Lennart Söder, Professor in Electric Power Systems, KTH Reports and papers The production of reports are here divided into three groups: Education, Individual Research and Research in cooperation with others. Reports concerning education 1. Söder L., Transient stability, project assignment in Power Systems basic course, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (1986) 2. Söder L., Acidification and carbondioxid emissions in Europe, Compendium (1a), project assignment (1b) and the computer program SOXNOX (1c), which simulates sulphur and nitrogen emissions and depositions in Europe.(in Swedish), Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (1994-95) 3. Söder, Static analysis of electric power systems, (in Swedish and also a slightly different edition in English) Compendium, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (1998) 4. Söder, L., Study of an electric power system, (in Swedish and also an edition in English), Project assignment in Elsystem gk, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. (1998) 5. Söder, L., Load flow study, Compulsory assignment including theory for the course Power system analysis, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. (1995) 6. Söder, L., Sensitivity analysis of power systems}, Compulsory assignment including theory for the course Power system analysis, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, (1995) 7. Söder, L., Electric Power System Planning, (in Swedish and also a minor edition in English), Compendia used in the course System Planning, KTH and in the course Energy Optimization at Mitthögskolan. Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, (1998) Individual research reports 8. Söder L., Renewable energy sources, wind and solar, in electric power systems. A model development, (in Swedish) Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, The Royal Institute of Technology, (1994) 9. Söder L., Wind power modeling in WASP-II and -III, Presented and Advisory Group Meeting to Review Experience with WASP for Nuclear Power Planning in Developing Countries, IAEA, Wien, September (1985) 10. Söder L., Wind power in power system planning, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, The Royal Institute of Technology, Licentiate thesis, (1986) 11. Söder L., Wind availability at high electric demand (in Swedish), Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, The Royal Institute of Technology, (1987) 12. Söder L., Benefit assessment of wind power in hydro-thermal power systems, The Royal Institute of Technology, ISBN 91-7170-931-2, (1988), (Doctoral thesis) 13. Söder L., Wind power integration into hydro-thermal power systems, IEA Expert Meeting on Integrating wind turbines into power systems, Herndon, Virginia. I-EES-8902 Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. (1989) 14. Söder L., New conditions for integration of wind power in power systems, (in Swedish), AEES-9003, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. (1991) 15. Söder L., Reserve margin planning in a wind-hydro-thermal power system, presented at IEEE Winter Meeting 1992. (1992) 16. Söder, L., Modelling of wind power forecast uncertainty, Presented at European Community Wind Energy Conference, Lübeck-Travemünde, Germany, 1993. 17. Söder, L., Integration study of small amounts of wind power in the power system, TRITAEES-9401, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (1994) 18. Söder, L., Wind power impact on hydro power system efficiency, European Wind Energy conference, EWEC '94, October 10-14 1994, Thessaloniki (1994) 19. Söder, L., Monitoring power flows with isophase angle maps, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. (1994) 20. Söder, L., A mixed rule based-linear programming method applied to daily operation planning of a hydro power system, Stockholm Power Tech, June 18-22 1995, Stockholm, Sweden (1995) 21. Söder L., Estimation of reduced electrical distribution losses depending on dispersed small scale energy production, presented at 12th Power Systems Computation Conference, August 19-23, 1996, Dresden, Germany, (1996) 22. Söder L., Wind power capacity credit, Elforsk report 97:27, final report from Elforsk project 2061, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. (1997) 23. Söder L., Wind energy impact on the energy reliability of a hydro-thermal power system in a deregulated market}, presented at 13th Power Systems Computation Conference June 28 - July 2, 1999, Trondheim, Norway. 24. Söder, L.: 'Vad gör man när det mojnar? - så kan vindkraftens variationer jämnas ut på elmarknaden'. Proceedings of Sveriges Energiting-99. Eskilstuna, Sweden. March 1999. 25. Söder, L.: 'The value of wind power for an owner of a local distribution network'. Presented at the 15th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. CIRED'99. Nice, France. June 1999. 26. Söder, L.: 'Who should be responsible for generation capacity addition'. Proceedings of the DRPT 2000. Presented at DRPT2000, City University, London, UK. April 2000. 27. Söder, L.: 'The operation value of wind power in the deregulated Swedish market'. Proceedings of Nordic Wind Power Conference, NWPC 2000. Presented at the NWPC 2000, Trondheim, Norway. March 2000. 28. Söder, L.: ’Wind power systems’, published in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Volume 17, Third edition, Editor-in-Chief: Robert A. Meyers, ISBN 0-12-227427X, Academic Press, (2002) 29. Söder L.: ’If you sell electricity you should have electricity to sell’ presented at Sveriges Energiting 2001, Eskilstuna 14-15 March, 2001 30. Söder, L. “Imbalance management and reserve requirements” Published in proceedings of “Wind power and the impact on power systems” IEEE-Cigre workshop, Oslo June 17-18 2002 31. Söder, L. “Explaining Power System Operation to Nonengineers”, Published in IEEE Power Engineering Review, April 2002 32. Söder L.: “Count on Wind Power”. Forskning & Framsteg, nr 6, September 2003, (in Swedish) 33. Söder Lennart: “On limits for wind power generation”. Published in International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2004, pp 243-254. 34. Söder Lennart: “The value of wind power”, in: Wind Power in Power Systems, to be published in January 2005 by Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. 35. Söder Lennart: “Modelling approach impact on estimation of integration cost of wind power”, Proceedings of 7th IAEE European Energy Conference European Energy Markets in Transition, The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration NHH, Bergen, Norway, August 28–30th, 2005 Research reports produced in cooperation with others 36. Söder L., Bubenko J., Modelling of wind power, presented at 8:th Power systems computation conference in Helsinki, 19-24 August (1984) 37. Söder L., Bubenko J., Capacity credit and energy value of wind power in hydro-thermal power system, presented at 9:th PSCC conference in Lissabon, Portugal, Aug 30 -- Sep 4 (1987) 38. Arnborg S., Johansson A., Söder L., Power factor improvement and distribution energy loss reduction in a rural power system}, B-EES-9101, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. (1991) 39. Olofsson M., Söder L., Andersson G., Power flow in a public grid integrated electric traction system}, Presented at the 11th PSCC, Avignon, France, (1993) 40. Söder, L., Renström A-K. Reduced electrical distribution losses depending on wind power production - A case study, European Wind Energy conference, EWEC '94, October 10-14 1994, Thessaloniki (1994) 41. Olofsson, M., Söder, L., Andersson G. Linear programming based optimal power flow using second order sensitivities, Paper 95 WM 209-7 PWRS, presented at IEEE Winter Power Meeting, January 29 - February 2, 1995 in New York (1995) 42. Olofsson, M., Söder, L., Andersson G. Optimal operation of the Swedish railway electrical system, International conference on Electric Railways in a United Europe, 27-30 March 1995, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 43. Olofsson, M., Söder, L., Andersson G. Modelling of constraints in linear programming based optimal power flow, Stockholm Power Tech, June 18-22 1995, Stockholm, Sweden (1995) 44. Wernerus, J., Söder L., Area price based multi-area economic dispatch with transmission losses and constraints, Stockholm Power Tech, June 18-22, 1995, Stockholm, Sweden (1995) 45. Olofsson M., Söder L., Andersson G., Optimal Power Flow in a Traction Power Supply System}, presented at 12th Power Systems Computation Conference, August 19-23, 1996, Dresden, Germany, (1996)’ 46. Nilsberth A., Söder L. Planning of electricity contracts on a deregulated market}, Presented at DA/DSM Europe 96, Vienna. (1996) 47. Nilsson O., Söder L., Sjelvgren D. Integer modelling of spinning reserve requirements in short term scheduling of hydro systems}, PE-142-PWRS-0-06-1997. Presented at IEEE SM'97 in Berlin, Germany (1996) 48. Nilsson O., Söder L. Short term planning methods applied to evaluation of unavailability costs in a river}. Proc.~of IPEC '97, Presented at IPEC'97 in Singapore (1996) 49. Nilsson O., Söder L. Daily generation planning of a hydro dominated hydrothermal system. Proc.~of Hydropower 97. Presented at Hydropower'97 in Trondheim, Norway (1997) 50. Nilsson Ol, Söder L. Integer modelling of spinning reserve requirements in short term scheduling of hydro systems: An application to power trading Presented at IEE APSCOM'97 in Hongkong (1997) 51. Nilsberth A., Söder L. Managing electricity contracts in a deregulated market, Presented at DA/DSM DistribuTECH Europe 97 in Amsterdam (1997) 52. Thunberg E., Söder L. A Norton approach to distributed network modeling for harmonic studies}, Presented at IEEE Summer Meeting, July 12-16 1998 (1998) 53. Thunberg E., Söder L. A harmonic Norton model of a real distribution network}, Presented at ICHPQ'98, October 14-16 1998 (1998) 54. Thunberg, E. & L. Söder: ' A Norton approach to distribution network modelling for harmonic studies'. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 272-277, Jan. 1999. 55. Ackermann, T., Andersson, G. & L. Söder: 'Overview of government and market driven programs for the promotion of renewable power generation'. Proceedings: Renewable Energy: Technologies & Policies for Sustainable Development, WREC'99, pp. 215-219. Presented at WREC'99, Perth, Australia. Feb. 1999. 56. Amelin, M. & L. Söder: 'Cost estimations for power sources in rural electrification schemes'. Proceedings of ICEET'99. pp. 98-105. Presented at ICEET'99. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. September 1999. 57. Amelin, M. & L. Söder: 'A fast multi-area economic hydro-thermal power system model'. Proceedings of NAPS'99. pp. 203-210. Presented at NAPS'99. San Luis Obispo, California, USA. October 1999. 58. Ackermann, T., Andersson, G. & L. Söder: 'What is distributed generation?'. Proceedings of NAPS'99. pp. 232-239. Presented at NAPS'99. San Luis Obispo, California, USA. October 1999. 59. Ackermann, T., Andersson, G. & L. Söder: 'Electricity market regulations and their impact on distributed generation'. Proceedings of the DRPT 2000. pp. 608-613. Presented at DRPT2000, City University, London, UK. April 2000. 60. Ackermann, T. & L. Söder: 'Wind energy technology and current status - A review.' Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Pergamon 4(2000). pp. 315-374. Elsevier Science Ltd. 61. Ackermann, T., Andersson, G. & L. Söder: 'Overview of government and market driven programs for the promotion of renewable power generation', Renewable Energy, 22(2001) pp. 197-204. Elsevier Science Ltd. 62. 12.Ackermann, T. & L. Söder: 'Impact of market regulations on the development of wind power – An international comparison'. Invited speaker. Proceedings of Nordic Wind Power Conference, NWPC 2000. pp. 29-35. Presented at the NWPC 2000, Trondheim, Norway. March 2000. 63. Jonasson, I. & L. Söder: 'Power quality on ships - A questionnaire evaluation concerning island power system'. Proceedings of the 9th ICHQP 2000. Presented at the 9th ICHQP 2000. Orlando, Florida. October 2000. 64. Knyazkin, V. & L. Söder: 'The use of coordinated control to mitigate the impact of voltage sags caused by motor start'. Proceedings of the 9th ICHQP 2000. Vol. 3. pp. 804-809. Presented at ICHQP 2000, Orlando, Florida. October 2000. 65. Thunberg, E. & L. Söder: 'On the estimation of harmonic power losses in distribution systems'. Proceedings of the 9th ICHQP 2000. Presented at ICHQP 2000, Orlando, Florida. October 2000. 66. Thunberg, E. & L. Söder: 'On the performance of a distribution network harmonic Norton model'. Proceedings of the 9th ICHQP 2000. Presented at ICHQP 2000, Orlando, Florida. October 2000. 67. Jonasson, I. & L. Söder: 'Power quality on ships - Analyze of voltage dips in an isolated system, A case study. Presented at the 3rd International symposium All Electric Ship.AES 2000. Paris, France. October 2000. 68. Thunberg, E. & L. Söder: 'Influence of the network impedance on distribution system harmonic Norton models'. Proceedings of the PowerCon 2000, IEEE-PES/CSEE. Presented at the PowerCon 2000, Perth, Australia. December 2000. 69. Kaiser, F., Ackermann, T., Liljegren, C., Diez-Castri, A. & L. Söder: 'High wind energy penetration on Gotland - A grid investigation'. Presented by F. Kaiser and T. Ackermann at The Challenge of High Wind Power Penetration for the New Energy Markets Convention Centre, Kassel, Germany. September 2000. 70. He, Y., Söder, L., Allan, R.N.: ’Distribution Automation: Impact of Communication System on Reliability of Automatic Control’, Proceedings of IEEE PowerTech 2001, Porto, Portugal, 2001 71. Amelin, M., Söder, L.: ’On Monte Carlo Simulation of electricity Markets with Uncertainties and Load forecasts’. 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings, Vol. 1. Porto Power Tech, porto, Portugal, September 2001. 72. Persson, J., Söder, L.: ’Linear Analysis of a Two-Area System including a Linear Model of a Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor’. Proceedings of the IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference 2001, Vol. 2, paper 289. Presented at the IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference 2001, Porto, Portugal, September 2001. 73. Knyazkin, V., Söder, L.: ’Mitigation of Voltage Sags by using coordinated Control and a Fast Switch’. Power Tech Proceedings, 2001, IEEE Porto, Volume 2, September 2001, Pages 304308. 74. Ackermann, T., Söder, L.: ’Impact of Electricity Market Regulation on the Development of Distributed Power Generation’; ISES 2001 Solar World Congress, 25 November to 2 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia 75. Söder, L., Ackermann, T.: ’Distributed Power production in a deregulated market’, presented at Elforskdagen, Stockholm, Sweden, 7 November 2001. 76. Söder L.: ’Wind Power Capacity Credit’ market’, presented at Elforskdagen, Stockholm, Sweden, 7 November 2001. 77. Montaño, R. ; Ackermann, T.; Söder, L.: ’Impact of the Utgrunden Offshore Wind Farm on Network Losses’, Poster presentation at the 2001 European Wind Energy Conference, 2-6 July 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark. 78. Jonasson I., Söder L.: ’Power Quality on ships – A Questionnaire Evaluation Concerning Island Power Systems’, presented at IEEE 2001 Summer Meeting, July 15-19, 2001, Vancouver, Canada 79. Ackermann, T.; Andersson, G.; Söder, L.: ’Distributed Generation: A Definition’, published in Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 57, 2001, pp. 195-204. 80. Söder L., Reichelt D., Höckel M., Bakirtzis A., Banales S., Charousset S., Mo B., Jhutti A., Rincon J., Stridbaek U.: ’Portfolio and risk management for Power Producers and traders in an Open Market ", CIGRE Task force 38.05.12, summary published in ELECTRA, No. 199, December 2001. 81. Söder L., Hjalmarsson L., Forsberg C., Springfeldt, P-E: ’System services’, Prestudy within the Market Design program run by Elforsk, delivered in October 2001. 82. Ackermann, Thomas; Söder, Lennart: “An Overview Of Wind Energy – Status 2002”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), 6/ 2002, Pp. 67 – 128. 83. Amelin, M. & Söder, L.: 'The Strata Tree: A Useful Tool for Simulation of Electricity Markets', Proceedings of PMAPS 2002, Vol. 2. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Naples, Italy. September 2002. 84. Fischer P & Söder L. 'The Benefits on New Voltage Source Converter HVDC Configurations for City Infeed' published in proceedings of IASTED Conference, Power and Energy Systems. EuroPES 2002. June 25-28, 2002, Creta, Greece 85. He, Y., and L. Söder, R.N. Allan, "Evaluating the Effect of Protection system on Reliability of Automated Distribution System". In Proceedings of the 14th Power Systems Computation Conference, Sevilla, Spain, June 2002 86. He, Y., and L. Söder, R.N. Allan, "Distribution Automation: Impact of Adverse Weather on Reliability of Automated Distribution System", In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Power System technology, Kunming, China, October 2002 87. Lommerdal M. & Söder L.: “Time Dependent Congestion Management” Published in Proceddings of the 37th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2002, Staffordshire, UK, September 2002 88. Persson, J., Söder, L.: ’Validity of a Linear Model of a Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor for Dynamic Simulations’. Proceedings of 14th Power Systems Computation Conference 2002, Sevilla, Spain, June 24 - 28. 89. Johansson, E., Persson, J., Lindkvist, L., Söder, L.: ’Location of Eigenvalues Influenced by Different Models of Synchronous Machines’. Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference Power and Energy Systems 2002, Marina del Rey, California, USA, May 13 - 15. 90. Sveca, J, Söder, L. ‘Wind Power in Areas with Limited Export Capability’submitted for publication in proceedings of The World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2-6 July Berlin, Germany 91. Sveca, J, Söder, L. ‘Wind Power Integrations in Power Systems with Bottleneck Problems’, (overheads) published in proceeding of Vind2002 Conference, 6-7 November, Malmö, Sweden. 92. Söder, L., Hjalmarsson L., Springfeldt P.E. ‘Grid tariffs’, Elforsk report 02:36, September 2002 93. Öhrström, M., Söder, L.: ’Fast fault detection for power distribution systems’, Proceedings of the IASTED conference Power and Energy systems, Marina del Rey, USA, 2002 94. Öhrström, M., Söder L., Breder, H,: “Fast fault detection for peak current limitation based on few samples”, Presented for the 17th CIRED conference in Barcelona, May 2003. 95. Öhrström, M., Söder, L.: “A comparison of two methods used for voltage dip characterization”. Published in Proceedings of the IEEE Bologna Power Tech, June 2003, Bologna, Italy. 96. Öhrström, M., Söder, L.: “The use of fault current limiters as an alternative to substation upgrade when there is a need to increase the available short-circuit power”. Presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, 20-21st October 2003, Billund, Denmark. 97. Solver, T., Söder, L.: “Optimal Distribution Tariffs in Presence of Flexible Customers in Deregulated Markets”. Published in Proceedings of the IEEE Bologna Power Tech, June 2003, Bologna, Italy. 98. Sveca, J., Söder, L.: “Wind Power Integration in Areas with Congestion Problems and Storage Capabilities”. Published in Proceedings of European Wind Energy Conference 16-19th June, 2003, Madrid, Spain. 99. Sveca, J., Söder, L.: “Wind Power Integration in Power Systems with Bottleneck Problems”. Published in Proceedings of the IEEE Bologna Power Tech, June 2003, Bologna, Italy. 100. Matevosyan, J., Söder, L.: “Evaluation of Wind Energy Storage in Hydro Reservoirs in Areas with Limited Transmission Capacity”. Published in Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, 20-21st October 2003, Billund, Denmark. 101. Olsson, M., Söder, L.: “Hydropower Planning including Trade-off between Energy and Reserve Markets”, Published in Proceedings of IEEE Bologna PowerTech 2003, June 2326th, Bologna, Italy. Lommerdal, M., Söder, L.: “Simulation of Congestion Management”. Published in 102. Proceedings of IEEE Bologna PowerTech 2003, June 23-26th, Bologna, Italy 103.Persson, J., Rouco, L., Söder, L.: “Linear Analysis with Two Linear Models of a ThyristorControlled Series Capacitor”. Proceedings of Bologna Power Tech Conference 2003, BPT´03, June 23-26th, Bologna, Italy. 104.Persson, J., Slootweg, J.G., Rouco, L., Söder, L., Kling, W.L.: “A Comparison of Eigenvalues Obtained with Two Dynamic Simulation Software Packages”. Proceedings of Bologna Power Tech Conference 2003, BPT´03, June 23-26th, Bologna, Italy. 105.Persson, J., Rouco, L., Söder, L.: “Time-Domain Comparisons of Two Linear Models of a Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor”. Proceedings of International Power Engineering Conference, IPEC2003, November 27-29th, Singapore. 106.Knyazkin, V., Canizares, C., Söder, L.: “On the Parameter Estimation of Linear Models of Aggregate Power System Loads”. Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting July 13-17, 2003, Toronto, Canada. 107.Knyazkin, V., Canizares, C., Söder, L.: “On the Parameter Estimation and Modeling of Aggregate Power System Loads”. Journal paper. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 108.Knyazkin, V., Söder, L., Canizares, C.: “Control Challenges of Fuel Cell-Driven Distributed Generation”. Proceedings of the IEEE Bologna Power Tech, June 23-26, 2003, Bologna, Italy. 109.Fischer P. & Söder L.: “Power Flow Control in City Infeed” Proceedings of the IEEE Bologna Power Tech, June 23-26, 2003, Bologna, Italy 110.Ackermann Thomas, Söder Lennart: “Wind Power in Power Systems: An Introduction”, in: Wind Power in Power Systems, to be published in January 2005 by Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. 111.Lommerdal Magnus, Söder Lennart: “Combination of Two Methods for congestion Management”, DRPT 2004, Hong Kong, April, 2004 112.Olsson Magnus, Söder Lennart.: “Generation of Regulating Power Price Scenarios”, Proceedings of PMAPS´04, Ames, Iowa, USA, September 12-16, 2004 113.Solver Torbjörn, Söder Lennart: “Comparison of Incentives for Distribution System Reliability in Performance Based Regulation”. Published in Proceedings of DRPT 2004, Hong Kong, April 2004 114.Solver Torbjörn, Söder Lennart: ”Analysis of Distribution Reliability in Performance Based Regulation”. Published in Proceedings of PMAPS 2004, Ames, USA, September 2004 115.Öhrström Magnus, Geidl M, Söder Lennart, Andersson Göran: ”Evaluation of Travelling Wave Based Protection Schemes for Implementation in Medium Voltage Distribution Systems”. Accepted for the 18th CIRED Conference in Turin, June 2005 116. Söder Lennart, Meibom Peter, Ravn Hans and Weber Christoph, “Market Integration of wind power”, Publisched in Proceedings of EWEC, European Wind Energy Conference, 22-25 November, London, UK 117.Amelin, M., Knazkins, V., Söder, L.: "Estimation of maximum power consumption in the grid area of Fortum, Stockholm”, KTH, Stockholm 2005, A-ETS/EES-0503 (In Swedish) 118.Elgin Broström, Lennart Söder: “Modelling of Ice Storms for Power Transmission Reliability Calculations”, Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC-2005, Liège, August 2005. 119.Lindgren Elin, Söder Lennart: "Wind Power Impact on Costs for Regulating Power in MultiArea Markets" Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, April 7-8, 2005, Glasgow, Scotland 120.Lindgren Elin, Söder Lennart: "Power System Modeling for Multi-Area Regulating Market Simulation" Proceedings of PowerTech'2005, June 27-30, 2005, St.Petersburg, Russia 121.Lindgren Elin, Söder Lennart: "Minimizing Regulation Costs In Multi-Area Markets" Proceedings of Power Systems Computation Conference PSCC'05, August 22-26, 2005, Liège, Belgium 122.Jäderström Anna, Matevosyan Julija, Söder Lennart: “Coordinated regulation of wind power and hydro power with separate ownership”, in the proceeding of the 4th International Conference in Energy Economics, IEWT'5, February 2005, Vienna, Austria, Best student paper award. Revised version of this paper was also presented at the conference Hydropower’05, May 2005, Stavanger, Norway. 123.Matevosyan Julija, Söder Lennart: “Minimisation of Imbalance Costs Trading Wind Power on the Short Term Power Market”, in Proceedings of IEEE Power Tech Conference, 27-30 June 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia, recommended for publication in IEEE PES Transactions, revised and submitted for publication. 124.Olsson Magnus, Söder Lennart: "Optimal regulating market bidding strategies in hydropower systems", Proceedings of PSCC 2005, Liège, Belgium, August 22-26, 2005. 125.Solver Torbjörn and Söder Lennart:. ”On Risk Mitigation Strategies with focus on System Reliability in Performance-Based Regulation”. Published in proceedings of CIRED05, Turin, Italy , June 2005. 126.Söder Lennart. and Rendelius Jonas: “Two-station equivalent of hydro power systems” Proceedings of PSCC 2005, Liège, Belgium, August 22-26, 2005. 127.Söder Lennart, Ekwue Arthur and Douglas John: Study on the technical security rules of the European Electricity Network, final report from EU-project 62236A/001 REV 1, November 2005 128.Öhrström, M., Geidl, M., Söder, L., Andersson, G.: ’ Evaluation of travelling wave based protection schemes for implementation in medium voltage distribution systems.’. Presented at the 18th CIRED conference in Turin, June 2005. In addition to this some articles that have been published in different papers: Concerning wind power: http://www.ets.kth.se/personal/lennart/lennart_reports.html Concerning the Swedish energy situation: http://www.ets.kth.se/personal/lennart/lennart_debatt.htmll