Symantec Certificate Intelligence Center

Symantec™ Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
Datasheet: SymantecTM Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
As businesses and other organizations move increasingly online, the need to
protect and encrypt information has grown tremendously. There has been
a rapid growth in deploying SSL/TLS certificates to encrypt all websites. As
more and more SSL/TLS certificates are deployed to secure transactions and
information, the management of these SSL/TLS certificates becomes even
more challenging. This challenge becomes more complex in an enterprise
environment where organizations may have deployed SSL/TLS certificates from
different Certificate Authorities (CAs) with a mix of Public, private or self-signed
Without proper certificate management, organizations could have expired or
non-compliant SSL/TLS certificates deployed across their infrastructure. This
situation could adversely effect business continuity and erode brand value.
A robust, easy-to-use SSL/TLS certificate management system would help
an enterprise avoid situations leading to loss of business, productivity, noncompliance, and risks of security breach.
Alert &
Renewals &
Discover &
Leverage SSL/TLS certificate discovery,
monitoring and risk assessment for business
continuity and industry compliance
Automate SSL/ TLS certificate lifecycle
management to increase resource efficiency
Discover and monitor all SSL certificates to help avoid certificate expiration
Expired, high-risk, rogue or unknown certificates could adversely affect
business and put unplanned financial pressures on the organization. In a
U.S. consumer study1, ninety one percent of respondents will not continue a
transaction if they see a browser warning page indicating the absence of a
secure connection. Symantec Certificate Intelligence Center is a Cloud-based
service that helps organizations have central control over all their SSL/TLS
certificates. Administrators can get summary and detailed information, easy-touse dashboard, notifications, alerts, reports and guided actions to help facilitate
timely interventions to prevent business disruptions.
Based on Symantec Online Consumer Study, October 2015
Key Benefits
Mitigate Security and Noncompliance Risks
• Catalog and monitor all SSL/TLS
certificates regardless of any CA
• Get security rating and SSL/TLS
vulnerability assessment, as well
as corrective actions on all TLS
certificates based on industry
best practices and CA/B Forum
Maintain Business Continuity
• Receive notifications, alerts,
reports on all SSL certificates,
including self-signed certificates
regardless of any CA with easy
access to detailed reporting using
a central dashboard
Increase Operational Efficiency
• Automate end-end lifecycle
management including installation
and renewal
• Automate upgrades from nonSymantec to Symantec Certificates
allowing you to centralize on one
vendor for cost optimization
Leverage Best-in-Class Service
• Proven, global PKI infrastructure
with 100 percent uptime since
• Easily scan from tens to thousands
of servers across your network
• Leverage a configurable system to
enhance business agility
• Feature rich mobile extension to
quickly identify and remediate
potential issues
Symantec™ Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
Datasheet: SymantecTM Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
Assess compliance status and security risks
Industry standards and best practices are constantly evolving to help
organizations stay ahead of cyber threats. In addition, hard-to-discover critical
vulnerabilities such as DROWN add to the challenges of securing the SSL/TLS
environment. This fluid and dynamic environment creates complexities for
organizations to monitor and maintain compliance for all SSL/TLS certificates
deployed in their environment at any given time, including self-signed
certificates, and certificates from any CAs.
Symantec Certificate Intelligence Center makes it easier for you to discover,
catalog and assess the compliance and security of all SSL/TLS certificates
across your organization. It also provides you with a guide such that
organizations can mitigate the risks of non-compliance, be on par with industry
best practices and adhere to compliance policies. Standard and customized
reports provide visibility to administrators, users and other stakeholders. The
comprehensive reporting also includes security and vulnerability ratings on all
SSL/TLS certificates helping administrators take corrective actions to ensure
that all SSL/TLS certificates in the organization are compliant with corporate
policies and industry standards.
Key Features
• Cloud-based, and easy-to-use
dashboard with detailed reporting,
analytics capabilities
• Configurable and high-performance
• Large selection of templates for
executive and operational reporting
• Configurable notifications and inconsole alerts
• TLS security and vulnerability
ratings and recommendations
based on industry guidelines.
• Detailed reports and audit trails
for accountability and compliance
• Automated lifecycle management
including TLS certificate
installation and renewal
• Enforce CA/B guidelines during
automated installation and renewal
• Easy to use though Agent and
agent-less deployment options
• Support for major servers and
load balancer platforms including
Apache, Microsoft®, F5®, A10
AX and Thunder Series ADC,
and Citrix® IBM Datapower. New
platforms being added frequently.
Easy-to-use dashboard provides administrators a quick access to perform SSL/TLS certificate
lifecycle management
Automate SSL certificate lifecycle management operational efficiency
Organizations are facing ever increasing demand for their IT services to evolve
with the industry trends adding to the complexity of their environments at
the same time, budgets are constrained and resources are reduced or have
remained the same. Symantec Certificate Intelligence Center end-to-end SSL/
TLS certificate lifecycle management is a cost effective solution that includes
automation of manual, routine actions that helps ensure “SHA1 end-entity certs
can be changed to SHA256 along with the right intermediate chain installed
automatically” saves time and recourses for IT teams that can be better used
to focus on other mission-critical tasks while providing auditable records for
accountability. In addition, administrators could run upgrades of non-Symantec
to Symantec SSL/TLS certificates allowing management to further streamline
• Robust and scalable service that
can analyze thousands of SSL
• Instant access to Symantec
Certificate Intelligence data
through mobile app for Apple iPad
• Available as part of the Complete
Website Security offering
Symantec™ Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
Datasheet: SymantecTM Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
the SSL/TLS environment and take advantage of vendor consolidation.
Symantec, the leading source of trust online through Symantec SSL/TLS
Certificates secures 90% of Fortune 500 companies2.
Deliver SSL Security, Always
Organizations rely on SSL/TLS certificates to protect information and assure
customers of their authenticity. Maintaining a secure environment with 24x7
SSL/TLS protection requires a dependable and scalable certificate management
service. Symantec Certificate Intelligence Center enables enterprises to deliver
SSL/TLS protection and trust.
Symantec was the first Certificate Authority to provide commercial SSL
protection via its multi-layered security and control. 96 of the 100 largest
financial institutions worldwide are secured by Symantec
certificates3. Easy deployment, configurable controls, and fast scanning are
capabilities ideal for large and growing organizations. In addition, Symantec
Certificate Intelligence Center for Mobile, the first iPad capability for SSL/TLS
certificate management, provides actionable intelligence anytime, anyplace.
Symantec Certificate Intelligence Center lets administrators track SSL
certificates anyplace, anytime
Based on internal customer analysis, October 2015 against Fortune 500 2015 list.
Based on Forbes Global 2000 list published in 2015 and internal customer analysis conducted in October 2015
Symantec™ Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
Datasheet: SymantecTM Complete Website Security Discovery and Automation
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