View Complete Profile - Inderprastha Engineering College

Professional Qualifications:
PhD from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi
M.Tech(Instrumentation), DAVV, Indore
B.E. (E & C), M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
Teaching Experience (in Years): 13+ Years
Subjects of interest: Signals & Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Advance Digital Signal
Processing, Adaptive Signal Processing, Integrated Circuits, Measurement and Instrumentation
Academic achievements:
1. International Journals(10)
1) Sakshi Gaur, V K Gupta, “A Review on Filtered-X LMS Algorithm”, International
Journal of Signal Processing System, volume 4, no. 2,pp. 172-176, June 2016.
2) Aghna Tajammul, Deepak Kumar Gupta and V.K. Gupta, "Analysis of Noise Signal
Cancellation using LMS, NLMS and RLS Algorithms of Adaptive Filter ",Advanced
Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Volume 2, Issue 14 ,pp. 50-53, 2015
3) Pushpendra Singh, V.K. Gupta, P.N. Hrisheekesha, "A Review on Shape based
Descriptors for Image Retrieval", International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 125,
no.10, pp.27-32,September 2015.
4) Sangeeta Sharma, Deepak Gupta, V K Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, “A Review on
Transform Domain Adaptive Filters”, International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (5) , pp. 6609-6613, 2014
5) V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, S. N. Sharan, “Acoustic Echo and Noise Cancellation
System for Hand-Free Telecommunication using Variable Step Size Algorithms”,
Radioengineering, vol.22, no.1,pp.200-207, April 2013.(SCOPUS, SCI Indexed, IF .739)
6) V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, S. N. Sharan, “Noise Minimization from Speech Signals
using RLS Algorithm with Variable Forgetting Factor,” Research Journal on Applied Science,
Engineering & Technology, vol.4, no.17, pp. 3102-3107, 2012.(SCOPUS)
7) Sulekha Saxena, V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, Pankaj Goel, “A Family of Adaptive
Filter Algorithms in Noise Cancellation for Speech Enhancement”, International Journal of
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 511-513, 2012.
8) V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, Anirban Bhowmick, “Speech Enhancement Using
Adaptive Algorithms,” International Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and
Applications, vol.4, no.4, pp.443-451, 2011.
9) R. Aggarwal, J. K. Singh, V. K. Gupta , S. Rathore, M. Tiwari, A. Khare, “Noise
Reduction of Speech Signal using Wavelet Transform with Modified Universal Threshold, ”
International Journal of computer Applications (IJCA), vol. 20, no. 5, pp.14-19, 2011.
10) R. Aggarwal, J. K. Singh, V. K. Gupta ,“Elimination of White Noise from Speech Signal
using Wavelet Transform by Soft & Hard Thresholding, ” VSRD International Journal of
Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering ,vol.1(2), pp. 62-71, 2011
2. International Conferences(10)
1) Garima Gupta, V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, "A Review on Video Watermarking
Techniques in Spatial and Transform Domain", International Conference on Information
System Design and Intelligent Applications(INDIA 2016) to be held in 8-9, January, 2016,
Visakhapatanam. Proceedings is published in Springer Book Series on "Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing", Volume 434, 2016, pp 683-691 as book chapter
2) Prateek Saxena, V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra," Musical Noise Reduction Capability of
Various Speech Enhancement Algorithms ", International Conference on Information System
Design and Intelligent Applications(INDIA 2016) to be held in 8-9, January, 2016,
Visakhapatanam. Proceedings is published in Springer Book Series on "Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing", Volume 434, 2016, pp 693-701 as book chapter.
3) D. K. Gupta, V. K. Gupta and Mahesh Chandra, “Review Paper on Linear and Nonlinear
Acoustic Echo Cancellation”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of
Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014, Vol.2, pp. 465-473, DOI:
10.1007/978-3-319-12012-6_51. Proceedings is published in Springer Book Series
on "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing", Volume 328, 2015, pp 465-473 as book
4) V. K. Gupta, D. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, “Real time noise canceller using modified
sigmoid function RLS algorithm”, proceedings of International Conference on Computational
Vision and Robotic(ICCVR-2014) 9th-10th, August, 2014 Bhubaneswar, INDIA, 2014.
Proceedings is published in Springer Book Series on "Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing", Volume 332, 2015, pp 63-70 as book chapter.
5) Asutosh Kar, Pankaj Goel, Mahesh Chandra, Vijay Kumar Gupta, “A Low-Cost,
Portable Alternative for a Digital Lock-In Amplifier Using TMS320C5535”, IEEE TENCON2014, ,pp.1-5, Thailand, 2014.
6) Pankaj Goel, Prateek Saxena, Mahesh Chandra and V. K. Gupta, “Comparative Analysis
of Speech Enhancement Methods”, Tenth IEEE International Conference on Wireless and
Optical Communications Networks (WOCN2013),pp.1-5, 26-28 July 2013.
7) Pankaj Goel, Sonam Rai, Mahesh Chandra and V. K. Gupta, “Analysis of LMS
Algorithm in Wavelet Domain”, Conference on Advances in Communication and Control
Systems 2013 (CAC2S 2013), Dehradun, pp. 734-738, 06-07 April 2013.
8) V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra and S. N. Sharan, “Real Time Implementation of
Adaptive Noise Canceller,” Proceedings of International Conference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI-2012), Hyderabad, India, pp. 24-28, Feb. 15-18, 2012.
9) V. K. Gupta, Anirban Bhowmick, Mahesh Chandra, S. N. Sharan, “Speech
Enhancement using MMSE Estimation and Spectral Subtraction Methods,” IEEE
International Conference on Devices and Communications (ICDeCom-11),BIT, Mesra,
Ranchi, India,pp.1-5, Mar. 2011.
10) V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, S. N. Sharan and Omar Farooq, “Performance
Evaluation of LMS and NLMS Algorithms for Noise Minimization from Speech Signals”
Proceedings of International Conference on Signals, Systems and Automation, Vallabh Vidya
Nagar, Gujrat, India, pp.100-103, Dec. 28-29, 2009.
Faculty Development Program/STTP/workshop Organized:
Member of organizing committee in National Seminar on Recent Trends in
Microelectronics and Communication Systems(RTMCS-2015).
Coordinator and Resource Person of Matlab & its Applications in Signal Processing &
Electric Drives, MASPED’15, Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad, July, 14-17,
Faculty Development Program/STTP/workshop attended:
One Day Workshop on "Hands on Training on Vivado Design Tool Flow using ZED
Board", Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering ,Guru
Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology New Delhi on 27th Feb, 2015.
One week short term course on signal processing and its applications organized by
department of electronics and communication engineering, BIT Mesra, Ranchi on
December 24th -29th ,2012.
Two days FDP on “Sensor & Instrumentation” organized by AKGEC, Ghaziabad on
August 7th -8th ,2013.
Two weeks Faculty Development Program on “Entrepreneurship Development”
organized by EDC-KIET, Ghaziabad under the DST on November 29th –Dec.10th ,2004.
Five days AICTE-ISTE sponsored short term training program on “Virtual
Instrumentation” organized by NSIT, New Delhi on June 9th -13th ,2008.
Three days AICTE-ISTE sponsored short term training program on “Faculty awareness
camps on entrepreneurship” organized by NSIT, New Delhi June 14th -16th ,2008.
Three days AICTE-ISTE sponsored short term training program on “Audiotronics”
organized by Lingaya’s Institute of Management & Technology, Faridabad on June 16th 20th ,2008.
One day workshop on “Spread Spectrum Techniques & CDMA” organized by JIIT
University, Noida on December 14th ,2008.
Two days workshop on “Digital Signal Processing” Organized by JSSATE, Noida on
January 22nd -23rd ,2009.
One day workshop on “Embedded Systems” organized by IMSEC, Ghaziabad on April
18th ,2009.
One week STTP on “Advance signal processing with applications in MATLAB”
organized by NIT, Hamirpur on July 13th -17th ,2009.
One day national seminar on “Communication Technology-Today & tomorrow”
organized by BBDIT,Ghaiabad on Februay 6th ,2010.
Honors and Awards Received:
Member of Board of Studies of 2014-15 and 2015-16 of Amity Institute of Telecom
Engineering and Management(AITEM), Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
HONOUR CODE CERTIFICATE is Issued on 17 May 2016 for successfully completion
of online course EE210xS16: Signals and Systems,a course of study offered by
IITBombayX, an online learning initiative of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
conducted between 07 January - 30 April 2016
Supervisory support provided:
1. No. of PhD Supervision:
Completed: 0
Ongoing: 5
2. No. of M Tech Thesis Guided:
Completed: 6
Ongoing: 1
Membership of professional Societies:
Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi, Membership No.
International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT),
Singapore, Membership No. 80338413.
Member of IEEE, Membership no. 91299224.
Member of International Association of Engineers(IAENG), Membership no. 108083.