Materials Science and Engineering Overview

Materials Science and Engineering Overview
The Field - Preparation - Day In The Life - Earnings Employment - Industries - Development Career Path Forecast - Professional Organizations
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is a field of
engineering that encompasses the spectrum of materials types
and how to use them in manufacturing. Materials span the
range: metals, ceramics, polymers (plastics), semiconductors,
and combinations of materials called composites. We live in a
world that is both dependent upon and limited by materials.
Everything we see and use is made of materials: cars,
airplanes, computers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, TVs,
dishes, silverware, athletic equipment of all types, and even
biomedical devices such as replacement joints and limbs. All of these require materials
specifically tailored for their application. Specific properties are required that result from
carefully selecting the materials and from controlling the manufacturing processes used to
convert the basic materials into the final engineered product. Exciting new product
developments frequently are possible only through new materials and/or processing. New
materials technologies developed through engineering and science will continue to make
startling changes in our lives in the 21st century, and people in Materials Science and
Engineering will continue to be key in these changes and advances. These engineers deal with
the science and technology of producing materials that have properties and shapes suitable for
practical use. Activities of these engineers range from primary materials production, including
recycling, through the design and development of new materials to the reliable and economical
manufacturing for the final product. Such activities are found commonly in industries such as
aerospace, transportation, electronics, energy conversion, and biomedical systems. The future
will bring ever-increasing challenges and opportunities for new materials and better
processing. Materials are evolving faster today than at any time in history. New and improved
materials are an "underpinning technology" - one which can stimulate innovation and product
improvement. High quality products result from improved processing and more emphasis will
be placed on reclaiming and recycling. For these many reasons, most surveys name the
materials field as one of the careers with excellent future opportunities.
The Field
CD-ROMs, like everything around us, are made of materials. So are dessert plates,
basketballs, car engines, telephones, and audiocassettes. Therefore the work done under the
heading of Materials Science Engineering has an unprecedented impact on our quality of life.
Although the field deals with materials, it encompasses an incredible diversity of topics and
problems constituting the four elements of the field -- processing, structure, properties, and
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 1 of 13
History is measured by innovations in materials. Developments in metals like iron and bronze
enabled advances in civilization thousands of years ago, a synergy which continues today in
the fiber optics that have created the World Wide Web and in the development of biomaterials
that mimic living tissue. As you explore the field it may be useful to become familiar with some
generic categories of materials.
Metals are materials that are normally combinations of "metallic elements". These
elements, when combined, usually have electrons that are non-localized and as a
consequence have generic types of properties. Metals usually are good conductors of
heat and electricity. They are also quite strong but deformable and tend to have a
lustrous look when polished.
Ceramics are generally compounds between metallic and nonmetallic elements and
include such compounds as oxides, nitrides, and carbides. Typically they are insulating
and resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments.
Plastics, also known as polymers, are generally organic compounds based upon carbon
and hydrogen. They are very large molecular structures. Usually they are low density
and are not stable at high temperatures.
Semiconductors have electrical properties intermediate between metallic conductors
and ceramic insulators. Electrical properties are strongly dependent upon small
amounts of impurities.
Composites consist of more than one material type. Fiberglass, a combination of glass
and a polymer, is an example. Concrete and plywood are other familiar composites.
Many new combinations include ceramic fibers in metal or polymer matrix.
Processing refers to the way in which a material is achieved. Advances in technology have
made it possible to create a material atomic layer by atomic layer. There are four general
categories which may be useful to know: solidification processing, powder processing,
deposition processing, and deformation processing.
Solidification Processing
Most metals are formed by creating an alloy in the molten state, where it is relatively
easy to mix the components. This process is also utilized for glasses and some
polymers. Once the proper temperature and composition have been achieved, the melt
is cast. Castings can be divided into two types, depending on the subsequent
processing steps. The first type is shape casting, which takes advantage of the fluidity
of liquid metal to form complex shapes directly. Because of the complexity of their part
geometries, these castings generally cannot be worked mechanically to a significant
degree. Therefore any changes in microstructure or properties must either be achieved
first during solidification or through subsequent heat treatments.
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 2 of 13
Powder Processing
Powder processing involves consolidation, or packing, of particulate to form a `green
body'. Densification follows, usually by sintering. There are two basic methods of
consolidating powders: either dry powder can be compacted in a die, a process known
as dry-pressing, or the particles can be suspended in a liquid and then filtered against
the walls of a porous mold in a process known as slip-casting or filter pressing. Bulk
ceramics are usually processed in powder form since their high melting points and low
formability prohibit other types of processing. Metals and polymers can also be
processed from powders.
Deposition Processing
Deposition processing modifies a surface chemically, usually by depositing a chemical
vapor or ions onto a surface. It is used in semiconductor processing and for decorative
or protective coatings. Vapor source methods require a vacuum to transport the
gaseous source of atoms to the surface for deposition. Common vapor sources are
thermal evaporation (similar to boiling water to create steam), sputtering (using
energetic ions to bombard a source and create the gas state), or laser light (ablates, or
removes, atoms from surface to create the gaseous state). Other sources use carrier
media such as electrochemical mixtures (ions in a solution transported by an electrical
field to the surface for depositions) or spray coating (ions or small particles transported
by gases, liquids, and/or electrical field).
Deformation Processing
One of the most common processes is the deformation of a solid to create a desired
shape. A large force is generally used to accomplish the deformation, and many
techniques heat the material in order to reduce the force necessary to deform it.
Sometimes a mold is used to define the shape. Forging, an old method that heated the
metal and deformed the metal by hammer blows is still used today, albeit with multi-ton
hammers. Rolling to reduce the thickness of a plate is another common process. Some
glasses when heated can be formed with tools or molds. Other common methods, like
drilling to make holes, or milling, are machining versions of the deformation process.
Structure refers to the arrangement of a material's components from an atomic to a macro
scale. Understanding the structure of a substance is key to understanding the state or
condition of a material, information which is then correlated with the processing of the material
in tandem with its properties. Understanding these relationships is an intrinsic part of materials
science engineering, as it allows engineers to manipulate the properties of a material.
Does a material need to be strong and heat-resistant, yet lightweight? Whether you're talking
about a fork or the space shuttle, products have specific requirements which necessitate the
use of materials with unique properties. Materials engineers must frequently reconcile the
desired properties of a material with its structural state to ensure compatibility with its selected
processing. Typical properties of interest may be classified into:
Mechanical Properties: Tensile strength, fracture toughness, fatigue strength, creep
strength, hardness
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 3 of 13
Electrical Properties: Conductivity or resistivity, ionic conductivity, semiconductor
conductivity (mobility of holes and electrons)
Magnetic Properties: Magnetic susceptibility, Curie Temperature, Neel Temperature,
saturation magnetization
Optical and Dielectric Properties: Polarization, capacitance, permittivity, refractive
index, absorption
Thermal Properties: Coefficient of thermal expansion, heat capacity, thermal
Environmental Related Properties: Corrosion behavior, wear behavior
The evaluation of performance is an integral part of the field. The analysis of failed products is
often used to obtain feedback on processing and its control as well as to assist in the initial
selection of the material and in the stages of processing. Testing also ensures that the product
meets performance requirements. In many products the control of its processing is closely
associated with some property test and/or a structural characterization.
Preparation for a career in materials engineering can begin as early as
high school, and need not be limited to a course of `materials' study.
There are many kinds of programs, degrees, and disciplines that will
enable you to pursue a career in the field.
It is highly recommended that while in high school you take the
maximum amount of college preparatory mathematics, laboratory
sciences, and English offered. If choices are possible, those courses
highly dependent upon knowledge and reasoning should take
precedence over courses in which the emphasis is on manual skill.
Students should try to take all the physical sciences and mathematics
courses offered at their school. In addition, students should take
advantage of all available opportunities to develop their communication
skills. Study of a language other than English is desirable. Talk to your guidance counselor
about requirements at the university of your choice
College Programs
Most major universities have academic BS degree granting programs in one of the specialty
areas of Materials Science and Engineering. The majority of undergraduate programs provide
a survey across the spectrum of materials. Other programs focus in one particular class of
materials like Ceramics, Metallurgy, or Polymers.
A few universities only have graduate programs. Graduate programs are open to people with
bachelors degrees in the field as well as those from other more general areas of science and
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 4 of 13
engineering. Specific areas of expertise in each program are dependent upon the faculty in
that program. The average program is staffed by 15 faculty members. Programs range in
faculty size from less than ten members to near forty. No single program covers the entire field
due its breadth and the typically modest number of faculty members.
Accredited Programs
Those interested in a career in materials engineering should consider reviewing engineering
programs that are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.
(ABET). ABET accreditation is based on an evaluation of an engineering program's student
achievement, program improvement, faculty, curricular content, facilities, and institutional
commitment. The following is a partial list of universities offering accredited degree programs
in materials engineering, including materials, ceramic, and metallurgical programs.
Materials Programs
Ceramic Programs
The University of Akron
• Alfred University
University of Alabama at Birmingham
• Clemson University
Alfred University
• University of Missouri-Rolla
Arizona State University
• Pennsylvania State University
University of Arizona
• Rutgers, The State University
Auburn University
of New Jersey
Brown University
California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo
Metallurgical Programs
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
• The University of Alabama
University of California, Los Angeles
• Colorado School of Mines
Carnegie Mellon University
• University of Idaho
Case Western Reserve University
• University of Missouri-Rolla
University of Cincinnati
• Montana Tech of the University of
Colorado School of Mines
Cornell University
• University of Nevada-Reno
Drexel University
• The Ohio State University
University of Florida
• University of Pittsburgh
Georgia Institute of Technology
• South Dakota School of Mines and
University of Illinois at UrbanaTechnology
• University of Texas at El Paso
Illinois Institute of Technology
• University
Iowa State University
The Johns Hopkins University
University of Kentucky
Lehigh University
University of Maryland College Park
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Montana Tech of the University of
New Mexico Institute of Mining and
North Carolina State University at Raleigh
Northwestern University
The Ohio State University
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 5 of 13
Pennsylvania State University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
Purdue University at West Lafayette
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
San Jose State University
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Utah
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Washington State University
University of Washington
Winona State University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Wright State University
A materials program serves a dual purpose: it provides
technical information and instills a thought process
characteristic of the engineering discipline. All programs
integrate the four elements of the field (properties,
structure, processing, and performance) through the
several classes of materials (ceramics, electronic
materials, metals, polymers, composites). Specialized
curricula synthesize one class of materials with the
elements of the field, in a Ceramic Engineering or Metallurgical Engineering program, for
example. In most programs, however, a core curriculum is incorporated with courses
addressing the scientific principles relating to the properties and behavior of materials, as well
as the structure (atomic configurations), characterization, and processing of materials.
Engineering design courses focus on the performance of materials in applications and
emphasize devising new materials, components, systems, or processes to meet particular
objectives. Most engineering programs develop from a mathematical base coupled with
aspects of chemistry or physics. MST, however, builds almost equally upon chemistry and
physics and includes an increasing influence of biology. Communications, social issues, and
the humanities are also incorporated in order to provide individuals the requisite breadth to be
able to place technical problems in the context of tomorrow’s world.
Degrees are granted in several specializations and concentrations, including materials, metals,
minerals, ceramics, and polymers. Within these study programs, one can emphasize areas
such as processing, structure-property relationships, electronic properties, and chemical and
environmental effects.
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 6 of 13
Graduate School
Many students continue their studies to earn an advanced degree, a master's (MS) degree or a
doctoral (Ph.D./D.Sc.) degree. They do this either directly after earning the BS degree or after
some work experience. An MS degree generally can be earned within two years after the BS
degree. The doctoral degree, which typically involves four plus years of study and research
beyond the BS degree, is usually completed by those interested in careers in research and/or
teaching. Depending on an individual's career goals, the BS degree
may also be followed by study in such fields as business
administration, management, medicine, and law.
Study Abroad
Studying abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience.
Materials Science & Engineering careers may take you overseas or
at least offer you the opportunity to work with international
corporations. Information on studying abroad may be obtained from
university counselors. For more information, visit:
Institute of International Education:
Resource for Study Abroad:
Council of International Educational Exchange:
Association for International Practical Training:
Day in the Life
From cellular phones to artificial hip joints to lightweight bicycles,
materials engineers work to develop products that improve lives.
Materials engineers bring advances in the auto, aerospace,
construction, manufacturing, electronics, computer, and
telecommunications industries by developing new or improved metals,
plastics, ceramics, semiconductors and composites. They work to
increase the strength of steel, toughen ceramics, lower the cost of
composites and make faster computer circuits. Materials are involved
in almost every engineering product, and materials engineers are
needed to select the best material, improve its properties, lower its
processing cost and increase its durability.
Career Tracks
There can be many tracks within a career. A materials engineer might
begin in a technical area such as manufacturing or research and
development, and then move into a management, sales, marketing, or a consulting role,
depending on interest and ability.
Teamwork & Environment
In a manufacturing operation most tasks are conducted by cross-functional teams of people.
Materials engineers are generally part of a support group integral to these teams for various
functions -- from design concept through manufacturing processes to final product evaluations.
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 7 of 13
In addition to the technical and problem-solving skills requisite for a career in the field, the socalled `soft skills' will play a significant role in your success. Leadership abilities, teamwork,
communication skills, flexibility, goal orientation, as well as the capacity for organization, all
figure prominently in a career.
Because of their training and skills, materials engineers make strong candidates for jobs not
traditionally associated with engineering: sales, training, law, medicine, insurance, real estate,
publishing, finance, technical service, and government.
Opportunities exist for a wide range of people with a spectrum
of backgrounds. A recent survey shows a changing distribution
of people in the field over the past twenty years. Much of this
change was the result of people becoming aware of the
opportunities in the field.
Organizational Size
Each work environment is unique. Factors like a company's size may impact your career. Over
half of the people polled in a recent survey of the field work in large companies (more than
1000 people). However, a growing number of materials engineers are finding positions in small
Earnings for engineers vary significantly by specialty, industry,
and education. Even so, as a group, engineers earn some of
the highest average starting salaries among those holding
bachelor's degrees.
Starting Salary
According to a 2005 salary survey by the National Association
of Colleges and Employers, bachelor's degree candidates in
materials engineering received starting salary offers averaging $50,982 a year.
Variation in median earnings and in the earnings distributions for engineers in the various
branches of engineering also is significant. For aerospace engineers, earnings distributions by
percentile in May 2004 are shown in the following tabulation.
$44,130 $53,510 $67,110 $83,830 $101,120
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 8 of 13
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, materials engineers
held about 21,000 jobs in 2004. This represents 1.5% of the 1.4
million jobs held by engineers in the U.S. in 2004.
Materials engineers are involved in the development, processing, and
testing of the materials used to create a range of products, from
computer chips and television screens to golf clubs and snow skis.
They work with metals, ceramics, plastics, semiconductors, and
composites to create new materials that meet certain mechanical,
electrical, and chemical requirements. They also are involved in
selecting materials for new applications. Materials engineers have
developed the ability to create and then study materials at an atomic
level, using advanced processes to replicate the characteristics of
materials and their components with computers. Most materials engineers specialize in a
particular material. For example, metallurgical engineers specialize in metals such as steel,
and ceramic engineers develop ceramic materials and the processes for making ceramic
materials into useful products such as glassware or fiber optic communication lines.
The following is a partial list of employers of materials scientists and engineers:
3M Company
Advanced Magnetics, Inc.
Advanced Micro Devices.
AK Steel Corp.
Alcan Aluminum
Allegheny Ludlum Corp.
Alliant Techsystems
American Superconductor
Applied Materials
Argonne National Laboratory
Babcock & Wilcox
BASF Corporation
Battle Mountain Gold Company
Bayer Corp.
Beaver Valley Alloy Foundry
BF Goodrich
Black & Decker
Boeing Company
Brookhaven National Lab.
Cabot Corporation
Chevron Chemical
Chrysler Corporation
Cincinnati Milacron, Inc.
CMI International
Georgia Pacific
Hewlett Packard
Intel Corporation
International Paper
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Kaiser Aluminum
KB Alloys Inc.
Kennecott Corp.
Logan Clay Products
Los Alamos National Lab
LTV Steel
Lucent Technologies
Microsoft Corporation
Mobil Corporation
Nalco Chemical
National Science Foundation
National Starch & Chemical Co.
Nissan Motor Corporation USA
Norsk Hydro Aluminum
Nucor Corp.
PPG Industries
Procter & Gamble
Specialized Bicycle Components
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 9 of 13
Corning Incorporated
Crucible Materials Corp.
CSM Industries, Inc.
Cypress Semiconductor
Dalton Foundries
Deere & Company, Inc.
Dow Chemical
Eastman Chemical Co.
Eastman Kodak
Eaton Corp
EI DuPont
Exxon Chemical Company
Flint Ink Corporation
FMC Corporation
Ford Motor Company
General Electric
General Motors
Sun Microsystems
Sundstrand Aerospace
Taylor Made Golf Co.
Tensar Corporation
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Timken Co.
United States Mint
United Technologies
W.L. Gore
Wabash Alloys
Wahl Refractories
Waupaca Foundry Inc.
Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel
Wolvering Tube Co.
Virtually all industries demand people with backgrounds in
materials engineering. These people may be monitoring
impurities in steel destined for an assembly line, shrinking the
size of circuits to improve the reliability of a pager, or designing
new materials for a missile casing. Industries may employ
materials engineers to reduce the overall weight of a vehicle,
remove limitations in power plants, or research product failures
for a liability suit.
There are four general sectors of industry that employ materials engineers:
Primary Materials Producing
These companies provide basic materials to other companies who manufacture a
component for a product or the end product itself. Examples are steel companies, glass
companies, polymer powder producing companies, etc. Typically these are relatively
large organizations. This sector comprises a small number of companies that support a
much larger number of manufacturing businesses.
These companies produce a component or end product using materials from Primary
Producing companies. This sector includes a large number of companies ranging in size
from a few to thousands of employees. This sector represents many different industries:
transportation, electrical/electronics, machinery, computers/office, biomaterials, durable
goods, and non-durable goods.
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 10 of 13
Companies in this sector provide support for others. Employers include consulting firms,
research and development organizations, construction companies, utilities, engineering
services, communications companies, and research groups.
Educational institutions, government, legal organizations, healthcare, business services,
finance, insurance, and wholesale/retail are some of the other employers of materials
Professional Development
Learning is a life-long endeavor. Advances in technology are
perpetually changing the tools of materials engineering, so
maintaining your technical competence will be a constant pursuit. It
will also be important to continue developing communication skills.
Actively pursuing professional development opportunities in and out of
the work environment can expand your abilities and career options.
Making Yourself Marketable
Maintaining technical competence is important, but the development
of other capacities (i.e., communications skills, networking, mentoring)
is just as critical. By honing these crafts you will become more
Being a registered professional engineer is important in those areas of the field with direct
public impact, such as in consulting firms. Take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam
when a senior or immediately following graduation; this exam is a prerequisite for sitting for the
PE Exam. After four years of professional experience, contact your State Board. Each board
generally has a packet of information which outlines the steps to be taken by engineers to
become a registered Professional Engineer. This includes the requirements engineers must
fulfill to qualify as a candidate to take the Principles and Practices Examination and rules while
taking the examination. Further Resources:
National Society of Professional Engineers:
National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying:
Value of Networking
The opportunity to meet and discuss materials successes and challenges with one's peers is
invaluable toward not only project success, but also personal success. Sharing information
and ideas is generally beneficial to both parties and is a hallmark of a successful engineer.
Networking is the single most important cited resource for people to obtain new positions.
Continuing Education
While you will perhaps seldom find yourself in a classroom, you must remain current in your
chosen specialty. Possible forms of continuing education include: reading technical journals
and publications, attending conferences, workshops or training courses, and obtaining
membership in a professional society.
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 11 of 13
Career Path Forecast
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, materials engineers are expected to have
employment growth about as fast as the average for all
occupations through 2014.
Although many of the manufacturing industries in which
materials engineers are concentrated are expected to
experience declining employment, materials engineers still will
be needed to develop new materials for electronics,
biotechnology, and plastics products.
Growth should be particularly strong for materials engineers working on nanomaterials and
biomaterials. As manufacturing firms contract for their materials engineering needs,
employment growth is expected in professional, scientific, and technical services industries.
Professional Organizations
Professional organizations and associations provide a wide
range of resources for planning and navigating a career in
materials science and engineering. These groups can play a
key role in your development and keep you abreast of what is
happening in your industry. Associations promote the interests
of their members and provide a network of contacts that can
help you find jobs and move your career forward. They can
offer a variety of services including job referral services,
continuing education courses, insurance, travel benefits,
periodicals, and meeting and conference opportunities. The following are several professional
societies serving the materials science and engineering community. A broader list of
professional associations is also available at
ASM International:
ASM International is a society whose mission is to gather, process and disseminate technical
information. ASM fosters the understanding and application of engineered materials and their
research, design, reliable manufacture, use and economic and social benefits. This is
accomplished via a unique global information-sharing network of interaction among members
in forums and meetings, education programs, and through publications and electronic media.
The American Ceramic Society:
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is a 100-year-old non-profit organization that serves
the informational, educational, and professional needs of the international ceramics
community. The Society's more than 7,500 members comprise a wide variety of individuals
and interest groups that include engineers, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, plant
personnel, educators, students, marketing and sales professionals, and others in related
materials disciplines.
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 12 of 13
The Materials Research Society:
The Materials Research Society (MRS) is an organization of materials researchers from
academia, industry, and government that promotes communication for the advancement of
interdisciplinary materials research to improve the quality of life. Founded in 1973, MRS now
consists of more than 13,000 members from the United States -- as well as over 50 other
countries. The Society is different from that of single discipline professional societies because
it encourages communication and technical information exchange across the various fields of
science affecting materials.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society:
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a professional organization that
encompasses the entire range of materials and engineering, from minerals processing and
primary metals production to basic research and the advanced applications of materials.
Included among its nearly 10,000 professional and student members are metallurgical and
materials engineers, scientists, researchers, educators, and administrators from more than 70
countries on six continents.
Additional Resources:
• American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers:
• American Society for Testing and Materials:
• American Welding Society:
• Association of Iron & Steel Engineers:
• International Metallographic Society:
• Iron & Steel Society:
• NACE International:
• Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration:
• Society of Automotive Engineers:
• Society of Petroleum Engineers:
• The Electrochemical Society:
• The Metallurgical Society of CIM:
"Materials Science and Engineering Overview" - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (
Some resources are provided by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Page 13 of 13