Sutherland Shire Council Advertising Sutherland Shire Environmental Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification Specification 2007 Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification 2007 Date in effect: 3/09/2007 Sutherland Shire Council This specification is constructed as follows; 1. Introduction 3 2. Submission Requirements 3 2.1 “A” Frame Advertising Boards and Shopfront Displays 3 2.2 Advertising Structures and Signs 3 3. 4. Requirements and Controls for Advertising 4 3.1 Advertising on Bus Shelters 4 3.2 “A” Frame Advertising Boards and Shopfront Displays 6 3.3 Sign Location 6 3.4 Shopfront Displays 7 Administrative Requirements Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification Date in Effect 3/09/2007 7 -2- Sutherland Shire Council 1. Introduction This Environmental Specification contains detailed requirements relating to Advertising. This specification should be read in conjunction with Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2006 and Sutherland Shire Development Control Plan 2006 Chapter 10 - Advertising. 2. Submission Requirements Advertising signage can be exempted from the requirement for a development application if it complies with the provisions of Exempt Development in Schedule 2 of SSLEP2006. If a development application is required, the following information should be included. 2.1 “A” Frame Advertising Boards and Shopfront Displays The development application shall include a scale drawing showing: • • • • • • • The kerb line of the street in relationship to the shop and/ or property boundary. Details of the shopfront including access points and windows. Any existing street furniture, signs, landscaping, seating, lighting or other fixed items. The nature and materials of the footpath surfaces. The location and dimensions of the “A” frame sign or the shopfront display. Elevations of the ‘A’ frame sign showing dimensions, materials, graphics and colours. A photograph of the shop or building frontage showing all existing signage. 2.2 Advertising Structures and Signs The development application shall include: • • • • • Plans, elevations and sections, fully dimensioned and to scale, including the type of materials proposed to be used A written assessment of the proposal showing how it meets the objectives of SSDCP2006 and the requirements of this Specification A detailed site plan showing the proposed location of the advertising signs A full survey plan where applicable Shadow diagrams where applicable Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification Date in Effect 3/09/2007 -3- Sutherland Shire Council 3. Requirements and Controls for Advertising 3.1 Advertising on Bus Shelters Bus shelters and seats are designed and constructed by Council. Bus shelters and seats have designated advertising panels where advertising signs are permitted by arrangement. Advertising on bus shelters or seats is only allowed within existing business or industrial zones. However, advertising on bus shelters and seats in other zones will be considered where it can be demonstrated that it will not adversely affect the amenity of the area. In considering the amenity of the area, Council shall have regard to: • The level of traffic on adjacent road network. • Surrounding land uses. • The streetscape, nature and character of the area. Advertising of a site specific product/business (e.g. Sutherland Nursery) on bus shelters or seats shall be located within the relevant business/industrial area only. For example, Sutherland Nursery would not be permitted to advertise within Caringbah Shopping Centre. Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification Date in Effect 3/09/2007 -4- Sutherland Shire Council The illustrations below show a typical bus shelter and the location of the advertising panel. Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification Date in Effect 3/09/2007 -5- Sutherland Shire Council 3.2 “A” Frame Advertising Boards and Shopfront Displays The location of ‘A’ frame advertisements is based on the width of the footpath, the need to provide an unimpeded corridor for safe pedestrian movement and the parking and traffic situation adjacent to the kerb line. The diagrams will guide the location of the ‘A’ frame signs. ‘A’ frames and shop front displays may be constructed either of metal or timber provided that they comply with AS1170. Shop front displays must be solid frontage with a return to the shop front to assist vision impaired persons. The advertising and display signs shall only be located on the footpath adjacent to the premises during the approved hours of operation of the business. If not stated they shall be between 7.00am and 10.00pm. 3.3 Sign Location F. Cronulla Plaza (or other fully pedestrianised streets). A Frame A Frame Shop Shop Kiosk Shop Shop A Frame A Frame Shop 'A' Frame zone 3.0m from shop front/0.6 wide Shop 3.0 min A Frame 3.0 min Shop A Frame Plan Normal Awning Line Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification Date in Effect 3/09/2007 Normal Awning Line -6- Sutherland Shire Council 3.4 Shopfront Displays 0m m 90 60 0m m E le v a tio n 1200 max S ig n T y p e A 'A ' F ra m e s ig n S o lid fro n t to c o u n te r o r ta b le . E le v a tio n 750 max 3000 m ax S h o p fro n t T o p o f c o u n te r a s d is p la y a re a P la n S o lid fro n t 300 min 1400 max S h o p fro n t D is p la y s T y p e C E le v a tio n 3000 m ax 750 max S h o p fro n t P la n C lo th in g D is p la y s T y p e E 4. Administrative Requirements All ‘A’ frames and shopfront displays must have a Council sticker indicating the approval of the item. The applicant/owner will be required to provide indemnification and insurances to the satisfaction of Council. Sutherland Shire Environmental Specification Date in Effect 3/09/2007 -7-