Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Analogous Tasks and the Common Core Dr. Roger Fischer Project Facilitator Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks Montana State University October 16, 2015 Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples O VERVIEW Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion M Y B ACKGROUND I B.A. Mathematics: Teaching Secondary I I I I 2004, Central Washington University M.A.T. Mathematics Teaching 2007, Central Washington University Ph.D. Mathematics: Mathematics Education Concentration I 2014, Montana State University I Two years teaching middle school mathematics I One year teaching developmental math to undergraduates I Eight years teaching college level mathematics content and pedagogy I Currently in my second year of teaching developmental math to undergraduates Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples A NALOGOUS TASKS AND M ATHEMATICAL P RACTICES I MP.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Mathematically proficient students start by explaining the meaning of a problem and look for entry points to its solution. . . they consider analogous problems, and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution. I Introduce yourself to someone next to you. I Discuss with this person what an “analogous problem” might be. Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion E XAMPLE PROBLEM Warm Up: Write the following expression in simplest form. Then suggest some difficulties students may encounter as they work. 2y2 − 4y y2 − 2y − 3 · 2y2 − 2 y2 − 5y + 6 Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples E VIL F ORCES One particularly robust misconception students have is centered on the idea of “cancelling.” Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion E XAMPLE OF AN A NALOGOUS TASK Simplify the following expressions. Try to find two different approaches. 12 + 8 12 5 + 40 5 What are some advantages and disadvantages of each approach? 12 + 6 24 + 18 Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A NALOGOUS TASK S EQUENCING Write each of the following expressions so that the numerator and denominator have no common factors. 12x + 8 12 5a + 40 5 3m2 + 3m 6m2 + 9m Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A NALOGOUS TASK S EQUENCING Write each of the following expressions so that the numerator and denominator have no common factors. x2 − 25 x2 − 10x + 25 4a2 3a − 6 · 2 3a − 12a + 12 2a 3a3 + 3 6a2 − 6a + 6 Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples ATTENDING TO P RECISION I I I a =1 a This fact underlies our strategy for writing rational expressions in simplest form. For all non-zero a, Without consistent use of precise vocabulary, “remove factors of one” becomes “cross out things that are the same.” Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples A NOTHER C OMMON M ISCONCEPTION Everyone’s favorite “identity:” (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 Why is this misconception so robust? Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples A NALOGOUS TASK Let’s use a word problem and particular numbers to analyze the structure of the square of a binomial expression. Chuck Norris has a vegetable garden that measures 4 feet long and 4 feet wide. One day, Steven Seagal makes fun of how small Chuck’s garden is. After Chuck stares at Steven until he explodes, Chuck adds three feet to both the length and the width. Draw a picture of Chuck’s old garden, the new one, and find the area of each. Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples A NALOGOUS TASK Let’s use a word problem and introduce a variable to further analyze the structure of the square of a binomial expression. Chuck Norris has a vegetable garden that measures x feet long and x feet wide. One day, Steven Seagal makes fun of how small Chuck’s garden is. After Chuck stares at Steven until he explodes, Chuck adds three feet to both the length and the width. Draw a picture of Chuck’s old garden, the new one, and find an expression that represents the area of each. Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples A NALOGOUS TASK Let’s use a word problem and introduce another variable to further analyze the structure of the square of a binomial expression. Chuck Norris has a vegetable garden that measures x feet long and x feet wide. One day, Steven Seagal makes fun of how small Chuck’s garden is. After Chuck stares at Steven until he explodes, Chuck adds y feet to both the length and the width. Draw a picture of Chuck’s old garden, the new one, and find an expression that represents the area of each. Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples A NALOGOUS TASK Let’s use a word problem and introduce another variable to further analyze the structure of the square of a binomial expression. Chuck Norris has a vegetable garden that measures x feet long and y feet wide. One day, Steven Seagal makes fun of how small Chuck’s garden is. After Chuck stares at Steven until he explodes, Chuck adds a feet to the length and b feet to the width. Draw a picture of Chuck’s old garden, the new one, and find an expression that represents the area of each. Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A N INVITATION If you found this presentation to be useful and would like to learn more about using analogous tasks in your classroom, you can join the Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks family! I You can get paid to attend professional development sessions much like this one! Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A N INVITATION If you found this presentation to be useful and would like to learn more about using analogous tasks in your classroom, you can join the Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks family! I You can get paid to attend professional development sessions much like this one! I You can attend online sessions or face to face sessions Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A N INVITATION If you found this presentation to be useful and would like to learn more about using analogous tasks in your classroom, you can join the Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks family! I You can get paid to attend professional development sessions much like this one! I You can attend online sessions or face to face sessions I You can earn OPI renewal credits. Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A N INVITATION If you found this presentation to be useful and would like to learn more about using analogous tasks in your classroom, you can join the Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks family! I You can get paid to attend professional development sessions much like this one! I You can attend online sessions or face to face sessions I You can earn OPI renewal credits. I You can even get a tuition reimbursement for a 3 credit graduate level course. Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A N INVITATION If you found this presentation to be useful and would like to learn more about using analogous tasks in your classroom, you can join the Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks family! I You can get paid to attend professional development sessions much like this one! I You can attend online sessions or face to face sessions I You can earn OPI renewal credits. I You can even get a tuition reimbursement for a 3 credit graduate level course. I You can get paid to present your analogous tasks to the rest of the EMAT team. Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A N INVITATION If you found this presentation to be useful and would like to learn more about using analogous tasks in your classroom, you can join the Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks family! I You can get paid to attend professional development sessions much like this one! I You can attend online sessions or face to face sessions I You can earn OPI renewal credits. I You can even get a tuition reimbursement for a 3 credit graduate level course. I You can get paid to present your analogous tasks to the rest of the EMAT team. I Interested? Please provide your contact information on the sheet being passed around. Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion A N INVITATION If you found this presentation to be useful and would like to learn more about using analogous tasks in your classroom, you can join the Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks family! I You can get paid to attend professional development sessions much like this one! I You can attend online sessions or face to face sessions I You can earn OPI renewal credits. I You can even get a tuition reimbursement for a 3 credit graduate level course. I You can get paid to present your analogous tasks to the rest of the EMAT team. I Interested? Please provide your contact information on the sheet being passed around. I Please take a flyer and contact us with any questions. Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples C ONCLUSION I Choose a replacement value of the variable to turn an intricate algebraic expression into a more concrete analogous task Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples C ONCLUSION I I Choose a replacement value of the variable to turn an intricate algebraic expression into a more concrete analogous task ATTEND TO PRECISION! Conclusion Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples Conclusion C ONCLUSION I I Choose a replacement value of the variable to turn an intricate algebraic expression into a more concrete analogous task ATTEND TO PRECISION! I I Students can learn to use precise vocabulary. It begins with you modeling it in the classroom! Robust misconceptions will require long-term and consistent efforts to overcome. Don’t be discouraged! Introduction Evil Forces Role of Analogous Tasks and Examples T HANKS FOR COMING ! Dr. Roger Fischer Project Facilitator Exploring Mathematics with Analogous Tasks Montana State University 118 Reid Hall Bozeman, MT 59717 Conclusion