WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC - Industry Online Support

WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC
How to Draw an Ellipse Segment
How to Draw an Ellipse Segment
The ellipse segment is a closed object that can be filled with a color or pattern. The height and
width of an ellipse segment can be modified as desired to allow it to be aligned horizontally or
vertically. An ellipse segment is by default a quarter ellipse and can be configured after it has
been created.
Drawing an ellipse segment
Open the picture in which you want to insert a ellipse segment.
Click the "Ellipse segment" standard object in the "Standard" selection window.
Place the mouse pointer at the position in the picture where you wish to position the center point of
the ellipse segment.
The mouse pointer changes into a crosshair with an object symbol attached.
Hold down the mouse button and drag the ellipse segment to the size and direction you want.
When you release the mouse button, the ellipse segment insertion is finished.
The start and end points of the ellipse segment are shown by small gray squares. Position the mouse
pointer over one of these squares.
The mouse pointer changes to a crosshair with arrow points with either an A (start angle) or E (end
angle) above it.
Drag the start or end point to the desired position while holding down the mouse button.
This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at:
WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC
How to Draw an Ellipse Segment
Alternatively, you can double-click the ellipse segment in the "Standard" selection window. An
ellipse segment with default object properties is then inserted near the picture origin.
If you hold down the <SHIFT> key while drawing, the "Ellipse Segment" object is created in the
shape of a pie segment.
Changing an ellipse segment
Select an object of the ellipse segment type if you wish to carry out one of the following changes:
Rectangle surrounding the object
Drag the rectangle surrounding the object to the new position in order to arrange the object in
the picture.
Drag the selection marks for the rectangle surrounding the object to a new position in order to
resize the object.
Palettes and toolbars
Use the elements in the object palette to mirror or rotate the object.
Use the font palette to change the line color.
Use the color palette to change the background color.
Use the elements of the style palette to change the display style for the object.
Open the "Object Properties" window to change the current values of the required attributes.
Adjusting the size of the ellipse segment
The length of the ellipse segment is set by the "Start Angle" and "End Angle" attributes. They
specify the angle in degrees by which the start and end angle of the object deviate from the
zero position (0°).
The start and end points of the ellipse segment are shown by small gray squares. Place the
mouse pointer on one of these squares. The mouse pointer changes to a crosshair with arrow
points with either an A (start angle) or E (end angle) above it. Drag the start or end point to the
desired position while holding down the mouse button.
Even if the values of the start and end angle are identical, an ellipse segment does not turn
into a closed ellipse.
See also
→ Basic Static Operations
→ Basic Dynamic Operations
→ The Properties of an Object
→ Working with Standard Objects
This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at: