A Promise Fulfilled - Medical University of South Carolina

Office of Development
261 Calhoun Street, Suite 306
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Charleston, SC 29425
egacies is published by MUSC’s Office of Development for its
benefactors and friends of the Medical University. For more information
contact John Nash, director of communications, at (843)792-0687 or
by email at nashj@musc.edu.
Medical University of South Carolina
Celebrating the spirit of philanthropy and the power of giving.
MUSC concludes its Partnership of Promise capital
campaign after banner year in giving
Did You Know...
It was a celebration unlike any other held in the Medical University’s history –
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a black-tie gala to celebrate a victory that at times seemed almost unachievable.
On November 5, 2010, more than 200 friends and supporters gathered at
Charleston Place Hotel to celebrate the successful conclusion of the university’s
$300 million Partnership of Promise campaign – one year early and $55 million
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A Promise Fulfilled
niversity President Ray Greenberg
said that the campaign’s success
was especially notable in that it
took place in spite of such adverse
economic conditions.
“When we launched our capital campaign,
we felt $300 million was an ambitious but
achievable goal. Of course, at the time, none
of us could have anticipated the economic
downturn that would take place in the midst
of that effort,” said Greenberg. “But nor could
we have foreseen the incredible outpouring of
support that would follow. There’s no way we
could ever adequately thank people for that.”
Between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2010,
more than 37,000 people, businesses and
organizations made nearly $355 million in
gifts and pledges to the Partnership of Promise
These funds will enable the university to
establish endowed chairs, build new facilities,
provide scholarships and support programs
that otherwise wouldn’t be possible under
its current economic circumstances. All of
these assets will place the university in a much
stronger position to recruit and retain the best
faculty and students in the country, thereby
“raising all boats” at the university, said Greenberg.
“The Medical University is driven by the
talent and dedication of the people who are
here. So our goal is to recruit the most outstanding individuals we can find anywhere in
the world and bring them to South Carolina,”
said Greenberg. “Whether you’re talking about
an endowed chair or a new research facility paid for with private dollars, all of these
things are enticements in this very competitive
marketplace that we’re in for the best talent.
That, more than anything else, is what private
philanthropy drives.”
While Greenberg was pleased with having
exceeded the campaign’s financial goal, he said
the true measure of its success defies quantification.
“In the final analysis, this campaign wasn’t
about achieving a certain dollar figure. What
it was really about was serving the population
of students we educate and patients we care
for. In that sense, there’s no way to effectively
measure the full extent of the campaign’s success. Its impact is literally infinite because it
will affect people’s lives in ways that we can
only begin to guess, not just today but from
this day forward.”
“In the final analysis, this campaign
wasn’t about achieving a certain
dollar figure. What it was really
about was serving the population
of students we educate and
patients we care for. In that sense,
there’s no way to effectively
measure the full extent of the
campaign’s success. Its impact is
literally infinite because it will
affect people’s lives in ways that
we can only begin to guess, not just
today but from this day forward.”
See gala photos pages 4 and 5
A Promise Fulfilled
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Legacies, Winter 2011
Sywolskis make second major gift in two years
Generous funding keeps important research moving forward
wo years after kicking off the Partnership of Promise capital campaign with a
$250,000 gift, Bob and Karen Sywolski
have bestowed an additional $2 million
upon the MUSC Foundation to support important
research and program development in urology, cardiovascular disease and environmental biosciences.
The Department of Urology will receive
$500,000 to fund the McCullough Endowed Chair
for Urologic Disorders.
Department Chair Thomas Keane, M.D., says the
endowed chair is critical to the department’s ability
to move important medical research forward. “The
money covers the time, equipment and supplies
needed to conduct research and obtain the pilot data
required to apply for major grants,” said Dr. Keane.
“Without the seed money, we can’t hire the brightest
people into the endowed chairs where they can apply their skills and take us to the next level.”
The Sywolskis moved to Charleston from New
York 11 years ago when Bob was recruited to
become the president and chief executive officer of
Charleston-based software developer, Blackbaud,
Inc. The couple has shared an intense interest in
MUSC and its research activities ever since.
“Dr. Ray Greenberg introduced us to their work
and we quickly realized there was something special going on at MUSC. It really is world class in its
stature and abilities, and we have the highest regard
for the people we’ve met there and the remarkable
work they do,” said Bob.
Mike Zile, M.D., a senior scientist at the Gazes
Cardiac Research Institute and director of the
MUSC Center of Economic Excellence: Molecular
Proteomics in Cardiovascular Disease, was one of
the physicians who made an immediate impression
on the Sywolskis. They first met Zile on a tour of
Gazes during a period when Karen Sywolski was
Rex and Jane Huggins of Florence
were introduced to cystic fibrosis
(CF) in January of 1994, when their
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was
diagnosed at 9 months. “At the
time, we didn’t even know what
it was,” said Mrs. Huggins. “We
didn’t have a clue.”
CF is a hereditary disease characterized by a
est in research. They learned firsthand about the
center’s exceptional patient care when Bob had to
be rushed there for emergency open-heart surgery
to repair a blockage. “I can’t say enough about Michael Gold, John Ikonomitis and the entire team.
My outcome was excellent,” said Sywolski.
More than half of the Sywolskis’ most recent
contribution ($1.25 million) will be directed to the
MUSC Heart & Vascular Center, where it will be
used to support several key initiatives, including
Dr. Zile’s research in congestive heart failure.
The third area to benefit directly from the
Sywolskis’ $2 million gift is the Environmental
Biosciences Program, which is headed by medi-
“The money covers the time, equipment and supplies needed to
conduct research and obtain the pilot data required to apply for
major grants,” said Dr. Keane. “Without the seed money, we can’t hire
the brightest people into the endowed chairs where they can apply
their skills and take us to the next level.”
serving on the Children’s Hospital Fund Board.
The Sywolskis were particularly interested in Zile’s
work with congestive heart failure. Bob’s father had
passed away from the disease, which, alarmingly,
has become more common in recent years.
The majority of the Sywolskis’ gift to the MUSC
Foundation in 2008 was directed to support Zile’s
research. It appears to be paying off. Zile and his
team have created a simple blood test to identify
key biomarkers associated with heart failure. Zile
says the test has the potential to transform how
heart disease is diagnosed and treated. “These new
biomarkers are key to finding new ways to prevent,
treat and manage chronic heart failure,” he said.
“Our ultimate goal is to devise individualized treatment plans based on a patient’s biomarkers.”
The Sywolskis’ appreciation for the MUSC
Heart & Vascular Center goes beyond their inter-
Florence family endows chair for cystic fibrosis
Generous gift ensures long-term support for adult CF program
cal professor and former White House physician,
Larry Mohr, M.D. The program is in line to receive
$250,000 for research and education.
Before serving as the personal physician to two
U.S. presidents and their families, Mohr received
his medical degree from the University of North
Carolina. His postgraduate education includes a
medical internship, residency training in Internal
Medicine and fellowship training in Pulmonary
Medicine, all at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
in Washington, D.C. Dr. Mohr was presented the
Erskine Award as the most outstanding resident in
his class, and subsequently served as Chief Medical
Resident at Walter Reed.
Currently, Dr. Mohr directs the multidisciplinary,
university-wide research program in environmental
biosciences. He has been the principal investigator
of multiple research grants and serves as an advisor
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
to postdoctoral fellows and graduate students in the
biomedical sciences. Mohr also authored a number
of scientific and medical publications and lectures
both nationally and internationally.
“Larry is an exceptional physician and scientist,”
says Karen Sywolski. “We think the work he’s doing
in environmental medicine is important, and we
want to support him in any way we can.”
In addition to making a major financial commitment to the capital campaign, Bob and Karen
Sywolski have also given generously and selflessly
of their time, energy and exceptional talent for
connecting with people.
Bob emceed the capital campaign’s public
launch in 2008 and remained instrumental to
its success through his service on its leadership
cabinet, which led the effort to its extraordinarily
successful conclusion.
“The fact that the community would provide
such strong support, especially during such uncertain economic times, is extraordinary. Our leadership team did a tremendous job,” said Greenberg.
Thomas Keane, M.D. agrees, but isn’t entirely
surprised by the campaign’s ultimate succesful
outcome given the Sywolskis’ involvement. “Bob
Sywolski is an entrepreneur of rare skill, with
amazing analytical abilities and a tremendous
business sense,” says Dr. Keane. “He and Karen
are extremely kind and caring people. They are
completely dedicated to each other and to
making the world a better place for all.”
buildup of thick, sticky mucus in the lungs and
digestive system. The most common symptoms are
chronic respiratory infections and impaired pancreatic function.
For the Huggins family, protecting Mary Elizabeth from the disease’s most severe complications
and minimizing its damaging effects to her body has
been a constant battle. Patients typically undergo a
daily regimen of treatments to loosen the mucus,
reduce inflammation and unblock the airways.
“The treatments have to be done twice a day and
they take time.” said Mrs. Huggins. “What 17-yearold wants to spend an hour doing breathing treatments when she gets home from school? She’s got
places to go, people to see.”
According to Patrick A. Flume, M.D., who heads
MUSC’s Cystic Fibrosis Center and works in the
adult program, the repeated infections and inflammations associated with CF can damage the airways
and cause patients to lose lung function over time.
“That’s why it’s critically important for patients to
start receiving treatment as early in life as possible
and to really stay on top of it,” said Flume. “Starting
early and slowing the rate of decline is the key.”
The Huggins made their gift to MUSC’s adult CF
program, where Mary Elizabeth recently became a
patient after eight years in the care of Isabel VirellaLowell, M.D., director of MUSC’s pediatric CF program. Mrs. Huggins said they will miss the staff at
the Children’s Hospital. “They seemed so genuinely
interested in making sure it’s about the whole family,
not just the patient,” said Huggins. “But we feel very
fortunate to be with Dr. Flume. He’s one of the best
CF doctors in the country.”
Over the years, the Huggins have seen all the latest advancements, from vibrating vests that loosen
mucus to aerosolized antibiotics inhaled directly
into the lungs. Some of the treatments that used to
take 20 to 30 minutes now can be delivered much
more quickly. “The faster they are, the more likely
the patients will do them,” said Mrs. Huggins.
But not all of the newer treatments are tolerated
equally by every patient. Though CF patients tend
to share many of the same symptoms, the therapies
must be individualized.
As Mary Elizabeth enters adulthood, the Huggins
are hoping their gift will result in further discovery
and even better treatments that will allow children
with CF to lead more “normal” lives with a greater
life expectancy. “Like every CF mom, my dream is
that one day when a child is diagnosed with CF, the
doctors are going to say ‘No big deal – we can fix
The Huggins family (clockwise from top center): Rex, Jane, Charlie, Alek and Mary Elizabeth
According to Flume, there is good reason for optimism. He is especially excited about the new drugs
currently being tested in clinical trials. “They have
the potential to be disease modifying,” said Flume.
“I’m not talking about a cure, but we are getting
closer to the basic defects.”
He describes the new drugs as treating the disease
much further upstream. “Whereas an antibiotic treats
downstream problems resulting from the CF defect,
the new drugs are much closer to the CF defect itself.
“A CF center needs sufficient resources and time to give CF patients the
best possible care. A gift like this makes a huge difference in our ability
to provide the quality of care our patients deserve. Because the gift
is in the form of an endowed chair, it guarantees the support and
resources we need in perpetuity.” -Patrick A. Flume, M.D.
If they are proven to work, these drugs will make a
major difference in people’s lives.”
Making a difference is what brought Flume to
MUSC from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill in 1993. His goal was to build a comprehensive adult CF program with a strong research
component and a multidisciplinary team approach
to patient care. CF patients have complicated health
issues that require highly coordinated care and the
expertise of pulmonologists, gastroenterologists,
endocrinologists, nurses, respiratory specialists,
dieticians, psychologists and other disciplines. “A CF
center needs sufficient resources and time to give CF
patients the best possible care. A gift like this makes
a huge difference in our ability to provide the quality
of care our patients deserve. Because the gift is in the
form of an endowed chair, it guarantees the support
and resources we need in perpetuity.”
In the very near future, more than half of the
nation’s CF patients will be of adult age. Already in
Legacies, Winter 2011
Charleston, the majority of CF patients are adults.
“This means that CF is no longer a pediatric disease,” said Flume. “It’s a chronic disease with pediatric onset.”
The endowment includes Jane’s maiden name in
honor of her parents, Charles and Iris Powers. “My
dad unfortunately passed away, but he was always
concerned about Mary Elizabeth’s health. He set
up a trust to make sure her medical needs would be
taken care of.”
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
The CF Foundation has been pushing hard for
centers such as MUSC to develop adult programs.
Part of the process involves making sure the
programs can be sustained.
“You have to have the manpower,” states Flume.
“You also need to offer an incentive for the most talented physicians and researchers to work in this area,
to take an interest in it. The Huggins-Powers gift says
that cystic fibrosis matters in Charleston – and here
at MUSC.”
Legacies, Winter 2011
Capital Campaign Victory Gala
The Partnership of Promise
November 6, 2010
Charleston Place Hotel
Generously sponsored by Force Protection, Charleston Place Hotel and the MUSC Foundation
Dr. Robert Berger, Ted Creech, Dr. Tariq Javed
MUSC President Emeritus Dr. James B. Edwards, Mac Matthew
Norman Nirenblatt, Rebecca Nirenblatt
Dr. Bill Creasman, Erble Creasman, Brett Van Dorsten
Dayna Elliott, Kelley O’Quinn
Felice Hirsch, Stephanie Oberempt
Dr. Larry Ferguson, Dr. Perry Halushka
Wally Seinsheimer, Bev Seinsheimer
Chris Christopher, Remley Campbell
Bill Hewitt, Laura Hewitt
Bill Baker, Ruth Baker, Tom Anderson
MUSC President Dr. Ray Greenberg, Jill Chalsty, John Chalsty
Dr. Harold Jablon, Irene Jablon, Christine Jablon, Dr. Eric Jablon
Guy Beatty, Dr. Charles P. Darby, Gordon Darby
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Legacies, Winter 2011
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Legacies, Winter 2011
Honor Roll of Donors
Susan Pearlstine gives $1 million for
one-of-a-kind sarcoidosis center
y all outward appearances, Susan Pearlstine had been the picture of health
and vitality: successful business owner,
prominent civic leader, humanitarian,
world traveler, devoted mother of three.
When she developed a few minor cold symptoms, including a dry cough and bloodshot eyes,
she was naturally dismissive. “I must have a sinus
infection,” she told people. Her doctor agreed,
writing a prescription for antibiotics and sending
her on her way.
The next day she could barely see, and her eyes
had taken a frightening turn in appearance.
“It looked like someone colored in the whites of
my eyes with a red magic marker,” says Pearlstine.
It was December 23, and she had an overseas trip
coming up in January.
An optometrist diagnosed Pearlstine with uveitis
and referred her to an ophthalmologist, who immediately sent her for pelvic and chest X-rays. “It
was really quite astonishing,” says Pearlstine. “I had
these red eyes one minute and next thing I’m in the
hospital having all these tests.”
Chest X-rays showed possible granulomas, nodules formed by collections of inflammatory cells,
the hallmark of a disease called sarcoidosis. Pearlstine canceled her trip.
Sarcoidosis can cause inflammation in many
organs of the body. Symptoms range from dry
eyes and swelling of the knees to hacking cough
and skin lesions. Because the disease is multi-systemic and its symptoms often mimic those of other
maladies, sarcoidosis is easily misunderstood, even
after diagnosis.
dreams that a sarcoidosis center
Benefactors contributing $5,000,000
or more during the Capital Campaign
would be my legacy, but I am
as excited about this as I have
American Heart Association
The Duke Endowment
MUSC Department of Radiology
University Medical Associates
Mrs. Andrea L. Volpe
ever been about anything.
I feel so fortunate. And I
want to give back.”
-Susan Pearlstein
Benefactors contributing $2,500,000 $4,999,999 during the Capital Campaign
Susan Pearlstine, with Dr. Marc Judson
Pearlstine believes that the MUSC team is already doing a lot of the
right things to provide coordinated care. She reports that online
support groups know their nurses by name and often comment about
the great followup and expertise of the staff. “I could already see,
from the perspective of the patient world, that MUSC really got it.”
Pearlstine’s condition continued to worsen,
and the disease’s multi-organ assault began taking
control of her life. She took her eye symptoms to
an eye center and her cough to one of the nation’s
top lung hospitals. When heart issues arose, she
was referred to yet another hospital. Dermatological and endocrine symptoms required the care of
more specialists.
“It was absolutely crazy,” says Pearlstine, who recalls having three MRIs, seven CAT-scans and one
bronchoscopy in the first year alone. And those
were just the tests. The countless hours spent in
doctors’ offices and waiting rooms were agonizing.
She was used to being in charge and sarcoidosis
was eroding her independence. “I had absolutely
no control over my life,” states Pearlstine.
Pearlstine soon connected with other sarcoidosis
patients, both online and in person, learning that
most patients experience the same frustrations.
“No one has any idea what to do next, because the
right hand never knows what the left is doing,” she
An elevated rheumatoid arthritis factor brought
Pearlstine to the office of MUSC rheumatologist
Rick Silver, M.D., who promptly told her about
The Medical University of South Carolina wishes to thank
the following benefactors – and all its supporters – for their
extraordinary generosity during A Partnership of Promise,
The Campaign for MUSC. The list that follows represents
those gifts made between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2010.
“I never thought in my wildest
Marc Judson, M.D., Ph.D., one of the world’s
preeminent sarcoidosis physicians and researchers.
“After that first appointment, I never saw another
physician who wasn’t affiliated with MUSC and
aware of my sarcoidosis,” said Pearlstine.
Pearlstine was thrilled to find a place where
people understood her disease, but she was not out
of the woods yet. A bad reaction to medication
landed her in MUSC’s emergency room.
“We need to talk,” Pearlstine told her doctors.
“There has to be a better way.”
That discussion led to a meeting with MUSC
President Ray Greenberg. They agreed that MUSC
had a special opportunity to drastically improve
the way sarcoidosis is managed and should thus
become the world’s central hub for sarcoidosis
treatment, research and education.
The next step would come in the form of a
$1 million gift from Pearlstine to establish a
sarcoidosis center of excellence. “This was just a
dream before Susan,” said Judson. “But now it has
the potential to become a reality.” Her generous
$1 million gift anchors a $10 million effort to
create the new center.
This center would naturally reflect MUSC’s triad
mission of patient care, research and education,
but Pearlstine would not commit unless streamlining patient care was made a priority. “Having been
a patient and having been tossed around from doctor to doctor, I know firsthand how frustrating this
disease can be.” says Pearlstine. “My role in this is to
ensure that patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis get
multi-specialty care coordinated in one place.”
Pearlstine believes that the MUSC team is
already doing a lot of the right things to provide
coordinated care. She reports that online support
groups know their nurses by name and often comment about the great follow-up and expertise of
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Spinal Cord Injury Research Fund Board
Thrasher Research Fund
Trident United Way
Wachovia, A Wells Fargo Company
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Mrs. Clemence W. Williams
Wilson-Cook Medical, Inc.
The Zeist Foundation, Inc.
Zimmer Dental, Inc.
the staff. “I could already see, from the perspective
of the patient world, that MUSC really got it.”
Pearlstine’s symptoms now are being controlled
currently with a once-a-week injection called
Humira. She says she is back in control and able to
live life on her own terms again. She wants to help
others get there, too.
“I was raised to look at things a little more
universally, I suppose,” says Pearlstine. “I could
have gone anywhere for treatment, but it wasn’t out
there. I figured there must be a lot of other people
in the same boat.”
As a fifth-generation chairman of the board and
owner of Pearlstine Distributors, Inc., tackling big
issues and being the first to cross the threshold is
second nature to Susan Pearlstine. The Pearlstine
family and their company have been giving back to
the community in a big way for generations. The
list of foundations and charities to which they have
devoted their time, leadership and financial support touches virtually every aspect of life, including
health care. MUSC Hollings Cancer Center’s Healing Garden, for example, was endowed with a $1
million gift from Edwin S. Pearlstine in memory of
his wife of 40 years, Barbara Langer Pearlstine, who
died of cancer in 1997.
“I never thought in my wildest dreams that a
sarcoidosis center would be my legacy, but I am as
excited about this as I have ever been about anything,” says Pearlstine. “I feel so fortunate. And I
want to give back.”
The Abney Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Best
Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas W. Edwards
MUSC Department of Anesthesiology
MUSC Department of Pathology &
Laboratory Medicine
MUSC Department of Surgery
SCANA Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sywolski
Zeus Industrial Products, Inc.
Benefactors contributing $1,000,000 $2,499,999 during the Capital Campaign
Dr. and Mrs. Steve M. Ackerman
Dr. and Mrs. W. Gray Ackerman
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Alpha-1 Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Baker, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Barmore
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina
Dr. William M. Bristow
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carter Brown
Mr. Thomas W. L. Cameron
Mr. Remley R. Campbell and
Ms. Chris Christopher
Campus EAI Consortium
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Dr. George L. Cogar and Dr. Darlene L. Shaw
Mr. Louis DeWolff*
Dialysis Clinic, Inc.
Mr. Philip L. Edwards
Estate of Doris G. Fisher
Force Protection Industries, Inc.
The Foundation Fighting Blindness
Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr.
Dr. Ray and Leah Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hewitt
Hill-Rom Company, Inc.
Dr.* and Mrs. Harold Z. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Rex W. Huggins
Dr. and Mrs. Harold W. Jablon
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Estate of Dolores A. Keating
Mr. Richard A. Koppein
General (Ret.) and Mrs. G. Dennis Leadbetter
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lurie
Dr. Vasiliki Moskos
Dr. and Mrs. James L. O’Quinn
The Pharmacy Network Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Iris J. Powers
Dr. Bruce G. Pratt
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Reves
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation
Estate of Dr. E. Marie Roberts
Scleroderma Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Seinsheimer, Jr.
Benefactors contributing $100,000- $499,999 during the Capital Campaign
Sherman Financial Group
South Carolina Research Foundation- Health
Sciences SC Centers of Excellence
Spaulding-Paolozzi Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Allan J. Thompson, Jr.
Mr. John E. Thompson, Jr. and
Ms. Julia A. Forster
Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Wellin
Dr. and Mrs. Larry R. Winn
The Jerry and Anita Zucker Family
Foundation, Inc.
Abbott Medical Optics
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Ackerman
Dr. Frederick F. Adams, III
National Alzheimer’s Association
American Diabetes Association
American Health Assistance Foundation
American Lung Association
American Society for Gastrointestinal
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Andrie
Argosy Foundation
Arthritis Foundation
Mr. H. Edward Baher*
Baker Motor Company of Charleston, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy B. Baker
Mr. Wise H. Batten, Sr. and Mrs. Brenda
Peeples Batten
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Beirne, II
The Estate of Ethel A. Bell
Benefitfocus.Com, Inc.
Berchtold Corporation
BI-LO Charities, Inc.
Robert Bosch, LLC
Bracco Diagnostics, Inc.
Burroughs and Chapin Company, Inc.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Butler, Jr.
Dr. William Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell
Ms. Beverly A. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chalsty
Charleston Lions Club
Charleston Research Institute
Charleston Riverdogs
Mr. Charles B. Chitty and Dr. Kay K. Chitty
Christie Family Foundation, Inc.
Estate of John H. Clark
Mrs. Elizabeth Colbert-Busch and
Mr. Claus W. Busch, III
Cook, Inc.
Costco Wholesale
Mr. J. Frank Cummings, III
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc.
Mr.* and Mrs. William J. Dalton
Mr. Mark Dalton
Daughtridge Family Endowment
Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
Estate of Ada Gilchrist Dawson
DCR Music, Inc.
Dr. Hilda S. Debacker
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. DeChamplain
Mary Colbert Denger and Michael Denger
Estate of Mrs. Nettie D. Dickerson
The Dickson Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Dobson
Donaldson Charitable Trust
Dr. Strachan Donnelley*
Ms. Laura E. DuPont
Dr.* and Mrs. DuBose Egleston
Epilepsy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Etheridge
etix.com, Inc.
FedEx Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fennell
Fishing for Miracles
Food Lion Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Food Lion, Inc.
Foundation for Anesthesia
Dr. Stephen L. Garrell
Gateway for Cancer Research
Benefactors contributing $500,000 $999,999 during the Capital Campaign
ACR Research and Education Foundation
Alliance for Lupus Research
Avon Foundation
Bank of America
Dr.* and Mrs. William H. Barnwell, II
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Beatty, Jr.
Diane Beever Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Mr. Ralph E. Blakely
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dubose Blakeney, IV
B-Line Medical, LLC
BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC
Annie and Barry M. Bonk
Brasseler USA Dental
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen H. Brockmann
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Burtschy
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Burtschy
Dr. and Mrs. Vasa W. Cate
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cloud
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Colbert
Mr.* and Mrs. Charles F. Cooper
The Charles F. Cooper Family
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Crews
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Darby, Jr.
Darby Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Darby
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Dell, Inc.
Estate of Mary C. Everts Trust
Mr.* and Mrs. Stanley H. Feldberg
Mr. and Mrs.* James A. Fisher
The Fullerton Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Hugh C. Gaskin, III
Mr. Richard V. Giordano
Mr. Joseph P. Griffith, Sr.
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation International
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Estate of Dr. Jerome M. Maas
Macalloy Corporation
March of Dimes Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. McCullough, II
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McNally
MUSC Department of Dermatology
MUSC Department of Medicine
MUSC Department of Radiation Oncology
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
New Morning Foundation
Ms. Susan Pearlstine
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Peng
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Ravenel
Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ritter
Ambassador and Mrs. Robert V. Royall
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Sacerdote
South Carolina Hospital Research and
Education Foundation
Legacies, Winter 2011
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Legacies, Winter 2011
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Gazes
The Charlotte Geyer Foundation
Gilligan’s Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Adair M. Graham, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Graham, Jr.
Ms. Jean M. Graham
Charles P. Graham Marital Trust
Dr. Barry L. Hainer and Dr. Sarah Owens
Henry Schein Dental
Herald Office Systems/Allsteel
Heritage Classic Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hayne Hipp
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Holt
Hope for Depression Research Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hulsey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Inserra, Jr.
Mr. Richard H. Jenrette
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Johnson II
Mr. and Mrs. Nexsen B. Johnson
The M. B. Kahn Foundation, Inc.
Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc.
Margaret Colbert Keegan and
Michael Keegan, MD
Ms. Linda Ketner and Ms. Beth Huntley
Dr. L. Lyndon Key, Jr. and Dr. Janice D. Key
Kiawah Island Real Estate
Kinder Morgan
Lowcountry Affiliate of Susan G. Komen
for the Cure
Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Kunkle, Sr.
Dr.* and Mrs. Joseph L. Kurtzman
Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Leducq Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell M. Levi, Jr.
Lupus Foundation of America South
Carolina Chapter
The Lyman Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Lyman
Arthur and Holly Magill Foundation Arturo and Holly Melosi
Malia’s Cord Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Layton McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. John E. McGrath
McLeod Regional Medical Center
MeadWestvaco Corporation
MeadWestvaco Foundation
Doris Levkoff Meddin
MicroStrategy, Inc.
Milliken & Company
The Mitre Corporation
Mr. William B. Momier
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tucker Morse
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Moshovitis
MUSC Department of Neuroscience
MUSC Department of OB/GYN
MUSC Department of Pediatrics
MUSC Department of Psychiatry
NARSAD Research
National Bank of South Carolina
National Kidney Foundation of South
Carolina, Inc.
NephCure Foundation
Neurosciences Education and
Research Foundation
Nobel Biocare USA, LLC
Dr. Bernard O’Connor
Olympus America, Inc.
Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
Dr. and Mrs. H. Biemann Othersen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Owings
Pastime Amusement Company
Patterson Dental Supply, Inc.
Mr. Edwin S. Pearlstine, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Peterson
Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America
Dr. and Mrs. Brian R. Poplin
Mr. and Mrs. Capers H. Poulnot
Charles H. Powers, Sr. Estate Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Pressley
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ramich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rapp, Jr.
Mrs. Marina B. Ray*
RBC Insurance
RE/MAX Island Realty
Gene Reed Enterprises, Inc.
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
P artnership
Reindeer Run
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Rice
The Honorable and
Mrs. Lawrence E. Richter, Jr.
Rite Aid Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Robinson, Jr.
Roche Carolina, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Rowland, Jr.
The Rowley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Darius C. Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Russell
Mrs. Jenny Sanford
Santee Cooper
Schick Technologies, Inc.
Select Health of South Carolina, Inc.
Mr. George B. Sibert, Sr.*
Mr. Thomas G. Slaughter
Cooper T. Smith Stevedoring Co., Inc.
Mr. Edwin A. Snape, III and
Dr. Palmira S. Snape
Mr.* and Mrs. Melvin Solomon
South Carolina Dental Association
South Carolina Federal Credit Union
South Carolina Physicians Care Charity, Inc.
Spacelabs Healthcare
The L. Jack and Ella Shaw Spiers Foundation
The Spinal Research Foundation
Spirit Telecom
Estate of Stephen Stewart
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Stringfellow
Susan R. and John W. Sullivan Foundation
The Honorable Robin Tallon and
Dr. Diane Lesser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tarr
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Taylor, IV
The Dana Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thomas, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Goodwin G. Thomas, Jr.
The Mark and Evelyn Trammell
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight R. Trew
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veeck
Mr. Thomas D. Waldrep
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wendell
Mrs. Elizabeth M. White
Whitehall Foundation, Inc.
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Bart J. Witherspoon, Jr. and
Dr. Cynthia A. Ellis-Witherspoon
Dr. Ernest L. Zinkowski
Benefactors contributing $25,000 - $99,999 during the Capital Campaign
Abby’s Friends
ABMRF/The Foundation for Alcohol Research
Accounting Financial Tax Consultants, Inc.
Alcon Refractive Horizons, Inc.
Alere, LLC
Alliance of the South Carolina Dental
The American Academy of Neurology
American Academy of Nursing
Coordinating Center
American Academy of Otolaryngology
American Association for Thoracic Surgery
American College of Cardiology Foundation
American College of Gastroenterology
The American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists
American College of Radiology
American Federation for Aging Research
American Gastroenterology Foundation
American Health Foundation
American Hearing Research Foundation
American Medical Student Association/
American Organization of Nurse Executives
American Society of Echocardiography
American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Angel Touch
Ascom US, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David G. Askins, Jr.
Association of Trial Lawyers of America
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP
Atlantic Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Avlon
Dr. Stanley C. Baker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Banks
Mr. Alan Banov
Estate of Dr. Leon Banov, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Barnes, Jr.
Mr. John M. Barnes*
Mr. Ladson A. Barnes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barter, III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Baur
Bausch & Lomb
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Bealer
Belk, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey J. Bell
Dr. Gary B. Bell and Dr. Benetta G. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bentley
Dr. and Mrs. Marc F. Berger
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Berger
Bethesda Presbyterian Church
Biomerix Corporation
Bishopville Lions Club, International
Assoc. of Lions Clubs
Blackbaud, Inc.
The Reverend and Mrs. R. Richard Blocker
Bose Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Boston Scientific Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Ann B. Brackett
Dr. and Mrs. Newton C. Brackett, III
Mr. Brent T. Brady
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Brockmann Industries, Inc.
Brooks/Eckerd Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Brown
Estate of Dr. Laurie L. Brown
BRT Laboratories, Inc.
Brumley Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Brumley
Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Brunt
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Buck, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. William Cain, Jr.
The Honorable* and Mrs. Carroll A.
Campbell, Jr.
The Canal Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Carlos
Carolina Radiology Associates, LLC
Mrs. Mary G. Carpenter
Mrs. Margaret C. Cathcart*
Dr. and Mrs. Harold E. Chappelear
Charleston Chapter Foundation Fund
Charleston Food & Wine Festival
Charleston Harbor Benefactors Society
Charleston Midstream Transfer Facility
Charleston Ride for Hope
Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation
Children’s Tumor Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Clare
Mr. and Mrs. L. John Clark
Dr. Layne R. Clemenz and
Dr. Rebecca L. Clemenz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Colbert
Mrs. Lorna T. Colbert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cole, Jr.
Combined Federal Campaign
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Comcast Corporation
Commonwealth Fund
Communities In Schools of Charleston
Area, Inc.
Community Foundation of Dutchess County
Dr. Joanne M. Conroy
Cooper River Bridge Run, Inc.
Dr. Rick J. Cornella
Jon S. Corzine Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Cranford, Jr.
Dr. Deidre B. Crockett
Cropsolution, Inc.
Cullum Constructors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cumbie
Mr. Hal S. Currey and
Ms. Margaret P. Schachte
Mr. Charles A. Dana, III
Dr. Betsy K. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Davis, III
Linda and Ralph Davis, Jr.
Deafness Research Foundation
Ms. Ronda K. Dean
Dr. David B. Dedmon
Delta Dental
Dentsply North America
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Derbyshire
Diagnostic Radiology of Anderson, PA
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
Dover Hydraulics, Inc.
Ms. Mary A. Doyle*
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dunnan
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. East
Eckerd Corporation Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Elliott
The Endocrine Society
Dr. Bradley J. Engle
Entertainment Industry Foundation
Environmental Materials Corp.
ESPN Regional Television
Mr. Hugh B. Faulkner, III
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell C. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferguson
Fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Dr. and Mrs. C. Edward Floyd, Jr.
Fred’s Pharmacy
Estate of Mr. Francis W. Freeman
Friends of the Children of Hilton Head Island
Mr.* and Mrs. Alester G. Furman, III
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Garris
Ms. Helen L. Geer
General Electric Company
General Electric Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Gerber
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Giddens
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gilston
Senator Arnold S. Goodstein and
The Honorable Diane S. Goodstein
Grainger Honda
Greater Charleston Restaurant Association
Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Green
The Greenwall Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Greer
Gregory Electric Company, Inc.
Nat and Pat Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Guest
Mr.* and Mrs. Frederick D. Guy
Mr.* and Mrs.* Russell A. Gwillim
Haas Environmental, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Halkyard
Dr. and Mrs. Perry V. Halushka
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Hamrick
Mr. Buist L. Hanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Hardwick
Dr. and Mrs. Antoine C. Harovas
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Harrell, Jr.
Mr. William B. Harrison
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA
Col. (Ret) and Mrs. William M. Heath
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert L. Helmly
Ms. Terri J. Henning
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Hill
Hilton Head Regional Medical Center
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Hoey, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn G. Hoffman
Dr. Jake K. Holcombe
Dr. and Mrs. Hal B. Holmes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.* R. Edward L. Holt, III
Hope for Vision
Dr. Bruce T. Howell
Dr. and Mrs. Brent R. Humphrey
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard R. Infinger
International Association for Dental Research
Intramed Plus, Inc.
ITT Kalibum
Mr. Henry A. Ittleson
The Jaharis Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jaharis
The JDM Fund for Mitochondrial Research
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn A. Jenkins
Dr. Jane B. Jennings
The Joanna Foundation
Ms. Rosemary J. Jocius
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Contribution Fund
Johnson & Johnson Family of Cos.,
Matching Gifts Program
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Johnston, Jr.
Mr. Paul T. Jones
Dr. Pamela M. Kaminski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Karppinen
Keyes Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Keyes
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Keystone Dental, Inc.
Kiawah Island Golf Resort
Kiawah Resort Associates, LP
Kinder Morgan Bulk Terminals, Inc.
Klays for Kids
KLS Martin, LP
Knology Broadband, Inc.
Koenig Construction, Inc.
Mr. Ross A. Kovanda
Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Kunkle, II
Ladies Auxiliary to the VFW Dept. of
South Carolina
Mr.* and Mrs. Hugh C. Lane, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Laughlin
LCG Associates, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jon T. Ledlie
LifePoint, Inc.
Lions Multiple District 32
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Lowry, II
Dr. Tim Ngo and Dr. Maria T. Luong
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Mabe
Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
Dr. Wade Manaker
March of Dimes
Marine Polymer Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict T. Marino
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Marks
Marriott Corporation
Dr. Franklin G. Mason
Dr. Veena R. Mathur
Mr. Steve Mauldin and Dr. Mary P. Mauldin
Dr.* and Mrs. Charles R. May, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Mayo
Mrs. Mary S. McCullohs
McElveen Pontiac Buick GMC Hummer
McIntire Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Mary Margaret McLernon
McNair Law Firm, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McShane
William Means Real Estate, LLC
Medical Society of South Carolina
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
Medtronic, Inc.
Mid-Ship Group, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Preston D. Miller, Jr.
MIND Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Montgomery
Mr. Michael E. Karam and Ms. Linda J. Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. Philip C. Morrow
The Mark Elliott Motley Foundation
Motley Rice, LLC
Mr. Ronald L. Motley
The Movement Disorder Society
Pamela and Leslie Muma Family
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Barry T. Munday
MUSC Department of Family Medicine
MUSC Department of Ophthalmology
MUSC Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
MUSC Department of Urology
MUSC President’s Office
Dr. William B. Naso and Dr. Nicolette B. Naso
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
Research Institute
National Board of Medical Examiners
National Cable & Telecommunications
National Childhood Cancer Foundation
National Christian Foundation
The National Environmental Education
& Training Fdn., Inc.
National Kidney Foundation
National Patient Safety Foundation
Nereus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mrs. Caroline E. Newman
Nfocus Neuromedical, Inc.
Nice Ice Fine Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nipper
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nirenblatt
Nissan North America, Inc.
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Norfolk Southern Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Norris
Mr. Karl E. Novak
The Obesity Society
Dr. and Mrs. E. Conyers O’Bryan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Makio Ogawa
Orthopaedic Trauma Association
Othera Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Parker, III
Mr. Charles W. Patrick, Jr. and
Dr. Celeste H. Patrick
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Peeples*
Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation
Pfizer, Inc.
Phi Mu Fraternity-Alpha Kappa
Dr. Edwin P. Pia
Piggly Wiggly Carolina Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred E. Pittman
Amanda’s Fund of Coastal Community
Mrs. Sue E. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Prenner
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Prezzano, Jr.
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Rally Foundation
RE/MAX By the Sea
RE/MAX Professional Realty
Mr. and Mrs.* Edward J. Reardon, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Scott T. Reeves
Restorative Arts Dental Laboratory
Dr. Andrew H. Rhea and Dr. Margaret E. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Ritter, III
John M. Rivers, Jr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Richards Roddey
Rogers & Brown Custom Brokers
Safe Kids Worldwide
Saks Fifth Avenue
Mr. J. Alexander Salisbury
Sanofi-Aventis US, LLC
Sara Lee Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Savage, III
SCDA Member Benefits Group
Dr. John J. Schaefer, III and Dr. Carol Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Burton R. Schools
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Schulze
Schwab Charitable Fund
Security’s Lending Hand Foundation
Shaffer Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Morton D. Shaffer, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro
Share Our Suzy - SOS
Sherer Dental Laboratory, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Sherer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Sherer, III
Dr. and Mrs. Syed Z. A. Siddiqi
Sigma Chi Fraternity
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sinskey
SIR Foundation
John I. Smith Charities, Inc.
J M Smith Foundation
Dr. Jeffrey W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Woodie R. Smith
Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine
Dr. and Mrs. Kerry D. Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Soltis
Sonoco Products Company
Dr. Mark Sothmann
South Carolina Electric & Gas
South Carolina Forestry Association
Southern Living, Inc.
Southwest Florida Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Q. Soutter
Dr.* and Mrs. Holmes B. Springs, Jr.
St. Baldrick’s Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Steadman
Steel Related Technology, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. D. Loy Stewart, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stine
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Stone
Dr.* and Mrs.* Otto M. Strock
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
SunTrust Foundation
Mary Ellen Sutton
Tanger Outlet Center - North Charleston
Mr. Stanley K. Tanger
Dr. M. Victoria Tatum and Mr. Robert P.
Rosol, Jr.
Time Warner Telecom, Inc.
Bill and Connie Timmons Charitable Fund
Torch Relay for Children’s Miracle
Network, Inc.
TorreyPines Therapeutics
Mr. and Mrs. Christian H. Trask, Jr.
Mr. Harold E. Trask, Jr.
Dr. Andrea M. Trescot and Mr. Harold E. Gear
Mr. Theodore W. Trias
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Ultradent Products, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Vaught
Verizon Wireless
Waccamaw Community Foundation
Waccamaw Metal Recycling
Walgreens Company
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Wallace
Wando High School
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles S. Way, Jr.
The Alex J. Weinstein Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Weitz
The Honorable and Mrs. William G. Wert
West Ashley Toyota, Inc.
Dr. Pamela A. Whitmire
Mr. Ralph M. Wilkie
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. H. Oliver Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Williamson, III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tylee Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. M. Edward Wilson, Jr.
James Tylee Wilson Trust
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Wiseman, Jr.
X-cel-Rickenbacker/Pauling (Gala)
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Yon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Zimmerman
Benefactors contributing $10,000 - $24,999 during the Capital Campaign
3M Unitek Corporation
82 Queen Street, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories
Academy of General Dentistry,
South Carolina Chapter
Ace Hardware Corporation
Acteon, North America
The Active Network, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Adams
Dr. Jeffery F. Addison
Aiken Mid-Day Lions Club
Air Transport Association
Airtran Airways, Inc.
Alaniz and Schraeder, LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Allen
Mr. Jonathan S. Altman
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Medical Association
Education-Research Foundation
American Metals
American Nurses Foundation, Inc.
American University of Beirut
Amerigroup Corporation
Anchor Sign, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Andrews
M.A. Angeliades, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Angle
Apex Broadcasting/Coast 92.5
Dr. and Mrs. C. Timothy Assey
Association for Prevention Teaching
and Research
Association of American Medical Colleges
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Atlanta Dental
Aventis Pharmaceuticals Products, Inc.
AVI Foodsystems
Dr. and Mrs. J. Lee Ayers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bagwell, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Bailey
Dr. Steven C. Bailey and Dr. Jennifer M. Bailey
Estate of Bertha Ruth Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Bakker
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barker, III
Mrs. Margaret H. Barker*
Mr. Thomas B. Bates
The Medical University
P romise | H onor R oll
Mr. and Mrs. F. Daniel Batten, III
Bayer Heritage Federal Credit Union
Tracy A. Bayliss Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Bayme
The Beach Company
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin Beeks
Francis Beidler Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Bell
Ms. Gladys M. Bellamy
Mr. and Mrs. Tony A. Berenyi
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berlin
Mr. J. Anderson Berly, III
Dr. James F. Bethea
BGKS Joint Venture
William M. Bird and Company
Bishop Gadsden Outreach
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Blackmon, Jr.
Blue Oak Wealth Management, LLC
The Nicholas J. and Anna K. Bouras
Foundation, Inc.
Dr.* and Mrs. Jesse A. Bowers
Dr. and Mrs. C. Michael Bowman
BP Corporation, North America, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Angus M. Brabham, III
The Bradbury Dyer Foundation
Dr. Gordon W. Bray, Jr. and
Dr. Cassandra E. Bray
Breast Cancer Relief Foundation
Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Brown
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Dr. Deborah B. Broyles
Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. Bryan
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Burch
Ms. Jan Burman
Mr.* and Mrs. Julian S. Bush
C & S Candies
Cadaver Course
Mr. and Mrs. Van C. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. W. Lynn Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Caputo
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cariens
Jane and Joseph Carlisle
Carmike Cinemas
Carolina First Bank
Carolina Lady Anglers
Carolina Professional Builders, Inc.
Estate of Mary S. Cash
Mrs. Jean O. Cashion
Mr. and Mrs. Wayland H. Cato, Jr.
Dr. Courtney B. Cave
CB Richard Ellis/Carmody, LLC
Celsion Corporation
Chain Reaction for a Cure
Dr. John C. Chandler
Charleston Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Charleston County Medical Society Auxiliary
Charleston Crab Shack, Inc.
Charleston Harbor Marina and Resort at
Patriots Point
Charleston Mill Service Company
Charleston Place Hotel
Charleston Steel and Metal Company
Chatham Steel Corp.
Dr. Alexander W. Chessman and Dr. Katherine
H. Chessman
Chester Fire Department
Children’s Miracle Network
Christ Our King Catholic Church
Dr. Neal P. Christiansen and Rev. Anne
Cingular Wireless
The Citizens Committee for Ernest Hollings
Clarendon County Fire Department
Clear Channel Worldwide
Senator Raymond E. Cleary, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Clement, III
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cohen
Mrs. Sol Cohen
Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company
Columbia Firefighters Association Local 793
Commonwealth Cares Foundation
Community Foundation of Gaston
County, Inc.
Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
Container Maintenance Corporation of
South Carolina, Inc.
Legacies, Winter 2011
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Legacies, Winter 2011
D onors
Mr. Thomas W. Cook
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Coombs, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Costello
Ms. Ethel T. Coupland
The Coutu Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Craver, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Crawford, Jr.
Croghan’s Jewel Box
Mr. and Mrs. Harris L. Crowley, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Curtin
CVS Caremark
Daltondemorest Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Daly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D’Antonio
Mr. and Mrs. Giffin F. Daughtridge
Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard H. Davis, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Mac Davis
The Honorable Arthur C. McFarland
and Dr. Elise Davis-McFarland
Dr. Miriam F. DeAntonio
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Decker
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Degenhart
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Mrs. Karen L. DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Denton
Dr. Russell L. Derrick
Mr. Ted R. Dintersmith and
Ms. Elizabeth Hazard
Dr. Joseph T. DiPiro and Dr. Cecily R. DiPiro
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dixon
The Dollens Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Douglas
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Dunbar
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Dunbar, Jr.
FBO Cora Lee DuPont
Mr. Bradbury Dyer, III
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Eady
EDN, Inc.
James B. Edwards Elementary School
Dr. Randall H. Elliott and Dr. Erin S. Elliott
Dr. and Mrs. Otis E. Engelman, Jr.
Equipment Leasing, LLC
Ernst & Young, LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Esce
Eugene & Martha Caldwell Foundation, Inc.
Falcon Fire Systems, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Falk, Jr.
Falk-Griffin Foundation
The Family Foundation
The Pierre Fauchard Academy
The H. and R. Feinberg Family Foundation
Dr. John R. Feussner and
Mrs. Carol B. Blessing-Feussner
Dr. and Mrs. Walter W. Fingar
First Citizens Foundation
First Federal of Charleston
Flagler System, Inc.
Flanders, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. K. Dargan Flowers, Jr.
Francis Marion Hotel
Dr. Robert C. Frankis, Jr. and
Dr. Mary B. Frankis
Dr. Marla J. Franks
Frey Foundation
Friends of the Congressional Glaucoma
Caucus Foundation
FUJIFILM Manufacturing USA, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Duward T. Fulmer
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Gabriel
Ms. Catherine V. Gaisman
Dr. David R. Garr and Dr. Deborah C.
Dr. and Mrs. Fulton J. Gasper
Gateway Towing
Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gillespie
Mrs. Connie J. Godowns
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Golod
Goose Creek Lions Club
Ms. Mary Louise Graff
Greater Charleston Leads
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Greek Orthodox Diocese Atlanta
Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Greenwell
Gregory Management Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gregory, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Griffin, Jr.
Gruppo Italiano Per La Lotta Alla Scleroderma
P artnership
Mr. Warren B. Windham and
Dr. Lisa M. Guerrino
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
Marianna Black and Roger Habisreutinger
Hagemeyer North America, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Luther H. Hallman
Mr. Alvin Hammer
Dr. Yusuf A. Hannun and Dr. Lina M. Obeid
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hargett
Dr. and Mrs. Langdon A. Hartsock
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. R. Hay
Ms. Frances M. Hegenberger
Hellenic Medical Society of N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Herriott
Dr. and Mrs. J. Carlisle Hewitt
Hiott Recycling, Inc.
HITT Contracting, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hletko
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Holliday
Mr. Hal Cottingham and
Ms. M. Russell Holliday
Mrs. Marjorie M. Holliday
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hook
Dr. Timothy E. Hopkins
Ms. Jennifer Horner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Houseman
Kathleen and Richard Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hubbard, III
Dr. William J. Hueston
Mr. David M. Huggin
Ms. Brenda V. Hunter
IBM Employee Services Center
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Iwan
J & J Professional, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackson, II
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Jacques
Dr. Richard G. Jacques
Dr. and Mrs. W. Ennis James, III
Janssen Pharmaceutica Products, LP
Dr.* and Mrs. Kenneth V. Jensen
Ms. Toni R. Jernigan
Johnson & Johnson Dental Care
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Allen H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Johnson
Dr. Henry L. Jolly, Jr. and Dr. Michelle D. Bedell
Jordan Scrap Metal Co., Inc.
The David J. Joseph Company
Kamco Supply Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Craig S. Karriker
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Kassis
Keenan Development Associates of
Charleston, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. J. Daulton Keith
Mr. James G. Kenan, III
Mrs. Sterling H. Kenan
Lucia V. Kenney Living Trust
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Khoury
Dr. and Mrs. Sompong Kraikit
Kreindler & Kreindler
Dr. and Mrs. Markus J. P. Kruesi
L & K Partners, Ltd.
Mr. William F. Ladson, Sr.
Estate of Lillian F. Landsman
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Laro
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Lee
Lexington County Boot Drive
Dr. Usah Lilavivat and Dr. Pusadee Suchinda
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Long
Mr. Scott Longfield
Dr. and Mrs. J. Charles Mace
Mr. George M. Marcus
Dr. Bernard Maria
Marine Repair Services, Inc.
Mr. Vincent Marino
Maritime Events, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lazelle Marks, Jr.
The Michael S. & Mary Catherine Martin
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Maxwell
MBNA Practice Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. James C. McColl
Mrs. Harriet P. McDougal
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. McElveen
Mrs. Amy L. McFadden
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. McKinney
McLane-Scotchman Company, Inc.
Tom and Lynn McNally Family Partnership, LP
McNeil - PPC, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. McNutt, Sr.
MedImmune Oncology, Inc.
Dr. Gregory S. Mencken
Mercedes-Benz Financial
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC
Merrill Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Meyer
MGN Family Foundation
Michelin North America, Inc.
Midland Valley Lions Club
Midwest Biomedical Research Foundation
Dr. Maralynne D. Mitcham
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Moore, Jr.
Mr. Allen B. Morgan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Morgan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Morton, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence H. Moser
Motorola, Inc.
Mr. Can Man
Mr. and Mrs. C. Brad Munday
Dr. Strother E. Murdoch, III and Dr. J. Michele
Boyne Murdoch
Dr. and Mrs. Strother E. Murdoch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murray
Murrells Inlet Fire Department
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Myers
NACDS Foundation
Dr. Rocky L. Napier
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
National Association of Broadcasters
National Beverage Corporation
National Community Action Foundation, Inc.
NC Mutual Wholesale Drug Company
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Nelson
Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Nelson
Neurology-Neurosurgery Clinic PA
Nevin Labs
News America, Inc.
Nexsen, Pruet, Adams, Kleemeier, LLC
Nextel Communications
NFL Charities
Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Nimmich
Norwegian Cruise Line
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc.
Novelos Therapeutics, Inc.
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Brien, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Ong
Orangeburg Recycling Company
Mr. John Orr and Dr. Paula E. Orr
Orthopaedic Research & Education
OSI Pharmaceuticals
Osprey Production Group
Mr. Michael C. Pace
Dr. Artur Pacult
Palmetto Air & Water Balance, Inc.
The Pate Fund
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky, & Walker
Pelton & Crane
Pennsylvania Society of Washington DC
Mr. and Mrs. Graham R. Pigg
Mrs. Margaret R. Plowden
Dr. Ross B. Pollack
Dr. and Mrs. Fred D. Pollard
Mr. James B. Powell
Power Rogers & Smith, PC Law Offices
Pratt-Thomas, Gumb & Co., PA
Charles B. Preacher Foundation
Mr. Thomas Preacher
Primetrade, Inc.
Mr. Philip H. Prince
Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Pritchard, III
Progress Energy Foundation
Prospec Electronics of SC, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. A. Bert Pruitt, Jr.
Purdue Pharma Fund
Estate of Leon J. Rabin
Recycle South, LLC
Relax the Back
Mr. Frederick Renken
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ricciardone
Mr. Roy Richards, Jr. and Ms. Virginia McGee
Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook &
Brickman, LLC
Mrs. Carolyn Rider
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Rinehart
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rion
Mr. Terry Ripich and Dr. Danielle N. Ripich
Mr. Harold B. Risher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Risher
River Hills Lions Charities, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Rivers
Ms. Kathleen H. Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Randal M. Robinson
Rotary Club of St. Andrews Parish
Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Rountree
Dr. and Mrs. John Russo
RVSI Inspection, LLC
Ryland Homes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sade
Estate of Dianne Sammons
Sam’s Wholesale Club
Sand Springs Metal Processing Corp.
Sankyo Company, Ltd.
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Sasser
Dr. J. Philip Saul and Mrs. Amy M. Davis
SC Academy of Dental Practice
Mr.* and Mrs.* Yancey W. Scarborough, Jr.
SCFSA - Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Schabel
Mr. James Schaffner and
Dr. Marilyn J. Schaffner
Mr. David Schmidt and Dr. Clarissa Y. Schmidt
Dr. Fabian X. Schupper
Professor Rafaella Scorza
Dr. Gerald J. Shealy
Dr. B. Ed Shelley, Jr.
Showa-Denko Carbon, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Sikes, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Silver
The SIM Group of Companies
Dr. Charles N. Simmons and
Dr. Claudia G. Oxner
Simmons Cooper, LLC
The Simpson Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Simpson, Jr.
Dr. Inderjit Singh and Dr. Avtar K. Singh
Dr. Sabra C. Slaughter and Dr. Shannon E.
Thomas Small Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Small, Jr.
Smith & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Aline M. Smith
Dr.* and Mrs. Dwight H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart Smith
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dan Sneed
Nancy C. Snowden - NCGS Laboratories, Inc.
Oscar & Mona Sokol Foundation
Solstice Neurosciences, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Young S. Song
South Carolina Association of
Neurological Surgeons
South Carolina Association of Nurse
South Carolina Bank & Trust
South Carolina Cancer Alliance
South Carolina Stingrays, Inc.
Southcoast Community Bank
Southeastern Wildlife Exposition
Southern Clipper, Inc.
Southern Medical Association
Spartanburg County Dental Society
State Farm Mutual Automobile
Insurance Company
Stewart Recycling Company
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stoneman
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strauss
Dr. Gail W. Stuart
Robert and Charlene Stuart
Sunset Rotary Club of Hilton Head
Surfside Beach Fire Department
Sutton & Edwards, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Swayne
Mr.* and Mrs. Arthur R. Swygert, Jr.
Synthes (USA)
T & M Realty Co.
T. H. Snipes & Sons, Inc.
T.C. Interiors, Inc.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc.
& Subsidiaries
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Tankersley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Tarleton
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
Dr. and Mrs. E. Wesley Teal, Jr.
Telik, Inc.
The Dee Norton Lowcountry
Children’s Center, Inc.
The O’Brien Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Tom Theruvath
Ms. Mabel D. Trask*
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Trask
Triad Isotopes, Inc.
Tudor Investment Corporation
Mr. Felix Turner
Dr. Farrell C. Tyson
UCB Pharma, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Ullom, II
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Underwood
Union Pacific Corporation
The University of North Carolina Greensboro
Excellence Fdn.
Dr. William B. Upshur* and Dr. Jane K. Upshur
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Usher
UST, Inc.
UVAS Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Van Dorsten
Van Scoyoc Associates
Dr. Troy M. Vaughn
Louise Wallace Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. M. Lynn Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waring
Mr. C. Douglas Warner and
Mr. Truman M. Smith
Mr.* and Mrs. Arthur M. Weiner
Mr. Wallace West and Dr. Valerie T. R. West
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Westbrook
Col. and Mrs. William J. Whitener
Wiley, Rein & Fielding, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Horst F. Winkler
Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Wise, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. Witherspoon, Jr.
Ms. Nancy T. Wood
Mr. Aubrey J. Wooddy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony M. Woody
Dr. and Mrs. Belton J. Workman, Jr.
Dr. W. Curtis Worthington, III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutledge Young, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Zoukis
Dr. Jacob Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Ackerman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Addison, Jr.
Air Liquide USA, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Allen
ALP Industries, Inc.
Dr. Elaine J. Amella
American Chemical Technologies, Inc.
Dr. Virginia M. Anderson
Associated Brigham Contractors, Inc.
Atlanta Gear Works, Inc.
Dr. Linda S. Austin
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Banov
Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Barnhard
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Basler
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Beckham, Jr.
Big Red Incorporated
Dr. Mary E. Blanchard
Dr. Daniel N. Rumph and Dr. Brooke N. Bode
Boiling Springs High School
Dr. and Mrs. Maxcy C. Boineau
Dr. John A. Bosso and Dr. Jean M. Nappi
Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Bradham
Dr. James B. Bradley, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Breit
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Britton
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Burriss
Cache Valley Electric Company
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Canaday
Carolina Shipping Company, LP
CDC Berkeley
Charleston Periodontics, PA
Charleston Rubber and Gasket Company, Inc.
Cheraw Fire Department
Coastal Hydraulics, Inc.
Coaxia, Inc.
Colonial Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Cooper, Jr.
P romise | H onor R oll
D onors
Dr. and Mrs. Calhoun D. Cunningham
Mrs. Mary N. Curtin
Dr. Harold F. Davis, III and
Mrs. Jane Thompson Davis
Dr. Isaiah L. Davis, Sr. and Dr. Deborah J. Davis
Dr.* and Mrs. Augusto G. Dequevedo
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Decamps
Dr. and Mrs. Benedict A. Doctor
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dornisch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Drentlaw
Edisto Beach Fire Department
EI Ceramics, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Eick
Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Eisenhower
Dr. Thomas B. Eison
Eramet North America, Inc.
Dr. Howard A. Evert
Dr. William B. Evins, Jr.
Dr. W. Carlos Smith, Jr. and
Dr. Teresa C. Fakoury
Fedmet Resources Corporation
Fennell Container Co., Inc.
Mrs. Mary H. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Flowers
Mr. Dennis J. Frazier
FTI Bill Thompson Transport, Inc.
Gaffney Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd W. Gainey, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Garrett, Jr.
Dr. John R. Gatto and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rogers
Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Boyd Gillespie
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Gold
Dr. Lotta Granholm-Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Greene, Jr.
Greer Lions Club, Inc.
Estate of Page N. Gregg
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney T. Griffin
Dr. Thomas B. Gue
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hagood, III
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Hartley
Hartwell Warehouse, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hearon, III
Dr. and Mrs. J. Fredrick Heaton
Hilton Head Noon Lions Club
Ella Ann L. & Frank B. Holding Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Holman
Home Telephone Company, Inc.
Dr. Edgar O. Horger III
Hose Master, Inc.
Howe & Wyndham, LLP
Hy-Pro Corporation
Industrial Hydraulics of Charleston
Industrial Technology Research Co.
J.K. Manufacturing Co.
Dr. Paul F. Jacques
Dr. Tariq Javed and Dr. Ghazala Javed
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jenrette, Jr.
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack F. Johnson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Julian E. Keil
Dr. Dana E. King
Dr. and Mrs. R. Benjamin King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kinney
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Klauber
Mrs. Eleanor C. Kline
Philip and Linda Lader
Lake Cunningham Fire Dept.
Lake Wylie Lioness / Lions Club
Dr. Carol J. Lancaster
Dr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Lathem
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Law, IV
Lexicon, Inc.
Lions Club of Sun City-Okatie
Dr. Teresa M. Luhrs and Mr. John Camp
Dr. Robert Mallin
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Manzi
Master Machine Works, Inc.
Mawson & Mawson, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy I. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Alton H. McCullough, Jr.
McCutcheon’s Welding
Mrs. Lois A. McInville
McJunkin Red Man Corporation
Mrs. Cassandra B. McLeod
Dr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Merchant, Jr.
Millbank Materials (PA), Ltd.
Dr. Albert D. Mims
Dr. and Mrs. M. David Mitchell
Moore & Van Allen, PLLC
Moran Towing of Charleston
Morgan Engineering Systems
Morris Material Handling
Motion Industries, Inc.
MRO Products, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Neff
Nelson Oil Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Brad W. Neville
Northern Safety & Industrial
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Oberempt
Pawleys Island Lions Club
Pharmacists Mutual Companies
Mr. Timothy C. Pigg
Pomini, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Proctor, Sr.
Pumps, Parts & Service, Inc.
Radiology Associates of Laurens County, Inc.
Mrs. Shannon G. Ravenel
Reference Metals Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Dayton Riddle, Jr.
Rochester Machine Corporation
* deceased
* * Benefactors contributing $1,000$3,333.33 for each of the last three
years of the Capital Campaign.
Dr. George L. Cogar and Dr. Darlene L. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Colbert
Mrs. Elizabeth Colbert-Busch and
Mr. Claus W. Busch, III
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Craver, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Creasman
Mr. J. Frank Cummings, III
Mr. Hal S. Currey and Ms. Margaret P.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D’Antonio
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Darby, Jr.
Linda and Ralph Davis, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Mac Davis
Estate of Ada Gilchrist Dawson
Dr. Hilda S. Debacker
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. DeChamplain
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Degenhart
Mary Colbert Denger and Michael Denger
Mr. Dannie F. Walker and
Dr. Margaret B. DeVore
Estate of Mrs. Nettie D. Dickerson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Dobson
Ms. Laura E. DuPont
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. East
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Edwards
Mr. Philip L. Edwards
Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas W. Edwards
Dr.* and Mrs. DuBose Egleston
Estate of Dr. Ernest B. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Etheridge
Estate of Ferro F. Ettehadieh
Estate of Mary C. Everts Trust
Mr. Hugh B. Faulkner, III
Mr.* and Mrs. Stanley H. Feldberg
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferguson
Estate of Doris G. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs.* James A. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. C. Edward Floyd, Jr.
Estate of Mr. Francis W. Freeman
Mr.* and Mrs. Alester G. Furman, III
Dr. Hugh C. Gaskin, III
Mr. Everette Gasque, Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Gazes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Goudeau
Dr. Ray and Leah Greenberg
Mr.* and Mrs. Frederick D. Guy
Dr. Barry L. Hainer and Dr. Sarah Owens
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hanna, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Antoine C. Harovas
Dr. and Mrs. J. Carlisle Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hewitt
Dr.* and Mrs. Harold Z. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Hoffman
Dr. Jake K. Holcombe
Dr. and Mrs. Hal B. Holmes, Jr.
Dr. Edgar O. Horger III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Inserra, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Harold W. Jablon
Dr.* and Mrs. Kenneth V. Jensen
Ms. Toni R. Jernigan
Dr. Pamela M. Kaminski
Estate of Dolores A. Keating
Margaret Colbert Keegan and
Michael Keegan, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Julian E. Keil
Mr. and Mrs.* H. L. Koester, III
Mr. Richard A. Koppein
Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Kunkle, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Kunkle, II
Dr.* and Mrs. Joseph L. Kurtzman
Estate of Lillian F. Landsman
General (Ret.) and Mrs. G. Dennis Leadbetter
Dr. and Mrs. James Lemon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lenhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Lesesne
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell M. Levi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lovejoy
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Lowry, II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lurie
Estate of Dr. Jerome M. Maas
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marshall
Dr. Franklin G. Mason
Dr.* and Mrs. Charles R. May, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Mayo
Dr. Blanche M. McCaw
Mrs. Mary S. McCullohs
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. McCullough, II
Dr. and Mrs. Layton McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McNally
Mr. W. Thomas McQueeney
Dr. Daniel E. Mengedoht and
Dr. Marjorie M. Mengedoht
Dr. and Mrs. Preston D. Miller, Jr.
Mr. William B. Momier
Dr. and Mrs. Philip C. Morrow
Dr. Vasiliki Moskos
Mr. Barry T. Munday
Mrs. Caroline E. Newman
Dr. and Mrs. Walter M. Newton
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Norris
Dr. Bernard O’Connor
Dr. and Mrs. James L. O’Quinn
Dr. and Mrs. H. Biemann Othersen, Jr.
Ms. Agnes B. Owings
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Owings
Mr. Edwin S. Pearlstine, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Peeples*
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Peng
Mrs. Margaret R. Plowden
Dr. and Mrs. Brian R. Poplin
Mr. and Mrs. Capers H. Poulnot
Dr. and Mrs. A. Bert Pruitt, Jr.
Ms. Judith R. Rawlings
Mrs. Marina B. Ray*
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Reves
Dr. and Mrs. C. Dayton Riddle, Jr.
Estate of Dr. E. Marie Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Rowe, III
Estate of Dianne Sammons
Mr. and Mrs. Burton R. Schools
Dr. Fabian X. Schupper
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Shearer, Jr.
Mr. George B. Sibert, Sr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Singletary
Mr. Thomas G. Slaughter
Mr. Edwin A. Snape, III and
Dr. Palmira S. Snape
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dan Sneed
Mr. and Mrs. David Q. Soutter
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Stamler
Estate of Stephen Stewart
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Stringfellow
Mr. Robert J. Stripling, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sywolski
Ms. Susan M. Talero
The Honorable Robin Tallon and
Dr. Diane Lesser
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thomas, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Goodwin G. Thomas, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Allan J. Thompson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Ullom, II
Mrs. Andrea L. Volpe
Mr. Thomas D. Waldrep
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. M. Lynn Wallace
Mr.* and Mrs. Arthur M. Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Wellin
The Honorable and Mrs. William G. Wert
Mrs. Elizabeth M. White
Dr. Pamela A. Whitmire
Mr. Ralph M. Wilkie
Mrs. Clemence W. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Larry R. Winn
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Wiseman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ben E. Woodward
Dr. Ernest L. Zinkowski
The Legacy Society of the Medical
University of South Carolina is composed
of donors who have thoughtfully planned
a gift as part of their will or estate plan. The Medical University of South Carolina
Foundation recognizes those who made
such thoughtful gifts during A Partnership
of Promise – The Campaign for MUSC.
Dr. and Mrs. Steve M. Ackerman
Dr. and Mrs. W. Gray Ackerman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Bacon, III
Estate of Bertha Ruth Baker
Dr. Stanley C. Baker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Banks
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Banov
Estate of Dr. Leon Banov, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barker, III
Mrs. Margaret H. Barker*
Mrs. Nella Barkley
The Estate of Ethel A. Bell
Dr. Gary B. Bell and Dr. Benetta G. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Black
Mr. Ralph E. Blakely
Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Blocker
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bobo, Sr.
Annie and Barry M. Bonk
Mrs. Ann B. Brackett
Dr. William M. Bristow
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen H. Brockmann
Estate of Dr. Laurie L. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carter Brown
Mr.* and Mrs.* Julius E. Burges
Dr. Harvey E. Butler, Jr.
Mr. Thomas W. L. Cameron
The Honorable* and Mrs. Carroll A.
Campbell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell
Mr. Remley R. Campbell and
Ms. Chris Christopher
Mrs. Mary G. Carpenter
Ms. Beverly A. Carson
Estate of Mary S. Cash
Mrs. Jean O. Cashion
Dr. and Mrs. Vasa W. Cate
Mrs. Margaret C. Cathcart*
Estate of John H. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Clement, III
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cloud
Legacies, Winter 2011
The Medical University
S o ut h C a r o l i n a
Legacies, Winter 2011
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Russ
Salem Lions Charities, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Bayne Selby, Jr.
Signal Metal Industries, Inc.
Dr. James G. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Maurice Snook
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Springer, II
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stanley
Stevens Towing Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. David K. Stokes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Strappello
Dr. Sally D. Stroud
Sumter County Fire Department
Surface Engineering Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Volkhardt
Mr. Patrick J. Wamsley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Waters
Maj. Gen. Joseph G. Webb, Jr. and
Dr. Anne Webb
Mr. N. Walker Wells
Dr. and Mrs. Larry B. White
Dr. Garner A. Wild
Mr. Clay Goss and Dr. Andrea R. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph L. Wise
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Yarbrough, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. Zimmerman