Session II Using Prophecy to Reduce Orientation Times Wednesday, January 20th 11 PT | 12 MT | 1 CST | 2 EST The Power of Prophecy Assessments Welcome Meredith Juengel MBA Director of Rela9onship Management Anne Hackman BSN RN MPA, NE-­‐BC Senior Director, Performance Management & Insights Jody DeS9gter MS RN-­‐BC Educa9on Nurse Specialist University of Colorado Health’s Clinical Educa9on & Innova9on Center 2 Webinar Overview • How nursing assessments work • Using assessments to improve orienta9on • Best prac9ces for a smooth transi9on into customized orienta9on sessions 3 APS helps hire, develop and retain the best people MISSION To help clinicians reach their highest poten9al PRODUCTS IN BRIEF Prophecy: Nursing assessment, with personalized onboarding and placement in all nurse sub-­‐special9es REACH Currently improving outcomes in +150 health systems across the U.S. EXPERTISE • 15 clinicians, including doctors and nurses • Experts in adult learning, design and soZware development GNOSIS: Personalized assessment and e-­‐learning for clinicians in high-­‐risk areas of OB and EM 4 Prophecy: A na9onal leader in nursing assessments Deep naPonal experience… • 5 million assessments completed • Nearly 1/3 of U.S. nurses • 400 staffing agencies • Hospitals naPonwide Memorial Hermann Dignity Health OSF Healthcare Trinity Health Grady Health Mission Health …covering virtually all specialPes Covers 40 unique areas of pracPce, including: • The most common special9es (e.g., MedSurg, ICU, L&D, Emergency Services) • More specialized and unique needs, including nurse preceptor and clinical manager exams 5 The assessment evaluates skills in three areas A holis9c assessment approach designed by nurses for nurses CLINICAL Does the candidate have the technical knowledge to complete the required job tasks? SITUATIONAL How would this candidate interact with others i.e. physicians, pa9ents, families? BEHAVIORAL Does this candidate have the right personality and sensibili9es to work in this par9cular unit? 6 Generates a predic9ve score for common nurse special9es A Prophecy One Score predicts the nurse’s likelihood of success in the specific role. Combines Clinical – Situa9onal – Behavioral Assessments into one weighted percentage Now available in ICU, Med/Surg, ED, Labor & Delivery and NICU 7 Health systems have seen drama9c results to holis9c tes9ng REDUCED TURNOVER LARGE REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM 6 hospitals, ~1000 beds July 2013 -­‐ July 2015 24% 4.5% Cohort (84 nurses) Without Prophecy “It has made the onboarding process with our experienced nurses so much more streamlined and has allowed us to iden9fy areas of learning need for their unit-­‐orienta9on. This is so much bener than our paper and pencil tests!” Caitlin Nye Clinical Nurse Educator Penn Medicine 81% reduc9on TURNOVER RATE AFTER 2 YEARS STREAMLINED ONBOARDING Cohort (112 nurses) With Prophecy IMPROVED ORIENTATION COMPREHENSIVE ACADEMIC HEALTH SYSTEM Es9mated cost ORIENTATION TIME IN WEEKS savings $85K in one year 12 Without Prophecy (1/12-­‐1/14) 10 With Prophecy (5/13-­‐5/14) Med/Surg 8 Impact on orienta9on 9mes QUESTION Can 9me from employment to competent prac9ce be accelerated? INTERVENTIONS • results guided learning plans • clinical immersion • simula9on • technology based learning s Graduate RNs 9 Data that maximizes orienta9on • Length of orienta9on • Prophecy score improvement at 6 months ü Medical Surgical Clinical ü Med/Surg Behavioral ü Situa9onal Interpersonal • Casey-­‐Fink GN Experience survey at 6 and 12 months 10 Repor9ng that iden9fies areas for improvement Where are nurses scoring high and need less educa9on, and where are they scoring low requiring group or individual training? 11 Benefits of customizing orienta9on -­‐ Targeted learning content -­‐ Faster learning cycles -­‐ Shortened orienta9on length -­‐ Greater nurse sa9sfac9on/engagement -­‐ Reduced nurse educator costs 12 Results of the study INCREASED CLINICAL KNOWLEDGE SHORTENED ORIENTATION NEW HIRE CLINICAL ASSESSMENT RESULTS AVERAGE LENGTH OF PRECEPTED ORIENTATION Without With Prophecy Prophecy (1/12-­‐1/14) (5/13-­‐5/14) Orienta9on Time in Weeks -­‐ -­‐ 16 -­‐ -­‐ 13.5 -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ ICU With Without Prophecy Prophecy (1/12-­‐1/14) (5/13-­‐5/14) 12 10 Med/Surg -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ AVERAGE -­‐ CLINICAL -­‐ EXAM SCORE -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ 12% increase 75% Ini9al Assessment 84% Re-­‐Assessment (aZer 6 months) 13 Saved resources by reducing orienta9on cycle $85,085 saved by reducing dual staffing hours in first 6 months 14 Client Impact Story • 4,800 + RNs • 5 facility health system • 2008 Malcolm Baldridge Na9onal Quality Award Recipient • Magnet Facility 15 University of Colorado’s journey to assessing Established need -­‐ Inconsistencies throughout health system in assessing new employees -­‐ Time wasted interpre9ng results -­‐ Previous assessment plaworm offered stagnant results Piloted plaworm -­‐ 1 facility -­‐ Learned tool & assessments -­‐ Established process Full rollout -­‐ Health system wide -­‐ 1-­‐point person for each service lines 16 Steps to create custom orienta9on plans ü Complete assessments prior to Day 1 ü Prophecy automa9cally emails results to educator ü Educator creates orienta9on plan using Prophecy reports - Results suggest link-to-learn education modules 17 Link-­‐to-­‐Learn topics suggest educa9on resources CLINICAL score breakdown iden9fies learning opportuni9es Link-­‐to-­‐Learn provides educa9on resources 18 Best prac9ces for facility-­‐wide implementa9on ü Establish a detailed process ü Create scenario based plans - ICU • Failed Assessment = Exit Assessment • A vs. B option ü Iden9fy first adopter educators as process champions ü Solicit con9nuous feedback from Nurse Managers, preceptors & new hires ü Share successes and failures – both are helpful 19 Key Takeaways • How nursing assessments work • Using assessments to improve orienta9on • Best prac9ces for a smooth transi9on into customized orienta9on sessions 20 Ques9ons? Meredith Juengel MBA Director of Rela9onship Management (336)802-­‐1070 ext 722 21