Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
ISSN: 2278-9634, Vol. 8, pp 60-61
© 2014 SciPress Ltd., Switzerland
Real Dynamics of Family of Functions 
Online: 2014-05-01
for Positive 
Mohammad Sajid
College of Engineering, Qassim University
Buraidah, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Fixed points
Abstract: In this paper, the real dynamics of one parameter family of functions
  0 is investigated. It is shown that the real fixed point of 
exists only for 0    1
which is attracting and there is no real fixed point for   1. It is found that the whole real line
converges to real attracting fixed point of h ( x) for 0    1 .
The dynamics of functions in complex plane using real dynamics near to real fixed points
have been induced by many researchers. The fixed points play vital role to explore the dynamical
behavior of functions. Some related investigation can be found in [1, 3, 4]. The theory of
fixed points and dynamics or iteration of transcendental functions can be seen in [2].
A point x is said to be a fixed point of function f (x) if f (x)  x. A fixed point x 0 is called an
attracting, neutral (indifferent) or repelling if |f (x0 )|  1, |f (x0 )|  1 or |f (x0 )|  1respectively.
In this paper, we study one parameter family of function
which arises from the
generalized Bernoulli generating function, Apostol-Bernoulli generating function and
Stirling generating function. To study this family of functions, we consider
The existence of real fixed point, their nature and real dynamics of the function h  H are
investigated in the present paper.
It is shown that the function h  H has a unique real fixed point in the following theorem:
Theorem 1: Let h  H . Then, the function h ( x) has a unique real fixed point x for   1 and
no real fixed points for   1 . The fixed point x is positive if 0    1 and negative if   0.
Proof: For fixed points of h  H , h ( x  )  x  . The solution of this equation is x  ln(1   ). The
solution x  is real if   1, otherwise solution is not real if   1. Therefore, it follows that x is a
unique real fixed point for   1.Moreover, if 0    1, then x  0 since ln(1   )  0 and if  
0, then x  0 since ln(1   )  0. Thus, the real fixed point of h ( x) is positive for 0    1 and
negative for   0.
For   0 , the nature of fixed point of h ( x) is already found in [5]. In the following
theorem, the nature of fixed point of h  H , for 0    1, is determined:
Theorem 2:Let h  H . Then, the real fixed point x  of the function h ( x) is attracting for 0
 1.
Proof: Since x is a real fixed point of h ( x) , then h ( x  )  x which gives  
Using this, we have
It follows that h ( x) 1  
since x   0.Therefore, 0  h ( x )  1 since h ( x) is positive
on R+ and consequently, the real fixed point xλ of hλ(x) is attracting for 0<λ<1
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Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications Vol. 8
The dynamics of h  H on real line is explored in the following theorem:
Theorem 3: Let h  H . Then, h n ( x)  xλ for x  R, where x is an attracting fixed point of the
function h ( x) for 0    1.
Proof: Let g  ( x)  h ( x)  x for x  R, . It is easily seen that g  ( x) is continuously differentiable
for x  R, . The fixed points of h ( x) are zeros of g  ( x).
If 0    1 , by Theorem 2, it follows that h ( x) has an attracting fixed point x  . Since g  ( x )
 h ( x  )  1  0 and in a neighbourhood of x the function g  ( x) is continuous, g  ( x)  0 in some
neighbourhood of x  . Therefore, g  ( x) is decreasing in a neighbourhood of x  . By the continuity
of g  ( x), for sufficiently small   0, g  ( x)  0 in ( x    , x  ) and g  ( x)  0 in ( x  , x    ).
Since g  ( x)  0 in (, x  )  ( x  , ), it now follows that g  ( x)  0 in (, x ) and g  ( x)  0 in (
x , ) . Thus, it is seen that
By Equation (1), h ( x)  x for x  ( x , ) , h ( x) is increasing and h ( x)  0 for x  ( x , ), by
continuing forward iterations, it follows that
Therefore, the hn (x)sequence is decreasing and bounded below by x  .Hence (x)→xλ as n
 for x  ( x , ).
Next, by Equation (1), h ( x)  x for x  (0, x ) and h ( x) is increasing for x  (0, x ), by
continuing forward iterations, it shows that
It gives that the{
( x)}sequence is increasing and bounded above by x  . Hence
(x)→xλ as
n   for x  (0, x ).
Further, since h ( x) is increasing in the interval (,0) and h ( x) maps the interval (,0) into (0,
x  ) Consequently, h ( x)  x as n  for x  (,x ). Thus, (x)→ as n   for x  (, ).
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