2013-2014 Report to Donors ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON 1 The Catholic Community Fund enables individuals, families, businesses, and organizations to create charitable endowment funds that provide permanent support for Catholic parishes, Catholic schools, Catholic social services, and other Catholic faith ministries to help them meet current and future needs. In doing so, the Fund strengthens and preserves the Catholic faith in the 144 communities in eastern Massachusetts that make up the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. It is the foundation serving Greater Boston’s Catholic community. A Message from Cardinal Seán Dear Friends in Christ, As beloved children of God, we are called to join together to build His kingdom on earth. In supporting the Catholic Community Fund, you strengthen the foundation upon which hundreds of pastoral, charitable, and educational ministries radiate Christ’s love. Your generosity ensures that the hopeful legacy of programs and ministries that impact lives today carry on tomorrow and beyond. This report is a tribute to those faithful stewards whose commitment to the Catholic Community Fund exemplifies faith working through love in our Archdiocese of Boston every day. All of this work is made possible only through your support. I am deeply grateful for your generosity of spirit that sustains and enlivens this critical effort. Please be assured of my continued prayers and gratitude for the sacrifices made on behalf of our Church. May our lives and actions continue to strengthen the work of God in our Archdiocese as we bring the joy and hope of Christ to all who seek His friendship. Gratefully yours in Christ, Archbishop of Boston Catholic Community Fund Board of Trustees CARDINAL SEÁN P. O’MALLEY, O.F.M., Cap. Archbishop of Boston Chairman KATHLEEN F. DRISCOLL Secretary for Institutional Advancement Archdiocese of Boston President JOHN E. STRAUB Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Archdiocese of Boston Treasurer F. BEIRNE LOVELY JR., Esq. General Counsel Archdiocese of Boston Secretary FRANCIS J. O’CONNOR, Esq. Assistant General Counsel Archdiocese of Boston Assistant Secretary SHEILA C. CAVANAUGH Belmont, MA REV. RICHARD M. ERIKSON, PhD Pastor Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Sudbury DANIEL L. FITZGERALD Marblehead, MA KEVIN P. MARTIN, CPA Principal/Founding Director Kevin P. Martin & Associates, PC Front row (left to right): Very Rev. Bryan K. Parrish, Sheila C. Cavanaugh, Kevin P. Martin, and Daniel L. Fitzgerald Back row (left to right): William M. Noonan, F. Beirne Lovely Jr., Francis J. O’Connor, and John E. Straub 4 WILLIAM M. NOONAN President and CEO Contravisory Investment Management VERY REV. BRYAN K. PARRISH Assistant Vicar for Administration Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Community Fund endowments are managed through the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston's (RCAB) Common Investment Fund, which is overseen by the RCAB Investment Committee. The Investment Committee reviews investment policies, capital market environment, strategic and tactical asset allocations, investment performance, current and prospective investment managers, investor needs, and cash flow requirements. RCAB Investment Committee ROBERT J. MORRISSEY, Esq., CHAIR Partner Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch Socially Responsible Investing When you give to the Catholic Community Fund, your investment not only supports strong, faith-filled Catholic ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Boston, but it is managed according to Catholic social teaching. The Catholic Community Fund follows the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Application of Moral Principles to Investment Practices, and seeks the best possible returns while managing risk through appropriate allocation of funds among various investments. Excluded from our investment strategy are abortion and abortion-related products or services, birth control, tobacco, life-ending embryonic stem cell research, pornography, militarism, landmines, and firearms. CHARLES I. CLOUGH Chairman and CEO Clough Capital Partners, LP GERALD R. CURTIS Birch Hill Investment Advisors PETER S. LYNCH Vice Chairman Fidelity Management and Research JAMES J. MAHONEY, Jr. President The Mahoney Group THOMAS M. O’NEIL Managing Director and Partner Navigator Management Company THOMAS C. STAKEM, Jr. Vice President and Director of Research Wookstock Corporation JOHN E. STRAUB Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Archdiocese of Boston CUSTODIAN State Street Global Advisors INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO CONSULTANTS MPC Capital Advisors, LLC 5 What the Catholic Community Fund Supports Through the Catholic Community Fund, our local Catholic community can help to ensure that current and future needs are met for the causes they care about most. Earnings are distributed according to donor intent, and all funds are managed in a fiscally and socially responsible way according to Catholic social teaching. “...by their fruits, you will know them.” Mt 7:20 6 Currently, the overarching priorities of the Catholic Community Fund are: Archdiocesan central ministries, parishes, Catholic schools, Catholic social services, seminaries, clergy and women religious. The following pages explain in detail each one of these priorities. Archdiocesan Central Ministries The 50 faith-filled ministries and programs of the Archdiocese of Boston enrich parish life, strengthen families, educate future generations, and help advance Church leadership. Funds dedicated in support of these ministries—such as religious education, Catholic schools, and Catholic social services—help carry out the mission of the Church and impact countless families and communities. Enriching Parish Life Strengthening Families Supporting our Priests and Deacons ■ Clergy Personnel ■ Clergy Support and Ongoing Formation ■ Permanent Diaconate ■ Diaconal Life and Formation Building Stronger Marriages ■ Marriage Ministries ■ Natural Family Planning (NFP) Serving the Parish Community ■ Pastoral Planning ■ Office of Divine Worship ■ Office of Spiritual Life - Why Catholic? ■ Office of Outreach and Cultural Diversity - Airport and Seaport Chaplain - Black Catholic Ministries - Deaf Apostolate - Hispanic Apostolate - Ministry of Persons with Disabilities Strengthening Parish Operations ■ Parish Support and Training ■ Parish Financial Services ■ Property Management ■ Human Resources ■ Risk Management and Insurance ■ Finance and Accounting Renewing the Adult Faith Journey ■ Faith Formation of Adults - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Healing Families in Times of Difficulty ■ Office of Chaplaincy Programs - Bereavement Ministry - Healthcare Ministry - Prison Ministry - Pastoral Outreach to the Sick and Homebound ■ Pro-Life Office - Pregnancy Help - Project Rachel ■ Tribunal Preserving Catholic Family Values ■ Family and Intergenerational Ministry ■ Parents Alliance for Catholic Education (PACE) ■ Massachusetts Catholic Conference (MCC) Educating Our Future Advancing Church Leadership Teaching the Faith to the Next Generation ■ Catholic Schools Office ■ Faith Formation of Children - Office of Religious Education - Hispanic Catechesis ■ Faith Formation of Youth and Young Adults - Catholic High School Ministry - Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Athletic Ministry - Middle School and High School Parish Youth Ministry - Scouting Ministry - Young Adult Ministry ■ College Campus Ministry Supporting the Cardinal and Vicar General ■ Cardinal’s Office ■ Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia ■ Chancellor’s Office ■ Office of Regional Bishops ■ Delegate for Religious - Vocations to the Consecrated Life ■ Canonical Affairs ■ Archives ■ Office of the General Counsel ■ Communications and Public Affairs ■ Institutional Advancement ■ Finance ■ Information Technology ■ Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs ■ Professional Responsibility and Oversight Office ■ Office of the Episcopal Vicar for the New Evangelization Inspiring New Vocations ■ Vocations Office Promoting a Culture of Life ■ Respect Life Education 7 Parishes The Archdiocese of Boston is home to 1.9 million Catholics in 289 parish communities across eastern Massachusetts. It is the fourth largest diocese in the U.S. with more than 157,000 Masses celebrated in 19 languages each year. Each with its own unique history, our parishes serve the changing needs of our diverse Catholic family through a multitude of spiritual life resources, faith formation programs, and other ministries that enrich the faith experience. Pero Family Scholarship Fund In 2013, William "Bill" and Suzanne Pero established a new endowment fund to provide college scholarships to students who are members of their parish, Church of the Holy Ghost, in Whitman. In making this gift, Bill Pero cited his and his wife’s desire to share their good fortune with others: “God has blessed us with many opportunities in our lifetime. It is very gratifying for us to share and provide the youth of our parish with the opportunity to reach their goals.” -Suzanne and Bill Pero 8 The Peros have been active parishioners at the Church of the Holy Ghost for many years. They are parents of four adult children and have a number of grandchildren. Until his retirement, Bill was president of Bristol, RI-based Fortune Rope and Metal, Inc., an industry-recognized supplier of aircraft cable, wire rope, chain, coated cable, and hardware fittings to a wide range of industrial and commercial customers. Suzanne is a talented artist. The first Pero family scholarships will be made in 2014 with preference given to students attending Catholic colleges. We are grateful to the Peros for their generous commitment to their parish community and the young people whose educational journey will be enriched through their support. Endowment funds in this area provide general parish support in perpetuity, or more commonly, to a specific parish of the donor’s choosing. Catholic Schools More than 40,000 students are educated each year in the 119 elementary and secondary schools within the Archdiocese. With 99% of students graduating from high school and 97% of those students going on to college, Catholic schools have unmatched success in educating youth, especially in urban areas. Funds from endowments supporting Catholic schools help to keep schools financially healthy, academically strong, and a beacon of hope, passing our faith to the next generation. Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese At-a-Glance Number of Catholic schools 119 Students in Catholic schools 40,000 Graduates continuing to college 97% Avg. elementary tuition (2013-2014) $5,100 Avg. secondary tuition (2013-2014) $13,500 9 Social Services The largest private provider of social services in Massachusetts, Catholic Charities of Boston offers nearly 90 programs and services in 27 locations across eastern Massachusetts. Funds dedicated to these services contribute to the long-term success and growth of these programs and ministries. Last year alone, Catholic Charities of Boston served more than 200,000 people of all faiths, including 14,000 refugees and immigrants. 10 Clergy and Women Religious The Archdiocese is blessed with the service of 628 active and senior diocesan priests and more than 1,700 religious sisters representing 80 religious communities. These devoted men and women are involved in many diverse ministries throughout the Archdiocese, both in and outside parish life. They are present and active in every place and situation imaginable—local parishes and schools, hospitals and prisons, college campuses and nursing homes. Seminaries The Catholic Community Fund supports two of the five seminaries attended by the Archdiocese's 67 seminarians: St. John's Seminary in Brighton and Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston. Since its founding in 1884, more than 3,000 men have passed through the doors of St. John’s and on to priestly ministry in Boston and other dioceses throughout New England. In recent years, enrollment has increased dramatically from 42 men in 2006 to more than 122 in 2014. Candidates arrive at the seminary by way of various professional backgrounds, including law, medicine, business, teaching, sales, banking, social work, and military service. The diversity of life experiences shared by these mature seminarians enriches both the seminary community and their future ministries in the Church. Our priests and sisters have served us—their Catholic family—for many years. Through your support of the Catholic Community Fund, you show these men and women that their family will be there to support them today and in the future. Generous support of these seminaries helps to ensure that holy priests will be there to shepherd the Church for generations to come. The Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary is committed to the formation of men between 30 and 60 years of age and is the only theological institution in the U.S. administered by diocesan priests for mature candidates. 11 new to the catholic community fund Artie and Judy Boyle Scholarship Fund Cameron Family scholarship Fund Through the generosity of many donors, this fund was established in honor of Artie and Judy Boyle of Hingham. The spendable income provides scholarship support through the Campaign for Catholic Schools for students attending Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy in Dorchester and Mattapan. Established by the Honorable Lawrence C. L. Cameron through the Campaign for Catholic Schools, this fund provides scholarship support for students attending Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy in Dorchester and Mattapan. Judge Cameron and his siblings—Colin F. X. Cameron, Gerald T. Cameron, Eleanor Cameron Bonner, and Walter J. Cameron—all were educated by the Sisters of Charity at St. Peter, Dorchester. His gift was made in gratitude to them. Nellie M. Brownell Scholarship Fund Together with his wife, Kelly Laurel, and many generous individuals, Daniel Brownell established this fund in loving memory of his mother. Gifts made in Mrs. Brownell’s memory support financiallyneedy students at Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy in Dorchester and Mattapan through the Campaign for Catholic Schools. Pero Family Scholarship Fund Created by William and Suzanne Pero, this fund provides scholarships to college students who are active members of their parish, Church of the Holy Ghost, in Whitman. 12 Robert P. Durling endowment Fund This permanent endowment fund was established in 2014 to benefit St. Ann by the Sea Parish, Marshfield, through a generous bequest from the Robert P. Durling Trust. It will support and promote the parish's music program. A gift to the Catholic Community Fund provides current and future support for parishes, schools, ministries, and other charitable causes within the Archdiocese. Gifts to the Catholic Community Fund can be made in the form of cash, appreciated securities, real estate, bequests, life insurance, retirement plans, and IRA charitable rollovers. Your generosity strengthens the Catholic family in the Archdiocese of Boston, and helps to ensure that the causes you care about are there to serve and educate future generations. Ways of Giving to the Catholic Community Fund GIVING FOR TH E FUTURE GIVING NOW How you can give What the benefit is to you How you will impact the Church Outright Gifts •Cash •Stocks and other securities •Real estate •Insurance polices •Income tax deduction •No capital gains tax deduction on appreciated gifts •Perpetual income •Interest income used by parishes, schools, and organizations in the Archdiocese Charitable Gift Annuities •Cash •Stocks and other securities •Real estate •Guaranteed fixed income for life •Option to defer income •Portion of income is tax-free •Income tax deduction •Reduction of estate taxes •Upon the death of the donor or last surviving annuitant, remaining assets generate funds for the intended ministries Donor-Advised Funds •Cash •Stocks and other securities •Real estate •Easy, flexible, convenient, no-cost set-up •Access to professional management and expertise •Opportunity to participate in existing investment pools •Estate and income tax savings •Donor recommends distributions from fund •Donor passes on value of stewardship to family by designating successors as fund advisors •Catholic Community Fund receives gifts for immediate and future impact on ministries designated by donor •Donor-designated successors continue participating in stewardship with the Church Charitable Remainder Trusts •Cash •Stocks and other securities •Real estate •Variable or fixed income •Option to defer income •Income tax deduction •Reduction of estate taxes •No capital gains tax on appreciated gift (or deferral, in some instances) •Catholic Community Fund receives substantial future gift to support the work of the Church and the ministries named by the donor Charitable Lead Trusts •Cash •Stocks and other securities • Real estate •Principal returns to donor or heirs at end of trust period •Principal can pass to others with little or no shrinkage •Tax deduction •Income for duration of trust helps Church meet spiritual and human needs that exceed the capabilities of most parishes, schools, and Archdiocesan organizations Bequests and Wills •Cash •Real estate •Personal property •Percentage of estate •Remainder of estate •Possible estate tax deduction •Opportunity to make a perpetual gift •Bequest will be held in perpetuity and invested to fund specific ministries, parishes, and school needs Life Insurance Policies •Name Catholic Community Fund as policy holder and/or beneficiary •Opportunity to make substantial future gift to Church at current manageable cost •Income tax deduction for value of the policy when transferred •Premium payments may be deductible as gifts •Catholic Community Fund receives full face value of policy upon death of the donor, or may receive current surrender value prior to the donor’s death Retirement Plans and IRAs •Name Catholic Community Fund as beneficiary of death benefit •Opportunity to make a major gift •Estate and income tax savings •Significant gift upon death of donor 13 Endowment Beneficiaries Total FY14 Distributions Over $3.16M Endowments established with the Catholic Community Fund are invested in the Archdiocese’s Common Investment Fund and overseen by the Catholic Community Fund Board of Directors. Any earned interest and dividend above and beyond what is distributed (four percent total annually) is added back to the principal of the fund. 9% Catholic Education 6% Parishes 26% Central Ministries 40% Catholic Appeal Investment Policy The Catholic Community Fund seeks the best possible returns while managing risk through appropriate allocation of assets among various asset classes. The Catholic Community Fund follows the Application of Moral Principles to Investment Practices as outlined by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Spending Policy On a quarterly basis, the Catholic Community Fund distributes one percent of the beginning-ofthe-quarter market value of the endowment fund for the purpose(s) for which the fund has been established. Distributions are not made if end-ofquarter market value is below the total contributed amount. Distributions can be reinvested, paid out, or accumulated and paid out as requested. 4% Women Religious Market Value by Category Over $51.64M 12% Catholic Education 13% Parishes 10% Catholic Appeal 43% Central Ministries 7% Women Religious 3% Social Services 14 2% Social Services 13% Seminaries 12% Seminaries Endowment Funds Funds Supporting the Archdiocese of Boston − John P. Cotter Jr. Trust The Archdiocese of Boston is the fourth largest diocese in the United States. It is the spiritual home to more than 1.9 million Catholics who live and worship in 289 parish communities in eastern Massachusetts. − Helen L. Deacon Trust − Begley Family Charitable Trust − The Catholic Foundation Endowment − Paul Devlin Trust − Paul Keleher Memorial Endowment Fund − John J. and Helen E. McCarthy Memorial Endowment − DeStefano Family Endowment Fund − Rev. Joseph J. Downey Endowment Fund − Richard Harold and Rose Harrington Memorial Fund − Herman J. Kelter Endowment − Rev. Philip B. Lavin Trust − McCann Family Endowment − Eugene J. McCarthy Trust − Aileen T. Norris Fund − Promise for Tomorrow (PFT) Ethnic Apostolate Fund Funds Supporting the Catholic Schools Foundation − PFT* Family Life and Young Adult Ministry Fund Since its founding in 1983, the Catholic Schools Foundation annually has raised and provided scholarship support for needy students in Catholic elementary and secondary schools throughout the Archdiocese. These endowed funds provide permanent unrestricted support to the Catholic Schools Foundation. − PFT* Hispanic Apostolate Fund − PFT* Office of Youth Ministry Fund − PFT* Prison Ministry Fund − Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Corporation Sole Endowment Fund − Helen Stubblefield Law Fund − Walter F. and Mary C. Sullivan Endowment Fund − Youth and Family Life Endowment Funds Supporting the Catholic Appeal − Elizabeth Fenlon Curran Memorial Endowment − Inner-City Scholarship Fund − Merrimack Valley Catholic Schools United Fund − Other School Endowment Fund The Catholic Appeal annually supports 50 faith-filled ministries that enrich parish life, strengthen families, educate future generations, and help advance our Church leadership. − Appeal Endowment − Buckley Endowment *Promise for Tomorrow is the Archdiocesan capital campaign for which these funds are named. 15 Endowment Funds continued Funds Supporting the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust In the 200-year history of the Archdiocese of Boston, more than 3,000 men have answered the call to the priesthood. Currently, the Archdiocese has 628 priests, 63% of whom are in active ministry and 37% of whom are age 75 or more and considered to be “senior” priests. About 20% of senior priests continue to celebrate four to five Masses each week. − Connell Family Endowment Benefits St. Mary High School, Lynn − PFT* Clergy Development Fund − Ethel M. Duggan Scholarship Fund Benefits students of Hudson attending a Catholic high school Funds Supporting Catholic Education More than 40,000 students are educated each year in the 119 Catholic elementary and secondary schools in the Archdiocese. With 97% of Catholic high school graduates going on to college, Catholic schools have unmatched success in educating youth, especially in urban areas. Funds from endowments such as those listed below help to keep Catholic schools financially healthy, academically strong, and faith-filled. − Artie and Judy Boyle Scholarship Fund Benefits Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy, Dorchester and Mattapan − Nellie M. Brownell Scholarship Fund Benefits Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy, Dorchester and Mattapan − Condon Family Scholarship for Cardinal Spellman High School Endowment Fund Benefits Cardinal Spellman High School, Brockton − Dorothy Holt Connolly Endowed Scholarship Benefits Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy, Dorchester and Mattapan − John M. Corcoran Life Estate Fund − Agnes and Frank Florencourt Memorial Endowment Fund Benefits St. Agnes School, Arlington − Daniel F. Marr, Jr. Scholarship Endowment Benefits members of the Col. Daniel F. Marr Boys and Girls Clubs of Dorchester attending Catholic elementary schools or Catholic high schools − Pero Family Scholarship Fund Benefits college students of Holy Ghost Parish, Whitman − Pope John XXIII High School Endowment Benefits Pope John XXIII High School, Everett − Paula Sacco Scholarship Benefits students of Hudson attending a Catholic high school *Promise for Tomorrow is the Archdiocesan capital campaign for which these funds are named. 16 − Thimot Family Endowed Scholarship Benefits students of Hudson attending a Catholic elementary school − Danielle Trant Memorial Fund Benefits Matignon High School, Cambridge Funds Supporting Parish Life The Archdiocese of Boston is home to 289 parishes in 144 communities in eastern Massachusetts. − Mark E. and Gertrude M. Amirault Trust Benefits St. Thomas of Villanova Parish, Wilmington − Sacred Heart Parish Memorial Endowment Benefits Sacred Heart Parish − Arthur and Mary Sullivan Fund Benefits St. Patrick Parish, Lowell Funds Supporting Religious Education These funds support either the religious education of children in parishes, or the education of men training for the priesthood at two seminaries located in the Archdiocese: St. John's Seminary in Brighton, and Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston. − Daniel and Catherine Barry Memorial Fund Benefits St. Agnes Parish, Arlington − George R. Baldwin Scholarship Fund − James and Mary Buckley Memorial Fund Benefits St. Cecilia Parish, Ashland − John J. and Margaret M. Flatley Endowment − Mabel E. and James F. Buckley Memorial Endowment Benefits St. Cecilia Parish, Ashland − Mabel E. and James F. Buckley Memorial Endowment Benefits St. Patrick Parish, Lowell − Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary Endowment − Mary L. Hudgins Endowment Scholarship − Roy and Ellen Hudgins Endowment Scholarship − Rev. Thomas C. Hudgins Endowment Scholarship − Cardinal Medeiros Trust Fund − DeStefano Family Endowment Fund Benefits St. Joseph Parish, Belmont − Parish Religious Education Endowment − Robert P. Durling Endowment Fund Benefits St. Ann by the Sea Parish, Marshfield − PFT* Office of Religious Education Fund − Charles V. and Madeline M. Keane Fund Benefits Most Precious Blood Parish, Hyde Park − PFT* Permanent Diaconate Tuition Assistance Fund − L’heureux Memorial Endowment Benefits St. Joseph Parish, Salem − PFT* Train Catechists Fund − Parish Stewardship Endowment − PFT* Master in Ministry Scholarship Fund − PFT* Religious Education Fund 17 Endowment Funds continued “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 − PFT* Youth Ministers and Catechists Fund − Joseph A. Schelling Fund − St. John's Seminary Endowment − St. John's Seminary Scholarships − Rev. Leone − Rev. Emery Parillo, OFM (1929-2012) − Rev. John J. Philbin (1919-2004) − Rev. James Publicover (1931-2003) Funds Supporting Social Services As the largest private provider of social services in Massachusetts, Catholic Charities of Boston offers nearly 90 programs and services in 27 locations around eastern Massachusetts. Each year, Catholic Charities helps more than 200,000 of our neediest neighbors of all faiths. − Catholic Charities Bureau Endowment − DeStefano Family Endowment Fund − Family Counsel and Guidance Fund − Labouré Center Endowment − John M. Russell Memorial Endowment − Social Services Endowment Funds Supporting Women Religious The Archdiocese of Boston is home to more than 1,700 sisters representing over 80 religious communities. They are involved in many ministries throughout the Archdiocese, including: spirituality, parish ministry, healthcare, education, campus ministry, social services, religious education, youth ministry, AIDS ministry, special education, young adult ministry, work with elderly, pastoral services, prison ministry, and ethnic apostolates. − Women Religious Endowment Fund 18 Bequests and Planned Gifts FY'14 During the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 (FY'14), the Archdiocese of Boston received over $10.6M in planned gifts, most of which came in the form of bequests. We are very grateful to the many individuals listed below who were so thoughtfully generous to include the Archdiocese, their parish, or another Catholic cause in their will, or with another form of planned gift (e.g., trusts, life insurance, charitable gift annuity). May their souls be blessed and may they rest in eternal peace. Clergy and Religious For the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Estate of Rev. Richard J. Butler Estate of Rev. James D. Lyons For the Regina Cleri Residence Joan J. Bonfiglio Irrevocable Trust Estate of Thomas Daly Estate of Rev. James F. Degnan Estate of Rev. William J. McConnell, Jr. Trust of Rev. Charles J. Murphy Estate of Rev. William B. O’Connor Mary C. Shea Charitable Remainder Unitrust Parishes Andover, Saint Augustine Trust of Albert E. Berry Estate of Mary Monica McNulty Estate of Eleanor (Parrotta) Melucci Andover, Saint Robert Bellamine Estate of Ellen F. Fraser Arlington, Saint Agnes Estate of Norah Gannon Trust of 1996 Estate of Catherine T. McNeill Belmont, Saint Joseph Trust of Ruth G. Marr 20 Belmont, Saint Luke Estate of Eleanor Grace Crook Brockton, Saint Edith Stein Estate of Katherine L. (Sites) Oldham Beverly, Saint John the Evangelist Estate of Myra A. Lyons Cambridge, Saint Francis Estate of Joan V. DeGuglielmo Boston, Our Lady of Good Voyage Trust of Rev. Charles J. Murphy Cambridge, Saint John the Evangelist Estate of Helen G. Cauchon Estate of Ruth A. Murray Boston, Saint Cecilia Estate of Francis Rogers Boston, Saint James the Great Estate of Thomas Walsh Boston, Saint Joseph Estate of James S. Bacciocco Bradford, Sacred Hearts Elmo D’Alessandro 1996 Trust Estate of Victor J. Maiella Estate of Judith L. (Prescott) Morris - For religious education Braintree, Saint Francis Eileen B. Doyle Trust Estate of Mary A. Forti Brighton, Saint Columbkille Estate of Yolanda I. Visocchi Brockton, Our Lady of Lourdes Estate of John A. Houde Cambridge, Saint Mary of the Annunciation Estate of Ellen R. (McCarthy) Dunne Cambridge, Saint Paul Estate of Marguerite T. Cunniff Kathleen M. Manion Trust - For the Harvard-Radcliffe Catholic Student Center Estate of Margaret Ball - For the Harvard-Radcliffe Catholic Student Center Cambridge, Saint Peter Estate of Bradley G. Ball Estate of Mary B. DuBois Estate of Mary M. Haynes Charlestown, Saint Francis de Sales Estate of Rev. William J. McConnell, Jr. Estate of William J. Powers Chestnut Hill, Saint Mary of the Annunciation Estate of Kathleen M. O’Brien Danvers, Saint Mary of the Annunciation Daniel J. Mackey Family Trust 2012 Dedham, Saint Mary of the Assumption Estate of Lawrence A. Dwyer Dorchester, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Carol A. Silva Trust Dorchester, Saint Ann Hugh J. McPhee and Jane A. McPhee Trust -In memory of Hugh J. McPhee, St. Ann School, Class of 1939 Dorchester, Saint Gregory Estate of Francis X. Masterson Estate of Ruth G. McClenning Dorchester, Saint Mark Estate of Marianna D. Hannigan Dracut, Saint Marguerite d’Youville Estate of Janet M. Xiggores Framingham, Saint George Roy D. McKillop Irrevocable Trust -In loving memory of Eileen F. McKillop Jamaica Plain, Saint Thomas Aquinas Estate of Mary T. Mullen Lawrence, Corpus Christi Henry Giannantonio Trust Lawrence, Saint Patrick Estate of Marilyn Benson -For the Cor Unum Meal Center Estate of Rev. James F. Degnan Lexington, Sacred Heart Estate of Monica J. Cotter Marblehead, Our Lady Star of the Sea John H. Leary 2012 Revocable Living Trust Estate of Barbara Connors Mulcahy Marshfield, St. Ann by the Sea Robert P. Durling Trust Estate of Katherine L. (Sites) Oldham Lowell, Immaculate Conception Estate of Blanche Boumel Medford, Saint Joseph Estate of Joan Bonfiglio Estate of Philomena Luongo Estate of Rocco Paoletta Estate of William J. Powers Lowell, Saint Margaret Robert E. Brady Revocable Trust Medway, Saint Joseph Lawrence E. Tenney Trust Lowell, Saint Rita Estate of Helen I. Connerton/ St. Rita Trust Melrose, Saint Mary of the Annunciation Paul F. Facella 2000 Revocable Trust -In memory of Paul and Norma Facella Estate of Katherine E. Long Estate of Marie E. (Brissette) O'Connell Lynn, Saint Mary Estate of Mary C. Anderson Lynnfield, Our Lady of the Assumption Estate of Anna M. Burke Malden, Immaculate Conception Estate of Gilbert S. Greenberg, Jr. -In loving memory of Victoria Jean Greenberg Estate of John J. Kilroy Estate of Rita R. King Malden, Sacred Hearts Estate of John J. Kilroy Estate of Albert W. Tenney, Jr. Middleborough, Sacred Heart Trust of Luke F. Kelley Milton, Saint Elizabeth Estate of Elinor P. Kane-Vachon Milton, Saint Mary of the Hills Estate of Agnes B. Higgins Estate of Edward C. J. Pond Natick, Saint Linus Estate of Helena M. Coleman Natick, Saint Patrick Estate of Helena M. Coleman Estate of Alfred A. Lagan 21 Bequests and Planned Gifts FY'14 continued Needham, Saint Bartholomew Estate of William E. Dunn, Jr. Trust of Rev. Charles J. Murphy Newton, Corpus Christi-St. Bernard Estate of Margaret A. Leonard Newton, Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Estate of Dorothy M. Wilson Newton, Sacred Heart Revocable Living Trust of Augustus J. Morelli Newton, Saint Ignatius of Loyola Mary C. Shea Charitable Remainder Unitrust North Andover, Saint Michael M. Ruth Bingham Revocable Trust of June 6, 2007 -For Bernard and Ruth Bingham Scholarship Estate of Concettina M. (Sorbello) Koralishn Norwell, Saint Helen Estate of Cecily (Day) Sullivan Norwood, Saint Catherine Estate of Catherine C. Donovan Estate of Gorizia M. Howard Peabody, Saint John the Baptist Estate of Eileen E. (Elsen) Bagley Pepperell, Our Lady of Grace Estate of Michael H. Anderson 22 Plymouth, Saint Mary Estate of Ehricke R. Hokinson Quincy, Holy Trinity Estate of Arthur J. O’Keefe Quincy, Saint Joseph Estate of Thomas Walsh Roxbury, Saint Patrick Estate of Arthur O’Keefe Swampscott, Saint John the Evangelist Estate of Mary C. Anderson Tyngsboro, Saint Mary Magdalen Estate of Helen I. Connerton/ St. Mary Magdalen Trust Wakefield, Saint Joseph Estate of Pauline V. (Hunt) Crosby Salem, Immaculate Conception Daniel J. Mackey Family Trust 2012 Waltham, Saint Mary Estate of Mary Josephine (Dillon) Burke Estate of Mary Barbara MacLellan Salem, Saint Anne Estate of William E. Dunn, Jr. Watertown, Saint Patrick Estate of Delia P. Frissora Salem, Saint James Estate of Gabrielle G. Rousseau Wellesley, Saint John Frances M. Mitchell Revocable Trust John F. Mitchell, Jr. Revocable Trust Salem, Saint John the Baptist Estate of Gabrielle G. Rousseau South Boston, Gate of Heaven Estate of Mary M. Doyle/ Mary M. Doyle Trust South Boston, Saint Brigid Estate of Norah Gannon Trust of 1996 Estate of Agnes B. Higgins Stoneham, Saint Patrick Estate of Mary (Nicastro) Bruno Estate of Beulah “Bette” A. Boudreau Mottola Family Trust/Estate of John and Madeline Mottola Estates of Josef and Rita Touet Westford, Saint Catherine of Alexandria JMD Investment Trust/ Estate of Jacqueline M. DeSelle Weymouth, Sacred Heart Kramer Family Trust -In support of the children’s choir in loving memory of Patricia Kramer Winchester, Immaculate Conception (now merged with Saint Mary, Winchester) Estate of Eugene Sweeney Propagation of the Faith Estate of Marguerite T. Cunniff Estate of Marie I. Dumont Estate of Mary M. Haynes Estate of Rev. James D. Lyons Estate of Eleanor (Parrotta) Melucci Trust of Rev. Charles J. Murphy Estate of Helen C. M. Willis/ Misses McAleer Foundation Estate of Rev. William J. McConnell, Jr. RCAB – Central Ministries Estate of Monica J. Cotter Estate of Jean Fink Estate of William J. Powers Estate of Mary Shea Estate of Edmund Vigeant Schools Arlington, Arlington Catholic High School Estate of Norah Gannon Trust of 1996 RCAB - Catholic Community Fund Mary P. Barry 1992 Trust - For the Daniel and Catherine Barry Memorial Fund benefitting Saint Agnes Parish, Arlington Estate of Agnes B. Higgins Cambridge, Saint Paul Choir School Kathleen M. Manion Trust RCAB - Catholic Health Foundation of Greater Boston Estate of Ruth McCann RCAB – Central Ministries Estate of Ruth R. Casey Estate of Walter Casey Estate of Patrick Davis Estate of Joan V. DeGuglielmo Estate of Joseph Norman Demers Estate of Rev. John Hannon Estate of Mary M. Haynes Kathleen M. Manion Trust Estate of Mary Kathleen (McCabe) O’Brien Estate of Rev. William B. O’Connor Estate of Joseph P. Shean Estate of Janet M. Xiggores Seminaries Brighton, Saint John Seminary Estate of Rev. Lawrence J. Conley Estate of Msgr. Thomas J. Daly Estate of Ellen F. Fraser Cambridge, Matignon High School Trust of Rev. Charles J. Murphy North Andover, Saint Michael School M. Ruth Bingham Revocable Trust of June 6, 2007 -For Bernard and Ruth Bingham Scholarship Roslindale, Sacred Heart School Estate of Eileen P. Tangney Stoneham, Saint Patrick School Estate of Philip J. Wall Weymouth, Sacred Heart School Estate of Benjamin J. Rodick Weymouth, Saint Francis School Trust of Rev. Charles J. Murphy 23 23 NEW Catholic Health Foundation The Catholic Health Foundation of Greater Boston, Inc. (“Catholic Health Foundation”) has been established to provide financial support to organizations that provide healthcare and healthcare services consistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church within the cities and towns that comprise the Archdiocese of Boston. The corpus of the Catholic Health Foundation is approximately $10.2 million, and is made up of endowments previously held by the hospitals that were part of the former Caritas Christi hospital system: • St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, Brighton • St. Anne Hospital and Health System, Fall River • Caritas Norwood Hospital, Norwood • Caritas Southwood Hospital, Norfolk • Good Samaritan Medical Center, Brockton • Caritas Home Care Endowment • Carney Hospital, Dorchester In 2013, the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts issued a judgement allowing those hospital endowments to be distributed to the new Catholic Health Foundation with “the unrestricted funds to be used for the general purposes of the Catholic Health Foundation, and those that had more particular purposes to be allocated to that purpose category that is closest to the original gift.” 24 The funds were received by the Catholic Health Foundation on October 1, 2013. Four percent of the market value of each fund is expected to be distributed annually. The first health-related grants from the Catholic Health Foundation were made in June 2014 in the following areas: • Bereavement • Building/equipment • Cancer • Education (medical or health) • Employee assistance • Medical pediatric • Social needs • Unrestricted No grants will be made to individuals or to government agencies. No grants will be made for endowments or operating deficits. Catholic Health Foundation FY'14 grants are listed on the following pages. Catholic Health Foundation Grants FY'14 Catholic Health Foundation Board of Directors Grant Amount Organization Name Location Grant Purpose Barton Center for Diabetes Education, Inc. (Clara Barton Camp for Girls with Diabetes and Elliott P. Joslin Camp for Boys with Diabetes) North Oxford Toward camper scholarships for financially-needy children with Type 1 diabetes who reside in the Archdiocese of Boston Bethany Health Care Center Framingham Toward facility renovations benefitting cancer patients Blessed Sacrament School Walpole Support for school library materials to serve students and families dealing with grief and loss Care2Communities Newton Support toward outfitting a container health clinic in Haiti $100,000 Cathedral High School Boston Support for school nursing office and student health programming $65,734 Cathedral of the Holy Cross Boston Support for parish nursing program, Cathedral Cares Clinic $6,907 Catholic Charities of Boston Dorchester Support for staffing and for training staff in health-related data collection at St. Peter Teen Center $25,313 Catholic Charities of Boston Brockton and South Boston Support for expansion of nursing assistant and home health aide training programs $25,000 Catholic Charities of Boston Hull $20,000 PATRICIA S. JAY, MD, FACOG Visions Health Care Dedham and Wellesley Support for nursing staff and camper care at Sunset Point Camp Elizabeth Seton Academy Dorchester Support toward school nurse $7,500 Fontbonne Academy Milton $7,000 REV. ARTHUR T. MACKAY, O.D. Parochial Vicar St. Paul Parish, Wellesley Improvements to health and wellness programming for students Immaculate Conception School Lowell Toward purchase of school medical equipment $3,000 Little Sisters of the Poor of Greater Boston, Inc. Somerville Support for patient equipment for St. Joseph Unit, benefitting cancer patients Matignon High School Cambridge Support toward augmenting school health care program KATHLEEN F. DRISCOLL Secretary for Institutional Advancement Archdiocese of Boston President JOHN E. STRAUB Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Archdiocese of Boston Treasurer F. BEIRNE LOVELY JR., Esq. General Counsel Archdiocese of Boston Secretary FRANCIS J. O’CONNOR, Esq. Assistant General Counsel Archdiocese of Boston Assistant Secretary JANICE E. HEALEY, CDA Oral Health Program Coordinator MA Department of Public Health 26 $7,500 $30,000 $600 $40,000 $9,500 Grant Amount Organization Name Location Grant Purpose Mount Alvernia High School Newton Toward purchase of school medical equipment $2,000 Nativity Preparatory School Jamaica Plain Toward purchase of school medical equipment $4,040 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar School Roxbury Support toward full-time school nurse Our Lady’s Academy Waltham Support toward increased hours for school nurse $5,000 Presentation of Mary Academy Methuen Toward purchase of school medical equipment $2,000 Project Care and Concern Dorchester Toward health-related needs of the individuals and families served $361 RCAB* Catholic Schools Office Braintree Professional development for Catholic school nurses $10,000 RCAB* Office of Chaplaincies Braintree Bereavement-Grief-Loss workshop for parishes $4,000 RCAB* Office of Chaplaincies Braintree Train/certify three hospital chaplains in Catholic healthcare ethics $16,050 RCAB* Office of Chaplaincies Braintree Toward support for new Faith Community Nursing program benefitting parish nursing programs $50,000 Saint Agatha Parish and Saint Agatha School Milton Toward purchase of medical equipment $3,000 Saint Bridget School Abington Toward purchase of School Nurse Assistance program software and medical equipment $7,150 Saint Bridget School Framingham Purchase of school medical equipment $3,319 Saint Catherine of Genoa School Somerville Support toward part-time school nurse $7,668 Saint Clement School Medford Support toward full-time school nurse $7,668 Saint Columbkille Partnership School Brighton Support toward increased hours for school nurse $7,000 Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy Dorchester and Mattapan Support toward school nursing program and purchase of School Nurse Assistance program software $10,000 $25,000 *Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston 27 27 Catholic Health Foundation Grants FY'14 continued Grant Amount Organization Name Location Grant Purpose Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy Dorchester and Mattapan Support toward school nursing in the summer program $10,000 Saint John Preparatory School Danvers For student meditative prayer and exercise programs in school’s mindfulness initiative $10,000 Saint Joseph Manor Health Care, Inc. Brockton Continuing education in nursing for staff pursuing RN licensure $23,962 Saint Joseph Preparatory High School Brighton Toward relocation and outfitting of school’s student fitness center $19,312 Saint Mary’s Center for Women and Children Dorchester Support for Young Families Into Healthy Futures initiative $25,000 Saint Michael School Lowell Support for Student Health Office toward medical supplies, emergency equipment and health education programming $8,000 Saint Patrick School Stoneham Toward increased hours for school nurse $5,000 Saint Raphael School Medford Toward purchase of school medical equipment $2,000 Sainte Jeanne d’Arc School Lowell Support toward increased hours for school nurse and student health tracking software $16,576 Signature Healthcare/Brockton Hospital Brockton Toward funding a part-time hospital chaplain, one fluent in Haitian Creole or Cape Verdean Creole, supporting cancer and other patients $20,000 South Boston Catholic Academy South Boston Support toward increasing school nurse’s hours, health texts and teacher resources for enhanced nutrition curriculum $15,000 Trinity Catholic Academy Brockton Support toward new initiatives for health and fitness programming $15,000 Wounded Warrior Project Cambridge For health-related needs of wounded veterans in Greater Boston Total Grants 28 $361 $684,521 Statement of Financial Position Fiscal Year Ended on June 30, 2013 and 2012 (audited) 2013 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL $ 1,320,647 $ 480,970 $ 87,451 $47,273,367 $ 1,760,541 $ 1,356,851 $ 1 ,039,057 $ 1,261,096 $ 288,117 $ 87,550 $27,626,292 — $ 1,390,906 $ 773,378 $53,318,884 $31,427,339 LIABILITIES: Funds held for others Annuity obligations $ 1,760,541 $ 1,198,153 $ — $ 1,246,035 Total liabilities $ 2,958,694 $1,246,035 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Interest and dividends receivable Accounts receivable Investments Funds held for others Assets held under split-interest agreements Beneficial interest in charitable remainder trusts TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS NET ASSETS: Unrestricted $3,086,437 $3,093,855 Temporarily restricted $ 15,065,748 $ 10,594,562 Permanently restricted $ 32,208,005 $ 16,492,887 Total net assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 50,360,190$ 30,181,304 $53,318,884 $31,427,339 29 29 Statement of Activities Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 and 2012 (audited) 2013 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL $1,057,770 $ 1,335,709 $ 410,555 $ 379,446 $ 1,151,367 $ 173,942 $ 2,804,034 $ 1,704,755 REVENUES, GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions Interest and dividend income Change in value of split-interest agreements TOTAL REVENUES, GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT EXPENSES Program grants: Endowment spending policy $ 2,263,099 Other — TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,263,099 $ 1,585,626 $50,000 $ 1,635,626 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATIONS $ 540,935 $69,129 Non-operating gains (losses): Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments $ 1 ,293,346 $(1,731,344) $ 1,834,281 $(1,662,215) $ 30,181,304 $ 18,344,605* $ 33,877,367 $ (2,033,848) $50,360,190 $30,181,304 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Net assets at beginning of year Net asset transfer NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR *On April 1, 2013, endowments totaling $18,344,605 that were held by the Endowments Fund of the Corporation Sole were effectively transferred to the Fund. These funds were derived from the Promise for Tomorrow capital campaign, organized and managed by the Catholic Community Foundation of the Archdiocese of Boston, Inc. (former name of the Fund). 30 “Praise the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever” Psalm 136 Design concept by Deacon Fernando Botelho in memory of Richard Ely. Archdiocese of Boston 66 Brooks Drive Braintree, MA 02184 www.catholiccommunityfund.org Photography by George Martell