r i W EBSTER HERALD, W EBSTER, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JU N E 16, 1939 rw o ONTARIO BRIEFS The little items of news, personal and social which you send to us for publication, help to make a good paper and are appreciated greatly by •us. Will you do your bit"? ONTARIO CENTER PRESBY­ TERIAN CHURCH R e v . H. C. M i l l a r d , Pastor , 10:00 a. m,, church school. 11:00 a. m., worship. Topic: Some Lessons from the visit of the King and Queen. ONTARIO CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH R e v . ROBERT F . T r u e S d e l l , Pastor Regular services. •i-ONTARIO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. K e n n e t h A m e s , Pastor10:30 a. m., morning worship. Unified' service. Wednesday evening, midweek serv­ ice. ISunday afternoon a t four o’clock •the Wayne Baptist Brotherhood will m eet a t the church. Speakers will be Dr. John Vichert, who will speak u p o n 'th e subject, “The Church, The State' and Social Security.’’ A supper will be served a t half p a s t six and an evening service. Mrs. J. S. Albright, in company of a party of friends from Rochester, is spending the week a t Thousand islands. Principal Drews has received a notice of the rating of Mias Janice Covey in the National Music trials held a t the World’s F a ir recently. Miss Covey was rated first place in drum solo division and H erbert Eurber, drum, major, rated1 second. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Knapp and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Allyn and daughter, Mary Lou of Fairport, spent Sunday evening w ith Mrs. T. C. Ransley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DeGroot are to entertain a t a farewell party Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. NORTH ONTARIO M. E. CHURCH Vemer Ogi, who are leaving soon for Westmoreland. R egular services. ONTARIO REFORMED CHURCH R egular services. Miss Hermine Lawatch of Cornell visited her sister, Miss Eleanor Lawatch Monday and Tuesday. Rom to Mr .and Mrs. Vem Scott Mrs. Mary Richmond, who is not a t the Genesee Hospital, Saturday, in the best of health, is staying June 10th. a daughter. for a- time with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Ollie Lake was taken to the liam Schaap. Strong Memorial Hospital Tuesday The Ladies Aid Society of the evening where he is in a critical condition. Several blood trans - Presbyterian Church, m et with Mrs. Henry Wheeler Thursday. fusions have been made. B E C A U S E LIFE D E P E N D S ON T I R E S A F E T Y - V CHAMPION TIRES A merciless sun beat down upon W IL B U R S H A W , the 1939 winner O n M ay 30th, Wilbur Shaw drove to his second victory in the 500-mile Indianapolis Race on Firestone Champion Tires a t an average speed of 115.03 miles an hour. Champion race drivers, whose livesand chancesof victory depend on tire safety, know tire construction. T h at is why they select and buy Firestone Tires for their racing cars. GET OUR LOW PRICES ON FIRESTONE TIRES BEFORE YOU BUY the speedway as Wilbur Shaw drove to victory on Firestone ChampionTires.The blistering brick of the main stretch and the granite-hard surface of the turns and the back stretch put tire safety to the test suprem e! R ecord after record was shattered: Speeds reached as high as 160 miles an hour on the straightaways, as 33 of the fastest drivers in the world waged a breath­ taking battle for gold and glory. Never before in all the history of the motor cab have tires been put to such a torturous test. And never before has any tire so firmly e s ta b lis h e d i t s e l f as a Champion in construction and perform ance, as well as in name. H ere is dramatic proof of the extra strength which the revolutionary new Safety-Lock cord body p ro v id e s in F ire sto n e Champion Tires—of the extra protection against blowouts assured by the new and advanced Firestone patented Gum-Dipping process—of the extra mileage resulting from the tougher, wear-resisting rubber compounds in the sensational new GearGrip tread. No longer can there be any question of which tire is safest. One tire—apd only one —p ro v id e s th e se ex clu siv e safety construction features. One tire—and only one—has been on the winning cars at Indianapolis for 20 consecutive years: Motor car manufacturers enthusiastically adopted the Firestone Champion Tire for their 1939 models. Order your new car equipped with this amazing tire. Or drive in and let us equip your present car with a set of new Firestone Champion Tires, the one tire—and only one that is safely* proved o n th e sp e e d w a y foe y o u protection on the highway* Set Firestone Tires made in the Firestone Factory and Exhibition Building at New York World's Fair, Also visit the Firestone Exhibit at tbe Golden Gate International E x p o s it i o n a t S a n F r a n c isco* Listen to Tbe Voice o f Firestone with Richard Crooks, Margaret Speaks and tbe Firestone Symphony Orchestra, under tbe dtrectim of Alfred Wallenstein, Monday, eveningL over Nationwide N , B, C, Red Network* Merz; Garage and Service Station W e st R idge R o a d WEBSTER Phone 134 HE ONLY TIRES MADE THAT ARE SAFETY; PROVED ON TH PEEDWAY FOR YOUR PRQ'TE’C I^ O N 'O N ^ H R HlOHWA' w. c. t : u .— Tomorrow .morning, June 17th At M eeting Dates of Webster Firemen , L ast Friday, nine th irty O'clock, a t Holy T rinity1 D. O. V. V.— Plan a'Parade W ebster Societies Church, Wdbster Miss Thelmh De-, Second Saturday. A lso A n Exhibition Lass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. A .— F or the benefit of the readers of L. C.Second and Fourth Wednesdays. DeLa&s, .will become the bride of W ebster Firemen have th eir plans The H erald we are publishing a list Roly Name Society Arthur Schreiber, son of Mr. and. so well" completed for the carnival of n a m e s 'o f the several societies Thursday following 2nd Sunday, Mns. George Schreiber of Webster. on Jply 6th( 7th and 8th, th a t they and their nieeting days. Boy Scouts.— Every Monday. I f any names hay’e been omitted Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Peer and Mrs. are able to give some information Webster Village Board.— • *or any errors madC'^inT the' dates, as to the main events of those Helen Tobin spent Sunday in SpringSecond and Fourth Mondays: we will appreciate; tit if: our atten­ days and evenings. vfile. Webster Town ■Board.— ■■ Thursday evening will • -be get - tion is called to it so th at it may Second Friday. Mr. and. Mrs. Welly Mepham and acquainted evening. Folks will visit be" corrected. ’ The Webster Mother’s Club.— Prof. Calhoun of Merrick, L. I. A. M. the new First and Third.Mondays pleach ■ Firemen’s iField arid see F. Fand visited Mrs. Mepham’s mother, Mrs.irst and Third Thursdays • ■ month. , . just how the grounds Lave been de­ Mary Hurley from Friday until Sun-! R. A. M.— veloped, where th e various Iboothh day. i Second and Fourth Tuesdays. S o ft Snaps are located ‘a nd of course -everyone E. 8 . — ; Mr. and Mrs. Jam es McGavern. will -want to know just where the 0. F irst and third .Tuesdays. j Several university presidents were and Mrs. M ary Jane Cass visited Mr. merry-go-round is going to go round ! discussing w hat they would do after and Mrs. John Rooney in Buffalo a . and the other, amusements amuse 1. O. O. P.— •' Every Tuesday. 1 they retired. W hat would -they'.be few days last week. ■ a lso ., ... Rebekahs.— fit fo r? Was -the question. “Well,’’ Friday afternoon and especially Second and Fourth Thursdays. ; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Verdow and said one of them, “I don’t know Friday evening, things will hum, Chamber of Commerce.— son Garth, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H e r-. th a t I ’d be fit for anything, but I -and then -the g reat big day will be Third Mondays. m an and son Donald, attended the / know w hat I’d like to do. I ’d like Saturday. Men’s Democratio Club.— Scribner-Clow wedding in W ebster to be head of an orphan asylum— Third Tuesday. At one o’clock there rwil-1 be a Thursday. so I ’d never get any letters from parade. F ire trucks -from, neighbor­ W est Webster Firemen.— Business meeting the first Tues­ parents.” Vemer Ogi, A g teacher a t Ontario ing communities will be in line. day every month. Drill the “I ’ve a much better ambition,” ex­ High School, h a s accepted a similar Marching groups from some of the other Tuesdays ih the month. claimed another. “I Want to be position in the school a t Westmore­ surrounding schools will be here American Legion.— head of a prison. The alumni never land near U tica and is to move as will Boy and Girl IScout Troops, Second and Fourth Thursdays. come hack to visit.” there soon. Village and Town officials, Legion­ Women’s Auxiliary.— American Legion.— naires, (Sons of Legionnaires with F. B. Huxley and daughters, the Second Tuesday in every month. their Bugle Corps, W ebster High Since 1932, fatalities resulting Misses Doris and Mildred Huxley, Sons of American Legion— School band 'and m any others will from “railroad crossing-automobile” Second and Fourth Fridays. returned home Saturday from Wash­ be in this parade. Wilson H. O’Dell Legion Rooms. accidents have steadily decreased ington. They toad the pleasure of each year. is chairman of this event and any Women’s Democratic Club.— seeing the King and Queen and Third Monday of each month at group wishing to participate in this greatly enjoyed the g reat event. Village Hall. marching event should iget in touch Webster Literary Club.— Mrs. Jacob Kohlman was hostess with him. Every other Tuesday. to the Bridge Club Thursday eve­ ■Four grand prizes are to he aw ard­ Junior Odd Fellows.— ning. ed during Friday and Saturday eve­ F irst and Third Wednesdays at Williamson, N. Y. nings, the [big grand- prize will be Odd Fellows Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbey of drawn on Saturday nightt . The Women’s Republican Club.— Shows at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Buffalo spent the weekend with their Second Wednesday. closing event of the three day car­ O p e ra tin g on daughter, Mrs. Wm. Drews and Mr. E astern S ta n d a rd T im e nival wili be a mammoth display F. and A . M., Ontario.— Drews. F irst and Third Fridays. of fireworks on Saturday night. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Men’s Republican Club.— H arry Kemp is building a new A (big new attraction this year Second Wednesday. Two Big Features house on the Ridge, east of On­ will be several displays of products Junior Rebekah’s.— M A R T H A R A Y E and tario by various manufacturers. This will F irst and Third Thursdays, B O B H O P E in. Odd Fellows Hall. “ N E V E R S A Y D IE ” Mr .and Mrs. Melville iSheahcn include automobiles, tractors, m a­ A th o u sa n d chuckles, laughs entertained Mrs. Lawrence Burdge, chinery and several products. Any­ Firemen.— a n d ro a rs F irst Monday of each month. Miss L auretta Sheahen, Miss Marion one is invited to m ake an exhibit. - PLU S Lascelle, Miss Eleanor Lawatch, Those who are interested should Girl Scouts.— Legion Rooms. T h e 3 M E S Q U IT E E R S Charles Funnel, Lester Akeley and contact Earl E. Smith, Who is the Troop 102, Every Wednesday. in “P A L S o f th e S A D D L E ” Mr. M artiny a t dinner Tuesday chairman of this committee. Grange.— F irst and Third Saturdays. evening. MONDAY AND TUESDAY Williamson Theatre Webster Grange Dramatic Club— M eeting D ates of Mrs. Herbert Dixon is home from F R A N K C A P R A ’S F irst Wednesday in the month. greaat prize-w inning picture, the Sodus Hospital where she cared Societies in O ntario Grange Social Club — “ Y O U C A N ’T T A K E IT for Thomas Sheahen for the past F irst Monday. W IT H Y O U ” Board of Trade — seven weeks. with Ja m e s S tew art, Lionel Stamp Club.— Last Monday ‘ B arry m o re a n d Je a n A rth u r Fourth Monday. Gordon Trimble had the misfor­ Firemen — First Board of Education.— WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY tune to fall from a spray rig one First Monday. day last week spraining his ankle. O. E. S .— E R R O L FL Y N N Second and fourth Tuesdays Webster Scout’s Auxiliary.— O L IV IA D eH A V IL L A N D He will be laid up for several weeks F irst Wednesday. South Shore Grange — w inning n ew g lo ry in it is feared. Second and fourth Saturdays “ D O D G E C IT Y ” Child Study Club.— Second and Fourth Mondays ol A ll in T echnicolor Miss L auretta Sheahen has re - Order of Amaranth — Third Monday. the month. turned home from college in Green­ Marine M. Myers Post — ville, N. C., for the summer vacation. Second and fourth Friday Mi’s. Garth Verdow spent several F. and A. M. — F irst and third Friday. days the past week with relatives in Marion. GRADUATES TO HAVE Mrs. Judson Transue of Flint, COMMENCEMENT Michigan, is the guest of her brother, Marley Gage and Mrs. Gage. The eighth grade graduation exer­ cises of Ontario H ig h . School will Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mayer anr open the series of ceremonies and daughter Mss Dorothy Sutter of events -connected with Commence­ West Webster and Mrs. Viola Porment. rey of Rochester, were guests of This takes place Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Reno Merhoff Sunday June 23rd -at the high school when afternoon. the following program will toe pre­ Mrs. Joseph Dickenson of Webster, sented : spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Processional Emily B arrett, who is ill and con­ Students Address: David Pierce ned to her bed. 'Salutatory: Bruce Pollock Address: Rex Ransley of the Mr. and Mrs. H arry Tiffany of Class of 1927 Rochester, called on Mr. and Mrs. -Song: Eighth Grade Chorus Henry Wheeler Sunday. Valedictory: Noreen Gratton AT Mrs. Orpha Truax, Mrs. Kate Presentation of Diplomas: Prin­ Schnetzer spent Tuesday with Mrs. cipal W. H. Drews Charles Woodams. Benediction: Rev. H. C. Millard Recessional Mr .and Mrs. Paul Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Venoyes and their children of Rechester, spent Selling Talk W E B ST E R Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. James A. W. Franklin, secretary of the Mahar. United Commercial Travelers of Thomas Sheahen who has been in America, said a t a dinner in Colum the Sodus Hospital for the past bus: seven weeks, returned to hos home “All commercial travelers should here Tuesday, much improved in W E S T W E B ST E R have the gift of -persuasion, b u t few health. can ever hope to equal young BedMr. and Mrs. W arner Esley and does. Mrs. Leona B arnhart were guests of “A junior partner, as he came Mr .and Mrs. Fred Henderson on into the office, nodded toward the Thursday evening. retreating .figure of young Beddoes O N T A R IO and said to his senior: Those “Women’s H ats” Again! “ ‘I see you’ve taken on a new Hats now are funny, and cost lots salesman, Is he good?” of money, “ ‘Good?’ the senior -partner said, But one thing we surely may ‘In the half hour he’s been with us he almost talked m e into taking know; O N T A R IO C E N T E R If stored -safe away, they’ll bloom him into the firm as .senior partner. Nothing but your opportune arrival out some fine day The hit of some rollicking show. saved me.’ ” YOU CAN BUY The... W EBSTER H erald Bowman’s Cigar Store John Goetzman’s J. P. Kohlman’s iss Mamie Foley