abstract BASIC CIRCUIT SIZING NOEL T. FERNANDEZ, PEE, MMExM, MMExM FIIEE IIEEVP-Technical A safe electrical system starts from the very basic wiring fundamentals. In general terms, a branch circuit could either be nonnon motor (as in lighting, receptacle outlets, & computers) or motor loaded circuit. The branch circuit is the most basic component in any electrical system, whether large or small. A branch circuit is that part of a wiring system extending beyond the last or final protective device to the load loa it specifically serves. In its simplest form, a branch circuit may consists of two wires (single phase) or three wires (three-phase) phase) which carry currents at a particular voltage from the protective device to the utilization device. The branch circuit rep represents resents the last step in the transfer of power from the service or source of energy to utilization devices. A branch circuit may have several lighting or receptacle outlets connected to it as a circuit or may serve a single load as in motor or heavy applia appliance. nce. A branch circuit will qualify as such when it has a protective devicefrom the point of tapping. In the course of designing, it is therefore prudent for the engineer to train his thoughts for the worst in situations or conditions that may happen in the future. For instance, a group of non-continuous continuous loads today (requiring smaller conductors) may no longer be the condition after years of operation. That could bring to a situation that the design “becomes faulty”today while it was correct a few years past.