Electrical Output

Electrical Output
Output signal N (Normal) is 3 Channels; A, B and Z. Sometimes also called S for Single or TP-Standard channels.
(TP = Totempole)
Output signal D (Differential or TP-Diffierential) is 6 channels; A, B, Z and A-inverted, B-inverted, Z-inverted.
(TP = Totempole)
The Number of Pulses Per Revolution (PPR) is always stated as actual lines (true lines or real holes) on the disk, inside the
encoder. Pulses can be multiplied by x2 or x4. (Example: 12.500 Pulses x 4 = 50.000 Counts). Depends on PLC or controller.
A, B = 1 wavelength
Rotation: Clockwise (cw) from shaftside
(inv = inverted channels)
channel A
channel A-inv
channel B
channel B-inv
Z pulses: Gated with A and B (standard)
channel Z
( channel Z-inv
Z pulses: Gated with A (Option)
channel Z
( channel Z-inv
Z pulses: Gated with B (Option)
channel Z
( channel Z-inv
Z pulses: Ungated (Option)
( channel
channel Z-inv
Zero Pulses, Gating
A Zero or Index pulse is used to assure consisten (repeatability) of data. There is one Zero pulse per revolution of the disk.
Scancon Encoders are standard with a Gated Zero Pulse (Z). The Z pulse is high when A and B pulses are high.
The Z pulse is ¼ wavelength of A and B. See Output Waveform above.
Scancon offers options for Gating:
Long Gated with A-pulse only. The Z pulse is ½ wavelength of A and B.
Add LGZA to order code if Long Gated with A-Pulse is required.
Long Gated with B-pulse only. The Z pulse is ½ wavelength of A and B.
Add LGZB to order code if Long Gated with B-Pulse is required.
Not-Gated or Ungated. The Z pulse is 1 wavelength of A and B
However, in this case Z pulse it is not related to the A pulse or B pulse. (± ½ pulse).
Add UNGZ to order code, if Ungated Z-puls is required.
Other Terms:
Other terms used with the Output Signal include: Digital Output, Incremental, Waveform, Quadrature Output, Push Pull
or Totempole. All just mean A, B, Z, and/or A-inverted, B-inverted, Z-inverted.
Push Pull: Any channel on SCANCON encoder is Push Pull. Even if Differential or Standard.
NOTE: Some controllers and PLC's, require Push Pull at 5 volts with Line Driver L. View about Line Driver further below.
Section 16 - page 1
Electrical Output
TTL means Transistor to Transistor Logic. This usually means a 5 volt encoder. SCANCON encoders are
4,5 to 30 volts and can therefore replace TTL.
HTL means High Transistor Logic. This usually means High Voltage, i.e. 12 to 30 volts. SCANCON
encoders are 4,5 to 30 volts and can therefore replace HTL
Always remember if you put XX-volt into the encoder, you get approximately the same XX-volts out.
You can always choose to only use some of the channels. For example, you can use only the inverted, A-inv +
B-inv + Z-inv. Remember to individually insulate each wire lead not in use.
Line Driver is a chip that can be added inside the encoder. (Line Driver Chip has added cost)
Line Driver OUTPUT SIGNAL is always differential (6-channels). There are two options, M or L.
Output Circuit M has the Line Driver Chip OL7272. It works from 5 to 30 volts and can be used to
increase the signal strength for transmission up to 100 meters.
Output Circuit L has the Line Driver Chip 26C31. It is RS-422A compatible at 5 volt.
V out low < 0,4 volts. NOTE: Line Driver L, ONLY uses 5 volts.
Some controllers and PLC’s can only operate with Line Driver L (for example, FANUC) Please check
with your controller or PLC manufacturer.
NPN Open Collector
SCANCON Encoders offer NPN Open Collector as an option. It can be Standard (N) or can be Differential (D).
(Cannot include Line Driver). Add the following code as Output Signal:
TP-Standard, Normal Open Collector NPN = NON
TP-Differential Open Collector NPN
An external pull-up resistor must be used. The external pull-up resistor is NOT supplied by SCANCON.
PNP Open Collector
SCANCON Encoders offer PNP Open Collector as an option. It can be Standard (N) or can be Differential (D).
(Cannot include Line Driver). Add the following code as Output Signal:
TP-Standard, Normal Open Collector PNP = NOP
TP-Differential Open collector PNP
An external pull-down resistor must be used. External pull-down resistor is NOT supplied by SCANCON.
SCANCON OUTPUT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM is diffierent from other encoder brands. This is because SCANCON
uses our own designed PCB (Printed Circuit Board). However the result of the Output Signal is all the same.
Our own PCB design secure a better and clearer out put signal.
Each channel is at Signal out *. Channel A, B, Z and A-inverted, B-inverted, Z-inverted, have their own
circuit on Scancon PCB, as shown at figure below.
See CONNECTIONS on each product for specific cable color code and/or connector pin.
+ Vcc
Signal out *
0 - Volt
Shield connected to housing
Section 16 - page 2