Proceedings of the 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’10), Cairo University, Egypt, December 19-21, 2010, Paper ID 269. Design of Integrated High Efficiency Two-Stage Point of Load DC-DC Converter Mohamed Saad1, IEEE Student Member, Mohamed Orabi1, IEEE Senior Member, El-Sayed Hasaneen2, Ashraf Lotfi3, IEEE Senior Member 1 APEARC, South Valley University, Aswan 81542, Egypt 2 El-Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt 3 Enpirion Inc. New Jersey 08827, USA Abstract - Recently, most of researches are directed toward the design of small size and high efficiency power management integrated circuits (PMICs). The advantage of small sizes supports minimizing the PCB area. The high efficiency advantage supports the increase of battery life and energy saving. This paper presents a high efficiency two-stage voltage regulator for the point-of-load (POL) applications. A 6V-to-1V converter is divided into two conversion stages. The first stage is a high efficiency switched capacitor converter to obtain 3V from the 6V input. This low output voltage (3V) gives the chance to design second stage buck converter with a very high efficiency and a small footprint with 3-1V conversion. A detailed design of the fully integrated two-stage converter is provided using H-Spice. The results show a better performance for this combination than using the regular design of one stage 6-1 buck converter. The combined system achieves 93.6% peak efficiency and an average efficiency of 91% over an output current range from 1A to 6A. Reduced converter size & improved converter Efficiency Synchronous buck converter is the most common topology used for step down voltage regulators for these applications (POL) types. But as the available input voltage increases in one direction and the output voltages decreases in the other direction, the buck converter may fail to meet the target of high efficiency as the operating duty cycle becomes more and more small. A roughly speaking, 10% efficiency difference can be achieved if the input voltage is half its value (double the duty cycle). Therefore, using a converter with voltage gain of 0.5 and efficiency over 90% can easy result in better system efficiency. Also, by simply decreasing the input voltage and using low-voltage-rating devices, the synchronous buck elements can be small in footprint. Therefore, in this paper, this idea has been tested and applied. A simple and highly efficient stepdown converter is used as the first stage [2]. Referring to [3] the first stage is best chosen as switched capacitor converter. Switched capacitor converter has the following advantages: High power density. It can be optimized for high efficiency. It is inductor-less which reduces the problem of radiated EMI. Index Terms – Dc-Dc converters; Buck converter; two-stage; switched capacitor converter; POL, high efficiency. I. INTRODUCTION Many of researchers now pay more efforts in order to design very thin and very efficient PMICs. Most of the challenges facing the researchers are combining between the small size and the high efficiency advantages. The small size is reached by fully integration of most of the component used in the Point Of Load (POL) converter. Adding multiple offchip components is not only difficult due to parasitic concerns, but also adds cost to the platform by increasing PCB area and package complexity. Increasing the efficiency can be a result for minimizing the losses by optimizing the different parameters of the POL converter designed. Most of current industrial applications such as DSPs and microprocessors have been improved from clock frequency and capabilities point of view. However to get theses improvement, the operation voltage is required to be reduced without reducing the power consumption. In general, the main requirements for any voltage regulator to feed the last generation microprocessors and DSPs are [1]: Low output voltage: 1 to 3.3 V. Low Output voltage ripples, less than 5% or less. High load current: 1 to 50 A. High current slew rate: up to 5A/ns. The output voltage of the switched capacitor is half of the input voltage. As regulation task will be the responsibility of the second stage, then first stage is kept unregulated for simplicity and cost reduction. The first stage (switched capacitor) is followed by a regulation stage which is buck converter. The second stage is designed to have high efficiency, tight regulation, fast response and low-voltage devices operating at a high switching frequency to provide high-bandwidth regulation and a small additional voltage stepdown. Since the regulation stage operates at a high frequency, the size of its passive components can be made small [4]. In this paper, the design of two stage DC-DC converter is discussed. First, the design and simulation of the first stage buck converter are provided. Then, the design and simulation of the second stage buck converter is described in section III. In section IV, the total system connection and simulation 708 In the low-frequency limit, the output resistance is inversely proportional to the energy-transfer capacitance values, and the clock frequency [6], results are shown. In section V, a comparison between the two system approach and one stage synchronous buck converter is provided from the efficiency point of view to prove the idea. Finally, conclusion is given. At high switching frequencies, the output resistance reaches a minimum value Romin, which depends on the switch on resistances, and which can be found using state-space averaging. An analytical approximation for Ro(f) over wide range of frequencies was proposed in [7]: where the “corner” frequency fc is the corner frequency where the low-frequency asymptote and the high frequency asymptote have the same value [7]. From (2), it is clear that as the switching frequency increases, the output impedance of the SC converter decreases. For a given load Io, the conduction loss Pc can be found as Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the H-bridge switched capacitor converter. II. DESIGN OF THE FIRST STAGE SWITCHED CAPACITOR CONVERTER Figure 1 shows the Switched Capacitor (SC) DC-DC step down converter topology used in the design of the first stage. This topology is called H-bridge topology [5]. In this topology we have two capacitors CF1 and CF2. The switching network enables series or parallel arrangement of the two capacitors to obtain the required conversion ratio. The operation of the circuit can be divided into phases. During the first phase, the two flying capacitors are connected in series with the input voltages. This phase is called the charging phase and during this phase the each of the flying capacitors charges to a voltage equals half of the input voltage. At the second phase, the two flying capacitors are connected in parallel. This phase is called the discharging phase and the load is supplied by the required current through this phase. During charge phase, series connection of the flying capacitors is reached by closing the switches S1, S2 and opening switches S3, S4. During discharge phase, parallel connection is reached by closing switches S3, S4 and opening switches S1, S2. The switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 are implemented using standard CMOS technology MOSFETs for the purpose of integration. As S1, S2 are turned on and off at the same time, their gates are tied together and derived using the same gate drive output. The same is true for switches S3, S4 which are derived from another gate drive output. It is required for the SC converter to convert from 6V-to3V and the second stage buck converter will fed from the SC converter output and converts from 3V-to-1V with an operation optimized at output current 6A. So for the buck converter to give an output power of 6W with 3V input voltage, it will sink an input current equals or greater than 2A. Thus the design of the SC converter has been done under the condition of output current 2A. As stated in (3), the conduction loss is strongly depending on the output impedance, so increasing the switching frequency will give a significant rise in the efficiency values rather than decreasing the total system solution. Another type of losses that will affect the converter efficiency is the switching losses. The switching losses are a natural result of charging the parasitic capacitances present at each node in the circuit with a continuous toggling voltage. The toggling rate of this voltage is the clock frequency or switching frequency of the converter. Mainly, the switching losses can be given as the summation of all parasitic capacitances losses like this: Where Ci is the parasitic capacitance at the ith node in the converter circuit, V is the voltage across this capacitance, and f is the converter switching frequency. From (4), it is clear that the effect of switching frequency on the switching losses will be the opposite of its effect on the conduction losses. It is complicated to trying to calculate the optimum frequency at which the conduction and switching losses are equal. A scan for resulted efficiency is applied for the range of 100-500 kHz to choose the optimum switching frequency. The plot of efficiency as a function of the output current at three different switching frequencies is shown in Fig.2 for VIN=6V and VOUT=3V. 709 (a) The output voltage average value Fig.2 Efficiency as a function of output current for a three different switching frequency values. The efficiency plot shows that the best switching frequency is 200 kHz. At this frequency, a peak efficiency of 97% can be reached at output current 2A. It is worth here to recall what we have mentioned in the introduction section, that we are in need for first stage with efficiency higher than 90% to recover for single stage. Here, it is clear the advantage of having 97%. (b) The peak-to-peak output ripple Both of the switching frequency and the value of flying capacitors are affecting the value and ripple of output voltage. For a suitable output ripple a capacitor has been chosen to be 47uF. This selected capacitors values give output voltage ripple of 24mV. Of course this output ripple is very small and this give the advantage of using a smaller capacitor, but the output voltage is not regulated and minimizing the flying capacitors values result in an increase in the output impedance and hence a decrease in the output voltage value at the optimum output current 2A. Using the chosen flying capacitors value which is 47µF, the output voltage average value is 2.98V with a ripple 24mV. Figure 3 (a) shows the Hspice based simulation results for the SC converter output where (b) shows the peak-to-peak ripple. Fig.3 the output voltage and peak-to-peak ripple. The high frequency operation of the buck converter enables the minimization of output LC filter; inductance and capacitance values. The buck converter is design to work in the continuous conduction mode (CCM). The minimum inductance value is designed based on the (5), which determines the critical inductance value to work in CCM [8]: Where: LMIN : is the minimum output inductance value. D: is the duty cycle (1V/3V). FSW : is the switching frequency (1MHz). VO : is the required output voltage (1V). ILoad : is the required output current (6A). II. DESIGN OF THE SECOND REGULATION STAGE (BUCK CONVERTER) The output of the SC converter which is the first stage will be approximately 3V. The synchronous buck converter is used here to achieve the targets of regulation and adding extra step down conversion. The buck converter receives the unregulated 3V from the output of SC converter and produces a regulated output voltage of 1V. The design of the buck converter is optimized at 3V input voltage, 1V output voltage, 6A output current, and 1MHz switching frequency. As a result, the minimum inductor that can be used is 56nH. Indeed choosing higher values of inductance has a good effect on reducing the inductor current ripple and to reduce the AC conduction losses of the inductor [9]. In addition, the inductor current ripple has the greatest effect on output voltage ripple. The inductor current has two components, DC component and AC component. The AC current which passes through the 710 capacitor makes three voltage drops on the output capacitance (CO), the equivalent series inductance (ESLO) and the equivalent series resistance (ESRO). The total output ripple is the summation of the three voltage drops. This is shown in Fig. 4. In order to reduce the inductor current ripple as possible, the inductor value is chosen to be 150nH. Fig.5 The buck output voltage and output ripple The optimization and maximum efficiency at the desired output current 6A can be reached by taking care of both the switching loss and conduction loss for the buck converter PFET and NFET. The switching loss has been reduced to almost small values by well designing a good gate drive circuit. The conduction loss which now is the significant loss in the buck circuit is dependent mainly on the output current and the FETs onresistance. The losses for the control FET is calculated as follows: Fig.4 The inductor ripple effect on output voltage ripple Also, the output capacitor can be determined from the maximum output voltage ripple relation of ideal capacitor [9], Where: : is the maximum output voltage ripple. Vo : is the required output voltage (1V). D: is the duty cycle (1V/3V). Fsw : is the switching frequency (1MHz) L : is the output inductance value (150 nH). C : is the output capacitance. where, Pon is the conduction loss, Psw is the total switching loss, Qg is the total gate charge. The losses for synchronous FET are calculated similarly. The total loss first decrease with increasing die size, reach a minimum point and then start increasing. For a smaller die, the switching losses are small but the conduction losses are very high. As the die size increases, the device on-resistance reduces and gate capacitance goes up. This results in lower conduction losses and higher switching losses [11]. From this equation, to obtain an output voltage ripple smaller than 3%, the output capacitor must be larger than 19µF. Due to the effect of capacitor's equivalent series inductance (ESL) and equivalent series resistance (ESR) on output voltage ripple, the capacitor has been chosen to be 47µF. The practical datasheet values (ESL and ESR) of a commercial capacitor are needed for simulation, so CM316X5R476M06A Murata capacitor is chosen. The selected capacitor has the following data [10]: ESL = 0.4nH ESR = 2.75mΩ Actually, the die size is affected by the FETs. This means that increasing the size of the FETs lowering the on-resistance and decrease conduction loss. At the same time, increasing the size of the FETs increases the gate capacitance value and tends to increase the switching loss. At some point, the total loss reaches a minimum beyond which the switching losses become the dominant component. This point corresponds to the optimum die and FETs size and varies from one technology to another depending on the devices parameters [11]. The output voltage of the buck converter is shown in Fig. 5. The output ripple is also shown on the same figure. At the standard CMOS technology, the optimum point is reached and FETs size is optimized to get the minimum losses 711 and the higher efficiency. The buck converter stage showed efficiency 94.4% at the full output current 6A with an input voltage 3V and output voltage 1V. Figure 6 shows a plot for the buck converter efficiency vs. the output current. As clear in the figure, the converter has peak efficiency 96% at output current 3A. It is clear from Fig. 6 that these efficiency values will give a significant rise in the total system (two-stage) efficiency, especially at light load where the conventional one stage buck converter system suffers from low efficiency. Fig.7 Efficiency as a function of output current for the two-stage system. Fig.6 Efficiency as a function of output current for the designed buck converter. III. TOTAL SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND TEST After finishing the design of the first stage and second stage individually with each stage optimized for output power 6W, the two stage connection and total system integration is made. The input voltage 6V of the total system is connected to the SC converter input; the output of the SC converter is connected to the input of the buck converter. A dynamic current source of 6A representing the load is connected to the output of the buck converter which is now the output of the two-stage system. Fig.8 Efficiency as a function of output current for a conventional buck converter. For comparison purpose, a one-stage buck converter has been designed and simulated using an H-spice simulator. The buck converter designed based on the following requirement: • Input voltage 6V. • Output voltage 1V. • Full output current 6A. • Very high frequency operation (1MHz). The efficiency curve as a function of the output current for the one-stage buck converter is plotted in Fig. 8. It is clear that new system has better efficiency by at-least 5%. Although the total efficiency of the system can be predicted by multiplying the efficiency of the two stages for each output current, an H-spice based simulation is made for the total system to ensure its operation and performance. Fig. 7 shows the efficiency of the total system as a function of the output current ranging from 1A to 6A with a step current of 1A. It is clear that the total system is very efficient. At full load, the resulted efficiency is 91.31% which cannot be obtained using conventional buck regulator. The peak efficiency of the twostage converter is 93.6% at output current 3A. IV. CONCLUSION The idea of two-stage high efficiency DC-DC converter is investigated, and the design of each stage is explained individually. The results of the new two-stage DC-DC converter system give a significant rise in the efficiency at both light-load and full-load. The proposed integrated system is proved that it is a good replacement for the single buck converter at higher step down conversion ratios. These results prove that this two-stage system can be a good replacement for the buck regulator if a large step down conversion ratio is desired. ILoad 1 2 3 4 5 6 Eff 90.12% 93.30% 93.60% 93.10% 92.29% 91.31% 712 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to express their gratitude to Enpirion Inc. for their support during this work based on its collaboration project with APEARC. REFERENCES [1] Mohamed El-Zanaty, Mohamed Orabi, and M.Z. El-Sadek, “Review of Synchronous Buck Converter Design “, Power System Conference, 2008, MEPCON 2008. [2] Yuancheng Ren, Ming Xu, Kaiwei Yao, Yu Meng and Fred Lee, “ Two-Stage Approach for 12V VR,” in Proc. IEEE APEC 2004. [3] Julu Sun, Ming Xu, Yucheng Ying and Fred C. 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