Name of organisation: Lewisham Disability Coalition
Current Main Grants recipient: YES
Themes applied to:
Documents supplied:
Partner Profile Assessment
Resources Good
Shared Values Satisfactory/
Quality and effectiveness
There are some statistics that demonstrate the need within the borough, as well as how many users they target.
It would be useful to have more specific data around needs of users, including comparative data to the wider context/over time.
Due to the changes at national level, the organisation has had to respond, and extend the support it gives its disabled clients.
There are plans to move to new premises.
They could have a more robust plan in place to improve their support over the next year or so.
There is evidence of working with various organisations across the borough. As well as getting referrals they have organised a joint conference, and training.
Could add more clear ideas or plans for future collaborations.
There are enough reserves for 3 months.
There is evidence of income coming from a variety of sources.
The organisation states it is committed to all three shared values. However there is room for more detail about how this is achieved.
Slightly ambiguous about whether or not the LLW is paid or not.
There is evidence of a process in place to make sure that quality is maintained throughout the services.
Could give more specific examples.
There are plans to get certified by the Advice Quality Standard which shows a commitment to improvement.
Partner Profile Summary:
Overall this is a satisfactory/good partner profile. There is evidence that they have been very helpful to their clients, and been able to support many of them with advice and advocacy. There could be more detail throughout the application, and also more insight into future plans. In terms of resources, there is a good balance sheet- with the main source of income coming from various grants. It would be good to see more ideas for innovation and generating income.
Theme Assessment
Theme: Access to Advice
3b Client specific advice services
Strong and Cohesive Communities
1a Borough wide
Communities that Care
2a Connecting and Supporting
2d Provision for Vulnerable Adults
Score: Satisfactory
Comments :
Across the Access to Advice and Strong and Cohesive Communities themes, LDC indicates that it will work with 250 existing clients and a further 750 new ones. It is not clear how these figures are arrived at.
Under Theme 3b, the request is for continuation funding for an existing information and advice service which is delivered as follows:
Appointments – five days a week
Drop-in – one day a week
Outreach – two venues two mornings a week
Home visiting – for housebound people
Comments on application
• This is a very brief application with little detail
• In terms of meeting criteria, there is little reference to needs assessment or to the level of analysis undertaken to understand the needs of its customer group in terms of advice
• The funding requested covers five posts, from Director to administrator, but outputs do not appear to deem this level of coverage.
• There is no mention of supporting people with access to digital technologies, and, although the service appears to offer flexible access, little thought appears to have been given to further innovations in terms of flexibility, language support for speakers of other languages or partnership working to support further value for money and the effective streamlining of services across the borough.
LDC has ranked two themes on its application form – 3b (ranked 1 – Access to Advice – Client
Specific Advice Services) and 2a (ranked 2 - Communities that Care – connecting and supporting), with a cross inserted against Theme 1a which seems to suggest that LDC is simply indicating that its core themes will operate borough wide.
The application also applies for £8,460 under the Communities that Care strand of the programme.
The majority of the activity outlined in this part of the application could also be considered under the Access to Advice strand so the submission has been considered by both assessors together as a single entity.
Amount Applied For: £163,639
Recommended Funding: £77,500
Reasons for Recommendation:
The level of recommendation reflects concerns about the organisation’s service delivery.
Special Conditions:
Applicant must work with other advice providers in the borough to provide an effective network of provision. This element of the funding is initially for 1 year during which LB Lewisham will work with
Advice providers to review the borough-wide offer to ensure that all communities are fully served.
LDC will be required to provide an action plan for improving their representative role.
This aspect of the organisation requires development and future grant aid will be dependent on the
organisation developing its capacity and capability in respect of its representative and membership functions.
Equalities Impact Assessment:
Please list the protected characteristic groups that the application intended to benefit.
Gender reassignment
Marriage & civil partnership
Pregnancy & maternity
Religion & belief
Sexual orientation
Does the application aim to benefit one specific community? If so please give details.
The above equalities table is taken directly from the submitted application form.
The organisation has made the following further statement below:
LDC is a user led organisation run by disabled people for disabled people. The reason for this is based on the social model of disability which aims to empower people with disabilities to take the lead in determining what services they need and how they want them delivered. LDC is primarily a voice for disabled people and recognises the need to work with appropriate partners, including carers, parents, and service providers as part of ensuring that the needs of disabled people are recognised.
Overall Equality Impact of Funding Recommendation: LOW
Comments and mitigation:
Although the organisation’s level of funding has been reduced, any reduction in services will be mitigated by the fact that a number of its advice services are offered by other funded organisations.
Total Funding Recommended if more than one theme: £77,500
Summary of Special Conditions:
Applicant must work with other advice providers in the borough to provide an effective network of provision. This element of the funding is initially for 1 year during which LB Lewisham will work with
Advice providers to review the borough-wide offer to ensure that all communities are fully served.
LDC will be required to provide an action plan for improving their representative role.
This aspect of the organisation requires development and future grant aid will be dependent on the organisation developing its capacity and capability in respect of its representative and membership functions.