CERTIFICATE THAT APPROVALS SANCTION / AFFILIATION TAKEN FROM THE CONCERN RELEVANT AUTHORITIES AICTEIDTEI GOVERNMENT AND UNIVERSITY DtPtor" Oate:07-Ap.2015 F No. Western/1-2460832854/201s/EOA Tech. & Higher Educauon Oeptl Go!l. of Maharashta, Mantalaya, Annexe Bui ding. Mu.nbai-400032 Sub: Extonslon of approval lor the a€demic year 2015-16 RefrAppli@iion oi ihe lnsutulion for Extens on oi approlalfor the academic year 2015-16 n ierms oi ihe p.ovlsions under lhe Alllrdia Councilfor TechnicalEducation (G.ani ol Approva s lorTechnicalhslilullons) Regulalions20l2 notilied by lhe council vide nolifical on number F No.37 3/Legal/2012daled 27109/2012 and normsstandards, procedures and bnditions prescibed by the counclirom iime io 1irne, lam direcled lo convey lh€ approval!o e"--or a COLLEGE OF ENGIN N ,:,-:.,..:l,rr GL]T NO-351/353. AT POST LON (AND, TAL HAVEL DSTPUNE, PUNE, PUNE, MAhAIAShIE. ERING 2222, TALERA PARK. BUNGLOWNO9 NEAR ,.] .i,, .,::..:44.,- To condlcl fo lowing cou.ses wilh the iniake indicaled below ior the academicyear 2015-16 App 6lion Number 1-2460332354' Noie This iE a Page (lu Cdmpute.seneEGd LeherdfApprcvat.No sigmrurc is €qut€d Lerw i)r.;t,1.irtrl l,r : :r : Ji i,it Sirie! lir'fr,1ri ' Pdnr6d .a4atn.tv's Shr.e Earxthardro a;,1dltr t,i a.r!;i.Jerrflg Pure'}li{rr 6l Road, Lciik;n4, P.1N2. 41 2-21 6. oi:11 I of 4 Aprtl 2015 Appl rlrion ld:1,2{6!91235{rr. : ,xti e, + I !, ENGINEERlNG I e E '4.i. *& e 6. d I t eE' $"s! ENGINEER NG TE EMBEOOED TIME MECHAN ENCINEERNG TIME ENG NEERING TME ANO TECNNOLOGY ENGINEERING TE TLME ENGINEER NG Appi€fon Number Nold This is 1 2460332854, a Computer Page 2 of 4 lenoraled LelterofApproval.No signaturc is equ €d LendPdnr.don:t1 Apri 2015 il rl i r:lilitil S'cia!)/'s i tlncs lil Shree B;mciranur".,,1',1r ui l'l !rr': Slrtee R?nlciir:ilr-r : I, rrn e.N 6{ a I Road Lonikand Pune_lLlr0' -, : *:l ..:-. e 8 R 9 E ...:. ENGINEERNG ENGNEERNC ENGINEER NG TIME Nole:valdiry of lhe couce delails rnay be verified aiv!W.a cte- ndia.org>depanmenteapprova s The above menloned approva is subjecl to the @ndiiion lhat sfREE RAMoHANoRA COLLEGE OF ENGTNNERNG sh.n rorow and adhere to the Reglrations gudernes and drecrors issued byAlcrE fromtmelo rime and rhe underlaking / 6ffidav givenbythe instilution a ong with lhe appticalion subnifled by rhe institurion on porlat. n case oi any d fterences in conrent in rhis compurer genefared Eilension of approvar Leiier, the contenMnformar on as approved bylhe Ercculive Councit / cenerat Council as ava tabte on lhe remrd otA|CTEsha[ be finatand bind ng. stfct 6mdance ofAnti'Raggins Regulaiion! Approvalis subl€cr to slrict comp iance ofprovisions made in AtcTE Regutation n.riiied vide F. No 37 3/Lega/AcrE/2009 daled JLry 1.2009 for prevenrion and prohibition ofRaggrg rn Technicarhsrduuons.In case rrslirurion fairs ro iake adequale steps to prevenlRagg ng or tals ro act in accordance with AicraRegurarion or,airs ro phish perperrat.rs or incrdenrs orRagging,l wir be riabre rolake anyaclion asdefned undercrause 9(4) ot the said RealLauon. App i6ion Number 1-2460rc2a54. Nole, Th E s a compllefgedeEr€d P.ge Lerer ofapprovalNo sisnaiuE s Equrco w"!_ -:"i I i'; .,' .4, Leh€r Printed l,r.in -Sl,re. RrnLrnrrrr.r c ill I Iiir:r,,.,f Sr, :iv,! JJi::,:iTifi:ir i;;;i'":;: ::;:1::ii, : on 3 oi 4 I 1 Apdt 2015 Aclg chalnnan, ArcrE i. 2. The Rogional Officer, All Indla Council ror Technical Educatlon Indusldal Assuranc€ Euilding 2nd Floor, Naiman Road Munbai - 400 020, i,{ahdEshira The Diroctor Ol Tschnlcal Education, uniEBily of Pune, Pune 4. The Prlncipat, Dircclor, SHREE RAMCHANDRA COLLEGE OF ENGINNERING GUi NO,351/353, AT POST LONIKAND, TAL HAVELI, DISTPUNE., PI.]NE,PUNE, Maharashtra,412216 5. 6. ApPliction Tho S€cretary / Chalrman, SHREE Mi'CHANDM EOUCATION SOCIETY 2222, TALEM PARK, BUNGLOWNO 9. NEAR KALYANIBUNGLOW, KALYANIMGAR PUNE., PUNE,PUNE, MaharashLa,411006 Guaftl File{AlcrE) Nlhb.r t2460s32354, Not : Thi3 b a Comput r qd.Eted Le[d Pag€ a ot AppoEt.No 3ionatu6 is EquiEd. Lafl.r Prnn d PrinciPal Shrae Ramchsfl df a Fducation Societv,s Shree iamchafldra C0llege 0t f{aifteering Pune-l'L{ar Road, Lonikand, p una-41 221 a, ont l ofa Aprit 2015 StlP(rna PI6 9*y" eiq @lgct giqr,r,ouotl, d{5:xurq idn@" ?. rFrqrtkrr rEf rrr idj Fqi6 ,sqe, d{i s". ""y. ..!?oE:. ))eo.!o? :-Ldr{,o qfl l.r?i -t alR - EDUTECH E.mart : deskl O@dte * 1@ F4 JU'' *"r", *olJ{?l* F, idffd.., iqqrn Erqrrie h ^- T6t@n +} 6^ ,-{J )oqr ed r-d €dF i+i @ ''i HT'#;;i** rrur d?rn-}. F-trerq qr-]rR F"j1t -3G) zo13 ""F_rr ris"ri : c. nEG F+tu 6qi6 , qFrr,ir,rocl(.c/r?)/,6iRr.q, fe. q9 .ncqm BI ftarft F',nq em.an c{Frn 3rEiiTFqIq qi$qlq+F !lz/ _+r rrqfF qiro{r{ qririiT wvlw.ote.org.rn qo/\nFnftAf/q{hoi/qrqdr "t"d. 4 l]liq yqd{l1 ci$rz*n, * {:r!rd 6Jdq .iq FFfi:$r. Ie i.9!v199,1.+. #j<. nr Ed, fi. gs),?1ttcq . hoo: c,!.,nr E! \?qltro? o€.jn Internel: t, ft'Ea,o-.T. rorr. {q,a _q a ,-E "ir/Si ir. .ql "-"; '.a* 'd' {d ral " a.. r".._ r{h.ar qh,ze aar ffi ,.:,il. rff r,rtr.; T#r ffitrf,.trE Hl"lg$#-rffiHg.T 'e"; ** +ii"r"J#l &Fd nd.€r 3rdrqft1 s{ roe3jb ./EE,-'"rn ffi# ;T ,. ) q n-it $d .T. :; - c &* ffi#-*T# "* ",r-en.r. io, scr 1i*t orqq =,- 1e i! -+; l fuelvr ,r?H q c;* -. r-{ln -8, a iqrlr.jr *?i#:H: 6ffi F{]i?:,ed. hqr.r d#. iirqfl_d T{ q_arFqd ;; filr; ll; ffEiq .':#; :l;S',# g "=F , H"frH;;"ffi.T*s*,:* *. n--,,E- ; e. ; +#""i-i"'it; fq.rr sTcTr irerEr 1rS6 rE: aErFF.? i. nFr F'iq .|r*di erffd dffids tun ERT" h..Tra- *,*gs;##*" - r#H;" s flrEarr) qltuc, ndr 6tr " €\rn rt"y PRrNcrPdL Shree namchanda College ol Eniirr.r'nq '!onikatld. Puno 112 216' iltl/ \Tr'. ,d9<\ ct( "rr" )i -1"vis c*r ce . pritcrpal ^amtnancira Education Societu,< 'ffi;l:ifr ,:i:i : :[*,.:. :1,:: ;.: tzi;t : !. ri{r E{s}d qn-E -F. fiF e4l rrcf.rd. cs E {Iir. Td{ z 'F-< .a "jri}Fq ;lEd, a3r. T.{ .il-6>.i n6:ad 5?r .\q,i "n& yrq c'r" "-,ftllllq@ s ad{ q@ -| {idtar filisri qld{ {ial riff{,r!-d {r&d. 3- {ieHla iqri{lrlq srlc.rq6 fi g{d;, ff"ioiftb fnrls nq i"fuqlr Ei€-6. si . qd qia q-6qlrF l?ie Fq .{F@ rd .d , .)eaai{ rql6qrur ca. s.r+. e6n r{F err1,i Dqal- Fzr5{}d ao r,trt }rdrd "=. z. €sri{6 ni'!r sr rinra*rqri rtifti siqr 3rfud qr{*q iirRniq cora / qllqrE {rq iidtFv {o / :llrrjrat .rrd*rFJ iir:n. iqlrd, ft]€o s Rr{}rR qd.l* ; !-dr qftighqr in-irq q so- cc. q?. 31|a-d fin{ lri q.dq,r{i aqir,fi qJrrq]sl 3Sr6R TiqrirjrdqRt qiftd. 6! qr €r'{rda: R-rr ciTq ,,rq fi?Hq -E6 rrql, {rd q,,i cftfd r,. riRle FF.$ ffi d F* rqje T,dR q,E{" "T"- "qi "q,rl sliqtr{d sii_d "q"+ sdrir& Er.qd sbqirr rIgd|F y.{-r sq{ Rlqn rrq iixft.gor :jsd. qirr, SP €srtr(', iif,lll4lll lter S. FEirqnql$ {ft-6 q riih.d 3F{rFFqtq y{hi q€lr]E ciaTd{r *rflr qrdrd. q{T{Is {Fq iiaiiapr .i@. ?i<l, ttrg. ci* r{{{ ${l{rdlrffA rai{q.dr iard ca? inlrl d'qrrlr r-fEd rr$qF 6t}'I? sl h,+ !.ilr?i-rg6 6._= r€6rF rq-{ -F r{d Fin xrdtFR d{d arr{I{+ 3rrt. F{Erh elF r 11.lfir ri<,rifr qr. q+dr {r{laqr+ 1i{y q {fi]c CiBh{rr qlq, iF|l d{d, cist si4 6d{!!i siq6{ffr!11 6{rard cra. q3. f s'Eila8 t. 'nr{E -a -rFcq trs.d. ..rr $i. qr4 di"a ,.c" ?TdI reF F{rd }rjl{e TE-+ TRr de ETqd yt6R sfrs-c ":Sq iirftrqq qfuEr Rrfi{{flfslT {rfiI{ {|Ffid. 'r{{+t. 3rfl q ?rd! -Ttr $. riqFq Tqr ldq" ia" lre 6-qi6^er lrqi r|{{ rip)qr 3yr}F qjr q|crsFdRr llr{ffql6( {qhqrd ffi !fl-lfdgfi* qtqn drllrl€qr{ A. ( <tu{ cd clFdi q snET46 odr|sffrd {riera !.€Rilr .dr-. r.{" h{nR €. td. r. flnd. rr.rrly :t@ $fua, r.ns -iaF*r!l ii.d. ii.d, ar<l niq riaF*fl r{ ii}.S r qF! dtrnffi. aGr, 3. qFqqlirq., rirPr6q, h1JFfi-q 4rqlilq qll'jd y. f,q{h... -y ?!q- r ,DEJa !Ga. iql,rz dEiFa gr. '.< 6ldnr ,T 6 d$rn *.1 Tor T{n-r. Tdg qi,- ffi a y.y.rd q dlfcrffil lI. rqF qft!. 6rqml F.4fF ?ir, TGq FrqlFlq. td qirr {rtL.i|nrd *o"*,n"[fJ#",Fofof *nr..,,* l\t i utf/l t,tL Y"- gree te ii 6L',t') Principal Ramch8ndra Educaticn Sociaty's Shrbe RaD4lMndra t0llclle ot F.raineerins P!F,j f:frrr ioad. Lonikand, Pune.412216. Dr?(x 4or!- a l I j qb lsfudcTr$q . iir&&lllTl.i1-ty qli'rtq ct-qtstsR siffi,, a:Mqahrfi€ df{+i-{i i1ft15q{ i I idrq{ft'"6r.}IaEr$qlF a-{rqc, tF arqd"$q: q's|{r${rqt c+{r srrri sr6 . +r-.qrg 6.*e [{f{6r fqlrsqrrql $ ri* iio ffir€ rr{(q Bqnr , EE4tdGlfi, . i.. ilq€l: til't :*{t:r1,..-l 'ii t,\,,atr1rii::: ,. 0. mr:lqi orar fur arg<R aerst trrfif,.Frl{+tcrigt q,Ao t) " .#^* pRtf,lctPAL Sh'ae n.. chincs CJtlege 0: En!..r!s,.ng a;l4rI.r.Pne 4tzrn [l lix _ Prin c iDa I RamchrnCra Edir.0 on Soolqtv,s -Shtce , "il,': ' '"' ' ' '' ". "."i:"g 1r* gF riaitrq w'rs!,iii qrfr- aiq-u:tu qffi {.f,r 1[ (.qlTr+' FiiihsFl) qiq drnt+ q,rniqr.*tm +r*n n,.ei. g{t cEfufl a-raRr*qrpr& iiiiGr-fl {-Fi* ,ciry rrq Etr{Fiids'-,r fti fiEFq.d al}. nr: lhaivr q) * t1) rn F{T c{E6I qq-fi-fiqi T+T ?rR:r+ qr< *sr +qG.#q',et rdE hqnirr- n<-dr+n rrqrn+frc. c$!4.?adb,tr{ir,$sNbds4d.rr,lc.R4< , . ,4rr, },1trat*A:- .. Sh:el frrjFn i' f l.J'i."rlrqrserm t.1rt:",1, I I t-6. R'rrl : .' q# qfud qr$c ftrqr"I cftc{T+Frd. TdRrR {s=cr Irrfta s riqrf,F, ii7fusa {E|fr|fiq, qirne i-r'qrtqt qi{ EBn iir +devs{F{qr ir{-*St-$ fi'{'} {d8&dd{d"r**n"{fu. t.r) ' lt rnfi f{fuqt q.qtm kder g iiei* ofgs qr$q ifl iiiqrr q&q+ c* m qiase Tq $l|{!€i{fi $ffils sF nripirr crq YIrFrrd sr{dr fu q{nE tE{ 'iiisrrroRrdi(r n+q.qr qra-Hr+Rr tiqirl a"ql{fiqr€d r*nlg+ frmnq. ari ffr q1.ffi d,r+ mlrre'rn n6. n vne{qlliii rniwqe ;r*$r *aerst, iitRlqqi, ryr{y rr*, ri{'{ qiit sr<rq6'S j . t\ s'ffised qrtren tt'sr€6 Cd-ifrrfiot3, rttnre {'q, !iT* q rie&'s, qSwR rm,F-xfrsht6ri*wqrt:dwra.<ar*e{SarwFe6. ' .::l{L.i &1' iT' Princi Slrae Ramch€n&$F( Society's : ,1,.rr,; i i S liree {futtncliandra $:ducation Societl's Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering Approwd by A|CTE, No D.thi, DTE, MSBTE, Gor. of M.h.,Bhr,. ..d Alfitiated to Univa;v ot pue. BJS College, Off Pune-Nogoi Rood, Pune - 412 216. M.S. Ph.: +91 9595940195,/ 959574A595 Fox:020 " 26659999 E.moil : srcoepune@gmoil.com Web.: www.srespune.org 351& 333/1, Lonikond, Eehind Mr. Maruti R. Bhumkar Mr, Shankar R. Bhumkar Prof. Dr. Avinash. D. Desai Founder President Secretary Principal M. E. (Meoh.), Ph. o. (Mech. Ensg.) Ref. No.: Date : CERTIFICATE TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that all approvals/ sanction/ affiliation are taken from the concern relevant authorities - AICTE / Government of lvlaharashtra/ DTE and University of Pune in the SRES's Shree Ramchandn College of Engineering Post SSC Diploma In Engineering (Polltechnic) lI "d Shift for A.Y.2014-15 Branch Sanctioned Sanctioned lntake Intake (First Year) (Second (Nos) Year) (Nos) (Nos) Mechanical Engineering Engineering Total Prof.Dr."A.D.Desai *,." *t;i?*nH;ll:lion socretv's Shree Bamchandra C0llege 0l Endnoting Pun..Nagar Road, Lonik.nd, Pune'4,|22t6'