
 Pilsen 2015 European Capital of Culture Central European Landscape Forum 2015 Border Landscapes: PEOPLE EMOTIONS LANDSCAPE SOLUTIONS 14-­‐16 May 2015 Pilsen Czech Republic The project project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border LThe andscape Renewal of the C zech-­‐German Landscape is supported bBy order Project Goal 3 is supported Project Goal 3 the Czech R epublic -­‐ Free bSy tate of Bavaria the Czech Republic -­‐ Free State 2007-­‐2013 of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 !
Pilsen 2015 European Capital of Culture
Central European Landscape Forum 2015
Border Landscapes
“Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk”
2nd announcement, draft program (28. March 2015)
14 – 16 May 2015
Pilsen, the Czech Republic
The project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border Landscape is supported by Goal 3 the Czech Republic -­‐ the Independent State of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 The Conference Topic & Focus
PEOPLE – EMOTIONS – LANDSCAPE – SOLUTIONS is an international event reflecting a process towards the formation of sustainable societies living along national
borders. The frontier is often a sensitive place. Perceived as a barrier, the border is only a perceived barrier in our minds. Any limits we may perceive are imposed upon
human beings by fellow human beings. Being aware that we share the same water flowing down the mountains, breathing the same air around us, we, as Europeans, should
feel as free as the birds flying across the landscape. The European Capital of Culture Pilsen 2015 has triggered an opportunity to sit around the table and to set a new course
for discussing the development of the communities whilst placing the border to one side to create a landscape without the barriers. What should matter to everyone is the
quality of life in the landscape we all share and the healing potential of the landscape. This should be the future we really want. The invitation to this conference is to everyone
for whom such a notion is close to their heart and embedded in their spirit. Those who are thinking beyond constitutional limits and wish to become a part of a free, proactive
and creative society.
In 2013 the Landscape Team of Pilsen 2015, together with a variety of engaged partners, started the process by proposing the question, “What kind of activities, concepts,
ideas and projects are compatible with the sustainable development of the cultural landscape in the border areas”? The European Capital of Culture event is aimed at
contributing to the development of the Pilsen region as a whole. The Pilsen 2015 team has focused on topics for Western Bohemia that are typical and at the same time rarely
interrogated; thus, two of them now under the spotlight are the cultural landscape and land art. Through an extensive international ‘Call for Ideas’ entitled ‘Recovering
Landscape’, we have initiated the topic of revitalising life in the abandoned border regions. The landscape of the territories in the region present their own stories. Join us in
helping to heal and rejuvenate this fascinating landscape in our “Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk” conference.
The project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border Landscape is supported by Goal 3 the Czech Republic -­‐ the Independent State of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 Purpose and Structure of Conference
The burden of history, both personal and national, along the Czech and German border in the former Sudetenland has left a significant mark in the hearts and minds of people,
latter day communities and the landscape itself. The cultural landscape of this region has been devastated by a population desertification, leaving a landscape as witness to the
destruction of many friendships, families, communities, villages, churches, historic roads, roadside memorial crosses, peace stone markers, and many other intangible
landscape elements. The complexity of the challenges we face today in such a landscape is enormous; the desire to reinvest in the potential of this landscape of plenty is
stronger. Here, in the region of Western Bohemia, instead of continuing to think separately as Czechs and Germans, we are initiating a process by which we might begin to
think of ourselves as the close neighbour-nations with a history of living together for centuries, and a future that should allow us to live together in mutual friendship.
The first two conference days (14/15th May 2015) will comprise an engaging array of presentations, panel discussions, walks and opportunities for bringing new thoughts into
CROSS-BORDER COMMUNITY AND ECONOMY’, and ‘REMEMBERING THE SOUL’. Of fundamental importance and central to the event (16th May 2015) will be the
‘Opening Ceremony of Land Art Installation’ in the focus area – the village of Vyskovice near Chodova Plana. The conference, ‘PEOPLE – EMOTIONS –
LANDSCAPE – SOLUTIONS’ will be about finding potentially suitable, tailor-made opportunities and solutions for the border landscapes. By focusing on all aspects of
sustainable development, attention will be given to new recommendations in order to start living a balanced, prosperous and happy lifestyle.
Series of Landscape Forum
CIVILSCAPE is an international association of civil society organizations. These are non-governmental organisations (NGO) which dedicate their work to landscape
protection, management and planning, according to the European Landscape Convention (Florence, October 20th 2000). CIVILSCAPE is dedicated to creating an enabling
environment for civil society organizations, documenting the civil society organizations community, strengthening the infrastructure of the citizen sector, and promoting
collaboration, both among civil society organizations and between civil society organizations, political or administrative bodies and other actors, to advance the public good in
Europe and beyond.
CIVILSCAPE join forces with regional and national stakeholders to organize a number of ‘Landscape Forums’. These events gather stakeholders from trans-national regions
in order to foster the exchange about experiences and best-practices. The events fuel a European wide debate with the aim that people have a say on their landscapes. So far
there has been events in 2013: Scandinavian Landscape Forum, Benelux Landscape Forum, Balkan Landscape Forum, Landscape Forum Berlin, and in 2014:
Landscape Forum Strasbourg, Iberian Landscape Forum, and Marinescape Forum Bremen.
The project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border Landscape is supported by Goal 3 the Czech Republic -­‐ the Independent State of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 Information on Pilsen, the European Capital of Culture 2015
Pilsen is a city of industry and beer; a city on the way to the West; a city on the golden path of trade; a city of four rivers. These days it is a city that has also been granted the prestigious title of
the ‘European Capital of Culture 2015’. Openness and creativity; permanent and sustainable transformation into a respected cultural metropolis; a space for the dialogue of cultures, ethnicities
and nations; a wide-ranging engagement of citizens in the life of their home city – these are the key objectives of this project. In the year 2015, Pilsen will fully open up to cultural Europe as a
host of outstanding artists as well as being their self-confident partner, as a hidden treasure for the visitors to the city who will be able to discover its stories connected with architecture, historical
events and industrial precincts. In 2015 Pilsen will avail itself of the European Capital of Culture project as a moment of change. It will open up a unique opportunity to rethink and discuss its
own identity; it will be a chance for therapy by unrest. There is already a new feel in the city today, as the European Capital of Culture project is discussed on a daily basis in a range of contexts.
New themes are being examined, new communications and relationships established. The task of the artist is to surprise, to bring new perspective, to uncover that which is hidden. The European
Capital of Culture project can contribute to the changing view of Pilsen, not only in the year 2015 but, let us hope, also in the future. Pilsen is making significant investment in cultural
infrastructure. A new theatre building is being constructed, while a number of public spaces are being given a new face. At the same time, the European Capital of Culture project is an
inspiration for both traditional cultural institutions and new players from the ranks of non-profit organisations and civil society. New opportunities for international cooperation arise as well as
for the creation of exciting new productions, exhibitions, concerts and artistic interventions.
The Pilsen 2015 project logo contains five dots. The dots are gradually becoming joined during the preparations. This might remind you of a die; we, however, are rather building dominos. For
dominos to be fun you need to put together a lot of pieces that connect in their content and communicate with each other. Dominos shows a journey and at the same time a construction requiring
patience, a sense of anticipation and proportion, stamina and even courage at times, all rewarded by a short yet intense experience. Come and join us in watching the pieces of the programme
being put together; come and meet all those building the dominos with us and let us take you on an exciting path to an inconspicuous, yet more interesting dot on the map of Europe. We are
presenting the dots, points, routes, intersections and encounters of the programme for Pilsen, the European Capital of Culture 2015.
Chair of the conference
Ms Klára Salzmann, Pilsen 2015, Czech Republic
Expert committee of the konference
Mr Anton Robl, ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Vice-Committee Chair, Germany
Ms Pavlina Misikova, ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Program Director, Slovakia/Germany
Mr Gerhard Ermisher, CIVILSCAPE, Germany
Ms Ursula Eberhard, Bayerischer Landesverein für Heimatpflege e.V. Germany
Mr Nigel Thorne, IFLA EUROPE, International Federation of Landscape Architects ,Great Britain
Mr Till Rehwaldt, BDLA, Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten , Germany
Ms Christine Rottenbacher, Landschaftsplanung Rottenbacher, ILbA, Institute for Life-related Architecture,Austria
Organisational committee of the conference, Plzeň 2015
Mr Milan Svoboda, Pilsen 2015, Czech Republic
Ms Blanka Borůvková, Pilsen 2015, Czech Republic
Ms Radka Šámalová, Pilsen 2015, Czech Republic
The project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border Landscape is supported by Goal 3 the Czech Republic -­‐ the Independent State of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 Border Landscapes
DRAFT PROGRAM 28. 3. 2015
Central European Landscape Forum 2015
Venue: Měšťanská beseda, Kopeckého sady 13, Plzeň, the Czech Republic
Thursday, 14 May 2015
8:00 – 9:00 am
9:00 – 9:30 am
Session 1
Conference Opening
Ms Klara Salzmann, Pilsen 2015, the European Capital of Culture, Czech Republic
Welcome Speeches
Representative of Pilsen Region, Czech Republic
Representative of the Oberpfalz Region, Germany
Ms Inge Gotzmann, President of Civilscape
Partners of project
Moderator: Ms Inge Gotzmann, CIVILSCAPE
Rapporteur: Ms Monika Michaelova, Coach and Workshops Facilitator, the Czech Republic
9:30 – 9:50 am
Bridging Past and Future
Mr Gerhard Ermisher
9:50 – 10:10 am
Landscape of the abandoned villages is reviving again
Ms Miroslava Válová
NGO West Bohemia, Czech Republic
10:10 – 10:30 am
Borderland Cooperation
Seen by a Local Actor
Ms Jana Dirriglová
Mayor of Loučim, Czech Republic
10:30 – 10:50 am
Making Casts of the Borderland Footprints
Mr Peter Mikšíček
Antikomplex NGO, Czech Republic
10:50 – 11:20 am
Panel Discussion
11:20 – 12:40 pm
12:40 – 2:15 pm
Presenters and panellists:
Ms Anna Matoušková, Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic
Ms Martina Němečková, Mayor of Plana, Czech Republic
Mr Markus Ackerman, Mayor of Waldmünchen, Germany (TBC)
Session 2
Moderator: Ms Christine Rottenbacher, Landschaftsplanung Rottenbacher, ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Austria
Rapporteur: Mr Michal Fiser, Czech Chamber of Architects, Czech Republic
2:15 – 2:30 pm
2:30 – 3:00 pm
3:00 – 3:30 pm
“Recovering of the Czech-German Border Landscape”
Introduction of the project
Landscape Experience I.
Land Art Project Vyskovice, the German proposal
Ms Klara Salzmann
Pilsen2015, the European Capital of Culture, Czech Republic
Landscape Experience II.
Land Art Project Vyskovice, the Czech proposal
Ms Eva Wagnerová
, Landscape
Landscape Atelier, Czech Republic
Mr Vít Rýpar
Faculty of
Faculty of Architecture CVUT Praha, Czech Republic
3:30 – 4:00 pm
Panel Discussion
4:00 – 5:30 pm
Mr Oliver Engelmayer
Department for Public Appearances in collaboration with Irene
Burkhardt Landscape Architects Urban Planners, Germany
Presenters and panellists:
Mr Vladimír Sitta, Atelier Terragram, Czech Republic/ Australia
Ms Věra Kučová, National Heritage Institute, Czech Republic
Mr Michal Dvořák, Open Group dvořák+gogolák+grasse, Czech Republic
5:30 – 5:45 pm
5:45 – 6:45 pm
Opening of the Exhibition of the Vyskovice Project.
Ms Klara Salzmann, Pilsen 2015, the European Capital of Culture, Czech Republic
and the international teams from “Call of Ideas”. Served with a drink.
6:45 – 8:00 pm
8:00 – 11:00 pm
DINNER, venue: Kalikovský mlýn, Radčická 40, Pilsen
Friday, 15 May 2015
Session 3
Moderator: Mr Gerhard Ermisher, Civilscape
Rapporteur: Mr Laurens Bockemühl, Civilscape
9:00 – 9:20 am
Landscape for People.
Landscape in its Complexity
Mr Till Rewaldt
Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, Germany
9:20 – 9:40 am
Regional Network Economy
Strengthening Innovative Products
Mr Klemens Reif
Reif Beteiligungs-GmbH
ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Germany
9:40 – 10:00 am
What one cannot do the group can
Regional Cooperative Economy
Mr Michael Diestel
Bayerischer Bauern Verband, Germany
10:00 – 10:20 am
Case Study of the Cross-border Project Cheb/Eger Waldssasen
Two countries, one landscape
Mr Boris Redčenkov
A69 Atelier, Czech Republic
10:20 – 10:50 am
Panel Discussion
10:50 – 12:20 pm
Presenters and panellists:
Mr Anton Robl, Robl ZeitLandschaften, ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Germany
Mr Pere Sala, Catalan Landscape Observatory, Spain
Mr Karel Smutný, Former Mayor of Klenčí pod Čerchovem, Czech Republic
12:20 – 2:00 pm
Session 4
Moderator: Ms Pavlina Mišíková, ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Slovakia/ Germany
Rapporteur: Mr Dirk Gotzmann, Civilscape
2:00 – 2:20 pm
Beyond Borders
Bridging the Divide
Mr Peter Taylor
Ethos, Great Britain/ Czech Republic
Ethos, Great
2:20 – 2:40 pm
Place Meaning and Place Making
Ms Christine Rottenbacher, Austria
Landschaftsplanung Rottenbacher, ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture,
2:40 – 3:00 pm
Identification of the people with the place where they live
Mr Jan Florián
NGO MAS West Bohemia, Czech Republic
3:00 – 3:20 pm
Relationship Between the Landscape and the Human’s Soul
Emotional Horizons
Mr Kurt-Friedrich Blank
Scientific Society for Landscaping and Landscape Development
ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Germany
3:20 – 3:50 pm
Panel discussion
3:50 – 5:20 pm
Presenters and panellists:
Mr Markus Mantel, Trendsonde Netzweite Kommunikation, ILbA Institute for Life-related Architecture, Germany
Mr Alois Bohm, Mayor of Schwarzach, Germany
Ms Hana Hlubocká, Former Mayor of Modra 2010 -2014, Slovakia
5:20 – 5:40 pm
CONCLUSIONS: From Border Landscapes to Connected Landscapes
Mr Nigel Thorne, IFLA EUROPE, International Federation of Landscape Architects, Great Britain (in cooperation with rapporteurs)
Conference Closing
Ms Inge Gotzmann, President of Civilscape
Ms Klara Salzmann, Pilsen 2015, the European Capital of Culture, Czech Republic
Informal evening in the Café Papírna, Zahradní 2, Pilsen
5:40 – 6:00 pm
From 7:00 pm
Saturday, 16 May 2015
8:30 am
departure for the excursion. Meeting point: Parking Rychtářka, Truhlářská 5, Pilsen
10:30 – 12:00 am
The Organised Walk in the lost village of Vyskovice, the Pilsen Region
12:00 – 1:30 pm
Vyskovice - Opening Ceremony of Land Art Installation. Music.
1:30 pm
departure for lunch
2:00 – 4:00 pm
LUNCH in Chodovar, Chodova Plana
4:00 pm
departure for Pilsen
5:30 pm
arrival to Pilsen
Sunday, 17 May 2015
9:00 – 1:00 pm
Participation of the Civilscape Members. Venue: Kulturni dum Peklo, Pobřežní 10, Pilsen
The meeting is open to government officials, representatives of local and regional authorities, scientists, independent experts, public and private organisations and NGOs
working in the field of cross-border cooperation in the spirit of sustainable development. The number of participants is limited to 250 and the working languages are English,
Czech and German.
Registration for the conference will be open until 22 April 2015. Register here: http://www.plzen2015.cz/en/content/people-emotions-landscape-solutions.
As the number of participants is limited, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. For registration please complete the registration form and send on
samalova@plzen2015.cz. You will receive the confirmation of your registration in return.
The venue conference centre is in the historical part of Pilsen. Address: Měšťanská beseda, Kopeckého sady 13, Pilsen.
There is a registration fee of 500 CZK (20 EUR) to attend the conference. The fee includes coffee/tea during the breaks, lunches and a welcome dinner. Travel and
accommodation costs will need to be covered by the participants. A list of available hotels is provided. We encourage participants to book the hotels in their own capacity.
Conference Secretariat
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Ms Radka Šámalová, Plzeň 2015
phone: +420 774 699 396
The project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border Landscape is supported by Goal 3 the Czech Republic -­‐ the Independent State of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 Getting there
Participants have a number of options for transport connections. Pilsen lies on a junction of the international transport corridors – by air, by highway and by rail.
The recommended route is via the Czech capital, Prague. The distance between the two towns is 85 km.
List of Hotels in Pilsen
Almost all hotels are within 5 minutes (or less) walking distance to the venue. Please note: When booking, it is important to specify that you are coming for the “Landscape
Conference” (see “Password for booking” in the table). You are strongly advised to book your accommodation by 31 March 2015 at the latest. The organisers cannot
The project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border Landscape is supported by Goal 3 the Czech Republic -­‐ the Independent State of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 guarantee availability for participants after this date. The prices depend on the exchange rate. For any problems with hotel booking, please contact the organisers. Conference
participants will be given a special discount from average prices on accommodation.
Hotel WWW Contact person Email Ibis www.hotelibisplzen.cz Ms Linda Schneiderwindova H6734-­‐RD@accor.com
Angelo Hotel Pilsen vi-­‐hotels.com/angelo-­‐pilsen Ms Irena Vachovcova reservation03@angelo-­‐pilsen.cz
Hotel Central **** www.central-­‐hotel.cz
Mr Ludvik Holman holman@zkdplzen.cz
Hotel Wellness Gondola **** www.hotelgondola.cz
Ms Michaela Bihariova bihariova@lukrecius.cz
Rango *** www.rango.cz
Ms Lenka Vackova info@rango.cz
GOLDEN FISH Hotel Apartments www.gf-­‐hotel.eu
Ms Monika Kavalirova kavalirova@gf-­‐hotel.eu
U Zvonu (Apartments) www.hotel-­‐uzvonu.cz
Ms Veronika Sramkova sales@hotel-­‐uzvonu.cz
Hotel Victoria www.hotel-­‐victoria.cz
Hotel Rous www.hotelrous.cz
Restaurace a Penzion u Salzmannů www.usalzmannu.com
Coutyard by Marriott Pilsen Hotel www.marriott.com Mr Petr Jirka hotel@hotel-­‐victoria.cz
Ms Diana Fiserova Ms Katerina Jochecova info@hotelrous.cz
Mr Marek Besta info@usalzmannu.com recepce@usalzmannu.com
Ms Zuzana Vanzurova Phone no. Average price/night Distance from the centre +420 377 887 802 30 EUR 7 km +420 378 016 100 +420 731 634 800 110 EUR 0,6 km +420 602 344 846 40 EUR 0 km Landscape Conference +420 377 994 215 +420 736 612 122 80 EUR 0,25 km Landscape Conference +420 377 221 188 60 EUR 0 km Landscape Conference +420 373 725 555 70 EUR 4 km Landscape Conference +420 378 011 843 130 EUR 0 km Landscape Conference +420 377 221 010 +420 777 329 399 60 EUR 2 km Landscape Conference +420 602 350 294 80 EUR 0 km Landscape Conference +420 377 235 476 30 EUR 0 km Landscape Conference +420 373 370 100 60 EUR 0,25 km Password for booking Landscape Conference Krajinarsky Projekt 1
see note for the reservation link please, log in via the reservation link in notes under the table 1
The project Renewal of the Czech-­‐German Border Landscape is supported by Goal 3 the Czech Republic -­‐ the Independent State of Bavaria 2007-­‐2013 