Electrical/Electronic Distribution Systems The good n e w s : Te ch n o l o g y is making vehicles s m a r t e r, s a f e r, m o r e c o nv e n i e n t a n d m o r e l u x u r i o u s . T h e b a d n e w s : I t a l s o m a k e s t h e i r electrical and electronics subsystems more complex to engineer install. Delphi can help. As the global leader in and automotive e l e c t r i c a l / e l e c t r o n i c d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m s (E / E D S), w e k n o w c o m p o n e n t s and more how to complex integrate the them vehicle, into the one simpler optimized it is to system. ch o o s e The Delphi. W e n o t a u t o m o t i v e W e o n l y u n d e r s t a n d e l e c t r i c a l i n v e n t e d s y s t e m s. t h e m . From basic components to complex systems But this isn’t just where we’ve been; it’s for the entire vehicle, we have the vision where we’re going . Today, we’re tot ally and the products to supply exactly what redefining electrical architecture — simplifying our customers need. And that should entire systems — while cost effectively come as no surprise. Delphi has been on delivering the highest levels of performance the leading edge of automotive electrical and reliabilit y. We underst and the role of systems for over a centur y: a systems integrator and can provide the 1901 — First U.S. producer of ignition cable 1963 — First to use flexible printed circuits in instrument panels 1976 — Developed automotive fuse block design to replace tubular fuse 1979 — Patented an environment ally sealed connection system 1993 — Developed non-lead PVC cable 1995 — Introduced Electrical Center 20 02 — Pioneered Zero Resistance Technology automated assembly process best options for every customer. We can help customers comply with st andards and certifications in ever y region in which we do business (which is basically all of them). In short, our culture demands excellence and our customers deser ve it. F i r s t t h e n w e w e a n a l y z e , o p t i m i z e . At Delphi, we t ake an entire systems This integrated systems approach approach. First we analyze all functional delivers real value. It helps reduce and physical requirements of an electrical/ vehicle complexit y, enhances design electronic system, then optimize what’s and engineering flexibility, helps increase best for the vehicle. This approach reliability, improves cost efficiencies and covers virtually all aspects of E/EDS: helps reduce mass and package size. ■ Power distribution ■ Circuit protection ■ Electrical/electronic functions ■ Signal processing ■ Sensing/switching ■ Physical layout/packaging Choose from a wide range of architecture analysis competencies, including: ■ W ire assembly partitioning ■ Power distribution ■ Circuit protection ■ Volt age drop Electrical/electronic architecture ■ Subsystem mechanization and ■ EMC testing — component and systems level ■ Arc detection for 42-volt and higher architecture ■ Cable, crimp, SABER and reliabilit y modeling ■ Competitive assessment components include: ■ W iring — round and flat ■ Electrical centers ■ Connection systems ■ Mechatronic systems ■ Electronic modules ■ Optical illuminated products Innovative electronics are the future of automotive technology. They’ll soon comprise more than 50% of a vehicle’s content. Delphi can help make sure you’re 100% ready. P o r t f o l i o l e a d i n g o f o u r E l e c t r i c a l / E l e c t r o n i c D i s t r i b u t i o n S y s t e m s W iring assemblies — complex and small gauge Flexible printed circuits with integrated electronics Solid st ate and electrical integration hybrid modules allow for q u i ck e r r e a c t i o n t o c i r c u i t ch a n g e s Ba tt e r y D i s c o n n e c t D ev i c e — h e l p s p r o t e c t a n d p r ov i d e s d i s c o n n e c t i o n fo r b o t h 14 - a n d 4 2 - vo l t s ys t e m s Z e r o R e s i s t a n c e T e ch n o l o g y — a u t o m a t e d h a r n e s s a s s e m b l y using ultrasonic welding Our components are leading-edge. Our in-house systems integration expertise is unrivaled, as are our global capabilities. We have well over 100 years of experience in the U.S. and Europe and several decades in the newer Asia Pacific and South American markets. All over the world, we’re putting innovative electrical systems on the road. Today. World Headquarters and Customer Center 5725 Delphi Drive Troy, Michigan 48098-2815 USA Tel: [1] 248.813.2000 Fax: [1] 248.813.2670 Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters Shinjuku Nomura Bldg. 31F, Mail Box 3015 1-26-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0569 Japan Tel: [81] 42.549.7200 Fax: [81] 42.542.3018 European, Mideast and African Regional Headquarters Paris Nord 2 64 Avenue de la Plaine de France B.P. 60059 Tremblay en France 95972 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cedex France Tel: [33] Fax: [33] South American Regional Headquarters Av. Goiás, 1860 São Caetano do Sul São Paulo 09550-050 Brazil Tel: [55] 11.4234.9500 Fax: [55] 11.4234.9415 w w w . d e l p h i . c o m Printed on Recycled Paper ©2004 Delphi. All rights reserved. D9-04-E-080 3/04 About Delphi. Multi-national Delphi conducts its business operations through various subsidiaries and has headquarters in Troy, Michigan, USA, Paris, Tok yo and São Paulo, Brazil.