Proceedings of the 4th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'09) EVALUATION OF VOLTAGE STABILITY INDICES BY USING MONTE CARLO SIMULATION T. RATNIYOMCHAI & T. KULWORAWANICHPONG Power System Research Unit School of Electrical Engineering Suranaree University of Technology Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand Abstract: - This paper presents an alternative approach to evaluate voltage stability indices in electric power systems by using Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). Fast voltage stability index (FVSI), line stability index (Lmn) and line stability factor (LQP) are used as indicators to determine the capability of reactive power loading at a given bus position. Conventionally, loading the test bus with pure reactive power is not realistic because power system load changes randomly at every load bus in both real and reactive powers. In this paper, MCS was introduced to simulate load increment of all load buses with appropriate random numbers and their probability. From this approach, all the indices mentioned above can be calculated repeatedly with a large number of trials. To evaluate its use, a small fivebus test system was employed as a demonstration. As a result, comparing among these indices, the weakest bus of the test system can be identified with some degree of confidence. Key-Words: - Fast voltage stability index, line stability index, line stability factor, Monte Carlo simulation situation leads incapability of identifying the weakest bus that causes the system voltage collapse In this paper, modification based on MCS for evaluation of voltage stability indices (e.g. FVSI, Lmn and LQP) to identify weak buses in electric power systems has been proposed. Statistical load models with appropriate random numbers and their probability are used to predict electrical demand growth of all load buses. With their positive mean and variance of the statistical load models, the power system is driven to increase its total loading with some considerable momentum. By performing the system load increment with a moderate time span and computing all the voltage stability indices, weak buses of the system can be observed. This simulation can typically involve over 10,000 trials to pretend a real-world power system operation. The results from this simulation can be used to evaluate the weakest bus with a certain degree of confidence. In this paper, Section 2 gives a brief explanation of voltage stability indices used in this paper as mention earlier. It notes that the full Newton-Raphson power flow calculation [5] was applied to solve for system voltage solutions. It is well-known and widely-accepted as the most powerful tool for this purpose. Therefore, the method of Newton Raphson power flow calculation was not included here. Monte Carlo simulation was reviewed and summary of its use to evaluate weak buses of the system were reviewed in Section 3. For test, a five-bus power system was employed. To simulate the demand growth of the system, appropriate statistical 1 Introduction In recent years, major power system failures (system blackout) have occurred more frequently around the world [1]. Some of these failures have been caused by voltage instability problems. These circumstances lead, the voltage stability issues, to an important and urgent concern for electric utilities. Solving this problem is not the right thing to be proceeded because an power system under the voltage-instability event is typically unpredictable. It is difficult or impossible to correct this problem when it occurred. Prevention of voltage instability is probably moderate one. Many researchers in power system voltage stability devote their works to identify the weakest bus of the system. The weakest bus is considered as the bus that is likely to be the first bus of the system facing voltage collapsed. The prevention of voltage instability relies on locating the system weakest bus. Some efficient actions can be employed to put an operating point of the system far from the voltage collapsing point with an acceptable margin. Static voltage stability can be determined by using continuation power flow calculations [2]. Many static voltage evaluation methods have been proposed, for example, the minimum singularity value method, mode analysis method and sensitivity method [1,3,4]. The major disadvantages of the continuation power flowbased methods are computing efforts that make difficulty of implementation in on-line applications and experiences of solution divergence due to the numerical instability in power flow calculations. Moreover, inconsistency between off-line model and real-life ISSN: 1790-5095 297 ISBN: 978-960-474-055-0 Proceedings of the 4th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'09) 4 xQr load models were assigned to all load buses. Simulation results were illustrated in Section 4. Section 5 provided adequate conclusion remark. ⎡⎣Vs sin ( θ - δ ) ⎤⎦ 2 = L mn ≤ 1.00 (2) Where x is the line reactance Qr is reactive power at the receiving-end Vs is voltage at the sending-end θ is the phase angle of the line impedance δ is the voltage phase difference of bus s and r 2 Voltage Stability Indices Voltage stability indices can be evaluated by using a two-machine coupling model. There exist many useful indices from literature. In this paper, only FVSI, Lmn and LQP are reviewed as follows. Lmn is used to indicate a stable operating region of the load. According to this index, the system becomes unstable if Lmn is equal to or greater than unity. 2.1 FVSI (fast voltage stability index) [6-9] Calculation of current flowing through the line in Fig. 1 gives primary expression of this index. 2.3 LQP (line stability factor) [6,11] V1 ∠ 0 P2 , Q2 , S 2 P1 , Q1 , S1 LQP uses the same concept of FVSI and Lmn. It is derived from power transfer equations describing the system in Fig. 3. LQP can be expressed in (3). V2 ∠δ R + jX I Fig. 1 Simple two-bus power system for FVSI Given that bus 1 is the sending-end bus and bus 2 is the receiving-end bus. FVSI can be expressed in (1). 4 Z 2Q2 FVSI12 = 2 V1 X Z X Q2 V1 Where Fig. 3 Simple two-bus power system for LQP (1) ⎛ X ⎞⎛ X ⎞ LQP = 4 ⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 2 Pi 2 +Q j ⎟ ⎝ Vi ⎠⎝ Vi ⎠ Where FVSI is used to indicate a stable operating region of the load. According to this index, the system becomes unstable if FVSI is equal to or greater than unity [6]. is the real power flow from bus i is the line reactance is the reactive power flow to bus j is the voltage magnitude at bus i 2.4 Procedure to compute voltage stability indices All three voltage stability indices can be obtained in each power flow calculation loop driven by the incremental reactive power loading at a particular load bus. By increasing only the reactive power of this bus until the indices greater than unity, the maximum reactive power loading ability can be calculated. The following step-by-step procedure describes the computation algorithm for voltage stability indices. Calculation of current flowing through the line in Fig. 1 gives primary expression of this index. Ir r + jx Vr ∠δr , S r = Pr + jQr Fig. 2 Simple two-bus power system for Lmn START: Step 0 Load a test power system Initialize parameters Consider Fig. 2. Using relation between voltage and current of the transmission line, line stability index (Lmn) can be clearly defined as follows. ISSN: 1790-5095 Pi X Qj Vi (3) The system is stable as long as LQP is less than 1.0 [6]. 2.2 Lmn (line stability index) [6,9,10] Vs ∠δ s , S s = Ps + jQs Vj Z = R + jX I is the line impedance is the line reactance is the reactive power at bus 2 is the voltage magnitude at bus 1 Is Pj , Q j , S j Pi , Qi , S i Vi 298 ISBN: 978-960-474-055-0 Proceedings of the 4th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'09) is being b modeleed. The MCS S is categorizzed as a samppling metthod because the input variabless are randomly gen nerated from m probability distribution ns to simulatte the pro ocess of samppling from aan actual pop pulation as shhown in Fig. F 4. The proceedure for Monte Carlo simullation corrresponding to the uncerrtainty propaagation show wn in Fig g. 4 is fairly simple, and can be easily y implementted in som me scientific software, suuch as MATL LAB, MATC CAD, SCILAB, etc. Reset all counnters R D Define reactive power inccrement and time step S Start the loadd bus counterr (LBC) Step p1 A Assign the neext load bus for reactive power p loadinng Step p2 Inncrease the reeactive poweer loading Perform the power p flow caalculation C Compute FVS SI, Lmn and LQP L Step p3 C Check the stoopping criterrion I (FVSI 1)) & (Lmn 1) & (LQP 1)) IF Go to Steep 4 O OTHERWISE E Go to Steep 2 E END Step p4 E Evaluate thee maximum m reactive power loadding abiliity I (LBC Tootal number of IF o load busess) go to Steep 5 O OTHERWISE E LBC = LBC + 1 go to Steep 1 E END Step p5 S Successfully i obtain voltagge stability indices P Perform weakk bus ranking I Identifying thhe weakest bus b of the sysstem STO OP To apply thee MCS foor voltage stability inndex evaaluation, cllassification of system m variabless is neccessary. For this problem m, electrical demand groowth at each load bus b can be increased randomly r wiith a parrticular randdom distribuution. Due to the ranndom pro ocess, not onnly the reacttive power but b also the real pow wer can be assumed a as iinput random m variables. With W theeir positive mean m and vaariance of th he statistical load mo odels of Gauussian distribbution, the power p system is driven to inccrease its total loadiing with some s con nsiderable momentum. m By perform ming the system loaad incremennt with a moderate time span and com mputing all the t voltage sstability indiices accordinng to theeir associatedd power flow w solution, weak w buses of o the sysstem can be observed o andd ranked. This simulationn can typ pically involve over 10,0000 trials to o pretend a realwo orld power system s operaation. The results r from this sim mulation can be used to eevaluate the weakest w bus with a certain c degreee of confideence. Hencee, when appllying thee MCS to thhe voltage staability index x calculationn, the step-by-step procedure p ssummarizing g the moddified com mputation algorithm is deescribed as follows. f 3 Applied A M Monte Caarlo Simulation [12--15] TART: ST Steep 0 Load a test power p system m Initialize parameters Reset all couunters Define statisstical modelss to all loads Start the tim me counter Output 1 Input 1 Output 2 Input 2 Physical Systeem Input 3 Output 2 Steep 1 Randomly generate g dem mand growth of this time step s Steep 2 Perform P the power p flow ccalculation Compute C FV VSI, Lmn and LQP Steep 3 Check the sttopping criteerion IF (FVSI 1) 1 & (Lmn 1) & (LQP 1) 1 Go to Step S 4 OTHERWIS SE Increasee the time coounter Go to Step S 1 END Fig. 4 Prrinciple of Moonte Carlo Sim mulation A Monte M Carlo simulation (MCS) is a technique that invoolves using raandom numbbers and probbability to soolve physsical problem ms. This tecchnique reliees on compputer simuulation of reaal-life modells to predict what w is likelly to happpen next. When W the sim mulation goinng on, randoomly channge in some input variables can be made m to drivee the systeem to operatte at a new unpredictable u e operating sttate. Thiss method is i one among several methods for analyyzing uncerttainty propaagation, wherre the objecctive is to t determinne how raandom variaation, lack of that know wledge, or errror affects the t system performance p ISSN: 1790-5095 299 ISBN: 978-960-474-055-0 Proceedings of the 4th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'09) ensure a normal distribution of the output variable outcome. Table 3 showed a summary of simulation results. Step 4 Evaluate the maximum power loading ability Successfully obtain voltage stability indices Perform weak bus ranking Identifying the weakest bus of the system STOP Table 3. Simulation results for a total of 30,000 trials Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Simulation Results To demonstrate the proposed algorithm for evaluating the voltage stability indices, a simple five-bus test power system of 100-MVA base was used. Its base-case loading was assumed to be 165 MW and 40 Mvar. Some information of the test system was given in Table 2 and 3 for load data and line data, respectively. Statistical models of all load buses used in this paper was Gaussian distribution in which 10% of each base-case power was set as its mean and 0.9 was a typical value of its variance. 0 0 10 4 3 985 22114 LQP Lmn 1 9148 4 1 0 503 12003 0 0 14 15 11 1074 21127 Figs 6-8 illustrated the change of each index during the random load incremental. From these figures, maximum power load ability can be evaluated. The value obtained by each index was slightly different. However, they are just 2.0% of maximum variation from the mean of 4.00. As can be seen in Tables 3 and 4, by using the FVSI, the weakest bus was bus 5 with 95.7% of confidence. The LQP also told the similar result with 95.0% of confidence. However, by using the Lmn, the degree of confidence was dropped to be as low as 55.4%, the weakest bus was still the bus number 5. In addition, the voltage magnitude of bus 5 was observed and depicted as shown in Fig. 9 – 10, whereas Figs 9 and 10 were the apparent power and the time counter being the x axis, respectively. From these figures, the voltage magnitude decreased dramatically until its collapse. Fig. 5 Five-bus test system Again, Figs 9-11 illustrated the change of each index during the random load incremental. This set of figures was set the time counter as the x axis. Although the shape of curves was different, the conclusion drawn from these graph was the same as described earlier. Table 1. Load at base case of the five-bus test system bus 1 2 3 4 5 FVSI Load at base case (MVA) 20 + j10 45 + j15 40 + j5 60 + j10 FVSI for 5 bus test systems 1.2 test value fit curve Table 2. Line data of the five-bus test system Form bus 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 To bus 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 1 Impedance (p.u.) 0.02 + j0.06 0.08 + j0.24 0.06 + j0.18 0.06 + j0.18 0.04 + j0.12 0.01 + j0.03 0.08 + j0.24 0.8 0.6 FVSI Line number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.4 0.2 The test started from the base case. Random load increasing was repeatedly performed with a uniform time step until the system voltage collapses. This operation was defined as one trial. To achieve realistic results, the test must be performed as many as possible. In this work, the test was conducted with 30,000 trials to ISSN: 1790-5095 3.97 0 -0.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Apparent power load (p.u.) 3.5 4 Fig. 6 FVSI results 300 ISBN: 978-960-474-055-0 4.5 Proceedings of the 4th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'09) Lmn for 5 bus test systems FVSI for 5 bus test systems 1.2 1.2 test value fit curve test value fit curve 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 FVSI Lmn 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 3.96 0 0 -0.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Apparent power load (p.u.) 3.5 4 4.5 -0.2 0 5 Fig. 7 Lmn results 10 15 Number of load increasing 20 25 20 25 20 25 Fig. 9 FVSI results LQP for 5 bus test systems 1.2 Lmn for 5 bus test systems test value fit curve 1.2 test value fit curve 1 1 0.8 0.8 LQP 0.6 Lmn 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 4.12 0 0 -0.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Apparent power load (p.u.) 3.5 4 4.5 -0.2 0 5 Fig. 8 LQP results Table 4 Summary of simulation results Load at bus 5 FVSI Lmn Base load 0.61 0.61 Increasing load 3.97 3.96 % increasing 550.82 549.18 % confidence 95.7 55.4 10 15 Number of load increasing Fig. 10 Lmn results LQP 0.61 4.12 575.41 95.0 LQP for 5 bus test systems 1.2 test value fit curve 1 0.8 Table 5 Summary of the conventional index evaluation Load bus Maximum loading (p.u.) Rank 2 9.826 4 3 4.789 2 4 3.664 1 5 8.558 3 LQP 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 5 10 15 Number of load increasing Fig. 11 LQP results Apart from the MCS, the test power system was also challenged with the conventional approach to determine ISSN: 1790-5095 301 ISBN: 978-960-474-055-0 Proceedings of the 4th IASME / WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'09) [3] L. Cai and I. Erlich, Power System Static Voltage Stability Analysis Considering all Active and Reactive Power Controls - Singular Value Approach, IEEE Lausanne Power Tech 2007, 1-5 July 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 367 - 373 [4] Z. Yanping, Z. Jianhua, Y. Jingyan and H. Wei, Research on the critical point of steady state voltage stability, The 7th International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC 2005), 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2005, Singapore, pp. 1 - 559 [5] J.J. Grainger and W.D. Stevenson, Jr., Power system analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1994. [6] I. Musirin and T.K.A. 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In this test category, only reactive power was assumed to be increased, bus-bybus, until voltage collapsed. By measuring the maximum loading ability, all load buses can be ranked according to this value as shown in Table 5. From the table, however, the weakest bus (rank 1) is the bus number 4. Without any help from other reactive power compensators, this bus can supply pure reactive power up to 3.664 p.u. Comparing with the result obtained by using the MCS, it told the different story. At the time of writing this paper, no further suggestion comes to explain this comparison or which is better. More test systems and simulation results are required to justify its use. 5 Conclusion This paper presents a random-based approach to calculate voltage stability indices in electric power systems by using fast voltage stability index (FVSI), line stability index (Lmn) and line stability factor (LQP) as indicators to identify the point of voltage collapses at a given bus position. The Monte Carlo simulation was employed to situate realistic growth of electrical demand at all load buses instead of just increasing the reactive power at a single load bus. To evaluate this proposed method, a five-bus test power system was given. As a result, the voltage stability margins according to each index were calculated and, therefore, the weakest bus of the system was identified. Obviously, when using the old fashion way to evaluate the weakest bus of the system by increasing only the reactive powers, the result gave the different bus number as the weakest bus. The old fashion method relied on the decouple assumption that the reactive power strongly affects the voltage change. In fact, there may be some slight interaction made by the real power that cannot be neglected. From this point of view, the authors still need more test systems and simulation results for comprehensive comparisons. However, at this state of work, the authors encourage readers to employ the MCS to extend this field of research. References: [1] Y. Wang, W. Li and J. Lu, A new node voltage stability index based on local voltage phasors, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 79, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 265-271 [2] V. Ajjarapu, V. and C. Christy, The continuation power flow: a tool for steady state voltage stability analysis, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 416 – 423, 1992 ISSN: 1790-5095 302 ISBN: 978-960-474-055-0