Fabrication of Metallic Fuel Slugs for Irradiation Experiments in Fast Breeder Test Reactor M.T. Saify, S.K. Jha, K.K. Abdulla, Arun Kumar and G.J. Prasad Bhabha Atomic Research Centre INDIA International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios Paris, France - 4 to 7 March 2013 3/13/2013 1 Advantages of Metallic fuels for future FBR High heavy metal atom density Higher thermal conductivity at room temperature that increases with temperature Metal fuels can be relatively easily fabricated with close dimensional tolerances They have excellent compatibility with liquid metal coolants 3/13/2013 2 Issues of metallic fuel Dimensional stability under irradiation Solidus temperature of the fuel Chemical compatibility with cladding Swelling and fission gas release These issues have been addressed by addition of several alloying elements to U or U-Pu fuels out of which ‘Zr’ was found to be the most promising. 3/13/2013 3 Design Challenges in Metallic Fuel DESIGN CHALLENGES MITIGATION Eutectic formation between U and SS cladding (Fe) • Zr liner between fuel and clad • Zr added in the fuel Low melting / solidus temp. Zr added to fuel High Swelling Low smeared density (~75%TD) Preferential axial swelling Higher plenum volume 3/13/2013 4 METALLIC FUEL – INDIAN DESIGNS Sodium Bonded Fuel Pin Mechanically Bonded Fuel T91 CLAD 4.90 Ø U19%Pu6%Zr 5.40 Ø Zr LINER SODIUM U-15%Pu FUEL 3/13/2013 5 FABRICATION FLOW-SHEET FOR SODIUM BONDED METALLIC FUEL Preparation of Alloy Injection Casting Loading Sodium into one–end closed Clad Tube Loading Fuel Slug & Blanket into pre-filled Clad Tube De-moulding Pin Welding End-shearing Sodium Bonding Length, Weight, Dia. Measurement & ECT 3/13/2013 Pin Qualification by NDT Wire Wrapping & Final Metrology6 Metallic Fuel Specifications Specifications establishing technical requirements of binary metallic fuel slugs for irradiation experiments in FBTR Fuel Zr-content, (wt.%) Mass, g Length, mm Diameter, mm Linear Mass, g/cm Straightness Surface Roughness, Ra, (µm) ECT 3/13/2013 Specifications Enriched U-Zr alloy 6.0 (+1 / -0) 51.7 (+2.4 / -3.2) 160 ± 2 4.90 ± 0.06 3.23 (+0.11 / -0.16) 0.2/160 3.2 Max. acceptable total sub-surface defect in any cross- section shall be 1% area of the slug 7 WHY U-Zr ALLOY ? Technology development – U-Zr alloy to simulate FUEL Important sub-system of U-Pu-Zr ternary alloy Proposed as blanket material KEY ISSUES “U-Zr ALLOY PREPARATION” • Large difference in melting point • Large difference in density • Higher reactivity of Zr with graphite (Carbon) • Oxidation of uranium hindering alloying by diffusion Mitigation Approach to preparation of U-Zr alloy 1. 2. 3. 4. Careful charge preparation Appropriate charging sequencing Tripple melting in specially designed graphite crucibles 3/13/2013 Better performance ceramic coating on crucible 8 INJECTION CASTING - BASIS Elementary physical concept – the possibility of supporting a liquid column within a tube, by the application of a pressure difference across the liquid interface inside and outside the tube. FEATURES Possible to produce small diameter castings of high L/D ratio with randomly oriented grain structure Possibility of multi-mould casting – limited only by criticality considerations and handling facilities Capability of producing precision castings 3/13/2013 9 INJECTION CASTING SET-UP FOR FEASIBILITY STUDIES AT BARC 3/13/2013 10 INJECTION CASTING SET-UP MOULD MOVEMENT SYSTEM BELL CHAMBER QUARTZ MOULDS BOTTOM CHAMBER Control Panel 3/13/2013 Dec.1-2, 2008 IAEA TM, Fukui 11 QUARTZ MOULD PREPARATION Alumina Coated 3/13/2013 Yttria Coated Mould End Closure Defect 12 MECHANIZED SYSTEM FOR QUARTZ MOULD ID COATING Moulds Filled Upto 70% of Specified Height Moulds Filled Upto Specified Height Features 1. Capacity : 40 tubes at a time 2. Control 3/13/2013 of Coating Height 13 INJECTION CASTING SET-UP...FEATURES Graphite Crucible Size 125mm IDx160mm ODx160mm H Capacity 20 kg Uranium Induction Power Supply 30 kW, 400V, 5 kHz, IGBT based Metal & Alloys Injection Cast Pure Uranium, U-1%Zr, U-2%Zr, U-6%Zr and U-10% Zr alloy 14 INJECTION CASTING SET-UP INSTALLED IN GLOVE BOX 3/13/2013 15 CRUCIBLE LOADING UNLOADING SET-UP Features 1. Capacity : 30 kg 2. Capable of remote operation from outside the Glove Box 3/13/2013 16 MOTORISED MOULD LOADING AND UNLOADING SYSTEM Mould Cassette Holder 3/13/2013 17 Injection Cast ‘U’rods (single batch; max. capacity 40 fuel rods) Injection casting of U rods In Quartz Mould 3/13/2013 After removal of mold 18 DEMOULDING AND SHEARING UNIT IN GLOVE BOX Loading Tray HSS Blade Cr-Plated, Hardened & Ground Rollers 3/13/2013 Fuel Rod Collection Tray 19 DEMOULDED AND SHEARED U-Zr RODS SHEARED RODS BURR-FREE SHEARED ENDS 3/13/2013 20 AUTOMATED INSPECTION SET-UP Weight : Static Load cell (100 to 1000 g ±0.1 gm) Length : Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) (320 ± 1.0 mm) Diameter : Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) (5.45 ± 0.02 mm with suitable coil) (4.37 ± 0.02 mm with suitable coil) ECT : Coil - Differential Encircling Frequency - 100 kHz Std. Depth of Penetration Effective Depth of Penetration Defect Standard 3/13/2013 - 1.0 mm - 2.5 mm - 0.5 mm Ø x 0.2 mm deep 21 AUTOMATED INSPECTION SET-UP Accepted/Rejected Rod Collection Station ECT COIL LVDT for Dia. Measurement LVDT for Length Measurement Fuel Rod Loading Station Load Cell for Weight Measurement 3/13/2013 22 EDDY CURRENT TEST RESULT Coil: Differential Frequency: 200 kHz BOTTOM TOP 5 nos. of flat bottom holes showing 5 ECT Signal in the bottom part (vertical component of ECT Signal) of the chart 3/13/2013 No ECT signal having amplitude more than the reference signal as shown in the bottom part (vertical component of ECT Signal) of the chart 23 METALLIC FUEL FABRICATION AND INSPECTION FACILITY DEMOULDING & SHEARING SET-UP AUTOMATED INSPECTION SETUP INJECTION CASTING SET-UP 3/13/2013 SWAGING 24 MACHINE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. First melt for homogenous U-Zr alloy – 0.75wt% extra zirconium Slag Phase Oxidation Loses B. Specified surface finish X Water based Ceramic Coating Alcohol based Graphite Coating C. Specified as-cast diameter is obtained using quartz moulds having 180 µm higher ID 3/13/2013 25 Thank You… 3/13/2013 26 HIGH ENERGY GAMMA RADIOGRAPHY OF INJECTION CAST URANIUM AND U-Zr ALLOY SLUGS 8mm diameter (Zr clad) 6 mm diameter Radiograph of cast metallic uranium fuel slugs 3/13/2013 Source : Co-60 (7.5 Curie) 27 Specifications of Metallic Fuel Slugs for Irradiation Experiments in FBTR Fuel Zr-content (wt.%) Sodium Bonded Mechanically Bonded Enriched U-Zr alloy Enriched Uranium 6.0 (+1 / -0) - 51.7 (+2.4 / -3.2) 160 ± 2 4.90 ± 0.06 3.23 (+0.11 / -0.16) 160 ± 2 5.40 ± 0.05 Groove Radius, mm - 1.06 ± 0.1 Number of grooves NIL 2 (Diametrically opposite) 0.2/160 0.2/160 3.2 1.6 Mass, g Length, mm Diameter, mm Linear Mass, g/cm Straightness Surface Roughness, Ra, (µm) ECT 3/13/2013 58.9 ± 4.2 Max. acceptable total sub-surface defects in any crosssection shall be 1% area of the slug 28 FBTR FUEL SPECIFICATIONS – MK I & MK II Specification Chemical Physical 3/13/2013 (Pu0.7U0.3)C (Pu0.55U0.45)C Pu (wt %) 66±1 51.9±1 Pu + U (wt %) ≥ 94 ≥ 94 Am (wt %) Not Specified 0.3 Max. O2 (ppm) ≤ 6000 ≤ 5000 O2 + N2 (ppm) ≤ 7500 ≤ 6000 M2C3 (wt %) 5 - 20 5 -15 W (ppm) ≤ 200 ≤ 200 Total Impurities (ppm) (excluding O2 , N2 & Am) ≤ 3000 ≤ 3000 Diameter (mm) 4.18±0.04 4.18±0.05 Height (mm) 7.00±0.04 7.00±0.05 Density (%TD) 90±1 90±1 1.67±0.04 1.60±0.04 Linear Mass (g/cm) 29 PFBR FUEL SPECIFICATIONS Parameter Chemical Pu (wt %) 18.7 / 24.4 U (wt %) 69.9 / 63.7 O/M 1.99±0.01 Total Impurities (ppm) Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Physical 3/13/2013 ≤ 5000 5.58±0.04 8±2 Linear Mass (g/cm) 2.18±0.07 Pellet Inner Diameter (mm) 1.90±0.2 Fuel Stack Length (mm) Metallurgical Specification 1000.0±2.5 Grain Size (µm) 5 - 50 Micro-homogeneity PuO2 Particle Size (µm) < 100 30 Average number of Neutrons Liberated in Fission Thermal Neutrons (0.0253 eV) Fissile Nucleus η 3/13/2013 Fast Neutrons (~1 MeV) η U-233 2.29 2.40 U-235 2.07 2.35 Pu-239 2.15 2.90 31 Allotropic phase transformation in Uranium Phase Stability Structure Lattice Parameter α - Uranium -231 oC to 667.3 oC Orthorhombic a=2.8536 Å b=5.8698 Å c=4.9555 Å β - Uranium 667.3 oC to 774.8 oC Tetragonal a=10.52 Å c=5.57 Å γ - Uranium 774.8 oC to 1132.3 oC Body-centered cubic a=3.49 Å at 800 oC 3/13/2013 32 COMPOSITION OF D9 AND T91 Chemical composition of Stainless Steel Clad in wt% 3/13/2013 Element D9 T91 Ni 15.5 0.5 Cr 13.5 12.0 Mn 2.0 0.2 Mo 2.0 1.0 Si 0.75 0.25 Ti 0.25 - W - 0.5 V - 0.5 C 0.04 0.2 Fe Balance Balance 33 FAST REACTOR FUEL IN 1950s & 1960s : TYPES & COMPOSITIONS Fuel Type Metal 3/13/2013 Composition Reactor Year Country Pu Clementine 1949 USA U EBR-I Mk I 1951 USA U-Zr EBR-I Mk II 1954 USA U-Zr EBR-I Mk III 1957 USA Pu-Al EBR-I Mk IV 1962 USA Molten Pu-Fe LAMPRE-I 1959 USA Molten Pu-Fe LAMPRE-II 1962 USA U-Cr DFR Mk II 1963 UK U-Mo DFR Mk IIA,B,C 1963 UK U-Mo DFR Mk IIIA,B,C 1964 UK U-Fs EBR-II Mk I, IA 1964 USA U-Fs EBR-II Mk II 1973 USA U-Mo Fermi 1966 USA 34 FAST REACTOR FUEL IN 1970s & LATER : TYPES & COMPOSITIONS Fuel Type Ceramic 3/13/2013 Composition Reactor Year Country (U,Pu)O2 Phenix 1974 USA (U,Pu)O2 PFR 1974 USA (U,Pu)O2 EBRKNK-II 1977 USA (U,Pu)O2 FFTF 1980 USA (U,Pu)O2 JOYO 1980 USA (U,Pu)O2 BN600 1980 Russia (U,Pu)O2 Superphenix 1986 (U,Pu)N BR-10 - Russia (U,Pu)C FBTR 1985 India (U,Pu)O2 Monju 1992 Japan (U,Pu)O2 EFR * Europe (U,Pu)O2 BN-800 * Russia (U,Pu)O2 DFBR * Japan (U,Pu)O2 PFBR * India (U,Pu)O2 CEBR * China 35 FAST REACTOR FUEL IN 1970s & LATER : TYPES & COMPOSITIONS Fuel Type Ceramic 3/13/2013 Composition Reactor Year Country (U,Pu)O2 Phenix 1974 USA (U,Pu)O2 PFR 1974 USA (U,Pu)O2 EBRKNK-II 1977 USA (U,Pu)O2 FFTF 1980 USA (U,Pu)O2 JOYO 1980 USA (U,Pu)O2 BN600 1980 Russia (U,Pu)O2 Superphenix 1986 (U,Pu)N BR-10 - Russia (U,Pu)C FBTR 1985 India (U,Pu)O2 Monju 1992 Japan (U,Pu)O2 EFR * Europe (U,Pu)O2 BN-800 * Russia (U,Pu)O2 DFBR * Japan (U,Pu)O2 PFBR * India (U,Pu)O2 CEBR * China 36 FAST REACTOR FUEL IN 1970s & LATER : TYPES & COMPOSITIONS Fuel Type Metallic 3/13/2013 Composition Reactor Year Country U-Zr EBR-II MK III, IV 1990 USA U-Pu-Zr EBR-II MK V 1995 USA U-Pu-Zr IFR - USA U-Pu-Zr PRISM - USA 37