IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 5, OCTOBER 1994 87 1 Influence of Sideband Oscillations on Gyrotron Efficiency W. C. Guss, M. A. Basten, K. E. Kreischer, Member, IEEE, R. J. Temkin, Fellow, IEEE, T. M. Antonsen, Jr., S . Y. Cai, G. Saraph, and B. Levush Abstract-We report the observation of sideband mode effects on the efficiency of overmoded gyrotron operation. Two cavities were designed and operated which differed in the presence of sideband modes. In one version of the cavity, parasitic backward waves modes were observed and efficiencies were approximately 22% at 40 A beam current. With the use of a multi-mode selfconsistent nonlinear code, a modified design was generated which eliminated the sideband modes. Experimentswere conducted with this new cavity which produced efficienciesof approximately33% at 30 A and 27% at 40 A beam current, but with a slightly higher velocity ratio than seen with the earlier cavity. An additional cavity, also with no sideband modes but with a longer cavity length and therefore higher Q obtained powers up to 1.3 MW with an efficiency of 39% at a 40 A beam current. I. INTRODUCTION H IGH power gyrotron oscillators are proposed [ 11-[3] as plasma heating sources at frequencies near the fundamental electron cyclotron resonance and its second harmonic. Increased microwave generation efficiency is an important consideration in the implementation of gyrotrons as microwave sources. In a previous experimental investigation [4] of the efficiency of a high-frequency, high-power gyrotron oscillator, experimental results were compared to the computational efficiency estimates from a single-mode, nonlinear, self-consistent computer code [ 5 ] . At low beam currents (Ib < 20 A), good agreement existed between the experimental and computational efficiencies. At higher beam currents (20 < 16 < 50 A), discrepancies of varying amounts were noted. Multiple modes have been observed to have a significant effect on gyrotron efficiency. Standard gyrotron operation is in a single mode far from boundaries with neighboring modes. However, operation near those boundaries can result in the presence of several modes. When these multiple modes are observed, a significant reduction in efficiency is also observed. Manuscript received September 24, 1993; revised August 23, 1994. This research is supported by the Department of Energy Contracts DE-AC0278ET5 1013 and DE-FG05-87ER52147, and under appointment to the Magnetic Fusion Science Fellowship program administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the U.S. Department of Energy. W. C. Guss, K. E. Kreischer, and R. J. Temkin are with the Plasma Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02 139 USA. M. A. Basten, was with M.I.T., Cambridge, MA. He is now with the Electrical Engineering Department., University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 USA. T. M. Antonsen, Jr., S. Y. Cai, G . Saraph, and B. Levush are with the Laboratory for Plasma Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA. IEEE Log Number 9406110. Typically, two modes were observed with approximately equal amplitudes and resulting overall efficiency reduced by a factor of two. Operation in this unusual regime suggests the possibility of low amplitude multimode operation under standard operation conditions. Standard gyrotron operation has been studied [ 6 ] ,[7] using a multimode, nonlinear, time-dependent code with a fixed-field approximation. The modes considered for these studies were the CO-and counter-rotating modes of the main and nearest modes with differing azimuthal indices, and as a result the frequencies were given by the cold-cavity frequencies for that cavity. Recently measurements were made of the power levels and frequencies of sideband oscillations [8] under normal operation in high power gyrotron operation containing a short weakly-tapered cavity. Power levels of the observed sideband modes were approximately 30 dB down from the main mode and the frequencies were separated by frequency differences much larger than w / Q from the cold cavity frequencies. To further study this type of gyrotron operation computationally, a multi-mode, nonlinear, self-consistent theory [9] and computer code (MAGY) were developed. Backward as well as forward modes with several azimuthal mode indices were included. Standard gyrotron operation far from mode boundaries was analyzed to determine whether low amplitude multi-mode sideband operation might be present which would similarly decrease the efficiency. The resulting relative power and frequencies of the sideband modes were in good agreement with experiment. Using the multi-mode code, cavity design changes were made which produced a design which successfully eliminated the sidebands. Several cavities were designed for operation without sidebands. We report here observations of the sideband modes and our study of their influence on the efficiency of gyrotron operation. And although much of the current gyrotron research is conducted at 110-140 GHz, gyrotron oscillators operating in high order modes are under investigation for higher frequency (230-280 GHz) gyrotrons. The problem of sideband mode excitation in such oscillators will be far more severe than in the present generation of gyrotrons. The present results will be useful in carrying out those experiments. The following section outlines the theory of sideband mode generation through a four-wave mixing process. In Section 111, the experiment and diagnostics are described, and in Section IV, the results are reported. Conclusions are contained in Section V. 0093-3813/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 01:19 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 872 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 5, OCTOBER 1994 11. THEORY 170 The modes of a weakly tapered gyrotron cavity can be approximated as TE,,, modes of a circular cylinder cavity where m , p , and y are the azimuthal, radial and axial mode indices, respectively. The oscillation frequency w is given approximately by W”C2 = IC2 = IC; + k; (1) where k l = .;,/a (the cutoff frequency is k l c ) , a is the cavity radius, and U;, is the p t h zero of J k ( z ) . The axial wavenumber, kll, is given by y r / L for a uniform closed cylinder of length L. In the present theory, the axial mode structure will be determined self-consistently for an open resonator in the presence of an electron beam. The condition for excitation of the cyclotron maser instability is where q ,2 1 1 are the axial and transverse electron velocity components,,BII = q / c , , B l = . u ~ / c , y ; = ~ l-/?;-/?;,B is the axial magnetic field, Re is the electron cyclotron frequency and e , m are the electron charge and mass respectively. The linear theory of the gyrotron indicates that (1) and (2) apply exactly in the limit of vanishingly small electron beam density. Equations (1) and (2) are plotted in Fig. 1 for a particular q and the case of the TE16,2 mode, which was studied experimentally, and the nearby TE15,2 and TE17,2 modes. Values of key parameters in Fig. 1 are a = 0.764 cm, B = 5.73 T, ,BII = 0.255 and y = 1.157 (80 kV). For other values of P I I , or equivalently a(= pl/,Bll),beam lines of varying slope are defined. Fig. 1 indicates that excitation of the desired mode, TE16,2, can lead to simultaneous excitation of an unwanted mode such as TE15,2 since the beam line (2) intersects the waveguide curve (1) for both the TE16,z at kll > 0 and TE15,2 modes at kll < 0. The beam line does not intersect the TE17,2 mode curve. Nevertheless, the TE17,z can still be excited via a nonlinear, four-wave mixing process [lo]-[ 121 at a frequency w+1 where 160 5 N 150 g a 140 U. 130 120 -2000 -lo00 0 1000 2000 Fig. 1. Oscillations are possible at intersections of the cavity dispersion line (parabola) and the Doppler shifted beam line. The assumed physical parameters are those of the cavity proper. cavity. We have also included the effects of space charge, and the electron velocity spreads using a triangular distribution for the perpendicular velocity. The width of the distribution was adjusted so the computational efficiency agreed with the experimental efficiency. Fig. 2 shows typical electric field amplitude profiles for the TE15,2,TE16,z and TE17,2 mode triplet for the short weaklytapered cavity. The TE15,Z backward wave mode is excited in the downtaper that leads to the beam tunnel. Because the taper cuts off this mode, backward wave power is reflected toward the gyrotron output window where it may be observed. The forward wave move (TE17,z) is cutoff in the gyrotron cavity and must be excited at a larger radius corresponding to a location in the uptaper, and propagates directly to the output window. The axial locations for the maximum electric field for the two modes do not coincide. For typical beam voltages (80 kV) and currents (40 A), a velocity ratio a of 1.64 and a 2w0 - w+1- w-1 S W Fz 0. (3) magnetic field of 5.73 T, the theoretical frequency separation Here, WO and w-1 are the frequencies of the TE16,2 and TE15,2 [SI of the TE16,2 mode and the sideband TE15,2 and TE17,2 modes respectively and Sw is the four-wave beat frequency modes is about 5 GHz and is roughly independent of a. mismatch. In addition, the azimuthal mode numbers must For modes excited individually in a cylindrical cavity .without satisfy a similar matching condition, viz. m+l = 2m, - m P l , tapered walls, the expected separation would be about 7 GHz. where m+l = 17,mo = 16, and m-1 = 15. The frequency The detected sideband output powers 181 relative to the TE16,2 w+1 may be displaced somewhat from the normal frequency mode were both x -30 dB. While this may appear to be a very of the TE17,2 mode. For a high Q cavity, this displacement small output power, the amplitude of the computed electric should be less than the resonance width w+1/Q. In the fields in the cavity as shown in Fig. 2, can be substantial. In relatively low Q cavity under consideration, the beam is able the computational model, these spurious electric fields cause a to significantly alter the axial structure of the modes, such that significantspread of the electron energies and interfere with the electron bunching process. From the numerical model, reduced the four-wave resonance condition can be satisfied. The multi-mode, multifrequency, time dependent code used efficiency is observed which is attributable to energy spread for these calculations has been described in detail elsewhere induced by the TE15,2 backward wave. The magnitude of the 191. In this code, the transverse dependence of the radiation predicted efficiency decrease was sensitive to the quality of the field is expanded as a set of waveguide modes. Each of the injected beam. With a cold beam the decrease was too large. It modes has a time dependent axial profile which is determined was somewhat mitigated by the addition of ~ 2 0 % pitch angle self-consistently by the response of the electrons and which spread ( ~ 5 % perpendicular velocity spread) which reduced satisfies appropriate boundary conditions at both ends of the the amplitude of the sideband modes. Further degrading the Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 01:19 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. GUSS et al.: INFLUENCE OF SIDEBAND OSClLLATlONS ON GYROTRON EFFICIENCY ' n - TE15.2 0.20 - TE1 6.2 - - TE17,2 0.15 - 0.10 - 0.05 - m 873 0 W Q) 7J 3 r .e Q E cr: L I / - ///\ x - . / \ / > = ' -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Fig. 2. Electric field amplitude as a function of axial distance for the TE15.2,TE16,2 and TE17.2 mode triplet. The beam enters from the left and exits toward the gyrotron window on the right, The middle of the 0.5 cm cavity is located at z = 0. The initial non-linear uptaper length is approximated by a linear 6' taper. TABLE I short weaklytapered tapered angle (") cavity radius (cm) cavity length (cm) Leff/A Qcoid 1 0.76 0.50 4.96 310 short stronglytapered 4 0.76 0.70 4.4 430 long stronglytapered 4 0.76 1.10 5.56 800 (b) beam by the addition of ~ 5 % energy spread could bring the computational and observed efficiencies into agreement. However, the possible origin of such a spread is not known. Additionally, the relative power in the sidebands was sensitive to the shape of the pitch angle distribution. Clearly, the role of beam quality on sideband excitation merits further study. 111. EXPERIMENT The experiment was conducted in a manner similar to our previous studies [4]. The electron beam was produced from a thermionic cathode in a magnetron injection gun (MIG) and accelerated to 80 kV. The control-anode voltage was 24.5 25.0 kV. Beam currents could be varied up to 50 A. The pulse length was about 3ps. The magnetic field was approximately 5.72 T, with no magnetic tapering, producing in the cavity, a beam with radius Tb = 0.53 cm. The average velocity ratio ( a ) of the beam electrons was measured using a capacitive probe [13] and typically varied between 0.5 and 2.5. Gyrotron operation was optimized for the TEl6,2 mode at 146 GHz. Fig. 3. Cavity profiles and cold cavity electric fields of the short weakly-tapered (a) and short strongly-tapered (b) cavities. Power and efficiency measurements were made using a Scientech Model 372 calorimeter. Two other diagnostics, a wire-mesh Fabry-Perot interferometer and a power-calibrated single ended mixer and (yttrium-iron-garnet)YIG-tuned filter, were used to detect the sideband modes. The Fabry-Perot etalon was 5 cm in diameter using 50 linekm wire mesh. The reflectance at x140 GHz was measured [14] to be 0.966 and the resulting theoretical intensity resolution Imax/Imin "N 3.3 x lo4 or about 35 dB. Frequency measurements were made using a calibrated wavemeter at the output of the FabryPerot. The output of the etalon was sent through a calibrated attenuator to a detector diode. The attenuator setting was adjusted to maintain a constant diode voltage to minimize effects of possible diode nonlinearities. This system gave relative intensity measurements to within 3 dB and frequency measurements to within 0.1 GHz. In the mixer plus YIG filter diagnostic, the sideband modes were beat against the TE16,2 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 01:19 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 5, OCTOBER 1994 814 155 I n N I c3 W 0 a00 0 145 L 2 2 U a L G t 135 1.50 1.75 2.00 01 2.25 AYG Fig. 4. Observed (open symbols) and computed (solid symbols) frequency for the TE15.2,TE16.2, and TE17.2 modes as a function of velocity ratio for the short weakly-tapered cavity at low beam current, I b = 15 A. m -10 - -20 - 1 1 '17.2 I'l6.2 0 F-P U W L 2z primary mode in the single ended mixer and the difference .-al frequency was sent through the YIG filter. After calibration, 0 relative powers of about 45 dB were detectable. This system al -30 0 gave frequency separations to an accuracy of about 0.05 GHz. Intensity and frequency measurements from these two independent systems were generally in very good agreement. I The cavities tested in this study are characterized in Table I. -40 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 The weakly-tapered cavity is similar to the design previously (a) studied [4], except it had a slightly larger radius and employed a nonlinear rather than linear uptaper. The measured efficiency (b) as a function of beam current was very close to that of Fig. 5. Observed (open symbols) and computed (solid symbols) power the earlier cavity. The multi-mode code used to predict the relative to the TE16,2 mode as a function of velocity ratio for the short multi-mode behavior of the short weakly-tapered cavity was weakly-tapered cavity at low beam current, I b = 15 A. used to design a cavity that would not produce any spurious modes, and would yield higher efficiencies. Elimination of IV. RESULTS the sideband modes was accomplished by increasing the Sideband mode operation was studied [4] in detail for downtaper angle from the 1' of the weakly-tapered cavity to 4" for the strongly-tapered cavity. This modification had current values of 15 A and 40 A in the short weakly-tapered the effect of moving the axial location of the backward wave cavity. At the 15 A level, the agreement between the singleresonance much closer to that of the TE16,2 mode which then mode code efficiency and the short weakly-tapered cavity suppressed it. The two cavities had approximately the same experiment is good. At 40 A, the agreement is not as good, effective cavity length (L/X x 5), and approximately the same and sideband modes might be expected to be important in Q(x400). The short weakly-tapered and the short strongly- explaining the disagreement. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the tapered cavities are compared in Fig. 3. The values of L , f f are backward wave frequency and relative power for the short twice the root-mean-square (RMS) widths of the cavity electric weakly-tapered cavity at low beam current Ib = 15 A as field from cold-cavity code modeling of the respective cavities. a function of the velocity ratio, ( a ) as measured by the For the short weakly-tapered cavity, the cutoff frequencies of capacitive probe. Most of the data for this beam current was the lowest order axial modes are 138.28 GHz for the TE15,2 taken with only the Fabry-Perot interferometer. Similar data mode, 145.29 GHz for the TE16,2 mode and 152.27 GHz for for the high beam current case are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. the TE17,2 mode, approximately 7 GHz apart. Data from the Fabry-Perot and YIG-tuned filter are shown Y Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 01:19 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. GUSS et al.: INFLUENCE OF SIDEBAND OSCILLATIONS ON GYROTRON EFFICIENCY 155 875 0 3 1 1 TE17,2 h 9 -10 W I 1 1 ti 5 -20 .-aJ 4- L Q, -30 a, 3 A A A -40 135 0. 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 (a) Fig. 6 . Observed (open symbols) and computed (solid symbols) frequency for the T E ~ ~ , ~ , T Eand I ~TEli.2 . Z . modes as a function of velocity ratio for the short weakly-tapered cavity at high beam current, I b = 40 A. m -10 '17.2 "18.2 0 F-P A nG - mbory U v 0 L 2s -20 and are in good agreement. The frequency separation ( x 5 GHz) and relative powers ( Z -30 dB) are comparable for both the low and high beam current cases. The magnitude of the frequency separation is significantly smaller than the separation of the lowest order forward modes, and is one of the indicators that a backward wave mode was observed, and that a nonlinear four-wave mixing process was operative. The optimized T E I ~ efficiency ,~ as a function of beam current was measured and is shown in Fig. 8 along with the computational efficiencies. The cathode and cavity magnetic field were optimized for each current value. The present experimental results with the weakly-tapered cavity as well as our previous results [4], show efficiency decreasing at beam currents above about 20 A. The highest efficiency was observed at low current and was about 27% for ( a ) z 2.0. At the high current level, the efficiency was about 22% for ( a ) = 1.45. Similar studies were made for the short strongly-tapered cavity. A wide range of cathode and cavity magnetic fields, and ( a ) were explored to determine whether the spurious modes might be present for optimal as well as nonoptimal operating conditions. For beam current levels of 15 A and 40 A, no spurious modes were observed to the signal-to-noise limit of the diagnostics. The multimode code also indicated that only single mode emission should be present. The efficiency as a function of beam current (Fig. 8) has a behavior similar to that of the weakly-tapered cavity. With this cavity, the beam current corresponding to the peak efficiency increased from the earlier x 1 5 A to ~ 2 A.5 The largest efficiency was measured at this new low current and was 32% at ( a )= 2.5, and at high -4n .- I 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 (a) (b) Fig. 7. Observed (open symbols) and computed (solid symbols) power relative to the TE16.2 mode as a function of velocity ratio for the short weakly-tapered cavity at high beam current, I b = 40 A. current the efficiency decreased to about 27% at ( a )= 1.7 In general, the short strongly-tapered cavity had its best operation at higher velocity ratios than the short weakly-tapered cavity, which contributed to its slightly higher efficiencies. A long strongly-tapered cavity was also tested. It also showed no indication of the spurious modes to the limits of our diagnostic detectability which was consistent with the computational model. Its best operation was at velocity ratios lower than those for the short weakly-tapered cavity. The long strongly-tapered cavity has a monotonically rising efficiency with beam current as shown in Fig. 9. At a current corresponding to our previous low current (15 A), the efficiency was 30% at ( a ) = 1.4, and at high current, the highest efficiency was observed at about 39% with ( a ) = 1.3 for a peak power of 1.3 MW. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 01:19 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 5, OCTOBER 1994 876 60 m 50 40 m r-----l 5 0 0 O0 i h s m 0 U 0 o o 0 0 a . 30 U c 0 .-a, 0 0 0 O 2 U 0 0 20 Lu 8 0 10 0 n U 0 10 20 30 40 50 Beam Current (A) Fig. 8. Optimized output microwave efficiency as a function of electron beam current at a constant beam voltage v b = 80 kV for the short weakly-tapered cavity (circles) and strongly-tapered cavities (squares). Solid symbols are calculated efficiencies from the multi-mode code. v. 0 10 20 30 40 50 Beam Current (A) Fig. 9. Optimized output microwave efficiency as a function of electron beam cumnt at a constant beam voltage vb = 80 kV for the long strongly-tapered cavity. Solid symbols are calculated efficiencies from the multi-mode code. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS reduced beam quality and cavity Q, may be more important in determining the efficiency. We have developed a multi-mode, nonlinear, self-consistent A second, longer strongly-tapered cavity, was constructed theory and computer code which predicts the frequency and relative power of several sideband modes with differing az- which did produce much higher efficiency at high beam current imuthal mode numbers. Measurements of the spurious mode (Ib = 40 A). In contrast to the short cavities, the efficiency frequency and relative power in the short weakly-tapered monotonically increased as a function of beam current up to cavity at a beam current of 40 A agree well with those Ib = 40 A. We attribute this to ( a ) remaining approximately predictions. Using the multi-mode code, it was possible to constant with beam current unlike the short cavities which design a cavity which did not, to the detection limits of our showed a much larger ( a ) range. At the maximum current diagnostics, support the sideband modes, also in agreement studied, 40 A, a power of 1.3 MW was obtained for an peak . Q of this cavity was about twice with the theoretical and computational predictions. Because the efficiency of ~ 3 9 %The cavity sthght section and uptaper were the same for the short that of either of the shorter cavities and maybe responsible, weakly-tapered and strongly-taperedcavities, we conclude that in some as yet unexplained manor, for the higher efficiency. the downtaper angle determined whether the backward-wave Unfortunately, the ohmic wall loading of the longer cavity is too high for it to be CW relevant. In order to utilize a high mode can be excited and generate the forward T E I ~mode ,~ Q cavity in a CW gyrotron, operation in a higher order mode in the uptaper via the four-wave mixing process. We now compare the two short cavities, which have similar would be necessary. Q values and similar expected performance with regard to efACKNOWLEDGMENT ficiency and RF field profile. In the case of the weakly-tapered Parts of this experimental program were conducted using cavity both simulation and experiment show the presence of sideband modes, and for the strongly-tapered cavity, both the facilities at the Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, simulation and experiment show the absence of sideband Cambridge, MA. We also gratefully acknowledge helpful dismodes. The simulated efficiency for the strongly-taperedcavity cussions with T. Grimm and M. Blank and the computational is much higher than for the weakly-tapered cavity due to the assistance of W. Menninger. W. Mulligan and G . 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