NORTHWEST POWER POOL MEMBERS’ MARKET ASSESSMENT AND COORDINATION INITIATIVE Phase 2 Final Report PUBLIC VERSION Public Distribution February 5, 2014 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 4 2. Approach........................................................................................................................ 9 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3. Background ............................................................................................................................... 9 Implementation Plan............................................................................................................... 10 Phase 3 Workgroup Approach ................................................................................................ 11 Policy ........................................................................................................................... 13 3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 13 3.2. Phase 2 Deliverables ............................................................................................................... 16 3.2.1. Issue 1: Following Reserve Assistance Program ................................................................. 16 3.2.2. Issue 2: Data Sharing ........................................................................................................... 19 3.2.3. Issue 3: Bilateral Capacity Product and Platform................................................................ 20 3.2.4. Issue 4: Resource Sufficiency .............................................................................................. 22 3.2.5. Issue 5: Hydro Resources in EIM ......................................................................................... 26 3.2.6. Issue 6: Transmission Compensation .................................................................................. 27 4. Technical ...................................................................................................................... 30 4.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 30 4.2. Phase 2 Deliverables ............................................................................................................... 32 4.2.1. Revised Costing ................................................................................................................... 32 4.2.2. Data Requirements ............................................................................................................. 36 4.2.3. Data Sharing Approach ....................................................................................................... 39 4.2.4. System Visibility and Data Sharing Tools ............................................................................ 42 4.2.5. Energy Imbalance Market Architecture .............................................................................. 47 5. Governance .................................................................................................................. 51 5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 51 5.2. Phase 2 Deliverables ............................................................................................................... 54 5.2.1. Summary of Draft Bylaws for EIM Admin Corp................................................................... 54 5.2.2. Overview of Supporting Documents ................................................................................... 56 5.2.3. NWPP General Services Agreement Discussion.................................................................. 57 Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 1 Table of Figures Figure 1: Technical Dependencies ................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 2: Draft EIM Participant Cost Ranges ............................................................................................... 35 Figure 3: Draft EIM Participant Cost Range Totals ...................................................................................... 35 Figure 4: Data Requirements Matrix........................................................................................................... 36 Figure 5: Geographical Transmission Overview.......................................................................................... 44 Figure 6: Tabular Transmission Overview ................................................................................................... 45 Figure 7: Balancing Authority Geographical Overview ............................................................................... 46 Figure 8: Balancing Authority Tabular Overview ........................................................................................ 47 Figure 9: Systems Interface Overview ........................................................................................................ 48 Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 2 List of Tables Table 1: Data Sharing Matrix ...................................................................................................................... 39 Table 2: Data Sharing Resolution Approach ............................................................................................... 40 Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 3 1. Executive Summary Objective The Northwest Power Pool Members’ Market Assessment and Coordination Committee (“NWPP MC” or “MC”) Executive Committee (“EC”) authorized the funding of a three-month effort (“Phase 2”) that, “completes the major market design policy questions left open at the end of MC Phase 1, offering decision quality information on a potential Energy Imbalance Market (‘EIM’) platform design, and navigating associated bilateral market enhancements necessary to deliver a NWPP-footprint solution to the MC Objectives with or without an EIM.”1 This objective was comprised of five discrete components: • Address EIM design issues that were identified during Phase 1 • Initiate data sharing objectives associated with regulation sharing • Refine “all-in” costs including Market Operator, Market Participant and other requisite costs for starting and operating an EIM • Develop a Regional Implementation Plan that maximizes benefits and options (with or without an EIM) • Provide illustrative Bylaws for EIM Administrative Corporation (“EIM Admin Corp”) that would help shield its members from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) jurisdiction This report communicates how each objective was met and outlines the recommendation from the workgroups on options for moving forward into future Phases that was provided to the EC. This report summarizes the Phase 2 work product outcomes. Key Policy Outcomes After a broad brainstorming session at the NWPP MC Phase 2 Kick-off Meeting, six market design issues were identified as the core scope for the NWPP MC Policy Workgroup. The Policy Workgroup held bi-weekly meetings with outside Subject-Matter Experts (“SMEs”) over a ten-week period to develop an approach for each of the six core issues. While some detailed design points remain open, the Policy Workgroup did not identify any 1 NWPP MC Phase 2 Work Order Objective Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 4 insurmountable hurdles to developing a comprehensive set of regionally tailored EIM Protocols, should the NWPP MC decide to pursue an EIM. Key Technical Outcomes The NWPP MC Technical Workgroup focused on operational and data requirements. The group collaborated with both Southwest Power Pool (“SPP”) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”) to explore technical integration among the Market Operator, Reliability Coordinator, and Market Participants, as well as to identify regional technical infrastructure that would bolster reliability. The discussions helped solidify roles, confirm costing assumptions, and provide an improved vision of how a Market Operator would perform functions for the region. The Technical Workgroup recommended partnering with Peak Reliability (“RC”)2 on a contract basis for delivery of technical services required to enhance the reliability and efficiency of existing bilateral markets, and to support a future Market Operator platform. The services would be centered on leveraging Peak Reliability’s software and infrastructure for proposed solutions centered on reliability and grid operations. Costing Refinements The cost assumptions related to EIM platform implementation were reviewed and the Market Operator and Market Participant costs were refined. Additional cost elements for requisite legal and reliability services were identified. There was a moderate reduction in the Market Participant cost estimate from the Phase 1 estimate. The overall impact to the Phase 1 Business Case was minimal. The Phase 2 cost assumption review reinforces the findings in Phase 1 and provides greater overall cost certainty associated with EIM implementation. During Phase 2, SPP and its members shared that SPP’s original cost-benefit study was overly conservative. SPP delivered more benefits in the first year of their EIM operation than originally estimated. This trend has continued in the seven years that the SPP EIS has been operational.3 2 During the NWPP MC Phase 2, the WECC was in the process of transitioning its role as Reliability Coordinator to a new entity named Peak Reliability. The MC workgroups based their outcomes and interactions on the assumption that the Peak Reliability entity would go live in early 2014. 3 The SPP EIS is made up of primarily fossil fuel generation; expected benefits in the northwest region must be calibrated for hydroelectric resources. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 5 Key Governance Outcomes The primary deliverable for the governance drafting team was a set of draft bylaws for a future EIM Admin Corp. The draft bylaws create a locally controlled entity that should not be subject to FERC jurisdiction. While EIM Admin Corp may be outside of FERC’s jurisdiction, the drafting team did not attempt to assess the jurisdictional implications associated with participation in the EIM, but did assume that the Market Operator would be FERC-jurisdictional. SMEs have suggested that leveraging an existing market design that does not have a history of triggering FERC intervention can help minimize jurisdictional risks associated with market participation. Implementation Plan Summary During the course of Phase 2, the workgroups shifted their focus from an assessment of an off-the-shelf EIM platform, to the scoping of a bottom-up, regionally tailored market coordination program4. The Workgroups recognized that achieving maximum regional benefits would require a systematic, coordinated effort to enhance reliability within the members’ footprint, improve the integrity of system operations within the hour, and increase efficiency. The Workgroups found this could best be achieved through the use of a security-constrained economic dispatch (“SCED”) platform across the NWPP members’ geographic footprint in combination with other appropriate regional solutions. To that end, they recommended a collaborative development of regional infrastructure improvements to provide better tools to enhance reliability outcomes across the region as a foundational step towards coordinating on mutually beneficial operational projects. The Workgroups believe this path allows the NWPP MC to follow the foundational work and provides options for future improvements to the integrity of within-hour operations via a resource sufficiency standard and further development of a bilateral capacity market. In the final piece of the plan, the region would follow these steps with the development of a SCED platform to increase the efficiency, stability, and reliability of within-hour dispatch of the region’s resources. It is important to note that the recommended Implementation Plan was specifically developed as a phased project to provide the NWPP MC EC with functional flexibility, sufficient funding lead-time and a path to an EIM that contains departure points for MC Participants who may decide not to proceed to an EIM. Further, it was designed such that 4 The Workgroups believe the term SCED is more appropriate for the ultimate market coordination efforts they are proposing; however, EIM remains the term most recognized by NWPP MC and therefore is used interchangeably with SCED throughout this document. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 6 MC Participants would receive incremental value as a result of each phase and therefore could expect to see a return on their investment of time and money in the intermediary phases, even if not ultimately pursuing a coordinated market (EIM or SCED). Three additional phases were defined based on functional breakpoints. The next phase (“Phase 3”) calls for low-cost improvements to the region’s infrastructure that will serve as a foundation for a bilateral capacity market, improved regional reliability, more efficient bilateral markets, resource sufficiency policies, and ultimately a robust SCED platform. This phase would be followed by the Resource Sufficiency phase (“Phase 4”). The objective of Phase 4 is to develop the tools to perform forward (next day and next hour) feasibility tests to ensure that each entity’s load can be reliably served at all times. Phase 4 also calls for a rigorously applied, metric-based resource sufficiency requirement at the individual entity level that will support further development of a liquid bilateral capacity market. The last phase (“Phase 5”) would deliver 5-minute dispatch to the region, providing production cost savings, automated congestion management, balancing of variable energy resources and other reliability benefits. Figure 1: Technical Dependencies Supporting this overall approach, the RC supports the Implementation Plan and recognizes reliability benefits associated with centralized congestion management, coordinated dayahead planning, robust modeling, and integration with real-time contingency analysis. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 7 Recommendation A majority of the Workgroup members recommended that the MC members fund Phase 3 in 2014, and support, through direct staffing, the continued market design, governance and technical development that needs to occur in advance of decisions for Phases 4 and 5. The Workgroups believe that the Phase 3 objective of providing the region tools to allow enhanced reliability and improved RC integration will enable increased inter-Balancing Authority efficiency, provide an opportunity to more economically serve customers, and provide the requisite platform for an EIM. Concerns While diverse views remain on the ultimate question of whether to pursue an EIM for the MC members’ footprint, those concerns were largely focused in three areas; 1) whether an EIM will produce enough benefits for the Market Participants to outweigh the costs of participating, 2) can the statutory imperatives of the Bonneville Power Administration (“BPA”) be adapted to requisite EIM Protocols, and 3) whether FERC jurisdiction over an EIM poses an unreasonable risk of expansion of FERC jurisdiction in the Northwest. It may be that not all members in the Phase 2 effort will continue to support future phases, and that some members choose to end their participation at the conclusion of Phase 3 or Phase 4. Allowing for this optionality is consistent with the idea that EIM Admin Corp does not need to be created now, and that the NWPP Work Order process would be used to fund Phase 3. Lastly, it is important to note that the MC Workgroups were aware, while developing these recommendations, that the CAISO EIM offering is being evaluated by some of the NWPP members in parallel to this initiative. As a result, the MC Workgroups operated under the assumption that if the region is going to have the option of moving forward with a NWPP MC EIM, it would have to develop that option in a cost and time efficient manner that would allow members to assess and act on the options in front of them. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 8 2. Approach 2.1. Background The Workgroups conducted a qualitative analysis of the major market-design and policy issues that were left open at the end of Phase 1 of the MC Initiative. This report provides information on the critical issues identified by the policy representatives who participated in the Phase 2 effort from August 1, 2013 to October 15, 2013. In making the following recommendations, the Workgroups have carefully considered the broad range of views held by the MC members. The Workgroups recommend that after consideration and discussion of this report, if the NWPP MC EC wishes to continue to fund the NWPP MC effort, that the work plan, and its component phases discussed in this report are an effective means of achieving the goals established by the NWPP MC and of addressing the Problem Statement based upon available information and the time permitted. In developing this recommended path forward, the Workgroups consulted with a number of SMEs and, through them, a wide range of industry experts from across the country.5 These recommendations are tailored, to the extent possible, to the real-world operational requirements of the MC members, respecting local control priorities of individual Balancing Authority Areas (“BAs”) and self-scheduling utilities, recognizing the unique needs of BAs that serve multiple Load Serving Entities (“LSEs”) within their Balancing Areas, and protecting and enhancing the continuing evolution of existing bilateral markets. The MC members’ original set of objectives, or Problem Statement, is as follows: • NWPP Balancing Authorities and scheduling utilities need additional tools to respond to rapid changes in load resource balance (ramps) and the increasing demand for balancing capacity driven by the growth of variable energy resources; • Utilities within the NWPP footprint are managing load and resource balance without systematically sharing the diversity between their systems; this may be resulting in increased costs and wear and tear on generating resources; For example, discussions were held with current market monitors from other regions of the country on the deployment of hydroelectric generation in their regions and how various operational constraints are viewed by their Market Monitors. 5 Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 9 • The region’s increasingly constrained transmission system would benefit from new tools for congestion management and more efficient use of existing infrastructure; • The costs and compliance risks associated with operating a BA are increasing; this has reinvigorated conversations on potential BA consolidation among interested parties; • Evolving operation measures must clearly address cost causation and cost allocation; • NWPP members wish to recognize and, if possible, leverage existing platforms (such as automated sharing of contingency reserve) and innovative and valuable work from more recent initiatives within the NWPP footprint that deal with reliability, renewables integration, and transmission congestion management, including efforts by ColumbiaGrid, Northern Tier Transmission Group (and their joint initiative), and the Wind Integration Forum. At the same time, these efforts would benefit from greater focus, coordination, and commitment to implementation among a critical mass of utilities; • It is very important to the NWPP members to preserve the existing value that they already receive from the existing NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. 2.2. Implementation Plan The Workgroups recommended that if the MC members decide to continue this regional collaboration, they consider an additional three phases for the NWPP MC effort that will provide an incremental set of steps to develop the regional tools and capabilities that are the necessary precursors for a NWPP EIM to be efficiently, reliably, and sustainably implemented. These steps include development of the following: a series of data sharing, aggregation, and “dashboarding” of the members’ real-time systems, a set of bilateral capacity market enhancements, a set of resource sufficiency metrics to establish a common basis for EIM market participation, and the deployment of a security-constrained economic dispatch (“SCED”) tool to create a NWPP EIM. The Workgroups believe that the approach outlined below addresses these challenges and opportunities in a balanced, incremental manner that will provide both MC members and potential market participants with multiple opportunities to assess the value of the efforts being undertaken and determine whether continued participation is of additional value to the customers they serve. These ‘on-ramps’ and ‘off-ramps’ have been designed into not only the contemplated governance structure that has been developed, but also into the proposed project work plan. A majority of the Policy Workgroup believes that if the NWPP Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 10 MC Executive Committee decides to continue to pursue the benefits of new market tools, increased cooperation, and information sharing, the proposed path is the best vehicle to meet these goals. The Workgroups recognized that it would require a coordinated effort to enhance reliability within the members’ footprint, to improve integrity of system operations within the hour, and to increase efficiency through an EIM. They recommend a collaborative development of system visibility enhancements to provide better tools to maintain reliability.6 This can be followed by improvements to the integrity of within-hour operations via a resource sufficiency standard and further development of a bilateral capacity market. Finally, the Workgroups believe the Northwest could increase the efficiency of the within-hour dispatch of resources at the operational and commercial level through the use of a SCED platform. The NWPP MC EC decided on January 2014 to fund Phase 3. There are additional decision points that precede forming EIM Admin Corp and retaining a Market Operator as part of Phase 5. The final decision point for the MC members would be to authorize the Market Operator to deploy an EIM for the Northwest. These NWPP MC decisions will exist within a broad context of other regional initiatives and opportunities that are expected to develop over the next three years. The MC Workgroups have highlighted that it will therefore be critical going forward that MC members consider parallel paths, dependencies, and funding links between the items above and others that are not represented. The proposed Implementation Plan supports the Problem Statement while giving each member an off-ramp prior to each phase. Each phase was designed to deliver incremental value. 2.3. Phase 3 Workgroup Approach The Workgroups recognized that Phase 3 requires several administrative and procedural changes. First, there would need to be greater clarity on roles, responsibility and authority of the respective committees, and workgroups, which will be tasked with the specific bodies of work identified in the work plan. MC member executives will be strongly encouraged to obtain additional SME/consulting/facilitation support for Phase 3 to improve the probability that it will remain on schedule. Further, the MC members would need to make significant internal staffing allocation and budget decisions in advance of Phase 3 for it to be successful. 6 Examples include regional flow forecast, Generation visibility tools and Flow-based operational integration. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 11 The Workgroups recommended development of a NWPP MC Phase 3 Charter to provide clarity to all MC members concerning lines of authority, decision-making structure, and specific roles and responsibilities.7 The Workgroups also recommended that a Leadership Committee of five representatives be established with leads that represent the diversity of the NWPP MC Members and have the subject matter expertise necessary to guide the members through this critical phase. The members of the Leadership Committee will anticipate more than a “monitoring” role as they will be expected to plan to devote no less than 20% of their time to this effort, with the Chair possibly devoting 100% of his or her time. Under the Leadership Committee would be a set of Workgroup co-leads for each of the major bodies of work. Members should expect that Workgroup co-leads would devote 100% of their time to this effort. Each Workgroup would be supported by one or more internal or external SMEs. Finally, the Workgroups recommend that a Members and Stakeholders Roundtable (“MSR”) replace the Organizing Committee group that was utilized in Phase1, and to a lesser extent in Phase 2. The MSR would be a non-voting body comprised of Phase 3 Member representatives at the Manager or Director level, regional representative bodies such as the Public Generating Pool, Public Power Council, and Northwest Requirements Utilities, and key stakeholders, such as the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and Operating Committee, and the RC. The MSR will be a clearinghouse for updates on the project as it progresses, allowing members to voice their concerns at either the Workgroup or Executive level to help guide the overall Phase 3 process. 7 A repeated point of friction during Phase 2 was concern by a few participants that they were not adequately consulted before decisions were made, documents drafted, etc. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 12 3. Policy 3.1. Introduction The remainder of this Report outlines the MC Workgroups’ efforts over Phase 2 to address the most significant market design and policy questions left open at the end of the NWPP MC Phase 1. The findings of this Report provide a roadmap for a future EIM for the region, as well as an assessment of the stand-alone bilateral market enhancements necessary to deliver a comprehensive solution to the NWPP MC Members’ Initiative Objectives and Problem Statement. While considering the Policy Workgroup findings in this report, it is important to note the following fundamental Market Design assumptions were made: 1. Market Participation in the NWPP EIM will be voluntary for BAs8; 2. The implementation of a NWPP EIM will hold non-participants harmless and will not negatively impact existing regional efforts like the NWPP Contingency Reserve Sharing Program; 3. If the NWPP EIM cannot deliver lower-cost generation to serve a market participant’s load, that market participant will be no worse off and will serve their own load with their own resources; and 4. A NWPP EIM will not adversely impact existing long-term bilateral contracts and prescheduled transactions.9 These principles were broadly supported during the course of Phase 1 and the discussions within the Policy Workgroup in Phase 2 and are critical to our understanding of the specific issues discussed below. Recognizing that Phase 1’s cost/benefit analysis could not be solely determinative of whether the MC members would support the creation of an EIM, and realizing that there was a vast array of issues associated with the possible creation of an EIM for the NWPP 8 If a BA chooses to join the NWPP EIM, that choice has implications for Load Serving Entities and generators within the BA. 9 In SPP’s market design, energy that is delivered as scheduled will not be exposed to imbalance charges. The transmission service reservation serves as a congestion hedge to mitigate congestion charges. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 13 members’ footprint, the Policy Workgroup quickly identified six critical policy issues that needed to be addressed to inform the Executive Committee’s discussions. It was also evident that there was a much larger set of issues that there would simply not be time to discuss fully, given the limited time available. The Policy Workgroup adopted an “iceberg” metaphor of “above or below” the waterline for determining criticality. Those issues that were deemed “above the waterline” are discussed herein in some detail. Those issues that are “below the waterline” are recognized as important, and in some cases critical for success, but were not identified as necessary for informing the Executive Committee’s decisions this year.10 Two significant issues that were deferred to Phase 3 are: 1) a full legal review of BPA’s statutory ability to participate in an EIM and 2) the specific technical regional integration issues associated with a standalone Market Operator model. FRAP The Following Reserve Assistance Program (“FRAP”) conceived in Phase 1 was initially seen as complementary to the existing NWPP Contingency Reserves Sharing Program and was developed as a potential tool for future study. Given changes in FERC regulations during the summer of 2013, there was a consensus to recommend that the FRAP, as originally conceived in Phase 1, not be pursued, and instead, bilateral capacity market options be developed that reflected market-based rate price formation preferences for following capacity, while leaving open the option for future development of reliability tools, such as regulation sharing, in other forums. Data Sharing During the course of Phase 2 it became clear that an EIM would require data sharing across the NWPP MC members’ footprint and that doing so would improve reliability. Whether it is sharing generation and load data, conducting regional flow forecast, or a common methodology for determining potential transmission curtailments, there are benefits to the NWPP MC members from better aggregating and sharing the real-time state of the interconnected system. Additional data sharing is essential to enhance reliability and establish a foundation for future market evolution. Sections 3.2.2, 4.2.3, and 4.2.4 describe improvements that the Policy Workgroup supports and has recommended be pursued in Phase 3, along with the bilateral capacity market developments. Capacity Market Tools For example, the Policy Workgroup recognized that Market Design entails a host of critical issues that could not be fully explored and should be deferred to Phases 3 and 4. 10 Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 14 The Policy Workgroup recommends development of a standardized, 15-minute call/put capacity product enabling agreement for use by NWPP MC members (and others). NWPP MC members would be free to begin trading the product immediately, but would be under no obligation to offer or purchase. Finally, the possibility of using either an existing market transactional platform (Inter Continental Exchange (“ICE”) or WebExchange) or creating an explicit pooling mechanism, perhaps with a centralized market clearing price, would also support evolving bilateral market structures. Resource Sufficiency Resource Sufficiency is the concept that BAs must come to the operating interval with balanced load and generation, including following and contingency reserves, so that there is no opportunity for “leaning” on the capacity of other BAs. Resource Sufficiency for the region needs to be checked on a day-ahead and hour-ahead basis with a consistently applied metric to be effective. Resource Sufficiency is a prerequisite to an EIM because a set of feasible resources must be made available for the SCED. It is important to note that Resource Sufficiency is distinct from Resource Adequacy. Resource Adequacy looks across a longer time horizon and addresses whether the mix of 'steel in the ground,' conservation, and demand-side management is expected to be adequate to meet long-term peak load including reserve capacity. Resource Sufficiency considers next day and next hour load forecast, known outages, locational constraints, ramp times, and dispatchability of resources. During Phases 1 and 2, MC members agreed that in order for an EIM to function properly Resource Sufficiency would be required in the day-ahead and hour-ahead periods. Phase 3 will include defining and coming to consensus on detailed Resource Sufficiency metrics and enforcement for all market participants. Resource Sufficiency metrics will ensure the deployment of sufficient resources to meet all load service obligations, firm sales, all ancillary service requirements and ramping and balancing needs with or without an EIM. Hydro in an EIM Early Policy Workgroup discussions disclosed significant concern over the ability of hydroelectric generation to participate effectively in an EIM, and most critically, that common, existing operational practices not be viewed after-the-fact as improper market behavior by any potential Market Monitor. The Policy Workgroup consulted with several market monitors that operate in other regions of the country where hydroelectric generation is offered by Market Participants (though not to the extent it is in the NWPP members’ footprint). While concerns remain, it appears that there are no insurmountable Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 15 barriers to hydroelectric generation, as a resource type, participating in a NWPP MC EIM. Substantial work will be needed to ensure that specific market rules (and Market Monitoring function) and design elements accommodate long-standing regional practices (i.e. coordinated project dispatch, modeling of transmission hubs, etc.) and the nature of the inter-connected northwest hydroelectric generation system. Transmission Compensation The Policy Workgroup saw compensation for transmission system usage as an important consideration in the overall EIM design. Each transmission provider can ensure that EIM participants in the transmission provider’s own footprint have purchased adequate transmission to cover their resource or load’s access to the market. However, without a specific EIM transmission charge, individual transmission providers would not have a mechanism to recover costs, if any, for EIM flows that cross over their system (i.e. the source and sink are not in their transmission provider footprint but the energy flows across their facilities). Compensation for the use of transmission for EIM purposes (whether netting against existing Point-to-Point (“PTP”) or Network (“NT”) transmission agreements or direct payment by Market Participants who are not currently transmission customers) may be necessary to prevent market distortions or “free rider” problems. The Policy Workgroup recognized that added transmission compensation might reduce the SCED’s efficiency. Finally, it is important to note that the potential inclusion of such compensation does not define the Market Operator as a Transmission Service Provider (“TSP”). The Market Operator will not administer a common transmission tariff. 3.2. Phase 2 Deliverables 3.2.1. Issue 1: Following Reserve Assistance Program During the NWPP MC Phase 1 the participating BAs agreed to explore the possibility of enhancing reliability through the sharing of Following Reserves via the Following Reserves Assistance Program (“FRAP”). As a result of the Phase 1 analysis, the NWPP MC Executive Committee authorized a shadow trial of the FRAP for the purpose of gathering certain data on a consistent basis from all NWPP entities and assessing the feasibility of moving to a Field Trial at some point in the near future. In the NWPP MC Phase 2, the Policy Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 16 Workgroup discussed how this shadow trial will be executed, what data needs to be collected, how each participant would determine its reserve requirement consistent with a common standard or metric, and how the Following Reserves could potentially be priced in a future Field Trial. On July 18, 2013 the FERC issued a revision to its policies on Third-Party Provision of Ancillary Services and clarified what had been known as the “Avista Rule” that had prohibited the provision of ancillary services at market-based rates absent a very onerous market screening. Specifically, the FERC will now permit the sale of imbalance energy service (as well as the capacity to back such service) and Operating Reserves (with certain showings11) at market-based rates to a transmission provider if they have implemented intra-hour scheduling of transmission service. 12 During Phase 2, the Policy Workgroup concluded that a FRAP Field Trial had barriers to implementation and less value to the region than an enhanced capacity market would. The FRAP concept has potential reliability benefits to assist BAs with large generation and load variations but will require significant effort to implement. Therefore, the Policy Workgroup recommends that the FRAP, as originally envisioned, be removed from the set of solutions being considered as part of the NWPP MC efforts going forward for the reasons stated below. • Most parties with excess generation wish to monetize their capacity according to opportunity costs and not just be paid for energy deployment. Assigning value to the capacity would require either bilateral transactions or a marketing platform. Achieving this would likely require a program similar to an EIM with duplicative levels of cost and complexity. • There was concern with the potential settlement process and how to price the product being delivered. It was determined that the effort required would be better dedicated to future market design/development efforts for an EIM. • Many BAs that are dominated by relatively predictable load variability carry only the amount of capacity needed to follow load within each hour, monetizing any additional quantities, leaving little to share in a FRAP-type context. 11 For Spinning and Supplemental reserves, the party still has to show that it can be delivered in their service territory with the same market-opportunity as hourly and 15-minute products (i.e. though readily available dynamic schedules or other dispatch means, such as transmission provider business practices that allow for autoapproval of “emergency” tags). 144 FERC 61, 056, para. 13. The only remaining limitations apply to reactive supply, voltage control service and regulation, and frequency response; which are not relevant to the NWPP MC effort. 12 Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 17 • The initial assessment of potential FRAP benefits was likely overstated in two areas. The first area is related to the assumption of how much capacity each BA is carrying today. Most BAs do not carry the extra capacity used to run the formula and benefits study in the initial FRAP study. The second area is related to the event driven nature of FRAP. Entities are unlikely to call on FRAP as frequently as assumed (it was envisioned as a point-in-time, or event-driven program, not a continuous or automatic sharing as modeled), thus the benefits are less frequently realized. • The region does not yet have a common standard for determining the adequacy of following reserves, so parties were concerned with the possibility of inequitable sharing if capacity sharing was not in some way standardized or policed. • With the existing Reliability Based Control Program (“RBC”), there is recognition that some amount of “pooling” already occurs that may reduce the potential benefit of a FRAP. • With FERC’s change to the Avista Rule, Policy Workgroup participants saw a less complicated opportunity to more directly buy and sell reserve capacity bilaterally at an easily identified market-based rate. Instead, the Policy Workgroup believes the focus should shift to a Capacity Backed Imbalance Trading program for meeting one of the MC Objectives, of increasing the ability to transact flexible capacity products to help BAs meet their reliability and efficiency needs at least cost. At the same time, the Policy and Technology Workgroups continue to see value in a broad data collection effort with a goal of gathering a significant amount of data from NWPP MC Members to inform all aspects of the NWPP MC efforts going forward. This data could be used to run an analysis similar or identical to the analysis initially designed for the FRAP Shadow Trial, but would not be limited to that purpose, and would not be intended to lead to a FRAP Field Trial. Instead, this data would be used to meet reliability analysis objectives and to inform future decisions of the NWPP MC Executive Committee, including Resource Sufficiency standards and other required analyses with the ultimate goal to enhance regional data sharing. As authorized and funded, the “shadow trial” will proceed, but primarily as an exercise in gathering data to serve the purposes identified below, and not in anticipation of a FRAP Field Trial. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 18 3.2.2. Issue 2: Data Sharing The Policy Workgroup in Phase 2 identified the broader need for data collection and sharing. In response to that need the Technology Workgroup was formed and then identified a set of tasks to accomplish, determined the data requirements necessary to achieve those purposes, and defined how that data will be used to achieve the purposes identified. During the course of the Policy Workgroup meetings, several members repeatedly raised the issue of the commercial sensitivity of certain resource planning data. Some entities are very hesitant to share their data, especially near-term generation plans, with other entities for fear of losing competitive advantage in the marketplace.13 A majority of the Policy Workgroup and SMEs agreed that data sharing is a normal practice throughout the industry and could improve reliability and efficiency outcomes in the region. The specific technical and legal concerns around data sharing and avenues for keeping data secure are discussed in Section 4. During the course of the Technology Workgroup discussions, it became clear not only that any future NWPP MC EIM would have to be coordinated with both the existing NWPP infrastructure, but also that of the Reliability Coordinator, Peak Reliability. During the course of exploring with Peak Reliability staff the technical specifications and requirements of a NWPP MC EIM, it became clear that they perceived significant reliability value that could accrue to the NWPP MC members from this effort.14 Further, that increasing the validity of day-ahead schedules due to more informed Available Transmission Capacity (“ATC”) postings and better assessments of schedule firmness day-ahead (“DA”), or a BA's ability to keep a schedule firm within the hour would all enhance the reliability of the BAs and Transmission Operators (“TOPs”) among the NWPP MC members.15 Most critical from the RC’s perspective is creating the ability to manage real-time congestion, which they currently have no means of doing. For example, the enhanced data would enable them to address System Operating Limit (“SOL”) and Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit 13 Furthermore, some entities are reluctant to share their data with the reliability or transmission side of certain organizations for fear that the wall between transmission function employees and merchant function employees in the receiving organization is unduly permeable, again resulting in the disclosure of data deemed to be commercially sensitive. 14 Details of this assertion are included in a separate memorandum document from Peak Reliability. 15 This initiative also has clear and immediate benefit to load serving entities as current practices have called into increasing question the ability for a load serving entity to assess the true feasibility of the schedules it submits dayahead or hour-ahead, at times resulting in the inefficient practice of carrying duplicative reserves on one’s system to be able to maintain load service in the event of schedule curtailments or other market delivery issues. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 19 (“IROL”) violations in an automated fashion that would materially decrease the risk of another Sept. 8th/Southwest outage type of event. Non-automated tools (i.e. humans) cannot coordinate system status and configuration among multiple BAs and TOPs as quickly and accurately as automated systems. Additional benefits that were identified include better management of unscheduled flows and better predictability so that after corrective actions are taken during a reliability event, the subsequent generation changes result in a reliable operating state. The availability of a NWPP MC EIM, in combination with the RC’s Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (“ECC”) would permit management of post-contingency flows to ensure operations within system limits and move the region into a more reliable operating state. Aligning the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group, the Peak Reliability RC and the NWPP MC EIM to permit creation of a common platform could enable event-based dispatch and significantly improve situational awareness. Indirect benefits include improvements to the accuracy of the RC models and forecast data through higher quality day-ahead planning. Collectively, reliability benefits would accrue to the NWPP MC members who are BAs and TOPs, materially assist them in meeting existing and contemplated reliability standards, and enhance their ability to avoid system states that lead to unreliability of service to their customers. 3.2.3. Issue 3: Bilateral Capacity Product and Platform The NWPP MC Phase 2 Policy Workgroup recommends moving forward with developing a bilateral capacity product definition and transactional platform. This approach has been made possible by the recent revision of the Avista Rule in FERC Order 784. As referenced above, under this revision, FERC jurisdictional entities are now able to transact within-hour energy (imbalance energy) at market-based rates under their existing market-based rate authority for wholesale energy sales. These transactions can be pre-arranged via a capacity transaction prior to the operating hour, which provides a firm commitment by the seller to dispatch energy within the hour and deliver that energy to the purchaser through conventional eTag protocols. These transactions will allow entities who are periodically or seasonally “short” (as well as those who wish to find more efficient solutions to meeting their supply) of the on-system capacity to meet their imbalance energy needs within the operating hour to purchase that capacity from their regional counterparties. This approach is designed to be a merchant-to-merchant transaction, but provides a vehicle for BAs to procure the capacity they need to operate reliably during periods of increased load or resource volatility. Further, this approach creates a vehicle for entities to transact capacity prior to the operating day/hour to meet their Resource Sufficiency requirements in a future SCED/EIM construct. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 20 For the initial phase of this market development, there are no incremental costs, regulatory hurdles, or technology requirements beyond existing systems used for wholesale sales in the bilateral markets. Future capacity-backed imbalance energy trading could include: • • • • Creating a bilateral platform similar to a bulletin-board service to make it easier for counterparties to find each other in the market (e.g. ICE) Developing a way for the capacity to be dispatched at any point within the operating hour Creating an option for the capacity to be delivered on “as-available” transmission, consistent with principles of open access to transmission Pooling capacity with a centrally cleared market price. For illustration purposes, two examples of comparable capacity transactions are provided, the first bilateral, the second via an automated process. Example of manually processed CAP transaction (initial phase): • • • • • At 00:05 Entity 1 (E1) contacts E2 to purchase 50-MW of flexible capacity for the upcoming operating hour, with a strike option for each 15-min period, to be elected 20-min prior to flow. E1 agrees to pay E2 $17/MW for the capacity and $48/MWh for any dispatched energy. E1 purchases transmission service from source to sink and submits an eTag with 0-MWh Energy profile and 50-Mwh Transmission profile for the upcoming hour. At 01:07 E1 notices its wind facilities are trending below their projected forecast for the hour and calls E2 to strike the dispatch option for 01:30 to 02:00 flow. E2 bills E1 for capacity ($17 x 50 = $850) and energy (($48 x 50)/2 = $1,200) Note: this arrangement could provide both increment and decrement capabilities by setting the Energy profile to a point between 1 and 50MW at the start of the hour. Example of an automatically processed CAP transaction (final phase) • At 00:05 Entity 1 (E1) checks the CAP dashboard and notices 50-MW total of flexible capacity is posted as available at the Mid-C trading hub for the upcoming operating hour, with a strike option for each 15-min period, to be elected 20-min prior to flow. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 21 • • • • • • • • • 25-MW are posted by E2 at $27/MW capacity and $50/MWh for energy. 25-MW are posted by E3 at $13/MW capacity and $125/MWh for energy. E1 agrees to purchase both products for the next hour. E1 purchases transmission service from source to sink and submits an eTag with 0-MWh Energy profile and 25-MWh Transmission profile for each product for the upcoming hour. At 01:07 E1 notices its wind facilities are trending below their projected forecast for the hour and strikes its dispatch option from E2 through the automated CAP for 01:30 to 02:00 flow for 25MWh. At 01:23 E1 notices its wind facilities are continuing to trend below their projected forecast for the hour and is expecting a steep load pickup at the end of the hour. E1 does not have sufficient on-system capacity to manage its variability. E1 strikes its dispatch option from E3 through the automated CAP for 01:45 to 02:00 flow for 25MWh. The Index settles at $50 for the hour. E2 bills E1 for capacity ($27 x 25 = $675) and energy (($50 x 25)/2 = $625) E3 bills E1 for capacity ($13 x 25 = $325) and energy (($125 x 25)/4 = $781.25) These examples illustrate how market participants who require additional capacity to reliably serve their load within the hour would have market opportunities to do so in a manner that prior FERC regulations had not permitted. Additionally, they illustrate how market participants who have excess capacity may have an opportunity to monetize that capability in a manner that the current day- and hour-ahead markets do not. 3.2.4. Issue 4: Resource Sufficiency It is a well-established principle in organized markets across the country that generation capacity sufficiency must be achieved in both day-ahead and again in real-time to protect reliability of the interconnected system. Day-ahead resource sufficiency is necessary due to the lead-time required to start-up and deliver energy from many generation units on the grid. Relying on the commitment and start-up of generating units solely in real-time to meet expected load may lead to reliability risks. Within-hour resource sufficiency is also required due to changes in load forecasts, changes in variable resource output, as well as generation and transmission contingencies on the grid that may all occur after the dayahead market and day-ahead resource sufficiency processes have been completed. The Policy Workgroup has made a fundamental assumption that BAs retain their obligation to load balancing and reliability compliance under the operation of a NWPP MC EIM. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 22 Another significant assumption is that all BAs would enter the within-hour EIM dispatch “Resource Sufficient” and that this would be ensured prior to each delivery hour. As used here, “Resource Sufficiency” means that each BA in the EIM members’ footprint must be able to demonstrate to the Market Operator that the BA has firm access to sufficient, dispatchable resources with transmission service to meet its forecasted balancing requirement for the delivery hour. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that market participants are not “leaning” on the EIM for balancing capacity deficits. An EIM performs a SCED of available resources across a market footprint to meet all imbalances and create a more efficient dispatch solution for load-resource balance for each five-minute dispatch period within any given hour. An EIM does not compensate market participants for the capacity that backs the energy dispatched by the EIM and does not procure or provide additional capacity to the EIM. Capacity needs for meeting imbalance (aka. maintaining load-resource balance) at the BA level can vary widely depending on any one entity’s expected predictability and volatility of resources and loads for any given hour. These capacity needs can be expressed in terms of both quantity (gross ramping capability within a given period) and quality (accuracy and speed of ramping within a given period). The Market Operator would have contracts only with participating BAs and participating load-serving entities (“LSEs”) and generators. A participating BA may have LSEs or generators in its area that do not participate in the EIM market as a buyer or seller. Consequently, those non-participating entities would not have contracts with the Market Operator and would not owe a contractual obligation to the Market Operator to be resource sufficient or demonstrate that status to the Market Operator. This is distinct from the obligations they may have to their BA. BAs may or may not have contracts with their interconnected LSEs and generators for the provision of data that the BA would need to forecast balancing requirements for each delivery hour and to demonstrate resource sufficiency. This is an open question, which will need to be resolved before moving forward. Although LSEs are currently required to coordinate their daily and hourly operating plans with their BA, not all BAs currently use those plans to forecast balancing reserve requirements.16 In the NWPP MC members’ footprint, BAs are not operated in strict isolation. One BA’s failure to meet its imbalance requirements (i.e. not procuring sufficient capacity to 16 It is not now known whether the TSP or BA may legally use the data for any purpose other than compliance with a particular mandatory reliability standard or whether the data are sufficient for the demonstration of resource sufficiency. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 23 maintain its load-resource balance) will physically affect adjacent BAs’ ability to reliably run their systems. Therefore, in order for the EIM to operate reliably and produce equitable results, each BA within an EIM footprint must take responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the inter-connected system through their Resource Sufficiency – that is, their ability to maintain load-resource balance across each and every hour, and each and every five minute dispatch period, when they choose to participate in the EIM. Assessment of each BA’s ability to maintain its load-resource balance may be part of an overall EIM assessment of the reliability of each BA’s hourly schedule of the resources available to meet its required energy and capacity to meet forecast load, operating reserves and regulation. Resource Sufficiency Principles • • • Each BA shall be responsible for ensuring its Resource Sufficiency for each fiveminute dispatch period through whatever means they choose (e.g. through market purchases of firm capacity contracts, through on-system resources dedicated to providing the service, or through other schedule-based parameters such as reducing firm commitments). Each BA shall be responsible for allocating capacity requirements among its customers/loads, including collecting payment for the capacity resources that are needed to maintain the BA’s load-resource balance17,18. The EIM Market Operator will need to perform a Resource Sufficiency check on a day-ahead basis and again prior to each market flow period, including a check for deliverability (from both a capacity and transmission perspective), to ensure each BA and, by extension, the BA’s embedded LSEs, have met their Resource Sufficiency requirement. 17 LSEs embedded in a BA’s boundaries shall retain the responsibility to acquire the resources to fulfill their load service obligations. BAs may establish resource sufficiency requirements within their boundaries that require embedded LSEs to identify the capacity resources used to meet their load and may seek to enforce scheduling accuracy to limit the BAs exposure to imbalance both within, and across, scheduling periods. 18 Per the pro-forma Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), transmission service providers are required to offer imbalance service to their transmission customers when feasible. The costs for providing this service are generally recovered through the transmission service providers OATT ancillary service schedules. In the NWPP footprint, transmission service providers generally provide this service through their BA function, using on-system resources available to the BA. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 24 • • • The EIM Market Operator will require that Resource Sufficiency, as a set of metrics, is consistently applied and takes into account the specific load-resource balancing needs of each individual BA and the LSEs within the BA boundaries (e.g. a BA or LSE with a large amount of wind relative to its Firm commitments would likely have a significantly greater Resource Sufficiency requirement in terms of both quality and quantity than a BA or LSE with no wind and a very stable, predictable load for the flow period). The EIM Market Operator, or their delegate, will need to monitor Resource Sufficiency in real-time such that if any BA’s or embedded LSE’s activity directly results in the undermining of equitable, reliable operations of the EIM, the EIM Market Operator, or their delegate19, will be able to take corrective action against that BA to protect market outcomes across the members’ footprint. EIM entities must be able to understand and apply the resource sufficiency standard prior to participating in the EIM. Resource Sufficiency Requirements Put simply, Resource Sufficiency is the idea that a BA will have balanced load and generation within each of the twelve, five minute dispatch periods within the hour that an EIM would operate. Another way to consider this is – Demand must always be equal to, or less than, Supply. In determining a BA’s demand, both the native loads, reserves, and all firm export obligations are considered within that hour. Similarly, the supply available to a BA must include the minimum available output of generation it has within its BA area as well as the firm imports available within that hour, including any purchased capacity. In determining demand and supply, BAs rely upon forecasts. As such, both the methodology used and the certainty required for these forecasts are important components of a potential Resource Sufficiency standard for an EIM. For example, a day-ahead confidence level of 95% could be required, whereas the hour-ahead confidence level could be set at 99.5% to assure all market participants that all have a similar commitment to the integrity of the within-hour operations of the system. While the development of a specific Resource Sufficiency proposal is beyond the scope of this NWPP MC Phase 2 Report, due to the time available, for informational purposes, this section provides general observations and some 19 Depending on the final market design and functional relationships established, it is expected the Market Operator would work closely with the Reliability Coordinator to identify potential reliability concerns and recommend corrective actions be taken by the appropriate, responsible entity. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 25 information on how resource sufficiency principles are applied in other regions, as discussed by the Policy Workgroup. 3.2.5. Issue 5: Hydro Resources in EIM Due to the large penetration of hydroelectric generation in the Northwest, issues associated with the modeling, management and dispatch of hydro resources must be taken into account when considering the implementation of an EIM. The issues can be broken down into three main categories, though all three are interrelated and therefore cannot be treated in isolation from one another. These are significant issues that will require a tremendous amount of work during the drafting of market rules and market monitor guidelines. Market Design Considerations It is critical that any market design specification considers the unique nature of hydro resource management, and that this design permits the hydroelectric generation modeling, resource management, and dispatch practices presently used in the Northwest. Specific considerations include the existence of multiple cascaded hydroelectric generation projects on river systems with interdependent storage and operational parameters and limitations, as well as constrained interconnecting transmission. During Phase 3, market bidding and dispatch timelines will be developed that are consistent with existing hydro management practices. The eventual market design may need to consider whether to allow joint bidding of interconnected projects/system basis, whether to have “must run” rules for hydro resources and whether, or to what extent, run of river plants are considered dispatchable vs. variable energy resources. Hydro Resource Bidding Considerations Developing bid curves for hydro resources can present unique challenges. Factors such as physical generation constraints, physical flow constraints, environmental impacts and constraints, and various statutory, regulatory, or contractual obligations all need to be considered. Hydro managers will need to develop ways to do the following: • • • Submit bids and configure market dispatch responses consistent with hydro/river system optimization. Assign system level generation to load aggregation points in their base schedules. Maintain flexibility to adjust their base schedules or include a dynamic component to cover load variation within hour without exposure to congestion prices, at least for network loads that may not be market participants. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 26 Maintain flexibility to deal with more uncertain flows due to the uncertainty of whether economic bids will be dispatched or not. • Assign economic bid value to decrement capacity as well as to increment capacity. As the region moves through the market design process envisioned in Phases 3 and 4, efforts should be made to ensure that members can incorporate lessons learned and best practices from other regions that have faced similar challenges associated with hydro resources participating in a within-hour market.20 • Regulatory/Market Oversight Framework Considerations The establishment of an EIM will change the regulatory framework of the region and will make participants in a within-hour EIM subject to oversight of those transactions. Because of the complexity of establishing a methodology to assign capacity value, as well as energy value, to a hydro resource and its associated storage, it is critical that the market rules that are established do not put members at undue risk of regulatory or market rule violations. Rules around issues such as market power and economic/physical withholding can be challenging when applied to the bidding behavior associated with hydro resources. Factors such as opportunity cost, and non-market considerations (e.g. environmental trade-offs, FERC Hydro-licensing requirements, and other operational constraints) must be incorporated when developing market rules and compliance policy. While participation in the NWPP MC EIM is voluntary, if an entity chooses to participate in the EIM, they will be subject to oversight of their EIM transactions by the Market Operator, Market Monitor, and potentially regulatory bodies. 3.2.6. Issue 6: Transmission Compensation The NWPP MC EC must understand that no region of the United States has created an EIM without previously having a single, common transmission tariff. The Policy Workgroup does not want to minimize the policy and operational challenges the NWPP MC effort will face in Phase 3 of having multiple TOPs, TSPs, and BAs reach a consensus and, consistent with principles of open access to transmission, establish a common set of rates, business practices, and revenue allocation methodologies without first establishing the formal structure used in other regions of the United States for doing so. This critical step is perceived as both difficult and fundamentally necessary. It will be challenging given the region’s history of highly contentious transmission service provider ratemaking and 20 For example, NYISO and Hydro-Quebec market participants with sizable hydroelectric generation resource. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 27 business practice negotiations. Success will heavily depend upon NWPP MC Executivelevel commitment and engagement, as well as a willingness among multiple entities and interests to abandon the status quo in favor of a new-era of grid-management and serviceprovider practices likely to benefit the NWPP MC members’ constituents. The Policy Workgroup believes that sub-hourly EIM use of transmission should be compensated, whether as a net against existing transmission service agreements or by applying an incremental, non-firm rate for its use. It is also critical to understand that for Load Serving Entities, having firm transmission is a form of “insurance” for assuring that the load is served, and that by doing so the LSE has capped the potential cost of serving its load in relation to the EIM. The five-minute EIM dispatch utilizes “as-available” transmission. That is, only the transmission flow capability available in real-time for immediate utilization by the SCED would be used. Sub-hourly EIM flows are not intended to displace, or replace, existing transmission service required to serve firm obligations, including serving load and honoring export obligations. These pre-EIM-market-run transactions are currently scheduled and tagged using a combination of Firm, Non-Firm, Network, and Re-directed transmission service. With an EIM, purchasing transmission service could potentially be avoided in areas with minimal, or predictable, congestion.21 On the other hand, on congested paths, entities will likely schedule and tag transactions physically as a hedge against price risk between nodes, with a potential increase in transmission service sales to support those hedges. Each transmission provider can ensure that EIM participants in the transmission provider’s own footprint have purchased adequate transmission to cover their resource or load’s access to the market. However, without a specific EIM transmission charge, individual transmission providers would not have a mechanism to recover costs, if any, for EIM flows that cross over their system (i.e. the source and sink are not in their transmission provider footprint but the energy flows across their facilities). Additional Considerations on Transmission Pricing There are competing theories with respect to charging for the non-firm, as-available transmission currently anticipated to be used for energy deliveries. Because the energy is not sold point-to-point, it will not be practical to follow the contract path paradigm in the 21 It should be noted that post-EIM operation the opportunity may exist for financial transactions (e.g. Contracts for Differences) based on EIM SCED outcomes to displace tagged and physically flowed bilateral activity associated with economic resource displacement (i.e. the replacement of generation from a more expensive resource by that of a less expensive resource). Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 28 region. Furthermore, transmission charges on a per MWh basis may interfere with the benefit of minimizing fuel costs that could be achieved by an effective real-time imbalance market like the proposed EIM. On the other hand, transmission owners have a right to be compensated for the use of their facilities. A lack of transmission charges for the EIM could lead to reduced transmission revenues and possibly create an unwarranted cost shift among transmission owners and customers. The majority of the Policy Workgroup agreed that it would be preferable for the EIM market design to include rules that would ensure compensation to transmission owners. Such compensation should reflect the non-firm nature of the product. The details of the compensation will need to be worked through the design process in Phase 3. It is anticipated that the EIM market rules and governance structure would allow changes to the transmission compensation, as warranted, to maintain equity among the transmission users and promote an efficient imbalance market. There is little reason to suggest that EIM transmission pricing should be lower than the equivalent transmission pricing for 15-minute scheduling or dynamic scheduling deliveries in the contract path model. Moreover, it is generally unwise from a market efficiency perspective to offer discounted transmission pricing in any one temporal market and not the others as this can lead to significant unintended consequences.22 The primary EIM transmission pricing issue going forward should be the challenge of how to implement existing Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”) transmission charges (including credits for transmission rights already owned) into a centrally dispatched, nodal market model that spans multiple transmission providers’ systems.23 22 The FERC has generally recognized that selective discounting of transmission services violates the Federal Power Act’s prohibition on undue discrimination and preference. Consequently, Commission policy generally prohibits transmission service discounts except when necessary to increase throughput on a transmission provider’s system and requires that any such discount be offered to all eligible customers for the same time period on all unconstrained paths that go the same point of delivery. 23 Any discussion of region-wide lower transmission pricing and/or transmission rate consolidation across multiple transmission providers’ footprints is best addressed as a regional topic outside the NWPP MC EIM. Specifically, it should be recognized that reduced transmission rates and/or reduced or eliminated transmission rate pancaking can improve dispatch efficiency in all of the forward, day-ahead, real-time and EIM markets – there is no specific nexus uniquely to an EIM. At the same time, it must be recognized that reduced transmission pricing and/or “rate pancaking” also generally comes at the expense of significant transmission cost shifting amongst participants. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 29 4. Technical 4.1. Introduction The dual objectives of the Technology Workgroup in Phase 2 were to identify what, if any, significant hurdles are apparent in the potential implementation of an EIM in the Northwest and to chart a path forward to address the NWPP MC problem statement. Significant hurdles were identified on the implementation path toward an EIM. The hurdles primarily related to the lack of market formation experience and limited data sharing among Northwest parties. These hurdles must be addressed in order to pursue reliability advancements, existing bilateral market enhancements or any prospective market formation; they represent significant opportunities to improve outcomes in the region once addressed. The Technology Workgroup set about charting a path forward that minimizes the region’s cost to remedy these significant hurdles by building on local, regional and interconnection-wide capabilities. Proposed solutions look to expand the NWPP MC members’ access to information already compiled, consistent with other regions and Standards of Conduct. The group proceeded in a manner that was responsive to the results and priorities emerging from Phase 1. Summary of Phase 1 Phase 1 of the NWPP MC effort “set out to explore a range of alternatives that could help the Balancing Authorities and scheduling utilities in the Northwest Power Pool area address growing operational and commercial challenges affecting the regional power system”.24 The Phase 1 report proposed three items that were addressed by the Technology Workgroup in Phase 2: • • • 24 “Evaluating, and if appropriate, proceeding with implementation of Transmission Visibility Enhancements; Proceeding with a shadow trial of the Following Reserve Assistance Program (considering also whether the data gathering process for the Following reserve Assistance Program may be leveraged to capture data for other potential uses, such as evaluation of operational aspects of an EIM); and Completing an EIM business case through in-depth technical, policy, and cost scoping work sufficient to enable interested MC members [to] determine NWPP MC Final Phase 1 Report, page 1. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 30 whether there is a workable framework for moving ahead with implementation.”25 In its assessment of significant hurdles and charting a path forward, the Technology Workgroup set about addressing these priorities. Phase 2 Approach The Technology Workgroup supports further evaluation and implementation of data collection in support of system visibility enhancements, which address the first two priorities emerging from Phase 1.26 The data collected by the NWPP MC will be applied to concise data visualizations. The Technology Workgroup recommends implementation of several high priority visualizations for use by MC members. The Technology Workgroup also advanced the scope of the cost assessment in Phase 2 and concluded that some refinements were necessary, though through the cost assessment, no significant hurdles were identified. In its approach to identifying significant hurdles and charting a path forward, the Technology Workgroup employed the following tactical deliverables. • • • • • 25 Revised Costing: Further refine the scope of costs provided in Phase 1 consistent with the limited set of alternatives available for implementation. Data Requirements: A comprehensive assessment of data requirements to improve regional infrastructure and support future phases. Data Sharing Approach: A resolution to enable regional members to more efficiently share data to meet the NWPP MC objectives. System Visibility Approach: Data visualizations to foster collaboration and trust amongst MC members while simultaneously providing better and more accurate operational data to enhance reliability and increase efficiency. EIM Architecture: An overview of how primary technical components will be connected to deliver a regional EIM. NWPP MC Final Phase 1 Report, page 5. 26 Based on direction from the Policy Workgroup, the FRAP Field Trial was not pursued and based on Executive Committee direction Transmission Visibility was not included as a discrete scope item in Phase 2 but was refined into what is more broadly referred to as system visibility (to include generation visibility as well) or Regional Data Sharing Tools. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 31 Each of these tactical deliverables will be an instrumental part of Phase 3, Phase 4 and ultimately Phase 5. Examining all Phases comprehensively was intended to reduce the potential of redundant effort and/or sunk costs of efforts between the Phases. At a highlevel, Phase 3 is focused on implementing BA-level data collection and visualization to support reliability and better chart-out forward going integration with the reliability function in the region. Phase 4 is focused on implementing nodal-level data collection and visualization to support resource sufficiency, further reliability and solidify a regional framework for possible security-constrained economic dispatch. Phase 5 would consist of implementation of the SCED and market trials, targeting market operations go live on April 1, 2017. Status of Phase 2 Objectives The Phase 2 deliverables have satisfied the objectives of Phase 2. They discuss possible remedies to the significant hurdles and chart a step-wise path forward for the region. The remedy also seeks to contain and make more certain the costs to the region and its members by building on extra-regional, regional and WECC-wide capabilities and expanding the MC parties’ access to information already compiled, consistent with other regions and Standards of Conduct. 4.2. Phase 2 Deliverables 4.2.1. Revised Costing The EIM implementation costs are broken into three components: regional infrastructure, Market Operator, and Market Participants’ integration costs. Regional infrastructure is centered on the centralized Energy Management System (“EMS”), with its attendant network model, forecasts, and communication links. Regional infrastructure is necessary to support both reliability and future market initiatives. The Market Operator costs are comprised of the Resource Sufficiency and SCED software along with the supporting “backoffice” functions such as financial settlement and administrative services. Finally, the Participants need to be constantly interfacing with both sets of systems. The Participants will incur costs to deploy software and staff to support both interfaces. The intensity, and in some cases the frequency, of the Participants’ interfacing will be increased relative to existing interfacing with the RC. Regional Infrastructure Costs Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 32 There are four options to consider for regional infrastructure needs of the NWPP MC efforts. The first three options are current service providers within the region. The options available are: • • • • Peak Reliability (RC) BPA CAISO Build from scratch Regional Infrastructure includes the EMS, model and real-time telemetry required to enable the SCED. It is a prerequisite to an EIM and a cost component to the Market Operator. During Phase 2, the Technology Workgroup assessed the relative merits of the EMS systems in place at both BPA and the RC. The CAISO EMS was not considered for the Regional Infrastructure component because of the priorities the region has placed on local control, reliability, cost, and software compatibility between the Regional Infrastructure functions and the Market Operator functions. 27 Finally, the option to build from scratch has not been considered in Phase 2 because of the cost associated with a new build-out of a regional model, an EMS and the supporting communications links necessary. The RC’s tools are more consistent with the software requirements specified in the SPP Market Operator Estimate. BPA software versioning lags the RC. However, BPA may be in a position to initiate small-scale steps more quickly due to its current role as a service provider of analytics and communications support to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. As a result of these varied capabilities and states of readiness, the Technology Workgroup supports taking initial interim steps with BPA and then migrating towards the RC if mutually satisfactory arrangements can be reached. Market Operator Costs There are three options that were considered for Market Operator needs of the NWPP MC efforts in Phase 1: • • • 27 Contract with SPP to perform third-party Market Operator functions; Contract with CAISO to perform third-party Market Operator functions; or Build from scratch. The CAISO Market Operator solution is still under consideration and will be part of Phase 3 RFP. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 33 The efforts of Phase 2 have focused on refining the costs associated with the Market Operator using the SPP Market Operator Estimate as a proxy. The CAISO Market Operator function was not reviewed in Phase 2 because the market design remained under development. Once CAISO has successfully integrated PacifiCorp into its EIM footprint, a second evaluation can be conducted on the overall costs. CAISO remains a viable option that can be evaluated in Phase 3. Finally, the option to build from scratch has not been considered in Phase 2 because of the cost and uncertainty associated with a new build-out of a Market Operator solution. In Phase 2, the Technology Workgroup worked closely with SPP executives to better understand the SPP Market Operator Estimate submitted in December 2012 and its assumed requirements for regional infrastructure specified in the General Assumptions section of the estimate. The assumptions are outlined below. • • • The RC will host the EMS, and SPP will receive data from it to be utilized on the EIM EMS as a shadow system, which will be based on the same version of EMS software. The RC EMS will: o Provide the primary EMS service, including Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (“SCADA”), State Estimator, Real-Time Contingency Analysis (“RTCA”) and Real-Time Generation (“RTGEN”); o Provide EIM with all EMS resident data required to run the market; o Data submissions for transmission status and flowgate information to SPP; o Provide short-term load forecast (“STLF”); o Send dispatch signals to market participant resources; o Be responsible for any changes to the EMS to support EIM; and o Provide all computer data information and Inter-control Center Communication Protocol (“ICCP”) to send out the MP Resource instructions. The RC provides the network model, which the RC may need to modify with more density for the purposes of the EIM. The RC will manage a net schedule interchange interface between their EMS, scheduling tool, and the SPP supported EIM Market Operator System (“MOS”). The Technology Workgroup also engaged with staff of Peak Reliability to understand their ability to perform the functions listed in the SPP Market Operator estimate. As such, Peak Reliability submitted a preliminary estimate of costs they would expect to incur under contract to EIM Admin Corp. These costs were then added to the overall estimate of Market Operator costs. Nonetheless, the value of the overall estimate of Market Operator costs has changed little from Phase 1. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 34 Participant Costs In the Final Phase 1 Report, the market participant costs are divided into two components: start-up and ongoing costs. The start-up costs ranged from $31 to $60 million and the ongoing costs ranged from $15 to $33 million. Limited additional detail can be found in the following figure: Figure 2: Draft EIM Participant Cost Ranges To further refine the Participant’s cost estimates during Phase 2, the Technology Workgroup connected David Luedtke of Utilicast and Patrick Damiano of Columbia Grid who chaired the Phase 1 NWPP MC EIM workgroup and were responsible for collecting the Participants’ cost estimates. Outliers were identified and Mr. Luedtke spoke individually with those entities. As a result, the High On-Going Cost was reduced from $31 million to $27 million and tweaks were made to the Start-Up Cost ranges that can be observed when comparing the above and below figures. Figure 3: Draft EIM Participant Cost Range Totals Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 35 4.2.2. Data Requirements Within any software system or application, the quality and quantity of the data itself can offer multiple points of failure if not addressed properly in setting out the requirements. The Phase 2 goal is to capture the majority of data elements necessary to service the data content aspect of the EIM. A comprehensive Data Requirements Matrix was prepared; an excerpt from the matrix is provided in the figure below. The matrix contains rows of data elements that are mapped to columns of various requirement groupings. The top portion of the Data Requirements Matrix is shown below. Rows are categorized by application and data type, where the columns are grouped and associated with application processes in place “As-Is” and planned in future phases. The legend in the top left side of the matrix details those data elements that are already available to NWPP members (X), Data not available (O), and data that exist but require a policy decision before data can be shared (P). Much of the data requirements listed serve one or more of the listed column categories. To date, out of an identified group of 141 data requirements, the technology group has identified less than 20 new data elements that will need to be provided by NWPP members. Figure 4: Data Requirements Matrix The As-Is grouping contains two categories: 1. Peak Reliability is already receiving data from the Balancing Authorities and/or Transmission Owners according to 68 specific data requirements published by WECC on December 31, 2012, and available at: Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 36 The data requested and supplied by the RC membership is specifically listed within the data requirements matrix. It includes real-time facility data, schedule type data, facility outage information, and electrical equipment modeling data. These data are necessary for the RC to carry out its functions, as defined by the NERC Reliability Standards, including: • • • • • Real-Time Situational Awareness System Alarms and Visualizations Advanced Applications and other Network Analysis Tools Future, Next Day and near Real-Time Engineering Study Analysis Post Analysis, Event Analysis, Trends, Forecasts, etc. Much of this data are securely transmitted to the RC via ICCP and the other data are delivered by secure File Transfer Protocol (“FTP”) services and/or other communication needs according to type and timeliness of data and security required. 2. Northwest Power Pool contains two sets of data requirements. The first set of data requirements was established by and according to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Documentation. This document states that the standards established by NERC and WECC require all electric balancing authorities to carry reserve for contingencies and disturbances. Except when communication links are down or the computer system for reserve sharing is not functioning, the reserve sharing process for the NWPP is automated. The data required by these standards are currently being serviced and delivered by BPA under contract with NWPP. The data are currently stored within a data historian system maintained at the NWPP. While the NWPP data requirements are not specifically listed within the matrix as such, the data elements themselves have been evaluated and found to be duplicative with the data elements required by the WECC specifications noted earlier. The second set of data requirements are new and come from a draft document authored on June 19, 2013 by the NWPP, titled “Transmission Visibility Expansion.” This document states the “Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) currently maintains a simplified radial connectivity transmission model. With the growth in the NWPP geographic area and the additional transmission, NWPP members are finding that the radial model is insufficient for ensuring reliable deployment of resources without the potential of congestion.” It further states, the “proposed NWPP solution is to create a new component that provides the necessary transmission visibility that would enable the analysis of the ability to deploy resources accounting for Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 37 physical congestion.” The data requirements associated with the functional aspects are consistent with the EIM approach and were captured accordingly. The additional columns contain several categories, loosely associated by the use of color and span Phases 3 through 5. It is important to note that each application listed below adds immediate value once implemented and is not discarded or rendered obsolete with the subsequent phase implementation work. The cumulative results of these tools and applications provide the “technology essence” of the proposal and benefit all members of the NWPP. 1. Visualization Displays with several groupings: a. Lines and Flowgate Overview b. NWPP Balancing Authority Overview c. Variable Energy Resource, Load and Forecast d. Net Area Interchange Overview 2. Centralized Flow Forecast 3. Resource Sufficiency 4. Regulation Pooling 5. Enhanced Contingency Reserve 6. Enhanced Curtailment Calculator 7. Dynamic Scheduling 8. Activating Constraints 9. Centralized Nodal Assessment 10. Security Constrained Economic Dispatch During the implementation of the phased components listed above, the data requirements and design must be revisited. In Phase 3, a detailed analysis is required. Clearly, technology and stakeholder drivers and data needs will change over the course of the project’s implementation and well afterward. These drivers will change the requirements or add requirements, which will need to be vetted, especially given the importance of preserving the integrity and quality of the data, new and existing, coming in and out of the applications and their components. Gaining stakeholder appreciation and buy-in to changes or new requirements can be tenuous if proper research and preparations are not considered ahead of time followed by effective communication and education. Failing to pay attention to these types of details will promote errors and failures, which can render the applications and subcomponents obsolete well before their time, at a cost factor far higher than the original implementation cost. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 38 4.2.3. Data Sharing Approach The question remains as to how much of this data can be shared, with whom, and in what manner. Overarching considerations are: 1. Not violating cyber security or Critical Infrastructure Protection (“CIP”) requirements; 2. Not violating existing agreements about data collection and sharing; 3. Not releasing commercially sensitive data; and 4. Not sharing data that would give an unfair market advantage to certain entities. For example, in row 1 below, NWPP MC would be sharing its own data, therefore, the restrictions would most likely be in the CIP requirements. In row 2, the NWPP MC would be sharing another entity’s data and it would be necessary to determine whether the NWPP MC has permission to share it, and if so, what limitations surround that permission. Row 3 is more similar to Row 1 because the data set is a compilation, which is akin to NWPP MC data because the NWPP MC “produced” it using inputs from others (this assumes that individual data cannot be disaggregated). Table 1: Data Sharing Matrix Who is Sharing Data? What Data are Shared? With Whom are Data Shared? NWPP MC NWPP MC NWPP MC NWPP Data X BA Y Data X Aggregated Data X for all BAs General Public General Public General Public The analysis is simplified if Column A is always NWPP sharing and Column C is always the General Public, but there may be other combinations to consider. It is believed that aggregated system data, assuming market-sensitive data are not allowed to be disaggregated, can be shared with fewer restrictions. However, based on the above analysis, it is presumed that a data sharing agreement between and amongst the NWPP and its members may be necessary prior to facilitating the system visibility enhancement envisioned in Phase 3. NWPP MC Data Resolution Process The Technology Workgroup suggests pursuing data sharing for the NWPP MC effort under the auspices of a data resolution process tied to the NWPP MC work orders associated with each phase. The NWPP MC work orders include confidentiality provisions. It is proposed Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 39 that these provisions be combined with one or more resolutions voluntarily enjoined by members of the NWPP MC Executive Committee. A summary comparison between the NWPP MC Data Resolution approach and WECC’s Universal Data Sharing Agreement (“UDSA”), detailed in the following subsection, helps illustrate the Technology Workgroup’s support for the data resolution approach: Table 2: Data Sharing Resolution Approach Example Drivers Control Scope NWPP MC Data Resolution NWPP Executive Committee Flexible Footprint Voluntary, Northwest centric WECC UDSA WECC RC, TOP, BA; but excludes marketing function All of WECC A form of data resolution that establishes procedures for the exchange of confidential information between the NWPP MC members and third parties was discussed during Phase 2. In summary, a form of resolution will include: • • • • • • • Identifies the Parties exchanging data; Describes the specific data to be collected; Specifies the manner through which the data will be collected (e.g. ICCP); Establishes the role of the third-party using / evaluating the data received; Outlines the purpose(s) for which the data are being collected; Sets forth the Participants’ access to the data and/or information produced as a result of the data collection effort; and Limits the duration of the resolution. WECC Universal Data sharing Agreement (“UDSA”) The WECC Universal Data Sharing Agreement (UDSA) is the product of a collaboration of western balancing authorities, transmission owners, transmission operators, and WECC. This agreement improves WECC’s ability to share synchrophasor data and operating reliability data with those charged with preserving and enhancing the reliability of the Western Interconnection. This shared information provides the following benefits. • • • Improved situational awareness for system operators in the Western Interconnection Better models, which form the basis of next day, seasonal, and planning studies Disturbance evaluation Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 40 The Agreement enables the exchange of information among those who need synchrophasor and operating reliability data to carry out their reliability responsibilities. At the same time, it keeps this data from merchants and marketing functions, and helps ensure the protection of market-sensitive information. Much of these data are exchanged through the portal. Because of the UDSA, data can be shared between members and WECC, and between the members themselves. All signatories of the WECC UDSA may have access (Balancing Authorities, Transmission Operators, and Reliability Coordinators) to a tremendous amount of operational data. Any entity within WECC with a reliability role can access this data in several ways: 1. Via the WECCRC.ORG website: a. Real-Time Displays b. Real-Time Contingency Analysis c. Study Libraries d. Operational data Library e. Outages f. West-wide System (“WSM”) Model Library g. Event Reports 2. Directly to their EMS system via ICCP and the RC EHV Data Pool28 3. Bi-laterally via ICCP (or other) with other BAs or TOPs However, marketing/commercial functions (IPP’s, Merchants, etc.) do not have access to this data except: 1. What their affiliated reliability function may share29 2. What a specific TOP/BA may willingly decide to share publicly 3. What they purchase from a vendor Much of the data already submitted to the WECC RC is a sound foundation from which to begin improving system visibility, data sharing, a resource sufficiency program, and ultimately SCED. 28 The WSCC EHV Data Pool was developed to provide generation, flow, voltage and frequency information on the whole interconnected system to operating entities. 29 Inconsistent data sharing policies between BAs and their merchants is a regional issue. Centralizing data sharing should provide an improved “level playing field.” Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 41 4.2.4. System Visibility and Data Sharing Tools Absent an EIM, the region currently lacks the tools and visibility into the system to: better manage ramps and increasing demand for balancing capacity associated with variable energy resources; systematically share load and resource diversity across their systems; and adequately manage and use the increasingly constrained regional transmission system. System visibility is essential in allowing entities in the NWPP footprint to have a common set of tools that would increase the region’s reliability and situational awareness. The NWPP MC Technology group has brought forward several system visibility tools that would provide forecast and real-time information for purposes of operational planning and system management. By providing entities, such as the Balancing Authority, IPPs, Transmission Operators, Power Marketers and Merchant Operators, etc. with access to aggregate level information, it would provide more transparency to operational planning and efficiencies. In an effort to foster collaboration and trust amongst members while simultaneously providing better and more accurate operational data to purchasing/selling entities (“PSEs”) and the general public, the Workgroups propose to broadly share several aggregated datasets: • • • • Path and Flowgate loadings (Limit, Actual) Regional BA Nets (Totals of BA’s in NWPP or sub-regional/zonal) Regional Supply and Demand, including Load Forecasts and Generation Fuel-type Mix Individual BA data (Net Scheduled Interchange (“NSI”), Net Actual Interchange (“NAI”), Area Control Error (“ACE”), Net Load, Net Generation, Reserves, etc.)30 Ideally this type of data would be shared with everyone simultaneously. There are three general classifications of users that may need to be considered: 1. General Pubic 2. Power Producers 3. Reliability Entities 30 Individual BA data may be considered sensitive information by some BAs (exposing a long or short position), even though many BAs and many regions post much of this data in aggregate form. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 42 The benefits of providing this data more broadly include: • • • Better situational awareness of operational conditions, allowing more timely and appropriate dispatch of resources in response to congestion or allowing merchants and IPPs more time to arrange capacity or energy; Facilitates regional problem solving; and Provides a foundation for resource sufficiency. There are numerous examples across North America of individual utilities, Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators making excellent system/operational data available to the general public and market participants in near real-time. The RC makes available at the WECCRC.ORG site a tremendous amount of data and displays. Many of the displays are very similar to some of the datasets that the Technology Workgroup envisioned sharing. A few displays that are targeted for sharing include the RC Transfer Paths and Path Map displays, as well as certain elements of the Automated Generation Control Totals and Load Comparisons displays. Note: As detailed in the Universal Data Sharing Agreement (“UDSA”) section of this document, there are no known restrictions or barriers to reliability entities (BAs, TOPs, RCs) sharing or receiving the data described above. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 43 Transmission Loading Data Having access to instantaneous information of aggregate flowgate and path loading data would prepare and prevent entities from entering into system positions that could accelerate system operational limits and increase reliability concerns. Geographical Overview Example The display below would provide a high level overview of key transmission flowgate and path loadings. The color of the elements on the display would change color as loading approaches the operating limit and potentially provide audible alarms to alert the user. Hovering a mouse over an element would provide popups with additional information. Figure 5: Geographical Transmission Overview Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 44 Tabular Overview Example This view would provide more detailed loading data in a sortable table. The default sort would be to show the most highly loaded paths (i.e., those closest to their operating limit) at the top. Similar to the previous display, the color of the data on the display would change as the loading approaches the operating limit and potentially provide audible alarms to alert the user. This display would also be capable of showing loading trends over the previous several hours or days. Figure 6: Tabular Transmission Overview Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 45 Balancing Authority Data Providing access to instantaneous interchange data at the BA, regional, or sub-regional level would illustrate the exchange of flow in and out of the corresponding areas. In addition, displaying the scheduling control error of the NAI against the NSI could also provide additional information on constraints in the region in terms of real power flow. Geographical Overview Example The display below would provide a high level overview of NWPP Balancing Authority Areas. The color of the elements on the display would change color and key BA metrics approach critical operating limit and potentially provide audible alarms to alert the user. Hovering a mouse over an element would provide popups with additional information. Figure 7: Balancing Authority Geographical Overview Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 46 Tabular Overview Example This view would provide more detailed BA data in a sortable table. Similar to the previous display, the color of the data on the display would change as values deviate from normal or reach critical operating limits. This display would also be capable of showing loading trends over the previous several hours or days. Figure 8: Balancing Authority Tabular Overview 4.2.5. Energy Imbalance Market Architecture In concert with defining Data Requirements and future EIM operational roles, the Technology Workgroup identified the conceptual market architecture. Below is a highNorthwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 47 level diagram showing the general relationship between the EMS and the SCED Engine. The architecture is loosely based on Southwest Power Pool. It is envisioned that the RC would provide the real-time telemetry and a majority of the EMS functionality. Systems Interface Overview EIM Entity (Northwest Power Pool ) Merchants Regional Infrastructure, Regulation Pooling, Resource Sufficiency, System Visibility, Security Constrained Economic Dispatch Market Participants Balancing Authorities IPP/LSE Transmission Owners Operations Center Data Acquisition Generation Control ICCP XML Reliability Coordinator (EMS Applications & Functionality) Generation Network Model RTNET/STNET State Estimator Contingency Analysis CLOGGER/MKTNET Reserve Calculations Reserve Monitoring AGC/RTGEN RFCALC (AFC) EMS Application Databases SCADA Topology Model Data Acquisition ICCP Market Operator (EIM & SCED Functionality ) Network Other Applications Full Graphics Modeler Historian Load Forecasting (Short/Long Term) Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (ECC) Other Applications Settlements Interchange Distribution Calc (IDC) Curtailment Adjustment Tool (CAT) Web services Participant Interfaces Scheduling Price Dispatch (SPD) Simultaneous Feasibility Test (SFT) Communications MOS File Server ICCP *Above represents key but not all EMS functions Oracle Market Database 3rd Party Market Apps OASIS eTag eDNA (archive) *Above represents key but not all EIM functions Figure 9: Systems Interface Overview Both the RC and SPP use the same EMS software vendor, ALSTOM. Both entities are using same version of the ALSTOM EMS software. SPP also uses ALSTOM market software. Alstom’s EMS utilizes a proprietary real-time database engine, HABITAT, to support its applications whereas the market systems utilize Oracle as their relational database engine. This integration issue is resolved through file and other open interfaces. Load Forecasts: Short-term (“STLF”) and Mid-term (“MTLF”) Load forecasts are critical to the overall solution because they estimate demand for both Resource Sufficiency and SCED. The Short-term Load Forecast (“STLF”) estimates the load on a five-minute basis for the next three hours whereas the Mid-term Load Forecast (“MTLF”) estimates the load on an hourly basis for one to seven days in the future. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 48 In the region, these forecasts must be tightly coordinated with both the RC and BAs. All regional entities should use the same forecast to ensure operational consistency. While MTLF is currently being calculated and shared between the BA and RC, the region is currently not using a STLF. STLF is essential in the operation of the SCED. STLF calculates short-term demand. Timely implementations of decisions lead to the improvement of network reliability and reduce occurrences of equipment failures and blackouts. Load forecasting is also important for contract analysis and evaluations of various energy pricing products offered by the market. Most forecasting methods use statistical learning techniques and algorithms such as regression, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and expert systems. A variety of methods such as these, and others such as similar day approach, and time series methods have been developed for STLF. Variable/Dynamic Transfer Constraints Dynamic Transfer Capability (“DTC”) is the ability of the operator of a generator to change the output of that generator within the hour without causing an excessive voltage excursion, unacceptable changes in Remedial Action Schemes, or other unacceptable operational results. Historically, variations in generation within hour to supply regulation and following services to load, to address contingencies, and to integrate remote resources into a BA have been accommodated without incident because these historic variations occurred at only a few resources to address predictable and relatively small variations in load. The advent of large additions of wind to the Northwest power grid has yielded movements of generation to compensate for changes in wind output that are larger, less predicable, and more rapid than historic load variability. This has resulted in operational limits being placed on the amount of variable transfers that can be allowed. By definition, an EIM is a mechanism by which resources within the EIM are dispatched every five minutes to meet load and export obligations at least cost. This mechanism may result in large, unpredictable, and rapid movements in generation from dispatch interval to dispatch interval from time to time. Changes in generation from resources that are scheduled across the Northwest may cause unacceptable system conditions. As a result, the EIM will likely be required to implement additional rate-of-change mechanisms and constraints to manage these changing flows on flowgates and paths. At this time, the cost and difficulty of implementing rate-of-change controls should be minimal in either SPP’s Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 49 market system or the system used by the California ISO. However, it should be noted that this is a requirement unique to the Northwest that is uncommon in other markets and will need to be considered in the final implementation of a NWPP footprint EIM. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 50 5. Governance 5.1. Introduction During Phase 1 of the MC Initiative, the Executive Subcommittee on Governance (“Governance Subcommittee”) developed a straw proposal (the “Phase 1 Straw Proposal”) laying out the basic framework for a proposed governance structure for a voluntary Energy Imbalance Market in the Northwest Power Pool area. The framework was intended to further a number of key objectives, including local control, avoiding scope creep of energy imbalance market functions or geography (unless broadly supported by the region’s utilities), preserving reliability, and minimizing the risk of any expansion of FERC jurisdiction over non-jurisdictional entities. Summary of Phase 1 The Phase 1 Straw Proposal included the following elements: • The region would form a specific-purpose nonprofit corporation (“EIM Admin Corp”) to oversee the development, implementation, and operation of a “standalone,” voluntary energy imbalance market. (The term “stand-alone” means that the scope of the energy imbalance market would be sub-hourly energy dispatch only, not encompassing transmission operations, transmission provider services, or controlling unit commitment in the pre-schedule period.) • EIM Admin Corp would have a small, independent Board of Directors exercising general oversight and policy-setting authority over EIM Admin Corp, except on issues (described below) for which decision-making authority is reserved to the members. • EIM Admin Corp members have the right to vote on matters of greatest concern, separated into two categories—issues for which a 60% majority vote is required, and issues for which an 80% majority vote is required. An affirmative vote of 60% of EIM Admin Corp’s members is required to: o elect or remove members of EIM Admin Corp’s Board, o approve proposed budgets or budget changes for EIM Admin Corp, o waive or modify the funding commitment required of late-joining members, or Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 51 o approve actions related to hiring the Market Operator for the energy imbalance market. An affirmative vote of 80% of members is required to: o change the scope of EIM Admin Corp or the energy imbalance market (or approve funding to study potential change in scope), o modify EIM Admin Corp’s Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws, or o expand the list of organizations eligible to be members of EIM Admin Corp. • EIM Admin Corp would have a standing committee of member representatives (the Member Committee) selected by the member organizations. The Member Committee would serve in an advisory capacity to the Board, acting through nonbinding votes. • Initial membership in EIM Admin Corp would be open to eligible organizations willing to commit funding for start-up of the energy imbalance market. Eligibility would be based on being either a Balancing Authority or a self-scheduling loadserving utility operating in the Northwest Power Pool area. There would be no requirement that organizations wishing to participate in the energy imbalance market become members of EIM Admin Corp, or that those organizations wishing to become members of EIM Admin Corp commit themselves to participate in the energy imbalance market. • Funding obligations might be “scaled” according to the size of an organization (which could be defined in many ways – revenues, transmission facilities, load, anticipated benefits from participation in the energy imbalance market, etc.). • The Board of EIM Admin Corp would set up procedures to make sure that there are appropriate opportunities for interested stakeholders to provide input concerning EIM Admin Corp’s activities and the energy imbalance market. Objectives of Phase 2 The governance objective for Phase 2 was to develop draft bylaws for EIM Admin Corp that would implement the principles the Governance Subcommittee identified in the Phase 1 Straw Proposal. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 52 The draft bylaws attempt to address every element of the Governance Subcommittee’s Phase 1 Straw Proposal, although the governance drafting team did present to the Governance Subcommittee their recommendations to modify certain elements of the Phase 1 Straw Proposal. Among these were the following: • Decisions concerning eligibility of organizations to join EIM Admin Corp will be made by the Board of Directors, applying criteria established in the bylaws, rather than by members voting on whether to modify a pre-established list of eligible organizations. It will still require an 80% member vote to modify the bylaw’s terms defining membership eligibility criteria. • The governance drafting team felt it would be appropriate, given the unique operational responsibilities and compliance risks that apply to Balancing Authority Areas, for all member votes to require not just a particular overall member threshold, but also a minimum level of concurrence from members that are Balancing Authorities. This is sometimes described as a “double-majority” requirement. This reflects, among other things, the drafting team’s expectation that obligations to contribute start-up funding for the energy imbalance market would apply only during the early years of EIM Admin Corp’s existence. Later on, once the energy imbalance market is self-sustaining and has been able to reimburse members’ start-up funding contributions, admission to membership would require only meeting eligibility criteria. • The governance drafting team provided for removal of directors to require a higherlevel member vote (80%) than the election of directors (which requires a 60% member vote). • The governance drafting team concluded that it was not feasible, with the level of information currently available, to incorporate into the bylaws details related to member funding obligations, the manner in which member start-up funding contributions would be reimbursed, and related terms. The bylaws have therefore been structured to rely on a companion agreement (the “Membership Agreement”) to spell out these provisions once sufficient decisions and details have been worked out by the organizations that intend to provide energy imbalance market start-up funding. • The draft bylaws also incorporate the drafting team’s recommended provisions to address various second-level details left open or unresolved in the Phase 1 Straw Proposal. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 53 5.2. Phase 2 Deliverables The primary Phase 2 deliverable for the governance drafting team was a set of draft bylaws for EIM Admin Corp. To make sure all parties reviewing the draft bylaws have sufficient context concerning what assumptions the governance drafting team made when drafting the bylaws, as well as understanding any issues that could not be resolved or fully addressed through terms in the bylaws, the governance drafting team also developed a set of companion documents. The companion documents include a high-level discussion of FERC jurisdiction as it may pertain to EIM Admin Corp, an “assumptions and flagged issues” list, and a “road map” document describing further work that remains with respect to governance and associated contractual arrangements. The road map document has several informational attachments, such as an outline of proposed terms to be included in a Membership Agreement for EIM Admin Corp. 5.2.1. Summary of Draft Bylaws for EIM Admin Corp The key provisions of the draft bylaws for EIM Admin Corp are as follows: • Purpose and Limitations Section (Section 1): Section 1 defines EIM Admin Corp’s purpose, which is to oversee the development, implementation, and operation of a voluntary energy imbalance market for the Northwest Power Pool area. It also establishes limitations on EIM Admin Corp’s ability to take certain actions (such as electing to submit to FERC jurisdiction or changing the geographic or functional scope of the energy imbalance market) without sufficient member authorization. The purpose and limitations provisions, together with how the term “Energy Imbalance Market” is defined in the bylaws, are key components to address one of the Governance Subcommittee’s primary objectives—preventing scope creep. • Membership Provisions (Section 3): Section 3 includes eligibility criteria for membership, which, as noted above, are to be administered by the Board. It also defines the members’ voting rights (including what issues members are entitled to vote on and the threshold required for approval in each of those areas). Although in the process of developing the Phase 1 Straw Proposal the Governance Subcommittee debated whether all members should have equal voting power—that is, one member, one vote—or voting power should be differentiated according to members’ relative funding contributions, the Governance Subcommittee subsequently instructed the governance drafting team to provide for equal voting power. Although each member organization has just one vote, the member voting provisions require not only requisite thresholds of member approval (generally Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 54 60% or 80%), but also a minimum level of support (51%) from members that are Balancing Authorities. The potential for members to have “tiered” funding obligations (that is, funding levels scaled to reflect differences in members’ ability to contribute) remains, but is not directly addressed in the bylaws because detailed funding terms cannot be worked out until later stages in the development process. These would be addressed in the Membership Agreement. • Provisions Governing the Board of Directors (Section 4): Section 4 defines the composition, responsibilities, and limitations on the authority of EIM Admin Corp’s Board of Directors. It also establishes procedures for nominating and electing Board members. As noted above in the summary of the Phase 1 Straw Proposal, approval of the members (at a 60% level) is required for the Board of EIM Admin Corp to select and hire the Market Operator. Section 4.13 includes detailed provisions to make sure that scope restrictions on EIM Admin Corp are carried through to the terms of any contract for market operation services. • Provisions Establishing a Member Committee (Section 5): Section 5 defines the composition, powers, and responsibilities of the Member Committee. The Phase 1 Straw Proposal called for the Member Committee to consist of seven representatives—three elected by public power members, three elected by investorowned utility members, and one elected by federal power marketing agency members. Recognizing that these three categories did not encompass all of the types of organizations that could be eligible for membership in EIM Admin Corp, the governance drafting team provided for one additional representative to be elected by members that don't fit into any of the other three categories. • Development and Approval of EIM Admin Corp Budgets (Section 6): Section 6 requires the Board of EIM Admin Corp to consult with members in developing (or substantially revising) the annual budget for EIM Admin Corp, and to submit budget proposal to the members for approval (which requires a 60% member vote). Section 6 also provides a fallback mechanism if a proposed budget does not gain sufficient member approval. • Consultation Obligations Related to Regulatory Filings (Section 8): Because of the importance of issues related to FERC jurisdiction, Section 8 contains detailed provisions requiring EIM Admin Corp to consult with members in developing and submitting filings to FERC and other energy regulatory authorities. Provisions elsewhere in the bylaws also require the Board of EIM Admin Corp make good-faith efforts to seek similar consultation commitments from the Market Operator. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 55 Section 8 also includes provisions that entitle any non-jurisdictional member to immediately withdraw from EIM Admin Corp if it believes remaining a member will have adverse jurisdictional consequences. • Stakeholder Consultation Provisions (Section 10): Section 10 requires the Board to develop policies and procedures to promote ongoing consultation with, and input from, market participants and the general public. • Provisions to Protect Member Rights (Sections 11 and 12): Section 11 contains terms that make it difficult to change the bylaws. None of the provisions in the bylaws can be changed without approval of 80% of the members, except one section (containing the provisions that require unanimous members approval for EIM Admin Corp to voluntarily submit itself to FERC jurisdiction), which can be changed only if the members approve unanimously. Section 12 is designed to echo any requirements for member approval of amendments to EIM Admin Corp’s Articles of Incorporation. • General: The proposed bylaws for EIM Admin Corp also include typical provisions to address such things as directors’ and officers fiduciary duties; procedures for meetings of the Board, members, and Member Committee; limitations of liability and indemnification of officers and directors; and corporate record-keeping. 5.2.2. Overview of Supporting Documents As noted above, to provide additional background information and context, the governance drafting team developed a set of supporting documents to supplement the draft bylaws for EIM Admin Corp. These documents include the following: • High-Level Discussion of FERC Jurisdiction As It Pertains to EIM Admin Corp: The Governance Subcommittee indicated in the Phase 1 Straw Proposal that EIM Admin Corp is intended to be non-jurisdictional. This document summarizes the views of the governance drafting team on this topic. • Assumptions and Issues List: The governance drafting team’s “assumptions and issues” list is meant to provide important context about what the drafting team assumed in developing proposed bylaws for EIM Admin Corp, and to also flag important issues that are outside the scope of the bylaws or cannot be resolved fully through bylaws provisions. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 56 • Road Map Document: The “road map” document is intended to convey that the draft bylaws for EIM Admin Corp are a work-in-progress and that substantial additional work remains to carry out the objectives identified by the Governance Subcommittee and to create all necessary contractual arrangements. The road map also includes three informational attachments: (1) a diagram depicting the relationships among EIM Admin Corp, its members, the Market Operator, and market participants, (2) a draft outline of a Membership Agreement for EIM Admin Corp, and (3) a preliminary list of organizations potentially eligible for membership in EIM Admin Corp, based on the criteria in the proposed bylaws. 5.2.3. NWPP General Services Agreement Discussion To the extent the MC members elect to undertake further stages of the MC Initiative, and wish to do so with less formality and greater flexibility than would be associated with formation of EIM Admin Corp, the option to rely on “work orders” managed through the Northwest Power Pool corporation remains available. The advantage of this approach is that the Northwest Power Pool members are familiar with it, and because work orders are contractually tied into an existing “umbrella” agreement (known as the General Services Agreement) with the Northwest Power Pool corporation, many of the general terms and conditions that might otherwise have to be negotiated in a multilateral contract are already in place. This simplifies the work order development process, enabling the parties to focus on scope of work, funding obligations, and decision-making processes. Work orders can also be configured for different sets of activities encompassing different combinations of MC members as needed. Northwest Power Pool Market Assessment and Coordination Committee February 5, 2014 57