Datasheet - RobotShop

Angle Sensor for Lego Mindstorms NXT
Measure axle rotation position and rotation speed with the HiTechnic Angle Sensor. The Angle Sensor
enables you to measure three rotation properties:
Absolute Angle – the rotation position of a rotating axle from 0 – 359 degrees with 1 degree accuracy
Accumulated angle - the accumulated number of degrees an axle has rotated
Rotation Speed - the speed of the axle rotation in RPM (revolutions per minute)
With its very low friction mechanism, the HiTechnic Angle Sensor is ideal for building models where
accurate measurement of rotation properties of an axle is key. Perfect for building a distance measuring
wheel or a weather station wind vane.
HiTechnic NXT Angle Sensor for LEGO Mindstorms NXT
• Mindstorms NXT-G
Angle Sensor Block
This block measures three rotation propertied of an axle. These are
Absolute Angle: the rotation angle of an axle from 0 degrees to 359 degrees.
Accumulated Angle: the accumulated multiple rotation angle measured since the last reset function was
Revolutions per Minute (RPM): the current estimate of rotation rate from 1 RPM up to 1,000 RPM.
Using data wires, it can send out the current angle of rotation and a logic signal (true/false) based on
whether the current heading falls inside or outside a trigger range.
A trigger range consists of upper and lower limit values in a range of numbers where a change in the
reading results in the condition of being either inside or outside the range. For example, you might
program your robot to rotate an axle to a set position so you could set the trigger range to be from 179
to 182. As long as your robot rotates the axel to a point between these two numbers, the condition will
be true.
Specify the trigger points by using the slider or by typing the values into the input boxes. To specify the
portion of the axle angle range (inside or outside the trigger range) that will generate the “true” signal,
use the pull-down menu. The “true” portion of the range will be in color; the “false” portion will be gray.
The default setting for the Angle sensor block is for angles that are greater than 90 degrees and less
than 270 degrees to generate a “true” signal. The compare function above the range allows you to
switch the “true” portion of the range to be either inside or outside the range selected.
You must drag at least one output data wire from this block's data hub to another block for any
information to be sent.
Display Settings
1. The number shows which of your NXT's ports are connected to the Angle sensor. You can
change this number in the configuration panel if you need to.
2. The block's data hub will open automatically when the block is placed in the work area. At least
one data wire must be dragged from the block's output plug to another block's data hub. The
trigger range and other features can be set dynamically by connecting an input data wire. (See
the Data Hub section below for more information.)
Configuring the Angle Sensor Block
The sensor may be connected directly to an NXT sensor port or via the HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer
(MUX). When configuring the sensor via the multiplexer, there are two port selections to make. The first
is the NXT to MUX connection and the second, the MUX to SENSOR connection.
Connecting Directly to the NXT
When connecting the sensor directly to the NXT, choose the port the sensor is connected to.
Connecting via the HiTechnic Sensor Multiplexer
To connect the sensor via the multiplexer, click the right arrow symbol
to display the port options.
Click the check box to select that the sensor will be connected vial the MUX. Configure the MUX to
Sensor connection by selecting the MUX port (1 - 4) that is connected to the sensor.
Click on the right arrow symbol again,
to display the NXT to MUX port selection.
Select the NXT port that is connected to the Sensor Multiplexer.
Configuring Action and Compare
Select Read to read the output values from the sensor.
Select Calibrate to set the current axle position to the 0 degree position.
Select Reset to reset the accumulated count to 0.
If you choose the Compare function Inside Range above the slider, the block will be triggered when the
angle is between the two trigger values; select Outside Range to trigger the block when the heading is
outside the two trigger values. Use the slider to set the trigger values or type them directly into the
input boxes (0–359).
Angle Sensor block Data Hub plugs
You must click on the Data Hub to open it as shown.
This plug wires the number for which of your NXT's ports are connected to the compass sensor.
This plug wires the Angle output.
This plug wires the RPM output.
This plug wires the Accumulated angle output.
This plug wires the Action input, 0 = Read, 1 = Calibrate, 2 = Reset.
This plug wires the Range selection for inside/outside range function, 0 = Inside Range, 1 =
Outside Range.
This plug wires the lower range limit number for the Inside/Outside compare function.
This plug wires the upper range limit number for the Inside/Outside compare function.
This plug outputs the Inside/Outside logical value.
This plug is set to true if the sensor is connected via the HiTechnic sensor multiplexer.
This plug wires the number of the multiplexer port connected to the sensor .
Sensor Register Layout
mode control
angle in 2 degree increments
1 degree angle adder
Accumulated Angle
RPM - Rotations Per Minute
Set mode control to 43H to Calibrate sensor or to 52H to reset accumulated angle. When Calibrating the
sensor at least 25ms Wait should be used before further reads from the sensor. This time is needed to
burn the new zero position into EEPROM memory on the sensor. Once calibrated, the sensor will retain
the new zero position even when power cycled. The Accumulated angle, on the other hand, is lost when
the sensor is power cycled.
Other Programming Environments
All features of the HiTechnic Angle Sensor can be accessed using RobotC. The RobotC drivers pack that is
available on this downloads page will include drivers for this sensor.
Example NXC Code
// HiTechnic - Angle Sensor Sample Program
#define ANGLE S1
// ReadSensorHTAngle(port, Angle, AccAngle, RPM)
// Reads the HiTechnic Angle Sensor and returns the current:
// Angle
degrees (0-359)
// Accumulated Angle degrees (-2147483648 to 2147483647)
// RPM
rotations per minute (-1000 to 1000)
void ReadSensorHTAngle(int port, int &Angle, long &AccAngle, int &RPM)
int count;
byte cmndbuf[] = {0x02, 0x42}; // I2C device, register address
byte respbuf[];
// Response Buffer
bool fSuccess;
// 8 bytes to read
fSuccess = I2CBytes(port, cmndbuf, count, respbuf);
if (fSuccess) {
Angle = respbuf[0]*2 + respbuf[1];
AccAngle = respbuf[2]*0x1000000 + respbuf[3]*0x10000+
respbuf[4]*0x100 + respbuf[5];
RPM = respbuf[6]*0x100 + respbuf[7];
} else {
// No data from sensor
Angle = 0; AccAngle = 0; RPM = 0;
// ReserSensorHTAnalog(port, resetmode)
// resetmode:
// HTANGLE_MODE_CALIBRATE Calibrate the zero position of angle.
Zero position is saved in EEPROM on sensor.
Reset the rotation count of accumulated.
angle to zero. Not saved in EEPORM.
void ResetSensorHTAngle(int port, int resetmode)
int count;
byte cmndbuf[] = {0x02, 0x41, 0}; // I2C device, register address
byte respbuf[];
// buffer for inbound I2C response
cmndbuf[2] = resetmode;
// Set reset code
// 0 bytes to read
I2CBytes(port, cmndbuf, count, respbuf);
if (resetmode == HTANGLE_MODE_CALIBRATE)
Wait(50); // Time to allow burning EEPROM
task main()
int angle;
long acc_angle;
int rpm;
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "HiTechnic");
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE2, " Angle Sensor");
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE8, "");
while(true) {
ReadSensorHTAngle(ANGLE, angle, acc_angle, rpm);
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4, "Angle :
NumOut(7*6, LCD_LINE4, angle);
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE5, "AccAng:
NumOut(7*6, LCD_LINE5, acc_angle);
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE6, "RPM :
NumOut(7*6, LCD_LINE6, rpm);
if (ButtonPressed(BTNLEFT,0)) {
if (ButtonPressed(BTNRIGHT,0)) {