This leaflet has been compiled to inform you of the areas we are

Citrine Class – Summer
Parents can help
their children
at home by giving them opportunities to discuss
articles in magazines or newspapers and offer their own thoughts on statements.
The Secret Garden
In English the content will continue to extend and challenge the children’s
knowledge across the strands as outlined in the New National Curriculum
(2014). These are;
Punctuation and Grammar
Spelling and Handwriting
The children will continue to focus on sentence construction and use
different writing skills in their work. They will continue to develop their
awareness of spelling, punctuation and grammar skills throughout this term
at an age appropriate level. The children will be asked to apply these skills
across a range of genres to ensure they understand which form or writing
to use in which text and which features are appropriate.
Our focus session this term will be on handwriting, making sure that
letters are correctly formed and joined in a fluent style.
The children will continue to use a range of books and texts through
individual, guided and whole class reading. They will be encouraged to read
a longer reading book both at home and at school. As some of these books
have a number of chapters they will only be changed when completed.
Children may choose this reading book either from home or school. Parents
are encouraged to support reading daily at home by reading with your
child. As the children become more confident readers please use the
support questions on the bookmark given out last year to develop the
child’s understanding of the text and their ability to infer and deduce
from the text.
PTA library books will be changed once a week
You could also encourage them to write in different styles of writing ensuring that
their own writing is cursive and joined up. In reading parents can help by using the
statements and questions on the reading bookmark to further develop their child’s
understanding of text and how authors use text to interest and influence the
This term the children will be expected to apply the knowledge they have
to problem solving. They will be applying the four basic skills (addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division) through time, fractions, decimal
and negative numbers as well as real life and worded problems. We are
continuing to place a large emphasis on mental calculation strategies, this
will involve a mental maths test on a Friday where the children will apply
the skills learnt throughout the year so far, and daily practice of
multiplication or division facts.
The strands we will focus on in mathematics this term will be:
 The four operations.
 Fractions
 Geometry and measure
 Number and Place Value
Alongside learning new skills the children will be asked to show their
understanding of these areas by using and applying the skills in different
contexts and across the curriculum.
You can help by encouraging your child to talk about the mathematics we have been
completing in school and if appropriate demonstrate how you use mathematics in
your own daily life. You could also support them by helping them learn their
multiplication tables and division facts for up to 12 x 12.
Science and Outdoor Learning
Parental Contribution:
Our Outdoor learning day will be led by Mrs Taylor and this term will
focus on plants and animals. The children will look closely at habitats,
adaptation and evolution. This will directly link to curriculum being taught
within class with a focus on humans. We will also study the circulatory
system. They will plan, analyse and draw conclusions about their own
experiments to improve their scientific enquiry skills.
If you feel you can contribute to any of our curriculum areas, please do
not hesitate to contact us, as your support is greatly appreciated. We also
have community assemblies on a Thursday afternoon at 3pm. If you feel as
though you have something to contribute and would like to come in and talk
to the children about somewhere you have visited, or the job that you do
(in keeping with our topic theme ‘The Secret Garden) please come in and
speak to your child’s class teacher and they can give you some more
The children will continue to use the computers, IPads, laptops and the
interactive whiteboard, as an integral part of our
classroom. They will use it across the curriculum to
develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in
Computing and other areas of the curriculum. They will
continue to use laptops and use a range of programmes
involving all areas of learning either independently or
within groups. They will also be writing and using code to perform actions
and create outcomes. They will be using electronic devices to record sound
and images and blend these together.
Thematic Study
In History the children will use different sources to research Ancient
Egypt. They will look at different civilisations and compare and contrast
their way of life to their own.
In DT they will investigate designing and making an object for a specific
purpose. They will also design and make prototypes and suggest
improvements (asking themselves questions like: How do I build this? and
What has to be in place to ensure the item is fit for purpose?. In art the
children will look at the work of an artist and use sculpture to create
artefacts from different periods in history and different cultures. In
Music Year 4 children will continue to learn the ukulele and Year 5 children
will learn the violin with Miss Sixsmith and learn abut composition.
Other Information:
P.E. – These sessions are on a Tuesday and Thursday. Year 4’s PE session on a
Thursday will be swimming.
Please ensure your child’s P.E. kit is in school all week (with trainers or
Reading Books Children will be encouraged to choose a longer reading book, so
they will only be changed when completed. Parents are encouraged to support
reading daily at home by reading with your child.
Please make sure that reading books are kept in book bags and returned to school
each day.
Outdoor Learning and Environmental Science – This will now be a whole day
every other week and children will know in advance which day it will be.
Please ensure your child has their wellies and waterproof clothes as we will
be learning outside, whatever the weather.
On a Tuesday the children will have the opportunity to change their library book.
Please ensure books are returned on a weekly basis. Books may be kept longer if
required, just let us know.
Homework books will be sent home each Friday and needs to be returned by the
following Wednesday. This can also be downloaded from the schools website
Please remember that a homework club is held on a Thursday lunchtime for
children who have not had chance to complete their homework at home.
Please help your child by ensuring all clothing, lunchboxes, bookbags etc. are
clearly labelled with your child’s full name.