Beam Backgrounds at a SuperB Factory Aaron Roodman Stanford Linear Accelerator Center SuperB workshop March 17, 2006 D —0.0— —0.0— 4.76 +- 0.21 E —0.0— —0.0— -0.96 +- 0.25 —0.0— 3.97 +- 0.06 —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— 3.97 —0.0— —0.— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— 0. Single beam LER Single beam HER F No quadratic terms —0.0— Single beam LER —0.0— Single beam HER —0.0— Lumi HER 2/3, LER scan Lumi —0.0— HER max, LER scan —0.0— Lumi LER 2/3, HER scan 0.460 +- 0.015 Lumi LER max, HER scan 0.372 +- 0.012 Lumi trickle, HER scan 0.393 +- 0.015 0.525 +- 0.011 All good Lumi points 0.555 +- 0.015 Preferred result —0.606— —0.606— 0.21 +- 0.07 —0.0— -0.03 +- 0.05 —0.0— —0.0— 4.76 +- 0.21 —0.0— -0.96 +- 0.25 —0.0— —0.0— —0.0— —0.— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— 0. —0.0— —0.0— 0.460 +- 0.015 0.372 +- 0.012 0.393 +- 0.015 0.525 +- 0.011 0.555 +- 0.015 0.420 +- 0.007 0.42 Beam Background Sources 227 131 36 47 139 116 118 348 —0.606— —0.606— —0.606— —0.606— —0.606— —0.606— —0.606— —0.606— 0.61 0.166 +- 0.018 —0.0— —0.166— —0.166— —0.166— —0.166— —0.166— —0.166— 0.17 —0.— —0.0— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— —0.00— 0. —0.0— 3.97 +- 0.06 —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— —3.966— 3.97 Extrapolate from PEP-II look at DCH backgrounds 0.420 +- 0.007 0.42 Occupancy(%) HER + 0.42 L Lumi trickle, HER scan 6 Single beam LER Entries Mean x Mean y RMS x RMS y 0 0 0 5 4 Single beam HER 1865 3523 2.092 1905 0.9662 1 0 1864 0 0 0 Occupancy (%) 2559 1067 0.7881 463 0.3099 1 0 2558 0 0 0 10 3 2 10 5 4 10 1 0 0 2301 0 2301 588.1 2.98 318.9 1.193 0 0 0 10 3 -1 0 2000 000 urrent (mA) 4000 6000 Luminosity (1e33) 2 1 Luminosity Backgrounds at PEP-II Drift Chamber performance 1000 Entries Mean x Mean y RMS x RMS y 0 0 0 5 4 1865 3523 2.092 1905 0.9662 1 0 1864 0 0 0 10 3 2 1 Michael Sullivan 0 HERRadiative LER Radiative Radiative Bhabhas Bhabhas PEP-II Bhabhas 30 -1 2.5 7 / 28 1 500 Lumi trickle, HER scan 6 Using ILER = 1.0 A IHER=1.0 A L=1036 implies a DCH Occupancy of 400%, all from Luminosity Entries Mean x Mean y RMS x RMS y 0 0 0 6 1 1 Cristinziani, Hawaii workshop = 0.61 + 0.17 ILER + 3.97 IHER + 0.42 L +0.21 ILER (beam − beam)+0.03 L (trickle injection) Occupancy - Single Beam contribution (%) Occupancy - Single Beam contribution (%) m)+0.03 L (trickle injection) ries an x an y Sx Sy 0 0 0 227 117 1500 2000 LER current (mA) 0 1 1 0 500 3 20 1000 HER current (mA) 0 2000 IP Bends put Radiative Bhabhas into the magnets - full Geant Markus Cristinziani BaBar Drift Chamber performance simulation reproduces Luminosity Background to within a factor 4000 6000 Luminosity (1e33) 0.5 1 1 3. 1.5 2 3.5 eV G 4 10 cm 0 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 4.5 5 5.5 7 / 28 9 GeV 9 GeV -10 -20 need to evaluate SuperB IP design Aaron Roodman Stanford Linear Accelerator Center -30 -7.5 1 3. 3 eV G 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 -5 -2.5 SuperB Workshop 0 m 2.5 5 7.5 M. Sullivan Feb. 8, 2004 API88k3_R5_RADBHA_TOT_7_5M Beam Related Backgrounds Beam Background Sources Super-KEKB design at Now!! Extrapolate from Super KEK-B study Average Vacuum 5x10-7 Pa KEKB Tajima Hawaii workshop ILER = 9.4A IHER =4.1 A Radiative Bhabha backgrounds limited to Muon system, after shielding the calorimeter 1st layer Touschek scattering Intra-bunch scattering: Linear in bunch volume, quadratic in current with σy = 12nm becomes a much more serious issue Beam-Gas will not be as large at SuperB, with lower Beam currents Aaron Roodman Stanford Linear Accelerator Center SuperB Workshop Beam Related Backgrounds Estimating Backgrounds at SuperB Andrei Seryi - scaled ILC final focus design to SuperB energy Takashi Maruyama - converted MAD deck to GEANT model of IP GEANT model of IP x view: y: develop tools to study SuperB backgrounds start with Radiative Bhabha and Touschek sources of background from the IP model feed into current BABAR/PEP-II GEANT model (modify permanent magnets to superconducting) Aaron Roodman Stanford Linear Accelerator Center SuperB Workshop Beam Related Backgrounds