Physical Science Syllabus Instructor Kevin Molohon E-mail: Phone: 763-506-7084 Office Hours: 6:30 -7:00 am on any Monday that school is in session. Please schedule appointments for any other day/time. Where: Room A207 Text Science Spectrum: Physical Science (Holt) Course Description Physical science is an introductory, two trimester science course with chemistry, physics and earth science concepts embedded throughout the course. The course is designed to be lab-based, which means learning results from student activities. PARTICIPATION is a MUST!!! This course is also intended to provide students a more structured and systematic method of viewing the world and the information around them. Required Materials Bring the following items to class every day: - a pen or pencil (preferably both) - loose leaf paper - a calculator (this is especially useful during Physical Science A) - a 3-ring binder (1.5 - 2 inch) for your daily work. You will need this every day for class. (I have plenty of binders that I am willing to share with you.) Topics Physical Science A - The Nature of Science Physics Geology Physical Science B - Matter The Periodic Table Energy The Universe What can you expect from me? - I will always do my best to help you to learn the material. I will enjoy having you in my class. I will never lecture to you for the entire class period. I will do my best to be fair to everyone, but I will also try to do what is right in each circumstance. I will bring unbridled enthusiasm to class. Classroom Expectations (a.k.a. “What I Expect From You”) - - - - Treat each other, the teacher and everything in the room with respect. Be on time and be prepared for class. If an assignment is due, have it ready to turn in. If your pencil needs sharpening, do it right away. I want to make the most of our time together. Participate! Participate! Participate! This is the biggest key to how well you do in this class (and in life). I expect you to give your full attention to what we are doing in class (this means I won’t allow you to work on assignments for other classes during our class). Be safe in the lab. If you can’t be safe in the lab area, you can’t do the labs and that makes it very hard to pass a lab course. Any removals from lab, or class, mean zero points for the day. Be organized. Keep your supplies, notebook, homework, etc. in good shape. Grading Policy A AB+ F 93-100% 90-92% 87-89% Below 60% B BC+ 83-86% 80-82% 77-79% C CD 73-76% 70-72% 60-69% Grading is broken down as follows: tests (60%) and quizzes (15%), lab work, homework and class participation (15%) and the District Final (10%). Please note that I use weighted grades. This means that I have the percentages for each type of assignment entered into my grade program and the grade is calculated automatically based on them. Grades will be updated at least every two weeks. The Three-Ring Binder Every student needs a three-ring binder for class. This is the most important thing for you if you want to do well in class. EVERYTHING that we do in class gets put into the three-ring binder. Here’s how you make the most out of your three-ring binder (and this class, too): • Bring your binder to class every day. • Put your new daily work in your binder right after the previous day’s work. • Take your binder home and finish any work that you don’t get done in class. • Read through your binder (from the beginning of the unit up to where we left off that day) at least two times a week. • I post the answers to the lessons that we do in class on my web site. Correct your work and ask me questions about things that you don’t understand. Re-tests I allow students to re-take tests in order to earn a better grade. Students who don’t pass a test MUST re-take it. Here are the rules: • All re-takes are taken before school, at 7am, in the classroom (unless you make special arrangements with me.). • All work for the unit must be complete, corrected and in order in the threering binder, BEFORE a student can re-test. • Students may come in early (7am) for review sessions with me in the days before they re-test. • I like all re-takes to be taken within a week of the original test. Extra Credit • Extra credit opportunities will be made available to students throughout the trimester. Students can also earn extra credit by doing exceptional work on class assignments. Late or Missing Assignments Assignments are due at the beginning of class on their assigned due date It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the assignments he or she has missed for an excused absence. Ask a classmate, or the teacher, about what you missed. The class web page will have the assignments posted daily. • Late assignments will be accepted up to one week past the due date, but will only receive half credit. • • Tardy Policy • • Timeliness is expected and excess tardiness will earn consequences. Tardies will be reported to the student’s house office and may earn detention. Leaving the classroom • I only have you in class for 67 minutes a day and I want to make the most of the time that we have together. Students may leave the room to use the restroom (I don’t want you to plan on a daily bathroom break, but I don’t want to limit your access to it either – be responsible!). Students need to make the most of their 7 minute passing time between classes. Electronics There will be no cell phone, I-Pod, MP3 player or other electronics use allowed in class. Please don’t have them out/in sight during class. The only exceptions to this rule are that I will sometimes let you use the calculator on your cell phone (not on tests, though) and I am willing to let you use your own internet-ready device during lessons which involve the use of the Internet. Homework for Parents/Guardians: I need you to register your student for my class. You do this by going to my web page and clicking on the “Student Registration” selection on the left side of the page. Enter the requested information. I will make a distribution list of all of my families and use it to send out class news and updates. Please do this by Friday, September 5th. Here is the address for my web page: SPECIAL NOTE: Please make sure to do your homework. It is worth 5 points to your child (and so much more than that to me). Thanks! Homework for Everyone (also known as “Quality Family Time”): While you are at my page, look around and get yourself familiar with it. Access the textbook on-line to make sure that it works for you. Check out the links for the STEM Fair page and for the LibGuide for the Honors Project. You will also notice the calendar for the course. On the left side of the page you will see links to my homepage (where you will useful tools and information) and the link to the first unit that we will be doing – The Nature of Science. Click on this link to see the resources for the unit. When we do more units I will open up the links to them. Special Homework Assignment for ALL Students: I want to be able to send my students reminders about special events, test, etc. in class. I need you to follow the instructions for signing up for Remind (a really cool web-based text messaging tool). I have attached the instruction sheet at the end of this packet. Honors Physical Science If you are in Honors Physical Science, there are a few more things that you need to know. First of all the grading scale is different for Honors Physical Science. Here is the breakdown: Item Percentage of Final Grade Tests 50 Quizzes/Lab Work/ Participation 15 Honors Project 25 District Final Exam 10 What is the Honors Project? The Honors Project is what makes this class an Honors class. You are probably the most familiar with this as a Science Fair Project. You will research an area of science that interests you, generate a question within that area, design and run an experiment to answer the question and then share your findings at the District Science Fair and/or the Regional Science Fair. The Honors Project is science at its highest, most authentic level. You will develop research, critical thinking and problem-solving skills that you never realized you had. Do I need anything special for the Honors Project? Yes. Here is what you will need to start things off: 1. A separate three-ring binder (a 2” one should be fine) for you Honor’s Project work. Please keep this at home. 2. Please make careful note of the dates for the various Science Fairs. You will need to present your project at the District and/or the Regional Science Fair. The Fair dates are listed below – please reserve at least one of these dates now. NOTE: Only the Regional Science Fair can send projects on to the State Science Fair. Fair District STEM Fair Regional Science Fair Date February 7th February 21st State Science Fair March 21st- 24th Location Coon Rapids High School St. Cloud State University Doubletree by Hilton (in Bloomington) Science Spectrum Answer Key continued Review 3. Possible answers: magnifying glass, human eye, microscope 1. In electrical conductors, electrons can move freely throughout the substance. Therefore, electrical conductors can transfer electric charge easily. In electrical insulators, electrons cannot move freely. Therefore, electrical insulators do not transfer electric charge easily. 2. There is more friction between your feet and a carpeted floor than between your feet and a smooth floor. The greater friction causes more electrons to move between the floor and your body. 3. More electrons will move into student A’s body than into student B’s body. Therefore, the difference in electric charge between student A and the doorknob will be greater. Student A is more likely to receive an electric shock. 4. The greater the charges, the greater the electric force. 5. toward the object 4. Rainbows form because of a combination of dispersion and reflection. Dispersion happens because different wavelengths of light travel at different speeds in a medium. If all wavelengths of light traveled at the same speed in a given medium, no dispersion would occur, and rainbows would not form. 5. converging 6. green light Chapter 17 Electricity SECTION 1 ELECTRIC CHARGE AND FORCE 1. The particle has a positive charge. 2. electrons 3. They have opposite electric charges. 4. negative 5. 1.6 10 19 C 6. Electrons are located in the outer parts of an atom. 7. The toaster would not work if the cord were made entirely of plastic. Plastic is an insulator, so electricity does not flow through it easily. 8. It contains the same number of protons as electrons. 9. It has a negative charge, so it must have more electrons than protons. 10. friction 11. Electrons cannot move easily through an insulator. 12. positive 13. a force a charged object experiences due to interactions with other charged objects 14. amount of charge on each object and distance between the objects 15. away from each other 16. a force that can affect objects that are not touching 17. because a positively charged object will repel another positively charged object 18. Electric field lines show how a positively charged particle would move. A positively charged particle would be repelled by the positively charged particles in the left image. SECTION 2 CURRENT 1. energy that charged objects have that depends on their position in an electric field 2. It decreases. 3. It would decrease. 4. voltage 5. 12 V 6. from areas of high potential to areas of low potential 7. electrons 8. from right to left 9. the slowing of the movement of charged particles through a substance 10. resistance 11. They travel through the wires in the bulb. 12. by dividing voltage by current 13. V IR; V (0.50 A) × (12 ); V 6 V 14. Electrons can move through them easily. 15. Metal is a better electrical conductor than plastic, so the metal fork probably has lower resistance than the plastic fork. 16. to allow electricity to flow through the device 17. a material that has no resistance below a certain temperature Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Reader 27 Answer Key Science Spectrum Answer Key continued Review 18. The current keeps flowing. 19. less friction 1. In a closed circuit, current can flow in a closed loop. In an open circuit, current cannot flow. 2. Student should label the vertical lines “Battery,” the circled zigzag lines “Light bulb,” the uncircled zigzag lines “Resistor,” and the pair of small circles “Switch.” 3. in series 4. The switch in the circuit is open. Therefore, the circuit is open, and no current flows in it. The light bulb will not light up. 5. Both fuses and circuit breakers help to prevent circuits from becoming overloaded. The main difference between a fuse and a circuit breaker is that a fuse has to be replaced if a circuit overloads, but a circuit breaker does not. Review 1. Possible answer: Current is equal to voltage divided by resistance. 2. top row: conductor; low resistance second row: insulator; high resistance third row: high resistance fourth row: conductor bottom row: insulator 3. R V I; R (24 V) (0.80 A); R 30 4. I V R; I (1.5 V) (3.5 ); I 0.43 A SECTION 3 CIRCUITS 1. a complete loop around which electrons can flow 2. The light bulb is lit, so current must be flowing. 3. to easily describe how different parts of a circuit are connected 4. a device used to control the amount of current flowing through a circuit 5. a resistor 6. Student should circle the longer line. 7. The voltage is divided among the different components, so each component must have less voltage than the battery. 8. current 9. Student should circle the two vertical lines. 10. 100 W 11. It increases. 12. P IV; P (9.1 A) (120 V); P 1,100 W or 1.1 kW 13. 1 J/s and 1 V•A 14. a circuit in which the wires carry more current than is safe 15. If the fuse is connected in parallel with the rest of the devices, current will still flow through the circuit if the fuse blows. Therefore, the fuse cannot protect the devices in the circuit. Chapter 18 Magnetism SECTION 1 MAGNETS AND MAGNETIC FIELDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. a naturally magnetic rock points with opposite magnetic properties a substance that is always magnetic magnet A They are less magnetic than nails closer to the magnet. The freely moving magnet would move toward the magnet being held. Possible answers: curved, circular, or oval The magnetic fields of individual atoms cancel each other out. Possible answers: away from the north pole, toward the south pole south south straight down Review 1. Student should label the top of the magnet “N” and the bottom of the magnet “S.” 2. The magnets of pair B will move together because their north and south poles are near each other. 3. Moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Interactive Reader 28 Answer Key INTERMEDIATE/SECONDARY ARTICLE: Measuring Electricity We use electricity for hundreds of tasks every day. It makes our lives productive and enjoyable, yet it remains a mysterious force to most of us. Understanding electricity and how it is measured is confusing because we cannot see it. We are familiar with terms such as watt, volt, and amp, but most of us do not have a clear understanding of these terms. We buy a 60-watt lightbulb, a tool that requires 120 volts, or a vacuum cleaner that uses 8.8 amps, and don’t really think about what those measurements mean. We are confident that when we plug them in, they will work. It is important to understand electricity, because we rely on it for so many things. Electricity is the flow of electrons. Using the flow of water as an analogy can make concepts of electricity easier to understand. The flow of electrons in a circuit is similar to water running through a hose. If you could look into a hose at a given point, you would see that a certain amount of water passes that point each second. The amount of water depends on how much pressure is being applied––how hard the water is being pushed. It also depends on the diameter of the hose. The more forceful the pressure and the larger the diameter of the hose, the more water passes each second. The flow of electrons through a wire depends on the electrical pressure pushing the electrons and on the cross-sectional area of the wire. Voltage The pressure that pushes electrons in an electrical circuit is called voltage. Using the water analogy, if a tank of water were suspended one meter above the ground with a one-centimeter pipe coming out of the bottom, the water pressure would be similar to the force of a shower. If the same water tank were suspended 10 meters above the ground, the force of the water would be much greater, possibly enough to hurt you. (If you jumped from a one-meter diving board, the force when you hit the water would not be too great. If you jumped from a 10-meter board, the force would be much greater.) :DWHU7DQN :DWHU7DQN P Voltage (V) is a measure of pressure, or electromotive force, applied to electrons to make them move. It is a measure of the strength of the electric current in a circuit. Voltage is measured in volts (V). A volt is the amount of electromotive force (emf) needed to push a current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm. This definition will make more sense after you learn about current and resistance. P Just as the 10-meter tank applies greater pressure than the 1-meter tank, a 10-volt power supply (such as a battery) would apply greater electromotive force than a 1-volt power supply. Voltage potential is the electrical term that is analogous to water pressure. AA batteries are 1.5-volt; they apply a small amount of voltage or pressure for lighting small flashlight bulbs. A car usually has a 12-volt battery––it applies more voltage to push current through circuits to operate the radio or defroster. The standard voltage of wall outlets is 120 volts––a potentially dangerous amount of voltage. An electric clothes dryer is usually wired at 240 volts––a very dangerous amount of voltage. Current The flow of electrons can be compared to the flow of molecules of water. The water current is the number of molecules flowing past a fixed point; electrical current is the number of electrons flowing past a fixed point. Electrical current is defined as electrons flowing between two points having a difference in voltage potential. Current is measured in amperes or amps (A). One ampere is 6.25 x 1018 electrons per second passing through a circuit. With water, as the diameter of the pipe increases, so does the amount of water that can flow through it. With electricity, a conducting wire is the pipe. As the cross-sectional area of the wire increases, so does the amount of electric current (number of electrons) that can flow through it. Energy Exchange Mar/Apr 2003 The NEED Project PO Box 10101 :DWHU7DQN FPGLDPHWHU SLSH Manassas, VA 20108 :DWHU7DQN FPGLDPHWHU SLSH 1-800-875-5029 Resistance Resistance is a property that slows the flow of electrons––the current. Using the water analogy, resistance is an impediment to water flow. It could be a smaller pipe or fins on the inside of a pipe. In electrical terms, the resistance of a conducting wire is dependent on the metal used to make the wire, and the diameter of the wire. Copper, aluminum, and silver––common metals used in conducting wires––all have different resistance properties. Resistance is a characteristic property of a conducting material. Resistance is measured in units called ohms (W). There are electrical devices, called resistors, designed with specific resistance that can be placed in circuits to reduce or control the flow of the current. Every electrical appliance contributes resistance to a circuit, as well. Any appliance or device placed within a circuit to do work is called a load. The lightbulb in a flashlight is a load. A television plugged into a wall outlet is a load. Every load introduces resistance in a circuit. :DWHU7DQN :DWHU7DQN 1R 5HVLVWDQFH 5HVLVWDQFH Ohm’s Law George Ohm, a German physicist, made an important discovery about electricity in the early 19th century. He found that in many materials, especially metals, the current that flows through a material is proportional to the voltage across the material. In the substances he tested, he found that if he doubled the voltage (V), the current (A) also doubled. If he reduced the voltage by half, the current dropped by half. The resistance (W) of the material remained the same whether the voltage and current increased or decreased. This relationship is called Ohm’s Law, and can be written in three simple formulas. If you know any two of the measurements, you can calculate the third using these formulas: voltage (volts) = current (amperes) x resistance (ohms) or V=AxW current (amperes) = voltage (volts) / resistance (ohms) or A=V/W resistance (ohms) = voltage (volts) / current (amperes) or W=V/A Electrical Power Power is a measure of the rate of doing work or the rate at which energy is converted. Electrical power is the rate at which electricity is produced or consumed. Using the water analogy, electric power is the combination of the water pressure (voltage) and the rate of flow (current) that results in the ability to do work. A large pipe carries more water (current) than a small pipe. Water at a height of 10 meters has much greater force (voltage potential) than water at a height of one meter. The power of water flowing through a 1-centimeter pipe from a height of one meter is much less than water through a 10-centimeter pipe from a height of 10 meters. :DWHU7DQN :DWHU7DQN Electrical power is defined as the amount of electric current flowing due to an applied voltage. It is the amount of electricity required to start a device or operate a load for one second. Electrical power is measured in watts (W). The formula for power that quantifies this relationship is: power (watts) = voltage (volts) x current (amperes) or W=VxA Measuring electrical power can be confusing because a watt does not sound like a rate. Usually we think of rates as ratios––miles per hour or miles per gallon. A watt is, in fact, a ratio; you must learn about another measurement to understand it––a joule. A joule is a measurement of work performed. One watt is the rate of doing work when one joule of energy is used in one second (1 watt = 1 joule/second). A 50–watt lightbulb uses electrical power at a rate of 50 joules per second. A 100---watt lightbulb uses electrical power at the rate of 100 joules per second. Energy Exchange Mar/Apr 2003 The NEED Project PO Box 10101 Manassas, VA 20108 1-800-875-5029 Names: ---------- Can You Light the Light Bulb? Data Collection Sheet Diagrams Task Card E3dg Task #1 Task #2 Task #3 Task #4 Task #5 0 ee= V p!lJ.J ~ ~ .~ crC8( tC 4~ X-. ~ In Series and In Parallel Data Collection Sheet Task Card Task #1 Type of Circuit Diagrams t:::J ~ Questions o ~~ qll ~~s ~) Task #2 Task #4 Task #5 4 ill or•...~/t: f~ J r ov.--t-_ s-lc:.)- r~ O~+; +k 0-.. t!( .,i r-r ~1 b~t6s~ 6n~~~ .. i/2 I ~(' ~ ~ 6~ h\-br r.) ~(6 6~ lJo c- ~"'Je _ Questions Type of Circuit Diagrams Task Card Identify the type(s) of arrangements. Task #6 Task r #7 Is there Task #8 ~ any parallel circuitry in this classroom? How could you find out? Ce, {trfr-.{s l,'~ Or tcu'-~u~ { CI'rOA,'t 7_ b'-".{ 6 re..s +/ +~ V'~+ Y c~ Task #9 Task #10 '1'V'4- cti'\. -ekq~/,,- :L.+S J:-~'r ~~ 0""'-. None None Diagrams Task Card Task #11 -f= ~ U ~ None Y; '<z.s Task #12 Questions Type of Circuit 5(l,n~ How is the amount of current affected by the number of bulbs connected one after the other (that is, in series)? 1k CV\y-~+ Ij/", dIN> How is the amount of current affected by the number of bulbs connected one after the other (that is, in series)? Task #13 ~J-:' 7 ( (25 @ 1~ Gu~vr+ {~S dr-°ft/{'"' How is the amount of current affected by the number of bulbs connected one after the other (that is, in series)? Task #14 ~ tt7S fLhl (aS 1~ I~.s Cl.-tmvrl dro(PI/'f ' Task #15 How does the current through each bulb in a branched (that is parallel) circuit compare with the current through each bulb in a series circuit? ~ -e-J-.. t,'-1(65 ')"'\n.-.. Cq vr~'-..-1-. r<. qe-"'?---t .;:~~'-t 10\ -t- u-f Questions Type of Circuit Diagrams Task Card What difference is there between the current through the battery when two bulbs are connected in series, and the current through the battery when two bulbs are connected in parallel? Task #16 ~ fJ nA. b~(bS /'" t-""-[lei c. t'rcc.... r+ V'u:..~IVe. L..... ~~c +l--c- ~~~ r- -L ""l- ~~ T_ cJ - C-~'rYQ.n Questions: 1. What did you have to have for any cir9Jit to work? A cAD ~ f~LJc:.'( ~r ~ Oty,d) 2. 3. ~ U 0> What is the difference l &Jk- Sc>u.y~ .fn.. f .•. i-Aw,,~ (:.V- o~ r>) EGrv-et {Ie( - Mora...- f~Yl What is voltage? .f...'7A M OncL e("c /-•..• >-v- +,. -fav- -e- perf"'. wa.>- I fC) r--cs~ #e 4. What supplied the voltage for all of the tasks that we did? 5. What is voltage measured in? (rOw. . t /-{~~ r4 6q+~V-7. What is current? ~ f{ow af.e. (acf'-'?(/\. S 7. What is current measured in? 8. What is resistance? _ A~~ ~ 9. v~SI f.t-et""' What is resistance e- .(-0 fl-..e.. .;:.( ~f-J of- ~ (C2~+..•. '"'--S measured in? c>f1~ 10. What provided resistance ~ in the tasks that we did? ~f-ovy\s t'"" +~ wi'rlfL ~ L ctc:rV'D '"""'S Va 1+5 6. VtL / between a series circuit and a parallel circuit? S-n',,-s - 'l1-c...- Lit. ber~ ( +u elec.,.rru",-s +ke.. , Electrical Circuits - An Introduction As you arleady know, electricity is the flow of electrons. Conductors are materials that allow their electrons to move around. Metals are great examples of conductors. When electrons flow, or move around, they need a pathwway to follow. This pathway is called an electrical circuit. Typically, electrical circuits are a mixture of wires (conductors) and things attached to the wires (light bulbs, resistors, motors, etc.). Today you are going to learn how to draw simple electrical circuits. Part One: The Symbols If you look below, you will see the symbols that we use when we draw circuits. It isn't important that you know what each of these things is right now, you just need to know their symbols so you can draew them. -11- -do- Cell SWitch -1 I....~1Battery -0- -0- --0Voltmeter Lamp ~ ~ --P- --@- Variable resistor Motor Resistor Wire • --I wire Connection t-- Switch Ammeter Part Two: Some Sample Circuits The pictures below show an energized and a de-energized circuit. When a circuit is energized it just means that there is a continuous pathway for the electrons to follow. In other words, you could trace the pathway with your finger without lifting your finger from the page. Another name for an energized circuit is a closed circuit. Another name for a deenergized circuit is an open circuit. Look at the two circuits below. 1. What is the difference between the two circuits? Why is one energized and the other not? 81 OR~CELL~ Bi=lT R E + FLASHLlGHT BULB OSI (A) DEENERGIZED BAT .. R E -t~ __ (8) ENERGIZED ~ - ) " OSI o~ , C(~.J ~T., ~V'e.- ~k-- -r's r: ~~(es 6 be d "{~v~Y\.1 r<:,(4 f,~V'LS l bU ~CZ?, Part Three: Drawing Some Circuits Now it is your time to shine! Draw each of the circuits described below: A. Draw a closed circuit that consists of wire, a battery and llight bulb. B. Draw a closed circuit that consists of wire, a battery and two light bulbs. c. Draw a closed circuit that consists of wire, a battery, a light bulb and a switch. D. Draw an open circuit that consists of wire, a battery, a light bulb and an open switch (look at the example circuits from earlier). -E. Draw a closed circuit that consists of wire, a motor, a battery and a light bulb. - . f. Draw an example of a closed circuit that wouldn't work (Hint: make it so no electrons would be flowing). \ ( $""- 1 / T c:; G. Draw a circuit that consists of wire, a battery and two light bulbs, where one light bulb will keep working even if the other one burns out. (Hint: each light bulb will need its own pathway for electrons to travel) H. Draw a closed circuit that consists of wire, a battery, two light bulbs and a switch where, when the switch is closed, both lights are on and where, when the switch is open, only one light bulb is on. The Ohm’s Law Circuit Building Challenge Hi! Today you are going to continue to learn about Ohm’s Law and Circuit Building. Along the way, you will create circuits to meet various challenges that I give you. All in all, it should be a pretty great day! Background Information As you already know, Ohm’s Law states the relationship between voltage, current and resistance. The formula is Current (amps) = Voltage (volts) ÷ Resistance (ohms) The current is a measure of the flow of the electrons, the voltage is a measure of the force pushing the electrons and the resistance is a measure of the friction in the circuit that is going against the current. When you change any value in the equation (increase the voltage, change the resistance, etc.), you have an effect on the rest of the values in the equation. Getting Started 1. Log on to your computer. 2. Go to the following web site: 3. Click on “Run Now!” You now have the raw material to create a circuit. Take a moment to look over the site and find all the different materials. To build a circuit you will need several wires, a light bulb, a voltage source, a voltmeter, and a non – contact ammeter. Play with it to see how to grab and manipulate these tools. Click the reset button. The Circuits A. Series Circuits Build a simple series circuit that consists of 6 pieces of wire, 1 light bulb, and 1 battery (voltage source). In order to complete the circuit, the red circles at the end of each must overlap. Please note that the light bulb also has TWO circles. Your circuit is complete and working when the light comes on and the blue dots begin moving. Draw a picture of your circuit here. What do you think that the moving blue dots represent? Use the tools at the side to get a voltmeter and a Non-contact ammeter. Put the voltmeter near the battery and place the red tab at one end and the black at the other. What is the voltage? __________ Place the ammeter crosshairs over the moving blue dots. What is the reading? _______ What does an ammeter measure? ____________ Go over your circuit drawing and label each wire with its ammeter reading. Right click on the battery and choose the “Change Voltage “option. Try different voltages and see what happens to the current in the circuit. Fill in the blanks below: As I increase the voltage, the current _________________. As I decrease the voltage, the current _________________. Right click on the light bulb and choose the “Change Resistance” option. Try different values and see what happens to the current in the circuit. Fill in the blanks below: As I increase the resistance, the current _________________. As I decrease the resistance, the current _________________. Click the reset button and begin the next challenge. B. Parallel Circuits Parallel circuits provide more than one path for electrons to move. Sketch below a parallel circuit that includes 10 wires, 2 light bulbs and 1 voltage source. Create this using the simulator tool. The blue dots will be moving and both lights will be on once the circuit is complete. Use the voltmeter to measure the voltage in the battery. Record the voltage here: _______ Use the non-contact ammeter to record the current in each of the wires. Write down the readings on your circuit drawing. What did you notice about the current reading in the parallel circuit that was different from the series circuit? What can you tell me about the current that each light receives? The Challenges For the remainder of the class, get through as many of the following challenges as you can. Take this packet home and work on any challenges that you don’t finish. The further that you get in the challenges, the more points that you will earn. If you complete all of the challenges, you will earn extra credit. Challenge #1 Make a light bulb light brightly using 4 batteries. Draw your circuit below. Challenge #2 Add an on/off switch to your circuit from Challenge #1. Draw your circuit below. Challenge #3 Make 3 light bulbs light brightly with all 3 with the same brightness (same current, measures the same number of amps). Draw your circuit below, label the current for each light bulb. Challenge #4 Add a switch to your circuit from Challenge #3 that will turn off 2 of the three lights. Draw your circuit below. Challenge #5 Move the switch in your circuit from Challenge #4 so that it turns off all three lights. Draw your circuit below. Challenge #6 Make a circuit that contains two switches, two bulbs, one battery and some wires. Make it so that if either switch is open, neither light shines, but if both switches are closed, both lights shine. Draw your circuit below. Challenge #7 Make a circuit that contains two switches, two bulbs, one battery and some wires. Make it so that if both switches are open, neither light shines, but if either switch is closed, both lights shine. Draw your circuit below. Challenge #8 Make a circuit with three light bulbs (bulb #1, bulb #2 and bulb #3). When you remove light bulb #1, the whole circuit shuts down and when you remove bulbs two or three, the other bulbs stay on. Draw your circuit below. Challenge #9 Make a parallel circuit with two batteries and four lights. Make it so that the light bulbs each shine with a different brightness. Draw your circuit below and explain what you did to make the bulbs shine differently. Challenge # 10 – Design your own challenge. Make a circuit of your own design and write your own challenge statement (Just like you were the teacher trying to challenge the rest of the class. Draw your circuit below and write your challenge statement. , Ohm's Law Name: Background Information , A German physicist, Georg S. Ohm, developed this mathematical most circuits. This relationship relationship, is known as Ohm s law. This relationship states I voltage (energy) in a circuit increases, so does the current increases, -----------which is present in that if the (flow of charges). If the resistance the current flow decreases. To work through this skill sheet, you will need the symbols used to depict circuits in diagrams. The symbols that are most commonly used for circuit diagrams are provided to the right. If a circuit contains more than one battery, the total voltage is the sum of the individual voltages. For example, a circuit containing two 6 V batteries has a total voltage of 12 V. (Note: The batteries .~ )o.? must be connected positive to negativ~ for the voltages to add.) If a problem asks you to calculate the voltage or resistance, rearrange you must the equation I=V /R to solve for V or R. All three forms of the equation are listed below v = IxR r \ I=V 'k R "-If:t.- c~~~•..+ V R=. I .)~t'\G Example Problem If a toaster produces 12 ohms of resistance in a 120-volt circuit, what is the ~mount of current in the circuit? Given The resistance (R) is 12 ohms. The voltaqe (V) is 120 volts. Looking for The amount of current (I) in the circuit. Relationships I = VIR Solution I = V /R = 120 volts/12 ohms The current in the toaster = 10 amps is 10 amps. Practice Problems In this section, you will find some problems based on diagrams cmd others without diagrams. In all cases, show your work. 1. How much current is in a circuit that includes a 9-volt batte:ry and a bulb with a resistance of 3 ohms? etA y-re~ ~ ~ b =:. 1 ttlt)A-- -:-- q Vb tis ~? rj"" '""'-I 2. How much current is in a circuit that includes a 9-volt battery and a bulb with a ~si~a~c~S12 ohms? CLA ryo.•.."'::: v ~ --:- /<z s .'s: fq (r/~ J"\t3.. q '<!:If ~ (J. 0 I,~ 5' ~ ~ .?sq~s r 3. A circuit contains a 1.5 volt battery and a bulb with a resistClnce of 3 ohms. Calculate the current. C<A.~/r-.f ~ Vi:> Ifct~ --+ !s-~,'S~hu.. ~ (.~' 4l-is7 ? 6 ~~~ = .~qr-y?S 4. A circuit contains ~ 1.5 volt batteries and a bulb with a resistance of 3 ohms. Calculate the current. {v..V'V"Or-.1: ." Vb I~ ~ /?.J. {'s &<h f4- :5 v.l +> - ~ J .,,'--s -:-( "'fJ 5. What is the voltage of a circuit with 15 amps of current and toaster with 8 ohms of resistance? \) ~ I +t:iJe- =-- (VI rre.vrf x:.f;tS I f I-q '" ~ "=' I ~a v-.fS" )( 8 b i,""'.s -::::IJ.o V~/+s_ 6. A light bulb has a resistance of 4 ohms and a current of 2 A. What is the voltage across the bulb? "v-..lftt?- -;:. C'-Y-Ye..,q.)( f-~ls~/r()t&. :::: ;) ~/1S X 7. How much voltage would be necessary to generate 10 amps of current in a circuit that has 5 ohms of resistance? '" S-- () j,. "" S V'o 1.far.js2- -::: L \A V'~ d X ~ .s l s G... ";:::: {0" "f~ +-.'" =: n:J Vf:> I~. 8. How many ohms of resistance must be present in a circuit thClt has 120 volts and a current of 10 amps? ~ st's(--o, h.~ ~ Vw I~:J.'--.' ClAVVQnf-- -::::::- (0/0 Vt) In ~ ICJ ~ -;:; 1;< (j~hr.J 9. An alarm clock draws 0.5 A of current when connected to a 1,~0volt circuit. Calculate its resistance. ~ S.l5~""'~ ::: V D l~~ 7- Cu.vnu,....-f -::::. !d-O v C:~ lis ~ d.~ ~ -=:: d. L{O t> h Yv\.J 10. A portable CD player uses two 1.5 V batteries. If the current in the CD player is 2 A, what is its resistance? /'Jz. s./ ~ .f;;f ~ ~ V~).f-~ -::- 0.-.~ :5 Vo l-h -.;...;) 7s -;;:~ rs: '"+:::- q 11. You have a large flashlight that takes 4 D-cell batteries. (;)£" ~~ If the current in the flashlight is 2 amps, what is the resistance of the light bulb? (Hint: A D-cell battery has 1.5 volts.) l' •.; ~'("C\ •.L J'\"'--- ~ ,.... ~ V~ I ~q~r --; If.:. -;- q-...... "' ...~r . (V-o C",VV?2"....+ ,{ ~ '=:::. .J? j 0 Y7 ~S_ 12. Use the diagram below to answer the following problems. + 6V!I 6V 6V _ B A a. What is the total voltage in each circuit? A : b Va Its A ~ bv~/& -:-6 Ik b ~~ (l'rt-v..I+ {J~ fJ-v.ftt- .;.., -:::- (~~ :ts- How much current would be measured in each circuit if the light bulb has a resistance of 12 ohms? [v...Y"\ f: -:...\J ~ l ns /.r -k n~ c. + A: 6 VQ '+5 C; V"'cV\"). l? : d. Vo How much current would be measured in each circuit if the light bulb has a resistance of 6 ohms? (''-tr~V'-+;':' \/ •• I ~ -:- n.r"~~n.C-.s:l.... b. C,' rc.- '-1 r' I? ~ IJ. ~ (;... I.).V~ ITs 0 ,;.. ,,) h MS -=:- +~ -;.... V. r ~ nr-~f ~ • I a~. a~f./lf::: Is the bulb brighter in circuit A or circuit B? Why? ~ bv./~ (I> b r,V h f~V' CJ rc..l-t ,,-I- /5 -+~ C-Vl rV"'-e.t"'.-t S !~1ft V', ('L-., ~Cq",~ f 13. What happens to the current in a circuit if a 1.5-volt battery is removed and is replaced by a 9-volt battery? ~ t C-v\ YY'~ WO'-1 I a. {'~ C-Y<Lcr~ . 14. In your own words, state the relationship between resistance and current in a circuit. Cv.V'f'aV'\Te; Y2!-s/> ~T\eatIlrfL c::r/UCfr5 ~1",--sf ~~C-~ t-\.A~.-t 1"h: ,'50 h'<2QSi.-tyO- ~ of -rc~\../ e.f e.. {acfY'b.V\s ~S"v..~ or -tf--- h.r~I'.s.ft{I\.C- f~ "~t: t'", ~ Cl'rcVI.,f q-d fh= ns,'.s1r;hc.. 15. In your own words, state the relationship between voltage and current in a circuit. '/~ \..J v~ I1-«y- ~c '" '--c.<.s •••""- h.~e--l-f:h-- L(~c...-1ro~ ~ 'Ir-... ~N~ (~ YlL- /V'..oV'~ cl-f -fi..-....~~~'7 V I:) l r~- ~ ~ o+~r-~ w " t-'" +~ -= 'lr"edCfar- C"trYQvl-f cro f'1-o-f:J.,v •f e. ~cf,.CV\,<; _ 16. What could you do to a closed circuit consisting of 2 batteries, increase the current? Explain your answer. :r \_.H' '"' 1.1 ~ i' >'Q. +""-->-v-, ,f.... P 17. What could you do to a closed circuit consisting of 2 batteries, decrease the current? Explain your answer . ...-.--. "...L W ,0'--'1 IJ W i Vet... +~'"'" {'I,..", 2 light bulbs, and a switch to q Yl:i {I"- I . 2 light bulbs, and a switch to se v-( e. S . I 18. You have four 1.5 V batteries, a to. bulb, a 2.a bulb, and a 30. bulb. Draw a circuit you could build to create each of the following currents. There may be more than one possible answer for each. 1 ampere 2 amperes 3 amperes 6 amperes l a.r- USa- £ 0. ttL 'I\L J. bq vvy US'..c2... t..Vl!r:; L{ 11e.rt't:L<; > 6~vJ-es America Revealed: Electric Nation NAME: ________________ 1. On average, how many electric devices are in our homes? 2. When was the first power plant made? 3. What is the name for the collection of power plants that are around the nation? 4. What connects all of the different power plants across North America? 5. How many miles of high tension transmission lines are there today? 6. What caused the blackout in the summer of 2003? 7. How many people in America were without power? 8. How do workers get to the high voltage lines to repair them? 9. What does it mean when they say that the lines are “live”? 10. How many volts were in the line? 11. How many generating plants do we count on to power the grid? 12. What type of power plants provide the most of our electricity? 13. What percent of our energy do we get from coal? 14. Where is the largest coal mine in the United States located? 15. Why makes the coal in Wyoming special? 16. How many tons of coal can one truck hold? 17. One truckload of coal could supply the energy needs of one household for how many years? 18. How long will the Powder River Basin coal last? 19. When did the first nuclear reactor come on line? 20. How hot does the water get in the core of the reactor? 21. How many nuclear plants are in operation today? 22. What fossil fuel is seen as safer and cleaner than coal and nuclear? 23. How many times could our natural gas pipelines in the United States reach around the earth? 24. How else, besides using pipelines, do we transport natural gas? 25. How cold is the gas kept while it is on the ship? 26. What new source of natural gas did they find in the United States? 27. What are the controversies with the natural gas in shale? 28. What is America’s fastest growing renewable resource? 29. How many wind turbines are there across America? 30. How tall are the wind turbines? 31. The energy produced by one wind turbine is enough to power ________ homes. 32. Where does most of the energy loss in America happen? 33. Who are the main electricity users in America today? 34. What do you think America’s energy future will look like? How will we meet our energy needs?