Virtual Mentor - AMA Journal of Ethics

Virtual Mentor
American Medical Association Journal of Ethics
June 2010, Volume 12, Number 6: 502-513.
Suggested Readings and Resources
131 Cong Rec S13892-01 (daily ed. Oct. 23, 1985) (statement of Sen. Kennedy).
American College of Emergency Physicians. The uninsured: access to medical care. Accessed April 9, 2010.
American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. Physician
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American Medical Association. Opinion 9.067 Physician Obligation in Disaster
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Medical Association; 2008-2009. Accessed May 18,
Appelbaum PS. Assessment of patients’ competence to consent to treatment. N Engl
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Aristotle. Poetics 1.1. Butcher SH, trans. The Internet Classics Archive. Accessed April 6, 2010.
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Asplin BR, Magid DJ, Rhodes KV, Solberg LI, Lurie N, Camargo CA Jr. A
conceptual model of emergency department crowding. Ann Emerg Med.
Auerbach J, Dreyer P. Circular Letter: DHCQ 08-07-494; Changes to ambulance
diversion policies; July 3, 2008. Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
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Bamezai A, Melnick G, Nawathe A. The cost of an emergency department visit and
its relationship to emergency department volume. Ann Emerg Med. 2005;45(5):483490.
Bamezai A, Melnick G. Marginal cost of emergency department outpatient visits: an
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