MEMO To: Planning Commission From: Paul Rayl, Planning Manager Date: February 18, 2016 Subject: Indian Peaks Filing No. 2, Replat B – Sketch Plan Review Applicant/Owner: McStain Neighborhoods, Applicant / Peregrine Park LLC, Owner Location: North of and adjacent to Baseline Road between U.S. 287 and 95th Street Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential Current Zoning: R1/PUD – (Medium Density Residential/Planned Unit Development) Total Area: 3.55 acres Vicinity Map BACKGROUND The subject property is currently platted as Tract 1 of Indian Peaks Filing No.2, recorded in 1992. It is located at the far southeast corner of Filing No. 2 next to Baseline Road. It is bordered on the east by the Domenico property, on the north by IP Filing No. 2, and Baseline Road on the south. The property is zoned R1/PUD (Medium Density Residential/Planned Unit Development) and is part of Parcel O of the Indian Peaks Official Development Plan, approved by the City in 1991. The applicant is seeking to develop a 20-lot single-family subdivision with product similar to the cottage homes developed at the southwest corner of 95th Street and Baseline Road (Indian Peaks Filing No. 17). Prior Agreements: An overall Development Agreement for the Indian Peaks golf course planned community was recorded in September 1990. In March 1991, the Planning Commission approved the “Official Development Plan” (ODP) for Indian Peaks. The ODP sets forth uses and residential densities within the development. The ODP identifies the subject property as a part of Parcel O. Parcel O was identified for single-family detached dwellings at a gross density of 4 dwelling units per acre. Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 subdivision and PUD, a part of Parcel O, was approved by the City in 1992.. Public Notification and Comment: Per the requirements of Section 26-16-3(c) of the Municipal Code, a neighborhood meeting was held on November 30, 2015. A copy of the sign-in sheet and comments from attendees are attached to this report. It appears there were approximately 13 people in attendance. The comments from the meeting attendees primarily focused on impacts of construction to wildlife and that the density is too high for this parcel. Per the public notification requirements, letters to property owners within 750 feet of the subject property have been mailed, a public notice has been advertised in the Colorado Hometown News, and public hearing signs have been posted on the property. To date, staff has received one (1) comment, attached to this report, from adjacent property owner(s). The comment was primarily related to the character of the development being out of step with the rest of Indian Peaks Filing No. 2. Procedure: The Planning Commission may approve the sketch plan as submitted, approve with conditions or deny the sketch plan based upon applicable code criteria. If the Planning Commission approves this sketch plan application, the applicant may proceed with preparing and submitting preliminary plans. Sketch plan approvals are valid for two (2) years. The Planning Commission will review any preliminary plan once it is submitted. Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 2 Sketch Plan Review SKETCH PLAN REVIEW General: The purpose of the sketch plan is to allow a review of the concept and the appropriateness of the proposed development in order to identify major problems which must be resolved and to assess the overall feasibility of the request. Approval of the sketch plan does not bind the Planning Commission to approve a preliminary plan, nor does it confer any vested rights upon the applicant. The applicant has submitted a sketch plan for a 20-lot single-family residential development on approximately 3.55 acres located on the north side of Baseline Road between Highway 287 and 95th Street. This is a gross density of 5.64 dwelling units per acre. The Comprehnesive Plan Land Use designation for the subject property is ‘Medium Density Residential’ which is appropriate for residential development up to six (6) dwelling units per acre. The sketch plan also includes a proposed new public street connection to Baseline Road which would align with Gold Hill Drive on the south side of the Baseline; a detention/water quality pond along the eastern boundary of the subdivision; 1.76 acres of open area; a possible pedestrian connection to Indian Peaks Trail; a 6-foot wide pedestrian trail along the northern boundary of the property connecting to Baseline Road; and a proposal to pipe the Davidson Highline ditch which runs along the northern boundary of the site. PUD (Planned Unit Development): A PUD is required for all residential development that does not qualify as a minor subdivision. The intent of the PUD requirement is to promote the most beneficial and creative development of the land. A PUD permits greater flexibility in design by having the effect of overlaying the existing zoning district and thereby adding to Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 3 Sketch Plan Review and modifying the existing zoning regulations. A PUD may modify any measurable standard of Lafayette’s Development and Zoning Code, except those specified in Section 26-18. The sketch plan includes a number of PUD modifications for the project. These modifications are listed below with an analysis of each to follow: • • • • • • Proposed PUD Modifications A reduced front yard setback from 25 feet to 5 feet; A reduced rear yard setback from 20 feet to 12 feet for the dwelling unit & 6 feet to a porch; A reduced setback to Baseline Road from 45 feet to 42 feet; A reduction in the required separation between buildings from 15 feet to 10 feet; An increase in lot coverage from 30% to 50%; A reduction in the minimum lot size from 7,000 square feet to 2,379 square feet; The proposed Code modifications for Tract 1 have been utilized in Indian Peaks Filing No. 17 at the southwest corner of Baseline Road and 95th Street. The Code modifications to setbacks and lot coverage allowed the development of a cottage style home with a smaller overall footprint. The proposed Code modifications for Tract 1 would allow a similar style of small lot, cottage style single-family homes next to Baseline Road. While it is too early in the process for staff to conduct a detailed analysis of the requested modifications, the modifications as requested do allow for flexibility in the development of the property. In order to allow staff more information for a detailed analysis, detailed architectural plans will need to be submitted with the Site Plan/Architectural review application. Staff recommends the Site Plan/Architectural Review be submitted with the Preliminary Plan in order to give staff the opportunity to review how the modifications would affect the overall development and be able to present the Planning Commission with a detailed analysis of each request. However, with the information provided in the Sketch Plan, staff does have concerns with some of the requested Code modifications. These concerns are outlined below. The sketch plan includes possible modifications to the front and rear setbacks. Information provided on the sketch plan indicates the front setback of the lots would be to the 20’ wide drives labeled as Drive A, B, & C. These drives are proposed to be dedicated as public streets and would provide access to the garage. The ‘front’ setback would then be measured to the garage face and is proposed to be 5 feet. This setback is similar to other developments with alley-loaded product, the difference in this case is that the front door of the home would not be facing a public street but instead a small open area. The ‘rear’ setback is from the front door to the property line opposite the public street or ‘drive’. This setback is proposed to be 12 feet to the building and 6 feet to a front porch. This allows a minimum 6 foot wide usable front porch area. The front setback is from the public drive to the garage and the rear setback is measured from the front of the house to the rear property Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 4 Sketch Plan Review line facing the proposed open area. The ‘drives’ will provide vehicular access to the garage and primarily the rear of the lot where the front of the house will be facing onto private open areas. As mentioned previously, an example of where this scenario has been utilized is in Indian Peaks Subdivision Filing No. 17 at the southwest corner of Baseline Road and 95th Street. The intent of the request is to ascertain support for reduced setbacks that would be more in line with a small lot, urban scale development where buildings are located close together. Overall staff supports the concept of reducing setbacks to allow for a street presence through the use of architectural amenities such as front porches or stoops where neighbors can gather and visit. Another modification requested is to Baseline Road. In the R1 zone, setbacks to arterial roadways are a minimum of 45 feet. The plan indicates a setback request of 42 feet. However, when staff measured the distance between the southern line of the subdivision to Lot 1 it appeared to be a little over 25 feet. With a proposed 5 foot side setback on Lot 1, any future building would probably only be setback approximately 30 feet. Staff believes the request should be modified to reflect the actual proposed setbacks. The current Filing 2 PUD required a 45 foot setback to Baseline Road and it appears the existing homes in Filing No. 2 to the west which back-up to Baseline Road meet this setback. Staff is concerned with the proximity of the future home on Lot 1 to Baseline. Along this stretch of road there has been a consistent setback maintained by the single-family homes that is appropriate for this stretch of Baseline. Staff does not support the reduction in setback from Baseline Road. Section 26-18 of the Code pertaining to Planned Unit Developments includes a requirement for a minimum of 15 feet between structures. The current Filing No. 2 PUD requires a minimum separation of 15 feet between structures. The reduction to 10 feet with 5 foot minimum side yard setbacks would accommodate the proposed cottages and was approved by the Planning Commission and City Council for Indian Peaks Filing No. 17. In Filing No. 17, the higher density single family was functioning as a buffer from the proposed commercial along 95th Street and the larger lot single-family to the west. While Tract 1 would be suitable as a buffer from Baseline Road and the higher density multi-family on the south side of Baseline Road, staff is concerned that reducing the minimum separation between structures to 10 feet in this location would be out of character with the existing single-family homes in Filing No. 2 to the north and west. The sketch plan also includes a possible Code modification for maximum lot coverage. The R1 zone allows a maximum lot coverage of 30%. The Filing No. 2 PUD does not specify a maximum lot coverage, but the Indian Peaks Official Development Plan indicates that each parcel would comply with existing City requirements. Staff believes the lots in Filing No. 2 do not exceed 30% lot coverage. The sketch plan includes a possible modification to allow up to 50% lot coverage. This would be necessary to accommodate the cottage style homes proposed with this development. This is also a similar lot coverage to what was previously approved in Filing No. 17. However the difference is that the 50% lot coverage was also Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 5 Sketch Plan Review approved for alley-loaded lots on the west side of Roser Drive transitioning to a maximum 30% lot coverage on the west side of Filing No. 17. Staff is concerned that a maximum lot coverage of up to 50% would not be compatible with the 30% lot coverage found on the existing lots in Filing No. 2. If the sketch plan is approved, the information submitted with the site plan/architectural review will have to provide specific detail as to how 50% lot coverage is compatible with the adjacent single-family or propose something closer to 30%. The final proposed Code modification is a reduction in the minimum lot size. The minimum lot size in the R1 zone and the Filing No. 2 PUD is 7,000 square feet. The sketch plan includes a request for a minimum lot size of 2,379 square feet. The existing Filing No. 2 PUD includes information on actual lot size indicating a minimum lot size of 7,894 square feet and a maximum lot size of over 22,000 square feet. While staff understands the applicant’s argument that larger lot custom homes would probably not be very successful along Baseline Road, there are currently lots within Filing No. 2 that back up to Baseline. Staff is concerned that the smaller lot size as proposed, would be out of character with the adjacent single-family homes. Staff understands an increase in minimum lot size would reduce the number of lots available for development but may also bring the density more in line with the Official Development Plan for Parcel O of 4 dwelling units per acre. Overall, staff supports a reduction in lot size finding that 7,000 square foot lots are not typically sustainable or allow for a more efficient delivery of services. Staff believes a minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet would be more appropriate for this development. This is similar to the minimum lot size approved for the single-family portion of Indian Peaks Filing No. 8 located on the south side of Baseline Road across from the subject property. Staff recommends the preliminary plan include a minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet. Streets and Traffic: Development of the property will include construction of a new street connection to Baseline Road, labeled as ‘Street A’ on the plans, and three concrete drives, labeled ‘Drive A, B, & C.’ Street A would provide access to the property from Baseline Road and run parallel to Baseline with parking on-street for guests. The ‘drives’ would function similar to those approved in Filing No. 17, as public streets with vehicular access to the garages located behind the homes. Street A is a 32 foot wide right-of-way to accommodate 2-lanes of traffic and parking on one side. The ‘drives’ are proposed to be a 22 foot wide right-of-way (ROW) with a 20 foot wide paved surface and would not include on-street parking. The City Engineer has indicated that there are issues with the small streets (drives) regarding access for utilities under the concrete street surface. Staff recommends the applicant work with the City to identify concerns and provide solutions where feasible prior to submittal of a preliminary plan. A traffic impact study will be required with the preliminary plan submittal. Vehicular Access: Vehicular access is from Baseline Road to Street A and then along the ‘drives’ to each individual lot. No additional vehicular access is proposed either to Baseline Road or to Indian Peaks Trail. The new intersection of ‘Street A’ with Baseline Road is Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 6 Sketch Plan Review intended to line up with the intersection of Gold Hill Drive. This would be a full movement interchange allowing access to the site from both eastbound and westbound Baseline Road as well as access onto Baseline Road. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access: Pedestrian and bicycle access will be possible from the existing sidewalk along Baseline Road and from a proposed connection to Outlot N in Filing No. 2 which includes a blanket public access easement. There is an existing 20 foot wide pedestrian access easement on the north side of the property that is proposed to be vacated. The sketch plan indicates a new 30 foot wide ditch, emergency access and pedestrian access easement is proposed to take its place. A 6 foot wide, concrete pedestrian walk is proposed within this easement. The connection to Outlot N in Filing No. 2 and Indian Peaks Trail will allow current residents direct access to Baseline Road and to the bus stop located along Baseline Road at the entrance to the proposed subdivision. There is a 4.5 foot wide sidewalk proposed along the south side of Street A, wrapping around Lots 16 thru 20 and heading north the proposed 6 foot concrete walk on the northern boundary of the subdivision. Staff recommends this sidewalk and all connections within the subdivision to Baseline Road and the trail on the north side of the property be a minimum of 5 feet in width. Parking: Parking will be provided for each single-family dwelling within the two car garages on each lot. This meets the minimum parking requirements for a single-family home. Due to the configuration on-street parking is not available next to each lot as found in a more typical subdivision. Instead, 15 parallel parking spaces would be provided for guest parking. While each lot will meet the minimum parking requirements with a two car garage, staff is concerned about parking if residents use the garage for storage and not parking. A requirement of preliminary plan is the submittal of CC&R’s for the proposed subdivision. Staff recommends the CC&R’s include provisions which require the garage to be used only for the parking of vehicles and for the HOA to have the ability to enforce the parking requirements. Public Transportation: There is a bus stop located adjacent to the property on Baseline Road. This stop is serviced by Route 225 which connects from the Boulder downtown transit station to the Lafayette Park-n-Ride in downtown Lafayette and includes selected trips along Aspen Ridge Drive to Walmart. In order to encourage and promote use of public transit, staff recommends an RTD approved bus stop shelter with trash receptacle and a bike rack be installed at the existing stop along Baseline Road adjacent to the subdivision. It shall be the responsibility of the HOA to maintain the shelter until RTD assumes maintenance based on ridership. Engineering/Utilities: Xcel reports that electric and gas facilities are nearby and the property can be served. Xcel requests that utility easements be clearly identified on the final plat. Xcel has indicated the applicant should contact them prior to any work within the easement Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 7 Sketch Plan Review area to acquire the necessary permits. Xcel will receive a referral when the Preliminary Plan is submitted. The city engineer has reviewed the sketch plan. His primary concern is with the small local streets which include buried utility lines and access to those utilities as mentioned previously in this report. Water and Wastewater: The City has the capacity to provide water and water reclamation service to the subject property. Water mains and sanitary sewer mains are already installed in Baseline Road adjacent to the subject property. Drainage: Storm drainage is intended to be accommodated on-site with a detention pond located in the southeast corner of the subdivision. A storm sewer line extends along the southern boundary of the property. The proposed improvements will be included in a formal drainage analysis and plan submitted with any future preliminary plan. Water Rights: The Code requires developments requiring over 5 acre-feet of water dedicate Colorado Big Thompson (CBT) shares to the City. The 1990 Development Agreement allows water rights to be paid on a building permit by building permit basis, concurrently with payment of the building permit at the then-current rate. Based on this previous agreement, the applicant has the option to provide CBT shares or pay cash-in-lieu at the time the building permit issued. Public Land Dedication: Public land dedication was satisfied for the entire Indian Peaks development with the dedication of the 176 acre golf course property. Open Area/Recreation: The sketch plan includes 1.76 acres open area and green spaces identified on the plan as Tract A. Connectivity is proposed to the sidewalk along Baseline as well as to the north for additional recreational opportunities. Community Amenities: Amenities include some proposed common lawn areas towards the west side of the subdivision. Each lot will have a small garden/lawn area. There is also a proposed connection to the existing park in Filing No. 2 and 5 to 6 foot wide sidewalk loops around the development. The 6-foot wide trail along the northern boundary will run to the eastern property line to provide a connection in the future when the Domenico property develops. Landscaping: The applicant has submitted a sketch plan level landscape plan for the site. The plan includes the required street trees along with a landscaped entry areas. The Site Plan/Architectural Review to be submitted with the Preliminary Plan will include a more detailed landscape plan for staff and Planning Commission review. Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 8 Sketch Plan Review Visitability: This project is subject to the Visitability regulations adopted by the City Council in September 2007. The Visitability ordinance states that a minimum of 25% of the dwelling units within the development shall comply with the Visitability criteria, which includes a zero step entry, wider hallways and a ground level bathroom that can accommodate a wheelchair. Of the 20 proposed dwelling units, 5 units will need to comply with the aforementioned criteria. The Visitability criteria also include provisions for the geographical dispersion of units throughout the development where possible due to site grading. Staff recommends a Visitability plan be submitted with the Preliminary Plan, subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission, which will include the geographical dispersion of visitable units where feasible. Said units shall be identified on the PUD. Public Safety: Staff referred the sketch plan to both the Police Department and Fire Marshall. No comments were received from either department relative to this development. Schools: The Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) has indicated that the proposed development would be served by Lafayette Elementary, Angevine Middle School and Centaurus High School. The School District did not provide information on the number of students to be generated. However, the District will receive additional referrals if a preliminary plan is submitted. Developer’s Ability to Complete the Project: Staff believes this developer has the abilty to complete the project based on their experience with developing the current Indian Peaks subdivision. Build-out Rate & Growth Management Priority Status: This subdivision will be subject to a growth management priority status and building permit allocations. The applicant will be required to request a specific allocation at the time of the preliminary plan submittal. At this time the City appears to have the ability to provide building permits for the proposed development. Prior to and as part of the preliminary plan review, staff will work with the applicant to formulate an appropriate building permit allocation recommendation for the subdivision. Goal Fulfillment: This project complies with a number of policies listed in the City’s Comprehensive Plan: Policy B.2.2: Encourage compact and clustered development to facilitate more efficient provision of utility, drainage, and transportation infrastructure; community services; and, community facilities. Policy C.1.1: Ensure that proposed development and redevelopment projects conform to the Land Use Map’s designations. Policy C.1.5: Enhance Lafayette's pedestrian, small-town character by targeting future medium and high-density residential development to infill Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 9 Sketch Plan Review Policy C.3.8: Policy C.4.2: Policy D.2.1 Policy E.1.1 Policy G.3.1: Policy G.3.2: Policy G.3.3: Policy G.3.6: development locations that are readily accessible to and otherwise integrated with potential employment centers, commercial shopping areas and transit service routes. Ensure that new residential development provide pedestrian connections to adjacent development and whenever feasible to existing and proposed trail systems as indicated on the PROST plan. Require adequate infrastructure improvements including paved access, utilities, and controlled access from major collectors and arterials. Improve the streetscape along important thoroughfares to strengthen Lafayette’s overall community image and to stimulate future development and redevelopment by providing a more attractive and cohesive street edge. Encourage residential development that supports the spectrum of housing needs in the community, including seniors, first time home buyers and entry-level to mid-level employees through the provision of a variety of housing types, prices, styles, and sizes. Ensure that pedestrian and bicycle routes, which include trails, paths, sidewalks, and street bike lanes, are planned and built to allow users access to key city destinations, and are integrated with and strengthen the City’s alternative transit system. Require proposed development to construct bus stops (including shelter, seating, etc.) when located along transit corridors. Ensure that proposed development and redevelopment provides an adequate system of sidewalks and trail facilities that meet City standards to promote walking and bicycling throughout the City. Connect new sidewalks and trails to existing sidewalks and trails. Support higher density, more compact development along transit corridors. City’s Financial Ability to Serve: The city is currently providing municipal services to development adjacent to the subject property. The City should be able to accommodate this development within current municipal service levels. Environment: Staff believes there may be wildlife on the property within the Davidson Highline Ditch area. Prior to submittal of the preliminary plan staff recommends an ecological study be conducted by a qualified professional to determine if the project area supports important plant communities, wildlife habitat, or potential habitat for special status species. Also, if any prairie dogs are currently on the property, staff recommends the applicant provide a prairie dog mitigation plan as part of the preliminary plan submittal. Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 10 Sketch Plan Review A gas well was recently abandoned near the subject property. Staff recommends a Phase I Environmental Study be submitted as part of the preliminary plan submittal to ensure there are no lingering impacts from the well operations. Subject to approval of final plans, the applicant will be required to submit a fugitive particulate emission abatement and control plan to the Boulder County Health Department’s Environmental Health Program for review and approval prior to commencing construction activities. This plan will detail how they are to prohibit and control off-property dust during the grading process. Cultural: It is unknown what, if any, cultural resources exist on-site. The tract was first platted in 1992 as part of Indian Peaks Filing No. 2. The property has been vacant since that time. Homeowner’s Association: The applicant has stated that a homeowner’s association will be established for the subdivision. Staff recommends the applicant submit the homeowner’s association documents with the Preliminary Plan for staff review and approval. SUMMARY The sketch plan area is approximately 3.55 acres and includes 20 single-family residential lots. The plan also includes: 1.76 acres of private open area; existing and proposed public sidewalks, private trails and connections to an existing park in Filing No. 2. The subject property is zoned R1/PUD (Medium Density Residential/Planned Unit Development) and is part of the Indian Peaks Official Development Plan. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the subject property is classified as ‘Medium Density Residential’. The sketch plan includes proposed access from Baseline Road on the south, a public street running parallel to Baseline Road and public street access to each lot via a 20 foot wide concrete ‘drive’ to be dedicated to the City. The overall plan is very similar to the High Density Single Family development on the eastern edge of Indian Peaks Filing No. 17 located at the southwest corner of Baseline Road and 95th Street. The applicant has outlined a number of modifications to the dimensional standards of the Development and Zoning Code. With the Preliminary Plan, the applicant will be required to submit a Site Plan/Architectural Review to include plans that will help provide justification for the Code modifications. This will also ensure the applicant is requesting all PUD modifications needed, and for staff to make a final recommendation to the Planning Commission, with the Preliminary Plan, on what modifications staff supports. As indicated in the analysis, staff does have some concern with the proposed modifications to reduce the minimum distance between structures from 15 feet to 10 feet, the lot coverage of 50%, reduction in lot size, and reduction in the setback to Baseline Road. Staff Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 11 Sketch Plan Review feels these modifications are not in the best interest of the City and neighborhood in which the development would occur. Also, in order to achieve the gross density of 4 dwelling units per acre as outlined in the Indian Peaks Official Development Plan the number of lots would need to be reduced by 5 for a total of 15 lots. Staff recommends the preliminary plan include a reduction in the number of lots to 15. In addition to the reduced number of lots the requirement for a minimum separation of 15 feet between buildings and a minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet should provide a more compatible transition to the larger lot singlefamily development to the north. In determining this, staff referred to Comprehensive Plan policy D.1.1. which states: Ensure that both the scale and appearance of proposed development and redevelopment responds appropriately to adjacent development and provides a compatible transition to existing neighborhoods. The sketch plan does comply with numerous Comprehensive Plan policies as identified in the report. Subject to the recommended conditions, including reducing the number of lots, staff believes the concept of the sketch plan is appropriate for the site and feasible, and the plan complies with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Subject to the concerns expressed within this report the proposed PUD modifications meet the intent of a PUD by providing for the most beneficial development of the land. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Indian Peaks Filing No. 2, Replat B Sketch Plan, subject to the recommended conditions, finding the plan meets the review criteria of Section 26-185, the requirements of Section 26-16-4, and the application requirements of Section 26-174. PROPOSED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Site Plan/Architectural Review shall be submitted with the Preliminary Plan in order to give staff the opportunity to review how the proposed modifications would affect the overall development and allow staff the opportunity to present the Planning Commission with a detailed analysis of each request. 2. The minimum lot size of any future preliminary plan shall not be less than 4,000 square feet. 3. Any future preliminary plan shall include a reduction in the number of lots to no more than 15 single-family lots. 4. Prior to submittal of a preliminary plan, the applicant shall work with the City to identify concerns and provide solutions where feasible to the issue of the small local ‘drives’ and the water and sewer utilities proposed to be located within the right-ofway. 5. Sidewalks and all trail connections within the subdivision to shall be a minimum of 5 feet in width. Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 12 Sketch Plan Review 6. An RTD approved bus stop shelter with trash receptacle and a bike rack shall be installed at the existing stop along Baseline Road adjacent to the subdivision. 7. A Visitability plan shall be submitted with the Preliminary Plan which will include the geographical dispersion of visitable units where feasible. Said units shall be identified on the PUD. 8. If prairie dogs are found on the property and proposed to be removed, the applicant shall provide a prairie dog mitigation plan as part of the preliminary plan submittal. 9. An ecological study shall be conducted by a qualified professional to determine if the project area supports important plant communities, wildlife habitat, or potential habitat for special status species. 10. A Phase I Environmental Study shall be submitted as part of the preliminary plan. 11. All homeowners’ association documents shall be provided for staff review with the Preliminary Plan and shall include CC&R’s with provisions which require the garage to be used only for the parking of vehicles and for the HOA to have the ability to enforce the parking requirements. MOTIONS: Proposed Motion for Approval: The Planning Commission approves this request for sketch plan approval, subject to the recommended conditions, finding that the proposal complies with the requirements for sketch plan submittal; the PUD criteria; and the Comprehensive Plan’s goals and policies. Proposed Motion for Denial: The Planning Commission denies this request for sketch plan approval finding that the proposal does not comply with sketch plan requirements; the PUD criteria; and the Comprehensive Plan’s goals and policies. Attachments: Applicant’s narrative; Residential Development Questionnaire; Neighborhood meeting sign-in sheet and comments; E-mail comment from adjacent property owner; Sketch Plan Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 Replat B Page 13 Sketch Plan Review PROPOSED REPLAT OF INDIAN PEAKS FILING 2 TRACT 1 PROJECT NARRATIVE January 22, 2016 Introduction / Summary McStain Neighborhoods is submitting application for city sketch plan review of a proposed replat of Indian Peaks Filing 2 Tract 1. The concept plan situates twenty single‐family detached lots within the approximately 3.6‐acre parcel. Borrowing from the highly successful Bungalow Collection at Indian Peaks South, the site is arranged with the homes’ fronts facing each other and onto a common landscaped pedestrian court. Nearly half of the parcel is set aside as open space that includes walkways connecting to the neighborhood park to the north and to the RTD bus stop along Baseline Road. The home architecture reflects traditional detailing with the benefits of modern materials. In addition, both the homes and the landscaping include energy saving features. The plan considers both the unique site characteristics and new home market conditions to provide the highest and best use of the parcel. History of Parcel The Indian Peaks Official Development Plan sets forth guiding development principles that recognized the inevitable changes in the housing market throughout the development period and was established with flexibility in determining the best land use with respect to building spacing, heights and density of buildings, open space, and parking. Also outlined in the O.D.P. are provisions for: • CREATIVE SOLUTIONS to project design that may not be possible through the strict application for the local zoning and subdivision regulations, • INNOVATIONS in land use that result in the availability of attractive development opportunities and use of the property’s natural positive features, grades, views, and drainages, and • EFFICIENT use of land and energy. The parcel was set aside as a non‐potable water facility site when the Indian Peaks development plan was originally conceived in the early 1990s. The Davidson Highline Lateral and Goodhue Canal together with the grade of the parcel dictated that placement of the large lot program in Filing 2 occur north of the Davidson Highland Lateral. With the abandonment of the non‐potable water concept, development of the parcel with a lot and program identical to the remainder of Filing 2 became infeasible. The recession of 2008 further delayed thoughts of finding a viable development opportunity for the parcel. Not until the introduction and subsequent market success of the higher density, smaller lot Bungalow Collection in Indian Peaks Filing 17 did a workable plan begin to take shape. Concept Development The process for determining feasible uses for the parcel began by examining its current R‐1 zoning designation which allows for medium density residential development of up to 6 dwelling units per acre. Secondly, the Filing 2 P.U.D. and its requirements were reviewed, and a look at the surrounding neighborhoods and current area market conditions revealed that: • There is elevated demand for homes priced in the $400,000s, • Given surrounding housing types, the area best supports detached homes, • Many new home buyers are attracted to small, low‐maintenance lots, • The Indian Peaks South (Filing 17) Bungalow Collection is highly sought by new home buyers moving to the area, and • A balance between open space/parks and residential lots is a common thematic element throughout Indian Peaks. Next, a look at the parcel’s land form revealed development challenges given its shape, access location, grade, and presence of two ditches. Slope across the parcel in the north‐south direction presented a challenge to larger footprint homes, and access from Baseline Road diminishes the salability of a large lot, large home program. It logically followed that the site was best suited for an optimum number of lots while providing generous open space in the areas where lot or street development would be infeasible. The lots and homes would need to fit the site constraints of shape, size, and grading. The proposed homes would best fit into the segment of the area market with the highest demand, roughly 1600 finished square feet with sales pricing starting just under $400,000. Architecture & Landscaping The home plans proposed for the community offer the economies of townhomes with the advantages of detached homes including four‐sided daylighting, through access between the front and rear yards, and separation between neighbors. Their styling is inspired by historic cottage and bungalow architecture, with thoughtful placement of varied materials and colors. Each home is complete with a covered front porch, 2‐car garage, and full basement. These traditionally flavored home plans at Indian Peaks South have been popular across the width of home buyer segments including singles, couples, and families. A look behind the walls reveals an advanced air sealing package that, combined with carefully designed HVAC systems, makes each home highly energy efficient. Not only that, but with sound mitigating windows, the homes’ interiors are remarkably shielded from outside noise. Water saving plumbing fixtures included standard and available solar PV systems are additional means by which the homes conserve energy. Further applying water conservation measures, the landscaping within individual lots utilizes low‐water‐use, low‐maintenance shrubs, grasses, and trees. This design approach was applied to the open spaces as well, where native low‐water‐use grasses are proposed in most of the spaces, with only a small dense lawn area planned. Neighborhood Meeting In compliance with the City of Lafayette development process, a neighborhood meeting was held on November 30, 2015 and was opened by presenting the concept plan showing twenty single family homes and associated streets and open space. The city review and approval process was explained, and a rough timeline shared indicating that land development could commence in July or August of 2016. Questions were taken as follows: 1. Will there be a traffic signal on Baseline at the entrance to the community? McStain responded that none is proposed at this time. 2. Will there be a through connection between the community and the Domenico property to the east? McStain responded that the proposed plan in its current form does not include a connection. 3. What would the homes sell for? McStain responded that based on the similar home sales at Indian Peaks South, the home prices would range from $360,000s to $390,000s. 4. Where will residents and their guests park? McStain responded by pointing out that each home includes a 2‐car garage for residents. In addition, 17 guest parking spaces are provided. The guest parking spaces could be situated on tracts owned by the HOA who would regulate their use for guests only. 5. It was expressed that parked cars on the access street to the homes parallel to Baseline would be unsightly, and it was asked whether a fence would be installed along Baseline. McStain responded that a landscaped and bermed buffer is proposed between the access street and Baseline, and that the distance between the two is approximately forty feet. The goal is to keep the area more natural in feel, and a fence is not proposed. 6. It was expressed that the homes would devalue the existing homes to the north. McStain responded that there is no possible way to predict change in property value; however, feel that the proposed community is the highest and best use for the parcel. 7. Why not build two or three million‐dollar homes there? McStain responded that because the homes would access off of Baseline, the market would not support million‐dollar homes in that location. 8. Would the homeowners use the park in Filing 2? McStain responded that there could be no way to guarantee that they would not, and that at the present time, it is undecided whether to connect the walking trail to the park. 9. A request was made to heavily screen the homes from the existing homes to the north. McStain responded that this would be considered. 10. Piping the ditch was mentioned as a negative since doing so would eliminate wildlife habitat. McStain responded that it is likely the wildlife would easily relocate elsewhere along the ditch and that ample open space was being provided in the proposed plan. Illlustration of the concept p plan presenteed at the neigghborhood meeeting and ho ow commentss were applied t w to the sketch p plan. Proposed P.U.D. Amendment The following amendment to the Indian Peaks Filing 2 P.U.D. is proposed: Tract 1 Replat IP F 2 P.U.D. 1' per 1' Bldg Ht or 10' Front Setback min. (18' 5' (1) (2) min. if to a garage) Side Setback 5' 5' (3) 12' (1) (3) Rear Setback 20' (6’ to porches) Setback to Baseline 45' Road 42' Max. Building Height 35' 35' Off Street Parking 2 spaces 2 spaces Max. Lot Coverage Not Specified 50% Min. Lot Area 7000 S.F. 2379 S.F Proposed Amendment This change reflects what is currently in place in Indian Peaks F 17. None This change reflects what is currently in place in Indian Peaks F 17. This change is necessitated by the site's narrow configuration. A landscaped berm is planned along Baseline Road that will buffer the homes from the street. None None None This change is necessary to arrange the optimum number of lots and is offset by the increase in shared open space. Notes (1) Front setback is measured to garage elevation; rear setback is measured to front of house plane. (2) Cantilevers and box bay windows allowed to encroach 24" into front setback (3) Cantilever allowed to encroach 16" into side and rear setbacks Conclusion McStain Neighborhoods’ proposed replat forms Tract 1’s unique setting with current market conditions into the highest and best use of the parcel. Developing the site with similarly sized lots and homes as those adjacent to the site is not feasible; a higher density plan is required. The twenty mid‐sized detached homes will provide buyers with richly designed plans at an attainable price in a community connected to pedestrian, bus, and vehicle routes. The amount of open space in the community further adds to the benefits offered future residents. Given their twenty‐plus‐year history as the sole developer of Indian Peaks, McStain’s plan will successfully maintain the integrity of the neighborhood, remaining sensitive to the development’s goals and aesthetic. The parcel’s development by McStain protects against the uncertain and incongruent architecture and site planning by an outside party sometime in the future. McStain believes the proposed plan to be well designed and one that will be successfully executed. x From: To: Subject: Date: Paul Rayl Indian Peaks Filing No. 2, Replat B - Sketch Plan Review Tuesday, February 16, 2016 9:48:29 PM Dear Paul, Thank you for sending the sketch plan and for inviting comment thereon. I feel that this proposed development is inappropriate and totally out of character with the rest of Indian Peaks Filing No. 2, which, as you know, is comprised of large homes on large lots. Indian Peaks Filing No. 2, by McStain's own design and original marketing, was and is the most exclusive and expensive part of Indian Peaks. While McStain was the master developer, they did not build any of the original homes in Indian Peaks 2. Those of us who originally bought here in the 1990's were required to work with one of five or six custom home builders who, in turn, were required to buy the lots from McStain. We paid for a certain type of neighborhood which was marketed and restricted in style by McStain. Shame on them for now trying to renege on their own original rules and constraints for Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 development. Sincerely, John Bernhard 2042 Buchanan Pt Lafayette, CO 80026 Innovative Land Consultants, Inc. 12071 Tejon Street, Suite 470 Westminster, CO 80234 Phone 303.421.4224 INDIAN PEAKS FILING NO. 2 - REPLAT B SKETCH PLAN A REPLAT OF INDIAN PEAKS FILING NO. 2 TRACT 1 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERDIAN, CITY OF LAFAYETTE, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO Sheet List Table Sheet Number AUGUST 2016 AUGUST 2016 DECEMBER 2016 DECEMBER 2016 JUNE 2017 NOVEMBER 2018 Overall Grading Plan 4 Landscape Plan 1610 Humboldt Street Unit A Denver, Colorado 80218 contact: James Hoeft TEL 303.888.0608 1938 PEARL STREET, SUITE 200 BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 PHONE: 303-996-7788 CONTACT: PETER STAINTON 7100 N BROADWAY, SUITE 5-H DENVER, COLORADO 80221 PHONE: 303-524-5422 CONTACT: SHAWN WEIMAN 12071 TEJON STREET, SUITE 470 WESTMINSTER, COLORADO 80234 PHONE: 303-421-4224 CONTACT: TESS HOGAN 1610 HUMBOLDT STREET, UNIT A DENVER, COLORADO 80218 PHONE: 303-888-0608 CONTACT: JAMES HOEFT Date: 1290 S. PUBLIC ROAD LAFAYETTE, CO 80026 PHONE: 303-665-5588 Approved By: Designed By: Horiz. Scale: Sheet: Cover Sheet January 22, 2016 Job No.: 401 N. 11TH STREET LAFAYETTE, COLORADO 80026 PHONE: 303-665-9661 Sketch Plan Lafayette, Colorado SITE Sheet Name: PLAT APPROVAL BEGIN SITE DEVELOPMENT INITIAL ACCEPTANCE BEGIN HOME CONSTRUCTION BEGIN CLOSING OF HOME SALES FINAL HOME CLOSING 3 Plan Set: THE TWENTY PROPOSED LOTS AND ASSOCIATED DWELLING UNITS ARE INTENDED FOR SALE AS FEE SIMPLE OWNERSHIP. Master Utility Plan hoeftDESIGN,inc Scale: 1"=500' 4. 2 Location: 3. Vicinity Map Cover Sheet Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 - Replat B 2. THE INDIAN PEAKS OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN INDICATES THE “DEDICATION OF THE GOLF COURSE/OPEN SPACE LANDS AS NOTED ON THE O.D.P. SATISFIES ALL CITY REQUIREMENTS FOR OPEN SPACE, LAND DEDICATION, AND FEES RELATED TO LAND DEDICATION FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE INDIAN PEAKS DEVELOPMENT…” NO ADDITIONAL DEDICATION OF OPEN SPACE IS PROPOSED IN THIS PLAN. DEDICATION OF THE STREETS RIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDING THE ACCESS POINT AT BASELINE ROAD, THE LOCAL STREET, AND THE THREE CONCRETE DRIVES ARE INTENDED TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE. ALL TRACTS, OUTLOTS, COMMON AREAS, COMMON PARKING AREAS, AND WALKWAYS ARE INTENDED TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY A HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION. THE PLANNING OBJECTIVES TO BE ACHIEVED BY THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING INDIAN PEAKS FILING 2 P.U.D. ARE COMPATIBLE WITH THE INDIAN PEAKS OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH RESPECT TO BUILDING SPACING AND HEIGHT AND DENSITY OF BUILDINGS. THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT AND REPLAT PROVIDE A SOLUTION TO DEVELOPING THE PARCEL INTO A FEASIBLE HOME COMMUNITY MODELED ON THE SUCCESS OF THE BUNGALOW COLLECTION AT INDIAN PEAKS SOUTH. THE COMMUNITY WILL FURTHER ACHIEVE THE GOALS OF THE O.D.P. BY FURTHERING THE MIX OF HOUSING TYPES AND UNIQUE LIVING ENVIRONMENTS BY OFFERING DESIRABLE, HIGHER DENSITY, ENERGY EFFICIENT DETACHED HOMES IN AN ARRANGEMENT DESIGNED TO FUNCTION WITHIN THE CONSTRAINTS OF THE SITE. 1 Proj. Name: 1. Sheet Title 1015-05 TRH ZAH N/A 1 of 4 Client: McStain Neighborhoods Address: 7100 N Broadway, Suite 5-H Denver, Colorado 80221 Contact: Shawn Weiman 303-524-5422 PLANNING NUMBER: XXXX-XX Sheet: 1 Property Line Right of Way Line RED FILM Centerline FEAT HE 41' R R POI NT .O NO. 1 Innovative Land Consultants, Inc. 12071 Tejon Street, Suite 470 Westminster, CO 80234 Phone 303.421.4224 LEGEND Lot Line Easement Line .W. 768 , RN 1228 580 Storm Manhole 5' Type 'R' Inlet 10' Type 'R' Inlet 15' Type 'R' Inlet Flared End Section Sanitary Sewer Manhole Fire Hydrant Water Valve Plug and Blowoff INDIAN PEAKS FILING NO. 2 PHYSICAL LOCATION OF DAVIDSON HIGHLINE LATERAL LOCATED OUTSIDE EXISTING EASEMENT Street Sign 20' EMERGENCY ACCESS & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT - RN1228580 TO BE VACATED Street Light Storm Sewer Line Water Line Existing Major Contour FILM NO. 2082, RN1553785 ZONING: DEVELOPING RESOURCE LAND USE: SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL Existing Minor Contour Drainage Flow Arrow Proposed Asphalt Pavement DRIVE C 78.0' 39 .3 ' 2,379 SF Proposed Concrete WQ/DET. POND 20 2,604 SF 10' TYPE R INLET 53.0' Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 - Replat B .3 ' DRIVE B Proposed Minor Contour DOMENICO FARMS 35.1' 11 2,542 SF 53.0' 39 G M Proposed Major Contour 30.5' STREET A 2,379 SF 19 10.1' DRIVE A TRACT A NO 41 OW . 1 ' R. 76 O. L P 8 , W. OI RN NT 12 28 58 0 EP IN FIL Retaining Wall 6' U.E. & D.E. TYP. 30.5' 78.0' Ex. Irrigation Ditch Center Line 30.5' SL E Swale Line TRACT A 18 24" FES STREET A 4' SAN MH (TYP.) 2,379 SF 22' R.O.W. 30.5' 2,379 SF 9.3' 78.0' 91.0' 12 78.0' 34.3' TRACT A AREA: 76,666 SF 10 3,003 SF 2,379 SF 30.5' 78.0' 30.5' 3,024 SF 84.0' 3,049 SF 36.0' 36.0' 1 3 38.5' 84.0' 33.5' 3,515 SF 1610 Humboldt Street Unit A Denver, Colorado 80218 contact: James Hoeft TEL 303.888.0608 Existing Asphalt Pavement 38.5' 91.0' 30.5' 30.5' 2,776 SF 9 2,379 SF 22' R.O.W. 33.5' 2 FH (TYP.) 30.5' 21.0' 4' STORM MH (TYP.) 62.6' 9 ' 3 .7 4 30.5' 22' R.O.W. 13 78.0' 17 78.0' 30.5' 91.0' 78.0' 2,379 SF 30.5' 2,379 SF 30.5' 30.5' 2,776 SF 8 30.5' 30.5' 30.5' 5 14 78.0' 30.5' 91.0' 39.6' 78.0' 5' U.E. & D.E. TYP. 16 3,456 SF 78.0' 30.5' 16.6' 6 3,178 SF 7 3,733 SF 2,586 SF 78.0' 30.5' 43.0' 45.4' .1' 53 BLK 1 15 28.6' 43.7' 52.7' PROPOSED 6' WALK 37.7' 78.6' 78.6' TRACT A hoeftDESIGN,inc Ex. Storm Sewer Line Ex. Sanitary Sewer Line 78.6' 49.0' TRACT A PROPOSED 4' BREEZE/ CRUSHED GRANITE AT EDGE OF PATH PROPOSED 30' DITCH, EMERGENCY ACCESS, & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT Sanitary Service Ex. Water Line 20' EMERGENCY ACCESS & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT - RN1228580 TO BE VACATED 30' DITCH EASEMENT RN2843988 TO BE VACATED Water Service 2 4" 32' R.O.W. GOODHUE DITCH PIPE RCP TRACT A CONNECT TO EX. SAN MH BASELINE ROAD 1. 120' R.O.W. WATERLINE EASEMENT RN01554657 CONNECT TO EX. 12" WL EX. = EXISTING, TYP.= TYPICAL, U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT, D.E. = DRAINAGE EASMENT, WL = WATERLINE, SL = SANITARY LINE, SAN = SANITARY, HERCP = HORIZONTAL ELLIPTICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE, RCP = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE, MSE = MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH, MH = MANHOLE, FH = FIRE HYDRANT, R.O.W. = RIGHT OF WAY, WQ/DET. POND = WATER QUALITY/ DETENTION POND, FL = FLOWLINE, FES = FLARED END SECTION, RN = RECORDATION NUMBER. Master Utility Plan 30' DITCH EASEMENT RN2843988 TO BE VACATED PROPOSED REALIGNMENT OF DAVIDSON HIGHLINE LATERAL Sanitary Sewer Line PROPOSED 30' DITCH, EMERGENCY ACCESS, & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT Sketch Plan FIL M IN DI AN P FILM NO. 1768, RN1228580 ZONING: R1, LAND USE: MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Lafayette, Colorado NO 50 EA . 1 ' R. O K S 76 TR 8, .W. AI RN L 12 28 58 0 Thrust Block INDIAN PEAKS FILING NO. 8 R.O.W. 4.5' 9' LAN E 9' LANE 7' PKING 4.5' PGL 2' 2% TYP. 2% TYP. N.T.S. Approved By: 2' 9' LANE 2.5' PGL 2% TYP. Horiz. Scale: 7' PKING 20' CONCRETE 4.5' 2% TYP. Sheet: 22' R.O.W. 2' 1' 10' 10' PGL 2% TYP. 2% TYP. TRH ZAH 1" = 40' 2 of 4 1' McStain Neighborhoods Address: VERTICAL MONOLITHIC CURB, GUTTER, & WALK N.T.S. 1015-05 Client: N.T.S. 7100 N Broadway, Suite 5-H Denver, Colorado 80221 40 0 SCALE PLANNING NUMBER: XXXX-XX Job No.: Designed By: 27' FL-FL 9' LANE VERTICAL CURB & GUTTER VERTICAL MONOLITHIC CURB, GUTTER, & WALK January 22, 2016 32' R.O.W. 32' FL-FL 7' PKING Date: SCALE: 1" = 40' R.O.W. 41' R.O.W. TYPICAL LOT SETBACKS 6' FRONT PORCH SETBACK 12' FRONT BUILDING SETBACK FRONT LOT LINE Sheet Name: 5' REAR (ALLEY/GARAGE) SETBACK Plan Set: 5' SIDE SETBACK Proj. Name: SIDE LOT LINE Location: ZONING: R2 & R3, LAND USE: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 1 inch = 40 ft. 20 40 Contact: Shawn Weiman 303-524-5422 Sheet: 2 Property Line Right of Way Line RED FILM Centerline FEAT HE 41' R R POI NT .O NO. 1 Innovative Land Consultants, Inc. 12071 Tejon Street, Suite 470 Westminster, CO 80234 Phone 303.421.4224 LEGEND Lot Line Easement Line .W. 768 , RN 1228 580 Storm Manhole 5' Type 'R' Inlet 10' Type 'R' Inlet 15' Type 'R' Inlet Flared End Section Sanitary Sewer Manhole Fire Hydrant Water Valve Plug and Blowoff INDIAN PEAKS FILING NO. 2 PHYSICAL LOCATION OF DAVIDSON HIGHLINE LATERAL LOCATED OUTSIDE EXISTING EASEMENT Street Sign 20' EMERGENCY ACCESS & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT - RN1228580 TO BE VACATED Street Light Storm Sewer Line Water Line FIL M 30' DITCH EASEMENT RN2843988 TO BE VACATED 3 TRACT A Existing Minor Contour Drainage Flow Arrow 18 13 Proposed Asphalt Pavement Existing Asphalt Pavement 9 12 10 11 19 20 Proposed Concrete WQ/DET. POND 0.8% STREET A 0.8% FILM NO. 2082, RN1553785 ZONING: DEVELOPING RESOURCE LAND USE: SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL 32' R.O.W. GOODHUE DITCH PIPE TRACT A 4.0% STREET A 1 5.5% 4.0% 4 DRIVE A 2 DRIVE B 22' R.O.W. TRACT A 8 22' R.O.W. Existing Major Contour Indian Peaks Filing No. 2 - Replat B M TRACT A 5 Proposed Minor Contour DOMENICO FARMS 17 DRIVE C G EP IN 7 14 30' DITCH EASEMENT RN2843988 TO BE VACATED Retaining Wall Proposed Major Contour 6 FIL SL E BLK 1 Ex. Irrigation Ditch Center Line 16 5.0% NO 41 OW . 1 ' R. 76 O. L P 8 , W. OI RN NT 12 28 58 0 PROPOSED 6' WALK 22' R.O.W. 1610 Humboldt Street Unit A Denver, Colorado 80218 contact: James Hoeft TEL 303.888.0608 Swale Line TRACT A 15 TRACT A hoeftDESIGN,inc Ex. Storm Sewer Line Ex. Sanitary Sewer Line PROPOSED 4' BREEZE/ CRUSHED GRANITE AT EDGE OF PATH PROPOSED 30' DITCH, EMERGENCY ACCESS, & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT Sanitary Service Ex. Water Line 20' EMERGENCY ACCESS & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT - RN1228580 TO BE VACATED AREA: 76,666 SF Water Service 1. BASELINE ROAD 120' R.O.W. WATERLINE EASEMENT RN01554657 EX. = EXISTING, TYP.= TYPICAL, U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT, D.E. = DRAINAGE EASMENT, WL = WATERLINE, SL = SANITARY LINE, SAN = SANITARY, HERCP = HORIZONTAL ELLIPTICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE, RCP = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE, MSE = MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH, MH = MANHOLE, FH = FIRE HYDRANT, R.O.W. = RIGHT OF WAY, WQ/DET. POND = WATER QUALITY/ DETENTION POND, FL = FLOWLINE, FES = FLARED END SECTION, RN = RECORDATION NUMBER. Overall Grading Plan PROPOSED REALIGNMENT OF DAVIDSON HIGHLINE LATERAL Sanitary Sewer Line PROPOSED 30' DITCH, EMERGENCY ACCESS, & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT Sketch Plan IN DI AN P FILM NO. 1768, RN1228580 ZONING: R1, LAND USE: MED. DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Lafayette, Colorado NO 50 EA . 1 ' R. O K S 76 TR 8, .W. AI RN L 12 28 58 0 Thrust Block INDIAN PEAKS FILING NO. 8 Date: Sheet Name: January 22, 2016 Job No.: Approved By: Designed By: Horiz. Scale: Sheet: Plan Set: Location: Proj. Name: ZONING: R2 & R3, LAND USE: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 1015-05 TRH ZAH 1" = 40' 3 of 4 Client: McStain Neighborhoods Address: 7100 N Broadway, Suite 5-H Denver, Colorado 80221 40 0 SCALE PLANNING NUMBER: XXXX-XX 1 inch = 40 ft. 20 40 Contact: Shawn Weiman 303-524-5422 Sheet: 3