Course Renumbering
The course number will consist of a four alpha prefix and a four number code (AACRAO guidelines recommend an
alpha code with a maximum of four digits). Section numbers will be indicated by a two-digit code.
Example: ENGL 1010-1A
Write your new prefix here ___ ___ ___ ___
FIRST DIGIT Rule #1: The first numeral indicates class level as follows:
0 = Remedial, Developmental,
Preparatory, Non-Degree Credit
1 = Freshman or First Year Course
2 = Sophomore or Second Year
SECOND DIGIT Rule #2: The second numeral indicates the grouping of courses that you want to connect together
due to similarity or other reason for this categorization
Example: hypothetical
ENGL 1200
ENGL 1300 lit courses
ENGL 1400 writing courses
ENGL 1500 poetry courses
Use a “9” in the second numeric position to indicate special courses
Example: ENGL 1910 or MATH 2910
THIRD DIGIT Rule #3: The third numeral indicates:
A. A sequence of courses such as CHEM 1210, CHEM 1220, CHEM 1230, etc.
Use of this sequential numbering may indicate either required prerequisite courses or a recommended sequence of
courses. Use numbers “1”, “2”, “3”, or “4” for this purpose.
B. A stand alone course which does not have a prerequisite in the same year level. Use numbers “5” through “9” for this
Examples: SOCI 1050, SOCI 1150, PSYC 1350, BIOS 2050, SCIE 2090
The default use of the fourth digit is to be zero (0) or other number necessary to designate a sequence.
Otherwise, it is to be used to indicate special courses.
Experimental courses X
Workshop/Workforce Development (business and industry) special and/or customized courses W
Modular Courses: If 1110 is the first course then 111A is the first module, 111B the second, and 111C the third (use
uppercase letters for these)
All Special Topics courses will be 2900
All Practicum will be 2991 through 9
All Internships will be 2981 through 9