CV - University of Colorado Boulder

Curriculum Vitae
2679 Indian Peaks Trail, Lafayette, CO 80026
email:, (720)352-8596 (mobile), (303)666-1370 (home)
I was trained as an experimental physicist. In my research career I have worked on multilayer
thin film synthesis, materials characterization, measurement and modeling of electron transport
through interfaces of metal/superconductor and superconductor/insulator, and process
development for cleanroom fabrication and testing of superconducting integrated circuits and
PhD. in Applied Physics, Stanford University, California (January, 1993).
B.S. in Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China (June, 1984).
Professional Experiences
January 2014—present Research Associate, Mechanical Engineering Department,
University of Colorado, Boulder.
August 2013—December 2013 Instructor of Record, University of Colorado, Boulder,
and Metro State University of Denver.
● Physics Department, University of Colorado, Boulder. Designed the curriculum for
and delivered lectures to junior-level physics major a course on Electricity and
Magnetism (course designation: Phys 3310 fa-13).
● Electrical Engineering Technology, Metro State University of Denver. Designed the
curriculum for and delivered lectures to junior-level engineering major a course on
Digital and Analog Communication Systems (course designation: EET 3620).
June 2002—November 2012 Research Scientist, NIST, Boulder.
● Fabricated and tested thin film superconducting integrated circuits for SQUID arrays
and SQUID multiplexers. (SQUID: Superconducting Quantum Interference
● Participated in developing superconducting device fabrication processes for
Quantum Sensors Fabrication Team at NIST Boulder.
● Provided hands-on training to new users of photolithographic tools, vacuum
systems, and other key equipment in the cleanroom.
● Solved the problem of poor adhesion between thick PdAu film and SiOx underlayer.
November 1998—May 2002 Independent Contractor, NIST, Boulder
● Built a data acquisition system for measuring the critical-current and normal-state
resistance of Josephson junctions and arrays of Josephson junction.
● Developed a comprehensive physical model for electron tunneling across the
interface of thin films of high-temperature superconductors and noble metals.
October 1995—October 1998 Post-Doctoral Researcher Associate, NIST, Boulder
● Wrote a proposal and obtained funding from Department of Energy (DoE) to study
interface electron conduction between thin films of high-temperature
superconductors and noble metals.
Designed and assembled a low-frequency noise measurement system for carrying
out the experiments under the DoE grant. Wrote instruction manuals for and
trained co-workers on the use of the system.
● Mentored two Master Degree candidate students from the Electrical Engineering
Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, on their thesis projects.
● Organized a division seminar which met monthly to share new ideas and results in
1992—1995 Post-Doctoral Researcher, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Honors and Services
Session Chair, the 1998 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Palm Desert,
California, September 13—18, 1998.
Session Chair, the 1996 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Pittsburgh, PA,
August 25—30, 1996.
1. Yizi Xu and J. W. Ekin, “Tunneling characteristics and low-frequency noise of highTc superconductor/noble-metal junctions,” Phys. Rev. B, 69, 104515 (2004).
2. Yizi Xu, J. W. Ekin, and C. C. Clickner, “Low-frequency noise in YBCO/Au
junctions,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 9, 3990—3993 (1999).
3. Yizi Xu, J.W. Ekin, C. C. Clickner, and R.L. Fiske, “Oxygen annealing of YBCO/Gold
thin-film contacts,” in: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering—Materials, U. Balu
Balachandran et al. eds., Vol. 44, Part B, 381—388, Plenum Press, New York, 1998.
4. J. W. Ekin and Yizi Xu et al., “Correlation between d-wave paring behavior and
magnetic-field-dependent zero-bias conductance peak,” Phys. Rev. B, 56, 13746
5. Yizi Xu and J. W. Ekin et al., “a-axis YBa2Cu3O7-x/Au interface conductance-voltage
characteristics,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 7, 2836—2839 (1997).
6. Yizi Xu, D. Ephron, and M. R. Beasley, “Directed inelastic hopping of electrons
through metal-insulator-metal tunnel junctions,” Phys. Rev. B, 52, 2843 (1995).
7. S. Scouten, Yizi Xu, B. H. Moeckly, and R. A. Buhrman, “Low-frequency noise in the
normal state of thin-film high-temperature superconductors,” Phys. Rev. B, 50,
16121 (1994).
8. D. Ephron, Y. Xu, and M. R. Beasley, “Observation of Coulomb correlation of
resonant tunneling and inelastic hopping, “ Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 3112 (1992).
9. Y. Xu, A. Matsuda, and M. R. Beasley, “Role of inelastic effects on tunneling via
localized states in metal-insulator-metal tunnel junctions, “ Phys. Rev. B, 42, 1492