themaker - Beaches Episcopal School

Table of contents
From the Head of School ........................ 4-5
From the senior warden ........................... 6
From the Board Chair/From the PSO President ...... 7
embracing the maker movement................... 8-10
bes graduates .................................. 11
athletic program update ......................... 12
school life in pictures ........................ 13
Annual Report ................................ 14-15
The StarFish Fund ............................ 16-18
memorial gifts .................................. 19
restricted gifts/capital projects/mccondiche fund ...20
Award Recipients ............................. 21-23
Students have embraced STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math) as it has
become a driving force in the BES curriculum
throughout subject areas and enrichments.
from the head of school
ear friends and
Thank you all for
making 20142015 a wonderful
year for Beaches Episcopal
School. This publication reports
on the health of the school
and attempts to recognize the
many, many people who have
supported our mission by
giving of their time, talent, and
treasures. Thank you to each
and every person for all that
was done, big or small, seen or
unseen, to help keep this school
the very special place that it is.
Private school education
is about choice. Many of
you sacrifice financially to
provide an experience for your
children that is set apart from
the norm. You have chosen
to invest in BES because you
want your children to not only
have outstanding academic
opportunities, but opportunities
for spiritual growth, character
education, fine arts, the
sciences, and technology which
provide them the foundation for
productive, well-rounded lives.
Being part of a small private
school also has its advantages.
Children are personally
known by all faculty and
staff. They receive instruction
based on their individual
learning preferences, and their
accomplishments are celebrated
regularly. Students relate to
each other as being part of a
family. They learn that it is not
always about their individual
desires, but what is best for the
greater good. They learn to get
along by sharing, caring, and
developing compassion for
friends. Sometimes this can
Thank you to each
and every person
for all that was
done, big or
small, seen or
unseen, to help
keep this school
the very special
place that it is.
be challenging, but the skills
they learn will serve them as
they grow into leaders and
empathetic adults.
In the cover story of this Starfish
News, you will read about an
intentional effort on our part to
engage students in 21st century
learning through our IDEA
Studios. These spaces give our
students the opportunity to test
the knowledge of applications
as well as the ability to develop
time management skills, work
as a contributing member of
a team, understand project
management, and develop
problem solving skills.
Providing this special
environment takes a team. Each
one of us has a part in making
BES complete. As parents,
grandparents, and friends, you
have already taken the first
step; you chose the right school
that is the best fit for your
family. As we continue on our
shared journey, consider the
opportunities you have to make
this a meaningful experience
for your family. Get involved!
Make an impact by giving of
your time, talent, and treasures
to the extent of which you are
able so that we may provide the
most robust education for your
Again, thank you for
your generous giving and
commitment to the children of
Beaches Episcopal School.
Martha Milton
Head of School
thinking ahead
Under the leadership of Martha Milton, Beaches Episcopal
School has positioned itself as a forward-thinking institution for
students to thrive as proactive learners, thoughtful citizens, and
courageous leaders in an ever-changing world.
spbts episcopal church
ear friends and families of
Beaches Episcopal School:
As Senior Warden of St. Paul’s by-theSea Episcopal Church, let me warmly
welcome you to our community!
Beaches Episcopal School, established in 1952 as
St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Day School, is one
of our most treasured and valued ministries. BES
and SPBTS have worked together to educate, in the
finest manner possible, our children for over 63 years!
2015-2016 is looking like another stellar year and will
be a fantastic educational adventure for your children.
I am confident your child will be truly served by our
faculty and staff.
As a part of the St. Paul’s-by-the-Sea community, you
and our school are prayed for every day.
If you are looking for a church home, I encourage
you to come across the street and visit one Sunday.
We are a joyful, loving, BUSY congregation, and we
would love to have you be a part of it all! As you
may know, our beloved Rector Penny Pfab retired
in April of 2015. Currently, we are in the process of
searching for the clergyperson that will continue in
our journey with us and help us reach that next level
in our Christian lives together. It is an exciting time
and a great opportunity for any and all to be involved.
Please feel free to contact me at any time. We are here
to support you and our school in any way.
So, buckle up and get ready! Looks like you, your
children, BES, and SPBTS are in for the time of our
Wendy Wolfe
Senior Warden
St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
(904) 923-4271
Sunday Morning:
7:30 a.m. Quiet service with Holy Eucharist
9. a.m.
Sunday School and Adult Education
10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
Sunday Afternoon:
5 p.m. Youth Group Gathering
Wednesday Morning:
7:00 a.m. With Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m. With Holy Eucharist
St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church is involved in many
outreach projects and ministries.
Please call the church office at (904) 249-4091 for more
information or visit our website at
from the board chair
s I wrap up my second term as the Chair
of the Board of Trustees, I am proud of
the accomplishments we have made under
the leadership of Martha Milton. In just
two years, Martha has made notable
enhancements and important changes, while respecting
the strengths and traditions established during 60
years of academic excellence in a well-rounded learning
environment. This year we formed a strategic planning
committee and hired an outside consultant to focus on
our strategic plan. It was a very productive committee
led by Erin Doty and included Tammie Corey, Clay
Philips, Kenny Richards, Brian Steffes, Martha Milton,
Peggy Davis, and me. Having the strategic plan in place,
combined with the expertise and vision of Martha, BES
is poised for great success in the short and long term. It
is an exciting time at BES, and our future is bright.
Many of our children’s successes can be traced back to
our state-of-art facilities, great teachers, dedicated staff,
and caring church. Another critical asset that I’d like
to mention is our parents. We are so fortunate to have
dedicated parents. Thank you, parents, for making BES
extra special with your donations of time and treasures.
Some spend countless hours volunteering, others make
generous monetary donations, and many do both. Your
generosity and dedication contributes to the wonderful
learning environment that our children enjoy.
I am delighted to turn the Chairman role over to Clay
Philips, who has been part of the Beaches Episcopal
School family for over 20 years. I am looking forward to
serving in the Vice Chair role during the next school year.
Beaches Episcopal School has been an amazing blessing
to my family since 2005. We will always attribute our
girls’ many successes to the foundation built during their
elementary-school years at BES.
Tyra Tutor
Board of Trustees Chair 2014-2015
from the pso chair
ear parents and volunteers,
What a great year it has been! Once
again our parents and volunteers outdid
themselves in every way. Without your
continued support, we would not be
able to conduct all the many events that have taken
place at BES. I want to thank each and every one of
you for all your hard work and dedication to BES and
the PSO. I especially want to thank the PSO Board:
Brooke Hicks-Carrigan (President), Anne Waryold
(Treasurer), Emily Steffes (Secretary), Romany Cury
(Homebase Coordinator), and Leigh Polster (Hot
Lunch Coordinator). Thank you ALL so much for
taking on leadership roles and making this past year run
so smoothly. You are ALL fantastic! Without you, we
would not be able to accomplish so many events that
benefit our children and their school.
While this year has been an exciting, fun, and successful
year due to all the support of our parents and volunteers,
I’m so very excited for what is in store for NEXT year.
It is an honor for me to serve as your PSO President for
the 2015-2016 school year. If you haven’t been able to
volunteer or become involved, I strongly encourage you
to do so. It is going to be a FANTASTIC year!
Have a wonderful summer, and I look forward to seeing
you in the fall.
Carrie Lantzy
PSO President 2015-2016
PSO Vice President & Volunteer Coordinator 2014-2015
rom an early age,
human beings have an
inate desire to create.
Give a two-year-old
a cooking pan, and
watch the progression from wonder
to imagination to interaction. At
Beaches Episcopal School, our
desire is to help our students reach
their fullest potential intellectually,
spiritually, and physically. We
consistently monitor new learning
techniques while also maintaining
a strong commitment to our core
academic program.
In recent years, we have seen a
growing emphasis on learning
through making, where spaces can
be used for all students, whether they
are visual, auditory, or tactile learners.
This “Maker Movement” is referred
to as “the new Industrial Revolution,”
equipping young and old alike to
stimulate their brains in order to
develop unique solutions for projects
in the areas of science, technology,
engineering, art, and mathematics.
Beaches Episcopal School is thrilled
to announce that we are embracing
this movement and are indeed
becoming a Maker school. Over
the summer, spaces have been
repurposed into our IDEA Studios.
Betsy Bailey, Melissa Devers,
and Ansley Doughty are working
intensely to develop a curriculum
based on a multitude of ideas,
projects, and experiences. What
follows is a question and answer with
these teachers. We hope you are as
excited as we are to get started after
reading this informative interview.
The Maker movement is beginning
to emerge on the educational scene.
What, in essence, is the Maker
The Maker movement is the new
Industrial Revolution, recognizing
we are all makers. Beaches Episcopal
School has reimagined traditional
classrooms into spaces that cultivate
curiosity, inspire wonder, encourage
playfulness, and celebrate unique
To this end, we are transitioning
learning areas into IDEA Studios.
IDEA is an acronym for Imagine
Designing Everything and
Anything, but could just as easily be
Invent, Innovate, Develop, Define,
Experiment, Engineer, etc. We
believe all children have inherent
abilities. Beaches Episcopal School
fosters the development of these
abilities in our students.
Why is Beaches Episcopal School
integrating the Maker movement,
and how will it help students learn?
The Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) recently
announced it is adding a section to its
admissions application for students
to write about what they have made.
Making demonstrates not only
technical knowledge and creativity
but also habits such as perseverance
and resourcefulness. Engineering
and art are interrelated; computer
programming is mandatory for
biologists, musicians, and historians.
We can best serve our children by
introducing them to the powerful
ideas that will shape the rest of their
OUR SOUL. The Maker Movement Manifesto
Mark Hatch: CEO, Techshop
Beaches Episcopal School’s
integration of the Maker movement
only improves our commitment
to academic excellence. Our goal
is to enhance existing academic
and enrichment programs. IDEA
Studios will be collaborative spaces
where informal combinations of
science, technology, mathematics,
art, engineering, programming, and
woodworking come together through
hands-on experiences.
This type of learning is sometimes
referred to as experiential learning.
What does that mean, and what is
Beaches Episcopal School’s vision
in embracing this type of “learning
by making” philosophy?
home economics reimagined: the new idea studio (formerly
the mac lab) is coming to life this summer, with stations
allowing for both individual and collaborative projects.
The Maker philosophy invites
curiosity, inspires wonder,
encourages playfulness, celebrates
unique solutions, and promotes
growth through both success and
failure. In fact, we encourage what
most of society calls “failure,” because
in reality, it is simply the first, second,
or third step toward success.
Continued on page 10
Continued from page 9
We all have basic human impulses to
make and create. Beaches Episcopal
School recognizes knowledge is
a consequence of experience and
authentic problem solving. Handson and creative learning touches all
types of learners whether they are
visual, auditory, or tactile.
For instance, students not only build
a birdhouse, but they use math and
science to design, measure, and cut
angles. Aesthetics are incorporated
through art. Observations and
results are communicated in writing.
Through small group collaboration,
students share solutions.
How is Beaches Episcopal School
collaborating to make this change
This is a school-wide initiative. The
first step was the planning. We
spent the 2014-2015 school year
researching and learning about the
Maker movement by attending
conferences, participating in
webinars, and MOOC-Eds (Massive
Open Online Courses for Educators).
We have taken the information
gathered and put it into action! Betsy
Bailey, Melissa Devers, and Ansley
Doughty are spending the summer
redesigning the computer lab in
McCormick Hall. We created a BES
IDEA Studios Pinterest page, which
every teacher is using to collect ideas.
The excitement is contagious!
What kind of tools and resources
are you planning for the IDEA
We already have iMac computers,
Lego robotics, Makeblock robotics,
Makeblock Inventor Kits, Little Bits,
Make It Electronic Kits, Arduino,
sewing machines, soldering, hand
tools and power tools. Our goals
include obtaining a 3D printer and a
laser cutter.
read all about it: a Maker mentality has captured the
attention of educators and mainstream magazine publications,
adding credibility to a growing movement.
concept to reality: this
graphic from
shows the progression of an
idea from start to fInish.
Is there a curriculum?
Beaches Episcopal School is
on the leading edge of this
movement. While there is no
written curriculum, a multitude
of excellent resources exist. Our
curriculum will be developed
through our own experiences in
success and failure. Teachers will
work together to write curriculum
that integrates all the disciplines.
Beaches Episcopal School is an
innovator by being one of the first
Maker schools on the First Coast.
The sky is the limit as to what our
students can imagine, design, and
engineer. As a school dedicated to
strong academics and enrichments,
we want to be a conduit whereby
students reach their God-given
potential in an atmosphere of trust
and freedom. Join us as we embark
on this journey of knowledge and
discovery together. •
Answers courtesy of Betsy Bailey,
Melissa Devers, and Ansley Doughty
bes graduates
Class of 2015
Sydney Paige Berse
Myelz Arthur Browne
Luke Aaron Bowden
Courtney Brooke Cattin
Ryan Daniel Cook
Nathan Macam Crovatto
Shayne Kyle Cayce Curtis
Miranda Kate Doro
Katherine Elizabeth Dundore
William Daniel Eckles
Samuel Eghosa Ero
Bianca Renata Fasanelli
Austin Cole Harding
J. Langston Hardy
Lana Jane Holway
Ashton Tate King
Connor James Meyer
Sophie Madison Millan
Evan Forrest Novak
Kaya Leone Olszewski
Cooper Pierce Richart
William Kurt Schuler
Nicholas William Solfa
Natalie Joy Stone
Nicholas Colin Stone
Randall Chase Toonk
Elizabeth Ross Underwood
Daniel Ross Underwood
Zachary Ross Underwood
Rays Athletic Update
BES Rays Athletics
Amazing, inspiring, and exciting! That is how I would describe the
past school year for our athletic program. This is the second year we
have participated in the North Florida Independent School Athletic
Conference (NIFAC). Beaches Episcopal School competed in
basketball, flag football, volleyball, running, and soccer this year. We
had a total of 51 students participate. Most of these students
participated in more than one sport at BES. I am proud of them for
being a part of their school program. BES hosted our first annual
Rays Athletic Banquet in Stormes Hall. It was a great way to celebrate
those students who participated. It means a lot to have school spirit
and want to be a part of your school's team. These students still have
to maintain their high academic standards while attending practices
BES Rays athletes for the 2014-2015 school year
and games. Having athletics provides a non-threatening
environment for many of our students. NIFAC emphasizes learning
skills, displaying good sportsmanship, reinforcing Christian values,
and developing the student as a whole.
Thank you to all our parents who support the athletic program. It
takes a team to be successful.
God Bless,
Tricia Novak
BES Athletic Director
Go Rays
BES Running Club
Running Club met every Thursday. Most of our
runners participated in 5k runs this year.
school life in pictures
Golf Classic
Lessons and Carols
Daddy-Daughter Dance
Sixth Grade Talent Show
Ice Cream Social
STEM Challenges
bes annual report
2014-2015 Income Statement Projection (as of 6/30/15)
Tuition and Fees (net of aid and discounts) $1,768,250
Student Support and Auxiliary
Contributions and Fundraising Activities
Other Income
Rental Property Income
Total Income: $2,293,570
EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits
Textbooks and Instructions
Office and Administration
Building and Grounds
Other Expenses*
Rental Property Expenses
Technology Expenses
BES Camp Expenses
Total Expenses:
Net Income:
Other Income
and Fundraising
Rental Property
Student Support
& Auxiliary
Tuition & Fees
Rental Property
Other Expenses
Building &
BES Camp
Office &
Textbooks &
Salaries &
*Other Expenses include student trips, hot lunch, and other miscellaneous expenses.
Community and Global Outreach Donations
During the 2014-2015 school year, students raised donations for various community and global outreach efforts. Below is a
list of organizations assisted and the total value of donations received.
Team Kate, Judy Nicholson Foundation, Church World Service Blankets Program, Angels for Allison Foundation, The ALS
Association, Heal Every Autistic Life (HEAL), Episcopal Relief and Development Program (Nepal Earthquake Response
Fund), St. Paul’s Cienfuegos Church in Cuba
Total donated: $1,550
bes annual report
2014-2015 Gift Income
Faculty and Staff
Board of Trustees*
Church Vestry100%
Total Annual Giving Campaign: $58,000
Grade Level
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Parent Social and Silent Auction
Diamond Sponsors: North Florida Oral and Facial Surgery,
Beaches Orthodontists, Fishman Pediatric Dentistry
Gold Sponsor: Advanced Cardiac Training
Silver Sponsor: Beaches Family Dentistry
In-Kind Sponsors: Alleycakes Bakery Company, Balloon & Event
Construction Company, Bold City Brewery, Buford’s Brownies,
Catering by Chef Greg of Mangroves Marketplace & Eatery, McKenzie’s
Beverages, Mellow Mushroom, Mojo Kitchen, Roy’s Restaurant, Sliders,
Table 1, The Good Food Company, Veterans United Craft Brewery,
Wine Decadence
Beaches Episcopal School’s Development Office welcomes the
opportunity to work with individuals and their advisors when their gifts
are contributed. Ways to give include:
Grade Level
Parent Social Sponsors
• One Time Donation
• Pledged Donation
• Gifts of Securities
Participation Percentage
*The Board of Trustees is comprised of parents, faculty and staff,
grandparents, and other friends.
The following organizations contributed to our Annual Giving
Campaign, the Starfish Fund, through the matching gifts program. We
are so thankful for their continued support.
Kraft Foods Matching Program, Suntrust Foundation,
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc., Bank of America
Gold: Mark Tutor - Manormor Sotheby’s International Realty
Silver: Coleman Young Construction, Jack and Bayly Cook (Kevin
and Jenny Cook), Ryan Cook (Dan and Lisa Cook), First Coast Title
Services - Jonathan Philips
For more information concerning ways to give and volunteer
opportunities, please contact the Development Office at 904-246-2466,
ext. 112.
Corporate Giving
Matching Gifts
Planned Giving
Gifts-In-Kind and Volunteer Services
the starfish fund
Thank you for your gift.
The StarFish Fund
The following list of families
have pledged a commitment to
the Annual Giving Campaign by
turning in a campaign pledge card.
We thank you all for your support
and pray for your continued
commitment to Beaches
Episcopal School in the future.
Giving Clubs and
Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of the
information regarding these
reports and listings. These are
unaudited financials and only
serve as references to those
categories mentioned. In case
of an error or omission, please
accept our apologies and notify
Peggy Davis so we may correct
our records. Abbreviations
for “In Honor Of ” is IHO
and “In Memory Of ” is IMO.
“Anonymous” is used when a
donor wishes not to be disclosed.
Leadership Circle
Neal and Romany Cury
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lowthers
Scottie May
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Polster
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Steffes
head’s circle
Christopher and Trish Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clausen
Kevin and Jenny Cook
Terry and Lori Cordell
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Crovatto
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dominick
IHO Dylan Dominick
Fidus Roofing and Construction
Francis Dupont
Dr. and Mrs. Sunday Ero
IHO Shannon, Samuel and Victoria Ero
Bob Hines
IHO Gage Limbaugh
Kraft Foods Group Foundation (matching gifts)
Paul and Tracey Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Milton
Clay and Mary Philips
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rhodin
Ken and Jean Richards
The Wiesner Family
IHO Joseph and Amelia Wiesner
stingray Club
Matt and Peggy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney
Bill and Michele Doro
Mr. and Dr. Erin Doty
Scott and Ansley Doughty
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrik Eliasson
IHO Ethan and Liam Eliasson
Jonathan and Jennifer Fleetwood
Chris and Jessica Margolin
Lori Gaglione and William Nall
Jeff and Kim Nelson
Patrick and Heather Galloway
Kevin and Terrie Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. David Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson
Jay and Sarah Morton
Robert and Sharon Stevens
IHO Cole and Lily Pennington
David and Kristen Stewart
Ken and Barb Sweder
Bill and Theresa Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waryold
IHO Stephen and Kathy Waryold
Ava Wainwright
IHO Laura, Andrea, Sara and Chris
White Oak Plantation
Mrs. Anne Wiggins
blue and white club
Bob and Ann Bauwens
Bank of America (matching gifts)
Kevin Blalock and Carina Santalucia
Lindsey and Erica Caskey
Jeff and Jen Coker
Jim and Andrea Cooper
IHO Rowan Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devers
IHO Emma Devers
Adam and Stephanie Fannin
Andy and Laura Leigh Haynes
Matthew and Carrie Lantzy
Michelle Leemis
Richard and Leigh Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearson
Shannon Pennington
IHO Cole and Lily Pennington
Brian and Marianne Peters
SunTrust Foundation (matching gift)
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. (matching gift)
Mr. and Mrs. William Russell
Don and Amy Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tutor
Michael and Cindy Xifo
Reverend and Mrs. Justin Yawn
bes supporters
Mr. Richard Byers and Ms. Katherine Wilson
Holly Blanton
Mr. Michael Carrigan & Mrs. Brooke Hicks-Carrigan
Eric and Denise Cinnamond
Jim and Tay Cooper
IHO Rowan Cooper
the starfish fund
Priscilla Crawford
Steven and Babette Cuffe
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth DeVault
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gayhart, Jr.,
IMO Milly and Paul
Dr. Tiffany Green
IMO Grace Galvin “G-Mommy”
Donald and Gloria Glisson
IHO Nicholas Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Krempl
IHO Brady Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lilly
Brad and Mary Martin
Michael and Denise Moline
The StarFish Fund
Dear BESparents, grandparents
and friends and family,
Beaches Episcopal School holds
such a special place in my heart.
It is an honor and a privilege
to serve beside each of you to
support BES through the annual
Starfish Fund. I would like to
take a moment to express my
sincere gratitude to each and
every one of you who has made
a contribution to the 2014-2015
Starfish Fund. Your support of the Starfish
Fund plays a critical role in
the day to day activities and is
an essential part of our annual
operating budget at BES. It
is through the generous and
consistent support of our
friends and families that BES
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nicholson
IHO Judy Nicholson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Novak
Reverends Marty and Penny Pfab
Jonathan and Niki Philips
David and Ginny Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes Sale
Mr. and Mrs. George Speyerer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens
Mrs. Patricia Struebing
Tim and Sue Swett
Keith and Jody Tomaszewski
Chris and Emily Tuten
Joseph and Joan Waryold
IHO Kathy Waryold
Dr. Jane D. White
IMO Robert Tolar White, Jr. “Robbie”
Wendy Wolfe and Kelley Letellier
IMO Frances Frazier
Lynn Workman
Robert and Amy Wright
IHO Emily and Will Wright
is able to keep tuition increases
at a minimum and continue
to maintain and enhance our
curriculum, enrichments, and
attract an outstanding faculty and
staff. The dollars raised through
the Starfish Fund also help to
keep class size small and promote
innovative academic programs
with a visionary perspective to
the future. The Starfish Fund also
time. The people that believed
that an outstanding, well-rounded
education taught by the finest
faculty would help us achieve
our goals. Thank you for joining
together to be the visionaries of
our generation to ensure that our
children receive the academic
excellence needed for them to
achieve their goals. • Need-based financial assistance
• Professional development
• State-of-the-art technology
• Maintenance of grounds and facility
Each of us has a story of success
that is, in a small or big way,
grounded in education. What
you have learned, no matter when
or how long ago, has much to
do with the visionaries of your
Continued on page 18
It takes a collective effort from the
entire community, and I thank
you again for your generosity and
commitment to Beaches Episcopal
School. Your support strengthens
and sustains the extraordinary
experiences your children enjoy
every day at Beaches Episcopal
School. Have a wonderful
Carryn Iredale
Director of Development
the starfish fund
Continued from page 17
friends of bes
(up to $99)
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Addington
IHO Gabriel Bowman
Miss Sarah Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Allen
IHO Sarah Allen Class of ‘12
Betsy Bailey
IHO Students at BES
Ms. Kirsten Benkert
The Berse Family
IHO Sydney Berse
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowers
Mrs. Carla Del Campo Bill and Donia Crime
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garis
Ms. Carley Glasser
Ms. Melody Harding
Elizabeth Hartman
Judy Hinton
IHO The Brodt Family
Ms. Gretchen Howe
Ms. Tanya Hunter
Mrs. Jennifer Kendall
Preston and Amy Lamm
Jeremy and Nicole Limbaugh
IHO Gage Limbaugh
Peter and Ingrid McCawley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McEvoy
Mrs. Stacy Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Potter
Ms. Allison Romano
Dallas and Dana Skornia
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sweder
RC and Jennifer Toonk
Amy Waters
Mrs. Diane Wellman
Sherry Whaples
IHO Noah Hicks
Your Gift to the StarFish Fund...
• Demonstrates your commitment to Beaches Episcopal School
• Provides the outstanding teaching staff who are the very heart of our school
• Supports the academic excellence that inspires our students to achieve their goals
• Ensures and brightens the future of our students
Every gift to The StarfIsh Fund is appreciated
and is tax-deductible.
memorial gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Vanberkel
Constance Campbell Wolschlag
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Young
in memory of
kim popky
Ivan and Blain Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boulay
Ms. Betty Braver
Ms. Laura Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David Busse
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carbonara
Mr. Rick Cloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cook
Matt and Peggy Davis
Jackie Deese
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Deutsch
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dorion
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Draluck
Mr. and Mrs. Don Erftmier
Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Fleming
Ms. Shirley Friedman
Mr. Bennie Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grossoehme
Natasha Wilson Grove
Mrs. Henrietta Herzog
Holborn Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Kessler, Jr.
Susan Truelsen Knapp
Martin Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. George Meno
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller
Debbie Noonar
Ms. Traci Phillips
Ponte Vedra Women’s Civic Alliance
Mrs. Patricia Popky
Mr. Philip Porter
Mrs. Anita Rottner
Mr. Tim Swett and Mrs. Sue Burke
Ms. Sally G. Train
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Roman H. Uhing
in memory of
Harris Pharr
Karen Aikens
Bob and Ann Bauwens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boswell and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brackett
Mr. James Broemer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Burgin
Mr. and Mrs. David Busse
Cameron Village
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cissel
Ms. Charlene Dawn Clayton
Ms. Tessa Collins and Ms. Candi Lay
Crescent Communities LLC
Mrs. Richard D. Coonen
Matt and Peggy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William Easton and Family
Edenton Street United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. John Featherston
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Gallaher
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Garner
Ms. Melinda Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Gibson
Mrs. Ellen Glasser
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gober and Family
Lincoln Harris, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harris
Mr. Nelson Harris
Gardner Hathaway
Rick and Pam Hathaway
Grant and Maria Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hould
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kanik
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ketchum, Jr.
Ms. Whitney Butler Kontor
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Krejs
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christian Leavitt
D.A.L. Capital Investments, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David Luke
David and Julie Marco
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. McCallister
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moffitt
The Moore Family
Morningstar Law Group
Moseley Real Estate Advisors, Inc.
Ms. Joan W. Newton
Erin, Scott and Jeff Nooney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oak
Pat and Beth O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Rallis Pappas and Family
Susan, Randy and Cameron Pfahler
Clay and Mary Philips
Mrs. Evelyn A. Pollard
Mrs. Lavell Porter and Family
The Providence Group
Mr. Lat W. Purser, III
Lat Purser & Associates, Inc.
Regency Realty Group Inc.
Captain and Mrs. James A. Roick and Family
Alan and Robyn Roth
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes Sale
Mr. and Mrs. Abe J. Schear
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Schemm
Mr. J.B. Short
Mr. and Mrs. William Sloan
Mr. Michael D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Stalvey
Ms. Jana Ray Sternfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Stein, Jr.
Clay and Mary Ellen Thomas
Mr. H. John Walter III
Debbie, Bill and Will Walton
Ted and Pam Van Dyk
York Properties Inc.
restricted gifts
Beaches Episcopal Class of 2014
Beaches Episcopal Class of 2015
BES Parent Support Organization
Mr. Michael Carrigan & Mrs. Brooke Hicks-Carrigan
Neal and Romany Cury
Scott and Ansley Doughty
Robert and Amy Hardman
Dr. George Kim
Matthew and Carrie Lantzy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Steffes
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waryold
The Wiesner Family
gifts to support
capital projects
expression of
We are thankful for those who
partnered with Beaches Episcopal
School to improve and expand our
facilities and relieve the School of
its debt. We gratefully acknowledge
the individuals listed here who
continued to support the school
with their contributions and pledge
payments during the 2014-2015
fiscal year.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Austin
Mr. Jim Batts
Bob and Ann Bauwens
BES Parent Support Organization
JB Foundation, Inc.
Kevin Blalock and Carina Santalucia
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bryan
Mr. Michael Carrigan & Mrs. Brooke Hicks-Carrigan
Lindsey and Erica Caskey
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cook
Jeff and Jen Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cordell
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Crovatto
Matt and Peggy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney
Mr. and Dr. Erin Doty
Scott and Ansley Doughty
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrik Eliasson
Dr. and Mrs. Sunday Ero
Patrick and Heather Galloway
Dr. and Mrs. Josh Goldknopf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graves
Becky Harkness
Mr. Bob Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Howard
Dr. George Kim
Matthew and Carrie Lantzy
Michelle Leemis
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Cab McIvor
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Milton
Mr. William Nicholson
Clay and Mary Philips
Jonathan and Niki Philips
Mr. Daniel Popky
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rhodin
Sarah Rogers
David and Ginny Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes Sale
Mr. and Mrs. George Sayar
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Sklenicka
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Solfa
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Steffes
Bill and Theresa Todd
RC and Jennifer Toonk
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tullis
Mrs. Anne Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Westbrook
the mccondiche
scholarship fund
Mr. Colin Armstrong
Bank of America (matching gift)
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Corey
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Crovatto
Dr. and Mrs. Sunday Ero
Mr. Jim Meyer
Ms. Tammy Meyer
Reverends Marty and Penny Pfab
St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Church Foundation
Ms. Susan Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tullis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tutor
Reverend and Mrs. Justin Yawn
award recipients
2014-2015 Award
Recipients for
Grades 4-6
Sydney Berse
Miranda Doro
Lana Holway
Shayne Curtis
Connor Meyer
Chase Toonk, Miranda Doro
4th Grade
Independent Reading Award
Mrs. Doughty’s Class
Sophia Armstrong
Chloe Browne
Lacy Clausen
Jack Cook
Nico Fasanelli
Casey Jones
Diego Knowles
LillieBeth Novak
Summer Sklenicka
Joseph Wiesner
Emily Wright
Max Xifo
Ms. Glasser’s Class
Annalise Bankston
Parker Buerck
Alexis Cattin
Julien Doty
Ricky Folino
Eve Holway
Shaylee Lester
Ella Rhodin
Clara Swett
Kathy Waryold
Academic Excellence Award
Language Arts – Lacy Clausen/Julien Doty
Math- Jack Cook
Science – Emily Wright
Social Studies – Ella Rhodin
Excellence in Enrichments Award
Art – Annalise Bankston
CE – Casey Jones
Technology – Alexis Cattin
PE – Ella Rhodin
Library – Shaylee Lester
Music – Clara Swett
Spanish –Diego Knowles
Starfish Awards
Love – Parker Buerck
Peace – Lacy Clausen
Patience –Shaylee Lester
Kindness – LillieBeth Novak
Gentleness – Ricky Folino
Joy – Annalise Bankston
Goodness – Ashley Mayer
Self-control – Kathy Waryold
Most Improved Student
Social Studies – Sophia Armstrong
Math – Chloe Browne
Science – Annalise Bankston
Language Arts – Parker Buerck
Honor Roll
Ms. Doughty’s Class
Sophia Armstrong
Chloe Browne
Lacy Clausen
Jack Cook
Nico Fasanelli
Casey Jones
LillieBeth Novak
Summer Sklenicka
Joseph Wiesner
Ms. Glasser’s Class
Annalise Bankston
Ricky Folino
Eve Holway
Clara Swett
Kathy Waryold
Head of School’s List
Mrs. Doughty’s Class
Diego Knowles
Emily Wright
Ms. Glasser’s Class
Julien Doty
Ella Rhodin
5th Grade
Independent Reading Award
Ms. Bailey’s Class
Jace Bankston
Colton Batts
Cooper Coe
Victoria Cunningham
Elizabeth DeVault
Rebecca Kim
Sydney Pastercyzk
Isaac Pongdee
Kaitlyn Sweder
Kate Wainright
Ansley Walker
Joel Woeste
Ms. Hartman’s Class
Evanna Crawford
Phoebe Fletcher
Austin Gober
Amelia Haynes
Braden Lowthers
William Nash
Nicholas Pearson
Julia Polster
Sophia Sayar
Erin Sears
Zoe Tutor
Continued on page 22
award recipients
Continued from page 21
Academic Excellence Award
Language Arts – Phoebe Fletcher
Math – Julia Polster
Science – Jace Bankston
Social Studies – William Nash
Excellence in Enrichments Award
Art – Braeden Lowthers
CE – Ellie DeVault/Isaac Pongdee
Technology – Joel Woeste
PE – Nicholas Pearson
Library – Sidney Pastercyzk
Music – Rebecca Kim
Spanish – Zoe Tutor
Starfish Awards
Love – Austin Gober, Katie McCawley
Peace – Isaac Pongdee
Patience – Kaitlyn Sweder
Kindness – Maddie Dundore,
Jaden Lester
Gentleness – Cooper Coe,
Nicholas Pearson
Joy – Evanna Crawford
Goodness – Hunter Russell,
Colton Batts, Joel Woeste
Faithfulness – Michael Kim,
Sydney Pastercyzk
Self-control – Ellie DeVault
Most Improved Student
Social Studies – Erin Sears
Math – Sophia Sayar
Science – Amelia Haynes
Language Arts – Victoria Cunningham
Honor Roll
Ms. Bailey’s Class
Colton Batts
Victoria Cunningham
Rebecca Kim
Katie McCawley
Kaitlyn Sweder
Joel Woeste
Ms. Hartman’s Class
Amelia Haynes
deserving of praise
A graduating BES student shows off his
awards during this year’s Awards Assembly.
Michael Kim
Nicholas Pearson
Sophia Sayar
Head of School’s List
Ms. Bailey’s Class
Jace Bankston
Cooper Coe
Ellie DeVault
Sydney Pastercyzk
Isaac Pongdee
Kate Wainright
Ansley Walker
Ms. Hartman’s Class
Evanna Crawford
Phoebe Fletcher
William Nash
Julia Polster
Hunter Russell
Erin Sears
Zoe Tutor
6th Grade
Independent Reading Award
Ms. Romano’s Class
Myelz Browne
Courtney Cattin
Miranda Doro
Will Eckles
Austin Harding
Cooper Richart
William Schuler
Natalie Stone
Daniel Underwood
award recipients
Mrs. Wellman’s Class
Sydney Berse
Ryan Cook
Nathan Crovatto
Shayne Curtis
Kate Dundore
Sam Ero
Bianca Fasanelli
Evan Novak
Kaya Olszewski
Chase Toonk
Izzy Underwood
Zach Underwood
Academic Excellence Award
Language Arts – Kaya Olszewski
Math – Sydney Berse
Science – Miranda Doro
Social Studies – Sam Ero
Excellence in Enrichments Award
Art – Lana Holway
CE – Luke Bowden
Technology – Connor Meyer
PE – Cooper Richart
Library – Sophie Millan
Music – Shayne Curtis
Spanish – Bianca Fasanelli
Starfish Awards
Love – Nick Stone
Peace – Cooper Richart
Patience – Langston Hardy,
William Schuler
Kindness – Nick Solfa,
Courtney Cattin
Gentleness – Ryan Cook,
Lana Holway, Sophie Millan
Joy – Nathan Crovatto, Will Eckles, Austin Harding, Ashton King
Goodness – Natalie Stone
Self-control – Sam Ero
Faithfulness – Luke Bowden
Most Improved Student
Social Studies – Chase Toonk
Math – Daniel Underwood
Science – Kate Dundore
Language Arts – Sophie Millan,
Evan Novak
Natalie Stone
Daniel Underwood
Honor Roll
Ms. Romano’s Class
Myelz Browne
Austin Harding
Lana Holway
Ashton King
Connor Meyer
Cooper Richart
Nick Solfa
Natalie Stone
Daniel Underwood
Mrs. Wellman’s Class
Sydney Berse
Shayne Curtis
Kate Dundore
Sam Ero
Bianca Fasanelli
Kaya Olszewski
Chase Toonk
Izzy Underwood
Zach Underwood
Mrs. Wellman’s Class
Ryan Cook
Kate Dundore
Bianca Fasanelli
Langston Hardy
Evan Novak
Chase Toonk
Zach Underwood
Head of School’s List
Ms. Romano’s Class
Miranda Doro
William Schuler
Mrs. Wellman’s Class
Sydney Berse
Shayne Curtis
Sam Ero
Kaya Olszewski
Izzy Underwood
President’s Educational
Awards Program
Ms. Romano’s Class
Myelz Browne
Miranda Doro
Austin Harding
Lana Holway
Ashton King
Connor Meyer
Cooper Richart
William Schuler
Safety Patrol Recognition
Ms. Romano’s Class
Myelz Browne
Courtney Cattin
Miranda Doro
Will Eckles
Austin Harding
Lana Holway
Ashton King
Connor Meyer
Sophie Millan
Cooper Richart
William Schuler
Nick Solfa
Natalie Stone
Daniel Underwood
Mrs. Wellman’s Class
Sydney Berse
Luke Bowden
Ryan Cook
Nathan Crovatto
Shayne Curtis
Kate Dundore
Sam Ero
Bianca Fasanelli
Langston Hardy
Evan Novak
Kaya Olszewski
Nick Stone
Chase Toonk
Izzy Underwood
Zach Underwood
Beaches Episcopal School
1150 5th Street North
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
bes staff
Martha Milton
Head of School
Ann Bauwens
Assistant to the Business Manager
Ashley Davis
Director of Admissions
Peggy Davis
Business Manager
Melissa Devers
Director of Technology
Gretchen Howe
Director of After-school Programs
Carryn Iredale
Director of Development
Midge Lilly and Tricia Novak
Stormes Hall Receptionists
Nicole Limbaugh
McCormick Hall Receptionist
Dallas Skornia
Director of Communications
Anne Wiggins
Facilities Coordinator
contact information
Beaches Episcopal School
at St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
1150 5th Street North
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Phone: 904-246-2466
Fax: 904-246-1626
mission statement
Beaches Episcopal School provides students a strong academic foundation
enabling them to succeed in school, serve their community, and reflect God’s love.
event calendar
August September October November
December February
May 17th: Student Orientation (Drop-in 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.)
18th: First Day of School
21st: Back to School Fro-Yo Social (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)
1st: BES Parent Night
2nd: Blessing of the Pets
4th: BES Sunday at SPBTS
5th: Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day
22nd: Parent-Student Open House
30th: Costume Parade/Fall Festival
23rd-27th: Thanksgiving Break
16th: Lessons and Carols Chapel
18th: Pajama Day/Storytime
21st-Jan. 4th: Christmas Break
11th: Daddy-Daughter Dance
4th: Parent Social
28th-April 1st: Spring Break
15th: Boosterthon Fun Run
24th: Challenge Day (K-6)
25th: Gr. 4-6 Awards Assembly at 8:10 a.m.
27th: Last Day of School and Graduation Ceremony