> REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 A Capacitor Charge Pump DC-DC Converter for Physics Instrumentation Peter Denes, Member, IEEE, Robert Ely, Maurice Garcia-Sciveres, Abstract—We have prototyped a switched capacitor DC-DC converter aimed at powering low voltage integrated circuits in particle physics instrumentation. The ideal output current is 4 times the input current. The prototype was built using a CMOS integrated circuit containing all switches and switch driver circuitry, with external capacitors and clocks. We present measurements of performance with and without irradiation. Index Terms—DC-DC converter, switched capacitor, charge pump, high voltage CMOS, LDMOSFET. I. INTRODUCTION T HE silicon tracking detectors of the ATLAS [1] and CMS [2] experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [3] incur a performance penalty due to power distribution to the on-detector electronics. The performance degradation is due to the mass of the conductors needed to carry the large operating current with acceptable voltage drop [4]. The impact of this added mass is felt by the calorimeters at large radius in addition to the tracking detectors. Future silicon detectors will necessarily use lower voltage electronics, thus aggravating the problem, which can be characterized by the power distribution efficiency. Already for the present ATLAS pixel detector [5] the power distribution efficiency is just over 20%. The well known solution to this problem, to distribute power at higher voltage, will be a requirement for future silicon detectors. This paper explores a possible implementation of higher voltage distribution based on switched capacitor DC-DC converters. To be compatible with silicon detectors at the LHC, a DCDC converter must be radiation tolerant, low mass, and must operate in a magnetic field of up to 4T. Whereas commercial DC-DC converters for power applications are inductive because higher efficiency can be achieved, this advantage is eliminated in a strong magnetic field where ferrites saturate and only air core inductors can be used. We therefore chose to explore the potential of capacitors, which are naturally compatible with magnetic fields and benefit from an industrial Manuscript received April ??, 2008. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Contract Nos. DE-AC0205CH11231. All authors are with the E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA (corresponding author e-mail: MGarciaSciveres@lbl.gov). trend of increasing stored energy density (and therefore decreasing mass), while air core inductors are at the physical limit. Radiation tolerance is a potential issue for the switch technology used. II. DESIGN The use of switched capacitors for DC-DC conversion has been known for over a century [6]. Different capacitor configurations are possible for a given conversion ratio, offering trade-offs between number of capacitors and switches, theoretical efficiency limit, and switch voltage specifications [7]. We chose to prototype a divide-by-4 “stack” configuration because it is simple to analyze, compact, and tests a range of conditions for the switches. The basic circuit uses 3 “flying” capacitors plus input and output capacitors, as shown in Fig. 1. A total of 10 switches are needed, 7 of which must hold off a voltage higher than the output, ranging up to the full input voltage. A 0.35µm feature size CMOS process with lateral diffusion MOSFET transistors as well as substrate-isolated devices was chosen to implement all the switches on a single Phase A + Vd + 1 + + 2 3 4 + Load Phase B Vd 5 + 6 + 8 7 + 9 + + 10 Load Fig. 1. Diagram of divide-by-4 stack capacitor configuration shown in the two alternating phases. The numbered solid circles represent closed switches. All the switches closed in Phase A are open in Phase B and viceversa. TABLE I SWITCH PROPERTIES Switch Type 1 2,3,4 5-10 LDPMOS I-NMOS LDNMOS Max. Vds (V) 50 3.3 50 W/L (cm/um) 11.2 / 1.0 2.4 / 0.35 5.0 / 0.5 Layout area (mm2) 1.34 0.18 0.66 Nominal on resistance (Ω) 0.33±.05 0.25±.04 0.42±.08 In all cases the maximum Vgs is 3.3V. I-NMOS stands for substrate-isolated NOMS. The rated isolation is up to 50V. > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < integrated circuit (IC). The characteristics of the switches used are summarized in Table I. While the switches and driver circuits were implemented as a single IC, all the capacitors were discrete. Although the charge-in-series, discharge-in-parallel approach is conceptually simple, it imposes certain constraints on the design. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the IC. The series switches consist of an entrance PMOS, followed by 3 NMOS transistors. As the entrance PMOS sees the full input voltage at startup (when all of the capacitors are discharged) this must be a high voltage device. The series NMOS, however, can be low voltage devices. Conversely, the parallel NMOS switches generally have drain-source voltages greater than those allowed for low voltage devices, and thus must be high voltage devices. 2 and that requires generation of intermediate VDDLV supply rails relative to the sources of the switching NMOS transistors. These intermediate voltages are developed by the blocks labeled “∆V = VDD” in Figure 2, and the voltage difference (relative to the NMOS source) is stored on external capacitors. For the ideal case of linear (dis)charging of all capacitors and perfect current efficiency, every switch conducts, when closed, a constant current equal to half the output current, IO/2 (for this particular topology). Since any switch is only closed in one phase (i.e. half of the time), the average power dissipated in any given switch is ½(IO/2)2R and so the total power loss is ⅛IO2ΣR. From this it follows that the expected output resistance in the limit of ideal operation is ⅛ΣR, or in this case 0.45±.08 Ω (from Table I, assuming the all errors are 100% correlated). VIN A ∆V = VDD ∆V = VDD Ro x4 A Rs out L ∆V = VDD V in ∆V = VDD Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit for prototype device (dashed box) and test setup. ∆V = VDD III. PROTOTYPE TEST RESULTS Load CHG I/O Pad DIS Level Shift Gate Driver Bulk Driver Fig. 2. Circuit schematic of the DC-DC converter IC. Three principal modules had to be developed for this circuit: the switch drivers, their power supplies, and a lowpower level shifter. In this circuit, the voltage swings on the charge-storing capacitors illustrated in Figure 1 can be much more than VDDLV, the low voltage supply value for the process. Consider the NMOS switch following the entrance PMOS switch: in the charging (CHG) phase, its drain and source voltages are (nominally) VIN – VOUT. In the discharging phase (DIS), its “drain” voltage is ground, whereas its “source” voltage is VOUT, i.e. drain and source swap terminals between the two phases. The NMOS bulk must therefore be actively driven in order to avoid drain-bulk breakdown. In driving the high-capacitance nodes represented by the switches, both analog (op amps or op amp comparator combinations) and digital (inverter chains) techniques are commonly used. For this circuit, inverter chains were selected, A prototype board was prepared using 0402 package size capacitors for all except the input and output, which were 0603. The values used were 1µF for the input and the flying capacitors, and 10µF for the output. The equivalent circuit for the DC-DC converter and test setup are shown in Fig. 3. The converter is modeled as a perfect x4 converter plus output and shunt resistances to be determined experimentally. For the perfect converter the output current is exactly 4x the input current and the output voltage is exactly ¼ the input voltage. The output resistance was determined by measuring the load current IO, vs. the supply voltage, VDD, for different loads and at different frequencies. The device was always operated with a constant clock of 50% duty cycle. The shunt resistance has no effect on the output resistance measurement. The VDD, IO data for 1.5µs clock period, as well as the best fit VDD/IO slopes vs. load for 1.5, 3.1, and 4.5µs period are shown in Fig. 4. The output resistances (from the intercept of the VDD/IO slope vs. load) are summarized in Table II. The shunt resistance was determined by fitting 4IDD-IO vs. the voltage at the ideal converter output (equal to VDD/4) for different load resistors, where IDD is the input current. The data for 1.5us clock period is shown in Fig. 5. There is reasonable agreement for loads greater than 2.7Ω. For the 2.7Ω load there is clearly additional shunt current in the device, which is thought to arise from overheating. A fancooled heat sink was used, but nevertheless over-heating is suspected because the chip is not thinned and is mounted on a > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < Fig. 4: Results of output resistance measurement. The slope of each of the lines on the left panel is shown as a function of load on the right panel (plus symbols). The two other lines on the right plot show the results for 3.1 and 4.5µs period. In each case the points fit a line of unit slope. The zero load intercept of this line gives the output resistance. printed circuit board. Note that the heating seems to affect the substrate isolation, but not the switch resistance (since the output resistance shows no effect). The shunt resistance values determined from the average slope, ignoring the 2.7Ω load, are also summarized in Table II. The circuit was simulated with SPICE using the vendor supplied transistor models. The Output and Shunt resistances were determined from simulation currents and voltages in the same way as for data. The simulation results are given along side the measurement results in Table II. 3 The prototype boards were designed with a compact footprint using small package external components in order to estimate the mass one can expect for such devices. A board footprint of 1.5 x 1.5 cm2 was achieved, housing the prototype IC plus 11 surface mount capacitors needed for operation (several auxiliary capacitors are needed for the gate and bulk drivers). The calculated radiation thickness of this package (averaging the material over the footprint) is 0.33% of a radiation length (RL), of which 65% is due to capacitors and solder. A useful figure of merit is the radiation thickness times unit area output resistance (RO), which in this case is RO = 0.9 %RL.Ω.cm2 (at 0 dose and 2µs period). This allows one to easily assess the “material penalty” to use these devices in the active region of a particle detector of given load resistance times unit area (RA). For example, each layer of the present ATLAS pixel detector has RA ~ 8 Ω.cm2, so the material penalty to use our prototype DC-DC converters with ~70% efficiency would be 3RO/RA = 0.34%RL per layer (output resistance of 1/3 the load resistance yields 75% voltage efficiency). The present ATLAS silicon strip tracker layers [8], on the other hand, have RA ~ 160 Ω.cm2, so 3RO/RA = 0.02%RL. TABLE II MEASUREMENT AND SPICE SIMULATION RESULTS Clock period (µs) 1.5 3.1 4.5 . Output resistance (Ω) Shunt resistance (Ω) Measurement Simulation Measurement Simulation 1.13 1.55 2.03 0.64 0.81 1.00 55 105 134 55 104 125 IV. IRRADIATION AND MASS One device was continually operated while exposed to 40KeV x-rays at an approximate dose rate of 2MRad/hr. The exposure was done in 3 runs of 10MRad each with measurements of shunt and output resistances in between. Figure 5 shows the relative change of the resistances with dose. All measurements were done with 2µs clock, 7Ω load, and input voltages between 7 and 12V. The markedly different behavior of the shunt and output resistances is not unexpected. The output resistance is simply given by the switch on resistance and is not affected by threshold shifts due to gate oxide charging, since switches are turned fully on or fully off. It is reasonable to expect that the on resistance of the LDMOSFETs might degrade linearly with dose, as observed. In contrast, shunt current to ground is due to support circuitry (gate and bulk drivers and bias generators), which were not implemented using any special provisions to make them radiation tolerant. Threshold shifts of the transistors in these analog circuits will lead to degraded performance and non-uniform behavior. This is just what we observe as indicated by the large “error” bars, which do not indicate any statistical uncertainty, but rather the variation with input voltage of the values obtained. Fig. 5. Change in output and shunt resistances with ionizing radiation dose. The error bars indicate the variation with input voltage (RMS), not any statistical uncertainty. V. CONCLUSIONS A proof of principle prototype device has been tested to demonstrate the feasibility of custom-made switched capacitor DC-DC converters for power distribution in particle physics instrumentation. Further development would be needed to turn this prototype into a production device, including re-design of the control circuitry for radiation hardness, selection of capacitor topology and packaging to optimize the radiation thickness times unit area output resistance figure of merit (RO), and system testing with the target load devices to determine operating frequency and output noise requirements. For not very high power density applications such as silicon strip detectors the prototype performance is already adequate in terms of material penalty. However, for high power density pixel detectors the material penalty appears too severe. Even if zero-dose RO can by halved by topology and packaging optimization (this seems achievable since we have not used the > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < lowest output resistance topology or the smallest available package for auxiliary capacitors), one must design for “end of life” RO taking into account output resistance degradation. Therefore, we conclude that a substantially better (lower specific output resistance) switch technology is needed in order to achieve adequate performance for pixel detector applications. We have not addressed here questions of output ripple, noise spectrum, and EMI, as these are system specific. The output ripple is well understood function of the capacitor values and operating frequency. Noise spectrum and EMI will depend on board layout, shielding, etc., and one needs to understand the requirements of the load device before trying to optimize them. If needed, it is possible to add a low dropout linear regulator to the output, which will introduce an efficiency penalty that can be absorbed into the RO figure of merit. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank CERN for the use of the x-ray irradiation facility. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] URL: http://atlas.ch URL: http://cms.cern.ch URL: http://www.cern.ch/public/en/LHC/LHC-en.html M. Garcia-Sciveres, “Power distribution, cabling and other reliability issues”, in proceedings of “16th International Workshop on Vertex detectors”, PoS(Vertex 2007)008. A. Korn [ATLAS Pixel Collaboration], “Overview And Status Of The Atlas Pixel Detector,” Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 172, 67 (2007) N. Tesla, “Method and Apparatus of Electrical Power Conversion and Distribution,” U.S. patent No.462418, New York, 1892. D. Makowski & D. Maksimovic, “Performance limits of switched capacitor DC-DC converters,” IEEE PESC, 1995 Record, pp. 12151221. Z. Dolezal [ATLAS SCT Collaboration], “The ATLAS semiconductor tracker: Design and status of construction,” Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 150, 128 (2006). 4