Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 340 Electromagnetics Fall Semester 2015 Syllabus DESCRIPTION: Vector analysis, time-harmonic fields, Maxwell equations, electromagnetic wave propagation, transmission lines, waveguides, antennas PREREQUISITES: PHYS 211b, PHYS 212b, ECE 211. TEXTBOOK: 1. Class Notes, by Course Instructor, Dr. Xin Wang (to be handed out in installments in class) REFERENCES: 1. Engineering Electromagnetics, W. H. Hayt, J. A. Buck, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill 2. Selected IEEE Transactions and Conference Papers INSTRUCTOR: Professor: Xin Wang, PhD Phone: 618-650-3634 Office: EB 3041 Email: Office Hours: To be posted near instructor’s office door, and to be announced in class, as well as given to students in a separate handout Tentative Outline 1. Vector Analysis and Vector Calculus a) Review of Scalars and Vectors b) Review of Vector Algebra c) Vector Addition, Dot Product, Cross Product 2. Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field Intensity a) The Experimental Law of Coulomb b) Electric Field Intensity, Voltage c) Field of a Line Charge, Sheet Charge 3. Electric Flux Density, Gauss’ Law and Divergence a) Electric Flux Density b) Gauss Law c) Maxwell’s First Equation (Electrostatics) 4. Energy and Potential a) Energy and Potential in a Moving Point Charge in an Electric Field b) The Line Integral c) Definition of Potential Difference and Potential d) The Potential Field of a Point Charge, The Potential Field of a System of Charges e) Potential Gradient 5. Conductors, Dielectric and Capacitance a) Current and Current Density b) Continuity of Current c) Dielectric Materials: Nature, Boundary Conditions d) Capacitance e) Method of Images 6. Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equation: Uniqueness Conditions, Examples of Solutions 7. The Steady Magnetic Field a) Biot-Savart Law b) Ampere’s Law c) The Scalar and Vector Magnetic Potentials d) Derivation of the Steady Magnetic Field Law 8. Magnetic Forces, Materials and Inductance a) Force on a Moving Charge b) Force on a Differential Current Element c) Force and Torque d) Magnetic Circuit e) Inductances and Mutual Inductances 9. Time Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations a) Faraday’s Law b) Displacement of Current c) Maxwell’s Equations: Differential and Integral 10. Uniform Plane Wave a) Wave Propagation in Free Space and Dielectrics i. Free Space ii. Dielectrics b) The Poynting Vector and Power Considerations c) Wave Polarization 11. Plane Waves at Boundaries and in Dispersive Media 12. Transmission Lines a) Transmission Line Equations b) Graphical Methods 13. Waveguides 14. Antennas 15. Summary CLASS SCHEDULE (Tentative): Week Monday 1 Syllabus, Introductions 2 Curl, Divergence and Gradient 3 4 5 6 Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field Intensity Electric Flux Density, Gauss’s Law Conductors, Dielectrics and Capacitance Poisson’s Equation Wednesday Vector Analysis And Vector Calculus Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field Intensity Electric Flux Density, Gauss’s Law Energy and Potential Midterm Exam 1 The Steady Magnetic Field Assignment Reading HW1 Handout 1 HW2 Handout 2 HW3 Handout 3 HW4 Handout 4 HW5 Handout 5 HW6 Handout 6 7 Laplace’s Equation The Steady Magnetic Field 8 Magnetics Forces and Torques 9 10 Time Varying Fields and Maxwell Equations Time Varying Fields and Maxwell Equations 11 The Uniform Plane Wave 12 Plane Waves 13 Transmission Lines 14 Waveguides 15 Antennas Magnetics Forces and Torques Time Varying Fields and Maxwell Equations Time Varying Fields and Maxwell Equations Midterm Exam 2 The Uniform Plane Wave Plane Waves Transmission Lines Waveguides Review HW7 Handout 7 HW8 Handout 8 HW9 Handout 9 HW10 HW11 HW12 HW13 HW14 HW15 Handout 10 Handout 11 Handout 12 Handout 13 Handout 14 Handout 15 SCHEDULE: [course schedule: 2 – 3 hour lectures/week over a 15-week semester.] [credits: 3 credits hours] Lecture: Monday, Wednesday, 3pm-4:15pm, Engineering Building 1150, 08/24/2015-12/18/2015 CLASS POLICIES: 1. Exams are given according to the table above. No make-ups given except when advance notice is given. 2. All midterm exams are closed book and notes 3. During quizzes and exams a calculator may be used but no computer devices with internet access. 4. All homework assignments are due according to the schedule above. A one week late homework is accepted with a 20% penalty. One homework grade is dropped. 5. All lab assignment due according to the attached scheduled. Labs up to one week late are accepted with a 10% Sign Off and/or 10% Report penalty. 6. Incompletes are an exception and rarely granted except in accordance to institutional policy. 7. Attendance is mandatory and the student is responsible for missed work. 8. Any student with a special needs request should contact the instructor. 9. Students should check their SIUE email and Blackboard for notices and announcements. 10. Homework will be assigned one week before the due date. Project will be assigned two weeks before the due date. GRADING POLICY: Assignments Quantities 15 Homework 0 Labs 15 Quiz 0 Design Points/unit 1.5 0 1.5 0 Total Points 22.5 0 22.5 0 Project Midterm Exam Final Exam GRADE A B C D F 2 12.5 25 1 30 TOTAL 30 100 POINT RANGE 100 – 90 89 – 80 79 – 70 69 – 60 < 60 LAB DESCRIPTION: There will be labs based on MATLAB and other Computer Software. CO = Check Off Only, No Report; BR = Basic Report; FR = Final Report LAB REPORT FORMATS: Basic Reports (BR): a. Title Page (Name, Lab Number/Title, Course, Date) b. Objectives (Restate in your words) c. Design Files (Schematic, PSpice/MATLAB File, Simulation, Data Tables) d. Detailed Conclusions (What worked, how objectives are met, design approaches) Final Report (FR): a. Title Page (Name, Lab Number/Title, Course, Date) b. Objectives (Restate in your words) c. Parts/Equipment List d. Brief Procedure (in steps) e. Design Files (Schematic, PSpice/MATLAB File, Simulation, Data Tables) f. Detailed Conclusions (What worked, how objectives are met, design approaches) COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES and PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: Upon completion of this course students should be able to: I. Describe and analyze distributed systems such as transmission lines and fields II. State several laws and principles of electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields III. Use vector calculus and other mathematics to describe electromagnetic phenomena IV. Name principal personages and describe the phenomena they discovered and/or the mathematics and/or reasoning they used. V. Solve problems in electrostatic, magnetostatic, and electromagnetic fields VI. Describe the principles of operation of several electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic devices ORAL and WRITTEN COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: Lab Reports (0), Oral Paper Presentation (0). MATH USAGE: Integral and Differential Calculus, Complex Variables, Linear Algebra COMPUTER USAGE: PC: Pentium AT or Higher, 8MB, Windows 2000 or Higher Software: Use of MATLAB/Simulink, PSpice or equivalent software for designing, modeling and simulation will be needed by the students. LIBRARY USAGE: Notes on Reserves (WEB Based), Blackboard Tools