1 Design Study of Different Direct-Driven Permanent-Magnet Motors for a Low Speed Application F. Libert, J. Soulard Division of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, Royal Institute of Technology 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, phone: +46 87907757, fax: +468205268, e-mail: florence@ekc.kth.se Abstract— The goal of the study is to compare different designs of direct-driven Permanent Magnet (PM) motors that should replace an induction motor and its gearbox for an industrial application requiring 5 kW and 50 rpm. Motors with surface mounted PM, inset surface mounted PM or buried PM, with inner or outer rotor are investigated. The best design for the application is presented. Index Terms—Permanent magnet machines, direct-drive, low speed, design, optimisation. I. INTRODUCTION As environmental concern increases worldwide, higher drive efficiency is desirable. Thus, replacing induction machines with Permanent Magnet (PM) machines has recently gained great interest as the price of the PM decreases. For low speed applications, using PM machines may eliminate the need of the gearbox, which is traditionally coupled to a standard induction machine. Since the gearbox is costly, decreases the efficiency of the drive and needs maintenance, a PM direct drive can provide better performance and/or be lighter than the traditional solution. Direct-driven PM machines are nowadays mostly used for boat propulsion and wind turbines [1]. Since the rated speed is low, a large diameter and a high number of poles characterize these machines. This paper focuses on an industrial application, which requires 5 kW and a rated speed below 50 rpm. In [2], direct-driven surface-mounted permanent magnet (SMPM) machines for low speed application were studied. In this paper, rotor configurations with inset surface mounted permanent magnet motors and buried permanent magnet (BPM) are analysed. Indeed, inset PM motors produce a reluctance torque in addition to the torque created by the magnets, that could improve the performances compared to the SMPM. Buried magnets generate flux concentration in the rotor that could allow thinner or cheaper magnets. This article describes the process leading to the determination of the PM arrangement which gives the best overall performances and is therefore the most appropriate for the application. II. THE INVESTIGATED ROTOR CONFIGURATIONS A. Rotors with surface mounted PM The different rotor geometries with surface PM that are considered are shown in figure 1. The surface mounted PM designs with inner and outer rotor (designs 1 and 3 on the figure) were studied in [2]. Design 2 also presents surface mounted magnets but with iron pieces between the magnets. This design is referred as inset permanent magnet motor. These iron pieces create a saliency. Fig. 1. Cross-sections of investigated surface mounted PM motors (2 poles represented) B. Rotors with interior PM Another solution is to bury the magnets in the rotor. Different positions of the magnets in the rotor are investigated and shown on figure 2. In the first geometry (design 4), there are two magnets per pole that are placed with a certain angle taking the form of a “V”. Between the ends of the V formed by the magnets and the airgap, there are two iron bridges. Such motors were studied in [3] and [4]. 2 In the last studied configuration (design 5) referred as tangentially magnetized PM, the rotor consists of different pieces of iron and magnets that are fixed together on a nonferromagnetic shaft. With a ferromagnetic shaft, a large portion of flux from the magnets would leak through the shaft. geometries. Fig. 2. Cross-sections of investigated buried PM motors (2 poles represented) C. Advantages and drawbacks of the investigated configurations The usual advantages of the buried magnet configurations compared to the surface PM designs are the possible flux concentration generated by the magnets in the rotor, the protection of the magnet against demagnetisation and the mechanical strength. In the case of this study, centrifugal forces on the surface mounted PM are very low because the nominal speed is around 50 rpm. Another property that differs between the investigated rotors is the saliency of the buried PM designs and of the inset PM designs. A reluctance torque can be produced in addition to the torque produced by the magnets. The drawbacks of the rotors with V-shape magnets are the iron bridges that cause a high leakage flux. Furthermore the V-shape rotor is not very adapted for high pole numbers. Indeed the higher the pole number, the smaller the place for the magnets in V-shape, and the smaller the angle between the two magnets. It can therefore easily get saturated between the magnets if the angle is too little. Another drawback of the Vshape configuration is the high number of magnets that increases the production cost. The tangentially magnetised PM rotor presents the drawback of many iron and magnet pieces to be manipulated if the number of poles is high. Therefore some production difficulties can arise. However it does not present any bridges and the flux leakage is then very low. III. THE DESIGN PROCEDURE A. Description of the procedure The design of the different PM motors is realised by solving an optimisation problem, using Sequential Quadratic Programming methods. The design process is presented in figure 3. It is applied to all the above-mentioned rotor Fig3. Procedure followed for the design of a low speed PM motor The objective function is the active weight of the motor. The parameters to be optimised are: the number of poles, some geometrical parameters that define the stator teeth and the magnets, the air-gap length and the machine length. These parameters are subject to some non-linear inequality constraints that should guarantee the mechanical, thermal, and magnetic behaviour expected. The outer stator diameter is limited. The copper losses are set to a value that guarantees a better efficiency and lighter weight than the induction motor with its gearbox. The magnet weight is also limited to set a constraint on the cost of the machine. 3 At first, a distributed winding with a number of slots per pole per phase equal to 1 is considered for all the designs. B. Influence of PM arrangement The design process differs between the investigated rotor configurations in mainly two points: the analytical calculation of the flux-density in the airgap and the calculation of the inductances and currents. 1) Flux density in the airgap: The flux-density in the airgap has to be calculated with accuracy since the design procedure relies on it (figure 2). The method used for the surface mounted PM motor is described in [2]. The waveform is assumed to be rectangular as in figure 4. The maximum value of the airgap flux-density Bm is computed with (1): Br Bm = (1) µ r .δ .k c 1+ lm where Br is the remanence flux density of the magnet, µr the magnet relative permeability and kc the carter factor, δ the airgap length and lm the magnet thickness. For the inset PM designs, Bm is calculated the same way. However there is more flux leakage between the magnets than for the SMPM. Instead of crossing the airgap, a part of the flux created by the magnets can go directly from the magnet to the iron pieces. According to [5], the flux leakage through the iron piece is negligible if the distance between the magnet and the iron piece is more than twice the airgap length. The waveform of the airgap flux density in figure 4 is based on this assumption. The difference between the FEM and analytically calculated values of the fundamental of the flux density in the airgap is less than 4% for pole numbers between 20 and 80. The maximum of the airgap flux-density Bm for the V-shape PM motor is calculated using (2), which is derived in [4]. Figure 5 described the different notations used in the formula. w l Br − Bsat Fe 1 + µ r i wm lm (2) Bm = 2αDr wFe k cδ li k cδ pw + 2 l . w 1 + µ r l + µ r l m Fe m m m Bsat is the flux density in the saturated iron bridge. For the design with tangentially magnetized PM, the derived formula is: Bm = Br α m l m Dr p (4) 2 Dr µ r l m k cδ + α ironα m p The differences between the FEM and analytical calculated values of the fundamental of the airgap flux density are less than 4% for pole numbers between 20 and 80. Fig.4. Method to calculate analytically the flux density in the airgap Fig.5. Definition of the parameters for the buried PM geometries 2) Saliency and inductances: The second main difference between the designs is due to the saliency of the inset and buried PM structures, whereas the SMPM is non-salient. The inductances in the direct and quadrature axis (Ld and Lq) are not equal and therefore a reluctance torque is created. In order to utilise this additional torque, a d-axis current id is added (5). For the SMPM, the d-axis current is equal to zero. 3 p T= Ψm iq + Ld − Lq id iq (5) 22 with p is the pole number, iq the q-axis current, Ψm the flux from the magnets. Figure 6 represents the phasor diagram of salient and nonsalient motor. The angle γ (or β = -γ + π/2) is chosen so that it gives the maximum torque for a given current (6). dT =0 (6) dγ [ ( ) ] 4 With using (5) and (7), a second order equation (8) is obtained from (6). I d = I sin γ (7) I q = I cos γ ( ) ( ) 2 Ld − Lq I 2 sin 2 γ + Ψm I sin γ − Ld − Lq I 2 = 0 (8) Different values of β are tested using a recursion, in order to find the minimum current together with the angle β that gives the required torque. The recursion is described on figure 3. Knowing the angle β and the d- and q- current, the number of conductor per slot can be calculated using the phasor diagram at base speed. The procedure can be continued as for a SMPM (figure 3). B. Weight and choice of pole number Figure 7 shows the evolution of the total active weight of the different designs as a function of the number of poles. The same weight of magnet (5.5 Kg) and the same amount of Joule losses (700W) were imposed. As can be seen for the V-shape PM motors with q=2, no solutions were found for a pole number over 30, the teeth becoming too narrow and getting saturated. Fig.7. Active weight as a function of the pole numbers for different PM motors designs Fig.6. Phasor diagram at rated speed for salient and non-salient PM machines IV. RESULTS AND COMPARISON The performances of the different PM designs are compared. The motors should have a maximum outer diameter of 500 mm and their torque and speed should be 840 Nm and 50 rpm respectively. The total weight of the machine should not exceed 150 kg. A. Validation of the analytical procedure To validate the analytical procedure, the flux density in the airgap and the torque were checked using FEM, for the different optimized configurations obtained for the pole numbers p = 30, p = 50 and p = 68. The fundamental of the airgap flux density analytically calculated was in most of the cases less than 2% different from the FEM value, with a maximum of 4% difference. The mean value of the load torque simulated with FEM was also maximum 4% different from the required nominal torque. However for the configuration with V-shape buried magnets, the torque ripple obtained was very high due to high harmonics in the airgap flux density. The V-shape designs were therefore tested with two slots per pole per phase (q=2) giving lower torque ripple from a more sinusoidal magneto-motive force. The configuration that is the lightest for a pole number over 34 is the one with tangentially magnetized PM rotor. Indeed the flux concentration in the rotor allows a high flux density in the airgap and thus the machine length is lower (table I). The flux concentration is therefore a non-negligible advantage. The total active weight of the inset PM and tangentially magnetized PM motors reaches a minimum at 70 and 60 poles respectively. This is due to the constraints that guarantee the rigidity of the structure [5]. When the limit on one or more of these constraints is reached, the weight increases. For the inset PM designs, the tooth width reaches its lower limit. The length of the motor is then increased to fulfill the torque requirement and the weight therefore increases. TABLE I Fundamental of flux density in the airgap Bδ and length for different configurations and p = 50 Tangentially Outer rotor SMPM Inset PM magnetized SMPM PM 0.911 0.857 0.906 1.12 Bδ [T] Length 191 179 199 144 [mm] As can be seen in figure 7, the outer-rotor SMPM configuration is lighter than the SMPM. Indeed, an outer-rotor geometry allows a larger bore diameter and thus a lower current loading is needed to obtain the same torque. 5 Figure 7 also reveals that the SMPM and the inset PM configurations have almost the same weight for the same value of magnet weight and copper losses. The inset PM is even slightly lighter for a pole number over 50. The inset PM rotor is heavier than the SMPM due to the iron pieces between the magnets. However the reluctance torque that represents more than 5% of the required nominal torque allows a lighter stator, giving a motor that can be lighter than the SMPM. torque ripple can be decreased with different methods, the two configurations giving the lowest active weight, i.e. outer rotor PM and tangentially magnetized PM motors are chosen. Figure 8 shows the geometries of the optimized 60-pole designs. Table IV gives different characteristics and performance of the two designs. The iron losses are calculated using FEM as described in [2]. Figure 7 can be used to choose an optimal pole number. However it should be kept in mind that the higher the pole number, the higher the number of magnets and the production cost. Therefore a compromise should be found between the weight and the magnet number. For pole numbers over 50, the decrease of the weight is slower due to the constraints on the structure. A minimum weight of 80 kg is reached for 60 poles for the tangentially magnetized PM design. C. Torque ripple The torque ripple differs between the configurations and the pole numbers. Table II gives the ratio between the torque ripple and the mean torque for 3 different pole numbers and for the different rotors. As can been seen, the torque ripples for the buried PM and outer PM are very high. The cause of this high ripple can come from the harmonics in the airgap flux density. The harmonics 5 and 11 for the outer PM and buried PM designs are indeed very high as shown in table III. TABLE II Ratio between the torque ripple and the mean torque Tangentially Outer rotor SMPM Inset PM magnetized SMPM PM p=30 0.16 0.48 0.30 0.49 p=50 0.14 0.40 0.35 0.40 p=68 0.20 0.58 0.24 0.59 Fig.8. Geometries of 60-pole outer rotor PM and tangentially magnetized PM optimal designs TABLE IV Comparison between outer rotor design and buried magnet design for p=60 Tangentially Outer rotor magnetized SMPM PM Total active weight [kg] 87.1 80.1 Stator active weight [kg] 71.3 66.0 Magnet weight [kg] 5.5 5.5 Length [mm] 189 154 Fundamental of airgap 0.838 1.1 flux density Bδ [T] Mean torque [p.u] 0.993 0.997 Ratio of torque ripple 0.42 0.46 over mean torque Copper losses [W] 700 672 Iron losses [W] 110 100 Efficiency [%] 81.6 82.4 TABLE III Relative value of harmonic 5 in the airgap flux density Tangentially Outer rotor SMPM Inset PM magnetized SMPM PM p=50 12.9 19.5 8.5 18.3 p=68 11.7 17.6 6.3 17.6 Finding a half pole angle that decreases both the 3rd and 5th harmonics can decrease the torque ripple. Another solution is to use a concentrated winding with a good combination between the pole number and the slot number or to have stator teeth with different widths [6]. D. Chosen designs Two designs with 60 poles are further described. Since the The results in the table show that the tangentially magnetized PM design has better performances and is lighter than the outer rotor SMPM design. Using a tangentially magnetized PM with outer-rotor might improve the performances even more. The current design fulfills the requirements in weight and dimensions and presents an efficiency around 10% higher than the system induction motor and gearbox to be replaced. V. CONCLUSION A procedure to design low speed radial PM motors was presented. Different types of rotors were investigated. The advantages and drawbacks of the different rotors used for the low speed application were given. The methods to calculate the airgap flux density and the inductances and currents, which depend on the rotor configuration investigated, were 6 introduced. The results show that the rotor with V-shape magnets is not appropriate for design with high pole numbers. Outer rotor designs are lighter than inner rotor designs. Furthermore the inset PM motors are slightly lighter than a SMPM thanks to the reluctance torque. In the considered application, the configuration with tangentially magnetized PM gives the best performances. As the obtained total active weight is rather low, it would be interesting to check if a decrease of the allowed weight of PM can lead to reduced cost for the complete motor. However, a prototype is required to confirm experimentally the results. This study showed that it is possible to design direct-driven PM motors with better efficiency and less weight than the induction motor and its gearbox. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work has been carried out within the Permanent Magnet Drive Program of the Competence Center in Electrical Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Flux2D, software from Cedrat has been used for the finite element simulations. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] T. Haring, K. Forsman, T. 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