DATASHEET Monolithic Multi-Throw Driver Chips 131-SP1750-04 (Bare die) 010-SP1750-001 (Packaged die) • 2 ns Video Switching Time • Low in Band Noise: -50 dBm at 1 GHz • True Differential Inputs • Compatible with TTL, ECL, and CMOS to 5.0V • Internal References for TTL, CMOS, ECL Mercury Systems’ Silicon Monolithic PIN/FET Driver Chips offer new low cost driver options for low power multi-throw switches. Versatile logic modes, multiple outputs, and provision for trade-off between switching speed and in band noise make these drivers suitable for a wide range of applications, both PIN and FET switches. Also, the differential input permits use in RF controlled limiter or receiver protector circuits. Additional Features •Internal References for TTL, CMOS, ECL •Inverting, Non-Inverting •Low Internal Current •±3.0 Volts, ±120 mA Output Per Driver Electrical Specifications (-50ºC to +85ºC) Output Current ±120 mA, Min., Per Driver Peak Output Current ±300 mA, Min., Per Driver Open Circuit Output Voltage ±3.0 Volts, Min. (+/-5V Supplies) 2 Switching Time 4 ns, Max., TON and TOFF 1 Internal Current (Per Driver) +/- 6.3 mA, Typ. Internal Current (Total) ± 32.0 mA, Typ. Operating Voltage +4.5/+5.5V and -4.5/-5.5V 3 Internal TTL References +1.6 ± 0.1V Internal ECL Reference -1.26 ± 0.1V TTL, ECL, Logic Inputs 10 KΩ to Vcc; Sink up to 1.4 m Chip Dimensions 0.103 ± 0.003 by 0.092 ± 0.003 by 0.018 ± 0.001 Bonding Pads 4.7 Mils, Min., Octagon, Aluminum Metallization Reliability All units are designed to meet the environmental and screening requirements of MIL-STD-883 •Multiple Outputs from Each Driver •ESD Protected 1. Driving opposed polarity pair 1N4148, 50% to 90% and 50% to 10% 2. Output voltage varies 1:1 with supply 3. Absolute maximum voltage Vcc – Vee 12 volts Mercury Systems is a best-of-breed provider of commercially developed, open sensor and Big Data processing systems, software and services for critical commercial, defense and intelligence applications. 100101010 001101011 110101100 ACQUIRE ACQUIRE DIGITIZE 100101010 001101011 110101100 ACQUIRE PROCESS DIGITIZE 100101010 001101011 110101100 ACQUIRE PROCESS DIGITIZE STORAGE 100101010 001101011 110101100 ACQUIRE PROCESS DIGITIZE STORAGE EXPLOIT 100101010 001101011 110101100 ACQUIRE PROCESS DIGITIZE STORAGE EXPLOIT DISSEMINATE Logic 1 Driver NBR4 Pad 7 Connected to Pad 12; Logic Inputs to Pad 8: TTL - Non-Inverting. Pad 8 connected to Pad 19; Logic Input to Pad 7: ECL – Inverting. Logic 0 Outputs TON Direct; +/-3.0V at 120 mA; 300 mA peak - Not short circuit protected. TOFF (+10 mA) 500Ω series resistor, for 5 mA output. 250Ω series resistor, for 10 mA output. Series diode for driving series-shunt configurations. (-10 mA) Typical Switching Waveform, Output TON TOFF, 4 ns, Max., 2 ns, Typical. Comments Vcc •Approximately 0.1V differential is enough to control outputs. •Slow down capacitor, approximately 2 - 10 pF, will reduce in band RF noise substantially with minor degradation of switching speed. Connect to either VEE or to ground. •Mount capacitors to ground from each power supply; minimal lead length. Approximately 0.01 µF in parallel with 100 pF to +Vcc and –Vee •Slow down pads are for use when switching speeds are not critical but in band RF noise is. Capacitor Installed from slow down pad to -Vee or ground. •The bottom of the chip should be either floating or connected to VEE. •Thermal Resistance (T=85°C) Die: 2.0 °C/W (Junction to die bottom) + 250 Ω Logic Ref (TTL, ECL, other) Vee B C D With the “-” input tied to the desired logic reference, the driver will be non-inverting With the “+” input tied to the desired logic reference, the driver will be inverting 4D Out 4B Out 36 •Effective source (output) impedance approximately 5 ohms. 500 Ω Logic Input •For single ended operations, the other input must be connected to the ECL or TTL reference. •One of the logic ports should be grounded on any unused active drivers. A 35 4A Out 2D Out 2A Out 33 34 32 2C Out 31 4C Out 1 30 2B Out 3C Out 2 29 1D Out 3B Out 3 28 1C Out 3D Out 4 27 1B Out 3A Out 5 26 1A Out 4 Slow Down 6 25 2 Slow Down 4 (-) In 7 24 2 (-) In 4 (+) In 8 23 2 (+) In 3 Slow Down 9 22 1 Slow Down 3 (-) In 10 21 1 (-) In 3 (+) In 11 20 1 (+) In TTL REF 12 19 ECL REF 13 14 +5V 15 16 17 18 GND Package: 17.4 °C/W (Junction to package pads with 2 mils Sn63 solder on FR4 in still air) µ” Dimensional drawing and pin-out are of the packaged device. Innovation That Matters and Mercury Systems are trademarks of Mercury Systems, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Mercury Systems, Inc. believes this information is accurate as of its publication date and is not responsible for any inadvertent errors. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2014 Mercury Systems, Inc.3040.01E-0714-DS-sp1750-04 INNOVATION THAT MATTERS ™ Corporate Headquarters 201 Riverneck Road Chelmsford, MA 01824-2820 USA (978) 967-1401 • (866) 627-6951 Fax (978) 256-3599 Europe Mercury Systems, Ltd. Unit 1 - Easter Park, Benyon Road Silchester, Reading RG7 2PQ United Kingdom + 44 0 1189 702050 • Fax + 44 0 1189 702321