1ioo .1'lI prr lJlllO h:' lIirIM - .bitbt ... "' ... """ ' 0 _ "'durifta.owly rlIiklhood.• Il , .1J'IiIIod hiPtitl< ~ tftll oboI<1ric" ~:.dUC3tion III addUllllO mary'""""" _ .... of pri- 1Rd u ........ ....... kldot• .-miol ~ 10,.,,".......... -.llik okiII1i Rl<Ild"..1U .lloo.' <!if. PQ!lOl of ill r:lll1ilit" bV rnollililinI: "'-ill ond ""trilinMl ......t. of ~ ~y. 1 1"~ ...~ ul lhr ~ LodaJ". V2!ll)' ~ <'tim"",";' REFERENCES ~_UoWmo· . r""' 11l< ,. _ ~.II -.n t:1lMooo m-1CU·. _ s.. ~ M..d> ""'1lI!IS, 1. . . ~ I_ J _ Tn" . • Am. e-., (r\I1IITAQ. r "'_ _ 01 • ; .... Eo.... i ~ 7 - n.._ - o.r-. II_ ~­ £iMl~I_ . "j St._ ~ ..... n..w. £40; = INCD'. ' ' QlW U, I' .. en,. ......__.' ,"" 0« ; ] r.<n No.. zs. _ ·'" . . _11w...1 t""'" .OWW _ iMrioII II_~ 1M. WHU!tJNllU'.loiaI ~''''~''''''''.hod.n. ""r-~ _ ,J!U. rlL.~ 31 t . . . s-...t,...,.,,·.r '.W'-""" o.. ~ _ -' ~ 11193 "'_I....... ( lmf\l»Il iuo. ~~ C_lll!l'.: II'I1Om'llCF.NJ'nI .\\'10 . n........ " - IlI'A" 6 ,..".... ~,..... ,'n l ,.. II W_ ,. ,rm.llSKtJ'. ~ OO u · ' , . ll.... .....e_' , _ Iiaot............. ril. I _Von,lIR,._ I. ,e_ _ 7 s-._~ ~ II l .... S-('WIIr..,·."-l.Sooft. ... ......L....m ._V.... s....... _a.... ·AI~..:u-.r - ....C_.. -.OO•• _ I I _ lrot.._r__ - . . . _ ......_u-:,.._ol Bl r " ......... ......,., _niIdhoool-. .... ~L"lAJ1M.,1. II Wond - . I t_ D",' _ .~ 1m. \O·ont ...... W~ lJ.c. l . ,. ~ U_N_ ClOIIInoo', t.... ~I!If :r. :I ..I_ No u.iIooIs.e.OiI4rnI·.r...... ............... ",". w lloolitl no .,.,..... ( 211 - t . .. "".!9lII--'co.-. r.--,. . ·_1_ 1;10 I _c... S"'-QMw.. ......,., " ... ] "'::1 _110= . _ ·.joioI....lOAloOlCU _ _. . WlIO.("_ _ . . . . . . . . . .11 ' .... S- :5 C • 1 .. _ .... • I • . . . . -•• ' .. 1 I C-,.:TWlIr.J-r. . w.-.. Wl ....... !'1 ,~ • • ••. . - . 110. , *, I-'AoIiIIlo\I:rr- lr.oll:lJ'. lf_ ~_ _•NororV,,", :JO Ift · \ '"""' . ,. s.. !Is.lobo<IIl9I/Il .... 1 , W_ _ f t ~. n o ' - " ' . ., " -_ I n00"lllIl· 31 ) "_ ..... l$ ~ . ' ...rlL. W.w,_Oo ~ t MooWl): A ~ -' . '" ]I; 'Thr .pc; b,, 1Ii s...,. s.ritoo loL No. '1 ; I Sl...,.". I _ lIoo lnf1-. U...... , * , . - ' . IIt , IM :l1 U..... ~CI\iIdn-o·••·_l.1~ hor-~N._,m dt. :II! UoiIrdN..o- l l'ro_ .N IIt , " ,.., /It,..o ~ ....-.... . . ... Uoil<tl N.. ko I~'ftl f'ro. H._.I~ /It,..o 1\I!l1. l1lfIW. S.., V",," 11I9't. II- Ci «l ......... ouppIiodbfl ... (lib. UNK,.)'. s.... y.... ~1 llai1<tlS_ _ CIolIoIr...• ",.... ~,.... U n... rlL. p. ," 1\9- ..-.H _'."I, . ",..,: 1"'-.......-...... llioI- .-_~· . ."'1' .:--c: ....... . . . ' « Im.. \nJ. _of..... ; 1 1iHl.~"" ),..... ~ - . . .....l CD'. s.- y"", ~_llt' _ I'lO> _ .,), I; .. . , . _.rlL. ...7 .--. . .... -=-<:,,-",--_ .""""o.1.ItiH~_~.....,.Q. " . . . .Note-1S 5 _.....,._ , 1l.C_70n0W_ 05 I,, t _Jw"D t ':lolClJ'.", _C~. • • ~t ·_ .~~ _ •• ,.-.... I C1lIII ~ _!'oIIon.r....... .....,.s.m... 1'lo.:Jll" ' - 1_" 10 (.". . . ..... n..~ . ,. Z 1.100 .. ... VoL ' .I'lo.J. 1.l<klb<or 1!l!lZ. l-'NK: ~]I." ....._ II'. "'. _ Vurk. p.2 .~....,.. ........."....,1tD D ... 1 _ PwIr(.JCl lI"ar'lILI. m.lCtJ'. "'IO,..c U!'o1l.»<''AlIU joIoo __ ' f! ~ So<l><oollt :!!i 1_ lbL" XI :!16 _ 0lI0Im0·....... _ Soo.5:!. /Udl W. . . . ,. S 131:..1_" ' - .. C !t IbiII. -r-.. t_".. V...·.",.,..._ IIo«,, · .,'. . . . 5 ~ (lII1rMIurliDIIoB. 1"- -"'-'1M.&!,.1\"HU.~"J:"" ... _ .._101"-'_,,,. .-.,ll':!!,'n1 ,..... __ 10 \'.... N_OIIIftII·. - . no. ~",".w 19!I3. !lSlIl'. Ii... Yurk. llOIlI \\''''''''I~ 'Olh( ~ ' ·'''''' II~ two H _ A Ii., •• /iIliIIlIW' ~""' ... I!I!/IMI91.1\1IO. ...,.., _ _ ".~ I~ _ I~• .1ll..I: e-.".• ,.., ... ~ _ """" .... "'.-"1 .... IJo,w.. . . . - Olildn'II. W 1!8lo·. UNln:l'. N1"wVotk. lllW 21 llolI ... lI\lIod bl' "'<on! llo1olII ~ .. ~ I_~n~ ._ ·. .,_ U•...,OO l."\liIIMc ~ t ."," IOIi(F A ~ -' "'lfO. :!I _~ ~ • :l2 Ibid. N""' 'iIltk. lll';l3 I! ~ If 1'1'-"1 ...... 00 M.....-. .....".".",.....1.......... and 9 3! Oor-.. I.... ( " _ llW I~ Yod,Joolr 311'1'_-. ..._ 110 '; 1. . . .ri:..,, 1l4 Ow- . WlIO.Gooow. I'II!. I:!:! 11 ................. - . ........ I ; . _ .. w-.. WlIUA....,.'!i,/IItI2.. 11I110~l". 5 "-~, . ... .....ur1d ' ', IJllo1CD'. _ ' T_ . ....... '-""'.,......... 1..... Oi : ~""'I\IID _ "Op. ",,_GO 17 11'_1 ...., 00 _ ... C _ ol~i_lJio. - " _ _ " .. _ _ I"t:!. " , .l/OJllJ'lUQ.1I'llO, w.... ... ·. ..,_ n• . , .. ....., t)mr _ ".. 1••_ V...... S : ,.,."... ,..' • 'So......... .. _ " _ l - . l N-...' _,.",.. If'. _ ,.". -_ lilt '/I'_ _ e-I.... T_ e.-~,. _e-JW7I..... UoOd ~ - y""'~~-. ...... __,. .. '" ..._aow_-..,..,....... _ ",.,,1'. ' .. ~·.Io n...-.~ . W.W , _.""'-""_ . . . . . . . . \Ii' " D.C. d8I. -,...~ • _~ II 'oM ' a. .CI6Ie-. T"""'AIobi- t1 l1lf. \JBoI c.,. . \...... H.-.J- ~ Dot..... . 1m ~ ee. uc, [a.' • • .. C'"" .. I e ............ 1>-19 1:k-...}oI&, OS I ......_ t.. IllKi1oOti: 14I.. 01 * ,.-...Jo6ooY...... t I ~ ",' , S5 il"•• .~ 'jI' _"'br l llo~~llr ofC_ KooI 1O Ibo l1<IlI<ooI s......... - . . lii lh< tIonal t:e.-mlr 0IId Social....,...... Group of n . OoilodN...-- I Ort.>b« '0' M S<~"""""oI .,.,..11Mo<I s.......... .........-..- .. :\Iudrol ~~ Chlld s.r.ival .... t'<rtlllly'. ~T/ES.VSf: Il.JV1 '.lI_ :'i<'O yen. ~ s-. _ Tor ' - ' --, f.. , I I ._ "- "-"' ~ saiInI. 1'1' - .-...y.... ,-.......,..&,:•• ..... _A••'; . ........-... SOR. \\· n-r. n •• ,~ e - ....... n--r-.., _ e - I . '/I' " Woo1ol C , _Po '" Ii 01 .. e-t. __A """.1t.4 ...s.r.d. ll< I ... IJ World C oaIlI. ' " U" IIod N._ I ~ _"' _ _ I N~7f277~l l l. Nrw Vo<k, 11192 fP ~. """' 68 lI_Nmonoo .lIIo • ."..nno.lS ._...... ......,.-., _. ~/} e " n ..... 'Il"erW c -.~ Ihafil, n. _ ~ ~ : • • l:00Io ... 0. . . . . (110 . • 1l! .... aodDo.' 1 ... (80 - ""'.dL 7' ·AGnotw W. .. n. f SO-V.... _ ~ ~....,. .oaID0004 ............. ..wC , f . ':'. .... ..,.,. Co . I' 1(:_ 1"1 !Ito'" .. D.lL ......J. "".... ,.,.tt-.", I-...J:I !It OXI..AA1.Nw: l:blord.. Apt j!i F.... .... 'I ... ,e- _~ • ,e- • II .... ,__ ~ ; " F_. t:.lI> . - . I9liIZ. fIIl. . oI_ ofoht:_ ...ioo ._... i o _ _ _ '-d. ......,....... "".rc.. fill. ZlIoJ I .-l »JII ~ <M. ..... ~ • ~ ... _ _ oI. . Siloc" , ' Siloc'" _ 'It <:-.N.""" _ _ V L._c..Jr." .'''' , . ..... .... llII C ....." • • f I' ""- - . .. JI ~ II. " I • c-. 11'_ Ioal<=. D.C."'I" 8 1 Coro-.A1. ....... pp.m "ll7 82 WGtl/lII&Ilt._o. . I I ""',...., /9!IJ'. ....... Thio,..............._ dod "-"'ioa 10 Ik;oioh••. . . - . . Ih< Iok1PoF loot _ ""'"-_ oIt" ......... poIi<yald il:l Ibid., .. 2 /II ltvoo.Joho IL. aId ..bt1'<, .... <to. I/aohad. 11001.. fJ 1!ah1. M.....,. 'II.lIId AItio,Sh=Iio, 1lMine t 11iI)' C'horIao: ..C-.....,......l MoruI;ry:1b< ~ C_·. Ol\Oljr nrrio'd '"" br IfNICD' br..... """"'"'"'" Cooaril. w,.. ",,", oaI NonkAth. 06:<, I!l!l2 lL'i .w-. _ IL aod H . ill ' 5 oIC_• •", ,, _1JoicIo<lo.' . -. J-"'"' ~ _ \'oI.:!a.,s.. !.I£ • /Q -.,10/&1:... .... IJoio<4s-. D' oI..... 'f"...,__.,.... . . _~oaISorioI_ -- ~ 11 SIalr"' _ . ..' F<niIIt'••"'-'* <t.. t ", • ...... _ewwr....,.... n. n.o-,.,,.... J'IoW-~""" 1J!lL. ~ .. 15 ~ 1I,L. ... ,",",,", ... 5 ~ I' If i tlQ.211 riL... 25 ..... . . .... .... . .................. ~.I'looI,.d.. .... I'"IS 0-0' FlIrIidt.,... I..aod !JWi<tL _ 'L 1"..., I F !iIIoeoo. . . ~. _ V IWll. .. Pl .... tl _ o I 'w...l ""'"C ' ._ • • Pc"u.4 1000_' . 7 -.I.'Dok. · _ .... r _ f_ of ... l-.l~""'''''''''' I.IL l-.t-'~ V""' _ • ~ 57 ~. "" !" , J'aoo()"" . e.-,. r.... n.. -- .ewC- '''''.OdonI :'_~Oo n rio., P. II I k /!1!13. 1I~"F]'A. Nrwy..... 1!1!13 _D.C.lllIIII lI!llIt<I NoIt.-. _ ~II_·, )II " 'II - . _ - . . " . . . , I "~"'''Nrw5t<wllr Il! 0...- D, " S. A _,Am_ ·t·omiIl' I\uiIdioa br ~........ I,"",," A .$5 -- . . DfIIUllt:-.. D_ _ .1ft - . S- V..... . '. _Ap. , ..rAO.-.IW1 .. 51 Ibid. st. " _.01 'II ~""T' _ "l-.I~ n._<F" ,~ :iot r...... n ....... So.If. OIIIC.I'I' 1I ~~ ~ ... i* ,• •"'. o! !'<o> lI'WI .... CP , _ . . . "" Third " •...,... -. . ' . s...:ioI. ,.... 47. 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WIlO. DMoiool<>lForniII' ~~ 19\M <:t:wu.y 19'1.: III Modri.1ofIa. r mw" l l<di...... Or;/. 12& u,,;tH """'.U_ \28 s......""Y'G<....... 0/ """ Uniled II.otiOIIo. 's..- ~ oilIoovffip. ID<'RI _ ill Nri<o'. SG/~M /-l8lI1• ..........","' Unil<d S"""""' G«>m. _,m 12\1111<' ~<Jfl_,....,.-idlrlg. 61ll.. .... forA&r.m --w k>k>p"""" ill ~...'oriolI """ ~ d II>< II'(It\dS",nmillor CbiIdtftl. _ ~ by ""'''''''''''''''' 01 """""' all Afri,.. """"'"""- 15 _ ~ S_ionold<o<""" I'I' ."1_ p....- Nil- to.IWo1lWll C<IIUlcil S"" ......, ~and ..... ""'~Ial~ llrpni>:aDon IIf Mtinm UIIil;y JnImIotiIIIIII C""l.......... 011 ~ .. _Cbildrm. Dokor. Yor!<.l9!l2 11~~~II .. e- 119UDiItd 1'.0.-, u._.,. II-'..o/"".. ~~1I<r>e.- ....." " . 1OIa_ Gnoordo 1951J.ZISO,op. <iL 120 Uniled Sm- ChiIdrrII'1F\tlId. n- ~"'N_ 19!U ",, <it.. p.3.'i 121 S..... Ior.........,.MW I Clrilbn, MWI POI'''' Ho"",. 1. _ J'ri. ...w,j,..IW /~ ~"",1If _ UaiI)r, M<!isAbobo, MId U"'1 CEF'. S.., \"<rt. 1m !itot ..... \Jailtd N"""'o.-·, Fond.1l<"li1 _ ""''<l<liIllI"'" 25-27 ~""" I'm: 13ij~_oI""" UoiI<'<l S1IiOIIo, '(M., ' Dt .. ...... . .. r SGISMI.wn. U_ SIaIeI f """""""'~ """'"""'" 10 ........"'... <>I lbel\lrbe r"...,l<ipJ>.. . 1lank. Abidjon. lol a)' 199:l 11 7 OXl'A.\ l. op. ciL. pp.JI.,J2 11~ WorldC......-- on F.nrirocImmI .-.:I 1I•...-Iopno."IIl (1lnu>dllood n'l1soionl. Op. ril. s _ ·AIritI<l l lttol ("tin A 177OXfAl.l.Op.tit M_ ...Mkooflt<t;. 1\·. ...... liSUIliIo<I S.oIiooa 11, "10,;,,,,, ,~ Prol/l'OIIUlIO".II. .... I_ _ Rt1'O" 1 992. ~ ciL. bux :1.1. .. ~ /Upon Caolimlina: ~upediwnd 10 o.v...... N>I-...... ri\-... \"n 19'J3 J_·. Jo~;"~· Sooot 112I\·OIId 1l,W.. Wo<fol l~ ' &1an 1.'I!I3. Op. <iL 113WOIId I\.IoU. 11'"",," ~"" Rt1'O" 1992. "l' riI. 11 ~ OKFAM.Op.riI. ~ 1m. ",,<it-.p.l 1 109 ~ llolJon. 'SIOO M..... Mon: lor Fomily 11ImiIIg', n. WlUIIoi..,.,.. ,..... 2(J r>....... ll<\ ,laIo.... rr.,. r;rmm><. I1,,,,,,. 1"" CriIiI;" .,lIIiIIo,·. """'1 10 "'" """"" """" .. G\obAl IJ,,, q",.", C _ _,mn._;a,. I,.... .... IiOII. C1n«C_. AIIoota.l 131 !><Ft.~ _~_. otif'ol>. .....,.. .... ,,.....,...., Iliri«oti. op. 1:lZ 'C~oIl_.op. riI. lXllluokd lo'Aid lor AIri<1.• n. &." "'. II MI)' 199:l 1:W QooIcd " s.m-n. ~ H. "" . 13.'i OXfMl. "" <I<. 1:lS G<in'. AI. "" ciL. pp. m::m 131 Am:irt)"lI. ~"" ~"" ;IUI: A. s.o. e....,... E~ I... ~&.. ~!'I>'oo. (M ."I, 1981 lor AIm: A(".otnr l1rJlont ........... on II """" 0............. mrnl·. U/<o1CEF. S<wYo<t. Moy 1!193 • Stati stical tables ECOIIQlJlic mid social statistics on ti,e nations of the world. willi particular reference to children's well-bt'illg. GenllfalllOle 00 the dlta Explan&llOn Dt tyrT\bDli" Index (0 COUlllnfl -Q -Q _M Counby groupings O,Iinition, MaIn """roes Tables Basic iodicI(1)($ 2 , N_" -~ ""M ,• ,• Kulth _M • Educal>Qn 5 OelllOllflpl'uc mdlCltors -' -' " Ecor>omit lIldicalafs -~ -~ -~ -"_. -' lias polll/loos coulllries Women The rate of prOll,ess ReQlOnalsummaries _u -~ " GENERAL NOTE ON THE OATA in m- ableo ..... lk'flllitloM ~ and ... planatio.,s uI 'YJIIbols. ,...... <Ieffl<od /rum 00 IIWIY _reel - 12 n.,;o, ~ IlI'l' 1iliI<'Il ill 1It<'~ IQf)' malrrial _ will intYilably .--.. • Tht' daIa ~ lI<Wn~ by .,..jd., ~ of dMa rcliobilily. Offirial ll\l"I.'fllmenl <L1to l'l'<.'ei\1'd by u... """",,,sible lInil<d Nati<ln!o Il(l'Il<J' hawo """'" used ~.. _'bIo- I~ !he many ntlI:S wlll:l1' Iltere are f'IO reI>.... olli<iol ~ ~n""'by !he _1>10 11n~t'<l Nl\lion,\ IIllt'n<)' 11m: bn:lI u:i<'d. \I'bffl, _h i:lll.'mltllc~ ~ e.;lima~ do 001 oi5l.lIw: IIhlet1dmvon llI!Ie< ........... panicularfy dll&l't"a:iYr'Il (mm 1iIl' II)Jlf1lIW\I1~ UNICEI' (M'ld oIJlce. IV!>o'n' ...-Dlc oolr ~.w.- <W I't:\IR.' S(:nWM! .... looaI data ha.... bfton u..ed. on. for lili'~. """'" binh h Bl...... inbnl n_ly nI<.... p;on of I!Io' A'l(Ilbr worit OIl ~mIIl'" aod ~~ UlIllM.aktoI by l~ Unih'd NitUons ~ 1m-;. $IOn. ThtoIe and OIher inlom:allolWly prud"""" eotinwes "'" n~ prr;oo. and ee, dooIa will dUb from liK>or ""'00 "' .... Iic:r UI\ICf:f ....blinWIlS. In poniaI. lar. !he 1In<\c:r-Gv<' ,nortollly ""~ (lJ5M M) ~'''''' ... htn'l' ",-"" tt"'o'iwed n!!iDJ( _ daIa ond • ~hoook'llY finl owlird on. om:ill nl1lllbl'r of ro.mlrir>< iIl!he Iaot fl'P<lIl, 11K. Jl.'Q'I1t m'IItion or "'-"""Y ~ ~ COUnlM haI .......hl'd in loIS """"trio.~ wilh popu1llipn. 0/1 miIIinn or I~. In>l<lld DlIh<: 129 ,"'hidl"''ft' 1..:....1<'(\ In ,"" ~ ...".,.... In lIRIrr 10 ~ 1 ' - ""'" """'" tm ill IIX' maitl ~ and SlIl1 lMinlIIin -r .....wHIily. l!l<' ~1 ...mmarirlll\;M· """" nIll"e<ll<J . ........ ndt IIbk' (tabtr 10) Ch:IIlIl"" II.... ""'" m.k'- to twO l:"licator.lllllh;'J'l*'51l'*'. ~ of ',;liD 1mt!«(t';.'lIiIIlI', Iinm IJ!.I S tI>OI!IhJ. ICI 20-23 "''''Ilh... 1,... I""""k'llt<' or lrOilT<" in ~ ctuldrt'll is 11ll' ..'<'<IIld in<'IIn;iQn. This ~ ha5 Ill'tfI :«:\m«l by UN ICIif IIId WHO r... mon~1lribg Om-". kldlnr dtiI<'lm<Y n'lturtIon. In' '" tJxo lIIl'lb(JtJxo \\'<.rid Sununil r""a,iIdrrn. ~.whirll~ s~_ofll ... EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS ~ lhl'aim ol\hl:_i.~...:don iI a broad picI"", IJI 1M oil. .. lion uI children and W\lI1ll'D ~. dHalk:d .uta qualiIlcO\iorw and iolol· lei pn;Mde <10109 ""' ""'" JSII>llre lII'IlI'JPIiolt· for l:l<iu:sluI, ~'. On!)' lW<l1\)mbols ~ .-d iD ~'t. L"" J lndiclll'" data thai"*" l<I}t'iII'>' or ~oIh<TillOlIlt-op<cifll'd in Ihrrolumn hl.~ difloor from llw' ~ ..KYnl ddInilioo, or ,d r 1'lQ Q111y pan '" a ""Will)'. tJ5)l 1'! <'tIlimat<.. .,.. indi-.'ldual toun ...... 11ft primarily """"«I frum dIotII ...,po<U.od by !he IJniled ~'mion>o 1'"",,1ati<m IMisIon.ln """'" """'.... Ihto>Ie ewm..ICS mlI)' ditr..'r Iron, lIIr lIIlellt ' 1lIlionaI fil:un. In Jl<," KuI, datlI ...w--d d.. rillll_;~ u.., J>Ilt U ,.".BI«I in thefle lalll_...., tlllimo "'ll. INDEX TO COUNTRIES '" tho- """"'lilt ~ __ ~." ..-..:l ill ..... • $ onil:r If IWir t.' d I~ ....... - -1MI7 .-"". .. 11"•• "s '[ • ......ft,..... ... \. ill <II, In lIdIw ,.. --....--........... ....... ..--_......-.....-... Ai; 8"",illl. B"tt1 Cut, C _, e -II AItoc... NlIP _ ... '..."'"..... "" "'" 0r' , ----_... .... .--....."- a_ G_ 'd'. • • •, ..... .---Goo II -....... ---.... .... •• ••'",. • '" • «",_1" •" ..... "" Kotu.1Itll. or ••n """'" 7$ ''"""o II n.,,1IIIIIIl: - . tit ....... I. -. _. I• .... DtIII l'w II> I. .... .. ...,. ....--_. "" ---. ...."" '"• ,.• ~ ..... Ulpn"'tlo ' . ' 't. tr M n 1 • __ M..... " m m •• •" •" " I. m • t' I Mt4 I I t, "' - n .s _:.,._~ ..... -. _...... 5;(wf.~ ...... PI" - •• "'. •,.• ,- So; 1M.Io:. lIt9 lMIl'c ,.• •n ,." on ,. JIP'" ~OI '". . . -. .......-..... •.. --............ ,., • " ",'"" . •, •• '"- ; ,--....... ,-. ----...,,.,. -.m ••• • "•n ,. •• •• •• "• SV<-Ar....,. T- - . U Rep. aI '''' T"""*' .. r. . ,, ;;:.... 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""'_ ~ Csud. delIlh1111, ~ 1 'lorIl» I M.llntll mortillty rail CtiIdrwIl ........ finII gradlI 01 P at..- _ _ "" .. ., .......... 111 . . . . . , . . . . . . . • AbsoIut' poverty IMiI ..,...... ".,. II __ .,.,.... ,hi,. .,.. 1ft _ _ ..,.. "" ' ___ __ " ."lIfh_.,., -.- .......................,..."'.-... -_ .... _--.. .... ...................... ....- _"'-.. ....... .. ."' .... ' . Contfacapuve pnlV'IaI'Ic' " : 1II.·_ _.,rl_ar ~ ."". .....--.10 _01"__ , ....m "'~Gl."''' Access to M,llh $aMen ..... : a1 _ _ _ '=- no._ Totai lloitre rtl' ___ bII lIl .. Ufban popuIIuon " • III r , t .... " ". . . ' " . -. bII.:>oo_ .... ""- ""'del~, .... ~ ...-,.a ID . . ""'"""IV .... ,...-,g "-_ "'1IdlI ..l.,.,...~ _ ' .. _ , "* TIlt ..... 1Il_ -.tIcIro dIM.. wwll cfIBlIifIll "' _....". PIio:aInIIIIa IIIdloIhIo lIlIlI IP"" ThiI Lire expectancy I t birth Crod. t.rt!ll1tl Tool fertjfty QUI ' . ' " ....... I'CIO ' _ _ _PI!' _ "' .•. "" ._ " ". . . . 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"""'" RadllO end lele. 1 rMl ~ I ..... ...... 0:; Act an to hullh S8fVlCU Household lIICome "''''''n, "OIl rJ .. 0:" Hausel1okl.xpenl!iturl on lood Adultlil''''cy \'frnt .... t ...... Uo<"'~~~ ~ ... •...-.'\YQ. ~"-(f".olDI Ufe upectlncy c.a I.Jfban popullllCll'l Goitl1l ra' e faoIl . . . . GNP PII' Capltl Ilaoi.- _0..- '~ p.e ...... s..., lJIiIIl ' - r 0.-. ~ "'- t II 0 . -... _Ilol< _,--. ' ~­ ._, Blrths_ ' tteneMcI _ - , ........... M r..d I.,..," Ul'ICEF/N"ICOk' T..........r,ji Pond 2. ptJp 6 UNICt:I'/MIlAAif Murray-lH Panrll ptl,V 10 UNICEF/J""""'!' n"",\... Pon<:l t .""" /2 UN1C ~;FI}...n'lU)" HaRk,. 1>udS,....,.. /6 tr.oOICEl'/Jrn,..". 1l.>fllt'Y 1'anr16.....,.. 20 tr.oOlOl'/~ HIflifT ~ 7.,..22 L'SICE1'/ 1lutnrr P.da.,."ZJIi m.1CEF~~ P.r! t.,."JO m.1Cf.f/'l1lll P.tIlo,,.,. .u m.,'Ja].'/tIoM . . T-....j 1'-'111. , . " . USIQl'/}rn...,.11onotr 1...... 12..,..«1 L1\1CEJ' 'ltAltlll N"" l'antl13,.NIl' ..4 lJKICD'/ frmn:nr Ktofty Panel l4. ,"".f6 UKICEfI J\'f"t1lI)" Han.Iry IlSJC'lol' l k I kU IDI~'-'Jmo:-._ Y.... lo'Y I0Il17. \& IDI1Cll'e..-a.... _"'_C1~1!lIe.-1Q, -,--S.iD ..... m;:1t"ll' ~ a......"-"... P.O. """ ..1U. s.irI>bi. Jinoy:o. IDI'K: ~:I' IlI-P-I flII<T'" I\·... 1IOd PJ ). IloJJ 443, fIlIl40a IX. COlt ..,.,... UNICEF . . - 011.,0'lor I. . ........-m. ..... iht' t : . . - ,- ~ 1itfN 7$M, sanla F' d< I""",,", \r.-ICU ·IIo,... 0fII«- lor "'- f_"'''' p.o. _I- ISI. /loIIlPIDl IQ3lO. TW..s IDIlC1'J' ....... Mw ...... ~ Eooo s.tIo ""'" I'D. lll'Zt.-....... ~ USICn' S006_ 1'.0. ... 561~ \.olOoooIllI ~ " I I . No1ooI UJlia:F(lIioo ............ _ 1'.0. Iloo: Q lo,l)or<to \ 'i<!orio ........ ..· :!I:Ol._ ~. S.s. UNlCl'l'1'IllI«' "'" ~ s.;"....,.-..,...... ~ Z2nd lloor H. Mb"' ~lml ~. --' T""'" 1Q7. ' -