Materials Transactions, Vol. 55, No. 12 (2014) pp. 1820 to 1826 © 2014 Japan Foundry Engineering Society Effects of Casting Design and Reduced Pressure on Mold Filling of Molten Aluminum Alloy in Expendable Pattern Casting Process+1 Sadatoshi Koroyasu+2 Department of Mechanical and Precision Systems, School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University, Utsunomiya 320-8551, Japan The effects of the casting design and reduced pressure in a flask on the mold filling of a molten aluminum alloy in the expendable pattern casting (EPC) process were investigated experimentally. An aluminum alloy plate was cast using the EPC process, and the arrival times of the molten metal were measured for three coats with different permeabilities. The use of a high permeability coat, or the condition of applying reduced pressure, led to a higher melt velocity. The melt velocity did not increase in proportion to the coat permeability. The experimental values for the arrival time of molten metal were compared with the calculated values based on the mold filling model used in the previous study. The values were in relatively good agreement except for when the coat permeability was very low. The arrival time in top pouring was almost the same as that in bottom pouring, except for when the coat permeability was very low. The melt velocity in the top pouring did not drop, even when the coat permeability was low. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.F-M2014834] (Received June 26, 2014; Accepted September 5, 2014; Published November 8, 2014) Keywords: expendable pattern casting, aluminum alloy, mold filling, coat permeability, reduced pressure, casting design 1. Introduction The expendable pattern casting (EPC) process is very attractive particularly for complex-shaped casting, because near net shape castings are obtained without having to divide and assemble the mold and core. Therefore in this process, it is possible to eliminate not only machining steps but also the burr finishing process. Furthermore, because a molding binder is not added to the mold in the EPC process, the load on the environment can be reduced. However, in the EPC process, the molten metal is poured into the cavity produced by the thermal decomposition and liquefaction of the expendable polystyrene (EPS) pattern, and the thermal decomposition gas and liquid resin discharge into the dry sand through the coat layer. Therefore, the mold filling mechanism in the EPC process is more complicated than when using a cavity mold.1) Furthermore, when the coat permeability changes, the thickness of the thermal decomposition gas layer between the melt surface and the nondecomposition EPS pattern changes. Therefore, it seems that the coat permeability and melt velocity do not have a simple relationship.2­4) In addition, when the pressure in the flask is reduced, because the thickness of the thermal decomposition gas layer changes, the melt velocity also changes. Moreover, the mold filling situation is affected by whether the casting design uses bottom pouring or top pouring.1) Especially when using the EPC process for aluminum alloy, when the melt velocity is very low, a misrun due to a temperature drop at the melt surface5,6) can easily occur. On the other hand, when the melt velocity is too high, it seems that internal residue resin defects can easily occur because of non-decomposed parts of the pattern trapped within the molten metal.1) Therefore it is important to estimate the melt velocity in the EPC process. Recently, a relatively large number of investigations have been conducted on the mold filling for the +1 This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. JFS 86 (2014) 447­ 453. +2 Corresponding author, E-mail: EPC process, such as the research on molten cast iron by Maruyama et al.7,8) However, few studies have been performed on the of the mold filling mechanism in the EPC process, such as on the quantitative effect of the process parameters on the melt velocity.2,9) Moreover, there are few analysis systems for mold filling that can exactly simulate the EPC process.10,11) Therefore, there are examples of the direct observation of a mold filling by using a heat-resistant glass4,12) or an X-ray image.1,13) In the present work, to clarify the mold filling mechanism for a molten aluminum alloy in the EPC process, the effects of the casting design and reduced pressure condition on the melt velocity were examined experimentally for three coats with different permeabilities. Additionally, the experimental values of the melt velocity were compared with the calculated values based on the mold filling model from the previous study.2) 2. Experimental Procedure Figure 1 shows a schematic of the casting apparatus used in experiments, which was similar to that used in a previous study.5,6) The steel molding flask is a cylindrical vessel with an inside diameter of 200 mm and depth of 300 mm. It has a suction port with an inner diameter of 40 mm to reduce the pressure in the flask. The EPS pattern has a plate shape that is 70 mm wide, 200 mm high, and 10 mm thick, with an expansion ratio of 50 (density = 21.2 kg·m¹3). As shown in Fig. 1, the cluster of the bottom pouring system is assembled with the EPS pattern which has a perpendicular length of 70 mm to a figure. The ceramic tube (25 mm inside diameter, 35 mm outside diameter, and 300 mm length) is used as a sprue from the pouring basin to the runner. The pouring basin is the insulating sand mold, which has an inner diameter of 80 mm, depth of 80 mm, and thickness of 15 mm. The runner is a plate EPS with a cross section of 35 © 10 mm and a length of 135 mm. The cross section of the ingate is 35 © 10 mm. The cluster for a top pouring system using the EPS pattern with the same size was also assembled, as shown in Effects of Casting Design and Reduced Pressure on Mold Filling of Molten Aluminum Alloy in Expendable Pattern Casting Process to recorder Sprue (Ceramic tube) to suction pump 200mm 10mm 300mm Dry battery 10mm Flask 190mm EPS pattern 145mm Tungsten wire 100mm Hg manometer Diode Screen 55mm Output voltage Pouring basin Plastic film Touch sensor 10mm Expendable pattern Dry sand φ200mm Fig. 1 Schematic of casting apparatus for measurement of mold filling in bottom pouring. V Runner 1kΩ to recorder Fig. 3 Hg manometer to suction pump 200mm Flask 10mm 300mm Sprue (Ceramic tube) Screen Test Coat Time of arrival (b) Output voltage Thermal Coat Main Component conductivity Permeability /W·m¹1·K¹1 Low permeability, Alumina, Silica, High insulating Mica 0.18 0.13 B Standard permeability Silica 0.53 1.7 C High permeability Silica (Large particle) 0.48 10 Expendable pattern φ200mm Coat type Test coat used in experiments. A Touch sensor Dry sand 2.4 V Schematic of touch sensor of molten metal. Table 1 10mm 3.9 V 0.9 V(1.5 V-0.6 V) (a) Wiring diagram Pouring basin Plastic film 1821 Fig. 2 Schematic of casting apparatus for measurement of mold filling in top pouring. Fig. 2. In this case, the cross section of the ingate is similar to that for bottom pouring, but the length of the ceramic tube is 90 mm. Silica sand with a mode diameter of approximately 0.15 mm (AFS grain fineness number 62) was poured into the flask. Touch sensors were inserted into the EPS pattern at 10, 55, 100, 145, and 190 mm from the ingate, as shown in Fig. 3(a), for measuring the arrival time of the molten metal for the flow direction distance y.8) The touch sensors were tungsten wires with a diameter of 0.5 mm. They passed through the center of the 70 mm wide EPS pattern. As shown in Fig. 3(b), the voltage across the resistance is increased in a stepwise fashion, every time the molten metal reaches a touch sensor. The arrival time ta was defined from the increasing time in the voltage change chart.8) In order to determine the arrival time from the ingate, the time when the molten metal reached the ingate was required. This time was determined by extrapolation from the times when the molten metal reached y = 10 mm and y = 55 mm. Three kinds of commercial coats for the EPC process with different permeabilities were used in this study. Table 1 lists the main physical properties of those coats. Coat A was a mica base coat with a high void fraction and high heat insulation for light metals such as an aluminum alloy. Although the thermal conductivity value of a coat is not mentioned in detail in this paper, the thermal conductivities of the coats in Table 1 were measured using the transient hot wire method14) based on JIS R2618. The thermal conductivity of coat A was approximately 1/3 that of the silica base coat, as shown below. Coat B was a silica base coat with a middle permeability, which is generally used for cast iron, aluminum alloys, etc. Coat C was a silica base coat with a high permeability, which was composed of large particles. Each coat permeability in Table 1 was measured using a method15) in according with JIS Z2603. This coat permeability is an absolute number with the dimension of (cm2·cmH2O¹1·min¹1) defined in the following equation using the coat thickness ¤ (cm), the volumetric gas flow rate per unit area v (cm·min¹1), and the inter-coat differential pressure ¦P (cmH2O). K¼ ¤v P ð1Þ The coat permeability of coat A was approximately 1/10 that of coat B, and was very low. The coat permeability of coat C was approximately 6 times that of coat B, and was very high. The EPS pattern was coated using a dipping method. The coated pattern was then dried for 24 h in a drying furnace at 1822 S. Koroyasu 40 10 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 4 Arrival time in bottom pouring without reduced pressure. 40 Results and Discussion Experimental results for arrival time of molten metal Figure 4 shows the experimental data for the arrival time of the molten metal as a function of the distance from the ingate at the pattern bottom y for three different values of coat permeability, in the case of bottom pouring and without reduced pressure. Figure 5 shows a plot similar to that in Fig. 4, for the case with reduced pressure. In the order of coat A, coat B, and coat C, with increasing coat permeability K, the arrival time decreases. In addition, the arrival time in the case with reduced pressure is shorter than that in the case without reduced pressure. In the case in which the coat permeability is large or the case under reduced pressure, the thickness of the thermal decomposition gas layer is thin. As a result, it seems that the thermal decomposition of the EPS pattern was enhanced by an increase in the heat transfer from the molten metal to the EPS pattern.2) For coat A, as the distance from ingate y increases, the gradient of the arrival time increases, and the melt velocity decreases. This can be explained as follows. For coat A, which has very low permeability, because the gas layer thickness increases as a result of a decrease in the discharge rate of the decomposition gas, the heat transfer from the molten metal to the EPS pattern decreases, and the thermal decomposition rate decreases. As a result, the melt velocity also decreases. As the distance from the ingate increases, especially at the melt surface where the heat radiation time is long, the effect of the semi-solidification due to the melt temperature drop appears. In the case without reduced pressure, the above mentioned effect is more remarkable, the molten metal does not reach a distance of 190 mm from the ingate, and a misrun occurs. In addition, coat A is an insulating coat, which has a thermal conductivity that is approximately 1/3 that of coat B or coat C, as listed in Table 1. The insulating characteristic of coat A rather reduces the temperature drop at the melt surface to approximately 1/2.6) On the other hand, from the results of Fig. 4, the melt velocity up to the mold filling distance of 55 mm for coat A is approximately 1/5 than that for coat B. Bottom pouring without reduced pressure 30 Key Coat Permeability K 0.13 A 1.7 B 20 C 10 0 0 Arriving time, ta /s 3. Arriving time, ta /s 323 K. Each coat was coated so that the thickness of coat after drying was approximately 1 mm. The aluminum alloy JIS AC2A (A319 equivalent) as a casting material was melted in a high frequency electric induction furnace and directly cast from the furnace. The pouring temperature was set at approximately 1073 K. In the pouring operation, the melt surface from the bottom of the pouring basin was maintained at approximately 50 mm. As a result, the melt head at the melt surface during mold filling decreased from approximately 350 mmAl to 150 mmAl in the case of a bottom pouring, and increased from approximately 150 mmAl to 350 mmAl in the case of top pouring. Atmospheric pressure and a reduced pressure of 13.3 kPa (differential pressure with atmospheric pressure) were applied as the pressure conditions in the flask during the pouring process. The pressure in the flask was reduced by aspiration from a suction port on the flask side. A plastic film was used to cover the top of the flask and maintain the reduced pressure in the flask. 3.1 Bottom pouring under reduced pressure 30 Key Coat Permeability K 0.13 A 1.7 B 20 C 10 10 0 0 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 5 Arrival time in bottom pouring under reduced pressure. In addition, the temperature drop at the melt surface in the case of coat A is estimated to be approximately 4 times larger than that in the case of coat B.5) From these results, for coat A, the effect of the temperature drop at the melt surface by the low melt velocity due to the low coat permeability is larger than the insulating effect of the coat. In addition, under the conditions in this work for coat B or coat C, it is estimated that the range of the melt temperature change is higher than the solidus temperature,5,6) and that the velocity drop of the melt due to the semi-solidification has not occurred. Figures 6 and 7 show plots similar to those in Figs. 4 and 5, for the case of the top pouring. As in the cases shown in Figs. 4 and 5 for the bottom pouring, the arrival time becomes shorter, as the coat permeability becomes larger. Moreover, the arrival time in the case with reduced pressure is shorter. Even in the case of coat A, the melt velocity does not decrease with an increase in the distance from the ingate y, and no misrun occurs. 3.2 Effect of coat permeability on arrival time of molten metal A quantitative consideration of the effect of the coat permeability on the arrival time is examined in the following. Effects of Casting Design and Reduced Pressure on Mold Filling of Molten Aluminum Alloy in Expendable Pattern Casting Process Top pouring without reduced pressure Key Coat Permeability K A 0.13 B 1.7 5 C 10 Bottom pouring Key Reduced pressure, kPa 0 13.3 4 6 Arriving time, ta /s Arriving time, ta /s 10 1823 K=1.7 2 K=10 0 0 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0 0 0.2 Fig. 6 Arrival time in top pouring without reduced pressure. Fig. 8 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m Top pouring Key Reduced pressure, kPa 0 13.3 4 K=1.7 6 Arriving time, ta /s Arriving time, ta /s 0 0 0.2 Effect of coat permeability on arrival time in bottom pouring. 10 Top pouring under reduced pressure Key Coat Permeability K A 0.13 B 1.7 5 C 10 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0 0 0.2 Fig. 9 Fig. 7 Arrival time in top pouring under reduced pressure. Figure 8 shows the replotting of experimental results of the arrival time for the bottom pouring cases shown in Figs. 4 and 5, in order to show a comparison between the coat B of permeability K = 1.7 and coat C of permeability K = 10. As can be seen in Fig. 8, even if the coat permeability increases approximately 6 times, the arrival time only decreases to approximately 1/2, with no dependence on the reduced condition in the flask. Therefore the coat permeability ratio does not necessarily agree with the arrival time ratio. The reason for this may be as follows. Although the coat permeability increases, the discharge area of the thermal decomposition gas decreases by a decrease in the thickness of the gas layer.2) Thus, the mold filling is considered to be in dynamic equilibrium, under which the gas discharge rate reversely decreases. Therefore, it seems to be difficult to predict the melt velocity from the coat permeability. Thus, it is necessary to measure the velocities of melt for wide range of coat permeabilities. Figure 9 shows a plot similar to that in Fig. 8 in order to consider the effect of the coat permeability for top pouring. In this case also, even if the coat permeability increases approximately 6 times, the arrival time only decreases approximately 1/2. This result is similar to the result in the case of the bottom pouring in Fig. 8. 2 K=10 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Effect of coat permeability on arrival time in top pouring. Numerical calculation method based on mold filling model The experimental results of the arrival time of the molten metal were compared with the calculated values using the mold filling model reported previously.2) A summary of this mold filling model is given as follows. In the EPC process for the bottom pouring as shown in Fig. 10, the case in which the molten metal was poured into the cavity formed by the thermal decomposition of the EPS pattern, and the case in which the decomposition gas discharges into the dry sand through the coat, were considered. Furthermore, the thermal decomposition and gas discharge were considered to proceed under a dynamic equilibrium state, where a condition in which the pressure in the gas layer was equal to the melt head, was maintained.8) In the case of top pouring, when the thickness of the gas layer that existed under the molten metal is sufficiently small, and the gas does not rise in the molten metal by buoyancy, it is seemed that a model similar to that for bottom pouring can be adopted. In this case, it seems that the heat transfer from the melt surface to the EPS pattern through the decomposition gas layer is due to the radiation and heat conduction, and heat flux q can be expressed as follows: 3.3 1824 S. Koroyasu Coat 40 Radiation + Conduction Thermal decomposition gas Molten Metal B/2 Arriving time, ta /s EPS pattern Center of plate pattern Sand mold 4 Tm 100 4 # ­ þ ðTa Tm Þ ð2Þ ¤ where Ta and Tm are the temperature at the melt surface and liquid EPS surface, respectively, ¾a and ¾m are the emissivity values16) at the same places, and ­ and ¤ are the thermal conductivity and thickness of the thermal decomposition gas layer, respectively. The thermal decomposition rate of the EPS pattern is determined using eq. (2), and the melt velocity can be determined. The generation rate of the thermal decomposition gas can also be calculated from the decomposition rate of the model. On the other hand, because the thermal decomposition gas is discharged into the dry sand through the coat, the discharge rate of the gas can be obtained from eq. (1) based on the coat permeability K. As the value of ¦P in eq. (1), the melt head at the melt surface was used for the case of a non reduced pressure condition in the flask, and the sum of the degree of reduced pressure and the melt head was used for the case of the reduced pressure condition. In addition, if the mold filling is in a dynamic equilibrium state, by the equivalence of the generation rate from eq. (1) and the discharge rate of the thermal decomposition gas from eq. (2), the melt velocity can be determined, and the arrival times shown in following figures can also be determined. 3.4 Effect of casting design on arrival time of molten metal Figures 11, 12, and 13 show the experimental results for the arrival time without reduced pressure for the three coats with different permeability. The same data in Figs. 4 and 5 are shown to illustrate the difference between the casting designs. In these figures, the solid and broken lines represent the calculated values based on the mold filling model from the previous study, as mentioned above. As can be seen in these figures, except for coat A, which has a very low coat permeability K, there is almost no difference in the experimental values of the arrival time by the difference in the casting design, and the experimental values of the arrival time almost agree with the calculated values. In the middle region of the mold filling distance, except for coat A, the arrival times for the top pouring are slightly longer than those for the bottom pouring. The reason for this may be as follows. As the inter-coat differential pressure, which 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 11 Effect of casting design on arrival time without reduced pressure for coat permeability K = 0.13. 10 Arriving time, ta /s Ta 100 without reduced pressure Coat B (K=1.7) Key Line Casting (Exp.) (Calc.) design Bottom 5 Top 0 0 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 12 Effect of casting design on arrival time without reduced pressure for coat permeability K = 1.7. 5 Arriving time, ta /s " 10 0 0 Fig. 10 Mold filling model in EPC process. 5:67 q¼ 1 1 þ 1 ¾a ¾m without reduced pressure Coat A (K=0.13) 30 Key Line Casting (Exp.) (Calc.) design Bottom 20 Top without reduced pressure Coat C (K=10) 4 Key Line Casting (Exp.) (Calc.) design 3 Bottom Top 2 1 0 0 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 13 Effect of casting design on arrival time without reduced pressure for coat permeability K = 10. corresponds to the melt head, becomes larger, the discharge rate of the decomposition gas becomes larger, and the gas layer thickness becomes smaller. Thus, because of the increase in the melt head, the heat flux between the melt Effects of Casting Design and Reduced Pressure on Mold Filling of Molten Aluminum Alloy in Expendable Pattern Casting Process 4. Conclusion In order to examine the effects of the casting design and reduced pressure condition on the mold filling of a molten aluminum alloy in the EPC process, aluminum alloy plates were cast by the EPC process using three coats with different permeabilities, and the arrival times of the molten metal were measured. The following conclusions were obtained under the conditions of this work. (1) The use of a high permeability coat or the application of the reduced pressure condition led to a short arrival time of the molten metal. (2) Even if the coat permeability increased, the arrival time of the molten metal did not decrease in proportion to the coat permeability. Arriving time, ta /s 40 under reduced pressure Coat A (K=0.13) 30 Key Line Casting (Exp.) (Calc.) design Bottom 20 Top 10 0 0 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 14 Effect of casting design on arrival time under reduced pressure for coat permeability K = 0.13. Arriving time, ta /s 10 under reduced pressure Coat B (K=1.7) Key Line Casting (Exp.) (Calc.) design Bottom 5 Top 0 0 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 15 Effect of casting design on arrival time under reduced pressure for coat permeability K = 1.7. 5 Arriving time, ta /s surface and the EPS pattern, the thermal decomposition rate, and the melt velocity all increase. Therefore, the reason for the difference in the arrival time at the middle region of the mold filling distance by the difference in the casting design, may be the gradual decrease in the melt head for bottom pouring, compared to the gradual increase for top pouring, as the molten metal fills. In the case of coat A, which has a very low permeability K, the experimental value of the arrival time for the bottom pouring is considerably larger than the top pouring and calculated values. This may be an effect of the semi-solidification due to the increase in the arrival time of the melt. On the other hand, for the top pouring, there is no decrease in the melt velocity in the flow direction, and the arrival time is slightly lower than the calculated value. For the top pouring, when the decomposition gas thickness increases, it seems that the gas rises in the molten metal because of buoyancy. As a result, it is thought that the thickness of the thermal decomposition gas layer decreases, and the decrease in the heat transfer rate from the molten metal to the EPS pattern is controlled. Figures 14, 15, and 16 show plots similar to those in Figs. 11, 12, and 13, for the arrival times under reduced pressure. As in the cases shown in Figs. 11, 12, and 13 without reduced pressure, with the except of coat A, which has a very low coat permeability K, there is no significant differences in the experimental and calculated values for the arrival time by the difference in the casting design. In the middle region of the mold filling distance, the difference in the calculated values of the arrival time for different casting designs is smaller than that in the case without reduced pressure. The reason for this may be considered as follows. The inter-coat differential pressure ¦P under reduced pressure is given by the sum of the melt head and degree of reduced pressure. Therefore, in the case of reduced pressure, the rate of change in the inter-coat differential pressure from the start to the end of mold filling is smaller than that in the case without reduced pressure. In addition, the experimental values for the arrival time almost agree with the calculated values. In Fig. 14 for coat A, which has a very low coat permeability K, the experimental results for the arrival time are almost similar to those in the case without reduced pressure, and the experimental result for the bottom pouring is considerably larger than that for the top pouring, and is also larger than the calculated value. 1825 under reduced pressure Coat C (K=10) 4 Key Line Casting (Exp.) (Calc.) design 3 Bottom Top 2 1 0 0 0.1 Distance from ingate, y/m 0.2 Fig. 16 Effect of casting design on arrival time under reduced pressure for coat permeability K = 10. (3) The experimental values for the arrival time of the molten metal were compared with the calculated values based on the mold filling model from the previous 1826 S. Koroyasu study, and were found to be in relatively good agreement with these calculated values, except for the case in which the coat permeability is very low. When the coat permeability was very low, the experimental value of the arrival time for the bottom pouring was longer, and that for the top pouring was shorter, than that of the calculated value. (4) Except for the case in which the coat permeability was very low, the arrival times in the case of top pouring were almost the same as those for bottom pouring. The melt velocity for top pouring did not decrease, even when the coat permeability was low. Acknowledgment This study was carried out by the young member research encouragement fund of the Japan Foundry Engineering Society. I wish to express my deepest gratitude for the support. REFERENCES 1) F. Sonnenberg (ed.): LOST FOAM Casting Made Simple, (American Foundry Society, 2008). 2) S. Koroyasu: J. JFS 81 (2009) 377­383. 3) J. Zhu, I. Ohnaka, T. Ohmichi, K. Mineshita and Y. Yoshioka: J. JFS 72 (2000) 715­719. 4) I. Ohnaka, T. Ohmichi, J. Zhu, Y. Hagino, B. Yamamoto and K. Shinano: Report of JFS Meeting 138 (2000) p. 101. 5) S. 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