INVESTIGATION OF MINORITY CARRIER TRAPPING IN SILICON BY MWPCD MEASUREMENTS Kevin Lauer1,2*, Michael Blech1, Abdelazize Laades1, Alexander Lawerenz1 1 CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH, SolarZentrum Erfurt, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 14, 99099 Erfurt, Germany 2 Institut für Physik, TU Ilmenau, Weimarer Str. 32, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany * corresponding author:, Phone: +49 - 361 - 663 12 11, Fax: +49 - 361 - 663 14 13 ABSTRACT: Minority carrier trapping, which is often observed in silicon used for photovoltaics, influences the determination of the excess carrier density from photoconductance measurements. In this contribution the HornbeckHaynes-model is used to simulate the apparent excess carrier density, which can be determined by MWPCD measurements. The three trap parameters: trap density, emission and trapping time constant are varied and their impact on the apparent excess carrier density is discussed. A kink in the apparent excess carrier density is found to correlate with the trap density. This result is used to determine the trap density from MWPCD measurements. The impact of a constant bias light on the apparent excess carrier density is investigated by simulation and experiment. The influence of trapping on the MWPCD signal can be eliminated by the bias light. Keywords: Silicon, Photoconductivity, Defects 1 INTRODUCTION 2 THEORY The excess carrier decay ∆n(t) in silicon after turning off a light source, as measured by MWPCD, can be explained by recombination and trapping of charge carriers. 2.1 Recombination Recombination describes the annihilation of an electronhole-pair and can be quantified by the recombination rate U. The carrier lifetime τ is defined by n 10 n n . U (1) 4 τrad τA 10 lifetime τ [µs] Microwave-detected photoconductance decay (MWPCD) measurements, which are based on the measurement of the conductivity after laser excitation by reflected microwaves [1], are a powerful tool to characterize the quality of silicon. Recently, we introduced a method, which analyses the MWPCD signal in detail to obtain the lifetime as a function of the excess carrier density [2]. This method is well suited to characterize low quality silicon, which is used to fabricate industrial solar cells. In this contribution we are advancing the possibilities of the MWPCD method by analyzing the MWPCD signal at low excess carrier densities. MWPCD measurements on silicon nitride passivated multicrystalline or Czochralski silicon wafers yield a strong increase in this range pretending an abnormal high lifetime. This effect can in principle be due to trapping of minority carriers by states in the band gap of the silicon caused by defects [3] or due to trapping-like measurement artifacts caused by a depletion layer at the surface (DRM effect) [4]. The latter effect can be neglected for low quality silicon [5]. To simulate the impact of minority carrier trapping on the photoconductance decay the Hornbeck-Haynes-model [6] is applied. The trap parameters are varied systematically and a way to determine the trap density from MWPCD measurements is developed. The impact of a constant bias light on the measured excess carrier density is investigated. The physical origin of the traps in silicon for solar cells has not yet been conclusively clarified. As the most likely cause crystallographic defects, such as dislocations, are identified [3, 5, 7]. The boron-oxygen complex may be a cause of the traps [8]. Recent studies show that crystal defects, which are decorated with oxygen precipitates, cause these types of traps [9]. Finally, it was also an oxygen complex with an unknown, fast-diffusing impurity, which is not iron, found to be the cause of the traps [10]. In any case, the measured trap density is always associated with crystal defects or impurities in the silicon, so that it can be used as a quality characteristic of the silicon. 3 τSRH, Fe 10 2 τSRH, Cr τb 16 10 1 p0 = 1x10 cm -3 0 10 11 10 10 13 10 15 10 17 -3 excess carrier density ∆n [cm ] Fig. 1: Impact of different recombination processes on the total lifetime τb. The SRH lifetimes are calculated for interstitial iron (τSRH, Fe) [14] and interstitial chromium (τSRH, Cr) [15] with a density of [Fei] = 1012 cm-3 and [Cri] = 1011 cm-3, respectively. In general there are three different recombination processes. The lifetime for each recombination process Beside the annihilation of electron-hole-pairs a defect state in the band gap can cause a temporary storing of carriers, called trapping. If the defect state lies near the conduction band an electron can be trapped and subsequently released into the conduction band again. While the electron is trapped, charge neutrality requires a hole in the valence band. This implies a mismatch between excess electrons and excess holes (∆n ≠ ∆p). This effect of a defect state can be described by the Hornbeck-Haynes (HH)-trapping-model [6]. Within this model the spatial averaged excess carrier density ∆n(t) and the density of carriers within the trap nt(t) are given by a differential equation system d n dt n 1 nt N t n Gn b n n ,t nt n,e (2) p n nt n p . (4) The mobilities of electrons and holes are denoted by µn and µp, respectively. To investigate the apparent excess carrier density, which can be determined by conductance measurements, Eq. (2) and (3) are solved numerically using Mathematica [17]. In the following the apparent excess carrier density is simulated for different parameters of the trap. The trap density Nt, the emission time constant τn, e and the trapping time constant τn, t are varied systematically. In our case the excess carrier density is generated by light. Our calculation starts with an initial excess carrier density ∆n0. Generation is neglected during the recombination and trapping process, which is simulated. It is assumed that initially all traps are filled (nt = Nt). The recombination lifetime τb(∆n) is taken from the model displayed in Fig. 1. 2.2.1. Trap density Nt The first simulation demonstrates the impact of the trap density on the decay of the apparent excess carrier density (see Fig. 2). The emission and trapping time constants are set to constant values of 100 µs and 10 µs, respectively. The trap density is increased from Nt = 1012 cm-3 to 1016 cm-3. If the trap density is less than the initial excess carrier density, which was chosen to be ∆n0 = 3·1015 cm-3, then a kink in the apparent excess carrier density occurs. In this case the decay of the -3 2.2. Minority carrier trapping na apparent excess carrier density ∆na [cm ] can be calculated. In Fig. 1 the lifetime is exemplarily simulated for two impurities and parameters, which are often observed in low quality silicon for photovoltaics. Radiative recombination (τrad) [11] does not affect the total lifetime (τb) at all. Auger recombination (τA) [12] has an impact on the total lifetime only for excess carrier densities above ~1016 cm-3. For lower excess carrier densities, the dominating recombination process is the Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH)-recombination (τSRH) [13] via defect-induced states in the band gap. In Fig. 1 two SRHrecombination centers are assumed. One is interstitial iron (lifetime: τSRH, Fe) [14] and one interstitial chromium (lifetime: τSRH, Cr) [15] with a density of [Fei] = 1012 cm-3 and [Cri] = 1011 cm-3, respectively. Because the total lifetime at an excess carrier density less than ∆n ~ 1016 cm-3 is dominated by SRH-recombination, lifetime measurements below this point can be used to characterize the electronic quality of silicon. The SRH-statistic in its simple form has two constraints. First, the density of SRH-recombination centers has to be below a critical value [16] and, second, the excess electron density has to equal the excess hole density [13]. If both conditions are not fulfilled, other models to describe the excess carrier decay ∆n(t) have to be used. 10 16 10 15 10 14 10 13 10 12 10 11 16 Nt = 10 cm 15 10 cm τn, e = 100 µs τn, t = 10 µs 14 10 cm 13 10 cm 12 10 cm 0 100 200 300 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 400 500 time t [µs] dnt dt n 1 nt N t n,t nt n ,e . (3) Here, Gn and τb(∆n) are the generation rate and the lifetime due to recombination, respectively. The trap specific parameters are the trap density Nt, the mean time an electron spends in the trap τn, e , and the mean time an electron spends in the conduction band if all traps are empty τn, t. Measurements of the excess conductance reveal an apparent excess carrier density ∆na, which takes into account the actual excess carrier density and a carrier density term caused by the trapped carriers [6] Fig. 2: Simulation of the apparent excess carrier density as a function of time for different trap densities. apparent excess carrier density can be divided into two regions I and II before and after the kink, respectively. In region I all traps are filled nt = Nt and the excess carrier density is larger than the carrier density within the traps ∆n à nt. Hence the apparent excess carrier density in Eq. (4) equals the excess carrier density ∆na = ∆n. This changes in region II. There the excess carrier density becomes less than the carrier density within the traps ∆n á nt caused by specific parameters of the traps. The small trap escape ratio τn, t/τn, e of 0.1 in combination with a small recombination lifetime τb causes the carriers to 2.2.2. Emission time constant τn, e -3 apparent excess carrier density ∆na [cm ] In Fig. 3 the emission time constant τn, e is varied while the other parameters of the trap are kept constant at Nt = 1014 cm-3 and τn, t = 10 µs. In this case the recombination lifetime at the kink of the apparent excess carrier density is assumed to be much lower than the trap time constant. Hence, the released carriers from the trap recombine immediately and the inverse slope of the apparent excess carrier decay represents the emission time constant. In the case of a low emission time constant the carriers stay in the trap only for a short time period and thus the apparent excess carrier decay is not affected by trapping. 10 14 Nt = 10 cm 15 10 14 10 13 10 12 -3 10 16 10 15 10 14 10 13 10 12 14 Nt = 10 cm -3 τn, e = 100 µs τn, t = 0.1 µs 1 µs 10 µs 100 µs 1 ms 10 10 ms 11 0 100 200 300 400 500 time t [µs] Fig. 4: Simulation of the apparent excess carrier density as a function of time for different trapping time constants. Fig. 4). For high trapping time constants the trap density cannot be determined by the position of the kink. 2.2.4. Impact of bias light 16 10 carriers are trapped and released several times before recombination takes place. The second effect occurs for high trapping time constants. Now trapping of carriers is very unlikely and the slope of the apparent excess carrier density is determined by the emission time constant. Due to the low trapping probability, the traps are not completely filled in region I. Hence, the position of the kink in the apparent excess carrier density changes (see apparent excess carrier density ∆na [cm ] recombine immediately after they are released from the trap into the conduction band. Hence, region II of the measured excess carrier density is dominated by the carrier density within the traps and Eq. (4) becomes ∆na = µp/(µp+µn)nt. Thus the apparent excess carrier density at the kink represents the trap density Nt. This holds for arbitrary values of the emission and trapping time constants (unless the trapping time constant is large, see Sec. 2.2.3) and can therefore be used to determine the trap density from MWPCD measurements as shown below. If the trap density becomes larger than the initial excess carrier density, the kink disappears and the apparent excess carrier density is completely dominated by the carrier density in the traps. -3 In addition to the variation of the trap parameters the impact of a bias light is demonstrated. By applying a bias light the generation term in Eq. (2) cannot be neglected as done before. Thus the apparent excess carrier density can be split into a steady state ∆na, ss and a dynamic part ∆na, d τn, t = 10 µs τn, e = 1 ms 100 µs 1 µs na 10 µs na , ss na, d . (5) 0.1 µs 10 11 0 100 200 300 400 500 time t [µs] Fig. 3: Simulation of the apparent excess carrier density as a function of time for different emission time constants. 2.2.3. Trapping time constant τn, t As the last parameter of the trap, the trapping time constant τn, t is changed. In Fig. 4 the trapping time constant is varied from 0.1 µs to 10 ms. The trap density and the emission time constant are not changed. Two effects on the apparent excess carrier density can be observed. First, if the trapping time constant becomes lower than the recombination lifetime, the slope of the apparent excess carrier density increases. In this case the In Fig. 5 only the dynamic part of the apparent excess carrier density ∆na, d is displayed as a function of time, because this quantity can be determined by MWPCD measurements. For simplicity, the recombination lifetime is set to τb = 5 µs in this simulation. The results for different generation rates Gn are shown in Fig. 5. Clearly visible is the changing trapping kinetic with increasing generation rate. Due to the constant generation rate the traps are partly filled and the position of the kink in the decay of the dynamic excess carrier density decreases. Thus the impact of trapping on the apparent excess carrier density can be eliminated using a constant bias light. But in the case of a large generation rate in relation to the initial excess carrier density, measurements of the photoconductance decay reveal just a differential recombination lifetime [18]. 10 16 15 Nt = 10 cm 10 15 10 14 10 13 10 12 -1 -3 Gn = 0 s cm 18 τn, e = 100 µs -3 ∆na, d [cm ] τb = 5 µs 100 200 -3 -3 10 s cm 18.5 -1 -3 10 s cm 19 -1 -3 10 s cm 19.5 -1 -3 10 s cm 20 -1 -3 10 s cm 20.5 -1 -3 10 s cm τn, t = 10 µs 0 -1 300 400 wafer yields nearly no change in the photoconductance decay. Hence, the recombination lifetime is low and not limited by recombination at the surface. As can be seen in Fig. 6 only a small part -drop at the beginning- of the photoconductance decay measured on umg-silicon is dominated by recombination of carriers. Thus it is hard to determine the recombination lifetime from MWPCD measurements for this material. Applying an additional constant bias light during the MWPCD measurement yields the expected effect (see Sec. 2.2.4). The impact of trapping is reduced. But the intensity of the applied bias light is not sufficient to eliminate the trapping artifacts completely. 500 time t [µs] 3.2. Determination of the minority carrier trap density 3 EXPERIMENT The theoretical results are compared to experimental data. Measurements of the photoconductance decay after turning off a light source are done using the commercial device WT-2000® from Semilab. This measurement system generates excess carriers by a laser pulse (λ = 904 nm) with a maximum intensity of 16.4 Wcm-2 and a spot size of about 1 mm2. The change in conductance of the silicon due to excitation of carriers by the laser is measured using reflected microwaves [1]. 100 Ib = 282 mSun 10 Ib = 1678 mSun Ib = 2537 mSun 1 -3 MWPCD signal ∆U [mV] without bias Ib = 73 mSun As discussed in Sec. 2.2.1 the minority carrier trap density can be determined by the kink in the photoconductance decay (see Sec. 2.2.1). This procedure is tested in the following by comparison of the measured MWPCD signal with the theoretical simulation. The MWPCD measurement, which is displayed in Fig. 7, is performed on a siliconnitride passivated multicrystalline silicon wafer. The differential equation system Eqs. (2) and (3) is solved numerically (see Sec. 2.2) using the bulk lifetime from the model displayed in Fig. 1. The SRH term due to chromium is substituted by a constant lifetime of 200 µs. The second SRH term is calculated from the interstitial iron content of this sample ([Fei] = 1.4·1012 cm-3). Four parameters, which are the initial excess carrier density ∆n0, the trap density Nt, and the trapping and emission time constants τn, t and τn, e, are adjusted to achieve the best approximation of the measurement. The results of the simulation are displayed in Fig. 7. A very good agreement between measurement and simulation is found, which reveals the lifetime model and the Hornbeck–Haynes trapping model to be suitable for describing the measured apparent excess carrier decay. The trap density of this sample is determined to Nt = 5·1013 cm-3. apparent excess carrier density ∆na [cm ] Fig. 5: Simulation of the dynamic part of the apparent excess carrier density as a function of time for different constant generation rates. 0.1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 time t [µs] Fig. 6: MWPCD signal measured on an umg-silicon wafer without surface passivation. The impact of trapping is reduced by applying a constant bias light. 3.1. Impact of strong trapping As an example for the impact of strong trapping on the photoconductance decay an upgraded metallurgicalgrade (umg)-silicon wafer is investigated. In compensated p-type silicon phosphorous-induced states in the band gap presumably cause trapping of electrons. Fig. 6 shows the MWPCD signal measured on umgsilicon wafers without surface passiviation. A surface passivation using iodine ethanol solution [19] on this 10 16 Region I 10 Region II 16 p0 = 1.6x10 cm 15 12 -3 [Fei] = 1.4x10 cm 13 10 14 10 13 10 12 Nt = 5x10 cm measurement simulation -3 -3 τn, t = 4 µs τn, e = 40 µs Nt = (µn+µp)/µp ∆na 0 50 100 150 200 time t [µs] Fig. 7: Comparison of the MWPCD signal, which is measured on a siliconnitride passivated multicrystalline silicon wafer, with a simulation of the apparent excess carrier density. 4 CONCLUSION Minority carrier trapping is often observed in silicon for photovoltaics. It disturbs the determination of the excess minority carrier density by conductance measurements. In this contribution the impact of minority carrier trapping on photoconductance measurements after turning off a light pulse is investigated in detail. The Hornbeck-Haynes-model is applied and the apparent excess carrier density is simulated for different trap parameters. For special parameter sets (low trap-escaperatio, trap density smaller than initial excess carrier density, emission time constant larger than recombination lifetime) a kink in the apparent excess carrier density appears, which is correlated to the trap density. Evaluating this kink, the trap density can be determined from microwave-detected photoconductance decay (MWPCD) measurements. The impact of a constant bias light on the apparent excess carrier density is simulated and compared with MWPCD measurements. The bias light eliminates the trapping artifacts, but in this case the measured recombination lifetime is just a differential one. 5 ACKNOWLEGDEMENT This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in the framework of the project xµ-Material (contract no. 03SF0336A). 6 REFERENCES [1] M. Kunst and G. Beck, J. Appl. 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