north-south asymmetry of geomagnetic activity and solar wind

Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2016. Vol. 2. Iss. 1, pp. 44–49, DOI: 10.12737/19877. © INFRA-M Academic Publishing House
Original Russian version G.A. Makarov, published in Solnechno-Zemnaya Fizika. 2016, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 32–35
DOI: 10.12737/13403
G.A. Makarov
Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of SB RAS, Yakutsk, Russia
Geomagnetic activity asymmetry in the Northern and Southern hemispheres is studied. It is shown that
the higher is the level of magnetic activity the greater is the asymmetry. It is found that the asymmetry in
the hemispheres manifests itself in the 06–18-hour component of magnetic activity diurnal variation,
while the asymmetry in the 00–12-hourly component is completely absent. The cause of geomagnetic
north-south asymmetry is supposed to be meridional Pedersen current between high and middle latitudes
in the ionosphere. A qualitative model of formation of asymmetry connected with the solar wind electric
field is proposed.
Keywords: geomagnetic activity, Earth’s magnetosphere, interplanetary magnetic field.
It is common knowledge [Siebert, 1968; Wilcox, 1968] that geomagnetic activity level in the positive
sector of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the Northern Hemisphere is higher than that in the Southern
one, while in the negative IMF sector it is, on the contrary, higher in the Southern Hemisphere. The above
papers deal with three-hour geomagnetic data [Siebert, 1968] or diurnal variations for certain periods [Wilcox,
1968]. They do not, however, examine the effect of magnetic activity level on the asymmetry.
To reveal the physical nature of the north-south asymmetry of geomagnetic activity, it is necessary to
consider it across the entire dataset and in periods with different geomagnetic activity levels.
We analyze three-hour data on geomagnetic indices аn and аs for 1968–1975 and their daily means
An and As [Geomagnetic Data, 1972–1976]. The entire dataset is divided into two classes according to the
sign of the IMF sector structure from the Sun (positive sector) and to the Sun (negative sector). Each class
includes four groups depending on the magnetic activity level. The first group comprises days with a
daily sum ΣKp equal to 0÷12; the second, 13÷18; the third, 19÷23; the fourth, 24÷33. The data are
processed by the method of superposed epochs. As a result, for each of the groups we acquire three-hour
data and their monthly values.
G.A. M
Danilov [Daniilov, 1998] sh
hows that the eexcess of mag
gnetic activity
y in the positivve IMF sectorr in the
Northhern Hemispheere is equal to
o that in the neegative IMF sector
in the Southern
misphere. To id
the assymmetry, wee utilize the fo
ollowing com
mbination of geomagnetic
ndices An andd As of the No
and Southern hemispheres respectively. As a w
working variaant A we comp
pute the sum oof monthly av
A=(A + n +A – s ) wheree signs «+» and
a «–» refer to positive an
nd negative IMF sectors. FFor compariso
on, we
take a control variaant K=(A – n +A+ s ). The findiings for the fo
our groups ΣK
Kp are given inn Figure 1. It is
i seen
that cuurves in the working
nt A are draw
wn higher than
n those in the control one K
K. Yet the diffference
betweeen А and K inncreases with magnetic activvity. In quiet periods (ΣKp =0÷12), the ddifference betw
ween А
and K virtually disaappears.
Consider variattions in аn and
d аs with the tim
me of day. To do this, by usin
ng data on threee-hour аn and
d аs, we
conduuct the Fourier analysis and determine
the aamplitude R an
nd time T of maximum
rnal variation. For
F the
time T we take the solar time of the
t Northern G
Geomagnetic Pole
P that differrs from UT byy 4.5 hr. In thee solarecliptiic coordinate system,
the vecctor with the am
mplitude R and
d maximum T phase (in degrrees) can be reesolved
into tw
wo componentts аx=RcosT an
nd аy=RsinT aliigned with the geomagnetic meridian
and pparallel respecttively.
The working variant correesponds to thee sum (Аn++А
Аs–); the conttrol one, to (А
Аn–+Аs+) wheere the
indicees denote the Northern (N) and Southerrn (S) hemisp
pheres and th
he IMF sectorr polarity. Nu
indicaate magnetic activity
levels: 1 — ΣKp =0÷
÷12; 2 — 13÷
÷18; 3 — 19÷2
23; 4 — 24÷333.
IIf geomagnetic activity is caused by ionoospheric curreents, then it is obvious that tthe аx component is
drivenn by currents flowing along
g geomagneticc parallels; an
nd the аy comp
ponent, by currrents flowing
g along
the m
meridian. From
m the аx and аy components we form com
mbinations of A and K. The rresults are sho
own in
Figuree 2. Notice thhat for аy we take absolutee values becaause this comp
ponent has oppposite signs in the
positivve and negativve IMF sectorrs.
Figure 1. Annuaal variation of magnetic
activitty for the working (●—●) and
d control (○—○)) variants
North-ssouth asymmetry of geomagnetic activity
and solarr wind electric fieeld
Figure 2. Annuual variation in 0÷12-hour ((аx) and 6÷18-hour (аy) components of thee diurnal variaation of
magneetic activity forr the working (●—●
) and controol (○—○) varian
nts. Numbers in
ndicate magnetiic activity levells: 1 —
ΣKp ==0÷12; 2 — 13÷÷18; 3 — 19÷233; 4 — 24÷33
IIt is apparent that for аx thee А and K varriants are almo
ost alike, wheereas for аy cuurves of А aree much
higherr than those of
o K. This im
mplies that thee south-north asymmetry of
o magnetic acctivity is caused by
ionosppheric currentts flowing alon
ng the meridiaan.
mispheres aree more
Siebert and Wilcox
[Sieberrt, 1968] and [Wilcox, 196
68] believe th
hat Earth’s hem
sensittive to geomaagnetic disturrbances whenn Earth’s mag
gnetotail is op
pposite in dirrection to IM
MF and
magnetic reconnecttion can occurr. This idea prrovokes two comments.
Firrst, in tail lobees the field haas only
place only with the B x IMF comp
the Bx component.. Consequentlly, the reconnnection can take
Howeever, Shelomeentsev and Yo
oshizawa [Shhelomentsev, 1977;
Yoshizawa, 1986] shhow that the northsouth asymmetry of
o magnetic acctivity is assoociated with the IMF azimu
uthal componnent By. Petruk
[Petruukovich, 20111] using Geottail satellite ddata has reveaaled that the IMF By compponent signifi
affectts the magnetiic field By com
mponent in thee plasma layerr, which depen
nds on the geoodipole tilt an
ngle. In
[Cao et al., 2014], this result was confirmed through Clusster measurem
ments. Accorddingly, the maagnetic
field rreconnection in radial direcction cannot eexplain the assymmetry. Second, if it is ggranted that Earth’s
magnetotail and IM
MF do reconn
nect, it remaiins unclear how
the recon
nnection energgy is transferrred to
ugh magnetic ffield lines.
middlle latitudes because tail lobees are connectted with the polar cap throu
G.A. M
Shelomentsev [Shelomentseev, 1977] thinnks that during
g periods of (+)
( IMF the m
morning-side auroral
electroojet increases, and back cu
urrents in the Northern Heemisphere shifft toward the equator; and in the
Southhern Hemispheere, to the po
ole. The authhor concludes that back Hall
H currents oof the mornin
electroojet cause the north-south asymmetry.
It is not correctt since the currrents flow larg
rgely along paarallels,
and thheir magneticc effect shoulld manifest ittself in the аx component. Figure 2 inndicates that in this
compoonent the asyymmetry in th
he hemispherees does not reeveal itself at all. Referringg to this figu
ure, the
metry shows up
u in the аy com
mponent of the
he diurnal variaation, i.e. it is generated
by m
meridional currrents.
Yoshizawa [Y
Yoshizawa, 19
986] notes thaat the asymm
metry value vaaries with subbstorm activity
y. The
authorr has establisshed that the asymmetry vvalue depend
ds on the locaal magnetic ttime. Magnettic and
substoorm activities are dissimilarr notions. Unllike substorm activity, magn
netic activity ddoes not neceessarily
vary iin response to energy accum
mulation in thee magnetotail..
We suggest thhe following qualitative ppattern for thee formation of
o the north-ssouth asymmeetry of
magnetic activity. IMF
penetratees into magnettotail lobes an
nd generates an
a electric fielld E=–[V×B] where
V is thhe solar wind velocity, В iss the tail magnnetic field direected to Earth in the northerrn tail lobe and from
Earth in the southerrn one. In the tail lobes, eleectric drift of plasma
occurss (Figure 3). T
The drift veloccity VА
wn to dusk in the working variant, and vice
v versa in the control one.
is seeen to be directed from daw
ionosppheric heightts, only ions drift, while pprotons stay put due to frequent
collissions with neeutrals.
Accorrdingly, in thee polar ionosph
here there aree dusk-dawn currents. This is
i consistent w
with the well-k
fact thhat in the posiitive IMF secttor in the Nortthern Hemisph
here the dusk convection voortex expandss into a
large part of the polar cap [IIonospheric-M
Magnetic Disturbances, 19
986]. This iss equivalent to the
appeaarance of electtric current across the polarr cap.
IIn the workingg variant, posiitive charges ggather on the morning side of the polar ioonosphere; neegative
ones, on the eveninng side. Thesse drift chargees amplify th
he existing eleectric field Е generated by
y fieldaligneed magnetosphheric currents of zone 1 [Iijjima, Potemraa, 1976].
Figure 3. Diagrram illustrating
g electric drift oof plasma in magnetotail lobes in the positivve (+) and negaative (-)
IMF ssectors. BN andd BS is the mag
gnetic field in tthe northern an
nd southern taill lobes; E+ andd E– is the solaar wind
electric field; VA andd VK is the plassma drift velociity in tail lobess for the workin
ng А and controol K magnetic activity
North-south asymmetry of geomagnetic activity and solar wind electric field
In the control variant, the drift occurs from dusk to dawn, and drift charges attenuate the field caused
by currents of zone 1. In the working variant there emerges an additional electric field between high and
middle latitudes. This field exhibits auxiliary Pedersen currents flowing from high to middle latitudes in
the dawn sector of the ionosphere and backward in the dusk one. The auxiliary Pedersen currents together
with existing currents in the polar ionosphere close inflow currents of zone 1 and outflow currents of zone 2
that are likely to exist throughout the region from middle latitudes to the auroral zone. Thus, in the
positive IMF sector in the Northern Hemisphere there arises an additional current system that includes
field-aligned currents of zones 1 and 2, drift and Pedersen currents in the polar and mid-latitude
ionospheres. During the negative IMF, a current system appears in the Southern Hemisphere. In the
control variant, this current system does not develop because it is interrupted in the polar cap.
The main results of the study are as follows.
1. By using a large body of experimental data, we have confirmed the conclusion that in the positive
IMF sector the level of geomagnetic activity in the Northern Hemisphere is higher than that in the
Southern one, while in the negative sector it is higher in the Southern Hemisphere. In addition, we have
established that the higher is the level of magnetic activity the greater is the asymmetry in the
hemispheres. During quiet periods there is no asymmetry.
2. The asymmetry in the hemispheres appears in the аy component of the diurnal variation of
magnetic activity, whereas in the аx component the asymmetry is completely absent.
3. An immediate cause of the north-south asymmetry is supposed to be meridional Pedersen currents
flowing between high and middle latitudes in the ionosphere.
4. We have proposed a qualitative model of asymmetry formation. The solar wind electric field E=–
[V×B] penetrates into magnetotail lobes and generates here an electric drift of plasma. At ionospheric
heights, this drift enhances the electric field across the polar cap and generates an additional electric field
between high and middle latitudes. In this field there arise Pedersen currents responsible for the observed
asymmetry of magnetic activity in the two hemispheres.
I began this study together with A.A. Danilov who passed away on December 24, 2011.
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