AP/DVS/SALT No. 1D MAKLUMAT PENGURUSAN AMALAN PERLADANGAN YANG BAIK (GAHP) BAGI PERLADANGAN PREMIS WALIT. (INFORMATION OF GAHP IN EDIBLE-NEST SWIFTLET RANCHING PREMISES) 1 Maklumat Pengurusan Amalan Perladangan Yang Baik (GAHP) bagi Perladangan Premis Walit. (Information of GAHP in Edible-nest Swiftlet Ranching Premises) (To be filled by Pemises Operator) Farm Profile 1. Particulars of Operator Company Premise 1.1 Name 1.2 Address 1.3 Phone 1.4 Fax 1.5 Email Address 1.6 Premise RFID No. 1.7 Premise Card No. 1.8 GPS Reading 1.9 Local Council License No. 2. Land Ownership (please √ & Specify) Ownership 2.1 Individual 2.2 Shared 2.3 Company Hectares/ Square Ft 3. Land Status (please √) 3.1 TOL 3.2 Leasehold 3.3 Freehold 2 4. Premise and design 4.1 Premise Information Distance from nearest building: _______________meter Size of premise : ________________ Number of floors : ________________ Height between floors : ________________ Premise Location Category of location :Heritage area / urban / suburban Premise lay out showed the surrounding area dan main road to premises. Distance from the nearest housing area (# at least 10 m/ according to state) Distance from the nearest bird premise Road / highway accessibility 3 PREMISE LAY OUT Grossly show: basic facilities, arrangement of facilities and movement flow of bird entry and workers at premises. 4 4.1 Premise Infrastructure & Facilities Building type: shoplot / cluster system / single building / adjoining building / terrace house Built up size / Building size:_________(L) x __________(W) x___________(H) Premise dimensions should ideally be not less than 1.82 m (6 ft) in height, 3.05 m (10 ft) in width and 3.05 m (10 ft) in length. No. of floor: Premise Facilities (Please tick (/)) Fencing type Building entry point: Double door / Dummy door / etc Drainage system Staircase : with handrail or light reflector Pest Control Outside Extractor Fan Humidifier Mist Sprayer Temperature control Storage facilities Lighting Control room (e.g: cctv monitoring / alarm system) 5 Birdcall facility: Bird entry point: Jack-roof / Top entry / Side entry Batten type: Wood / Concrete / Metal Utility Facilities Water supply: Electrical supply: Other Facilities Guard house Main gate entrance Workers quarters Back up Generator set Fire Extinguisher 6 Production process flow description Bird calling 7-10 am & 5-8 pm (Sem. M’sia) 6- 9 am & 4 -7 pm (SBH & SRWK) Bird nesting 3 months Laying Fledging Nest harvesting 3 days 2 eggs / clutch 3 weeks < 1 week Every once a months Guano disposal Sorting size & quantity Delivery 7 4.2 Building: (Please tick (/)) o o o o o o Shop lot Single lot Adjoining Terrace house Cluster system High-rise building 4.3 Ranching System: (Please tick (/)) Mixed farming Intergrated farming single 4.4 Bird entry point: (Please tick (/)) Jack-roof Top-entry Side-entry Others: ______________ 4.5 Batten type : (Please tick (/)) Wood Concrete Metal Others: _______________ 4.6 Batten design: (Please tick (/)) Corners sealed: Smooth Grooved Yes No 4.7 Mantainance of batten done ? Yes No) Frequency of batten changing : __________________ Pest control on batten : ________________________ Stocking density : ________________________ ( Ideally, the stocking density should not be less than 0.028 3 m3 (1 ft³) for each pair of birds.) 5. Production per month (Average) : ______________ (kg/mth/haverst) 6. Water And Electricity Supply *Water source : JBA/ underground/storm water/open pond/other:__________ *Electrical source : solar/ TNB/ generator/ others:_______________ 8 7. Management and Operation Control (Please tick (/)) 7.1 Ventilation and Cooling System Ventilation holes Humidifier Mist sprayer Natural Others : __________________ o Temperature average (26°C- 30 C) :______________ Relative humidity (75% to 85%) :_______________ Light Intensity (< 2 lux):_______________ 7.2 Guano Disposal Weekly Every two weeks Upon every harvest Others : _________________ 7.3 Guano Disposal Method Treat & pack Collect & dispose Pack & compost Not done Others : __________________ 7.4 Guano Treatment: Effective Microbes (EM) Zeolite Natural drying Mechanical drying Others : _______________ 7.5 Disinfection and cleaning done after guano removal ? ( Yes / No ) Disinfectants types (list):________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 7.6 Garbage Disposal Method Incinerator Burn Council disposal Deep-pit Bury Others : __________________ 7.7 Disposal of Dead Birds Incinerator Burn Bury Deep-pit Others : _________________ 9 7.8 Odour Control (Yes/No) Chemical type (list) and application method : _________________ _________________ _________________ 7.9 Bird calls (time range and intensity): from____am to _____am/ _____ dB & from____pm to____pm/_____dB 7.10 Outside Speakers directed at (<60 o ): _______o & ________dB 8. Biosecurity (Please tick (/)) 8.1 Parameter Fencing (If Available) a. Status Complete Partial Nil b. Type Chain-link Barbed wire Electrical other:_____________ 8.2 Premise Security / Safety Setup (Please tick (/)) 8.3 Disinfection at Entry Point *(Yes/No) If yes, please (/) below: Foot-dip Foot-mat Footwear cover Footwear change Manual Spray Other:__________ Type of disinfectant use and dilution: _____________________ _____________________ Double doors CCTV Alarm system Dummy door Security Guards Guard dogs Others Fire extinguisher Emergency lighting Safety rails and signage 10 8.4 9. Provision of Working Uniform Footwear boots uniform face mask gloves Others : ________________ Pest Control Programme (Please tick (/)) 9.1 Monitoring of pest and predators on farm premise Pest/ Rodents: rats ants cockroaches others : _________________________ Predators : owl bats eagles lizards monitor lizards Others : ______________________________________ 9.2 Pest control: *(Yes / No) Method used: Roof top fencing wet moat laser fencing 10. 11. spot light glue board electrical fencing others: ____________________ Premise Facilities / Equipment and Maintenance (Please tick (/)) Humidifier Amplifier Sprinkler Extractor fan tweeter exhaust fan lighting Timer hygrometer thermometer Birdcall (tape / thumb drive / CD) generator Ventilation holes harvesting tools premise cleaning utensils and tools Cleaning and maintenance programs and records *(Yes/No) & Please tick (/): o o o o Weekly Every two weeks Upon every harvest Others : _________________ 11 12. Flock Health and Welfare(Please tick (/)) 12.1 Premise operators familiar with the signs of diseases that are common in EBN *(Yes/No) 12.2 Monitoring of Premise, Birds and Nest *Frequency: Weekly Every two weeks Upon every harvest Others: ________________ *Methods: CCTV At site Others:_________________ 12.3 Services and advice on flock-health program from: o DVS o private veterinarian o others_________________ 12.4 Ability in handling and restraining of injured and sick birds: *(Yes/No) If yes, please state form of treatment: ____________________________ If not treatable, humanely destroyed: *(Yes/No) If yes, please state methods: ________________________________ 12.5 Reporting of any suspicious disease occurrence: *(Yes/No) If yes, Please state:_______________________________________________ 13. Record a. All activities must be recorded . b. Example of the record for haversting, cleanning, maintainance and selling. Please refer to Table 1-3 14. List of Buyers No. Name Address Contact No. 12 1. REKOD LAWATAN Tarikh 1) Bangunan Kolam Pemeriksaan 2) Ventilasi 3) Keadaan Burung Lantai siling peralatan Suhu Kelembapan Burung dewasa Anak burung 4) Kawalan makhluk perosak catatan (contoh jika X : tindakan yang dilakukan, rawatan ? pembetulan? ) Catatan : Penilaian: (√=OK/bersih/sihat, X=tak OK) 13 2. REKOD HASIL PENUAIAN & GUANO Bulan & Tahun: Tarikh Bil.sarang (Bil sarang/ kg) Guano (kg) Catatan 3. REKOD JUALAN BULANAN Bulan Januari Februari Mac April Mei Jun Julai Ogos September Oktober November Disember Sarang burung Guano 15 Catatan DKK Ogos 2012