The Geothermal Institute

The Geothermal
The Geothermal Institute
New Zealand has an outstanding reputation for its geothermal expertise around the world. The Geothermal
Institute was established in 1978 and today, it is one of only a few institutions in the world to offer
comprehensive education and training courses in geothermal energy and technology, exploration,
simulation, and modelling. The Institute is widely recognised for the excellence of its research and
New Zealand has a long heritage of excellence in geothermal energy.
In the 1940s, New Zealand began to investigate it’s geothermal energy
resource. In 1958 the Wairakei geothermal field was the world’s first
high-temperature wet steam geothermal system to be used for power
generation. The Wairakei power station is still a significant contributor to
New Zealand’s renewable energy generation.
New Zealand has been at the forefront of geothermal research and
training. Our scientific and engineering skills have contributed to thousands
of megawatts of geothermal power developments internationally and the
identification of far greater potential resources. The domestic plants built
in New Zealand are recognised as representing world’s best practices
from the application of exploration sciences, through feasibility, design,
construction and operation. Geothermal plants in New Zealand meet the
most rigorous environmental standards under New Zealand’s Resource
Management Act. The Geothermal Institute has specialised in research and
training within geothermal energy and technology for over 35 years.
We work with international energy companies, governments, consultancies,
and research organisations on teaching courses, research and development
and commercial projects. Since 1978, more than 1500 students have
graduated from the Institute with a globally recognised qualification in
geothermal energy. Today, many of them hold senior positions in the
geothermal industry internationally.
Geothermal energy and your career
Your career in geothermal engineering starts here, at the Geothermal
Institute at the University of Auckland.
Geothermal energy is the energy of the future – and not just for those
countries lucky enough to have their own high temperature geothermal
energy sources. For countries with no high temperature geothermal
resources, enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) may be able to provide a
large source of reliable, clean, baseload energy. Geothermal energy can
be sustainably managed, making it an attractive adjunct to other forms of
energy generation.
New Zealand has 25 high-temperature geothermal systems, and many
beautiful natural thermal springs. We have 60 years’ experience of
developing and sustainably managing geothermal fields.
Our graduates can be found working in the geothermal industry in New
Zealand, USA, Indonesia, Philippines, and other parts of Asia, South
America and Africa. Their skills are in high demand around the world.
Our people
The Geothermal Institute is hosted by the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Auckland. The Institute
is the portal for engaging with the University on all matters related to geothermal energy. We bring
together the expertise, coordinating scientists and engineers from across the University to carry out our
geothermal research, education, consulting, and training programmes.
Director, Professor Rosalind Archer
Professor Archer holds the Mighty River
Power Chair in Geothermal Reservoir
Engineering. Her research centres on
reservoir engineering, with application
to geothermal reservoirs. She and her
students aim to develop tools to integrate
geological, geophysical and geochemical
data into reservoir engineering models.
Her current research focuses on thermohydro-mechanical geothermal modelling,
systematic characterisation of geothermal
reservoirs, the use of geostatistical
models, and the use of reservoir modelling
to determine and monitor geothermal
reserves. She coordinates the Master of
Energy program.
Professor Mike O’Sullivan
Dr Sadiq Zarrouk
Professor O’Sullivan is a Fellow of the Institution
of Professional Engineers of New Zealand and
has a personal chair in Engineering Science.
In 2011, he was awarded the Henry J. Ramey
Award for Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. His
research interests cluster around the modelling
of geothermal fields, but more generally
reservoir physics, environmental fluid dynamics,
and computational fluid dynamics problems.
He has pioneered computer techniques for
numerical modelling of geothermal reservoirs,
and applied them to the behaviour of many
real systems. He is a member of the American
Geophysical Union, Geothermal Resources
Council, International Geothermal Association,
as well as the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
His recent papers are on a three-dimensional
numerical model of the Waiotapu, Waikite,
and Reporoa geothermal areas, and on various
aspects of TOUGH2 simulations. He teaches
in the Postgraduate Certificate course in
Geothermal Energy Technology programme.
Dr Zarrouk is the course coordinator and main
lecturer of the Post Graduate Certificate course
in Geothermal Energy Technology. Dr Zarrouk’s
research interests span geothermal reservoir
engineering (reservoir characterisation, well
testing, stimulation, and reservoir modelling),
geothermal engineering (power production and
direct use applications), and the simulation of
reacting flows in porous and fractured media.
He has recently published on test analysis of
geothermal wells using the pressure derivative,
a numerical model of the Habanero geothermal
reservoir in Australia, geothermal steam-water
separators, and silica scaling in geothermal heat
exchangers. He is a member of the International
Geothermal Association and the Iceland Deep
Drilling Project. He is an elected member of
the boards of directors of the New Zealand
Geothermal Association, and the International
Geothermal Association.
Dr John O’Sullivan
Dr Bridget Lynne
Dr Lynne is a geothermal geologist with
research interests in geothermal geology
and geochemistry. Her PhD was on the
characterisation and preservation potential
of siliceous sinters (hot spring rocks). Her
research interests include fluid-rock interaction
and hydrothermal alteration. Bridget has
developed new scientific capabilities such
as: new methodologies to study subsidence
at geothermal sites; high-resolution data
acquisition and interpretation of core, to
address unique, site specific extraction and
injection productivity issues; exploration of
blind geothermal systems by combining her
knowledge of sinters with Ground Penetrating
Radar. She has also developed a ‘silicamometer’
to determine the historic mass flow rate at
extinct hot spring sites. Dr Lynne frequently
works with geothermal exploration companies.
She has recently published her work on
subsidence at the Wairakei-Tauhara geothermal
field, mapping paleo-flow pathways in hot
springs using siliceous sinter architecture, and
impacts of post-depositional environmental
setting on siliceous sinters diagenesis. She
teaches in the Postgraduate Certificate course in
Geothermal Energy Technology.
Dr O’Sullivan’s research centres on
computational fluid dynamics for environmental
flows: modelling flow through porous media
(as applied to geothermal reservoirs). This
includes improving geothermal reservoir models
by including geological structural information;
inverse modelling to assist with geothermal
model calibration and to enable uncertainty
analysis of geothermal reservoir models. He
also uses scripting and parallelisation to control
large and complex models. He has recently
applied these advanced techniques to models
of Lihir (PNG), Orakei Korako (New Zealand),
and Menengai (Kenya). He teaches in the
Postgraduate Certificate course in Geothermal
Energy Technology.
Faculty of Engineering
Research in the Department of Engineering Science focuses on
geothermal reservoir engineering, environmental fluids research
and on numerical simulations of geothermal reservoirs so as to
advance understanding of flow phenomena through mathematical,
computational and experimental means. Further research in the wider
Faculty of Engineering includes process control systems, modelling
and optimisation, and the prevention of corrosion and scaling of
geothermal turbines, pipes and other geothermal equipment. Within
the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering the geotechnical
laboratory has been employed in providing material property input
to subsidence modelling at the Wairakei and Tauhara fields in New
Energy Centre
The Energy Centre is a multi-disciplinary research and education
centre. The Centre’s research programme includes energy, resource and
environmental markets. Researchers are engaged in the application of
economics to the real world challenges of energy and natural resources. Project topics include: economics of renewable energy policies;
development and integration of renewable energy; market design and
analysis; renewable energy contracts; economic models of the optimal
use of a geothermal field and geothermal development in the Taupo
region, focusing on agreements between land owners and electricity
School of Environment,
Faculty of Science
The School of Environment has a dedicated group of scientists
investigating natural resources including geothermal energy,
hydrocarbons, minerals and aggregates. They use state-of-the-art
techniques and tools on a wide range of outcrop and subsurface
data sets. Their research topics include geothermal reservoir
characterisation, structural controls on fluid flow, geochemistry,
microseismicity and rock physics.
Industrial Information and Control
Centre I2C2, Faculty of Engineering
I2C2 is the national focal point for research, study, training, and
consultancy in industrial information and control. Its aim is to improve
New Zealand’s capability in advanced process simulation and control
research. Relevant research projects include geothermal reboiler
process development modelling, modelling of integrated energy
generation, and design optimisation of an organic Rankine cycle
Geothermal education
and training
The Geothermal Institute and the University of Auckland offer a wide range of academic degrees and
professional development courses. These offerings include the Postgraduate Certificate in Geothermal
Energy Technology, Masters of Energy, Master of Engineering, Master of Science and PhD degree
specialisations in a range of topics. The Geothermal Institute also offers public and tailored short courses
in a range of topics relevant to geothermal practice.
What our Masters of
Energy students say
“The broad introduction to the energy
industry, research and technology provided
by the M Energy has been extremely useful
for my career so far.”
“The qualification has been looked on
favourably by employers.”
“ENERGY 785+786 – great project with
state of the art science. Particularly in my
project I get to apply everything learned in
the previous electives (GEOTHERM 601 and
602). Supervisors had a great impact on
the quality of the project.”
“GEOTHERM 601 and 602 – very good
complementary courses in conjunction. The
quality of material taught was excellent,
same as the lecturers.”
“My previous employer really encouraged
me to pursue this when I told them
about scholarship and admission in this
“The degree is exactly what I was looking
We offer the following qualifications:
Masters of Energy
The MEnergy is an interfaculty postgraduate degree for Engineering,
Science and Business and Economics graduates who wish to develop
expertise in any aspect of the energy industry (either technical, business
or policy related). It is a one year full time programme that is available as
either a taught or a research degree.
Master of Engineering
The ME is an all-research, one year degree. We have recently had several
students complete MEs on geothermal topics.
Master of Science
The MSc offers a range of taught and research programmes depending
on specialisation. There are options that include earth sciences,
environmental science and management and geophysics.
Postgraduate Certificate in Geothermal
Energy Technology
The PGCertGeothermTech is aimed at training engineering
and science graduates for work in the geothermal industry.
It is a one-semester programme and includes two weeklong field trips to the Taupo Volcanic Zone.
“It broadened my knowledge not only to
geothermal energy but also to other energy
sources as well.”
“I got to meet fantastic people who gave me
feedback and accompanied me throughout
the whole research.
This a programme of advanced research. It typically takes 3 to 4 years to
Would you recommend the programme to
other people?
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Short Courses
We also provide short courses, workshops, and training. We have delivered
these in Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, Chile, USA and Caribbean
countries as well as in New Zealand. Our short courses cover topics such
• Basics of geothermal science and technology
• Geothermal energy in action
• Reservoir modelling
• Modelling and simulation of multi-phase flow in pipelines and plant
• Geothermal process plant control & optimisation
• Structural controls on fluid flow
• Geothermal surface activity
• Environmental impacts
• Sustainability from a geoscience perspective
• Role of a geoscientist
• Hydrothermal alteration
• Principals and applications of economics to policy design and
management of geothermal resources.
In addition, we convene the annual New Zealand Geothermal Workshop,
which is the longest running energy conference in New Zealand.
New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFAT) makes scholarships
available to students from eligible countries for postgraduate study,
including programmes at the Geothermal Institute. Various scholarships are
open to overseas geothermal students such as New Zealand Development
Scholarships, New Zealand Pacific Scholarships, New Zealand ASEAN
Scholars awards, and Commonwealth Scholarships
Information on the various scholarship schemes can be found at
“Yes, I definitely would; in fact I already
“Yes, and I have to several people.”
Our research and innovation
The Geothermal Institute seeks new and better technologies and techniques to understand, develop, and
manage geothermal energy resources and assets. Innovations from the Geothermal Institute include:
Geothermal supermodels
In collaboration with GNS Science and Callaghan Innovation, researchers
are developing new mathematical modelling software for the New Zealand
geothermal energy industry. This will be significantly more effective than
existing software in promoting environmentally sustainable and efficient
energy generation. The team’s aim is to develop the next generation of
integrated geophysical, chemical, and flow simulation modelling tools to
better understand heat and mass transfer to and between geothermal
systems in orderto more reliably model production effects on geothermal
fields. This project is funded by New Zealand’s Ministry for Business
Innovation and Enterprise.
Geothermal modelling tools
The Geothermal Institute’s modellers have developed software tools
for geothermal well bore simulations, automated well test analysis, and
tracking of geothermal tracers. The modelling group is running large
complex models of geothermal fields in New Zealand and overseas. In
order to support this a range of visualisation tools have been developed
to show the simulation results. PyTOUGH scripting tools have also been
developed to assist with running complex models such as that of the Lihir
geothermal system, where the excavation of a gold mine has to be included
in the model.
geotechnical expertise provides insight into the compressibility properties
of geothermal strata for the ABAQUS modelling. Another study is looking at
the effect of the injection of cold water into a hot geothermal reservoir.
Reinjection in geothermal fields
The Geothermal Institute has carried out a review of experience worldwide
of reinjection in geothermal systems and complemented this with a
modelling study to test ideas about where it is best to reinject: either infield
close to the production wells or far away. The results show that infield
reinjection should not be preferred for hot systems like Wairakei but is
desirable for hot water systems where pressure support is required.
Control systems for organic Rankine cycle
geothermal plants
A dynamic model of an ORC plant is being completed and will be used to
look at the effectiveness of different control strategies. The aim is to design
a control system that takes multiple factors into account such as fouling,
plant maintenance, resource consent compliance, reservoir status, and the
optimisation of a network of electricity generation plants based on realtime market data.
Scaling in geothermal heat exchangers
Mineral scaling has a dramatic impact on the long-term operational
performance of geothermal development. It causes a significant reduction
in the overall heat transfer coefficient whilst simultaneously increasing
the pressure drop and reducing fluid flow, reducing the efficiency and
affecting the energy recovery. The project investigates different types of
mineral scaling in the geothermal environment (with focus on silica scaling
in Heat Exchangers). We use a field-testing rig developed for this project
that provides a controlled environment for understanding mineral scaling
mechanisms, in order to investigate scaling control, and create mitigation
and prevention techniques. The project is undertaken in collaboration with
HERA and Contact Energy Ltd.
Hydrothermal alteration
Automated model calibration
Geothermal reservoir model calibration is another area of focus. The
calibration process determines suitable parameter values for quantities
such as permeability and porosity throughout the reservoir. The calibration
of a large model where there may be thousands of computational blocks
can be very complex. The Institute’s modellers are using innovative
approaches to this problem:.
Fluid rock interaction
Geothermal Institute modellers are investigating several aspects of
fluid rock interaction. The first of these is the modelling of subsidence
in geothermal fields. They are a coupling the reservoir modelling
software TOUGH2 with the ABAQUS rock mechanics simulator. Available
Significant insights about subsurface processes, and how they change
with time, can be gained from unravelling the history of hydrothermal
alteration recorded in geothermal host rocks. At the Geothermal Institute
we are constantly extending our ability to examine fine-scale hydrothermal
alteration detail captured in cores and cuttings. We specialise in Scanning
Electron Microscopy, complemented by Computerised Tomography (CT)
Hot spring rocks
One area of speciality within the Geothermal Institute is the
characterisation of siliceous sinter hot spring rocks. Sinters are a surface
expression of discharging alkali chloride thermal water, the fluid type we
use in our geothermal power plants. Often sinters are the only surface
expression of a geothermal reservoir at depth. Recognition of sinters,
identification of their overprints and mapping paleo-flow conditions based
on sinter architecture is a valuable exploration tool.
Geothermal applied research
and consulting services
Geothermal Project Examples
The Geothermal Institute works collaboratively with researchers and industry on geothermal projects both
in New Zealand and internationally. These projects include:
Reservoir Modelling
Wairakei, New Zealand – 3D modelling supporting management decisions
by the field operator, Contact Energy Ltd. Also an important part of the
applications for resource consents for the Te Mihi and Tauhara 2 projects.
Ohaaki, New Zealand – High concentrations of carbon dioxide gas
required different modelling techniques. Models are being used to plan for
future sustainable productivity.
Lihir, Papua New Guinea – Models of the geothermal system at Lihir are
being used for two purposes: first to help manage the deep geothermal
resource which is being used for electric power production and secondly,
to help manage the shallow mining operation which requires shallow steam
relief wells to lower pressures and temperatures before the pit is excavated.
Wayang Windu, Indonesia – A modelling study to assist with decision
making with regard to the expansion of generation capacity.
Other Geothermal Reservoir Modelling Sites – Reporoa, Mokai and
Ngawha (New Zealand), Dieng, Darajat, Silangkitang, Namora (Indonesia),
Leyte, Northern Negros, Bacman (Philippines), Olkaria (Kenya), East Mesa
(USA), Fushime, Kakkonda (Japan) and Los Humeros (Mexico)
Geothermal Exploration
Geothermal Development Company, Kenya – Geoscientific surveys,
reservoir modelling studies of normal and supercritical systems, training
and workshops and collaborative student projects.
Energia Andina, Chile – Hot spring characterisation of several geothermal
prospects in northern Chile.
Sumatra, Indonesia – Geological and geochemistry data was collected and
analysed to contribute to investigations to determine drilling targets for a
geothermal power development.
Rwanda – Completed geological and geophysical surveys for geothermal
potential and determining drilling targets.
Geothermal Engineering
Geothermal Geosciences
Economic Analysis
Geothermal Process Engineering
• Reservoir modelling
• Geothermal exploration
• Investment, LCOE and cost-benefit analysis
• Geothermal welltest analysis
• Data integration and processing
• Econometrics and statistical analysis
Kawerau, New Zealand – Modelling of a whole geothermal process plant
with different process configurations to optimise energy and removal of
non-condensable gases.
• Subsidence modelling
• Well targeting
• Geotechnical testing of cores
• Geological and geochemical surveying
• Governance arrangements for development
and utilisation
Ngawha, New Zealand – Modelling of a geothermal pipeline and process
plant to optimise plant operation and energy recovery.
Geothermal Process
Materials Characterisation
Public Policy Analysis
Geothermal Training and Capacity Building
• Economic modelling of development
IRENA – Geothermal capacity needs assessment methodology
• Multiphase flow modelling
• Fracture analysis
• Regulation of resource and energy markets
IRENA/CEGA, Chile –Tailored course on geothermal policy, regulation and
technology for Andean Countries
• Pipeline modelling
• Identification of corrosion products/scaling
• Geothermal plant modelling
• Plant optimisation
• Mineral and organic fouling analysis
• Contaminant particles identification
• Roughness measurements of smooth surfaces
• Frictional properties of surfaces
• Market integration
Montserrat – Geophysical surveys were employed to establish the
structure and distribution of potential fluid resource on this volcanic island.
A zone of apparent high permeability was found and is now the focus of a
potential high temperature goethermal power development.
MFAT/NZAID – Geothermal capacity building study for 3 regions (ChilePeru-Argentina; Kenya-Rwanda, Tanzania; Philippines, Vanuatu, Papua New
Guinea) Pertamina, Indonesia - tailored course on reservoir engineering and
reservoir modelling
Geothermal Development Corporation, Kenya – Tailored course on
geothermal policy, regulation and reservoir technology
University of Papua New Guinea – Tailored course on developments in
geothermal exploration and reservoir modelling
Auckland UniServices Ltd
Auckland UniServices Limited is the commercial research, knowledge transfer and custom education
company for the University of Auckland - dedicated to connecting the University’s capabilities to business
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In just 25 years UniServices has grown to produce an income of over
NZ$130 million per annum, far surpassing any similar organisation in
New Zealand and Australia. Our income derives from contract research
and consulting, customised education programmes for 25,000 students
around the world and from transferring intellectual property developed
by staff and students at the University to the public and private sectors.
We are a substantial organisation with over 600 employees, working
in 37 countries, and with access to many more academic staff from the
University of Auckland. The work of UniServices supports the leadership
position of the University of Auckland, and allows the University to
expand and enhance its capabilities in commercial and basic research.
For more information on the
Geothermal Institute contact
Professor Rosalind Archer
Geothermal Institute Director
Phone: +64 9 923 4517
Andrea Ross
Geothermal Institute Manager
Phone: + 64 9 923 5664
Dr Pretesh Patel, Business Development Manager
Phone: +64 9 923 2137
Auckland UniServices Limited
Level 10, UniServices House
70 Symonds Street, Auckland.
Private Bag 92019 AMC
Auckland 1142, New Zealand.
Street and courier address
Level 3, UniServices House
70 Symonds Street
Postal address
The University of Auckland
Geothermal Institute
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand