398 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, VOL. 9, NO. 2, JUNE 1999 Continuous Superconducting-Magnet Filtration System Norihide SAHO, Hisashi ISOGAMI, Take0 TAKAGI, and Minoru MORITA Mech. Eng. Res. Lab., Hitachi Ltd., 502 Kandatsu-machi,Tsuchiura, Japan Abstract- We developed a new water purification system using a continuous superconducting-magnet filtration system that removes phytoplankton. The system consists of twin-type magnets with a helium refrigerator: a reciprocating magnetic main filter, and a rotating magnetic sub-filter. This system removes phytoplankton from the lake water by separating coagulated magnetic flocks with the magnetic filters. The filters can be continuously cleaned and regenerated under low magnetic fields while flocks’ are being separated under high magnetic fields. This system removed more than 93% of the phytoplankton from lake water at flow rates of 400 m3/day. I. INTRODUCTION Lakes and reservoirs are crucial for humans and animals, providing sources of drinking and agricultural water as well as recreational uses. At present, however, lakes and reservoirs are suffering from progressive eutrophication mainly due to the inflow of household waste water and other agricultural runoff. In particular, blue-green algae films, which are produced in summer, appear on lake surfaces, causing a foul smell and taste and degrading the quality of the water. For this need alone, the development of direct, rapid purification devices is needed. The concept behind magnetic filtration systems is that ferromagnetic particles and flocculant are added to the influent while applying a high gradient magnetic field. The suspended solids are non-magnetic, but stirring the influendmagnetic-particle mixture produces magnetic flocks consisting of non-magnetic and seeded particles[ 11-[4]. This slurry is passed through a magnetic separator, which consists of a matrix of ferromagnetic filaments magnetized by a strong applied magnetic field. The magnetic flocks are then trapped on the edges of the magnetized fibers of the matrix and the influent is purified. When the matrix becomes loaded with magnetic flocks, they are washed from the matrix by reducing the magnetic field to zero and by backwashing. Such systems are called batch-type magnetic filtration systems. This interruption for backwashing, however, is an obstacle for practical use of such batch-type systems. We therefore developed a magnetic filtration system that can operate continuously and does not require backwashing interruption. First, we produced a prototype [5] of the batch type system with a superconducting small magnet cooled by a helium refrigerator. We demonstrated 95 % removal of blue-green algae. We did not, however, demonstrate continuous operation or the stability of the cooling system when using practical superconducting magnet. In this paper, therefore, we describe modifications to the system and report the performance under continuous-flow operation at 400 m3/day. We also describe the cooling characteristics of the superconducting magnets. n . SYSTEM DESIGN Fig. 1. Structure of a continuous magnetic separator Manuscript received September 14, 1998 A. Filtration System A schematic of the continuous superconducting magnetic separator is shown in Figure 1. The magnet is a split-type magnet, divided into two air-core solenoid coils made of NbTi. The influent flows through the magnet bore. The main magnetic filter consists of a ferromagnetic matrix and is inserted between the two magnets. High magnetic gradients are created in the ferromagnetic matrix by the magnetic field. The strong forces created by the magnetic field gradient remove the suspended particles by separating the magnetic flocks. The main filter moves reciprocally, so that when the matrix becomes loaded with magnetic flocks and the filtration efficiency drops below a critical level, the main filter is automatically replaced with a clean filter. The loaded filter is then backwashed. By cycling two filters between filtration and backwashing, this system can be operated continuously. To remove the load on the main filter, a sub-filter is used to remove bulk quantities of easily filtered material. In the same manner as the main filter, sub-filter is rotated between filtration and backwashing, 1051-8223/99$10.00 0 1999 IEEE 399 Table 1. The diameter of the bore through which the seeded water flows is 310 mm, and the center magnetic field of the sub-filter is 0.6 T and that of the main filters is 1.0 T. The calculated magnetic field strength in the sub- and main filters is shown in Figure 3. The x-axis shows the radial position, R, from the center axis of the magnet, and the vertical axis shows the absolute value of the corresponding magnetic flux density, B. For a given radial position, there is a distribution of B in the axial direction of each filter, but the value of B shown in Figure 3 corresponds to the middle of each filter. Figure 3 indicates that the magnetic field in the sub-filter is in the range of 0.5 to 0.6 T and that in the main filter is 0.7 to 1.0 T. It also shows that beyond a radial distance of about 0.5 m, the magnetic field is less than about 0.02 T. Backwashing occurs in this region of low magnetic field, so that Figure 3 indicates that backwashing can be done effectively beyond a radial position of about 0.5 m. The main filter consists of an active filter with dummy filters on either end. The dummy filters separate the main filter from the filter support, reducing the force on the support. Figure 4 shows the theoretical relationship between the magnetic force acting on the filter support, F, and the dummy filter length, XD.The vertical axis in Figure 4 is a non-dimensionalmagnetic force, F*(=F/Fo), where Fo is the magnetic force for moving no dummy filter (i.e., XD =O). For XD = 200 mm, Figure 4 indicates that the magnetic force on the supports is reduced to 10 % of that without the dummy filter. Fig. 2. Photograph of a continuous magnetic separator Table 1 Magnet characteristics room temperature bore main filter magnetic field sub-filter magnetic field 3 10 mm 1.OT 0.6 T 1.2 I-main 1 filter I E 0.8 sbn 5 0.6 b -z ro Tl 0.4 . Y e s $ 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I radial distance (m) Fig. 3. Magnetic field at each filter permitting continuous operation. A photograph of a magnetic separator capable of filtering 400 m3/day at 93% efficiency is shown in Figure 2, and its magnet characteristics are listed in B. Cooling System A schematic of the cooling system for the superconducting magnets is shown in Figure 5. (For clarity, the filter and the duct for seeded water are omitted.) The cooling system consists of a helium refrigerator to cool the magnet to about 5 K, and a magnetic separator with a superconducting magnet. The helium refrigerator consists of a Gifford McMahon, Joule Thomson (GM.JT) refrigerating cycle, with a Gifford McMahon (GM) expander for the precooler, and Joule Thomson (JT) valves. The cryostat has a heat shield cooled in the first stage of the GM expander, and this shield prevents radiation heating from the side walls to the low-temperature parts. The superconducting magnet is cooled to the minimum temperature of the two-phase helium flow expanded in the second JT valve in the cooling tube, because the tube is connected thermally to the magnet bobbin. The Joule heat load of the current leads connected to the cooling tube is reduced by making them from High-T, superconducting (HTS) material. We show the heat load for each cooling part in Table 2. These results indicate that refrigeration capacity of less than 1 W is required for the cooling tube and less than 30 W is required for the heat shield. Using a single GM.JT cooling unit, we achieved a maximum cooling capacity of 4 W at the cooling tube and a heat load of 30 W at the first stage of pre-cooler. But to prevent a temperature difference between the heat shields, another single-stage GM expander was installed to cool the heat shield on the magnet side. 400 1.2 I I magnetic SePWatiOn part helium refrigerator GM ex (for heat 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 length of dummy-filter part XI, (m) Fig. 4. Support force on main filter Fig. 5. Cooling system for the twin-type superconducting magnet Table 2 Heat load of each cooling part heat shield cooling tube radiation current leads supports (total radiation current leads supports (total , 6.0 w 1w 14 12 W 27 W) 0.2 0.3 W 0.1 W 0.6 W) w 5.5 h 525 5.0 a Y E 4--c 2 B 4.5 I..I.. -.I----- a. TEST RESULTS We tested both the performance of the cooling subsystem and the filtration efficiency of the entire system. The cool-down time for the cooler was about 150 hours from near room temperature. Under steady-state conditions, the temperature of the upper superconducting magnet was 4.72 K and the temperature of the lower magnet was about 4.74 K. The temperature difference between the magnets was therefore under 0.02 K. This small temperature difference shows that both magnets were cooled uniformly. The electrical consumption of the GM.JT refrigerator was 9.1 kW (2.4 kW for the liquefaction circuit and 6.7 kW for the precooler unit) plus 3.3 kW for the GM expander for heat shield cooling(for a total electrical consumption of 12.4 kW). Figure 6 shows the relationship between the power-lead current and the cooling temperature of the magnet. The temperature was measured in each power-lead under steadystate conditions. The temperature of the cooling part of the HTS power lead increased with increasing current, but the + -m- m- I - I - --...I.-...-. 4.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 current (A) Fig. 6. Temperature of various parts cooling-system vs lead current. magnet temperature did not change significantly. This indicates that the temperature of the current lead did not influence the magnet temperature. The measured cooling characteristics of the cooling system are listed in Table 3. The flow through the purification system is shown in Figure 7. First, the influent is chemically neutralized with NaOH. Then flocculant and ferromagnetic particles are added to the influent. This mixture is then agglomerated to form magnetic flocks. These four steps constitute the flocculation part of the filtration system. The resulting magnetic flocks are attracted to the magnetic filter wires in the main part of the filtration system and removed from the influent. We successfully 401 operated this filtration system continuously, automatically rotating and backwashing the filters, demonstrating the ability of this system to filter water continuously. Table 4 lists the removal efficiency of algae, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total nitrogen (T-N), and total phosphorus (T-P) when filtering water from a lake near our laboratory at a flow rate of 400 m3/day. The concentration of chlorophyll-a (including algae) in the influent was 27.4 mgL, and decreased to 2 m g L in the effluent, for a removal efficiency in excess of 93%. The removal efficiency of BOD and T-P was greater than 78%. Using the removal efficiency of chlorophyll-a as an index for the removal efficiency of phytoplankton, we demonstrated this system can remove more than 93% of phytoplanktonunder continuous operation. Because phytoplankton take up nitrogen and phosphorus as nourishment, the simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus occurs when removing phytoplankton. Table 3 Performance of magnet cooling system coil temperature cool-down time electric power consumption 4.1 -4.7 K 150 hours 12.4 kW influent PISUMMARY flocculation part To improve the water quality of lakes and reservoirs, a continuous-flow, superconducting-magnet filtration system for removing phytoplankton has been developed. The system consists of a twin-type superconductingmagnet with a helium cooler, a reciprocating main magnetic filter, and a rotating magnetic sub-filter. The reciprocating and rotating assemblies permit the magnetic filters to be alternated between filtration of the water (in the presence of a strong magnetic field) and a backwashing cycle in the presence of low magnetic fields; thus, the system can be operated continuously. This system removed more than 93% of the phytoplankton from lake water at flow rates of 400 m3/ day. REFERENCES [l] Ralph Mitchell, Gabriel Bitton, Christopher de Latour, and E. Maxwell: Magnetic Separation: A New Approach to Water and Waste Treatment: J.P.W.T-A, V01.7 (1975), 349-355 [2] G. Bitton , J.L. Fox, and H. G. Strickland.: Removal of Algae from Florida Lakes by Magnetic Filtration: Applied Microbiology, Vo1.30, No.6 (1975), 905-908 [3] Christopher de Latour: Seeding Principles of High Gradient Magnetic Separation: JOURNAL AWWA, August, (1976), 443-446 [4] R. R. Oder and B. Ihorst: Wastewater Processing with High Gradient Magnetic Separators: 2nd National Conference on Complete WaterReuse, Chicago, (1 975), 887-897 [ 5 ] Hisashi Isogami, Norihide Saho, Take0 Takagi, and Minoru Morita: A Superconducting Magnetic Separator with An Integral Refrigerator for Blue-Green Algae, Proc. of the 16th Int. Cryo. Eng. Conf., (1996). 1125-1 128 ,E 3 sluge neutralization 2 ferromagneticparticles 3 flocculant @ polwr 1 Fig. 7 . System flow of filtration Table 4 Test results influent effluent removal efficiency chlorophyll-a (,U g/L) 27.4 c2 >93% BOD (mg/L) 4.2 0.7 83% 1.86 1.29 31% total-Nitrogen(mg/L) total-Phosphorus(mg/L) 0.09 c0.02 >78%