STUDENT HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y HANDBOOK 05’ - 06’ S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y A MESSAGE FROM ADMINISTRATION Holy Cross Catholic Academy has had a long standing reputation for academic excellence and school spirit. As a Principal, I am blessed to be a member of an outstanding faculty of teachers who strive to help students to be successful in everything they do. In this school we develop young men and women with a sense of morality and spirituality grounded in our Catholic faith. We encourage our students to excel in everything they do, but to also be caring and compassionate for the less fortunate in society. We respect our students to live up to the expectations of a Catholic graduate in doing so become leaders within our communities and our faith. L. Rotino, Principal MESSAGE FROM CHAPLAINCY Greetings to all new and returning students. The members of the Chaplaincy team look forward to meeting you, through the various school activities during the school year. As we return from holidays, we are faced with the challenges, hopes and dreams of a new academic year. We in Chaplaincy wish you well in all of your upcoming endeavors. We encourage you to embrace our Catholic faith and to turn to it consistently and constantly in the year ahead, as you respond to the many challenges of this new school year. May your personal faith and the communal faith of our school community, always provide each of you with the strength, comfort and will to respond to such challenges, wisely, lovingly and in the spirit of true Christian empathy. God Bless. Mr. Battilana Mrs. S. Bruno Mr. Mark Mignella MESSAGE FROM SCHOOL COUNCIL We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Holy Cross families, administration, teachers and support staff for all their support this year. For those who will be moving on, we ask God to bless you and we wish you the best of luck. We look forward to celebrating our next annual “Sharing the Night” evening, which will take place on Friday, November 4, 2005 at Primavera Banquet Hall. The following will be the 2005/06 School council meeting dates: September 21, 2005 (election night), October 19, 2005, December 14, 2005, February 15, 2006, April 19, 2006 and June 7, 2006. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ben Iammatteo who has served on Holy Cross School Council for many years. Best wishes as he moves on. We would like to congratulate all the GRADS this year. May God continue to guide them wherever they go and whatever they do. On behalf of the School Council, we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and blessed summer. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y STUDENT COUNCIL 2005 -2006 Danielle Mazzulli Julia Villani Krizia Fedele Amanda Morra Stefanie Fortunato Diana Colavecchia Krysta Mohammed, Liza Baoukian Grade 10 Representatives Andrew Laporta, Domenic Pellegrino Grade 11 Representatives Alyssa Fenuta, Amanda Paravani Grade 12 Representatives Vanessa Vogan, Sarah Greco President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Student Liaison Public Relations Equity Officers S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY DAILY SCHEDULE 2005-2006 Period 3/4 flip on a Day 1/2 Rotation Regular Day Schedule TIME: 8:15 Warning Bell 8:25 Prayer/Anthem 8:27—9:41 Period 1 9:41—9:46 Announcements—only for A.M. 9:46—9:51 Travel Time 9:51—11:05 Period 2 11:05—11:10 Travel Time 11-10—11:50 Period 3A ) Period 3, 40 Min. Lunch; 80 min. class 11:50—12:30 Period 3B ) 12-30—1:10 Period 3C ) 1:10—1:15 Travel Time 1:15—2:27 Period 4 2:27—2:30 Closing Prayer/Announcements S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY AFFILIATES PARISHES 100 Bainbridge Ave., Woodbridge L4L 3Y1 - (905) 851 -3600 St. Peter Catholic Church Father Claudio Moser 8500 Islington Ave., Woodbridge L4L 1X4 - (905) 851 -2661 St. Margaret Mary Church Father Eugene Filice FAMILY OF SCHOOLS PRINCIPAL Our Lady of Fatima San Marco St. Angela Merici 191 Crofters Road, Woodbridge L4L 7G3 - (905) 856 -1666 Paul Murphy 250 Coronation Drive, Woodbridge L4L 6H3 - (905) 850 -2230 Tony DiFlorio 8881 Martin Grove Rd., Woodbridge L4H 1C3 —(905) 856 -4996 Classford Johnson St. Catherine of Siena 80 Terra Road, Woodbridge L4L 3J5 (905) 851 8162 St. Clement 40 Bainbridge Ave., Woodbridge L4L 3Y1 (905) 851 5910 St. Margaret Mary 30 Margaret Mary Road, Woodbridge L4L 2W8 - (905) 851 -3935 Jo Ann Dawson Joseph Cordi 120 Andrew Park Cres., Woodbridge L4L 1G2 - (905) 851 -2871 St. Peter S Tom Sheedy H A R I N G T H E F U Domenic Mazzotta T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y The Holy Cross The spirit of Holy Cross is symbolized by a large crucifix blessed by Pope John Paul II at Downsview on Saturday, September 15, 1984. Mr. John Zupancic, former Director of Education, donated this crucifix which holds a place of distinction in our school. The feast of the Holy Cross is celebrated in the month of September. Prayer for Holy Cross Catholic Academy God of love, you sent us your son Jesus to teach us how to live so that we can deepen our relationship with others and ultimately you. Help us to have the wisdom to learn from your son’s sacrifice. May the symbol of the cross inspire us to have the same love and compassion that allowed your Son to make the ultimate sacrifice for us. Give us the courage to carry our own crosses, to bear our own pain and sufferings with humility and strength. Help us to create a school community that is welcoming to all, committed to service, and ever faithful to your word. Amen. May, 2005 Mission of Holy Cross Catholic Academy Holy Cross Catholic Academy is a learning community committed to faith and education. As such, we will strive to foster and nurture each student's potential to achieve individual high standards while maintaining respect for self and others. Student learning will be assessed and evaluated through his/her programs of study. We commit to support each student by maintaining a high level of excellence through collaboration with home, church and community. An Historical Overview Holy Cross Catholic High School was established in September 1986 to serve West Woodbridge. The school offered instruction in grades 7 to 9 when it first opened and added a new grade each successive year. The first graduation of students from Holy Cross Catholic High School occurred in 1990. While the present building was under construction, the school operated out of what is now San Marco Elementary School. Staff and students entered the existing building in September 1989. His Grace Robert Clune blessed the building May 2, 1990. Holy Cross celebrated its tenth anniversary on September, 1996. Holy Cross CatholicAcademy began its first year in September, 1998. The Feast of the Triumph of the Cross The Feast of the Triumph of the Cross is celebrated every year on September 14. According to tradition, the Empress Helena discovered the Lord’s Cross in Jerusalem on September 14, 320. Parts of the wood of the cross were sent to the major cities of Christendom, where they were put on display, every September 14, as part of this special feast. As members of a community named in honour of Christ’s victory over death on the cross, we at Holy Cross Catholic Academy reflect on the cross (and on this feast day in particular) as a symbol of our own redemption and on the salvation that is ours in making Jesus our Lord. As an expression of our connection to the Cross and this special feast day, crosses will give them cause to reflect on how each of us is called, as individuals and as community, to follow our Lord. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY OBJECTIVES, AND EXPECTATIONS OBJECTIVES: !To build a professional learning community with a focus on student success through assessment/evaluation techniques and school achievement data. !To continue to develop initiatives on anti-bullying so as to enhance awareness and teach students how to deal with it peacefully/respectfully. EXPECTATIONS: of the Ontario Catholic School graduate: !A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith Community !An effective communicator !A reflective and creative thinker !A self-directed, responsible, life long learner !A collaborative contributor !A caring family member !A responsible citizen BOARD MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the York Catholic District School Board is to educate each student to reach full potential in a dynamic Christ-centred learning community which accentuates our unique Canadian identity in partnership with home and Church. HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY MISSION STATEMENT Holy Cross Catholic Academy is a learning community committed to faith and education. As such, we will strive to foster and nurture each student’s potential to achieve individual high standards while maintaining respect for self and others. Student learning will be assessed and evaluated through programs of study. We commit to support each student by maintaining a high level of excellence through collaboration with home, Church and community. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y STUDENT SUPPORT AGENCIES Bereavement (Hospice Vaughan) Caritas Drug Recovery Centre Catholic Community Services of York Region Therapy, Immigrant Service Settlement Workers Children’s Aid Society COSTI (7800 Jane/Hwy #7) Crime Stoppers Crisis Line (Suicide/Depression) Health Connection Hospice Vaughan (Woodbridge) Kids Help Phone Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Youth Group of York Region Parents Help Line Pregnancy Support St. Peter’s Church Sexual Assault Unit Police Sexual Assault Help Line Sexual Health Info Shaw Clinic (Mental Health) Social Assistance Ontario Works Substance Abuse Program Police—York Region York Catholic District School Board Summer/Night School Transportation St. Luke Adult Ed. Centre Youth Shelter—Males– Newmarket Youth Shelter –Females—Newmarket S H A R I N G T H E F U 905-850-6266 416-748-9988 905-770-7040 905-731-8281 905-895-2318 905-669-5627 1-800-222-8477 905-310-2673 1-800-361-5653 905-850-6266 1-800-668-6868 905-940-1333 1-888-603-9100 905-853-5514 905-851-3600 905-895-1221 1-800-263-6734 1-800-461-2135 905-832-1406 905-850-3595 905-895-3223 905-853-3040 905-881-1221 416-221-5050 416-221-5051 1-905-713-2535 905-889-3882 905-830-0121 905-727-1944 T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y HOLY CROSS ACADEMY STAFF PRINCIPAL - Mr. Lucien Rotino VICE-PRINCIPALS - Ms. Antonella Rubino Mr. Lawrence Tavolacci PHYSICAL & HEALTH ARTS DEPARTMENT EDUCATION Mr. Joe Swanek - Acting Dept. Head Ms. Beth Da Costa Mr. Nick Del Principe - Department Head Mr. David Farro Miss Anna Figliano Mrs. Nancy Stirpe Mr. Claudio Lessio Mr. Martin Nicholls BUSINESS DEPARTMENT TBD - Department Head RELIGIOUS STUDIES Mrs. Gilda Ferrone Mr. Aidan Millar - Department Head Mrs. Barbara Zen Mr. Daniel Anglin Mr. Wayne Cave Mr. Emilio Belmonte Mr. Giovanni D’Ambrogio Mrs. Sofia Bruno CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION Mrs. Franca Favrin-Vacca Co-ordinator CHAPLAINCY TEAM Mrs. Joan Pighin Mr. Ivano Battilana - Team Leader ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Mrs. Sofia Bruno - Team Associate Mr. Paul Videka - Department Head Father Claudio Moser, St. Peter’s Parish Mrs. Andrea Emerson Father Michael, St. Peter’s Parish Miss Lori Grondin Father Eugene Filice, St. Margaret Mary Parish Mrs. Michelle Marzario SCIENCE DEPARTMENT MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT Mr. Phil Pisarski - Department Head Mr. Andrew Dmytriw - Department Head Mrs. Theresa Chianelli Ms. Diana Botelho Ms. Maria DiFonzo Mr. Dennis Chafe Mr. Ian Kelly Mr. Floyd Darin Mr. Mark Mignella Mrs. Marie Giuliano Mrs. Maria Pizzardi Mrs. Chiara Morano Mr. Michael Schaffeler Mrs. Margaret Ann Phillips Mrs. Madeleine Sisti-Petruccelli CANADIAN AND WORLD MODERN LANGUAGES DEPT. Mrs. Margaret Martin - Department Head Mrs. Gina Tramonte - Department Head Mr. Mark Galati Mrs. Ivana Campoli-Bozzo Mr. Peter Harrison STUDIES Mr. Nuno Nunes Mrs. Iolanda Perciballi Mr. David Giancola S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPT. Ms. Linda Pevato/Department Head MAIN OFFICE SECRETARIES Mrs. Anna Marie Simionato Mrs. Angela Bonifacio - Sr. Secretary Ms. Cathy DiGennaro Mrs. Tina Conforti - Attendance Ms. Anna Rossi Mrs. Ellie Parete - SAS Secretary Mr. Kevin Robertson Mrs. Michelle Evangelista - Bursar Mrs. Gina Arduini - General Sec. TECHNOLOGICAL & COMPUTER STUDIES DEPT. CARETAKING STAFF Mr. Santo Rossi - Department Head Mr. James Mavilla - Head Custodian Day Mr. Anthony Carvalho Mr. Carmen Altomare Mr. Rico Donadio Mr. Philip Fragale Mr. Pat Matorelli Mrs. Maria Iannozzi Mr. Stefan Lohaza Mr. David Almeida Mr. Frank Marcellitti Mrs. Lina Melchionna GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Mr. Frank Sarracini - Department Head Mr. Nick Paiano Mr. Pat Bruns Mr. Domenic Simone Mrs. Mary Ann Bonfigli Mrs. Anna Solano Mrs. Cora Donnelly Mr. Celestino Varrati Mrs. Angie Bonifacio Jr. Secretary Mr. Giacomo Zerilli LIBRARY BOARD RESOURCE STAFF Mrs. Michelle Regina - Department Head Dr. Giuliana Malvestuto-Filice Ms. Li Ping Cho Library Technician - Psychologist EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT STAFF Ms. Phyllis Clements - Behaviour Resource Mrs. Carmela Auciello Mr. Franco Belvedere Mrs. Mirella Bucci - Attendance Counselor Mrs. Jackie Bozzo Mrs. Dorothy Broniek Mrs. Gabriella Ferracane Mrs. Elvira La Croce Mrs. Maria Longo Mr. John Russo Mrs. Toria Serapiglia S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y YORK CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEES Elizabeth Crowe, Chair of the Board Aurora/King/Whitchurch-Stouffville Theresa McNicol East Gwillimbury/Georging/Neewmarket Carol Cotton Markham/ Area 1, Wards, 1,2,3,6 Frank Alexander Area 2, Wards 4,5,7,8 Ann Stong Richmond Hill Mike Rizzi Richmond Hill Teresa Ciaravella Vaughan, Area 1 Dino Giuliani Vaughan, Area 2 Michael Carnovale Vaughan, Area 3 Joe Spineto Vaughan, Area 4 Catholic District School Board Switchboard: (905 - 713-1211 or 416-221-5051 Correspondence to trustees may be mailed to: York Catholic District School Board c/o Trustees Services 320 Bloomington Rd. West Aurora, Ont. L4G 3H2 (905 - )713-1272 DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION & SECRETARY Susan LaRosa SUPERVISORY OFFICERS John Sabo Associate Director of Corporate Services & Treasurer Jack Cronin Associate Director of Instructional Services Deborah Cormier Superintendent of Human Resources Bryson Eldridge Superintendent of Plant Patricia Preston Superintendent of Curriculum and Assessment Lee Wilson Superintendent of Student Services John DeFaveri Superintendent of Education, Elementary Andy Di Sebastiano Superintendent of Education, Elementary Charles McCarthy Superintendent of Education, Elementary Joseph Keenan Superintendent of Education, Elementary Rob Lostracco Superintendent of Education, Elementary Charles McCarthy Superintendent of Education, Elementary Mary Cosentino Superintendent of Education, Secondary Allan Mackey Superintendent of Education, Secondary OUR MISSION The Mission of The York Catholic District School Board is to educate each student to reach full potential in a dynamic, Christ -centered learning community which accentuates our unique Canadian identity in partnership with home and Church. VISION STATEMENT OF THE Y.C.D.S.B. We are collaborative partners in the York Catholic Learning Community called to and accountable for maximizing student learning with Jesus as our inspiration. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y SCHOOL TEAMS Season Sport Fall Aerobics/Weight Training Golf-Girls Open Golf-Jr. Boys Golf-Sr. -Boys Tennis —Co-Ed Cross Country-Co-Ed Soccer-Sr. Boys Soccer-Jr. Boys Volleyball -Jr. Boys Volleyball -Sr. Boys Basketball-Jr. Girls Basketball-Sr. Girls Intramurals Winter Aerobics/Weight Training Basketball-Jr. Boys Basketball-Sr. Boys Hockey-Jr. Boys Hockey-Sr. Boys Volleyball -Jr. Girls Volleyball -Sr. Girls Badminton Spring Aerobics/Weight Training Baseball-Boys Rugby-Jr. Boys Rugby-Sr. Boys Rugby-Girls Slow-Pitch-Girls Soccer-Jr. Girls Soccer-Sr. -Girls Track & Field Ultimate-Co-Ed S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y ACADEMIC POLICIES ATTENDANCE Attendance at all classes is an expectation. However, if a student is absent it is the student’s reponsibility to obtain from another student any missed notes, assignments, or handouts. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism as well as any deliberate attempt to gain advantage. Dishonest practices include fabrication of data, cheating, or uttering by a student of false statements relating to academic work. Any form of academic dishonesty will merit a mark of zero. Parent contact and possible suspension. Board Policy 202. APPEAL PROCEDURESSTUDENT ACHIEVEMENT When a student wishes to review the accuracy of an evaluation or assessment the following steps are to be followed: !The primary contact to resolve the situation is the subject teacher; !The Department Head may assist in helping to resolve the conflict; !If no resolution has been reached, Administration will become involved. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION !For all courses !70% Term Work; !30% Final Evaluation (exam performance, essay, CPT or method suitable to the course) !Final grades represent all course material in the semester. !Consistency of expectations/projects should be apparent in all sections of the same course. !Students must be given a copy of the evaluation policy for each course they are registered in by the end of the first week of classes. The assessment policy will cover the following. !An achievement chart for the course !Late Policy !Classroom expectations !List of topics/strands for the course !Evaluation breakdown !Mark values will be given for each question of an assignment or test. !Every attempt will be made to avoid overloading students with assignments, projects, essays or CPT’s. !Students are informed of overall course load at the beginning of the semester and are expected to manage their own time effectively. !All work is due the period the subject is taught. !All work must be returned by the last day of the semester’s classes. !No summative assignments will be assigned/due within five days of the start of examinations. !When any work is returned, sufficient time must be given to review the work for corrections. !Students have the right to keep all of their work essays, notes, tests, quizzes, CPT’s assignments, etc. Teachers may require students to hand in two copies of essays. One will be evaluated and returned to the student. ASSIGNMENTS Students who continuously refuse to submit assignments in a timely manner will be dealt with by: 1. Teacher 2. Teacher/parent S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y 3. Administration “0” will be given after window of opportunity has elapsed at the closure date. Penalties do not affect a students level of achievement but may impact on their grade within that level. Students will have up to 2 days to submit an assignment after its initial due date with a 5% penalty per day. A maximum of 10% penalty will be administered. On the third day, a zero will be given. All major assignments are due during class to the subject teacher. Major Oral/In-class Assign.: There will be no extensions to the due date. A mark of zero will be assigned unless extraordinary circumstances arise. This will be left to the professional discretion of the teacher/department head, or, when necessary, the appropriate administrator. All major assignments are due during class to the subject teacher. COURSE LOAD Students in Grade 12 must take a minimum of 3 credit courses per semester. Students taking 3 credits courses per semester, and 6 credit courses for the school year, are considered full time students. The school does not permit part-time students. EVALUATION POLICY FOR TESTS Illegitimate absences will be considered as skipping. !When a student is illegitimately absent for an evaluationthe student will receive a “zero” on the missed evaluation. !When a student is legitimately absent for an evaluation the option for a re-write, make-up or alternative evaluation will be left to the discretion of the teacher. However, a mark entry of “zero” will be made by the teacher until alternative arrangements are made. We recommend students make every effort to be present when an evaluation is given. EXAMINATIONS !Examinations can be from 1.5 to 2 hours in length. Absence from an Examination !Absence is permitted only for student illness with an appropriate medical note (stipulating the student was in no condition to take the exam when scheduled), or a death in the family. Notes dated the day of the illness and legitimizing the absence must be submitted to the office the first day of the student’s return. !Alternate exams times will be set through the Vice-Principal in charge of exams !Final decisions are at the discretion of the Principal. Review of Examination !Students and/or parents may review final examinations after they are written by making an appointment with the subject teacher. All final examinations are in storage for one year. Examinations cannot be removed or photocopied by a student or a parent. STUDENTS LEGITIMATELY ABSENT FROM THEIR EXAMINATIONS - LONG TERM ILLNESS The Vice-Principal in charge of Examinations will oversee all the decision-making processes and consult with the appropriate teachers. The following conditions will be taken into consideration: !There will NO take home exams even in medical circumstances; !All exams will be written at school with a scribe who has an arms length relationship with the student writing the exam; !Exams can be modified and/or accommodated based on individual needs and circumstances; !NM will be assigned until such time that either the exam is written or a term mark is agreed upon by administration. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y HOMEWORK !Grade 9 and 101 to 2 hours daily !Grade 11 and 12 may be more !There is a minimum of 2030 minutes of daily homework per subject !When no formal homework is assigned, students should be engaged in a review of the curriculum. !Academic success is clearly linked to the completion of homework and the use of the student handbook on a daily basis.. HONOUR ROLL ACADEMIC A student must be enrolled for a minimum of six credits in one school year at Holy Cross in order to be eligible for Honour Roll status. Students who also receive the Holy Cross Honour Roll Pin at the Awards Assembly, but only for those in Grades 9 to 11. In addition, students obtaining Honour Roll statusonce will be on the Bronze Honour Roll; twice the Silver Honour Roll; three times, the Gold; and four times, the Platinum Board. LAPTOP LEARNING PROGRAM Students enrolled in the four year laptop program are eligible to receive a Laptop Studies Graduate Certificate upon graduation, provided they participated in at least 13 laptop credit bearing courses. ONTARIO STUDENT TRANSCRIPT !Withdrawals from a course in Grade 9 and 10 are not recorded on the Ontario Student Transcript (OST). Only successfully completed courses are recorded on the OST. !All attempted courses at the Grades 11 & 12 level will be recorded on the transcript after five instructional days following the issue of the first formal reporting period. PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is not acknowledging a source and !Copying and pasting text from on-line media, such as encylopedias; !Copying and pasting text from any web site; !Transcribing text from any printed material such as books, magazines, encyclopedias, newspapers, commercial sources; !Simply modifying text from any of the above sources; !Replacing a few select words from a source by using a thesaurus; !Using another student’s work and claiming it as your own, even with permission; this is academically unethical and also known as “collusion”. Using an essay that you wrote for another class or another purpose without getting permission from the teacher/professor of both the current class and the class for which the original work was used; this is also referred to as self-plagiarism. Students who plagiarize will receive a zero mark and are subject to suspension. REPETITION OFACOURSE !Students who repeat a Grade 11 or 12 course that they have previously completed successfully, earn only one credit for the course. A student may only attempt a course twice; any additional attempts can be made at night or summer school. Each attempt and percentage grade is recorded on the OST, AND “R” is entered in the “Credit” column for the course(s) with the lower percentage grade. RIGHTS OFACCESS POLICY (Ontario Student Record-O.S.R.) The following persons have the right to examine the O.S.R., the student; student’s parent or guardian, if the student is under age 18; supervisory officers; the principal; and teachers of the school for the purpose of improving the instruction of the student. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y STUDY HALL-SPARE PERIOD Grade 12 students are eligible for study hall if they have successfully completed 24 credits by the beginning of the school year and/or 27 credits by the beginning of the second semester. !Students are required to carry no fewer than 3 courses per semester if a study hall is granted. !All students with free periods are urged to use this time for study and remain in the Library or Cafeteria. TEXTBOOKS/LIBRARY RESOURCE BOOKS POLICY Students are responsible for returning school textbooks/Library Resource books in the condition in which they were distributed. The loss or damage of a textbook/Library Resource books will require full financial reimbursement. urns and resolution must be concluded before departure for summer holidays . S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y POLICY & PROCEDURES ACCIDENTS It is the responsibility of each student to report any personal injury to a supervising teacher or the Main Office and have an accident report completed. Any student unable to go to class, because of sickness or injury must report to the Main Office immediately. ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY It is recommended advisable that students who are involved in co-curricular activities purchase student accident insurance. This insurance is available for students. The family makes all claims directly to the insurance company. ADMISSION POLICY The school is open to students who reside within the Holy Cross C.A. attendance area and share in the mission of Catholic Education. Students seeking admission or re-admission will be interviewed with their parent/guardian. All students are required to follow Religious courses for each year of their high school career (grades 9-12). ATHLETIC POLICY FOR SCHOOL TEAMS All members of an athletic team are STUDENTS FOREMOST AND ATHLETES SECONDLY. It is expected, that all athletes are working to their potential academically. In order to represent Holy Cross Catholic Academy on a school team, students who have failed one course in a reporting period will have their eligibility reviewed. The privilege of playing for a school team will be reconsidered. Decisions about whether a student can play on a school team will rest at the discretion of Administration. If coaches receive complaints from a staff member regarding an athlete, or perceive a problem, please make all attempts to resolve the situation immediately. Impress upon athletes that early dismissal (ex. Games) or absence from classes (ex. Tournaments) does NOT in any way exempt them from homework, assignments, tests, etc. in the classes missed. It will be the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ATHLETE to make personal arrangements with their teachers PRIOR to the missed classes to “make-up”, any material, assignments, tests, etc. A student who was not in full attendance at school on a game day cannot be allowed to play in that game. The Student/Athlete Contract as presented by the Health and Physical Education Department must be completed and signed by every student prior to the start of the season. Suspended and Expelled Students Students who receive a suspension of 5 or more days and/or expulsion notice will have their status as a team member reviewed by the Health & Physical Education Department together with Administration. The status of any player rests with the discretion of Administration.ATTENDANCE !Attendance issues (absence, illness, etc.) must be phones in to the school by 8:10 a.m. at (905) 851-6699 by a parent/guardian only. !Aletter excusing absence must be submitted to the homeroom teacher upon return. !Arrivals after 8:25 a.m. sign in at theAttendance Office !Students must attend all classes on time. !Students are expected to keep up-to-date with assignments if absent from school due to illness, field trips or any other reason. !Regular attendance plays a key role in achieving good academic results. !Avoid absences for extended vacation or appointments which can be schedules outside of school hours. BUSES !Buses are provided if students live 4.8 km or more from the school !Students may not change buses. !Identification is expected to be shown to the driver. !The school’s Code of Conduct Policy 202 applies to all students using the bus. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y CAFETERIA/LUNCH PERIODS Infractions that endanger the safety and health of other students will be dealt with by a possible suspension. Shoplifting and stealing are a crime and will be dealt with as theft. !Warning clean up the mess. !Parent contact, cafeteria clean up, detention, or suspension. !Parent interview, cafeteria clean up, and suspension. COMPUTERS All members of the school community are expected to observe and obey copyright law in their use of the computer and computer programs. COMPUTER COPYRIGHT All members of the school community are expected to observe and obey copyright law in their use of the computer and computer programs. CONSEQUENCES OF MISBEHAVIOUR: !Parent contact, temporary removal of log-on privileges, counseling. !Parent interview, temporary removal of log-on privileges, suspension. !Parent interview, restitution, suspension. CRIME STOPPERS !If you know someone involved in any crime, call 1-800-222-8477 or 416-222-TIPS. Help keep our school safe. DETENTIONS Students are accountable to all staff of Holy Cross. All students assigned detentions must be served with the teacher usually after school at a time and room specified by the teacher. DRIVING OF CARS/PARKING !Parents are discouraged from permitting students to drive to school. !Responsibility for safety of passengers and others on the road or school property lies with the driver. !Fees are $30.00 annually, non-refundable. !Students must obtain a permit, sign a contract, and keep the conditions of the contract. !Students parking is limited to the blue lines. Parking permit placed on the left lower windshield driver’s side. EARLY LEAVES !These are issued before 8:10 a.m. to students with a valid note signed by parents/guardians. !No student will be permitted to sign our during the day, unless in exceptional circumstances, and approved by the appropriateAdministrator. EXCURSIONSAND FIELD TRIPS !All are valuable learning experiences linked to curriculum. !Students are responsible for all tests and assignments when on said trips. !Payment and consent form with parental./guardian signature must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the trip. !In all cases, school rules apply and safety is stressed. !Students will be removed from field trips/excursions if behaviour or academic concerns necessitate. !All excursions/field trips approved by the school. !Deposits/fees may be forfeited as a result of being removed from the field/trip/s excursion. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y FIRE ALARMS !Read sign in classroom and learn the correct exit for each classroom. If an alarm sounds, students are to follow the posted emergency procedures. !Students and staff must follow procedures by leaving the building quickly and quietly. !Proceed to designated areas until advised to return to class. !Sounding or causing a false alarm or misusing fire equipment is a criminal offence. Any offenders will be prosecuted in accordance with Policy 202. ILLNESS DURING SCHOOL DAY !Students feeling ill must immediately report to the appropriate Vice-Principal. !An ill student must only be with a teacher or administrator, anywhere else it will be considered a skip. !Under no circumstances is a student to leave without permission. Library Hours of Operation: Our hours of operation are: Monday - Thursday Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m Circulation: Lending periods: general collection 10 days Audio visual overnight periodicals 3 days A valid student identification card must be presented when borrowing materials. Replacement cards will be made up at the cost of $1.00. Overdue Fines: general collection: $0.20 / item / day ($2.00 max / i) audio visual: $2.00 / day (no maximum) Periodicals: $0.20 / item / day ($2.00 max. / item LOCKS AND LOCKERS !Each student will be assigned a locker. !Grade 9 students pay for a lock with Student Activity Fee. !$7.00 replacement locks are available from the main office. !Locks and lockers must not be exchanged. !For security, give your locker combination to no one. !Lockers are school property and may be inspected if deemed necessary. !Locker privileges may be suspended at any time. MEDICATION POLICY All medications, which require school administrative control, are to be registered, and administered from the Main Office. Parents are required to register medication on school form S16. The school cannot dispense any other medication to students. PARKING POLICY Parking spaces are limited and will be available to grades 12 and 11. Students wishing to park their cars must obtain a parking permit. The permit cost is $30.00 for the year. The permit must be displayed on the driver side windshield at all times or your vehicle will be ticketed. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y PICTURES & FILM Any videos, film, pictures, or any other material produced for the school, will remain the property of Holy Cross Catholic Academy and no student, staff member or member of the public may be videotaped, autotaped or photographically reproduced prior to their written consent and approval of the school administration for any use. POSTING OF LITERATURE, SIGNS & ANNOUNCEMENTS !Only approved flyers may be posted with permission of the principal. !Course related information/club information may be posted with permission. PUNCTUALITY !Arrive at school at least 15 minutes before classes begin. !Students must be on time for all classes. !Lates to first period will be disciplined by the grade level vice-principal !Teachers will handle lates to periods 2, 3, and 4. If chronic, they will be referred to the appropriate vice-principal. RETREATSAND DAYS OF REFLECTION !These are an important part of Catholic practice at which students are required to attend. !Students will be asked to register elsewherDo not share locker combinations with anyone report any loss of possessions to the Vice Principal in charge of lockers as soon as the incident occurs ! report any suspicious occurrences or persons in or around the school immediately alert your classmates if they appear to neglect the security of their possessions ! use the lockers in the gym change room for all possessions !The school is monitored by a video surveillance system to support a safe school environment if they don’t comply and participate in the retreat program. This could also result in the denial of participation at the Graduation Ceremony. SCHOOLDANCES Students and guests who engage in an inappropriate behaviour will be asked to leave the dance and may be banned from attending any future school functions. If you attend the dance under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you will be dealt with in accordance with the policy relating to Drugs/Alcohol (see section on Drugs andAlcohol). The school reserves the right to inspect all bags, jackets, and purses prior to admission to dances. SCHOOL EMERGENCY PROCEDURES In the event that buses have to be cancelled due to snowstorms, impassable roads, etc. News regarding cancellations will be carried on the following stations: Radio Stations AM640 640AM NEWS CJCL 590AM 680AM CFRB CHIN 1010AM CHAY 93.1FM 540AM CHUM 104.5FM CJEZ 97.3FM CHFI 98.1FM CHIN 100.7FM CBC 99.1FM CKDX 88.5FM CJBC 860AM CISS 92.5FM CKFM 99.9FM Q107 SRC CJKX 95.9 90.3FM or 89.9 Keswick TV Stations CITY TV(Breakfast Television) Global News Toronto The New VR VRland News The Weather Channel S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E 107.1 HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y SECURITY/VALUABLES POLICY The School/Board, against loss or theft, does not insure personal possessions of the student, nor is it liable. Since each student has a responsibility for the security of their personal possessions, they are expected to take normal precautions regarding security: ! Do not bring to school large amounts of money or expensive jewellery !Do not share locker combinations with anyone report any loss of possessions to the Vice Principal in charge of lockers as soon as the incident occurs ! report any suspicious occurrences or persons in or around the school immediately alert your classmates if they appear to neglect the security of their possessions ! use the lockers in the gym change room for all possessions The school is monitored by a video surveillance system to support a safe school environment. TEXTBOOKS / LIBRARY RESOURCE BOOKS POLICY Every study in the school will be required to provide a deposit cheque of $100.00 against lost, damaged schooltexts, library books and any other school expenses that are deemed the responsibility of the student by Administration. The deposit cheques need to have a current date and payable to Holy Cross. All deposit cheques will be destroyed at the end of the semester. Students will receive their school materials once a deposit cheque has been given to the homeroom teacher. Students are responsible for returning school textbooks/Library Resource books in the condition in which they were distributed. The loss or damage of a textbook/Library Resource books will require full financial reimbursement VALUABLES Lost valuables may be claimed in the cafeteria area. All valuables, jewellery, large amounts of money must be kept at home. The School cannot be held responsible for any items lost or stolen. Students may check with the office staff for lost items. Lost and Found items will be donated to charity at the end of the school year. HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY UNIFORM POLICY FOR 2005/2006 IT IS MANDATORY FOR STUDENTS TO WEAR THE HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY UNIFORM. STUDENTS MAY WEAR ANY COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING: !Black dress shoes !McCarthy dress navy blue plants !White golf shirt (short or long sleeve) with school crest !Zip top embroidered Sweatshirt !White turtleneck with school logo DISCONTINUED ITEMS As of September, 2005, the following old Holy Cross uniform items may not be worn as part of the uniform: !Skirts, ties, blouses, shirts Kilts, pullover, vests, or cardigans PROPER WEARING OF THE UNIFORM: !STUDENTS MUST PURCHASE THE SCHOOL ZIP TOP SWEATSHIRT FOR THE WINTER. JACKETS AND HEAD GEAR OF ANY TYPE MUST BE PUT IN THE LOCKER WHEN STUDENT ARRIVE AT SCHOOL. !Any under T-Shirt must be a solid white colour, the sleeves must be completely covered by the uniform top and tucked in. !Any type of headwear is strictly forbidden and must be placed in the locker upon arrival at school. !Any design modification of McCarthy items will render the item(s) non-conforming. !Make-up, jewellery and hairstyles must conform to standards of good taste and must not distract from the main purpose of education. S H A R I N G T H E F U T U R E HOLY CROSS C A T H O L I C A C A D E M Y !Body piercing, except for the ear is not permitted. !The Holy Cross gym uniform may only be worn during gym class. !The final decision about what is acceptable uniform attire and good taste in appearance/grooming rests with Administration. CIVIES DAY Clothing that is revealing and/or contains obscene/rude slogans will be deemed to be inappropriate school attire. It will be treated as an uniform infraction. The final decision about what is acceptable rests with Administration. !No crop or tube tops !No pyjamas !Modesty in dress is the guiding principle CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE Students are to be in full, well kept uniform during the entire school day (including lunch) and on field trips (unless authorized by Administration). Violations will result in: S H A 1st occurance - sent home 2nd occurance - sent home 3rd occurance - suspension and parental meeting 4th occurance - determined by Administration G T R I N H E F U T U R E