U niversity of S outhern C alifornia School Of Engineering Department Of Electrical Engineering EE 402: Homework Assignment #04 (Due 10/13/2003) Fall, 2003 Choma Problem #16: (a) In this part, we have three equations with three unknowns, namely, L, C, Rc which are correlated. By solving these three equation, we will arrive an unique answer as follows: Zin (s ) = sL + Rc + RL 1 + s LC + sC ( Rc + RL ) 2 ω0 = QL = 1 L 1 ⇒ Zin ( jω0 ) = + C ( Rc + RL ) jω0C LC ω0 L 1 2 2 2 ⇒ ( ω0 L ) = ( QL Rc ) ⇒ 2 2 = ( Q L Rc ) = 16 Rc 2 Rc ω0 C L 1 = 2 2 = RS ( Rc + RL ) = 50 ( 20 + Rc ) C ω0 C 50 ( 20 + Rc ) = 16Rc (b) 2 è ANSè Netlist Up-Conversion Matching Filter .opt post Vin 1 0 Ac 1 Rs 2 1 50 C 2 0 4.136p L 2 3 6.12n Rc 3 4 9.613 Rl 4 0 20 .ac dec 100 0 4g .end Rc = 9.62 O C = 4.14 pF L = 6.12 nH Problem #17: (a) The same method as in the previous problem shall be applied. Therefore: ω0 = ( Rc + RL ) LC {( R L= c RL & Reff= + RL ) RL } ω02C ⇒ L2 L + Rc = R S CRL {( R = c + RL ) RL } 2 ω0 4C 2 {( Rc + RL ) RL } = ( Q R )2 = 25R 2 ωL 2 2 QL = 0 ⇒ ( ω0 L ) = ( QL Rc ) ⇒ L c c Rc ω02C 2 2 L {( Rc + RL ) RL } = = RL ( RS − Rc ) C ω02C 2 ( QL Rc ) 2 = RL ( RS − Rc ) {( Rc + RL ) RL } = ( RS − Rc )( Rc + RL ) 25 Rc 2 = ( 50 − Rc )( 200 + RL ) ⇒ R c = 16.94O L = 13.48nH C = 1.88pF ANS (b) Netlist Down-Conversion Matching Filter .opt post Vin 1 0 Ac 1 Rs 2 1 50 C 4 0 1.88p L 2 3 13.48n Rc 3 4 16.94 Rl 4 0 200 .ac dec 100 0 4g .end Problem #18: (a) In this problem, there are two equations but three unknowns. Hence, we need to pick up a reasonable value for one of the unknown parameters. Thus: C R S =R L 1 + B CA 2 ω0 = 1 C C where Ceff = A B C A + CB LCeff Let L= 100 nH=2.533 nH è Ceff = 2.5 pF ç ANS 2 4π 2 C C 75=25 1 + B ⇒ B = 3 − 1 ⇒ CA = CA CA 3 Ceff 3 −1 CA =5.92 pF CB = 4.33pF ç ANS Netlist (b) C-Tapped Matching Filter .opt post Vin 1 0 Ac 1 Rs 2 1 75 CB 3 0 4.33 p CA 2 3 5.92 p L 2 0 2.533n Rl 3 0 25 .ac dec 100 1 4g .end Problem #19: (a) By inspection, input impedance can be expressed as in the following equation. RL Zin ( s ) = (1 sC A ) // sL + 1 + sRL CB Zin ( s ) = (b) (1 + s LC ( ) + sR (C sL + RL 1 + s 2 LCB 2 A L B ) +CA + s 2 LCB C A ) ç ANS When we set the resonance at the specified frequency, we shall arrive at following results. C Zin ( jω01 ) = + RL B 2 CA CA ( jω01 ) ( CB +CA ) 1 2 á ANS This impedance is series connection of a resistor and capacitor. (c) Zin ( jω02 ) = 1 − CB C A L CA + ( jω02 ) CA RL ç ANS This impedance is series combination of a resistor and, capacitor or inductor because depending on values of CB and CA we may have either inductor or capacitor. (d) CB = CA ⇒ Zin ( jω02 ) = L= (e) 1 ω0 C 2 ⇒ L CA RL ç ANS L 1 1 = 2 2 = RL RS ⇒ C = C ω0 C ω0 RL RS Based on the previous derivation, one can easily compute first the value of capacitors, and then the value of inductor. (i) C=1.13 pF L=5.63 nH (ii) C=1.5 pF L=16.88 nH (f) Netlist PI-(for Up-Conversion) Matching Filter .opt post Vin 1 0 Ac 1 Rs 2 1 100 CB 2 0 1.13p CA 3 0 1.13p L 2 3 5.63n Rl 3 0 50 .ac dec 100 1 4g .end Netlist PI-(for Down-Conversion) Matching Filter .opt post Vin 1 0 Ac 1 Rs 2 1 75 CB 2 0 1.5p CA 3 0 1.5p L 2 3 16.88n Rl 3 0 150 .ac dec 100 1 4g .end Wave Symbol D0:A0:A Result (lin) 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 up-conversion matching filter 3g Problem 16 Zin @ resonant frequency is matched with Rs 2g Frequency (lin) (HERTZ) Current X=1.00e+09 Current Y=4.99e+01 Derivative=-9.70e-08 1g 4g Wave D0:A0:Z Symbol Result (lin) 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 0 Current X=1.00e+09 Current Y=4.90e+01 Derivative=-1.79e-08 up-conversion matching filter 2g Frequency (lin) (HERTZ) Problem 17 @resonant frequency Zin is matched with Rs 1g 3g 4g Wave D0:A0:Z Symbol Result (lin) 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1g c-tapped matching filter Current X=2.00e+09 Current Y=7.54e+01 Derivative=-1.16e-07 2g Frequency (lin) (HERTZ) Problem18 @resonant frequency Zin is 75 ohm that is equal to Rs 3g 4g Wave Symbol D0:A0:Rin D0:A0:Xin Result (lin) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 0 @2gHz Zin=Rl Real PART Imaginary PART 2g Frequency (lin) (HERTZ) Current X=2.00e+09 Current Y=-1.16e-01 Derivative=-7.95e-08 Current X=2.00e+09 Current Y=1.00e+02 Derivative=1.01e-07 pi-(for up-conversion) matching filter PROBLEM19 F i Rl=50 Rs=100 1g 3g 4g Wave Symbol D0:A0:Rin D0:A0:Xin Result (lin) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180 3g PROBLEM 19 f ii pi-(for down-conversion) matching filter Observe @ resonant real part is 75 ohms 2g Frequency (lin) (HERTZ) Current X=1.02e+09 Current Y=-5.82e-02 Derivative=-1.64e-09 Current X=1.00e+09 Current Y=7.58e+01 Derivative=1.64e-07 1g Observe @ resonant imaginary is zero 0 4g