To convert from Temperature Metric Conversion Factors To Use this formula temperature Celsius, tC temperature Fahrenheit, tF tF = 1.8tC + 32 temperature Fahrenheit, tF temperature Celsius, tC tC = (tF - 32)/1.8 temperature Celsius, tC temperature Kelvin, tK tK = tC + 273.15 temperature Fahrenheit, tF temperature Kelvin, tK tK = (tF + 459.67)/1.8 temperature Kelvin, tK temperature Celsius, tC tC = tK - 273.15 temperature Kelvin, tK temperature Fahrenheit, tF tF = 1.8tK - 459.67 temperature Kelvin, tK temperature Rankine, tR tR = 9/5tK temperature Rankine, tR temperature Kelvin, tK tK = 5/9tR Multiply millimetre millimetre centimetre centimetre metre metre metre metre inch inch inch foot foot foot yard mile (US statute) mile (US statute) Multiply Length By 0.003280840 0.0397008 0.03280840 0.3937008 39.37008 3.280840 1.093613 0.0006213712 0.0254* 2.54* 25.4* 0.3048* 30.48* 304.8* 0.9144* 1,609.344* 1.609344* Mass By Volume Multiply centimetre3 gallon gallon gallon gallon inch3 inch3 inch3 (UK (UK (US (US liquid) liquid) liquid) liquid) litre litre litre metre3 metre3 metre3 metre3 foot inch foot inch inch foot yard mile (US statute) 16,387.06 16.38706 0.00001638706 millimetre3 (mm3) centimetre3 (cm3) metre3 (m3) metre3 (m3) gallon (UK liquid) gallon (US liquid) 0.001* 0.2199692 0.2641720 219.9692 264.1720 35.31466 1000.* gallon (UK liquid) gallon (US liquid) foot3 litre metre (m) centimetre (cm) millimetre (mm) metre (m) centimetre (cm) millimetre (mm) metre (m) metre (m) kilometre (km) To obtain Webtec Products Limited For a comprehensive source of technical information as well as the full range of Webster hydraulic test equipment and Webtec hydraulic components, please visit our web site at: Multiply gallon (US liquid)/minute gallon (US liquid)/minute gallon (US liquid)/minute pound 0.4535924 kilogram (kg) litre/minute litre/minute litre/minute 1,016.047 907.1847 1,000.* metre3 (m3) litre metre3 (m3) litre inch3 gram (g) kilogram (kg) kilogram (kg) kilogram (kg) kilogram (kg) atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere bar bar bar Pascal Pascal Pascal gallon (UK liquid)/minute gallon (UK liquid)/minute gallon (UK liquid)/minute metre3/minute metre3/minute metre3/minute By Flow 0.00378541 0.83267386 3.785412 0.00454609 1.20095038 4.546092 0.001 0.26417203 0.21996915 1000 264.172037 219.969151 To obtain metre3/minute gallon (UK liquid)/minute litre/minute metre3/minute gallon (US liquid)/minute litre/minute metre3/minute gallon (US liquid)/minute gallon (UK liquid)/minute litre/minute gallon (US liquid)/minute gallon (UK liquid)/minute The information provided has been carefully checked and is given in good faith, but users should take the necessary steps to ensure the accuracy and relevance to their specific requirements. Webtec Products Ltd. do not accept any liability for injury, damage or unsatisfactory operation resulting from the construction or use of any machines designed using this information. kilowatt To obtain 100,000* 14.50377 100,000* pascal (Pa) pound/inch2 newton/metre2 (N/m2) pascal (Pa) pound/inch2 bar 0.00001* 1.0* 0.0001450377 pound/inch2 pound/inch2 pound/inch2 horsepower horsepower horsepower horsepower horsepower By 101,325 14.6959 1.01325 bar newton/metre2 (N/m2) pound/inch2 0.06894757 6,894.757 6,894.757 foot-pound/hour foot-pound/minute ounce pound ton (long) UK ton (short) US tonne ton long (2240 lb) UK ton short (2000 lb) US tonne 0.004546092 4.546092 0.003785412 3.785412 0.06102376 Multiply Multiply 35.27397 2.204622 0.0009842064 0.001102311 0.001* 28.34952 0.02834952 To obtain To obtain kilogram kilogram kilogram kilogram kilogram ounce ounce By Pressure and Stress (550 ft-lb/s) (550 ft-lb/s) (electric) (metric) (UK) watt watt watt watt watt watt watt Power By 0.0003766161 0.02259697 bar newton/metre2 (N/m2) pascal (Pa) To obtain watt (W) watt (W) 0.7456999 745.6999 746.* 735.499 745.70 kilowatt (kW) watt (W) watt (W) watt (W) watt (W) 2,655.224 44.25372 0.001341022 0.001340483 0.001359621 0.001341022 3.412141 foot-pound/hour foot-pound/minute horsepower (550 ft-lb/s) horsepower (electric) horsepower (metric) horsepower (UK) Btu (International Table)/hour 1.341022 Viscosity horsepower (550 ft-lb/s) Multiply By centistoke 0.000001* metre2/second (m2/s) metre2/second metre2/second 1,000,000.* 10,000.* centistoke stoke pascal-second pascal-second 1,000.* 10.* centipoise poise poise stoke 0.1* 0.0001* pascal-second (Pa.s) metre2/second (m2 /s) centipoise 0.001* To obtain pascal-second (Pa.s) * Where an asterisk is shown, the figure is exact Hydraulic Equations Hydraulic Motor or Engine Torque Imperial T= 5252 x HP rpm T= 9.545 x P rpm T = Torque in newton metre (Nm) P = Power in watts (W) rpm = Engine speed in revolutions per minute EXAMPLE: What is the torque of an engine that develops 40 HP at 2500 rpm? EXAMPLE: What is the torque of an engine that develops 30,000 W at 2500 rpm? 5252 x 40 = 84 lb-ft 2500 Imperial Metric T = Torque in pound foot (lb-ft) HP = Horsepower rpm = Engine speed in revolutions per minute T= Hydraulic Motor Torque Required T= 9.545 x 30,000 = 114.54 Nm 2500 ST = Metric VW x u x r R ST = VW x u x r R x 101.97 VW = Vehicle weight over driving tyres (lbs) VW = Vehicle weight over driving tyres (kg) r r u R = Coefficient of friction of tyres on average road surface, generally 0.6 = Rolling radius of loaded driving tyre in inches = Overall gear reduction in both axle and transmission u R = Coefficient of friction of tyres on average road surface, generally 0.6 = Rolling radius of loaded driving tyre in millimetres = Overall gear reduction in both axle and transmission Designed and produced by the Marketing Dept. CONVER-ED-ENG-1445.pdf (01/05) Overall Gear Reduction Hydraulic Motor Speed from Ground Speed rpm = 168 rpm r R = = = = S = Imperial 168 x R x S r Factor Revolutions per minute of engine Rolling radius of loaded drive tyre in inches Overall gear reduction including both axle and transmission Vehicle speed in miles per hour EXAMPLE: Find the motor speed where the overall gear reduction is 10, vehicle speed is 15 mph and rolling radius of driving tyre is 15 inches rpm = 168 x 10 x 15 =1680 rpm 15 Imperial Metric R= 2651.51 x R x S rpm = r 168 rpm r 2651.51 = Factor rpm = Revolutions per minute of engine r = Rolling radius of loaded drive tyre in millimetres R = Overall gear reduction including both axle and transmission S = Vehicle speed in kilometres per hour R S EXAMPLE: Find the motor speed where the overall gear reduction is 10, vehicle speed is 20 kph and rolling radius of driving tyre is 400 millimetres rpm = 168 rpm r R S rpm x r 168 x R = Factor = Revolutions per minute of the motor = Rolling radius of loaded driving tyre in inches = Overall gear reduction including both axle and transmission = Vehicle speed in miles per hour EXAMPLE: Find the mph of a vehicle where the motor speed is 1680 rpm, the rolling radius of loaded driving tyre is 15 inches and the overall gear reduction is 10 S= 1680 x 15 = 15 mph 168 x 10 Imperial Metric S= rpm x r 2651.51 x R 2651.51 = Factor rpm = Revolutions per minute of the motor = Rolling radius of loaded driving tyre r in millimetres R = Overall gear reduction including both axle and transmission = Vehicle speed in kilometres per hour S EXAMPLE: Find the kph of a vehicle where the motor speed is 1326 rpm, the rolling radius of loaded driving tyre is 400 millimetres and the overall gear reduction is 10 S= 1326 x 400 = 20 kph 2651.51 x 10 = Factor = Revolutions per minute of engine = Rolling radius of loaded driving tyre in inches = Overall gear reduction including both axle and transmission = Vehicle speed in miles per hour R= Ground Speed from Motor Speed S= R= EXAMPLE: Find out overall gear reduction of a vehicle where the motor speed is 1680 rpm, the rolling radius of loaded driving tyre is 15 inches and the mph is 15. 2651.51 x 10 x 20 = 1325.75 rpm 400 Imperial rpm x r 168 x S Axle Torque Ta = T x Rta x Ra Ta = T x Rta x Ra Ta Ra Rta = Axle torque (lb-in) = Axle gear reduction = Gear reduction through auxiliary transmission if used = Motor torque (lb-in) EXAMPLE: What is the rear axle torque in high gear on a vehicle having 1000 lb-in motor torque, an auxiliary ratio of 4:1, and an axle ratio of 20:1 Ta = 1000 x 4 x 20 = 80,000 lb-in Metric Ta Ra Rta = Axle torque (Nm) = Axle gear reduction = Gear reduction through auxiliary transmission if used = Motor torque (Nm) EXAMPLE: What is the rear axle torque in high gear on a vehicle having 100 Nm in motor torque, an auxiliary ratio of 5:1, and an axle ratio of 20:1 Ta = 100 x 5 x 20 = 10,000 Nm 1680 x 15 = 10 to 1 168 x 15 Metric rpm x r 2651.51 x S 2651.51 = Factor rpm = Revolutions per minute of engine r = Rolling radius of loaded driving tyre in millimetres R = Overall gear reduction including both axle and transmission S = Vehicle speed in kilometres per hour EXAMPLE: Find out overall gear reduction of a vehicle where the motor speed is 1680 rpm, the rolling radius of loaded driving tyre is 381mm and the kph is 24. R= 1680 x 381 = 10 to 1 2651.51 x 24 Hydraulic Pump Formulae Actual Pump delivery (lpm) = Volumetric efficiency (max. of 1) x Displacement per revolution (lpm) x Pump speed (rpm) Volumetric efficiency = Actual Pump delivery Theoretical Pump delivery Hydraulic power (kW) = Pump delivery (lpm) x Max. pressure (bar) 600 Torque efficiency = Overall efficiency (max. of 1) Volumetric efficiency (max. of 1) Input power (kW) = Hydraulic power (kW) Overall efficiency (max. of 1) Torque at pump shaft (Nm) = Hydraulic power (kW) 62.83 x Torque efficiency (max. of 1) The information provided has been carefully checked and is given in good faith, but users should take the necessary steps to ensure the accuracy and relevance to their specific requirements. Webtec Products Ltd. do not accept any liability for injury, damage or unsatisfactory operation resulting from the construction or use of any machines designed using this information.