International Geology Review, Vol. 49, 2007, p. 798–810. Copyright © 2007 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved. Early Orogenic History of the Eastern Himalayas: Compositional Studies of Paleogene Sandstones from Assam, Northeast India ASHRAF UDDIN,1 PRANAV KUMAR, Himalayan Research Laboratory, Department of Geology and Geography, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849 AND J. N. SARMA Department of Applied Geology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004, Assam, India Abstract Thick Eocene–Oligocene sequences, exposed near the Margherita-Changlang area, northeast Assam represent detritus derived from the early Himalayan and Indo-Burman orogenic belts, extending the 18–0 Ma record recovered from drilling the distal Bengal Fan. Sandstones from the Eocene Disang Group (Qt68F3L29; total quartz–feldspar–lithic fragments) and the lower Oligocene Naogaon Formation (Qt69F6L25) are compositionally and texturally immature, composed mainly of quartz, sedimentary and low-grade- metamorphic lithic fragments (including abundant chert), and plagioclase. Sandstones of the overlying middle and upper Oligocene Baragolai (Qt66F12L22) and Tikak Parbat (Qt82F4L14) formations are similar but also contain significant amounts of volcanic and higher grade metamorphic detritus. These sandstones are clearly derived from an orogenic source, exposing and eroding sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic units to form the older sandstones, followed by increasing contributions from volcanic and higher grade metamorphic rocks during deposition of the middle and upper Oligocene sandstones. In contrast, Eo-Oligocene strata (Eocene: Qt99F1L0; Oligocene: Qt90F3L7) from the neighboring Bengal Basin contain angular quartzose sands that represent first-cycle detritus, most likely from the Indian craton. The Bengal Basin was protected from orogenic sedimentation during the Eocene–Oligocene, either by a barrier to sediment transport (a peripheral forebulge or a marine basin) or by distance, prior to the approach of the basin toward Asia. Motion of this part of the Indian plate relative to now-adjacent Southeast Asia was most likely accomplished along strike-slip faults, like the N-S–trending Kaladan fault, located just east of the Bengal Basin. Similarity in modal composition (quartzolithic to phyllarenitic) of Paleogene sequences of Assam and basins south of the Himalayan western syntaxis suggests that the Himalayan emergence was not strongly diachronous, with initial collision and uplift at both syntaxial areas occurred in the Eocene. Introduction THE COLLISION OF India with Eurasia provides a spectacular lesson in plate tectonics. Timing of the collision near the eastern syntaxis is very poorly known (Packham, l996; Rowley, l996), however, and improved resolution on the timing would aid in developing more accurate models for deformation in the eastern Himalayas. Data bearing on the timing of collision come mainly from areas west of the central Himalayas. Although most workers suggest that India began to collide with Eurasia at around 50 Ma, others propose an earlier collision at about 70 Ma 1Corresponding author; email: 0020-6814/07/950/798-13 $25.00 (Yin and Harrison, 2000). Even less well understood is the location of the boundary between India and Indochina through time. Most workers place the main boundary between India and Indochina for the past 13 million years along the Sagaing fault in Myanmar (formerly Burma; Mitchell, 1993; Fig. 1). Total displacement on the Sagaing fault is not well known, but evidence on offset of ophiolitic rocks, and on opening of the Andaman Sea suggest about 400 to 500 km of right slip (Curray, 1989). NUVEL1A plate reconstructions place Assam, the northeast corner of India, some 3000 ± 250 km south of Eurasia at about 50 Ma, and more recent reconstructions decrease this by only a few hundred kilometers (Gordon et al., 1999). 798 PALEOGENE SANDSTONES FROM ASSAM, NORTHEAST INDIA 799 FIG. 1. Map of South Asia showing lithotectonic belts of Himalayan and Indo-Burman orogens and locations of Assam and the Bengal Basin, along with other reference locations mentioned in the text. The Indian shield and Shillong Plateau expose Precambrian crystalline rocks. Approximate limits of the Indus and Bengal fan are shown. Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 217, 218, 222, 223, and 224 and area drilled by Ocean Drilling Program Leg 116 are shown in the Bengal and Indus fans. Framed area is shown in detail in Figure 2 (after Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). Evidence of the early collision in the eastern Himalayas should be recorded in the stratigraphic record of basins south of the mountain belt. Paleogene strata of the deep-sea Bengal fan have not yet been recovered (only back to about 18 or 17 Ma; Cochran, 1990). Paleogene sandstones of the onshore delta of the Bengal Basin are quartzose, suggesting derivation most possibly from non-orogenic sources (Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). More proximal to the eastern Himalayas is the Assam Basin of India, a foreland basin with over 6 km of Eocene to Pleistocene marine to terrestrial strata deposited on continental crust. Thus it is anticipated that the initiation of collision may be recorded by these predominantly non-marine or deltaic strata, in that collision likely began in the submarine realm. However, considering the modern Taiwan collision, it appears that a sizeable mountain belt can emerge in a relatively short time span (within 1 m.y.; Dorsey, 1988). In the case of Taiwan, shallow-marine to nonmarine sediments were deposited on continental crust of the downgoing plate within 1 m.y. or so from the inception of collision (Covey, 1986). Furthermore, it is important to note that the Assam sequence records the very early collision, because the initial detritus is rich in sedimentary lithic fragments and it subsequently shifted to dominance by meta-sedimentary lithic fragments. This study reports modal analyses of Eocene and Oligocene sandstones exposed near the MargheritaChanglang area of northeast Assam, India. Compositional data were collected to constrain the provenance of these deposits, and to compare them with coeval sequences elsewhere in the foreland; this should help decipher the early erosional record of the eastern Himalayas in order to further elucidate 800 UDDIN ET AL. FIG. 2. Map showing the Assam and Bengal basins and their tectonic elements such as the eastern Himalayas and Indo-Burman Ranges. Areas enclosed by the Naga and Disang thrusts form the Schuppen belt. Samples for this study were collected from the northeastern part of the Schuppen belt (Margherita-Changlang) of Assam. The Shillong Plateau, Mikir Hills, and Mishmi Hills are uplifted blocks of Precambrian massifs. The Dauki fault demarcates the Shillong Plateau from the Sylhet trough of the Bengal Basin. The Kaladan fault, located east of the Chittagong Hills of the Bengal Basin, separates the Assam sequences from the Bengal Basin (after Hutchison, 1989). the history of collision between northeast India and Asia. Regional Geologic Setting The Assam Basin is bounded by the Indian craton and the Shillong Plateau, a Precambrian massif, to the west; by the eastern segment of the Himalayas to the north; the Mishmi Hills in the northeast; the Indo-Burman Ranges to the east and immediate south; and the Bengal Basin of Bangladesh and the Bengal deep-sea fan to the southwest (Fig. 1). The eastern Himalayan syntaxis is located only about 150 km NNE of Assam; parts of the Himalayas and the Indo-Burman Ranges are located even closer (Fig. 2). The northernmost extension of the IndoBurman Ranges merges with the E-W–trending Himalayas at the Eastern Himalayan syntaxis. The Himalayas consist of six longitudinal lithotectonic units juxtaposed along generally N-dipping thrust faults (Le Fort, 1996). From north to south (Fig. 1), these are the: (1) Trans-Himalayas, consisting of calc-alkaline plutons; (2) Indus suture zone, exposing ophiolitic bands representing the zone of collision between India and Eurasia; (3) Tibetan Himalayas, represented by fossiliferous Cambrian to Eocene sediments; (4) Higher Himalayas, located north of the Main Central Thrust, composed of schists, gneisses, and leucogranites; (5) Lower or Lesser Himalayas, composed of unfossiliferous Precambrian and Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, and crystalline rocks; and (6) Sub-Himalayas, representing Miocene to Pleistocene molasse-type deposits of the Siwaliks. The N-S–trending Indo-Burman Ranges east and south of the Assam-Bengal system consist of early Tertiary synorogenic sediments, PALEOGENE SANDSTONES FROM ASSAM, NORTHEAST INDIA schists, and ophiolitic belts (Fig. 1; Brunnschweiler, 1966; Sengupta et al., 1990). Crystalline rocks, predominantly gneisses of Precambrian age, make up the bulk of the Indian craton that is sporadically overlain by Permian Gondwana deposits and Cretaceous flood basalts of the Rajmahal Traps (Hutchison, 1989). Crustal material of a pre-Gondwana landmass crops out in the Mikir Hills, the Shillong Plateau, and the Mishmi Hills, most of which lie outside Assam. The Shillong Plateau, which is a major geomorphic feature in the region, was uplifted to its present height in the Pliocene (Johnson and Nur Alam, 1991). The southern edge of the plateau is bounded by the Dauki fault (Fig. 2; Uddin and Lundberg, 2004). Several thrust faults bound the MargheritaChanglang area of northeast Assam, including the Naga thrust to the northwest and Disang thrust to the southeast (Fig. 2). This thrust-bounded area is also called the “Schuppen belt” (Rangarao, 1983). The Naga thrust is a major décollement in the study area. Thrusting began in the late Eocene or early Oligocene and continued into the late Pliocene; total shortening is estimated to be about 300 km (Evans, 1964; Saikia, 1999). The imbricate belt of the Naga thrust developed through compression during subduction (Fig. 2; Saikia, 1999). Geomorphically, the Assam and Bengal basins are separated by the Mikir Hills, the Shillong Plateau, and the Schuppen belt. Thick successions of Cenozoic basin fill have been drilled and exposed in the Sylhet trough of the Bengal Basin and uplifted along the Chittagong fold belts of the eastern Bengal Basin (Fig. 2). The Chittagong fold belts comprise tight NNW-trending folds along the eastern edge of the foredeep. The KohimaPatkai synclinorium is developed in the southern and southeastern parts of the Schuppen belt, and extends to the folded belt of the Sylhet trough and Chittagong Hills (Fig. 2; Dasgupta, 1984). These fold belts represent a series of N-S–trending anticlinal ridges and synclinal valleys, an arcuate belt that is convex toward the west. The fold belt shows an increase in structural complexity toward the east, into the Arakan Yoma–Chin Hills and the IndoBurman Ranges (Fig. 2). The latter are bounded by two N-S–trending right lateral faults, Sagaing to the east and Kaladan to the west, adjacent to the Bengal Basin (Uddin and Lundberg, 2004). Although the Sagaing fault is commonly recognized as a rightlateral fault in Southeast Asia (e.g., Curray, 1989; Mitchell, 1993; Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a), the Kaladan fault is not that popularly known. Although 801 this has a thrust component (Sikder, 1998), designation of the Kaladan fault as a right-lateral one has been promoted by Murphy (1988) and Zutshi (1993). The Kaladan fault trends NE-SW along the Kaladan River, between the eastern boundary of Bangladesh and western Myanmar (Fig. 2; Murphy, 1988; Zutshi, 1993; Sikdar, 1998). This fault is traceable on satellite images from the Disang thrust on the north to offshore Myanmar on the south, a distance of few hundred kilometers. Assam Paleogene Sequences The stratigraphic framework of Assam is based mainly on biostratigraphy, predominantly using palynology, with correlations depending on lithostratigraphy (Evans, 1964; Sinha and Sastri, 1973; Rangarao, 1983). The basin sequences have also been correlated by seismic stratigraphy by various industry groups, including the Oil and Natural Gas Commission of India (Saikia, 1999). The Paleogene section of the Margherita-Changlang area used in this study (Table 1) comprises the upper Eocene Disang Group (up to 3 km thick), the lower Oligocene Naogaon Formation (up to 2.2 km), the middle Oligocene Baragolai Formation (up to 3.3 km), and the upper Oligocene Tikak Parbat Formation (~0.7 km; Table 1). The Oligocene formations make up the Barail Group. The thickness of each unit decreases generally to the west (Rangarao, 1983). The Disang Group is marine, based on marine fossils, radiolarian cherts, and other typical deepmarine deposits. The Disang sequence consists of fissile, carbonaceous mudrocks with fine-grained sandstone. Nagappa (1959) reported arenaceous foraminifera from the top part of Disang and suggested a late Eocene age. Evans (1964) found Nummulites from sandy shale of Disang and suggested a late Eocene age. The upper part of the Disang represents an argillaceous facies analogous to the Eocene Sylhet and Kopili formations (shelf equivalents in the Upper Assam Plains and Mikir hills; Rangarao, 1983). The Naogaon Formation consists mostly of finegrained sandstones with subordinate siltstones, claystones, and shales, showing flaser and lenticular bedding. The middle unit of the Baragolai Formation is dominantly argillaceous with thin siltstones and sandstones. Shales in this unit are dark grey and commonly show concretions. The Tikak Parbat Formation is composed dominantly of grey, moderately 802 UDDIN ET AL. TABLE 1. Paleogene Stratigraphy of the Margherita-Changlang Area in Upper Assam Chronostratigraphy Oligocene Late Eocene Group Barail Disang Formation Tikak Parbat Thickness (m) Brief lithology 500 to 700 Sandstones, thin-bedded grey sandy siltstone Baragolai 2700 to 3300 Predominantly shale with subordinate thin sandstone beds and prominent coal seams Naogaon 1040 to 2200 Thinly bedded sandstone, thin subordinate shale Disang 2000 to 3300 Fine-grained sandstone with subordinate dark-gray shale rich in carbonaceous matter and massive siltstone with concretions Source: After Sinha and Sastri, 1973 and Rangarao, 1983. sorted sandstones; minor siltstones and thick coal beds are also present in this unit. These Oligocene units have been interpreted as brackish-water and deltaic deposits (Rangarao, 1983). Methods Twenty-three representative Eocene–Oligocene sandstone samples from Assam were selected for modal analysis on the basis of appropriate grain size and low alteration. Most of the samples are highly indurated. A few unconsolidated sand samples chosen were sieved, and the fractions coarser than 0.063 mm were epoxied into plugs for thin-section preparation. Petrographic analyses were conducted following the Gazzi-Dickinson method, counting sand-sized minerals included in lithic fragments as the mineral phases rather than the host lithic fragment (i.e., Ingersoll et al., 1984). All thin sections were stained for plagioclase and potassium feldspar, following techniques modified from Houghton (1980). At least 300 framework points were counted per sample, with 400 framework points counted for samples with greater compositional diversity. Selected thin sections were also counted a second time by a different person in order to evaluate operator error. Point-counting parameters and recalculated parameters are defined in Table 2. Normalized modal data are given in Table 3 and representative photomicrographs are shown in Figure 3. Polygons surrounding mean values are calculated as sample standard deviations, although these do not represent true standard deviations for constrained-sum data (see Ingersoll et al., 1984); they are shown to indi- cate the variability of values for each group. Ternary diagrams using major detrital components, monocrystalline grains, and the phaneritic lithic fragments were constructed in order to visualize variations in sand composition and to help interpret the tectonic provenance (i.e., Dickinson, 1985). Normalized modal data are depicted graphically in Figure 4A and 4B. Assam Paleogene Sandstone Compositions Modal analytical data from Eocene–Oligocene sequences in Assam are summarized below for the various stratigraphic units, from oldest to youngest. Disang Group Sandstones from the Eocene Disang Group (Qt68F3L29; Figs. 3A, 4A, and 4B) are composed of fine- to medium-grained, subangular to angular grains, containing mostly monocrystalline quartz, and also foliated and equant polycrystalline quartz, plagioclase, sedimentary and metamorphic lithic fragments of phyllite grade and fine-grained quartzmica-chlorite schist. Sedimentary and low-grade metasedimentary lithic fragments suggest derivation of sediments from proximal orogenic sources. Like the plagioclase, the large angular monocrystalline quartz could have been derived from a volcanic source, or possibly from a granitic source, although the almost complete lack of alkali feldspar suggests otherwise. Naogaon Formation Sandstones from the lower Oligocene Naogaon Formation (Qt69F6L25; Figs. 3B, 4A, and 4B) are PALEOGENE SANDSTONES FROM ASSAM, NORTHEAST INDIA 803 TABLE 2. Recalculated Modal Parameters of Sand and Sandstones Used in This Study Quartzose grains (Qt = Qm + Qp), where Qt = total quartzose grains Qm = monocrystalline quartzose grains (> 0.625 mm) Qp = polycrystalline quartz grains, including chert grains Feldspar grains (F = P + K) F = total feldspar grains P = plagioclase feldspar grains K = potassium feldspar grains Unstable lithic fragments (L = Ls + Lv + Lm; L = Lsm + Lvm; Lt = Ls + Lv + Lm + Qp) L = total aphanitic lithic fragments Lt = total aphanitic lithic fragments, including polycrystalline quartz and chert Ls = sedimentary lithic fragments, mostly argillites Lv = volcanic lithic fragments Lm = very low to intermediate grade metamorphic lithic fragments Lsm = sedimentary and metasedimentary lithic fragments Lvm = volcanic, hypabyssal, metavolcanic lithic fragments Source: After Dickinson, 1985 and Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a. quartzolithic and contain subangular to angular grains of monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz, mostly plagioclase feldspar, and sedimentary and metamorphic lithic fragments. Lithic fragments in this unit are more diverse compared to the Eocene Disang Group sandstones. Baragolai Formation Sandstones from the middle Oligocene Baragolai Formation (Qt66F12L22; Figs. 3C, 4A, and 4B) comprise mono-and polycrystalline (also sheared) quartz, feldspar (mostly plagioclase, with chlorite and epidote inclusions), sedimentary lithic fragments of shale, argillite and siltstone, and metamorphic lithic fragments of phyllite grade, fine- to medium-grained quartzose-mica schists, and chlorite-quartz-epidotezoisite schists. Chert grains are abundant (Fig. 3C). Volcanic lithic fragments are also present, mostly of mafic lithologies with lathwork and local microlitic textures. Some of these volcanic lithic fragments of Baragolai sandstones show massive alteration to chlorite and possible epidote, probably representing a mild metamorphic overprint, although some alteration during burial diagenesis may also have occurred. Lower and middle Oligocene sandstones also suggest a proximal orogenic source because the detritus is composed of sedimentary, metasedimentary, volcanic, and metavolcanic lithologies. Sheared quartz grains apparently were derived from zones of deformation. As with the older Disang unit, the lack or near absence of alkali feldspar suggests no significant granitic source rocks for the lower Oligocene Naogaon Formation. Lath-shaped plagioclase grains probably represent volcanic phenocrysts. Chlorite-quartz-epidote (zoisite) schists may have been derived from low-grade metamorphism of calcareous shales or mafic volcanic rocks. Rare grains of amphibole also suggest a medium-grade metamorphic source. Tikak Parbat Formation Sandstones from the upper Oligocene Tikak Parbat Formation (Qt82F4L14; Figs. 3D, 4A, and 4B) are texturally immature, with angular to subangular fragments, and are coarser than the older units. These upper Paleogene sandstones are also compositionally immature, consisting primarily of grains containing monocrystalline quartz showing undulose extinction. Sheared quartz, quartz-mica schist, 804 UDDIN ET AL. TABLE 3. Normalized Modal Analyses of Paleogene Sandstones from Assam, India QtFL (%) F QmFLt (%) L Qm F Lt QmPK (%) Sample number Qt Qm P T-17 95 1 4 59 1 40 99 1 T-12 78 8 13 42 8 49 83 11 K QpLvmLsm (%) LsLvLm (%) Qp Lsm Lvm Ls Lv Lm 0 90 8.9 0.6849 43 7 50 6 73 0 62 0 38 Tikak Parbat Fm. (Upper Oligocene) 27 T-10 83 4 14 49 4 47 93 4 3 71 29 0 63 0 37 T-7 77 3 19 58 3 39 94 3 3 50 50 0 56 0 44 T-1 74 5 21 33 5 62 86 14 0 66 31 3.0973 58 9 33 Mean (n = 5) 82 4 14 48 4 47 91 7 2 70 29 0.7565 56 3 40 Standard deviation 8.4 3 7 11 3 9 6.3 6 2 14 15 1.3418 8 5 6.8 Baragolai Fm. (Middle Oligocene) B-25 70 17 13 37 17 46 68 8 23 71 29 0 53 0 47 B-21 64 8 28 48 8 44 85 12 3 37 63 0 26 0 74 B-19 62 17 21 49 17 34 74 24 2 38 53 8.6207 38 14 49 B-14 64 11 25 54 11 35 85 15 0 30 64 5.9322 45 8 47 B-7 72 6 22 54 6 39 89 11 0 45 40 14.754 28 27 45 B-4 67 10 23 54 10 36 85 15 0 37 55 8 39 13 48 Mean (n = 6) 66 12 22 49 12 39 81 14 5 43 51 6.2178 38 10 51 Standard deviation 3.8 5 5 6.6 5 5 8.1 5 9 15 14 5.6431 10 10 11 NB-2 73 3 24 0 22 77 1 15 1 83 Naogaon Fm. (Lower Oligocene) 66 3 31 96 4 NA-7 76 3 22 70 3 28 96 4 0 22 78 0 37 0 63 NB-6 72 10 18 52 10 39 84 10 5 54 46 0 58 0 42 NA-5 71 1 28 23 11 76 97 3 0 63 37 0 14 0 86 NA-2 52 13 35 47 13 40 78 3 18 12 84 4.6875 72 5 23 Mean (n = 5) 69 6 25 52 6 43 90 5 5 34 64 1.1375 39 1 60 Standard deviation 9.6 5 7 19 5 20 8.6 3 8 22 21 2.0312 25 2 27 D-23 74 4 22 51 4 45 93 7 0 51 49 0 68 0 32 D-22 64 3 34 50 3 48 95 5 0 30 70 0 73 0 27 D-16 78 1 22 61 1 39 99 1 0 44 56 0 89 0 11 Disang Group (Eocene) D-15 67 2 30 56 2 42 96 4 0 27 69 4.0698 61 6 34 D-12 67 4 30 59 4 37 94 6 0 21 79 0 56 0 44 D-8 69 4 27 57 4 39 93 7 0 30 70 0 88 0 12 D-2 65 3 32 54 3 43 95 5 0 26 74 0 48 0 52 Mean (n = 7) 68 3 29 56 3 41 95 5 0 33 67 0.5814 69 1 30 Standard deviation 4.9 1 4 3.9 1 4 2 2 0 11 10 1.5382 16 2 15 Paleogene Mean (n = 23) 71 6 23 51 6 43 89 8 3 45 53 2.1733 51 4 45 Paleogene standard deviation 6.6 3 6 10 3 9 6.3 4 5 16 15 2.6386 8 4 8.7 PALEOGENE SANDSTONES FROM ASSAM, NORTHEAST INDIA 805 FIG. 3. Representative photomicrographs of sandstones from Assam, India. A. Eocene Disang Group: framework grains are dominantly quartz (Qm), with sedimentary lithic fragments (Ls), plagioclase feldpars (plag), and chert grains. B. Lower Oligocene Naogaon Formation: monocrystalline quartz grains (Qm), sedimentary lithic fragments (Ls), plagioclase feldspar (plag), and chert grains. C. Middle Oligocene Baragolai Formation: monocrystalline (Qm) and polycrystalline quartz grains (Qp), potassium feldspar (K-spar), and chert grains. D. Upper Oligocene Tikak Parbat Formation: monocrystalline quartz grains (Qm), sedimentary (Ls) and metamorphic (Lm) lithic fragments, and mica. All these framework grains suggest orogenic derivation. In contrast, the Oligocene Barail Formation from the Bengal Basin shows subangular quartz grains with rare or no feldspar and lithic fragments (Fig. 6A; Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). chlorite-mica schist, black shale, and polycrystalline quartz (equant and foliated) are also present. These sandstones also contain abundant stretched quartz grains, chert, epidote, muscovite, and biotite. Feldspars are sparse, and actinolite and epidote schists are also rare. The presence of quartz-mica schists, chlorite-mica schist, and the abundance of detrital mica in the upper Oligocene to Neogene sandstones suggest a low- to intermediate-grade metamorphic source for the sandstones. Interpretation of Assam Paleogene Sandstone Modes All Paleogene (Eocene and Oligocene) units analyzed plot in the “recycled orogenic” provenance fields of QtFL and QmFLt diagrams (Fig. 4A; Dick- inson, 1985). These sandstones are quartzolithic (Table 3; Q71F6L23) and phyllarenitic, and contain more sedimentary and metasedimentary lithic fragments (Ls51Lv4Lm45). In the monocrystalline QmPK diagram, most of the samples plot near the Qm pole (Fig. 4A). Volcanic components are generally scarce in Assam sandstones, with a peak in abundance in the middle Oligocene Baragolai Formation that has higher feldspar contents (Figs. 4A and 4B). Sample T-17, which has a very quartzose composition, was collected from strata that are probably transitional between the Oligocene Tikak Parbat Formation and the Neogene Surma Group (Table 3). For reference, the Paleogene sandstones from the Bengal Basin are also plotted in Figure 4 (Eocene—Be; Oligocene— Bo). The sandstones from the Bengal Basin show 806 UDDIN ET AL. FIG. 4. A. Ternary diagrams showing sandstone modes of Paleogene sandstones from Assam (QtFL, QmFLt, QmPK; see Table 1 for definitions). Data plots show means (indicated by numbers 1–4 and standard deviation polygons for each stratigraphic unit. Provenance fields are from Dickinson (1985). For comparison, distribution of the Paleogene Bengal Basin samples (Be = Bengal Basin Eocene; Bo = Bengal Basin Oligocene) is also shown in all the diagrams (from Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). Note that the detrital modes of Paleogene sandstones from Assam plot in a “recycled orgenic” field that is different from the the Paleogene sandstones of the Bengal Basin. Although standard deviations are not strictly valid statistically for constant-sum, constrained compositional data, polygons are shown to indicate ranges of values. B. Ternary diagrams showing lithic and polycrystalline modes of Paleogene sandstones from Assam (LsLvLm, QpLvmLsm; see Table 1 for definitions). Data plots show means (indicated by numbers 1–4 and standard deviation polygons for each stratigraphic unit. These plots do not show presence of much volcanic lithic fragments except the midOligocene Baragolai unit. For comparison, distribution of the Paleogene Bengal Basin samples (Be = Bengal Basin Eocene; Bo = Bengal Basin Oligocene) is also shown in all the diagrams (from Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). All these plots show dominance of sedimentary and metamorphic lithic fragments in the Paleogene sequences of Assam. Volcanic lithic fragments are not that significant, except in the mid-Oligocene Baragolai unit. PALEOGENE SANDSTONES FROM ASSAM, NORTHEAST INDIA more maturity (placed close to the quartz poles than the Paleogene sandstones of Assam. Paleogene Sandstones across the Himalayan Foreland Paleogene sandstones from Assam are compositionally quite different from coeval sandstones of the adjacent deltaic Bengal Basin, but similar to coeval sandstones of the foreland basins south of the western Himalayas. Eocene–Oligocene sandstone(s) from the Bengal Basin are less indurated and are dominantly quartzose (Qt90F3L7 to Qt99F1L0). Many of the quartz grains are coarse and most are subangular to angular (Fig. 6A of Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). Almost all are monocrystalline grains, with very minor polycrystalline grains, and sedimentary lithic fragments, scarce metamorphic lithic fragments, and no identifiable volcanic detritus. All of the rare feldspar grains are potassium feldspars. These quartz arenites are interpreted to have been derived from the adjacent Indian craton (Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). The abundance of quartz and scarcity of both feldspar grains and lithic fragments in Bengal Basin sandstones also suggest a possible source terrane with low relief, with intense chemical weathering due to the position of the basin close to the equator during the Paleogene. Given sufficiently intense chemical weathering, the possibility also exists that these quartzose sandstones were derived from an orogenic source (Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a). In more close proximity toward the northwest of the Bengal Basin and west of Assam, but still in the eastern half of the Himalayas, in the western and central Nepal, the Paleocene fluvial to shallowmarine Amile Formation and Eocene marine to shallow-marine Bhainskati Formation are pure quartzarenites (Fig. 1; DeCelles et al., 1988). The lower Miocene nonmarine Dumri Formation in western Nepal is quartzolithic (Qt72F4L24; DeCelles et al., 1998) with very little feldspar, most of which is plagioclase. Zircon dates from these units suggest a possible Himalayan source (DeCelles et al., 1998). In the western Himalayan basins, the upper Paleocene to lower Miocene synorogenic sediments that began to fill the evolving foreland basins that developed ahead of the southward-advancing Himalayas comprise terrestrial sediments of the lithofeldspathic Chulung La Formation (Fig. 1; Paleocene to Oligocene; Qt24F26L50), quartzolithic tidal-flat to fluviatile deposits of the Murree Supergroup (Paleocene to Oligocene; Qt68F5L27; Garzanti et al., 1987; 807 Critelli and Garzanti, 1994), the quartzolithic shallow-marine Subathu Formation (upper Paleocene to middle Eocene; Qt63F7L30; Najman and Garzanti, 2000), and tidal flat to alluvial quartzolithic Dagshai Formation (upper Oligocene; Qt58F1L31; Najman and Garzanti, 2000; Fig. 1). Like the sandstones from Assam and unlike the sandstones from the adjacent Bengal Basin, these units contain abundant metasedimentary, volcanic, and sedimentary lithic fragments and ophiolitic detritus, beginning early in the Paleogene (Garzanti et al., 1987; Critelli and Garzanti, 1994). Early Orogenic History of the Eastern Himalayas The Eocene–Oligocene sandstones from Assam were clearly derived from an orogenic source, exposing and eroding sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic units to form the older sandstones, followed by increasing contributions from volcanic and higher grade metamorphic rocks during deposition of the middle and upper Oligocene sandstones (Fig. 5A). The Assam sandstones provide clear evidence that orogeny had begun in the eastern Himalayas by the Eocene, in contrast to the early Miocene initiation suggested by the apparently firstcycle Paleogene quartz arenites (Uddin and Lundberg, 1998a, 1998b) and subsurface lithofacies patterns of Miocene (Uddin and Lundberg, 1999) of the Bengal Basin. The more proximal Assam sequence apparently records the early stages of orogenic activity; whereas the initial detritus is rich in sedimentary lithic fragments, later sandstones show a subsequent shift to dominance by metasedimentary lithic fragments. Heavy-mineral contents in Oligocene sequences from Assam are composed mostly of zircon, tourmaline, and rutile (ZTR) that are also associated among others with chloritoid, epidote, garnet, hornblende, kyanite, staurolite, and spinel, suggesting an orogenic source (Uddin et al., 2007). Microprobe study of garnets and chrome-spinel grains from Paleogene sequences of Assam also suggest a Himalayan source material (or ophiolites) and/or the IndoBurmese ophiolitic belts (Kumar and Uddin, 2004). Presence of dominantly ZTR minerals among the nonopaque variety in the Eocene and Oligocene sequences of the Bengal Basin suggests intense post-depositional weathering and does not obviously suggest an orogenic source (Uddin and Lundberg, 1998b). Heavy-mineral assemblages in both the 808 UDDIN ET AL. FIG. 5. Schematic paleogeographic reconstruction of the Himalayan and surrounding areas during the Paleogene time showing tectonic elements of Assam, India, and Bengal Basin in (A) pre-Miocene and (B) Miocene time. The Bengal Basin may have been transported close to Assam during the Miocene along right-lateral faults (i.e., the Kaladan fault) located east of the basin. Assam and Bengal basins become more diverse in Miocene and younger formations, indicating derivation from orogenic belts (Uddin et al., 2007). The Bengal Basin may have been protected from orogenic sedimentation during Eocene and Oligocene time, either by a barrier to sediment transport (a peripheral forebulge, or a marine basin, for example) or simply by distance (Fig. 5A). Early uplifts of the Indo-Burman Ranges could potentially have acted as a barrier; however, that seems unlikely because the westward-encroaching ranges were probably located farther east relative to the Bengal Basin during the Paleogene than in the Miocene (Mitchell, 1993; Uddin and Lundberg, 1999). These compositional data also suggest that the Assam and Bengal basins were latitudinally farther apart prior to early Miocene time, and as a consequence, were receiving detritus from two distinct sources. The two sequences are presently exposed on either side of the N-S–trending right-lateral Kaladan fault (Murphy, 1988; Zutshi, 1993), between the eastern fold belts of the Bengal Basin and western folds in Assam, India (Figs. 1 and 2). This transpressional fault seems to be resulting from oblique convergence of India with Indochina. India has been moving both north and eastward; the northerly motion has been attributed to the Miocene opening of the Andaman Sea resulting in N-directed movement of India along right-lateral faults (Pivnik et al., 1998). A strong candidate for such a fault is the Kaladan fault (Uddin et al., 2007). These two distinct sequences were in close proximity by early Miocene time because both are covered by lower Miocene strata (the Bhuban Formation of the lower Surma Group; Johnson and Nur Alam, 1991; Uddin and Lundberg, 2004) that are similar in provenance (Fig. 5B; Godwin et al., 2001; Uddin et al., 2007). More regionally, the thick Eocene–Oligocene sands from the Assam sequences are similar in composition to those of the western Himalayan foreland, suggesting that the initial collision of Northeast and Northwest India with Asia was not strongly diachronous. This non-diachronous convergence is also supported by isotopic and compositional studies (DeCelles et al., 1998) and paleomagnetic study (Patzelt et al., 1996) and by work on subsequent Miocene metamorphism and cooling history of the two syntaxial areas (Nanga Parbat in the west and Namche Barwa in the east; Ding et al., 2001). This assumes, however, that Assam was initially part of Indochina. The active Kaladan fault appears to (geographically) separate the two Eocene–Oligocene sequences in Assam and the Bengal Basin. Detritus in the latter was apparently derived from the neighboring Indian craton, accumulating on crust of the Indian plate prior to arrival of the clastic wedge shed from the approaching orogeny. If true, then the Miocene strata represent an overlap assemblage, signifying the “docking” of this part of the Indian plate with proximal terranes of Asia. One possible PALEOGENE SANDSTONES FROM ASSAM, NORTHEAST INDIA explanation of the contrast in sediment source is that the part of the Indian plate represented by the Bengal Basin was still far to the south of Asia until the Miocene, when it arrived close enough to receive detritus from the orogenic highlands fringing Asia’s southern boundary. It is possible that the sequences preserved in the Bengal Basin and Assam were originally deposited on two separate lithospheric plates, with Assam as part of Indochina (Fig. 5A). Conclusions Paleogene sandstone composition from the study area of northeastern Assam indicates recycled orogenic derivation. The Assam sandstones differ from coeval sandstones in the adjacent Bengal Basin, which are texturally immature first-cycle quartz arenites that were most likely derived from the neighboring Indian craton. The Bengal Basin was probably protected from orogenic sedimentation during the Paleogene, either by a barrier to sediment transport or distance. If “distance” was the cause, then the part of the Indian continent represented by the Bengal Basin was far to the south of Asia until the early Miocene. Motion of this part of the Indian plate relative to Southeast Asia (Indochina) was most likely accomplished along rightlateral faults, like the N-S–trending Kaladan fault, located east of Bangladesh. If the analyzed Paleogene sequences of Assam were deposited on Indian continental crust, then the Himalayan collision was not strongly diachronous, with initial collision of both Northeast and Northwest India in the Eocene forming the two syntaxial bends of the Himalayas. This suggestion of nondiachroneity is also supported by similarity in composition and thickness of Paleogene strata in basins (Assam, India and Pakistan) near the two Himalayan syntaxes. Acknowledgments Thanks to Suvrat Kher for confirmational point counts. Neil Lundberg, Clark Burchfiel, Roy Odom, and Suvrat Kher helped with various aspects of the work, including editing parts of the manuscript. Several students from Dibrugarh University (Assam) helped during field work and sample collection for the project. Mr. T. Bordoloi helped with logistics in Digboi, Assam. Reviews by Peter DeCelles and Ray Ingersoll have significantly improved the manuscript. M. Shamsudduha and Khandaker Zahid 809 helped draft some figures. PK received a grant-inaid support from Geological Society of America. This manuscript is supported by U.S. National Science Foundation grant EAR-0310306 awarded to AU. REFERENCES Brunnschweiler, R. 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