Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide

Functional Guide
Coaxlink Driver Version 3.0
EURESYS s.a. 2014 - Document version 3.0.397 built on 2014-09-29
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
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Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
About This Document............................................................................................................................... 5
Document Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Document Revision History......................................................................................................................................5
About Coaxlink Driver Version 3.0................................................................................................ 6
Supported Products..................................................................................................................................................6
Supported Product & Firmware Combinations........................................................................................................ 6
Managing the Firmware............................................................................................................................7
Connecting Cameras.................................................................................................................................. 8
Camera Connection Schemes................................................................................................................................. 8
CoaXPress Link Configurations............................................................................................................................... 8
CoaXPress Link – Related GenICam Features.......................................................................................................9
Power over CoaXPress.......................................................................................................................... 11
PoCXP Functional Description...............................................................................................................................11
PoCXP – Related GenICam Features...................................................................................................................13
Camera Control............................................................................................................................................ 15
Camera Control Methods....................................................................................................................................... 15
Camera Control Timing.......................................................................................................................................... 16
Camera Trigger...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Trigger Source........................................................................................................................................................17
Camera Control – Related GenICam Features..................................................................................................... 18
Illumination Control.................................................................................................................................. 19
Illumination Control.................................................................................................................................................19
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Illumination Strobe Outputs....................................................................................................................................19
Illumination Control – Related GenICam Features................................................................................................20
Image Data Stream....................................................................................................................................21
About This Document
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
About This Document
Document Scope
This document describes and explains how to use the functions of the Coaxlink products when they are operated
with Coaxlink Driver version 3.0.
Unless specified, the functions described in this document are applicable to all the Coaxlink products and their
firmware variants supported by the Coaxlink Driver.
Note: For a description of the hardware, refer to the Hardware Manual of your Coaxlink card.
Document Revision History
Functional Guide of Coaxlink Driver 1.0
Functional Guide of Coaxlink Driver 2.0
Add Coaxlink Mono
Add Coaxlink Duo
Functional Guide of Coaxlink Driver 3.0
Initial support of Linux
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
About Coaxlink Driver Version 3.0
About Coaxlink Driver Version 3.0
Supported Products
Product Code & Denomination
PC1630 – Coaxlink Mono
CXP-6 DIN 1 / 4-lane PCIe Gen2 CoaXPress frame grabber
PC1631 – Coaxlink Duo
CXP-6 DIN 2 / 4-lane PCIe Gen2 CoaXPress frame grabber
PC1632 – Coaxlink Quad
CXP-6 DIN 4 / 4-lane PCIe Gen2 CoaXPress frame grabber
Supported Product & Firmware Combinations
Target Product
Version #
PC1630 – Coaxlink Mono
1 camera having 1 connection
PC1631 – Coaxlink Duo
1 camera having 1 or 2 connections
PC1632 – Coaxlink Quad
1 camera having 1, 2 or 4 connections
Managing the Firmware
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Managing the Firmware
The heart of a Coaxlink card is a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) that implements several functions including
the PCI Express end point. Considering that it must be ready within 150 milliseconds of the power-up time, the FPGA
content, hereafter named "firmware", must be loaded immediately after having applied power to the card. Therefore,
the firmware is stored into a non-volatile flash EEPROM allowing a fast start-up of the FPGA.
This situation differs from other Euresys products, such as Grablink cards, where the FPGA content is loaded by the
MultiCam driver when it starts or at any time if a FPGA configuration change is requested.
The Coaxlink Driver will never modify the content the FPGA during operation. Any modification of the FPGA content
requires a two-step operation:
Step 1: The new firmware is written into the Flash EEPROM of the card using a "firmware manager" tool.
Step 2: The new firmware is activated by cycling the system power.
The Coaxlink Driver is delivered with a firmware management tool named coaxlink-firmware.exe that contains
all the firmware data sets for all the products it supports.
The Coaxlink firmware management tool must be executed when using any Coaxlink card for the first
time with a specific Coaxlink Driver version. In particular, the Coaxlink firmware management tool must
be executed:
when using a new Coaxlink card for the first time
after installing a different version of the Coaxlink Driver.
This will ensure that the Coaxlink card's firmware is suitable for the Coaxlink Driver version.
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Connecting Cameras
Connecting Cameras
Camera Connection Schemes
The CoaXPress standard suggests that Devices (camera) can be connected to the Host (frame grabber) using a free
connection scheme. Instead, the Host Interface of Coaxlink requires a specific assignment of the Device connections
to the Host connectors (A, B, C, D).
The following table shows, for all applicable product/firmware combinations, the valid Device to Host connection
schemes using 1-, 2-, or 4-connection CoaXPress links:
Valid Camera Connection Schemes vs. Product and Firmware
Device Connection
CoaXPress Link Width
PC1630 – Coaxlink Mono
Device 1 Master
PC1631 – Coaxlink Duo
Device 1 Master
Device 1 Extension 1
Device 1 Master
Device 1 Extension 1
Device 1 Extension 2
Device 1 Extension 3
PC1632 – Coaxlink Quad
Note: Connecting more than one camera to a Coaxlink card is not allowed with this version of the Coaxlink
CoaXPress Link Configurations
This version of the Coaxlink Driver provides an automatic link discovery and configuration for CoaXPress 1.0 devices
The discovery procedure determines for each connection of the CoaXPress Host interface:
The presence of a CoaXPress Device
The speed of the down-connection (Device to Host)
The connection ID
Connecting Cameras
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
The results are reported through the CxpConnectionState,
CxpDeviceConnectionID features.
The user is invited to check if the resulting link configuration is appropriate:
For the application needs in terms of link bandwidth (link speed and number of connections)
For Coaxlink in terms of camera connection schemes supported by the target Coaxlink product/firmware
Manual Link Configuration
If necessary, the user is invited to manually configure the CoaXPress link using the CoaXPress features of the remote
Device (camera).
Note: For devices using SFNC 1.2, the related feature name is CxpLinkConfiguration.
CoaXPress Link – Related GenICam Features
Interface Module – CoaXPress category
Feature Name
Type (Access)
Enumeration (R/W)
Enumeration (RO)
Enumeration (RO)
Enumeration (RO)
Selects the CoaXPress physical connection. Possible values:
A, B, C, D: selects one specific host connection
CoaXPress Connection State of the selected connection. Possible values:
Undetected: no device is detected on the selected connection.
Detected: a device is detected on the selected connection.
CoaXPress Down Connection Speed of the selected connection. Possible values:
CXP1: the down-connection speed is 1.25 Gb/s.
CXP2: the down-connection speed is 2.5 Gb/s
CXP3: the down-connection speed is 3.125 Gb/s
CXP5: the down connection speed is 5 Gb/s
CXP6: the down-connection speed is 6.25 Gb/s
CoaXPress Connection Topology Information of the selected connection. Possible
Device1_Master: Master Connection of Device 1
Device1_Extension1: Extension 1 of Device 1
Device1_Extension2: Extension 2 of Device 1
Device1_Extension3: Extension 3 of Device 1
Device2_Master: Master Connection of Device 2
Device2_Extension1: Extension 1 of Device 2
Device2_Extension2: Extension 2 of Device 2
Device2_Extension3: Extension 3 of Device 2
Device3_Master: Master Connection of Device 3
Device3_Extension1: Extension 1 of Device 3
Device4_Master: Master Connection of Device 4
NotReady: Remote device not ready
10 Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Note: * = CxpHostConnectionSelector
Connecting Cameras
Power over CoaXPress
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide 11
Power over CoaXPress
PoCXP Functional Description
Each connection of the CoaXPress Host connector is capable of delivering power to the camera through the
CoaXPress cable.
The Power Transmitting Unit – PTU – is responsible for a safe delivery of power. Therefore, it fulfils all the requirements
of the CoaXPress standard for a CoaXPress Host, namely:
It is capable of delivering up to 17 W of 24V DC power to the connector
It implements an over-current protection device – OCP
It supports the CoaXPress PoCXP detection method
In addition, it provides the application with the capability of:
Controlling the PoCXP automatic detection
Disabling or interrupting the power delivery
Resetting the OCP when tripped
Power Transmitter Unit
1.5 A
12 V
24 V
Current Switch
Control logic
To other power
transmitter units
PoCXP functional diagram
Power Source
All the PTU's of a Coaxlink card are powered by an external 12 V power supply through a 12 V to 24 V power converter
on the Coaxlink card. The external 12V supply is attached to the auxiliary power input connector through a 6pin PEG cable.
The AuxiliaryPowerInput feature reports the status of the connection made by the PEG cable between the
external power supply and the Coaxlink auxiliary power input connector.
The CxpPoCxpPowerInputStatus feature reports the status of the 24V power converter.
12 Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Power over CoaXPress
Note: The 12 V supply is typically delivered by the power supply of the Host PC.
PTU Control Logic
At system power-up, all the PTU controllers are disabled and no power is delivered to the camera.
When using PoCXP camera(s), the application must enable PoCXP powering by issuing a CxpPoCxpAuto command.
On execution of the CxpPoCxpAuto command the PTU controller initiates a PoCXP device detection procedure.
If the PoCXP device detection procedure terminates successfully, the PTU applies power by closing the switch.
If the PoCXP device detection procedure fails, the controller doesn't apply power and retries a new PoCXP
detection procedure. Possible causes of failure are:
The external power is not connected (AuxiliaryPowerInput = Unconnected)
The external power source is off (CxpPoCxpPowerInputStatus = NotOK)
There are no camera attached
The attached camera is not PoCXP compliant
Once the power is applied, the controller remains in that state until any of the following situation occurs:
The application disables the power delivery by executing the PoCxpTurnOff command.
The external power source is disconnected (CxpPoCxpPowerInputStatus = NotOK)
The external power source is turned off (CxpPoCxpPowerInputStatus = NotOK)
The CoaXPress cable is disconnected (The average output current measured over a time interval of 0.3 seconds
is less than 8 mA)
The OCP trips (The output voltage drops for a time interval greater than 20 milliseconds)
On execution of the CxpPoCxpTurnOff command the PTU turns off the switch and disables PoCXP powering. In
that state, the PTU is not performing PoCXP detection procedures.
The CxpPoCxpConfigurationStatus feature reports the configuration status of the PTU: Off or AUTO
The CxpPoCxpStatus feature reports the status of the PTU: Off, On or, Tripped.
Over-current Protection
The OCP circuit is built with a PTC device providing two kind of protections:
The overload protection addresses the cases when the load is excessive.
The short-circuit protection addresses the cases of accidental short-circuits.
In case of overload, the PTC trips (= opens progressively the circuit) after several seconds or minutes depending on
the current level and the ambient temperature. The higher the current, the lower the time to trip. The same applies
to the ambient temperature.
In case of short-circuit, the PTC trips immediately. Consequently, the PTU controller enters the tripped state
and opens the switch. The tripped PTC device returns to the conducting state after having cooled down. This
may take a few seconds. However, the PTU controller remains in the tripped state until the application issues a
CxpPoCxpTripReset command. Having left the tripped state, the PTU can initiate a new PoCXP device detection
and, if successful, re-establish power.
Note: The PTC is sized to sustain 17 W power over the whole operating temperature range without tripping.
Note: Extracting more than 17 W of power and/or operating the Coaxlink card above the operating temperature
range is prohibited since it may induce unexpected PTC trips.
Power over CoaXPress
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide 13
PoCXP – Related GenICam Features
Interface Module – CoaXPress category
Feature Name
Type (Access)
Selects the CoaXPress physical connection for PoCXP control. Possible values:
Enumeration (R/W)
All selects all physical host connections of the Coaxlink card
A, B, C, D: selects one specification host connection
Command (WO)
Activate automatic control of the Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) on the selected
Disable Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) on the selected connection(s)
Command (WO)
Command (WO)
Reset Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) after an over-current trip on the selected
CxpPoCxpConfigurationStatus[*]Return Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) configuration on the selected
Enumeration (RO)
connection(s). Possible values:
Off: PoCXP is forced off.
Auto: Normal automatic PoCXP operation
Unknown: PoCXP configuration is unknown
Compound: PoCXP configuration is compound. The selected connections have
different configuration states.
Enumeration (RO)
Return Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP) status on the selected connection(s).
Possible values:
Off: PoCXP is off.
On: PoCXP is on.
Tripped: PoCXP has shut down because of an over-current trip
Compound: PoCXP status is compound. The selected connections have
different PoCXP status.
Enumeration (RO)
Return CoaXPress Power Input Status. Possible value(s):
NotOK: The 24 V power converter is NOK
OK: The 24 V power converter is OK
Note: * = CxpPoCxpHostConnectionSelector
14 Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Power over CoaXPress
Interface Module – Interface Control category
Feature Name
Enumeration (RO)
There is no PEG-compliant power cable connected to the auxiliary power input.
Possible values:
Unconnected: There is no PEG-compliant power cable connected to the
auxiliary power input
Connected: A PEG-compliant power cable is connected to the auxiliary power
Camera Control
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide 15
Camera Control
Camera Control Methods
The Coaxlink Driver identifies three fundamental camera control methods designated by the acronyms RG, RC, and
Note: RC and RG are acronyms inherited from MultiCam:
The first letter R designates asynchronous Reset camera control
The second letter C designates Camera-controlled exposure
The second letter G designates Grabber-controlled exposure
RG camera control method
The RG camera control method targets asynchronous reset cameras where both the camera cycle rate and the
exposure duration are controlled by the frame grabber.
The real-time control is performed through a single upstream signal named "Camera Trigger" issued by the Camera
and Illumination Controller (CIC) of Coaxlink.
The CIC produces one single Camera Trigger pulse every camera cycle:
The Camera Trigger leading edge triggers a new camera cycle and initiates a new exposure period
The Camera Trigger falling edge terminates the exposure period and triggers the readout
RC camera control method
The RC camera control methods targets asynchronous reset cameras where only the camera cycle rate is controlled
by the frame grabber. The exposure duration is controlled by the camera.
The real-time control is performed through a single upstream signal named "Camera Trigger" issued by the Camera
and Illumination Controller (CIC) of Coaxlink.
The CIC produces one single Camera Trigger pulse every camera cycle:
The Camera Trigger leading edge triggers a new camera cycle and initiates a new exposure period
The Camera Trigger falling edge is ignored by the camera
NC camera control method
The NC camera control methods targets cameras that are NOT controlled by the frame grabber. This includes
Free-run cameras not using any external trigger signal
Asynchronous-reset cameras using an external trigger signal not delivered by the frame grabber.
There are no real-time control of the camera by the frame grabber. The Camera and Illumination Controller (CIC)
of Coaxlink is not used.
16 Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Camera Control
Camera Control Timing
Exposure Time Control
In RG camera control mode, the Camera and Illumination Controller generates a Camera Trigger pulse having a
duration, expressed in microseconds, is equal to the value specified by the ExposureTime feature.
ExposureTime must be set to a value that fulfils the application requirement without violating the camera capabilities
in terms of minimum exposure time and maximum exposure time.
Exposure/Readout Overlapping Control
In RC and RG camera control modes, the Camera and Illumination Controller controls the overlapping of consecutive
camera cycles according to the value specified by the ExposureReadoutOverlap feature.
When ExposureReadoutOverlap = False, the controller postpones the initiation of a new camera cycle until
the completion of the readout of the previous cycle. This mode ensures that the camera never receives a Camera
Trigger during the execution of a camera cycle at the expense of a noticeable reduction of the maximum achievable
frame rate.
When ExposureReadoutOverlap = True, the controller is allowed to initiate a new camera cycle before the
completion of the readout of the previous cycle. This mode is optimal in terms of maximum achievable frame rate
Exposure Recovery
In RG camera control mode, when ExposureReadoutOverlap = True, the Camera and Illumination controller
ensures that, when the exposure time is greater than the readout time, the time interval between the trailing edge
of a camera trigger pulse and the leading edge of the next camera trigger is equal to the value specified by the
ExposureRecovery feature.
Exposure Phase Duration
In RC and RG camera control modes, when ExposureReadoutOverlap = True, the Camera and Illumination
Controller ensures that, in any circumstances, the time interval, expressed in microseconds, between two leading
edges of the Camera Trigger pulse is greater or equal to the duration of the exposure phase.
The Coaxlink Driver estimates the duration of the exposure phase using the following expression:
Estimated duration of the Exposure Phase: ExposureTime + ExposureRecovery.
Camera Cycle Rate Control
In RC and RG camera control modes, the Camera and Illumination Controller ensures that, in any circumstances, the
time interval, expressed in microseconds, between two leading edges of the Camera Trigger pulse is greater than
or equal to TargetFramePeriod
Camera Control
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide 17
Camera Trigger
The Camera Trigger signal can be transmitted to the camera using one of the following methods:
The I/O channel of the CoaXPress link.
A dedicated wiring driven by a TTLIO output of the System I/O
CoaXPress I/O channel
The leading and trailing edges of the Camera Trigger pulse are transmitting as high priority Host to Device Trigger
messages over the low-speed upstream master connection of the CoaXPress link.
Trigger messages are transmitted with a variable latency of up to 3.4 µs.
This version of the Coaxlink Driver doesn't implement the variable trigger latency compensation.
System I/O
On this version of the Coaxlink Driver, the Camera Trigger pulse is also available on the TTLIO12 System I/O line.
Trigger Source
In RC and RG camera control methods, the TriggerSource feature specifies the source of triggers used by the
Camera and Illumination controller to initiate a new camera cycle.
This version of the Coaxlink Driver only supports the Sequencer option.
When TriggerSource=Sequencer, the Camera and Illumination controller automatically generates a new cycle
as soon as possible without waiting for any software or hardware event.
The new cycle starts when all the specified timing conditions are satisfied and there is at least one frame buffer slot
available in the internal memory of the card.
18 Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Camera Control
Camera Control – Related GenICam Features
Device Module – Camera and Illumination Control category
Feature Name
Type (Access)
Enumeration (R/W)
Selects the camera control method. Possible values:
NC selects the "NC" camera control method
RC: selects the "RC" camera control method
RG: selects the "RG" camera control method
Defines the exposure time. Expressed in microseconds.
Integer (R/W)
Enumeration (R/W)
Boolean (R/W)
Selects the trigger source. Possible values:
Software: selects the software trigger source
Sequencer: selects the sequencer trigger source
Controls the exposure overlapping. Possible values:
Off: disable the exposure overlapping
On: enable the exposure overlapping.
Defines the target frame period. Expressed in microseconds.
Integer (R/W)
Integer (R/W)
Defines the exposure recovery time. Expressed in microseconds.
Illumination Control
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide 19
Illumination Control
Illumination Control
Strobe Timing Control
In RC and RG camera control modes, the Camera and Illumination Controller generates a single Illumination Strobe
pulse every camera cycle.
Strobe Pulse Duration
The pulse duration, expressed in microseconds, is equal to the value specified by the StrobeDuration feature.
StrobeDuration must be set to a value that fulfils the application requirement without exceeding the duration of
the exposure phase of the camera cycle.
Strobe Pulse Delay
The time delay, expressed in microseconds, between the leading edge of the Camera Trigger pulse and the leading
edge of the Strobe pulse is specified by the StrobeDelay feature.
StrobeDelay must be set to a value that aligns the ON-time of the illumination equipment with the period of time
during which the sensor is exposing.
Illumination Strobe Outputs
System I/O
The Illumination Strobe signal is statically routed to the following System I/O lines: IIOUT11, IIOUT12, and TTLIO11.
There are no polarity control: on IIOUT1 and IIOUT2, the opto-coupler turns ON wen strobe is active; on TTLIO11,
the output is high when the strobe is active.
The bidirectional I/O port TTLIO11 is configured as an output.
20 Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide
Illumination Control
Illumination Control – Related GenICam Features
Device Module – Camera and Illumination Control category
Feature Name
Type (Access)
Defines the strobe pulse delay. Expressed in microseconds.
Integer (R/W)
Integer (R/W)
Defines the strobe pulse duration. Expressed in microseconds.
Image Data Stream
Coaxlink Driver 3.0 Functional Guide 21
Image Data Stream
Data Stream Format
This version of the Coaxlink Driver acquires images from a CoaXPress data stream using rectangular image headers
having a number of lines higher than 0. This format is typically used by area-scan cameras delivering the entire frame
or rectangular ROI's.
Note: This excludes line-scan cameras and any camera type using the arbitrary image header.
Image Scan Format
This version of the Coaxlink Driver exclusively supports the single tap 1X-1Y progressive-scan format.
Data Stream Count
This version of the Coaxlink Driver exclusively supports cameras delivering image data on a single data stream.
Pixel Format
This version of the Coaxlink Driver supports the following pixel formats:
All 8-bit pixel formats including Raw8, Mono8, Bayer**8
Mono10, Mono12, Mono14, and Mono16
Pixel Data Processing
This version of the Coaxlink Driver provides the following pixel processing:
Pixel bit depth expansion to 16-bit (applies only to Mono10, Mono12, Mono14). The significant data bits are justified
to the MSB of the 16-bit container; the unused bits are filled with 0.
Image Formatting
Excepted for the case of the pixel bit depth expansion, the image data delivered by the camera is unaltered by
Buffer overflow protection
If the target buffer is too small to contain the entire image frame, Coaxlink discards the exceeding data.